Manston Airport Glossary of Terms: S106 Agreement
Manston Airport Glossary of Terms: S106 Agreement
Manston Airport Glossary of Terms: S106 Agreement
S106 Agreement Section 106 (S106) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
allows a local planning authority (LPA) to enter into a legally-
binding agreement or planning obligation with a landowner in
association with the granting of planning permission. The
obligation is termed a Section 106 Agreement.
• relevant to planning
• necessary to make the proposed development acceptable
in planning terms
• directly related to the proposed development
• fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the
proposed development
• reasonable in all other respects.
The Aviation White The Future of Air Transport published in December 2003. This
Paper document set out the government’s plans for air transport within the
UK by proposing a strategic framework for the development of
airport capacity in the UK over the next 30 years. It endorsed a
balanced approach which recognised the importance of aviation to
the national and regional economies, sought to reduce and
minimise the impacts of airports on those who live nearby and on
the natural environment, whilst ensuring that, over time, aviation
would pay its external costs. The White Paper emphasised the
importance of making the best use of existing capacity of the
London and regional airports. On the question of noise associated
with night time flights the document stated in section 3.12:
“The government recognises that noise from aircraft operations at
night is widely regarded as the least acceptable aspect of airport
operations. We will bear down on night noise accordingly, but we
must strike a fair balance between local disturbance, the limits of
social acceptability and the economic benefits of night flights. This
should be done on a case by case basis.”
Civil Aviation Act In respect of noise mitigation measures, there are currently three
1982 airports designated under this Act: Heathrow, Gatwick and
Stansted. At all other non-designated airports within the UK, the
noise impacts associated with their operations can only be
controlled through operational restrictions imposed by the planning
system and the goodwill of the airport operators.
The Department for Transport has overall responsibility for the
control of aircraft noise in the UK. Section 76 of this Act states
that no action for trespass or nuisance can be taken as long as
an aircraft observes the rules of the Air and Air Traffic Control
Regulations - which also cover ground movements. This principle
dates from 1920 when aircraft were exempted from nuisance
legislation to protect a small growing industry.
The Aerodromes Manston Airport is designated in the Schedule of this Order and is
(Designation) required to establish a formal Consultative Committee.
(Facilities for
Consultation) A Consultative Committee only has the power to advise the airport
(Amendment) Order management and to make recommendations which may not be
2002 legally binding.
Scoping Document This document establishes the full scope of the environmental
assessment and should be agreed in writing between the developer
and the local planning authority.
PPG 24 Planning This statutory guidance issued in 1994 by the former government
and Noise department the Department of the Environment is still current. The
document guides local authorities in England on the use of their
planning powers to minimise the adverse impact of noise. It
outlines the considerations to be taken into account in determining
planning applications both for noise-sensitive developments and for
those activities which generate noise.
Airport Master Plan The government White Paper The Future of Air Transport 2003
(see above) states:
“Airport operators are recommended to maintain a master plan
document detailing development proposals. An airport master plan
does not have the status of a development plan, but the level of
detail contained within it is essential to inform the content of the
Local Development Framework. We will expect airport operators to
produce master plans, or where appropriate, to update existing
master plans to take account of the conclusions on future
development set out in this White Paper.”
Master plans thus provide a mechanism for airport operators to
explain how they propose to take forward this strategic framework
in the form of airport-specific proposals, designed to help inform the
regional and local planning processes and facilitate engagement
with a wide range of stakeholders.
Background Noise Is the ambient noise, in the absence of the noise under
investigation, measured using time weighting “F”, that is equalled or
exceeded for 90% of the measurement time interval. Expressed as
LA90,T, where “T” refers to the measurement time interval in minutes.
Decibel (dB) The range of sounds capable of being heard by the human ear is
literally enormous ranging from the gentlest whisper to the roar of a
jet engine. Hence it is not practical to measure noise levels using a
standard, linear scale, but rather a logarithmic scale is necessary.
The decibel level is derived by multiplying the logarithm of the ratio
between the value of a quantity and a reference value by a factor of
10. It is used to describe the level of many quantities, including
noise and for sound, where the reference quantity is
20 micropascals, which is the threshold of normal hearing. 0 dB
represents the threshold of hearing and 140 dB represents the
threshold of pain. A change of 1 dB is just about perceptible to the
human ear under controlled conditions.
dB(A) Denotes decibels measured on a sound level meter that
incorporates a frequency weighting (the A-weighting) that corrects
for the sensitivity of the human ear, as defined in the International
standard IEC61672:2003 and various national standards relating to
the measurement of sound levels.
20 200 2000 20000
Frequency (Hz)
Equivalent This is the steady notional sound level which contains the same
Continuous Level acoustic energy over a specified time period t as the actual time
LAeq,t dB varying sound, measured in dB(A). It represents in a single figure
the average noise level of the actual varying noise level over the
defined time interval (t).
Maximum Sound This is the highest A-weighted noise level recorded during a noise
Pressure Level event over the time interval (t). The time weighting used (Fast or
(LAmax,T) dB Slow) should be stated.
