AMSO User Manual
AMSO User Manual
AMSO User Manual
This version of AMSO will run only with Orbiter 2010-P1, build 100606 to
build 101016. Any other Orbiter versions WON'T work (AMSO will abort).
Foreword………………………………….………………………………… 04
Other Add-ons………………………………………………….…………… 06
Installation…………………………………………………...……………... 07
Uninstalling…………………………………………………………………. 08
Orbiter optimum setup for AMSO………..………………………………… 09
Anti-aliasing………………………………………………………………… 09
Launch tower and Pad-39A…………….…………………………………... 10
APOLLO and LM vessels vulnerability feature……………………………. 12
Usage………………………….……………………………………………. 13
"J" Action key………………………………………………………………. 13
"K" Alternate Action key………………………………….………………... 14
"M" focus toggle key…………………………...…………………………... 15
"NUMPAD ENTER" key……………………………………………………16
"CTRL-J" key……………………………………..…………………………16
"CTRL-K" key……………………………………..……………………….. 16
"SHIFT-CTRL-I" key…………………..…………………………………... 16
"CTRL-L" / "SHIFT-L" / "SHIFT-CTRL-L" keys…………………………. 17
"CTRL-NUMPAD:5" / "SHIFT-CTRL-NUMPAD:5" keys……………….. 17
"TAB" keys………………………………………..………………………... 17
Virtual cockpits……………………………………………………………... 18
Particularities of pre-APOLLO 11 missions………………………………... 19
Time acceleration management…..………………………………………… 20
Autopilots…………………………………………………………………… 21
CSM autopilot computer functions………………………..……………….. 21
LM autopilot computer functions…………………………………………... 22
PDI operation (Moon landing) …………………………………………….. 22
ABORT / ABORT-STAGE………………………………………………… 24
ASCENT operation (rendezvous) ………………………………………….. 24
Pre-landing auxiliary functions…………………………………………….. 26
Abort lunar operations………………………………………….…………... 26
POST-ABORTS auxiliary functions……………………………...………… 26
FULL STACK MANOEUVER auxiliary function………………………….27
ERROR MESSAGES……………………………………………..…………28
SIM bay instruments and activities…………………………….…………… 29
Moon landing sites scenery……………………………………….………… 31
Damages and failures………………………..……………………………… 32
Lunar EVA activities……………………………………………………….. 34
Working on the Moon………………………………………………………. 35
The four launch phase abort modes………………………………………… 39
Aerodynamic lift……………………………………………………………. 40
Recovery team……………………………………………………………… 41
How to pilot the SeaKing helicopter…………………………………….…. 41
Usage of ground camera…………………………………………….……… 42
Ground cameras presets…………………………………….………………. 44
Sound customization………………………………………………………... 45
Sound customization per mission…………………………………………... 47
Technical information………………………………………………………. 50
Specifications of Saturn V …………………………………….…………… 52
Specifications of Apollo vessel…………………………………….………. 53
Specifications of Apollo LM vessel………………………………………... 54
Specifications of earth parking orbit insertion……………………………... 55
KNOWN PROBLEMS…………………………………………….……….. 57
CREDITS…………………………………………………………………… 58
COPYRIGHT(S) …………………………………………………………… 60
AMSO was the precursor of all Apollo mission simulations for Orbiter.
AMSO gives you the opportunity to understand and apply all principles of space
navigation. It is the perfect platform to learn all about rocket technology and space
navigation, by using standard Orbiter instruments and custom add-ons like "IMFD",
"LTMFD", "TransX", etc., in the context of an Apollo mission.
AMSO is not rigid at all; you can fly a whole Apollo mission totally manually
(which is a real challenge!). But you can also use a very accurate Earth orbit
injection autopilot. The same for the Apollo & LM vessels, which are both equipped
with a sophisticated autopilot computer, behaving just like in reality and was
developed by "LazyD".
Thanks to the amazing work of Luis Teixeira, AMSO looks really beautiful. All
vessels are textured and sometimes it’s easy to believe you’re seeing real NASA
photography! Both virtual cockpits (the command module and the LM) contribute a
lot to the immersion feeling. It is also a real pleasure to explore the Moon landing
sites, with the beautiful realistic scenery Luis has created.
Thanks to the new mouse interface for generic MFD, included in Orbiter since
version 060504, the absence of custom panels is no longer a handicap, especially for
complex instruments like IMFD.
