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JARQ 30, 145-151 (1996)

Decomposition of Tropical Peat Soils

1. Decomposition kinetics of organic matter of peat soils

Shigetoshi MURAYAMA* and Zahari Abu BAKAR**

* Marginal Land Research Division, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural
(JIRCAS) (Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305 Japan)
** Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), H. Q.
(Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia)

Malaysian tropical peat soils were examined for their microbial decomposability by
incubation under aerobic conditions at 35℃. Incubation data fitted well info the one
compartment exponential decay model. Decomposition rate constants ranged from
0.0000241 to 0.000388 dayˉ1, equivalent to a half-life time of 78.6 and 4.89 years. No
promotive effect of pre-air-drying on the decomposition rate was detected. The
decomposition rate tended to increase with the increase of the soil pH and/or ash content of
soil. The promotive effect of pH amendment of strong soil acidity by liming on the
decomposition rate was confirmed, while no effect of NPK fertilizer application on the
decomposition rate was observed. The inhibitory effect of sulfate salts of Cu, Zn and a
highly polymerized hydroxyaluminium chloride solution on the microbial decomposition
was observed.

Discipline: Soils, fertilizers and plant nutrition

Additional key words: agricultural development, carbon cycle, soil organic matter

to-overcome constraint for sustainable agriculture of

Introduction peatland . The surface subsidence of Malaysian peat-
land after the initial stage of large subsidence ranges
More than 20 million ha of lowland peat soil oc- from 2 to 4 cm per year 7>.
cur in tropical Southeast Asia of which about 2.41 Another aspect of the decomposition of peat soil
million ha are located in Malaysia. Despite their is related to the emission of greenhouse effect gases,
many limitations and constraints on crop growth, CO2 and CHJ, since peatland constitutes a large reser-
there has been an increasing demand to develop peal voir of carbon.
soil swamps for agriculture 1 •4 •7 >. Only a very small number of papers on the decom-
Peat soil has peculiar properties; strong acidity I position of peat soil organic matter, particularly on
deficiency in both macro- and micro-nutrients/low the tropical one have been published. Studies on
bulk density/large shrinkage by desiccation, etc. 2 •4>. the characteristics of microbial decomposition of trop-
More than 98% of the original peat consists of ical peat soils and methods to suppress the decom-
organic matter, a mixture of semi-decomposed plant position may contribute to the development of a new
biomass gradually accumulated under water satura- technology to reduce the decomposition loss of peat
tion conditions, revealing the intrinsic nature of materials in agricultural fields.
biomass, i.e. decomposition by microorganisms. In the first of a series of 2 papers, we report
T he decomposition of organic matter of peat soil on the decomposition kinetics of peat soil organic
leads to an irreversible loss of soil resources, result- matter. In situ decomposition rate obtained by the
ing in surface subsidence of peatland. The subsi-· measurement of CO2 flux from the soil surface will
dence is undoubtedly the most detrimental and hard- be repor ted in t he next paper 13>.

Present address :
* Department of Natural Resources, National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences (Tsukuba, lbaraki, 305 Japan)
146 JARQ 30(3) 1996

