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02chapter2 PDF
02chapter2 PDF
Chapter 2
Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
The use of human excreta for fertilizer, ranging from night soil application to
irrigation with sewage has been a world-wide practice for many years, especially
in highly populated countries such as China and India (Rudolfs et al., 1950). It is
especially advantageous because it recycles nutrients back to the land and can
be economically attractive (Zenz et al., 1976).
In South Africa sludge production is increasing rapidly, and at the same time the
soil condition has deteriorated markedly. As sludge contains high levels of
organic matter and nutrients (Hu et al., 1996), use of this product in agricultural
land could provide an alternative means of disposal, and also benefits the poor
soil quality of most of South Africa’s agricultural land. It is believed that when
treated properly, and provided certain industrial contaminants are restricted from
entering the sewage, the resultant sewage sludge can become a relatively
innocuous organic fertilizer and soil conditioner of significant value for growing
trees, grass and certain crops (WRC, 1997).
The beneficial use of sludge for soil amendment in South Africa was also recently
shown by Snyman and colleagues (1998). At present, sewage sludge is used for
crop growing but limited only to fenced areas to restrict access to unauthorized
persons as well as milk-, meat- and egg producing animals (WRC, 1997). Other
recommendations suggest that application may only be done with planting and
during the period subsequent to harvesting and prior to the next growing season.
Snyman and Van der Waals (2003) reported that South African farmers, noting
the increased crop production as a result of enhanced soil properties from
sewage sludge use, are in favour of using sewage sludge and show adherence
to the recommended dosage of 8 ton/ha as stipulated in the guidelines (WRC,
University of Pretoria etd – Chale-Matsau, J R B (2005)
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Farmers and the food industry have expressed their concern that agricultural use
of untreated sludge may affect the safety of food products and the sustainability
of agricultural land, and may carry potential economic and liability risks (NRC,
1996). There is also concern that the use of contaminated sewage sludge for
crop production could negatively affect the export market. For fear of foodborne
illness, some countries may refuse importation of vegetables and foods produced
under such agricultural practices (Sobsey, 1996; Doyle, 2000).
There has been increased public scrutiny of the potential health and
environmental consequences of land spreading of sewage sludge. It appears
that once fear of pathogens, odours, nuisances and possible environmental
deterioration have been generated in a community, people have great difficulty in
accepting the risks, even if there aren’t any, of applying sewage sludge to
agricultural land (Hyde, 1976; Tauxe, 1997). Thus, it is essential that aesthetic
characteristics and matters affecting both long-term quality of the land and the
public health must be thoroughly understood before using sewage sludge on
In spite of the increasing concerns, in their recent report to the United States
Environmental Protection Agency, the National Research Council pointed out
that there is no evidence that proper use of wastewater treatment sludge on land
has any detrimental effect on either the people working at the site, on the
population surrounding the land application site, or on people eating the crops
grown in the sludge-amended soil (NRC, 2002). Vesilind (2003) is of the opinion
that the aversion to sludge use emanates from the knowledge of its origin and
not necessarily from diseases linked to sludge use.
Kirby (2001) pointed out that exposure to potentially lethal pathogens is linked to
social factors such as class, education and income. Carneiro and his colleagues
(2002) have observed that less intense Ascaris infection came from affluent
University of Pretoria etd – Chale-Matsau, J R B (2005)
Infectious diseases are transmitted primarily through human and animal excreta,
particularly faeces. If there are active cases or carriers in the community, then
faecal contamination of water sources will result in the causative organisms
being present in water. Pathogens in domestic sewage are primarily associated
with insoluble solids. Many of these organisms become bound to solids following
wastewater treatment and are transferred to wastewater sludge (Bitton, 1994).
As the wastewater treatment processes concentrate these solids into sewage
sludge, the sewage sludge has higher quantities of pathogens than incoming
wastewater (EPA, 1999). However, the transmission of pathogens can be
minimized by reducing the infectivity of sludges through effective treatment
processes (Smith, 1996).