Thanks to the keyboard interface, you are not forced to be in the cockpit for such a
great event like the Apollo 3rd stage separation. Just go to the outside view, press the
action key and admire it !!!
You may activate the new Orbiter "Damage & failure simulation" option and get
random failures of several kinds, including the Apollo 13 case.
All the launch sequences are dramatic and spectacular, including the Apollo 17 night
launch, with the light bathed tower and spot lights everywhere. All the moving
elements of the tower are animated and you will see the tremendous exhaust flames
of the first stage rushing out on the two sides of Pad 39A until the rocket clears the
You will experience a funny and quite realistic "moon-walk" during EVA activities,
where you will have to deploy instruments on the Moon surface, collect rocks, use a
drill to take an underground sample, and even drive the lunar Rover on later Apollo
From Apollo 15 forward, during the early stages of the return trip to Earth, you will
perform a space EVA to recover 2 film cassettes. Earlier, during the orbital period,
you will open the SIM bay to deploy a sub-satellite and two magnetometer antennas.
After the final splashdown you may play the role of the recovery team and fly a SH3
SeaKing helicopter. Fly the helicopter over the capsule, and then lift the three
astronauts onboard to bring them safely to the deck of the USS Hornet carrier for the
welcome back ceremony.
And finally, if you’re are unlucky and die during a mission, a risk that cannot be
excluded in such a dangerous activity, an Angel will bring your soul to the Paradise
of the heroes of Space.
If you install an upgrade package, please note that my upgrade packages always
upgrades ANY versions since the last complete package version.
1) If you’re installing the full version, I recommend fully uninstalling any previous
versions of AMSO. This will eliminate all obsolete unnecessary files. Refer to the
previously installed version’s documentation file, under the chapter
"UNINSTALLATION" to do this correctly.
2) Unzip this archive, with the option "use folder names" ON, into your Orbiter root
directory (if you use Windows unzip wizard, don't worry about this option, it is
selected by default).
Don't worry, it will NOT conflict with ANY other add-ons you might have installed,
or erase original Orbiter files. All the material will be placed into "AMSO" private
directories, except some Moon texture tiles used for the landing sites.
For scenarios made with version 1.11 and over, there are, in principle,
no dangerous incompatibilities. You shouldn't normally experience bad
problems, like crash to desktop. What may occur, depending on the
situation depicted by the scenario, are some minor anomalies due to
some missing parameters. For example, you won't hear further ATC
sounds for scenarios saved during (not before) PDI lunar landing or
LM ascent stage Moon orbit injection.
Damage & failure simulation: Activate this feature if you want to have AMSO
damage & failure simulation. For more details, see
the chapter "DAMAGE AND FAILURES".
Non-spherical gravity sources: AMSO is not sensitive to this feature. So the setting
of this option is irrelevant.
Particle stream: MUST be on, otherwise you will miss the best of
AMSO visual effects. All other visual effects are also
strongly recommended, but not mandatory.
REMARKS: If like me, in full screen mode only, you are suffering of text display
flickers with your ATI Radeon graphic card, please activate the new
Orbiter option "Disable hardware pageflip" on Orbiter "Video page".
If you are using Jarmo Nikkanen D3D9Client, don't forget to set the
Parameter video>advanced>reflexion mode to "Full Scene".
For all aspects of Orbiter, I highly recommend activating the anti-aliasing feature of
your graphics card by using the adequate tool (most modern graphics card driver
setup programs allow building a custom parameterization setup for a given
executable). Consult the documentation of your graphics card driver for more details.
The Launch tower will first appear in the pre-launch configuration. The first time
you press "J", the tower will turn to launch configuration with animations of all
moving parts, like the crane, the crew gate, etc. During countdown and liftoff, all
umbilical and tail service masts will retract in sequence, like in reality. You will see
flames coming out from both side of the tower; ice plates, detached by vibrations,
fall down while condensation appears around the extremely cold fuel tanks, no
longer isolated by the ice. At night, you will have all spots lit. Lights switch on and
off automatically at dusk and dawn (correct switching only in winter).
When you load a launch scenario, you will be 5 minutes 30 seconds before liftoff.
The Saturn V and the launch tower are in pre-launch configuration. When you press
the “J” Action Key, the configuration will turn to minus 5 minutes (full retraction of
white chamber arm). This is why you would be advised to do this at the right time.