Materials and methods

where, Y1 is the residual amount expressed as the
Peat soil samples examined were taken from both proportion of the initial amount after l time (day),
cultivated agricultural fields and peat soil swamp and Y1 equals I at time 0. The formula for the
forests in Malaysia (Fig. I , Table I). Wet samples single compartment model was modified from the
were air-dried under the shade to a certain level of model (!), provided that the C1 value was O as
moisture content, and passed through a 2 mm mesh follows:
sieve. Typical Malaysian non-peaty soils were also
Exp( - kt) ........ ..... (2).
used in the incubation experiment for comparison
with the peat soils (Table 2).
Samples that were never completely air-dried were Results and discussion
inoculated with a filtrate solution of the original wet
sample and adjusted to 75% moisture content and I) Decomposition rate
incubated aerobically at 35° C for until about JOO The promotive effect of pre-air-drying on the
days. CO2 evolved was adsorbed by a dilute NaOH decomposition of soil organic matler, which com-
solution and the amount was measured periodically monly occurs in mineral soils, was not detected in
by titration of excess alkali with a dilute HCI so(u.- Malaysian tropical peat soils lO>, and all the current
tion after addition of an excess amount of BaCl2 incubation experiments were carried out using non-
solution. The decomposition values were fitted into air-dried samples.
a 2-compartment exponential decay modeJ 8 •9>, con- Decomposit.ion time course of organic maner of
sisting of a readily decomposable 'labile' fraction tropical mineral soils was similar to that of Japanese
C, (decomposition rate constant k,) and a non-readily mineral soils in that the decomposition followed the
decomposable ' non-labile' fraction C2 (k2): 2-compartment exponential decay model (Table 2).
In contrast to the mineral soils, however, the decom-
position data of tropical peat soils better fitted into
a I-compartment exponential decay model, indicat-
ing that a proportion of the readily decomposable
fraction (C,) was negligibly small (Fig. 2, Table 3).
The decomposition rates ranged From 0.0000241 to
0.000388 day- 1 for all the samples examined (Tables
3 -6), equivalent to a half-life time or 78.6 and 4.89
years, respectively.


j 6.0


'a, 4.0
• Peatsoils (.)
!Ill Aci::I sulfate soils
Bris SOI·1s
8 2.0

g Tintafog
0 20 40 80 100
Incubation time (day)
Fig. 1. Distribution of peat soils in Peninsular Malaysia
and sampling sites for the present studies Fig. 2. Decomposition of peat soil by incubation un-
A: MARDI H. Q . Serdang, B: MARDI Jalan der aerobic conditions at 35° C (primary
Kcbun, C: MARDI Tanjong Karang, D: forest, Tanjong Karang)
MARDI Kuala Lingi, E: MARDI Pontian, • I st layer, .A. 2nd layer. T 3rd layer,
F : Tan jong Ka rang, G: Ulu Air Baloi, • 4th layer.
S. Murayama & z. A. Bakar: Decomposirion of Tropical Pear Soils (I) 147

Table 1. Some ph ysical and chemical propercies of Malaysian peat soils

(10S°C oven-dry basis)