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The actual species and quantity of pathogens present in sewage sludge from a
particular municipality depend on the health status of the local community and
may vary substantially at different times (EPA, 1999). The four major types of
human pathogenic organisms, namely bacteria, viruses, protozoa and helminths
may all be present in sludge. These organisms can cause infection or disease if
humans or even animals are exposed to sufficient levels. The infective dose,
that is, the number of pathogenic organism to which a human must be exposed
to become infected, varies depending on the organism and on the health status
of the exposed individual (EPA, 1999). While some pathogens may cause
infections in a susceptible host by a single organism, others may require several
hundreds to be present before an infection can be initiated. Symptoms may vary
in severity from mild gastroenteritis to severe and sometimes fatal diarrhoea,
dysentery, hepatitis or typhoid depending on the type of pathogen and pathogen
load. Thus, when reclaimed water or sludge is used on fields producing food
crops, it is critical to protect public health.
In the sections that follow, the major bacterial, viral and parasitic organisms
found in wastewater sludge are described.
2.4.1 Bacteria
Faecal coliforms and enterococci have been used widely as faecal pollution
indicators (Vilanova et al., 2002). Both bacterial groups include several species.
For example, the genus Enterococcus contains 19 recognized species (Manero
and Blanch, 1999). Salmonella spp, Shigella spp, Campylobacter spp, Yersinia
University of Pretoria etd – Chale-Matsau, J R B (2005)
spp, Leptosporia spp and Escherichia coli are bacterial pathogens of primary
concern in sludge. Escherichia coli is particularly abundant in human and animal
faeces, where numbers may reach 109 g-1 of faeces (Bitton, 1994). The major
bacterial groups or species are tabulated in Table 2.1 and some of these (*) are
discussed in sections i to viii. Several case studies have been cited in these
sections. These case studies do not necessarily detail outbreaks due to
wastewater sludge use, but are indicators of what the effects could be if the
pathogens manage to survive and infect a receptor, as a worst-case scenario.
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i Escherichia coli
ii Salmonella spp
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effective enough to inhibit Salmonella spp growth. Salmonella spp can grow and
multiply at temperatures of 22oC (Asplund and Nurmi, 1991) suggesting that
once produce has been contaminated, microorganisms may continue to grow on
the shelf in retail stores increasing the risk of infection.
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iv Yersinia enterocolitica
v Shigella spp
vi Clostridium spp
Clostridium botulinum produces a neurotoxin that cause botulism. After the toxin
is absorbed, it binds to nerve endings and causes vomiting and diarrhoea,
fatigue, dizziness and headache. Later there may follow constipation, double
vision, difficulty speaking and swallowing, involuntary muscles may become
paralyzed leading to cardiac and respiratory failure and eventually death.
(Penner, 1998). The C. botulinum spores are heat resistant (Brooks et al., 1991).
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Providencia spp are members of the normal intestinal flora. They cause urinary
tract infection and are often resistant to antimicrobial therapy (Brooks et al.,
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Faecal coliforms can survive for several years under optimum conditions, and the
Salmonella spp may survive for a year in rich, moist organic soil (deRopp, 1999).
The survival period of Salmonella spp has been reported to be as long as
between 15 – 117 weeks in contaminated soil (Rudolfs et al., 1950; Jones,1980;
Strauch, 1991; Sidhu et al., 1999; Baloda et al., 2001). The L. monocytogenes
grows well in sewage and survives for long periods in soil (Strauch, 1991). Other
bacteria such as Streptococcus jaecelis, Clostridium botulinium, Clostridium
tetani, Clostridium perfringes and butyl-butyric Clostridia spp were found in small
numbers 7 months after sludge application (Hyde, 1976).
Campylobacters spp are not capable of proliferating in the environment, but may
remain dormant and survive in the environment for several weeks at low
temperatures (Waage et al., 1999). However, the infective dose is very small
which increases the risk of infection (Black et al., 1988).
One of the most important factors influencing the survival of pathogenic bacteria
in soil is competition with the existing soil microflora. In soils with low microbial
activity, the newly added microorganisms may persist for much longer (Bitton,
1994). Thus the application of large quantities of sludge to soil with low existing
microbial activity will increase the ability of the pathogens to persist in soil
environment and hence increase the potential risk for transfer of pathogens to
crops grown in the soil. On the other hand, in biologically active soils,
microorganism numbers are rapidly reduced due to competition (Penner, 1998).