Now you will see vapor escaping the rocket during the tanks’ pressurization. If soon
after you’ve pressed the "J" Action Key, you start to hear the countdown comments
of the speaker, it means you have a sound pack extension installed, which includes
the pre-launch sound option. In this case, you have nothing more to do, just enjoy the
liftoff. If you just hear the wind and maybe some random ATC sounds, then when the
vapors have smoothly disappeared, you will be close to the final countdown
sequence and you must press the “K” Alternate Action key precisely at minus 10
seconds to start the final countdown.
This whole scenery feature can be deactivated, for example, if you want to use
AMSO with another tower and launch pad. See below for how to do this.
If you look carefully at the Apollo ship definition in the scenario files, you will note
that the following parameter line exists:
If you remove this line, or replace "1" by "0", AMSO will not include the launch
tower and the custom pad 39A. It is as simple as that!
To remove it from existing scenarios, you will have to edit all AMSO launch
scenarios and other scenarios you may have created yourself, where the Saturn V still
flies with the first stage. First remove or deactivate the "LAUNCHTOWER"
parameter of Apollo vessel as in the example above.
Then you must check if the scenario also has the "ship" LaunchTower defined. This
will be something like:
You don't need to check scenario files "far from cape Canaveral", because the launch
tower and the custom pad 39A self delete when the central engine of the first stage
stops burning shortly before separation of this stage.
These two inhabited vessels are vulnerable. Impact with the ground, or entering into
the Earth’s atmosphere and creating too high of a dynamic pressure will lead to
immediate vessel destruction.
Death of the poor astronauts is simulated with a mystical eye candy - the "Angel to
Paradise". As soon as the vessel’s destroyed, the focus will be set to a giant "Angel
vessel" which will always be created somewhere on planet Earth, pointed toward the
sun, and will "lift off" at a fantastic speed acceleration of 10 Gs. Soon he will be
surrounded by a beautiful plasma halo. You can read on the screen "REQUIESCAT
IN PACE" and you will hear the piece of music "Marche funèbre" of Frederic
Chopin. Note that depending on the OrbiterSound mp3 player setting, you may hear
one of your own music pieces instead (see chapter KNOWN PROBLEMS for more
Even if you are in the cockpit, the Angel will be with you, but for the full spectacle,
switch to the outside view. The rapid climb of the Angel straight up over our planet
can be really outstanding!!! Try this test: load the Apollo 11 launch scenario and
don't change anything to the view settings. Set full thrust with your joystick for 4-5
seconds and then cut the throttle to crash Saturn V. During the Angel’s climb use
"ctrl-up/down" keys or the mouse to adapt the view angle. Near the end of the music,
you should see a beautiful Earth view, with Europe on your right.
The admissible dynamic pressure for the thermal shield configuration is 250 kPa
(about -12,5 G) and without is 35 kPa. Be aware that for high altitude aborts, with or
without the escape tower, if you cannot build an orbit with the CSM main engine, it
might be MANDATORY to maneuver the CM during the atmospheric entry, to get
maximum aerodynamic lift, in order to keep dynamic pressure within an admissible
range and survive. See chapters "THE FOUR LAUNCH PHASE ABORT MODES"
& "AERODYNAMIC LIFT" for more details.
For the CM splashdown, the admissible impact survival speed: horizontal speed in
both axes +-8 m/s and vertical speed -12 m/s.
For the LM landing the admissible impact survival speed: horizontal speed in both
axes +-2 m/s and vertical speed -4 m/s.
This feature can be disabled. In order to disable this feature, please read the chapter
Upon opening Orbiter, you will find a new scenario folder called "AMSO". This
folder itself contains other folders, where you will find all required scenarios to play
with AMSO. The scenario’s comments give you clues on what to do at each stage.
Both "Action" keys are used to trigger all events and to select a menu interface when
available. The result simply depends on the actual situation context. It is the same
kind of interface philosophy you can see, for example, on most digital watches.
The very first time you press the "J" action key, the launch tower arms will retract
(assuming this feature is not disabled – see previous section). From this point
forward, until your Saturn V stack has jettisoned the 1st and 2nd stages, pressing the
“J” key again will trigger the appropriate “abort” sequence. Note that you will need
to confirm this action by pressing once more the “J” key (or the "K" key, if you have
2 abort choices), while the message “ABORT FLIGHT?” is displayed.
