18.6 Year Cycle and Louise McWhirter TPR
18.6 Year Cycle and Louise McWhirter TPR
18.6 Year Cycle and Louise McWhirter TPR
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S&P 500 Index vs 18.61 Year Nodal Cycle | Aug 27, 2018 = Jan 14, 2000
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Jan 14, 2000 (Fri = Major High in DJIA) + 6,800 CD = Aug 27, 2018 (Mon)
A high should print around Aug 30 (Thu) ± 1 CD. Aug 30 will be also
195 Solar Degrees of geocentric longitude from the Major Low on Feb 09 (Fri)
and 1,440 Lunar Degrees from the Low on May 03 (Thu).
"The lunar node, quite abstractly speaking, is the point of intersection of the solar and the lunar orbits.
There are, therefore, two nodes in opposite positions in the heavens: an ascending node [or lunar north
node], and a descending node [or lunar south node]. The solar and the lunar orbits are not, in effect, in
the same but in different planes, enclosing a certain angle. Thus there arise the two opposite points of
intersection. The peculiarity of these two points of intersection is that they do not stand still but slowly
move. The plane of the lunar path rotates in relation to the plane of the solar path; so the two nodes
move a round. They move around the Zodiac in a contrary direction to the rotation of the planets, i.e.,
from Aries backward through Pisces, Aquarius, etc. A complete revolution of a lunar node takes place in
18 years and 7 months; after this time, therefore, the node — the ascending node, for example — is once
again in the same position in the Zodiac as it was before. The ascending node is, thereby, the
mathematical point that (at any given time and again after 18 years and 7 months = 6,798.383 CD)
the lunar orbit rises above the solar orbit, while at the opposite point the descending node
sinks below it." Willi O. Sucher, December (1937)
See also HERE
Labels: 18.6 Year Cycle, AstroFin, DJIA, Financial Astrology, Louise McWhirter, Lunar Node, Lunar Node Cycle,
Moon, Nodal Cycle, North Node, SPX, US-Stocks, W.D. Gann, W.D. Gann's Financial Time Table, Willi O. Sucher
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3/8/2020 Time-Price-Research: Louise McWhirter
In her monthly analysis Louise McWhirter determined the dates when the transiting Moon passes by the
Mid-Heaven (24 degrees Pisces), the Ascendant (14 degrees Cancer) and the Descendant (14 degrees
Capricorn) of the NYSE natal horoscope (May 17, 1792 07:52 a.m.) She thought that Mars and Neptune
would “rule” the NYSE and hence also considered the Moon's transits with these planets.
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3/8/2020 Time-Price-Research: Louise McWhirter
Solar X-rays:
Geomagnetic Field:
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3/8/2020 Time-Price-Research: Louise McWhirter
Stocks vs Sunspots
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3/8/2020 Time-Price-Research: Louise McWhirter
Labels: Ascendant, AstroFin, Financial Astrology, Louise McWhirter, Mid-Heaven, Moon, NYSE Natal Chart, SPX, US-Stocks
Labels: Ascendant, AstroFin, Financial Astrology, Jack Gillen, Louise McWhirter, NYSE Natal Chart, Timing Solution, US-Stocks
The World Is Sound | Law of the Octave
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The mathematically calculated Lunar Nodes are sensitive points in space where the Moon’s orbit around the Earth intersects the ecliptic - the
Earth’s orbit around the Sun. The Ascending Node is where the Moon crosses from south of the ecliptic to north of the ecliptic. The Descending S&P 500 Index vs Jupiter – Saturn Cycl
Node is where it crosses from north of the ecliptic to south of the ecliptic. In Western astrology the Ascending and Descending Nodes are known
S&P 500 Index vs Cosmic Cluster Days
as the "North Node" and the "South Node". Only the North Node is usually marked in horoscopes, as the South Node is by definition at the opposite
point in the chart. In Vedic astrology, the North and South Nodes are called Rahu and Ketu respectively, and both are marked in the chart. Nodes S&P 500 Index vs SoLunar Map | Febru
always move retrograde and are considered natural malefics. Astrologically the Nodes are thought to powerfully influencing both the affairs of
nations and of people. Eclipses occur only near the Lunar Nodes: Solar eclipses occur when the passage of the Moon through a Node coincides with ► January (4)
the New Moon. Lunar Eclipses occur when passage coincides with the Full Moon. The plane of the lunar orbit precesses in space and hence the Lunar
Nodes precess around the ecliptic, completing a revolution (called a Draconic or Nodal Period, the period of nutation) in 6798.383 days or 18.612
► 2019 (34)
years. The Nodes need 1.55 years to pass through one zodiac sign.
► 2018 (102)
In her book 'Astrology and Stock Market Forecasting' published almost 80 years ago, financial astrologer Louise
► 2017 (179)
McWhirter described a theory of the business cycle. She claimed the low point of the depression was reached in
summer of 1933 (Lunar North Node in Aquarius) and predicted the next peak in economic activity would occur in ► 2016 (240)
November 1942 (NN in Leo). Her prediction for recovery in 1942 coincided with the massive economic stimulus ► 2015 (261)
spending set in motion by the build-up for World War II. Looking at 100 years of stock market prices she consistently ► 2014 (26)
found the North Node in the sign of Aquarius during periods of low economic activity. At the halfway point in the 18.6-
► 2013 (43)
year cycle, the North Node is moving into the sign of Leo, where economic high points have historically been recorded.