Layer Moisture ECC) Bulk Asb Total-C Total-N

Sample pH<> C/N
depth content bl density PR dl content content content
number•> (mS cm- ') ratio
(cm) (O!o) (g. cm- 3) (Olo) (OJo) (%)
MARDI Jalan Kebun (E7, maize (baby-corn) field)
I 0- 14 60.2 3.68 0.39 0.29 0.95 6.0 56.5 1.44 39.3
2 14- 33 85.5 3.19 0.25 0 . 14 I. I l.3 58.8 1.35 43.4
3 33- 53 88.4 3.65 0.10 0.099 0.97 1.5 58.8 1.29 45.7
4 53- 75 91.0 4.21 0 .060 0.080 0.75 1.8 59.0 1.36 43.4
5 75-102 92.0 5.01 0.050 0.076 0.40 3.0 59.1 1.30 45.4
Tanjong Karang (primary forest reserve)
6 0- 15 76.2 3.37 0.20 0.16 0.03 8.2 51.3 2.05 25.1
7 15- 35 78.8 3.33 0.14 0. 15 0.20 4.0 54.7 1.66 33.0
8 35- 55 82.2 3.40 0.11 0.13 0.65 3.0 56.5 1.34 42.2
9 55- 80 85.9 3.53 0.090 0 . 12 0.20 3.0 57.2 1.22 46.9
Ulu Air Baloi, Pontian (primary forest)
10 0- 15 81.9 3.53 0.30 0.13 0.65 I. I 55.6 2.01 27.7
II 15 - 35 83.8 3.58 0.22 0.14 0.32 0.42 58.0 1.63 35.6
12 35- 55 88.6 3.72 0. 10 0.088 0.04 0.43 58.2 1.40 41.6
13 55- 80 90.8 3.90 0 .06 ,0.069 0.08 0 .68 58.7 1.32 44.4
Ulu Air Baloi, Pontian (oil palm plantation)
14 0- 5 73.7 3.71 0.39 0.20 0.15 5.3 53.9 2.52 21.4
15 5- 20 83.7 3.65 0 .24 0.12 0.62 4.8 56 .5 1.99 28.4
16 20- 50 87.5 3.60 0.20 0.080 0.69 2.4 57.0 1.58 36.2
17 50- 70 87.7 3.66 0.13 0.090 0.30 0.93 58.2 1.40 41.6
MARDI Jalan Kebun (plowed layer samp les collected for incubation experiments)
18 0- 13 74.0 3.26 0.13 0.24 3.6 3.1 58.0 1.33 43.7
19 0- 15 6.42 0.29 15:0 50.6 1.60 31.5
20 0- 10 5.04 0. 17 11.5 53.8 1.41 38.0
21 1- 10 3.60 0.15 7.2 56.4 1.41 40.0
22 0- 10 79.4 3.60 0. 13 0.19 1.7 2.6 59.2 1.26 46.9
MARDI Pontian (vegetable field and secondary forest)
23 0- 18 52.8 6.34 0.35 0 .26 0.002 15.4 51.9 1.38 37.6
24 0- 15 70.9 3.58 0.47 0.14 0. 15 3.4 56.7 1.87 30.4
a): 18; Field EIO (newly developed), 19; Field F4 (fallow), 20; Field FJ3 (asparagus), 21; Field 13 (pineapple),
22; Field K4 (coffee garden), 23; Field No. 26 (vegetable field), 24 ; secondary forest.
b): At sampling time.
c): pH and EC (electric conduct ivity): I : 2.5 H20 suspension.
d) : Penetration resistance (soil hardness at the location (kg cm- 2 )).

Except for only one soil profile of E7 field of palm plantation than in the primary forest (Table I).
MARDI Jalan Kubun Station, surface layer samples Except for the surface layer of the primary forest
were decomposed at a larger rate than subsurface of Tanjong Karang which showed a particularly small
layer samples (Table 3). The exceptionally high CIN ratio, in general, the peat soil samples from
decomposi tion rate of the 5th layer of the E7 profile the cultivated field were decomposed at a higher rate
could be ascribed to its high soil pH (Table 1), since than those from the forest and/or non-cultivated
microbial activity examined by the decomposition of field, indicating that agricultural use stimulates
g lucose was not particularly high in this layer 10>. microbial decomposition (Table 3).
The primary fores1 and oil palm plantation field The decomposition rare tended to be higher for
of Ulu Air Baloi indicated in Table I were closely the sample with a bigher soil pH (Fig. 3). For the
located at about I km distance, and showed a simi- utilization of peat soil for crop production strong
lar origin of peat accumulation. Compared to the acidity must be corrected because crops cannot grow
former soil profile, the taller tended to be decom- properly on such strongly acidic media with a pH
posed at a higher rate than the former (Table 3), of 3 -4. Samples taken from the field subjected to
presumably due to the higher ash content in the oil NPK application experiments with different levels of
148 JARQ 30(3) 1996

T able 2. Rate constant for the decomposition of organic matter of mineral soils
(105°C oven-dry basis)

pH c,aJ o ( I0-3 ) bl
A.D.R.dl so•>
Sample Total-C CIN
(I : 2.5) k, cr( I0- 1) T112•>
name (%) (ratio) (%) (10- J)
(water) k1 ( 10...) o(I0- 5)