When the mission has progressed to the 3rd stage, and Apollo CSM, the “J” Action
key will separate the Apollo vessel from the 3rd stage (however, main engines must
be stopped for this command to be accepted).
For the undocking operation, simply use the standard "CRTL-D" key to undock. For
example, this means that when you have docked with the LM parked into the 3rd
stage, if you press "CTRL-D", you will simply undock. When you decide to extract
the LEM from the 3rd stage you must use the “J” Action key instead. Note that 8
minutes after LM extraction, the 3rd stage will maneuver and perform a main engine
burn to modify its own orbit. In early missions (until Apollo 12), this is a prograde
burn of the rest of the fuel which will put the 3rd stage into a solar orbit. Apollo 13
forward, the 3rd stage will maneuver in order to impact the Moon, as it was
performed in the reality.
When you are in CSM configuration and docked with a complete LM, this key will
separate Apollo service module (if the LM is activated), or do a definitive undocking
from the LM (if the LM is deactivated). This command allow you to simulate Apollo
13’s dramatic flight!
When you are docked with the LM ascent module, this key will execute the
definitive undocking from LM ascent stage (no docking mechanism). This means
that docking with LM ascent stage is no longer possible. The LM Ascent stage will
then initiate some automatic maneuvers to de-orbit and crash onto the Moon.
As long as you are docked with the CSM in the LM vessel, this key allows you to
toggle LM activation.
Attention! You MUST activate the LM before undocking! Then, if you are not
landed on the Moon, this key will separate the descent stage. The ascent stage engine
will also be fired (abort manual landing) only if you are not too close to the CSM
(i.e., less than 5 km). Notice that in any case (manual flight or with autopilot) when
the descent stage runs out of fuel, the ascent stage will immediately separate and fire
its engine (automatic ABORT-STAGE). Finally, when you are back with the ascent
stage, and docked to the CSM, this key will allow you to definitively leave the LM
and close the tunnel hatch between the two vessels.
When the LM autopilot is running PDI programs (lunar landing), you can use this
key to say to the autopilot to abort the landing. It will toggle a little menu to select
between the simple "ABORT" (LM simply stops landing and tries to regain orbit) or
"ABORT-STAGE" (LM ascent separates and attempts to regain orbit). Use the "left"
or "right" arrow key to select the desired mode and use "up" key to execute the
When you are landed on the Moon and the crew is back in the LM, the first time you
press the “J” Action key it will activate the "lift off preparation" mode. If you press
this key again, you will trigger an immediate lift off, WITHOUT autopilot.
Finally, when you are close to reentry in Earth atmosphere, this key will separate the
service module. The service module will automatically initiate a maneuver to create a
reentry path that’s different than yours in order to move out of the vicinity of your
command module.
During EVA activities, the “J” Action key will allow almost all actions. For
example, taking an object from the LM, depositing this object on the Moon’s
surface, climbing onto the Lunar rover, etc.. For more details, please see the latter
chapter entitled, "LUNAR EVA ACTIVITIES".
Before the Saturn V launch, at 10 seconds before liftoff, you can use the "K" key to
initiate the launch with accompanying audio countdown (if OrbiterSound is
installed) and the autopilot activated (see following).
In orbit, the “K” Action key will you to toggle the commands menu of both the
Apollo vessel (CSM) and the LM. (ATTENTION: ‘toggle’ means you must close the
menu manually, except in the case of having activated a program). While in orbit,
obviously the LM must already have been activated in order for the menu to work.
On the lunar surface, the LM’s commands menu cannot be activated before
activating the "lift off preparation" mode. When a menu is open you can use either
the "left" or "right" arrow keys to select a menu item and the "up" arrow key to
execute the selected command.
During the execution of autopilot programs, this key allows disengagement of the
autopilot. You will have to confirm this action by pressing the "up" arrow key.
Notice that in most cases, you won't be able to re-engage an aborted program,
especially if you attempt it when the process of the program is already running for
some time. So use this command with caution!
Notice also that if you are not in orbit around Earth or the Moon, you won’t be able
to access the autopilot commands in the menu. Sorry to those of you who might have
had the idea to try the LM elsewhere!!! In a more general way, you should never be
able to access a menu which has no meaning in the actual context you are currently
When landed on the Moon and before you enter into "lift off preparation" mode, this
key will allow you to start the EVA activities.