Sound Exposure Sound Exposure Level (sometimes called the Single Event Level)
Level (SEL) is a measure of the total sound energy associated with a noise
or LEA dB event or series of events (such as aircraft over-flights). The LAE
value contains the same amount of acoustic energy over a
‘normalised’ 1-second period as the actual noise event under
Noise Nuisance This has been defined by the World Health Organisation as ‘a
feeling of displeasure evoked by noise’. Statutory nuisance has a
more specific meaning and is subject to legal action under the
Environmental Protection Act 1990.
Noise Impact This is taken to be the quantification of the noise burden on the
community arising from the cumulative level of aircraft noise
associated with Manston Airport. It can be quantified in terms of
cumulative noise contours or the aggregation over a defined time
period of SEL contours associated with individual aircraft types –
see below.
Noise Footprint The noise levels generated by individual aircraft can be described
as a noise footprint. This is the area on the ground contained
within a given SEL contour – see below. The noise from an aircraft
during takeoff or landing is highly directional, with most aircraft
being noisier to the rear, then the front and then the side. Fixed
wing aircraft are usually noisier on takeoff than on landing. The
area affected by noise from aircraft movements depends upon
many factors, including the type of aircraft, the engines, the weight,
the angle of the glide path during landing and any noise abatement
procedures employed during takeoff, such as restrictions on the
use of full power.
INM Model Integrated Noise Model computer software used to generate noise
exposure contours. The software evaluates aircraft noise in the
vicinity of airports using flight track information, aircraft fleet mix,
aircraft profiles and terrain.
Noise Epoch The period during the night time when an aircraft noise event is
Quiet Epoch The period during the night time when no aircraft noise is
These epochs are used to describe and quantify the incidence of
sleep disturbance and sleep arousal experienced by the local
population close to an airport.
Civil Aviation The CAA is the body that regulates aviation in the UK. Its specific
Authority (CAA) responsibilities include:
• Air Safety
• Economic Regulation
• Airspace Regulation
• Consumer Protection
• Environmental Research & Consultancy
The CAA:
The UK Government requires that the CAA’s costs are met entirely
from its charges on those whom it regulates. Unlike many
countries, there is no direct Government funding of the CAA’s work.
Air Traffic The aggregate number of aircraft flights (cargo and passenger) into
Movements ATM and out of the airport over a given period of time.
Noise Monitoring Noise monitoring has become an essential requirement for airports
and Reporting in the UK as a prerequisite to the development of noise mitigation
strategies for both the short and long terms. The essential features
of a modern noise monitoring system are a series of remote
sensors/microphones (Noise Monitoring Terminals) located at
strategic positions around an airport, eg under flight paths or in the
vicinity of residential or other noise sensitive areas. These sensors
collect and transmit data on individual noise events to a central
computing and reporting system. Such systems can also be
designed to receive air traffic movement data, enabling each
individual aircraft to be identified with the recorded noise events. In
this way, in real time, an immediate comparison against noise and
flight path standards relating to takeoff and landing can be made.
Noise Complaints The 2003 Department for Transport Guidelines for Airport
Procedure Consultative Committees (see Part 1 of Glossary) encourage
formal monitoring and reporting practices. Telephone, e-mail and
website contact details should be widely publicised, identifying the
responsible manager at the airport, together with guidance on how
the complaints procedure operates. Targets for a response by the
airport, including the necessary follow-up action, should be
established and the airport’s performance in this regard should be
monitored by the local authority and the Consultative Committee.
The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 serve as a further
pressure upon the airport to disclose the necessary environmental
and operational information in order to keep the council and the
public properly informed about the airport’s activities.
Night time Flying Relates to all aircraft arriving at or departing from the airport
between the eight-hour period between 23.00 hrs and 07.00 hrs.
Hence LAeq,8h noise exposure contours are developed to describe
the noise impact of night time flying.
Shoulder Periods These are the two short time periods at the beginning and end of
the night time period taken to be between 23.00 hrs to 23.30 hrs
and from 06.00 hrs to 07.00 hrs.
Night Quota Counts These have their origins in the night flying movement and night
quota system formally operated at the three designated airports of
Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted. Nowadays a quota count system
is operated informally at other UK airports. The Quota Count score
is shorthand for the degree of noise created by aircraft both at
takeoff and landing, where the Quota Count is based upon the
certified noise levels (see Part 2) according to the following table:
> 101.9 16
99 - 101.9 8
96 - 98.9 4
93 - 95.9 2
90 - 92.9 1
< 90 0.5
Hence the control of noise arising from night time flights can be
controlled by setting a limit on the total number of allowable night
time movements, in addition to setting a maximum quota allowance
based upon the noise generated by any aircraft type. In theory, this
encourages the use, at night, of the quieter aircraft, where, for
example, 8 movements of QC 0.5 aircraft would ‘use up’ the same
quota allowance as a single Q4 aircraft.
Airport Service All airports in England and Wales with aggregate annual air
Access Strategy transport movements in excess of 1000 are required to prepare an
Airport Service Access Strategy which sets short term and long
term targets for decreasing the proportion of journeys by workers
and passengers to and from the airport by car and which increases
the proportion of the same journeys using public transport.