MARDI Kuala Lingi, acid sulfate soil, primary forest

1st layer C , 0.00821 0.253 0.221
3.1 6.42 19.5
(0-5 cm) k1 0.196 0.126 3.53(0)
k2 2.43 0.651 7.82(Y) 8.48
2nd layer
2.9 3.66 48.9
c, 0.00389 0.448 0.17 1
(5-25 cm) k1 0.0993 0.159 6.98(0)
k 2 0.569 0.912 33.4 (Y) 2. 15
MARDI Kuala Lingi , acid sulfate soil, soybean field
1st layer C, 0.0053 0.0025 0.209
3.5 3.87 25.6
(0- 15 cm) k1 0. 189 0. 180 3.67(0)
k2 1.777 0.629 10. 7 (Y) 6.28
MARDI Serdang, lateritic soi l, groundnut field
1st layer
C, 0.0129 0.463 0.522
6.3 1.66
(0 - 15 cm) k, 0.275 0.24 1 2.52(0)
k2 1.697 1.298 11.2 (Y) 6.01
MARDI Tanjong Karang, marine alluvial clay soil, paddy field
1st layer
6.7 2.2 1 9.8
c, 0.0188 0.595 0.594
(0-10 cm) k, 0.232 0.166 2.99(0)
k2 3.333 1.618 5. 70(Y) 11.4
a): Y, = C 1 + C2 = I (at time t = 0). b): Standard deviation for C 1, ki, k 2. c): Half-life time, day (0) or year (Y).
d): Annual decomposit ion rate. e): Standard deviation of the whole fitness.

Table 3. Rate constant for the decompositi on of Malaysian peat soils

Y1 = Exp( - kt)
Sample Depth T1 12 A.0.R .
k(10-•) a( l0- 5 ) SD(I0- 3)
number (cm) (year) (%)
MARDI Jalan Kcbun (E7, maize (baby-corn))
( 0 - 14) 0.742 0 .278 0.494 25.6 2.67
2 ( 14- 33) 0.614 0.170 0.303 30.9 2.22
3 (33 - 53) 0.803 0 .221 0.392 23.6 2.89
4 (53 - 75) 0.859 0.332 0.590 22.1 3.09
5 (75- 102) 1.44 0.601 1.06 13.2 5. 13
Tanjong Karang (primary forest reserve)
6 ( 0 - 15) 1.020 0.350 0.042 18.7 3.91
7 (15-35) 0.490 0.084 0.160 38.7 1.77
8 (35-55) 0.267 0.026 0.049 71.2 0.97
9 (55-80) 0.289 0,025 0.048 65.8 1.05
Ul u Air Baloi, Pontian (primary forest)
10 ( 0- 15) 0.741 0.222 0.380 25.6 2.67
II (15-35) 0.325 0.026 0.044 58.5 1.18
12 (35- 55) 0.345 0.067 0.114 55.0 1.25
13 (55 - 80) 0.298 0.040 0.689 63.6 1.08
Ulu Air Baloi, Po111ian (oil palm plantation)
14 ( 0- 5) 0.947 0.179 0.305 20. 1 3.40
15 ( 5-20) 0.444 0.094 0.162 42.7 1.61
16 (20- 50) 0.473 0.114 0. 196 40. 1 1.71
17 (50-70) 0.572 0.116 0. 198 33.2 2.07
MARDI Jalan Kebun (surface layer of upland cultivated field)
18 ( 0- 13) 0.479 0.100 0.165 39.6 I. 73
19 ( 0-15) 1.52 0.555 0.909 12.5 5.40
20 ( 0 - 10) 0.878 0.574 0.095 21.6 3. 16
21 ( I - 10) 0.743 0.219 0.362 25.6 2.68
22 ( 0- 10) 0 .241 0.077 0.013 78.6 0.88
MARDI Pontian (No. 26, vegetable field)
23 ( 0-18) 3.50 0.227 0.380 5.43 12.0
MARDI Pontian (secondary forest)
24 ( 0 - I5) 0.878 0.670 1.27 21.6 3.16
S. Muraymno & Z. A. Bokor: Decomposition of Tropical Peat Soils (I) 149

Table 4. Effect of pH amendment by GML and NPK

fertilizer on the decomposition rate of peat soil 4.0
(MARDI J a lan Kebun, E7 maize-growing field) ••
Y1 = Exp(-kt) •
Soil pH k (J0-4) o(IO-.s) T 112
Treatment o} 3.0
(H20) (year) ~

LO - NPK 3.94 0 .639 0.179 29.7 '>,.