During EVA, this key will allow to use the drill tool, to deploy the Lunar Rover, or
when both astronauts are on board of the Lunar Rover, to disembark the astronaut #2
first. Combined with "CTRL" key, it will allow you to "cheat", by killing all
remaining rock samples, so you don't have to search for them in order to go to next
EVA station.
As soon as you have both CSM and LEM vessels, you can use the "M" focus toggle
key to switch the Orbiter focus from one vessel to the other one.
During EVA activities, this key will toggle focus between crewmembers (if they are
both outside the LM), or between the astronaut and the LM when only one astronaut
is performing the EVA.
During entry into the atmosphere, and after the parachute protection cone is
jettisoned, this key will allow you to toggle the focus between the CM and the USS-
Hornet carrier. But this will be possible only if the carrier is waiting for you. It won't
be the case if you had to abort your flight.
To set the focus on other vessels which have finished their duty, use the Orbiter set
focus function.
In flying vessels, you can use the "ENTER" key on the numeric keypad, to toggle the
main power throttle between 100% and 0%, at any time when flying. In CM vessel
only, toggle ON/OFF the AOA-180-LOCK autopilot, used for atmospheric re-entry.
Before Earth lift off, this key will start an immediate launch with the autopilot
activated. When the LM is on the Moon’s surface (if both astronauts are back inside
the LM), this key will initiate an immediate ABORT LUNAR OPERATIONS and
immediately lift off with the autopilot (see chapter "AUTOPILOT" for more details).
For Astronaut walking or Lunar Rover driving, this key allows you to lock/unlock
the present steering command. See also chapter “LUNAR EVA ACTIVITIES”.
In any vessel, this command allows you to toggle the “Online Help” feature
ON/OFF. It displays, in any view, the actual effects of both main “J” and “K”
command keys. This feature is dynamic, so the display will change automatically
with the evolution of the vessel’s context.
In both Apollo and LM vessels, this command allows you to "kill" the ATC sounds
synchronized on the GET (Ground Elapsed Time). All ATC sounds synchronized to
specific events (LM PDI lunar landing, LM ascent to Moon orbit) are not affected.
This deactivation is not saved on exit, so you may need to redo it on reloading.
In Astronauts "vessels" during LEVA, this command allows you to cheat with rock
samples collection. All remaining rocks of the active EVA station will be removed
and the next EVA station will be activated.
This command allow you to toggle ON/OFF the display of the white information’s
line on bottom left and the GET (Ground Elapsed Time) on upper right of the screen.
The GET display starts at liftoff and will terminate counting upon splashdown. This
function is useful both in taking pictures or videos. Use the “I” command to hide
Orbiter information lines. Note that the menu display and malfunction alarms are not
--------------- "CTRL-L" / "SHIFT-L" / "SHIFT-CTRL-L" keys:
In both the LM and Apollo CSM/CM vessels, the "Ctrl-L" key combination allows
you to toggle ON/OFF the position/re-entry beacon light(s). In Lunar Rover, "Ctrl-L"
control the thermal mirrors covers of the forward batteries pack. For all the
Astronauts, these key combinations allow you to control the helmet protective visors:
These commands are not independent, and a logic is implemented to recreate the
reality. For example, if you have all visors deployed and you simply press "Ctrl-L",
you will not only retract the gold visor, but ALL visors, because both lateral and
frontal visors will be retracted by the gold visor as it would be in reality.
These key combinations allow you to activate a vessel’s relative KILL-LIN function
in both the Apollo and Lunar Module vessels in order to facilitate docking
This function is only available when the vessel is in LINEAR translation mode and
no programs are running. Obviously both vessels must also exist. The command is
also rejected if any of the 3 relative linear translation speeds between vessels are
greater than 5 meters per second. A message, in the left-down corner of the screen,
displays which function is active during the entire time the function operates.
For convenience, these commands are also recognized for the Astronaut during
Space EVA activities, but both commands will produce a KILL-LIN-ALL.
This key allows you to toggle the contextual "Mini panel" in both the Apollo and LM
vessels. The "Mini panel" display on the upper-left corner of the screen (in virtual
cockpits only) displays a collection of useful data. The information displayed will
vary according to the context of the state of the mission.
And finally, if you like a very big challenge, with AMSO you can still put full
throttle on your joystick and see if you can manually put this "baby" into Earth’s
parking orbit, with the correct azimuth and enough fuel remaining to continue the
Be curious and have a look on the "life" of all parts after they have been jettisoned.
