Modeling Walls Doors and Window
Modeling Walls Doors and Window
Modeling Walls Doors and Window
This workbook is designed for use in Live instructor-led training and for OnDemand selfstudy.
The explanations and demonstrations are provided by the instructor in the classroom, or in the OnDemand
eLectures of this course available on the Bentley LEARN Server (
This practice workbook is formatted for on-screen viewing using a PDF reader.
It is also available as a PDF document in the dataset for this course.
Course Description
This course is the first in a series of classes that are part of the QuickStart for Architects Using AECOsim Building Designer CONNECT
This hands-on workbook contains exercises for getting started with Bentley’s BIM solution, AECOsim Building Designer. The student will
create a new project WorkSet with a project Floor and Grid System, and then learn the basic modeling techniques for modeling walls, doors
and windows to create the exterior of a small commercial building.
Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to…
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The WorkSpace and WorkSet
Upon starting up AECOsim building Designer you will find that you need to select a WorkSpace and a WorkSet.
Every file created should belong to a WorkSet, basically a set of files and folders that all belong to the same project. Creating a new WorkSet
creates a set of folders that contain and define the files and standards for that project.
Every WorkSet will belong to a WorkSpace that defines common standards for all the projects in that WorkSpace. In a small organization
there may be a single WorkSpace for all projects or WorkSets. In larger organizations the WorkSpace may define the standards of a particular
building type or client.
For the Purpose of the QuickStart for Architects Training you will use the delivered example WorkSpace, AECOsimExamples, and create a
new WorkSet for the training project.
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Exercise 01: Creating a New WorkSet and Model File
Upon successful completion of this exercise, you will be able to create a new WorkSet and model files in order to start modeling a building
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c. Create a Name and Description for the new WorkSet.
d. Select the Template, TrainingTemplate_US [TrainingTemplate_NM].
Note: There is a BuildingTemplate_XX that matches each Regional Dataset.
Note: You may also set the location for the WorkSet folders from Create WorkSet dialog. For this training you will use the default location:
C:\ProgramData\Bentley\AECOsim CONNECT Edition\Configuration\Workspaces\AECOsimExamples\WorkSets\[Workset Name].
Note: You may also connect the WorkSet to a CONNECTED Project. See the Learning Path CONNECT Workflows for AECOsim Users for
more information.
e. Select OK.
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3.Select New File.
designseed.dgn - 3D Model
drawingseed.dgn - 2D Drawing Model
sheetseed.dgn - Sheet Model
Hint: It is standard practice to customize the delivered seed files in order to set up your own company standard seed files.
b. Select designseed.dgn.
c. Name the new file A_Floor Lobby.dgn.
d. Open A_Floor Lobby.dgn.
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Reviewing the Main Application Interface and the Backstage View
Take a few minutes to review the interface, including the ribbon and the various names of the interface components.
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4. From the ribbon interface, click the File tab.
The BackStage view opens.The Backstage view now lists the newly created file
and will eventually include recently opened files. The left side of the backstage
screen is a File menu including tools such as New, Save As, Save Settings,
Tools, Utilities, Settings, Properties, Print, Export, etc. On the right are
buttons for file list options: Show Details and Show Thumbnails.
Hint: This feature allows quick access to the folder location of the project.
7. Click back in the AECOsim Building Designer Backstage view and press the
Escape keyboard key to return to the main application view.
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The Federated Project
Now that you have set up a new project WorkSet, it is important to
understand that AECOsim Building Designer uses a federated
approach to the building model. This means you will create several
different models, known as the working models, these will be
referenced together to create a discipline model, and that will
ultimately be referenced with other discipline models to create the
final building model. This model will be used to create the drawings.
Therefore, the first step will be to create a Floor and Grid System for
the project that will help you keep the various model files aligned in
3D space.
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Exercise 02: The Floor System
Upon successful completion of this exercise, you will be able to modify the settings for the Floor System to match the floors of a specific
project. Once Floors are created for a project they can be used as a modeling aid while working in the 3D model.