LO - N( + PK) 4.03 0.550 0.146 34.5 'O
.., 0
LO -P(+NK) 3.92 0.549 0.100 34.6 b
s 2.0
LO - K( + NP) 4.14 0.601 0.152 31.6
LO + NPK 4.01 0.544 0.142 34.9
6. 13

~.\o . . . . . .
efOeo o
0 ••

r = 0.847
L3 + NPK 6.19 3.88 1.28 4.89 /
a): Lime treatment consists or 4 levels O(LO), 12.S(Ll), 3.2 4.0 4.8 5.6 6.4
25.0(L2), 50(L3) t/ ha or ground magnesium lime- pH (H20)
stone (GML). N: 150 kg N/ ha (urea) , P: 60 kg
P205 (triple superphosphate), K: I 00 kg K20 (muri- Fig. 3. Relationship between soil acidity (pH)
ate of potash). and rate constant (k) of the decomposi-
tion of peat soi l
• Surface year peat soil,
GM L (ground magnesium limestone) to analyze the o Subsurface layer peat soil.
growth performance of maize (masmadu) 11> were ex-
amined, and the results indicated that the increase
of pH promoted the decomposition of peat soils
(Table 4). The effect of the pH amendment on the ••
decomposition rate was confirmed by other incuba-
tion experiments on pH amendment with the addi-

tion of calcium carbonate 10>. The results were 3.0
consistent with the observation of Farrell and McDon-
nell (1986) showing that the addition of lime and/or
subpeat mineral soils to peat increased the rate of 0
decomposition 3>.
On the other hand, NPK fertilization did not
affect the decomposition rate of peat soil organic 0 ••
matter (Table 4). The scattering diagram of the rela-
tionship between the C/N ratio and the decomposi- 1.0
tion rate constant of a ll the samples analyzed in the
present study indicated that there was no correlation r = 0.846
between both parameters.
0 t l '
Among other soil properties, the ash content was 0 5 10 15 20 25
also well correlated with the decomposition rate; sam- Ash content (%)
ples with a higher ash content tended to decompose
at a higher rate constant (Fig. 4). Fig. 4. Relationship between ash content and
In comparison with the Japanese grassy peat soil rate constant (k) of the decomposition
of Bibai, the decomposition rate of Malaysian woody of peat soil
• Surface layer peat soil,
peat soil was smaller presumably due to the lower o Subsurface layer peat soil.
ash content, larger C/N ratio and lower carbohy-
drate content than in the Bibai grassy peat soil 10>.
150 JARQ 30(3) 1996