The soils in South Africa are typically biologically active, which could be
advantageous due to the fact that introduced microorganisms are rapidly out
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2.4.3 Viruses
Human enteric viruses are excreted in faeces, and can be shed in high numbers
(108 to 1010 particles per gram of faeces) by infected individuals (Abbaszadegan
et al., 1999). The persistence of enteroviruses in sludge and sludge-amended
soil was demonstrated by Damgaard-Larsen et al. (1977) and by Straub et al.
(1994). The virus of greatest potential concern appears to be Hepatitis A, a
disease with potential for long-term liver damage (Pahren et al., 1979).
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Table 2.2 Viruses that can be expected in sewage sludge (Sources: EPA,
1999; Strauch, 1991; Bofill-Mas et al., 2000)
Pathogen Disease
Coxsackievirus A Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis
Coxsackievirus B Meningoencephalitis
Echovirus Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis
Poliovirus Poliomyelitis
Adenovirus Respiratory and systemic infections
Reovirus Acute respiratory infections
Hepatitis A virus Infectious hepatitis
Rotavirus Acute gastroenteritis
Astrovirus Gastroenteritis
Calicivirus Acute gastroenteritis
Coronavirus Gastroenteritis
BK virus Uretal stenosis and hemorrahgic colitis
JC virus Multifocal leukoencephalopathy
Norwalk and Norwalk-like viruses Acute gastroenteritis
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1995). For instance, other enteroviruses such as the coxsackie B3 virus have
been isolated 18m below the soil surface after wastewater recharge (Straub et
al., 1995). Rainfall and irrigation events may contribute to viral transport (Straub
et al., 1995). Viruses readily adsorp to soil particles, and this has been reported
to prolong their survival (WHO, 1979). However these viruses remain as
infectious to humans as free viruses.
Viruses can survive for up to six months in cold weather and for three months in
warm weather. Enteric viruses can survive up to 170 days in loamy and sandy
soil. Poliomyelitis virus has been detected in soil irrigated with infected sewage
sludge and effluent after 96 days in winter and 11 days in summer in the UK, and
on the surface of mature vegetables 23 days after irrigation had ceased (Tierney
et al., 1977; WHO, 1979). Viral survival on crops may be shorter than in the soil
if viruses on crops surfaces are directly exposed to detrimental environmental
factors such as sunlight and desiccation (Pahren et al., 1979; WHO, 1979). The
warm climate in some regions of South Africa may reduce the survival of these
viruses. However, more prolonged survival can be expected in the moist or more
protected parts of plants, such as within the folds of leafy vegetables, in deep
stem areas and on rough cracked surfaces of edible roots. It is also likely that
viruses can penetrate damaged roots and under certain conditions enter the
stem and leafy parts of edible plants (Pahren et al., 1979).
Once crops are harvested, enteric viruses can survive for prolonged periods
during commercial and household storage at low temperature. The risk of
human infection associated with virus-contaminated crops is greatest in the case
of fruits and vegetables consumed raw (WHO, 1979).
2.4.4 Parasites
Parasites are a group of foodborne pathogens that have received relatively little
attention. Parasites that are usually encountered in sludge are indicated in Table
2.3, and some of these (*) are briefly discussed.
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Table 2.3 Parasites that can be expected in sewage sludge (EPA, 1999;
Strauch, 1991)
Pathogen Disease
Some of the common types of parasites that have been detected in fresh fruits
and vegetables include Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica and Ascaris spp.
(Brackett, 1987). As little as 10 or fewer Giardia cysts are sufficient to cause
illness (Brooks et al., 1991). Ayres and colleagues (1992) recovered viable
Ascaris eggs from lettuce irrigated with raw sewage, while Gaspard and
Scwartzbrod (1993) recovered viable Ascaris from both tomatoes and lettuce
following raw sewage irrigation. It has also been demonstrated that farm workers
may be infected with enteric parasites as a result of occupational exposure (Clark
et al.,1984). It should be noted that these incidents were associated with the
irrigation of raw sewage and not wastewater sludge. However, it does give an
indication of potential risk.
