Oral Advocacy - Tips and Techniques: Stephen G. Ross July 2014
Oral Advocacy - Tips and Techniques: Stephen G. Ross July 2014
Oral Advocacy - Tips and Techniques: Stephen G. Ross July 2014
Stephen G. Ross
July 2014
The Rule of the Three Cs: be Courteous, Candid, and Concise
The Basic Structure of Oral Arguments on Motion and Appeal
A Lesson Learned the Hard Way
At all times, be courteous to the bench, the other side, and court staff
Lawyers are not combatants – they are their clients’ counsel and officers of
the court
Best to tone down the rhetoric here: don’t overstate your case (as being
perfect and the only conclusion) or ridicule your opponent’s case (as being
ridiculous, deeply flawed, misleading, or worse yet, lying)
Want to leave the impression of preparedness, confidence, and
professionalism – proper courtroom decorum and manners often display all
When dealing with rude or overblown counsel, less is more. Contrast
inflammatory rhetoric with cool courtesy – it makes the other side look bad,
harms their credibility, and makes you look good. Don’t be baited into a
Be open and scrupulous with the record. As an adjunct to that (and to being
concise), have a mastery of the record
Concede points when appropriate – this will build credibility, and is the
hallmark of a good advocate
Try to illustrate to the court where the guideposts are. For example, “If taken
to its logical extreme and you assume x, then yes, my client would lose;
however, this is why our situation is different from x”
Rogers Partners llp | 100 Wellington Street West | Suite 500 | P.O. Box 255, Toronto, ON M5K 1J5
T: 416.594.4500 | F: 416.594.9100
Answer the court’s questions head on. Don’t dodge. Handle when asked, if
at all possible
Key is determining what the court sees as your weakest point and looking
for opportunities to meet that head on in order to persuade them in your
favour. Don’t pretend they don’t exist or ridicule them – treat your
weaknesses fairly, deal with them, and show how they can be overcome or
why your client should win despite them
If being pressured by the court to concede, or if being badgered by the court
on the position taken, state “Those are my submissions, your Honour” or “I
don’t believe I can be of further assistance to the court at this point”
Process of reading, reviewing, summarizing, understanding.
Organization and distillation are key. Should have thorough understanding
of the facts and the governing legal principles. Understand the case inside
and out. Make it simple.
Focus on three major issues. In oral argument there is rarely time for more.
Further, there will rarely be more than three dispositive issues.
Some famous lines that illustrate the importance of brevity:
o Court once replied, when I advised that I had six points to make, “Do
you have one good one?”
o A Judge once said, “No competently appointed judge of the Superior
Court would make more than three reversible errors in one case.”
o “No one ever won or lost a case on the third point raised in reply.”
o “Multiplicity [in issues] hints at a lack of faith and confidence in your
major grounds of appeal, and may dilute and weaken a good case,
and will not save a bad one.”
Focus on the winners and the key dispositive issues. This will take
Prepare an outline of submissions; it should keep you focused. Do not
simply read Factum or submissions to court (but know where you are in
your Factum should the court ask). Attempt to have a dialogue with the
bench. Attempt to engage them on winning issues and your weakest parts.
But do it quickly. Get to the heart of it as soon as possible, and then be
Rogers Partners llp | 100 Wellington Street West | Suite 500 | P.O. Box 255, Toronto, ON M5K 1J5
T: 416.594.4500 | F: 416.594.9100
The Structure of an Oral Argument
1) Opening
This often has two purposes. To provide an outline of what you are going to
cover in your submissions and to provide an opening whereby you frame
the issues in the case in a way that is persuasive to your client’s outcome.
Example of persuasive framing: The court below found the statutory
provision in question clear and unambiguous. It has spawned over twenty-
seven different motions and rulings regarding its interpretation over the
years on a number of issues, and has spawned differing legal outcomes at
the trial level on the very issue in this case. It is not clear and
unambiguous, and when one employs the necessary interpretive aids it
reveals that the issue should be resolved in the insured’s favour.
“Say what you’re going to say, say it, and then say what you said.”
3) Facts
This involves a review of the evidence and facts that are key to the
disposition of the issues on appeal. Can’t stress enough the importance of
the facts. In the early stages of my career, I was enamored with the law and
I thought the law would dictate all outcomes. Experience (through
observation, personal experience and readings) has taught me that two
major factors drive most outcomes: the facts as presented, and the
perceived rightness or justice as between the parties. The law is the
vehicle, the facts determine the destination.
The Court of Appeal once stated: “We know something of the law; we know
nothing of your facts”.
It is sometimes a good idea to read a key passage from the judge’s finding
of fact below or from the evidence. As has been said, “Most judges were
Rogers Partners llp | 100 Wellington Street West | Suite 500 | P.O. Box 255, Toronto, ON M5K 1J5
T: 416.594.4500 | F: 416.594.9100
former trial counsel. Suddenly the drama of the courtroom comes to life
when some dramatic passage of the evidence is read.”
Do not overstate or mislead when summarizing the facts.
5) Conclusion
Will often bookend or mirror your opening. Often best to focus on why
justice and fairness as between the parties dictates the outcome your client
Rogers Partners llp | 100 Wellington Street West | Suite 500 | P.O. Box 255, Toronto, ON M5K 1J5
T: 416.594.4500 | F: 416.594.9100
Leads to my last point to make and maybe the most important:
Rogers Partners llp | 100 Wellington Street West | Suite 500 | P.O. Box 255, Toronto, ON M5K 1J5
T: 416.594.4500 | F: 416.594.9100
In short, remember to put yourself in the judge’s position and think about
what would make you want to decide for your client – that deciding for your
client would be the right or just thing to do. Remember, also, the three Cs
of advocacy: be courteous, be candid and be concise.
I must apologize if I did not obey all of my own rules.
Rogers Partners llp | 100 Wellington Street West | Suite 500 | P.O. Box 255, Toronto, ON M5K 1J5
T: 416.594.4500 | F: 416.594.9100