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Malaysian tropical peat soils were examined for their microbial decomposability by
incubation under aerobic conditions at 35℃. Incubation data fitted well info the one
compartment exponential decay model. Decomposition rate constants ranged from
0.0000241 to 0.000388 dayˉ1, equivalent to a half-life time of 78.6 and 4.89 years. No
promotive effect of pre-air-drying on the decomposition rate was detected. The
decomposition rate tended to increase with the increase of the soil pH and/or ash content of
soil. The promotive effect of pH amendment of strong soil acidity by liming on the
decomposition rate was confirmed, while no effect of NPK fertilizer application on the
decomposition rate was observed. The inhibitory effect of sulfate salts of Cu, Zn and a
highly polymerized hydroxyaluminium chloride solution on the microbial decomposition
was observed.
Present address :
* Department of Natural Resources, National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences (Tsukuba, lbaraki, 305 Japan)
146 JARQ 30(3) 1996
j 6.0
'a, 4.0
• Peatsoils (.)
!Ill Aci::I sulfate soils
Bris SOI·1s
8 2.0
g Tintafog
0 20 40 80 100
Incubation time (day)
Fig. 1. Distribution of peat soils in Peninsular Malaysia
and sampling sites for the present studies Fig. 2. Decomposition of peat soil by incubation un-
A: MARDI H. Q . Serdang, B: MARDI Jalan der aerobic conditions at 35° C (primary
Kcbun, C: MARDI Tanjong Karang, D: forest, Tanjong Karang)
MARDI Kuala Lingi, E: MARDI Pontian, • I st layer, .A. 2nd layer. T 3rd layer,
F : Tan jong Ka rang, G: Ulu Air Baloi, • 4th layer.
S. Murayama & z. A. Bakar: Decomposirion of Tropical Pear Soils (I) 147
Except for only one soil profile of E7 field of palm plantation than in the primary forest (Table I).
MARDI Jalan Kubun Station, surface layer samples Except for the surface layer of the primary forest
were decomposed at a larger rate than subsurface of Tanjong Karang which showed a particularly small
layer samples (Table 3). The exceptionally high CIN ratio, in general, the peat soil samples from
decomposi tion rate of the 5th layer of the E7 profile the cultivated field were decomposed at a higher rate
could be ascribed to its high soil pH (Table 1), since than those from the forest and/or non-cultivated
microbial activity examined by the decomposition of field, indicating that agricultural use stimulates
g lucose was not particularly high in this layer 10>. microbial decomposition (Table 3).
The primary fores1 and oil palm plantation field The decomposition rare tended to be higher for
of Ulu Air Baloi indicated in Table I were closely the sample with a bigher soil pH (Fig. 3). For the
located at about I km distance, and showed a simi- utilization of peat soil for crop production strong
lar origin of peat accumulation. Compared to the acidity must be corrected because crops cannot grow
former soil profile, the taller tended to be decom- properly on such strongly acidic media with a pH
posed at a higher rate than the former (Table 3), of 3 -4. Samples taken from the field subjected to
presumably due to the higher ash content in the oil NPK application experiments with different levels of
148 JARQ 30(3) 1996
T able 2. Rate constant for the decomposition of organic matter of mineral soils
(105°C oven-dry basis)
pH c,aJ o ( I0-3 ) bl
A.D.R.dl so•>
Sample Total-C CIN
(I : 2.5) k, cr( I0- 1) T112•>
name (%) (ratio) (%) (10- J)
(water) k1 ( 10...) o(I0- 5)
~.\o . . . . . .
efOeo o
0 ••
r = 0.847
L3 + NPK 6.19 3.88 1.28 4.89 /
a): Lime treatment consists or 4 levels O(LO), 12.S(Ll), 3.2 4.0 4.8 5.6 6.4
25.0(L2), 50(L3) t/ ha or ground magnesium lime- pH (H20)
stone (GML). N: 150 kg N/ ha (urea) , P: 60 kg
P205 (triple superphosphate), K: I 00 kg K20 (muri- Fig. 3. Relationship between soil acidity (pH)
ate of potash). and rate constant (k) of the decomposi-
tion of peat soi l
• Surface year peat soil,
GM L (ground magnesium limestone) to analyze the o Subsurface layer peat soil.
growth performance of maize (masmadu) 11> were ex-
amined, and the results indicated that the increase
of pH promoted the decomposition of peat soils
(Table 4). The effect of the pH amendment on the ••
decomposition rate was confirmed by other incuba-
tion experiments on pH amendment with the addi-
tion of calcium carbonate 10>. The results were 3.0
consistent with the observation of Farrell and McDon-
nell (1986) showing that the addition of lime and/or
subpeat mineral soils to peat increased the rate of 0
decomposition 3>.
On the other hand, NPK fertilization did not
affect the decomposition rate of peat soil organic 0 ••
matter (Table 4). The scattering diagram of the rela-
tionship between the C/N ratio and the decomposi- 1.0
tion rate constant of a ll the samples analyzed in the
present study indicated that there was no correlation r = 0.846
between both parameters.
0 t l '
Among other soil properties, the ash content was 0 5 10 15 20 25
also well correlated with the decomposition rate; sam- Ash content (%)
ples with a higher ash content tended to decompose
at a higher rate constant (Fig. 4). Fig. 4. Relationship between ash content and
In comparison with the Japanese grassy peat soil rate constant (k) of the decomposition
of Bibai, the decomposition rate of Malaysian woody of peat soil
• Surface layer peat soil,
peat soil was smaller presumably due to the lower o Subsurface layer peat soil.
ash content, larger C/N ratio and lower carbohy-
drate content than in the Bibai grassy peat soil 10>.
150 JARQ 30(3) 1996
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