The parasites most often found in sludge are Ascaris species such as A.
lumbricoides (human intestinal roundworm) and A. suum (pig’s roundworm) as
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well as some Toxocara and Trichuris species (Bitton, 1994; Gaspard et al.,
Ascaris eggs and certain larval stages of trichostrongylids can survive for over a
year in soil that has been irrigated with sewage sludge (Strauch, 1991), and the
eggs of Cryptosporidium parvum and Taenia saginata are known to survive in
sewage for more than 12 months (NRC, 1996). Cryptosporidium species and
Giardia species pose a serious threat to human health as these organisms are
difficult to inactivate with disinfectants and their infective doses in humans are
very low (Finch and Belosevic, 2001).
Protozoan parasites, such as Giardia spp have been found in sludge in Western
Australia where they remain the most common cause of enteric disease (Hu et
al., 1996). The most noxious are the Ascaris eggs and coccidial oocysts as they
have high resistance (Pahren et al., 1979; Gaspard and Schwartzbrod, 1993).
Helminths larvae are usually killed by composting, but often remain viable in
slurry during storage (Shuval et al., 1984).
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Many of these treatment processes are applied either to stabilize the sludge, i.e
reduce its vector attraction potential and odour or render the sludge easier to
handle, store and transport by reducing the volume or drying the wastewater
sludge. Additional treatment technologies need to be employed to reduce the
viable content. Some of these techniques recommended in the US Part 503 rule
are indicated in Table 2.5.
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sludge is spread onto soil (Jenkins et al., 1999). Jenkins and colleagues (1999)
warned that although storing prior to spreading could be an effective
management practice for reducing infective oocyst load, spreading of sludge
during the cold season may have the opposite effect by sustaining the survival of
C. parvum oocysts and positioning them for transport in surface runoff (Jenkins
et al.,1999).
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Table 2.5 Techniques listed in the 40 CFR Part 503 and their effectiveness
in removing pathogens (EPA, 1999)
R = Reduction, E = Elimination, 3 = effective in pathogen reduction/elimination
and 2 = not effective in pathogen reduction /elimination
Effectiveness in Eliminating
Technique Description Pathogens
Aerobic Sewage sludge is agitated
3 2 3 2 2 2
Digestion with air or oxygen to maintain
aerobic conditions
Air Drying Sewage sludge is dried on
3 2 3 2 2 2
sand beds or on paved or
unpaved basins. The sewage
sludge dries for a minimum
duration of 3 months
Anaerobic Sewage sludge is treated in
3 2 3 2 2 2
digestion the absence of air at a specific
temperature. The values of
the temperature shall be
between 15 days at 35 C and
60 days at 20 C
Composting Using either the within-vessel,
3 2 3 2 3 2
static aerated pile, or widow
composting methods. The
temperature of sewage sludge
is raised to 40 C or higher
and remains at 40 oC or higher
for 5 days. Fours in the 5 day
period, the temperature in the
compost pile exceeds 55 C
Lime Sufficient lime is added to the
3 2 3 2 2 2
Stabilization sewage sludge to raise the pH
of the sewage sludge to 12 for
2 hrs.
Thermal Sewage sludge is heated to a
3 2 3 3 3 2
Treatment temperature of 180 C or
higher for 30 minutes
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Activated Sludge
Aerobic digestion
Oxidation Dams
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additional treatment method after anaerobic digestion in one major site (Snyman
et al., 2003).
Aerobic digestion
The sewage sludge produced from treatment plants in South Africa is used for a
number of activities, including application onto golf courses and use by
municipalities for lawn cultivation, while some is collected by farmers for
agricultural use. The disposal and beneficial use of sewage sludge in South
Africa are summarized in figure 2.3.
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Sludge Dams
Golf course
Landfill 3%
2% Compost
Municipal Gardens
Stockpile 21%
Instant Lawn
Land Application
12% Sold
Table 2.6 summarizes the classification of sewage sludge indicated in the South
African sludge guidelines. The South African guidelines classify sludge at three
levels (Types A, B and C) and a fourth category (Type D) that stipulates ceiling
limits for pollutants is added. Although the hygienic quality of Type D is similar to
Type C, the Type D sludge is produced for unrestricted use on land at maximum
application of 8 tonnes per hectare per year, the levels of metals and inorganic
content are limited to acceptable low levels (WRC, 1997).