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e. Apply the changes and Close the Floor Manager.
3. The Floor Selector dialog will open and dock at the bottom of the interface.
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a. Set the Active Floor to the different floors available.
Note that the ACS Triad changes its vertical location based on the Floor Selector. This indicates the ACS plane for modeling. In addition,
the ACS Plane and ACS Snap Plane are toggled to the locked position, this will be the default whenever a floor is selected from the Floor
Selector. Locking the ACS Plane and the ACS Snap Plane means the elements you model will be placed on the active ACS plane or Floor..
Hint: If is best practice to perform a Save Settings after selecting the Active Floor. This maintains the Floor Selector’s most recent setting. A
Save Settings can be preformed from the pull-down File > Save Settings or with the shortcut <Ctrl> F. Note the tool prompt in the lower left
reads Settings Saved.
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Exercise 03: The Grid System
Upon successful completion of this exercise, you will be able to set up a structural grid. Once a Grid System is created for a project it can be
used as a modeling aid and to automatically create properly labeled grid lines on the drawings for floor plans, elevations, sections and details.
1. Open the Grid Systems dialog by selecting the Grid Systems Manager icon on the Floor Selector.
Grid Systems functionality offers a column grids utility in which a building can have multiple grids in transient Grid Systems (orthogonal, radial
and Sketch grids) applied to specific floors or ranges of floors. The Grid Systems dialog contains settings for adding, copying and removing
grids, inserting grid lines, manipulating grid line spacing, rotating grids, and setting grid line symbology and other preferences. Additionally,
you can manage Sketch grids in transient working environment mode and create, manipulate sketch grid lines which do not restrict the
traditional definition of either orthogonal or radial grid systems.
A basic Grid System using an orthogonal grid has already been set up in the Training Template. The Grid is defined in the upper half of the
dialog along with the Rotation, and association to a particular Building and range of floors defined by the Start Floor and End Floor. You will
simply modify the range of floors to include the ROOF and PARAPET floor that were added in the last exercise.
The spacing between the horizontal and vertical grid lines is defined in the lower half of the dialog.
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a. Select the BuildingGrid and change the End Floor to ROOF>PARAPET.
2. Select OK.
Note: Create/Update Grid Models creates a physical model of the grid for each floor of the building at the correct ACS plane. This is
legacy functionality that is no longer required.
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Organizing the Model
The next step is to decide how to organize the working models for the project.
The first decision is will it be a single model – everything modeled in a single file, or a federated model that takes advantage of powerful
referencing capabilities and references numerous smaller models together to create the building model. This will be determined by the size
and complexity of the project, as well as the current design phase. It is not at all unusual to start out with a single model in a conceptual design
phase and break it apart into more models as the design effort progresses.
Also, consider the project team. Which disciplines will contribute to the model? Each of their models will need to be separate and be
referenced into the overall BIM model. Also, how many team members need to work on the model. You need to break the model down into
enough files that each team member has at least one file to work in.
And finally, you should think about the design itself. What is likely to change in the design? Is there a roof top element being studied with
numerous alternates? Make that a separate file so it can be easily switched in and out.
Once the model organization is determined, and keep in mind a good model organization is flexible enough to allow changes to the
organization as the design progresses, the next step is to consider what is to be output from the model. Drawings? Schedules? Quantities?
Clash Detection? Renderings? The output determines what you will model and how much data will be included. In the early design phases of
a project the data will be minimal, the focus will be on the actual geometry, additional data will be added as the model progresses.
For the QuickStart project you will start by creating models for the three floors of the building and modeling the exterior walls, doors and
Modify - Rather than deleting and remodeling, modify and update items already in the model, that way you preserve the data that is
already on the item.
Manage - Learn to manage the data on the model efficiently. Set up the DataGroup catalogs, so that you pre-populate data wherever you
can. Use multiple selection sets to change the data once it is on the model.
