The document is a booking confirmation for Amol Shisode and Sunil Rathod traveling from Jintur to Pune on August 25th, 2018. They have booked seats 5 and 6 on a bus departing Jintur at 10:00PM from Veershaiv Travels. The total fare is Rs. 1800 with no GST charged. They should report to the pickup location, Veershaiv Travels in Jintur, by 9:45PM on the day of travel.
The document is a booking confirmation for Amol Shisode and Sunil Rathod traveling from Jintur to Pune on August 25th, 2018. They have booked seats 5 and 6 on a bus departing Jintur at 10:00PM from Veershaiv Travels. The total fare is Rs. 1800 with no GST charged. They should report to the pickup location, Veershaiv Travels in Jintur, by 9:45PM on the day of travel.
The document is a booking confirmation for Amol Shisode and Sunil Rathod traveling from Jintur to Pune on August 25th, 2018. They have booked seats 5 and 6 on a bus departing Jintur at 10:00PM from Veershaiv Travels. The total fare is Rs. 1800 with no GST charged. They should report to the pickup location, Veershaiv Travels in Jintur, by 9:45PM on the day of travel.
The document is a booking confirmation for Amol Shisode and Sunil Rathod traveling from Jintur to Pune on August 25th, 2018. They have booked seats 5 and 6 on a bus departing Jintur at 10:00PM from Veershaiv Travels. The total fare is Rs. 1800 with no GST charged. They should report to the pickup location, Veershaiv Travels in Jintur, by 9:45PM on the day of travel.