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Type A Sludge Cold digested sludge Usually unstable and can cause odour nuisances and
Septic tank sludge fly-breeding
Oxidation tank sludge Contains pathogenic organisms
Variable metal and inorganic content
Type B Sludge Anaerobic digested Fully or partially stabilized – should not cause significant
sludge odour nuisance or fly-breeding
Surplus activated Contains pathogenic organisms
sludge Variable metal inorganic content
Humus tank sludge
Type C Sludge Pasteurised sludge Certified to comply with the following quality
Heat treated sludge requirement:
Lime-stabilised Stabilized – should not cause odour nuisances or fly-
sludge breeding
Composted sludge Contains no viable Ascaris ova per 10 gram of dry
Irradiated sludge sludge
Maximum 0 Salmonella organisms per 10 gram dry
Maximum 1000 Faecal coliform per 10 gram dry sludge,
immedialtely after treatment (disinfection/sterilization)
Variable metal and inorganic content
Type D Sludge Pasteurised sludge Certified to comply with the following quality
Heat-treated sludge requirement:
Lime-stabilised Stabilized – should not cause odour nuisances or fly-
sludge breeding
Composted sludge Contains no viable Ascaris ova per 10 gram of dry
Irradiated sludge sludge
Maximum 0 Salmonella organisms per 10 gram dry
Maximum 1000 Faecal coliform per 10 gram dry sludge,
immedialtely after treatment (disinfection/sterilization)
Has specific limits for metal and inorganic content
(summarized in WRC, 1997)
Product must be registered in terms of Act 36 of 1947 if
used for agricultural activities
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Studies have shown that once fruits and vegetables have been contaminated, it
may be difficult to disinfect them (Maxy, 1982; Takeuchi et al., 2000; Wachtel et
al., 2002a; Wachtel et al., 2002b). Some microorganism such as E. coli show
preferential attachment to the interior of damaged fruits and vegetables than on
the surface (Takeuchi et al., 2000) as the juice within the vegetable provides
good growth medium (Maxy, 1982). Itoh and coworkers (1998) found that E. coli
was internalized when radish sprouts were produced from contaminated seeds
and therefore would be protected from surface decontamination treatment. E.
coli is capable of attachment to the interior of stomatal pores (Seo and Frank,
1999; Takeuchi and Frank, 2000; Takeuchi and Frank, 2001) and has a tendency
to form aggregate associations (Wachtel et al., 2002a). These attachment sites
and aggregation tendencies may cause bacterial resistance to physical methods
of surface disinfection as well as chemical treatment such as chlorination
(Wachtel et al., 2002b).
Most countries adopt a similar approach to protect the public from infection due
to pathogens originating from wastewater sludge. The use of wastewater sludge
is regulated and these regulations stipulate how the sludge should be disinfected
and/or how to minimize the chance of infection through prescribed management
practices. In the United States, the use and disposal of treated sewage sludge is
regulated under CFR Part 503 (EPA, 1999).
The regulation protects public health and the environment through requirements
designed to reduce the potential for contact with disease-bearing pathogens in
University of Pretoria etd – Chale-Matsau, J R B (2005)
sewage sludge applied to the land or placed. These requirements are divided
• Requirements designed to control and reduce pathogens in treated
sewage sludge and
• Requirements designed to reduce the ability of the treated sewage sludge
to attract vectors (insects and other living organisms that can transport
sewage sludge pathogens)
At present in South Africa humans and the environment are protected under the
National Water Act 36 of 1998 (NWA), National Environmental Management Act
107 of 1998 (NEMA), Water Services Act 108 of 1997(WSA), the Constitution of
the Republic of South Africa (Act 108 of 1996) and the Health Act 63 of 1977.
In South Africa, there aren’t any specified restricted techniques for sludge
treatment, but the chosen technologies need to yield the sludge quality as
required in the guidelines (WRC, 1997).
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The benefits of sewage sludge are well understood by the scientific community,
and through consultation, most governments around the world recognize the
benefits of using sludge in crop production. It is for this reason that a number of
countries have since engaged in utilizing sewage for land application purposes.
