Name - Grade - / 37: National 5 Computing Homework
Name - Grade - / 37: National 5 Computing Homework
Name - Grade - / 37: National 5 Computing Homework
All programming languages can store and manipulate text using string variables and build in functions.
Some examples of string handling, in the programming language Python are shown below:
Length of String sentence = “I never could get the hang of Thursdays” Output from Program
sentencelength = len(sentence) 39
For each of the following problems, think through the code and write down the output from each program.
The problems will get harder and harder.
Output from Program
1. productName = “The Hobbit” (1)
print (productName) The Hobbit
Python has many other functions used to manipulate strings. Here is one more:
Count: #This returns the number of times text is found in a given string
Output from Program
advice = “In winter, sensible people stay indoors”
print (advice.count(“in”)) 2
#Note that the output is 2 because the follow “in”s are found in the advice string:
In winter, sensible people stay indoors
The first “In” has a capital I so isn’t counted.
20. The following program uses string handling to create a simple password. Can you work out what
the password is? (4)
statement = “When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced”
letter1position = statement.count(“a”)
letter2position = statement.count(“e”)
letter3position = statement.count(“i”) Output from Program
letter4position = statement.count(“o”) ehhe
letter1 = statement[letter1position-1:letter1position]
letter2 = statement[letter2position-1:letter2position]
letter3 = statement[letter3position-1:letter3position]
letter4 = statement[letter4position-1:letter4position]
password = letter4 + letter2 + letter3 + letter1
print (password)