AMSO simulates ALL the parts “life,” until they hit the ground. For this purpose, use
the F4 key and "Select ship" option.
You use the standard F8 Orbiter key command to access the virtual cockpit. You can
aim the camera in all directions with the mouse right button pressed continuously.
Both cockpits have different camera positions, and you can obtain them with the
standard Orbiter “Ctrl + Alt + arrow keys” commands. The “arrow down” command
resets to the default position, while other arrows select an the other positions. In the
CSM virtual cockpit, you use the “arrow up” position for visual docking.
IMPORTANT!!! If with Orbiter 2006, it was possible to attempt a visual docking
from the 2d cockpit too, it is NOT ANYMORE POSSIBLE with Orbiter 2010,
because the 3d cockpit camera position IS NOT PRESERVED when switching from
3d to 2d cockpits.
The 3 other commands put the camera on all 3 astronauts’ seat positions. In the LM
virtual cockpit, the default camera position (“arrow down”) is set for the approach
and “TARGET CHANGE” feature. As soon as you are locked in this mode, you will
see a blinking green dot in the center of the screen which indicates precisely the
actual landing position. The blinking dot is NOT ANYMORE available in the 2d
cockpit, because of the change of camera behaviors in Orbiter 2010, as described
before. The “arrow up” command lets you watch through the LM docking window.
The two other commands put the camera on both astronauts’ positions.
You can find in the scenario directory "All missions lift off", which is an accurate
launch scenario for Apollo 8, 9, and 10 missions.
Apollo 8
This was the first mission to fly to the Moon. This mission didn't carry a LM. It was
replaced by a "mass compensation structure". This is simulated in AMSO.
Obviously, you won't be able to dock with this structure. The 3rd stage, at 8 minutes
after separation, will maneuver and perform a main engine burn.
REMARK: You can fly the Apollo 7 mission with the same configuration. To do so,
you just need to create the launch scenario.
Apollo 9
This mission tested the LM in Earth orbit. A space EVA was also performed. In
AMSO, the CSM commands menu will allow you to start a space EVA, as soon as
you have extracted the LM from the 3rd stage. The Commands menu will never
display the autopilot commands in this mission. To understand the details regarding
space EVA, please read the chapter, “SIM BAY INSTRUMENTS AND
ACTIVITIES.” The difference here between the scenario and the space EVA
described in this chapter is obviously that you won't have any film cassettes to
retrieve. You can just enjoy the spectacle of the Earth under you. At the 3rd stage, 8
minutes after LM extraction, will maneuver and perform a main engine burn. You
are not supposed to go to the Moon in this mission. In case you do it anyway, AMSO
will configure itself for the Tranquility landing base, but your LM commands menu
won't allow any PDI commands and you won't be able to perform a lunar EVA in the
case of your landing in manual configuration.
Apollo 10
Apollo 10 was the general repetition of the historical following mission, Apollo 11.
So it is very similar to it. The 3rd stage, 8 minutes after LM extraction, will
maneuver and perform a main engine burn. AMSO will be configured for the
Tranquility landing base, but your LM command menu won't allow any PDI
commands and you won't be able to perform a lunar surface EVA in the event that
you land in manual.
The autopilot for both LM and CSM vessels manage time acceleration. It will not
allow time acceleration, which is not suitable in the present phase. It will also
automatically reset the time acceleration to 1x before the RCS attitude maneuvers
and trajectory burns. Note that after this automatic reset to normal time, you may
accelerate again if you wish, even during attitude maneuvers and trajectory control
ATC sound engines also reset automatically time acceleration to 1x, 2 seconds
before the next ATC sound will be played. If you re-accelerate the time while an
ATC sound is playing, the play of this sound will be immediately aborted and the
ATC engine will load the next sound to play. Of course, if this next sound is to be
played in less than 2 seconds, the time acceleration will be again reset to 1x.
If the feature "Damage and Failure" is activated into the parameters section of the
Orbiter "Launchpad" and such an event occur, time acceleration will be immediately
reset to 1x. This let you the time to react to the event.
Be aware that you can have another vessel than the one you are actually controlling,
who may limit the time acceleration for a certain period of time. It is the case, for
example, when the 3rd stage execute its burn after the separation from Apollo vessel,
or when this same 3rd stage try to intercept the Moon. This can also happen if both
vessels you control (Apollo and LM) run an autopilot program in the same time.