In a small preliminary survey done in South Africa, it has emerged that only a
small percentage (39%) of low income earners were aware of what sewage
sludge was (Snyman and Van der Waals, 2003). Snyman and Van der Waals
(2003) also noted that the respondents did not understand the risks associated
with using sewage sludge for agricultural soil amendment. Of the respondents
from a higher income bracket, 79% were found to have knowledge of sewage
sludge and its potential benefits. The majority of the respondents from this group
also expressed their willingness to purchase vegetables from a sewage sludge
fertilized farm, with 45% prepared to consume vegetables grown on sewage
sludge (Snyman and Van der Waals, 2003). It appears from this survey that if
members of the general public are informed of the benefits of sludge, reception
of the use of sewage sludge might increase in the future. It is thus the
responsibility of the sludge producers together with the governments to introduce
mechanisms of educating the public of sewage sludge and its use in agriculture.
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The sections preceding indicate that many wastewater plants generate sludges
that still contain pathogens. However, these sludges are still used in agricultural
practices. The question to address therefore is “What is the risk associated with
this practice?” If the risk of using such sludge is unacceptable, what
management practices should be adapted to reduce this risk to an acceptable
One of the concerns often raised regarding sludge application is the emission of
pathogenic aerosols during land application (Pillai et al., 1996). The risk of
release rises as the pathogenic content in sludge increases. Raw sludge from
municipal sewage would be more likely to release airborne pathogens than those
that have been treated to reduce the pathogens (Straub et al., 1993). Tanner
and colleagues (2003) evaluated the potential for bio-aerosols from sludge
application, and concluded that the risk of adverse public health effects from bio-
aerosols following land applied sludge is low. Forcier (2002) indicated that
although quantities of bio-aerosols could be released during storage, loading and
land application, they are diluted and scattered through atmospheric dispersion in
ambient air. The survival of and the potential for infection from these organisms
are lessened by the natural processes of attenuation such as ultra-violet radiation
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and desiccation (Forcier, 2002). Bio-aerosol emissions are also lessened when
applied sludge is subsequently incorporated into the soil (Straub et al., 1993). It
appears that the methods used for sludge land application do not result in
airborne release of biological agents to the same extent as in wastewater
treatment facilities (Apedaile, 2001).
Tools exist to measure the risk to human health associated with the use of
sewage sludge that contains pathogens in agricultural practices. The following
section details one of the tools used in this thesis.
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Hazard Identification
Risk Characterisation
Figure 2.4 The interrelation of the risk assessment phases (Genthe 1998).
i Hazard Identification
ii Hazard Characterisation
This involves the qualitative and or quantitative evaluation of the nature of the
adverse health effects associated with the hazard present in food. It provides
description of the severity and duration of adverse effects that may result from
ingestion of a microorganism in food. This involves a dose response assessment
by establishment of a relationship between the dose of an agent and the rate of
infection. Dose response assessment is considered a key ingredient of
quantitative risk assessment as it is supposed to provide the link between
exposure to a hazardous agent and the probability of ensuing health effects
(Teunis and Havelaar, 2000).
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This involves the qualitative and or quantitative evaluation of the likely intake of
biological, chemical and physical agents via food, as well as exposure from other
sources if relevant (Rocourt et al., 2001). It is usually defined as a process of
measuring or estimating the intensity, frequency and duration of human exposure
to a contaminant. The task of exposure assessment is to provide the actual
exposure conditions required to predict risk, and to identify and predict the effects
of the proposed control options (Genthe, 1998).
iv Risk characterisation:
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South Africa has unique factors that could influence management of land
application of sewage sludge. These factors include population density, high
incidence of HIV/AIDS, unique climatic conditions and soil quality, amongst
others. A detailed description of these factors will be provided in later sections to
indicate how they influence management of sludge use in South Africa.
2.12 Conclusion
A high risk crop was chosen to illustrate a worst case scenario. It was therefore
decided to investigate the prevalence of microorganisms in a crop grown in
sewage sludge amended soil. A risk assessment will provide a means of
estimating the probability of adverse effects associated with measured or
estimated levels of hazardous agents, and a tool for predicting the extent of
potential health effects.
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