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Exercise 04: Placing Walls
Upon successful completion of this exercise, you will be able to place walls using the Place Wall tool.
The Building Grid should now be displayed in the model at the Floor Lobby floor plane.
Place Holders
In the early stages of modeling you will often model items simply to get the geometry in the model, knowing that you will later modify that item
with different properties and characteristics. These are known as Place Holders.You will start by modeling the exterior wall of the building with
a “default” or generic wall. This simply allows you to define the perimeter of the building. Later you will replace that wall with another more
defined wall built up of layers and materials.
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2. Select the Place Wall tool from the Architectural ribbon.
Catalog Item: *Example | Default
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b. Starting at column position A1 place the wall by snapping to the intersection of the grid and going around the perimeter of the building
in a clockwise direction.
c. Reset (Right-Click) to close the shape after selecting the 4th point at position F1. It is not necessary to re-select the start point.
a. Working in the Top view and starting at column position C/1 place the wall by snapping to the intersection of the grids, use the T
shortcut key-in to rotate the AccuDraw compass to Top,
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b. Move the cursor in the negative Y-direction, type in 4:0 [1200 mm], left-click to place a data point,
c. Move the cursor in the negative X-direction, press Enter to lock the axis, snap to column line B, left-click to place a data-point,
d. Move the cursor in the positive Y-direction and snap to the intersection of grid line B and grid line 1.
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Exercise 05: Wall Clean-Up
Upon successful completion of this exercise, you will be able to break and join walls and connect one wall to another.
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2. Select the Connect Walls tool from the Modify ribbon.
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Exercise 06: Modifying the Wall Type
Upon successful completion of this exercise you will be able to replace on wall type with a model of another wall type.
3. On the Change Wall Type dialog change the wall type to *Example | Brick + ||+
Changing the DataGroup Catalog Item will cause the Change Type dialog to open.
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a. In the Change Type dialog accept all the new values, except the value
for Height. For Height select the old value, 15:0 [4500 mm].
b. Select OK.
c. Data-point in the view to accept.
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Exercise 07: Placing Doors
Upon successful completion of this exercise, you will be able to place a door in a wall using the Place Door tool.
The Building Grid should now be displayed in the model at the LOBBY FLOOR floor plane.
Note: the ACS Plane and ACS Snap Plane are toggled to the locked position, this will be
the default whenever a floor is selected from the Floor Selector. Locking the ACS Plane
and the ACS Snap Plane means the elements you model will be placed on the ACS plane,
Floor Lobby, or the ground floor, in this case.
b. In the Preview window select the placement origin for the door.
a. On the Preferences tab, set the Front Offset and the Sense Distance.
Front Offset: 0:2 [50 mm]
The Front Offset defines a distance that the door frame will be recessed or offset from
the front face of the wall. The Sense Distance is the distance from the front face of the
wall that wall layers will be cut by the door perforator.
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b. On the Door Parameters tab, set the door dimensions.
Width: 7:0 [2000 mm]
c. If desired, set the Frame Depth so that it will match the thickness of the wall.
Dimension | Frame Depth Match Wall: ✔
d. On the Identification tab, input a door Number and/or Door Type for the door.
ID |TypeID: D1
ID |ItemID: 01
e. Place the door by selecting the wall, selecting a placement point at the center of the
wall and selecting a third point to indicate the direction of the swing. The door is
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Exercise 08: Placing Windows
Upon successful completion of this exercise, you will be able to place a window in a wall using the Place Window tool.
The Building Grid should now be displayed in the model at the LOBBY FLOOR floor plane.
Note: the ACS Plane and ACS Snap Plane are toggled to the locked position, this will be the default whenever a floor is selected from the
Floor Selector. Locking the ACS Plane and the ACS Snap Plane means the elements you model will be placed on the ACS plane, Floor 1,
or the ground floor, in this case.
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3. Select the Place Window tool from the Architectural ribbon.
a. Select a window catalog item from the pull-down.
Catalog Item: *Example | Fixed
b. In the Preview window select the placement origin for the window.
