Salesloft Sales and Sales Development Service Level Agreement 2016
Salesloft Sales and Sales Development Service Level Agreement 2016
Salesloft Sales and Sales Development Service Level Agreement 2016
Lead Qualification a. Sales Development Responsibility: SDRs qualify prospects based on the first two sets of
the ANUM model, Authority and Need. If the prospect does not have Authority (Can they sign?
Were they asked to look into this solution by their manager? Do they hold the credit card?), or
Lead Passing Need (Do their prospects exist on LinkedIn? Do they have a sales team? Do they actively
prospect to discover new leads?), then the Sales Development Rep will not receive credit or
commission for the demo.
Lead Ownership
i. Outbound: Outbound SDRs agree that they will identify and prospect only into the
ideal customer profile:
Google Calendar
ii. Inbound: Inbound SDRs will respond to marketing generated leads and inquiries to
identify whether the marketing generated lead falls under the Authority and Need
Marking Demos in CRM qualifiers before they pass to the Account Executive.
and SDR Compensation
b. Account Executive Responsibility: The Account Executive will assume that the prospect/
lead falls under the first two sets of the ANUM model, Authority and Need. The Account
Trust and Respect Executive will dig further into the prospects’ situation with specific questions to identify
Amongst The Teams problems and gaps in their prospecting strategies, and create a sense of Urgency. Once
Urgency is created through various questions, pricing is presented and budget is identified.
Conversion rates are optimized when
customers fit the following ideal
customer profile (ICP)...
Ideal Unqualified
11-50 1-10
Company Size 51-200 5,001-10,000
201-1,000 10,000+
SDR/AE Team Size 3+ (BDR & AE) <3 (BDR & AE)
CRM: Salesforce, Cloud-based with BCC CRM: Non-cloud based CRM (Legacy, On-
Technology Stack Email: Google Apps, Office365, Exchange Premise)
Lead Passing
Lead Qualification a. Sales Development Responsibility: Once the lead has been qualified, the SDR will access
the Lead Pass Sheet and pass the lead out in a Round-Robin fashion. If the Account Executive
that is next in line is not available for the demo at the proposed time, the SDR may skip that
Lead Passing particular Account Executive and move to the next one in order to get the demo in place.
However, the SDR agrees to make the previous Account Executive their priority, and pass the
lead to them when the next demo has been scheduled.
Lead Ownership
b. Account Executive Responsibility: The Account Executive understands that a “perfect”
Round-Robin lead pass system is not always feasible because of conflicting times, calendars,
Google Calendar and other priorities. The Account Executive will trust the Sales Development Team and Process
in receiving a fair and equal amount of demos.
a. Sales Development Responsibility: The SDR will assume full ownership and responsibility
Lead Qualification over the prospect until the prospect has completed a demo with the Account Executive.
IThere are times when a meeting with a prospect who aligns with our ICP may not show up
at the demo as they indicated they would. To that point, we want to give our SDR peers a
Lead Passing 21 day window to get the opportunity rescheduled. The Sales Development Rep will not
receive any commission until the demo has been completed. If the SDR is unable to get the
meeting rescheduled before the age of the opportunity surpasses 21 days (salesforce report
Lead Ownership available here), then the Opportunity is to be closed by the AE with a Stage of “Deal Dead”
It is in the SDRs’ best interest to send a reminder email the night before or morning of the
Google Calendar meeting to ensure the best chance of the prospect showing up.
Stage Description
Confirm that the prospect aligns with the “ideal customer profile” above.
• If the prospect aligns with the ICP and “A” (Authority) and “N” (Need) can be validated,
move the opportunity stage to “Demo Completed” (30%) and enter the products / prices
Validate Qualification discussed into the opportunity.
• If the prospect does not align with the ICP, change the stage to “Disqualified” and enter
one of the “Disqualified Reasons” below in the “Dead / DQ / Lost” field
The “Close Date” on the opportunity will default to the last day of the
Properly Project Dates current quarter. Move the date to the appropriate month as mutually
defined by you and the customer.
Bad Fit - Project Based/ Prospect wants a short term relationship with SalesLoft
Short Term Initiative where they have expressed a plan to terminate their
relationship after a short amount of time
Lead Qualification a. Sales Development Responsibility: The SDR should not schedule any meetings over the
Account Executives’ existing events. The SDR understands that if an open slot is available
on the Account Executives’ calendar, then it is safe to assume that the Account Executive is
Lead Passing available at that time. If a Sales Development Rep schedules a meeting on top of an existing
event on the Account Executives’ calendar, it is the Sales Development Reps’ responsibility to
reschedule that meeting for the Account Executive.
Lead Ownership
b. Account Executive Responsibility: The Account Executive is responsible for keeping their
Google Calendar Google calendar updated at all times. They must block off all “busy times” on their calendar,
which includes holidays, vacations, lunches, doctors’ appointments, phone calls, meetings,
and other times at which they may not be available to run a demo. The calendar must be
Marking Demos in CRM visible and clear in order for the SDR to schedule a demo. The Account Executive agrees to
and SDR Compensation forfeit the demo if they fail to mark an existing event on a calendar, and a demo is scheduled
over it. In essence, they will be skipped on the Lead Pass Sheet.
Lead Qualification a. Sales Development Responsibility: Once the demo has been scheduled, the SDR will
create a specific Open Task for the Account Executive in Salesforce (i.e. BDR Demo 1) for the
Account Executive to close after the demo has been completed. The SDR understands that
Lead Passing they are paid based on Demos Completed by the Account Executive team. The SDR will not
actively close any Account Executive assigned tasks. If this occurs, it is considered fraud by the
company (paying themselves) and punitive steps may be taken.
Lead Ownership
b. Account Executive Responsibility: The Account Executive understands that the SDR is
paid based on their number of Demos Completed on a monthly basis, and are reported on on
Google Calendar a weekly basis. The Account Executive agrees to close the Open Task assigned from the SDR
as early as possible, preferably right after the demo has been completed, but at the latest End
of Business that day.
Marking Demos in CRM
and SDR Compensation
Lead Qualification a. Sales Development Responsibility: The SDR will assume that the Account Executive is
operating under the best interest of the company, and will do their best to close the deal. The
SDR understands that the Account Executive will, to their fullest potential, understand the
Lead Passing situation, needs, and pains of the prospect, and will not “unqualify too early” to “give up too
Lead Ownership b. Account Executive Responsibility: The Account Executive will assume that all leads
passed over qualified to the best of the SDRs’ ability, and were not passed “unscreened.” The
Account Executive will not treat the SDR as a “lesser” person or a personal assistant. The
Google Calendar Account Executive understands that the SDR has one of the hardest jobs at the company, and
will at every opportunity, show appreciation and support. They are, after all, lining the Account
Executives’ pockets.
Marking Demos in CRM
and SDR Compensation
This publication was both created and written by SalesLoft. Feel free to re-publish exerpts of the book as
long as it is credited to SalesLoft. You are welcome to share the book in its entirety with anyone you think
might be interested.
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