After this, the long-term trend moves lower as the North Node slowly and systematically makes its way back to the sign ► 2012 (190)
of Aquarius, where the cycle begins anew (see also HERE).
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Using McWhirter’s method, one would have expected the lowest economic period
between January 2008 and August 2009 (NN in Aquarius), and then gradually S&P 500 Index vs Jupiter –
improving from below normal levels to normal levels between August 2009 and 2020
August 2012 (NN in Capricorn, Sagittarius and Scorpio). The period between
September 2012 and February 2014 was projected to be an above normal period
for economic performance (unfortunately the red line of the averaged composite
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3/8/2020 Time-Price-Research: Louise McWhirter
in the above chart doesn't clearly reflect this pattern). S&P 500 Index vs Jupiter –
January 2020
Though a considerable market correction between now and Q1 2016 is likely
(HERE & HERE), a larger ensuing double-dip recession wouldn’t fit into the
McWhirter-pattern (HERE). Instead the general upward trend should continue
into the major peak-out between May 2017 and November 2018 (NN in Leo -
HERE), followed by collapsing and declining markets into the 2020s (HERE). W.D. Gann's Financial Tim
and Adjusted
Reportedly W.D. Gann con
Financial Time Table on A
without an ephemeris. Ga
Labels: 18.6 Year Cycle, AstroFin, Decennial Cycle, DJIA, Louise McWhirter, Lunar Node Cycle, Martin A. Armstrong, North Node,
Presidential Cycle, US-Stocks
S&P 500 Index vs Cosmic C
The cluster peak on Janua
more important one and h
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
with a high in US stock ind
Labels: AstroFin, Astronomy, Graham Bates, Jane Chrzanowska Bowles, Louise McWhirter, Lunar Node Cycle, UK GNP
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3/8/2020 Time-Price-Research: Louise McWhirter
Labels: AstroFin, Astronomy, Graham Bates, Jane Chrzanowska Bowles, Louise McWhirter, Lunar Node Cycle, US GNP
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3/8/2020 Time-Price-Research: Louise McWhirter
Louise McWhirter presented her theory in 1938 in "Astrology and Stock Market Forecasting" (p. 7-8) as follows:
“Whenever the North Node passes through Scorpio and Libra [2012-2015], there is a transition period as the curve
passes from normal, going from normal to high.
[…] The high point of business volume is reached when the North Node transits Leo [2017-2018]. As the North Node
goes through Cancer and Gemini, business volume is above normal, but slowly going to normal.
[…] Taurus [2003-2004] is the transition point or normal point as the curve goes from normal to below normal in
business volume.
[…] When the North Node enters Aquarius [2007-2008], the low point of business activity has been reached. As the
Node transits Capricorn [2009] and Sagittarius [2011], the normal position of the business curve is below normal going
to normal.
[…] This is the natural position of the curve without the presence of secondary factors which can distort the curve
favorably or unfavorably from one to twenty percent.
[…] The following secondary factors tend to lift the Business Curve:
[…] The following secondary factors have been found to depress the Business Curve:
(1) Saturn conjunction, square or opposition the North Node. [2013, 2016]
(2) Saturn conjunction, square, opposition, or semi-square Uranus. [2012-2013, 2021]
(3) Saturn in Gemini. [2000-2003, 2030-2032]
(4) Uranus in Gemini. [2025-2033]
(5) Uranus square, conjunction, or opposition the North Node. [Jan 2015, Jun 2018]
(6) Unfavorable aspects to Pluto.” [Jan 2015, Apr 2019]
As the Node moved through Capricorn (2010) and Sagittarius (2011) the general economy approached a very high level
of activity in Scorpio (2012), and should peak as the Node passes through the sign of Leo (2017).
However, W.D. Gann associated the period of the Node in Libra (2015) also with stock market panics (HERE). Moving
through the signs of Cancer (2018) and Gemini (2020), the economic activity is still positive but beginning to slow to
more normal levels.
The above chart of the SPX and the North Node in the zodiac signs clearly shows that in the past this basic theory was
not always properly reflected in the stock market's movements. This has to do with other important astronomical
cycles, e.g. the 19.86 Year Jupiter-Saturn Cycle, 19 Year Metonic Cycle, the different natured 18.61 Year Lunar
Declination Cycle, the 18 Year Saros Cycle or the varying lengths of the Solar Cycle. Additional important "secondary
factors" could be the amazing activities of central banks, especially during the past 40 years. Nevertheless, empirical
research discovered a multitude of other interesting economic sub-cycles of 17 to 20 years length, never out-ruled by
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any human intervention. The Wave Length Index of the Foundation for the Study of Cycles lists the following:
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3/8/2020 Time-Price-Research: Louise McWhirter
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