The autopilot for Earth orbit insertion will bring you to a perfect circular orbit at the
nominal altitude of 101.4 nm (187.7 km), for missions up to Apollo 14 and 90.0 nm
(166,7 km) since Apollo 15. A small white label - "AP " - will appear on the left-
bottom corner of the screen, when the autopilot is active. When this autopilots is
engaged, any manual control commands, throttle change, engagement of any
navigation modes like KILLROT, PROGRADE, etc…, will immediately disable the
autopilot. It may also self-disable if it detects an anomaly in the trajectory. The
autopilot, when it has been disabled, cannot be reactivated. This autopilot support
10x accelerated time, but it is not recommended.
Note that ANY of the LM or CSM autopilot programs can be disengaged AT ANY
TIME with the "K" Action key (the program is immediately stopped, and all thrusters
cut). You will have to confirm the disengagement with the "Up" arrow key. Note that
this action will be irreversible in many cases. So use it with caution.
These 3 programs are fictitious, but will really simplify your mission. They allow
you to do orbital maneuvers which would otherwise be quite difficult to accomplish
with standard Orbiter instruments. You can also use the “Check orbit>base
alignment” query function, which will tell you the actual cross range with the
landing site allowing you to decide if it is necessary to perform an orbit>base
P17 -> DOI insertion:
This program allows you to insert the full stack or even the CSM alone (which does
not really make sense, but you can do it if you want to) on DOI elliptical orbit for
lunar landing. Please note that this program DOES NOT align the orbit plane with
the landing site.
If the CSM breaks this rule while the LM is flying an ASCENT of any kind, the LM
autopilot will finish creating a safe orbit and then stop.
If the CSM breaks this rule while the LM is flying a RENDEZVOUS, the LM
autopilot will immediately abort the RENDEZVOUS operation.
With the commands menu (“K” Action key), you can check for the validity of the
PDI operation. The function "Check PDI conditions" will tell you if you are go for
PDI. If you are not ‘go’, this function will tell you what is incorrect so you can use
another program to make the necessary corrections. The function "Time to PDI," if
you are go for PDI, will tell you the time remaining before the end of optimal time to
engage PDI. Finally the PDI is activated with the "Engage PDI" function. Use the
left/right arrow keys to select the desired function and the "up" arrow key to activate
This operation involves the following programs which very accurately simulate a
real PDI.
During all the PDI flight operations (when under control of the autopilot), you can
press the "J" Action key to obtain a menu where using the left/right arrow key you
may choose between:
Both P70 and P71 after having rebuilt an orbit will normally link automatically to the
appropriate "rendezvous" sequence of programs (see following). But if the
rendezvous is not possible the program will stop. If this happens, it means that you
should correct some of the orbit parameters of the LM or the CSM in order to be able
to engage the "rendezvous" operation (See following: POST-ABORTS auxiliary
With the commands menu, you should first check for the validity of the ASCENT
operation. The function, "Check ASCENT conditions", will tell you if you are go for
ASCENT. In case not, this function will tell you what is incorrect so you can switch
to the CSM and use the appropriate program to correct the problem. The function
"Time to ASCENT" (if you are go for ASCENT), will tell you the time remaining
before the end of optimal time to engage ASCENT. Finally, engage the ASCENT
with the "Engage ASCENT" function. Use left/right arrow keys to select the desired
function and the "up" arrow key to activate it for all ASCENT operations.
P12 -> orbit insertion program:
This program will do the lift off countdown. Soon before launch, you will hear the
historical Apollo 11 check list spoken by Neil Armstrong. Finally, you will hear Neil
saying the last 9 seconds of the countdown and the ascent stage will lift off.
The sequences for Apollo 11 & 12 (or an imaginary successful 13) will reach the
CSM during the second orbit of the ascent stage. The sequence for Apollo 14 and
later missions flew direct rendezvous during the first ascent stage orbits.
The early flights sequences involve programs P32, P33, P34, P35 and P40
The later "direct" sequences involve P33 P34, P35 and P41.
There is not much to say about these programs, or to do while they run, except that
you may decide to abort the sequence at any time with "K" Action key. The P32,
P33, P34, P35 are all target-tracking programs. Your LM always aims right at your
target, the CSM. If it has beacon lights ON, you should see the CSM from quite a
distance. The P40 and P41 are programs that perform all trajectory corrections burns.