tion, since the formation of metal-organic matter

2) Effects of heavy metals on the decomposition complexes was inferred based on t he observation of
rate of peat soil organic matter coagulation-precipitation of organic matter of the in-
Micro-nutrients such as C u , Zn are commonly cubated samples in water suspension 12>. Another
added lo peat soils for agricultural use, because of cause could be the inactivation of certain soil en-
their deficiency in peat soil, and the metal salts, zymes by metals, as s uggested by Mathur &
CuS04 1 ZnS04 and a highly polymerized hydroxy- Sanderson '.
aluminium chloride solution (Hydroral CS0-8, In our field experiment the hydroxyaluminium
Taki-Kagaku) 5> were found to suppress the decom- polymer did not affect adversely the growth of maize
position (Table 5). The mitigating effect of Cu on (masmadu) 12>, and the incubation experiment of the
the microbial decomposition of peat soil had been soil sample of this field revealed the suppressive ef-
suggested by Mathur & Sanderson 3>, Farrell & fect of the Al-polymer on the decomposition rate
McDonnell 6' and Yonebayashi et al. 14>. Among the (Table 6). These results indicated that this material
3 metals examined, the high molecular Al compoun<l could be utiHzed for the reduction of the rate of
was most effective. The s uppressive effect of the decomposition loss of peat soil materials, though fur-
metals could be attributed tentatively to their chelat- ther studies on the effects of the Al-polymer on both
ing interaction which may result in the resistance the growth performance of various c rops and long-
of peat soil organic matter to microbial decomposi- term environmental implications for ecosystems are
Table 5. Effects of CuSO,, ZnSO. and hydroxyalum ini-
um on the decom1>osilion rate of peat soil from Conclusion
MARDI Jalan Kebun, EIO (newly developed
a nd prepared field) The present studies on the decomposition of trop-
Y, = Exp(-kt)
ical peat soils indicated that the utilization of peat-
Treatment•> k(l0- 1) u(lO- s) T112 A.D.R. land for agriculture promotes the decomposition of
(year) (%) peat soil organic matter, particularly through the neu-
No amendment 0.601 0.246 31.6 2.17 tralization of the soil acidity and enrichment of ash
Cu (LI) 0.567 0.226 33.5 2.05 content, both of which are associated with agricul-
Cu (L2) 0.553 0.174 34.2 2.01 tural activities.
Cu (L3) 0.575 0.174 33 .0 2.08
Zn (LI) 0.575 0.240 The suppressive effect of sulfate salts of Cu, Zn
33.0 2.08
Zn (L2) 0 .516 0.191 34.8 1.97 which are commonly added to peat soil for agricul-
Zn (L3) 0.556 0.183 34. J 2.01 ture as micro-nutrients on the microbia l decomposi-
Al (LI) 0.539 0.175 35.3 l.95 tion was observed. A highly polymerized hydroxy-
Al (L2) 0.542 0.158 35.0 1.96 aluminium was found to show a mitigaiing effect
Al (L3) 0.545 0.152 34.8 1.97
on the decomposition of peat soil organic matter.
a) : Cu; LI 273, L2 1386, L3 5556 ppm Cu addition
as CuS0.5H20 1 Zn; LI 279, L2 1384, L3 5552 ppm
Zn addition as ZnS0.7H20, Al; L I 1161 , L2 2322, References
L3 4644 ppm Al addition as hydroxyaluminium chlo-
ride (Hydroral-C50B). l) Abdul Jamil, M.A . et al. (1989): Landuse in Penin-
sular Malaysia. /11 Papers of national workshop on
Table 6. Effect of hydro;,,;yalu minium on the decomposi- research and developmen t of peat soils, Feb. 21-22,
MARDI, Serdang, Malaysia.
tion rate or peat soil samples taken from the
maize-growing field (E l 0) 2) Andriesse, J . P. (1988) : Nature and management of
Y1 = Exp(-kt) tropical peat soils. FAO Soil Bull. , 59, 19-43.
3) Farrell, E. & McDonnell, J. (1986) : Decomposition
in man modified peat soils. /111. Pe(l( J., I, 99- I 11.
Treatment •> k oo-•> u( I o-
5) T112
(%) 4) Kamarudin , A. B., Zahari, A. B. & Ismail, A. 8 .
(1989) : Ecology and conservation of Malaysian peat-
- Al(L2, NPK) 0.842 0.443 22.5 3.03
lands. /11 Papers of national workshop on research
+ Al(L2, NPK) 0.599 0.205 31.7 2.16
and development of peat soils, Feb. 21-22, MARDI,
a) : - Al; Without hydrox)•aluminium chloride, + Al; Serdang, Malaysia.
With hydroxyaluminium chloride. L2; GML 15 t/ha 5) Kubota, T ., Hakoishi, T. & Takahashi, S. (1986):
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nutrients were applied for the current experiment. ment with hydroxyaJuminfom. Jpn. J. Soil Sci. Plant
S. Murayama & Z. A. Bokor: Decomposition of Tropical Peat Soils {I) 151

Ntur., 57, 155-160 [I n Japanese). on tropical peatland. Kuching, Malaysia, 124- 133.
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