Note: The window can be placed from either the head or the sill. The selection will
affect the Sill/Head Height setting below.
a. On the Preferences tab, set the offset behind the front face of the wall.
Front Offset: 0:2 [50 mm]
b. Set the Sense Distance, this is the distance from the front face of the window that wall
layers will be cut by the window perforator.
c. Set either the sill or head height based on the origin selected for the cell. This will be
the distance above the active floor level.
e. If desired, set the Frame Depth so that it will match the thickness of the wall.
Dimension | Frame Depth Match Wall: ✔
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f. On the Identification tab, input a Window Type for the window.
ID |TypeID: W1
g. On the Place tab on the ribbon, set the Side Offset: 2:0 [600 mm], this will be the
distance from a the placement point selected in the model and the origin of the
4. Place the window by selecting the exterior brick wall, selecting a placement point along the wall and selecting a third point to indicate the
direction of the exterior.
The window is placed. Use the Copy command to add additional windows of the same dimensions.
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Exercise 09: Placing Curtain Wall
A new Curtain Wall tool allows you to place, modify and manipulate the new Place Curtain Wall element types, that include Curtain Wall,
Storefront, Ribbon Window, and Punched Opening. They can be placed as linear (by line), arcs, curved or along drawing elements, and can
be manipulated further to move, or copy selected mullions across panels and create a desired opening. This is a new tool and will be
enhanced in future updates.
This tool is used to place a curtain wall system made up of frames and panels. There are three new DataGroup types used, Curtain Wall |
Frame, Curtain Wall | Panel and Curtain Wall System. The legacy DataGroup type Curtain Wall is still available from the Object tool and still
works with parametric cells.
The Building Grid should now be displayed in the model at the LOBBY FLOOR floor plane.
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3. From the Ribbon Interface > Architectural Tab, Place Architectural Elements group select
the Curtain Wall tool.
a. Select Catalog Item Profile - Front - Fixed Spacing. This is a pre-defined panel system
set up with a 6” [150 mm] deep frame and 6” [150 mm] deep mullions.
b. Select the Curtain Wall Type – Sets the type of the curtain wall being placed:
Curtain Wall type: Storefront
c. Select the Horizontal | Vertical Layout, Justification, Number and Spacing - the layout,
justification, number and spacing are defined in the Layout properties. These values
will determine the initial geometry of the panel.
These values will create a panel has a horizontal mullion that is a fixed distance of 10’-0”
[3000 mm] above the bottom frame and vertical mullions that are equally spaced to create 6
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4. If you would like to save theses settings as a panel type, select Save
Catalog Item As... from the pull-down.
Direction: Left
The placement line of the curtain wall is at the center line of the glass. By setting a Side Offset of 0:3 3/8 [75 mm] the glass will be offset to the
left of the placement line by that distance.
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6. Place the curtain wall system.
a. Data point (left-click) to select the start point at the intersection of grid line C and the
exterior brick wall.
b. Using the AccuDraw compass drag the cursor along the X-axis, press <Enter> to lock
the axis.
c. Data point (left-click) to select the end point at the intersection of grid line B and the
exterior brick wall.
You should have a curtain wall panel with 6 panels spaced at 5’-0” [1500 mm].
Delete – removes the selected mullion/panel boundary, thereby merges it with the
adjacent mullion panel.
Move – moves the selected mullion/panel to the data point defined on other segment of
curtain wall.
Copy – copies the selected mullion/panel to the data point at destination dividing the
mullion panels.
Toggle Visibility – makes the current mullion/panel of curtain wall invisible, effecting a
clear opening.
Toggle Base Curve Visibility – makes the base line/curve/arc the curtain wall is drawn
from visible, selectable to manipulate.
Tip: The visible base curve can be selected and when displaced or reoriented, the associated curtain wall assembly will follow.
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7. Select one of the 5’ x 10’ [1500 mm x 3000 mm] panels in the center.
a. Move the mouse over the grip on the center vertical mullion.
b. Select the Move icon.
c. Select the <Alt> key to select the entire line of mullions.
d. Move the mullion 2’-6” [750 mm] to the right.
e. Data point (left-click) to accept.
Continue to copy, move, delete and toggle the visibility of mullions to design the geometry of
the storefront panel.
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Modify Properties
10. Select one of the narrow panels where you might like a spandrel panel.
a. Move the mouse over the center grip on the panel and right-press.
b. Select Modify Instance Data.
c. In the Modify Curtain Wall dialog change the panel type from Glazing Type 1 to
Spandrel Glazing Type 1.
d. Data point (left-click) to accept.
Continue to modify panel properties to design the pattern of the curtain wall panels.
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Mullion Edits
The joints, corners and ends of mullions can also be modified.
The horizontal bottom frame is now continuous and the vertical mullion butts into it.
c. Repeat for each of the vertical mullions, top and bottom conditions.
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Exercise 10: Copy and Modify
Upon successful completion of this exercise, you will be able to efficiently create new geometry by copying and modifying geometry
previously modeled.
1. Use File > Save As to make a copy of the current file, A_Floor Lobby.dgn and name it A_Floor Office 1.dgn.
2. Change the Floor Selector to the first office floor, OFFICE FLOOR 1.
3. Select all the walls, doors and windows.
a. Right-press and select Move.
b. Left-click to select an origin point at the bottom of one of the walls.
c. Use the shortcut key-in F to rotate the AccuDraw compass to the front
d. Move the cursor in the vertical direction, <Enter> to lock the axis.
e. Snap your cursor to one of the grid lines.
f. Left-click to accept.
Since OFFICE FLOOR 1 has a floor to floor height of 14:0 [4200 mm] rather than 15:0
[4500 mm], you will modify the heights of the walls just copied by subtracting 1:0 [300
mm] from the height of the wall.
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a. Select Modify the Height of a Form.
Method: Add Distance
Mode: Relative
b. Turn on Graphic Group Lock, so that you can modify all the layers of the wall
c. Select each of the walls at OFICE FLOOR 1, to decrease the height of all the
layers by 1:0 [300 mm].
5. Delete the door at OFFICE FLOOR 1.
6. Use File > Save As to make a copy of the current file, A_Floor Office 1.dgn and name it A_Floor Office 2.dgn.
7. Change the Floor Selector to the second office floor, OFFICE FLOOR 2.
8. Select all the walls, doors and windows.
a. Right-Press and select Move and move the selection up to OFFICE FLOOR 2.
On this floor you will modify the Brick wall, and change it to a metal stud and metal panel system.
11. On the Change Wall Type dialog change the wall type to *Example | MTLPanel+Gyp.
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a. In the Change Type dialog accept all the new values, except
the value for Height. For Height select the old value, 14:0 [4200
b. Select OK.
c. Data-point in the view to accept.
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Exercise 11: Referencing
Upon successful completion of this exercise, you will be able to reference one working model to another for context while working on the
a. Using the <Ctrl> key select both A_Floor Lobby.dgn and A_Floor Office 1.dgn.
b. Select Open.
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c. On the reference Attachment dialog set as shown here:
Note: The Ignore when Live Nesting option ensures that this
reference will not become part of the nested reference tree for
the Master Model. It is referenced here for coordination only.
d. Select OK.
e. Repeat the same reference Attachment Properties for
A_Floor Office 1.dgn.
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Exercise 12: Placing a Profile
Upon successful completion of this exercise you will be able to add additional detail to the model using the Place Profile tool to place a linear
profile form.
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3. .Select the Place Profile tool from the Architectural ribbon.
Catalog Item: *Example | Metal Cornice Bullnose
a. Place the cornice by tracing the outside face of the top brick wall.
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Challenge Exercise
1. Continue placing doors and windows to complete your design for the building facade. Once an object is placed it can be moved, copied,
mirrored and rotated using MicroStation commands on the right-press context menu.
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