It is nice to let this program run, if you want to have the "show". You can switch
from the LM to the CSM with the "M" key in order to appreciate the closing of both
vessels. If it is night, you should see the beacon lights, if you switched them ON with
“Ctrl-L”. The first time you switch to CSM, you will probably need to align the CSM
with attitude rotations in order to point your windows in the direction of incoming
ascent stage. Use the docking HUD to help you in this task.
Soon after reaching the "station", the LM will rotate and align its axis with the CSM.
It will keep control of the axis for about 2 min, so you have enough time to align the
CSM manually. When you are aligned, just wait until the end of P36, or abort it with
the "K" Action key and do the docking manually with the CSM.
--------------- Pre-landing auxiliary functions:
These 3 programs are fictitious, but will really simplify your mission. They allow
you to do orbital maneuver which would otherwise be quite difficult to accomplish
with standard Orbiter instruments.
During your stay on the Moon, you may elect at any time to use the numeric keypad
"ENTER" key to initiate an immediate ABORT MISSION lift off. The only
prerequisite condition is obviously that both astronauts need to be on board! In this
emergency procedure, the CSM’s position relative to the Moon base is ignored and
the autopilot will engage the "ABORT-STAGE" program P71. Please refer to
previous sections describing aborts during PDI operations to learn what will happen
in this case.
This menu is accessible only when the LM is operating in the ascent stage. You may
need to use this menu in the event that an ABORT command wasn't able to perform a
direct rendezvous sequence of programs. In this case, the abort program will stop
when the orbit is built. These functions are also potentially life saving if you have
disengaged the autopilot during any ABORTS or even during a normal
ASCENT/RENDEZVOUS. It allows you to perform the following functions:
P16 -> engage orbit>orbit alignment:
This program allows aligning the LM’s orbital plane with the CSM’s orbit. You must
have already built an orbit to be able to engage this program. If both planes are
highly misaligned this program will proceed in several steps, at each node with the
CSM’s orbit. There are 2 corrections per orbit.
This program is only available if you had the "PRESSURE NULL IN CRYO-TANK
#2" malfunction event. When you press on the "K" key, you will be prompted to set a
desired delta-V in meters per second for the burn. You can specify a negative delta-V
to obtain a burn in the opposite direction. Increment/decrement the delta-V value
with the "left/right" arrow keys. With the "Down" arrow key, you can toggle the
incremental value between 0.5 or 10 m/s. The "Up" arrow key engages the burn
In Orbiter it is difficult to perform orbital maneuvers with a hovering vessel like the
LM. This is because your main engine is not thrusting in the same Orbiter axis as
conventional vessels. For example, this means that you cannot directly use the
instruments’ indications to perform a prograde thrust. You will have to first orient
the vessel prograde and then rotate 90 degrees to put your hovering engine on the
prograde axis. If you consider this in conjunction with the fact that thrusting the full
stack in this way is incredibly unstable, you begin to appreciate the help of this P13
This is how to use this program. First orient the LM vessel as you would a standard
vessel. This orientation will be the reference for the subsequent burn. Keep in mind
that the burn will occur 180 seconds after you have engaged the program. As soon as
engaged, the program will perform a precise axis translation to orient the hovering
engine in the right direction, and will do the burn required to obtain the given delta-
V while keeping LM’s orientation stable. The program may not run and return with
the "Not enough fuel" error, in the event of insufficient fuel left to obtain the desired
delta-V. At any time during the burn you may press the "K" Action key to disengage
the program.
--------------- ERRORS MESSAGES:
This is the summary of the errors which can be produced by a running program. Most
of them will probably occur as soon as you attempt to run a program in an inadequate
situation. But it is also possible that a sequence of a program will terminate due to
one or more of these abnormal situations.
- Unnecessary action
- Not enough fuel
- Target orbit off plane
- Vessel too far off plane
- Out of fuel
- Vessel not in orbit
- Target not in orbit
- CSM has broken rendezvous
You can find very interesting technical information about the LM & the CSM
autopilots in the document written by the author "LazyD" included with the
Since the Apollo 15 mission, AMSO simulates the SIM bay compartment of the
The commands to activate these features can be found in the commands menu. These
commands are managed dynamically. This mean commands are only seen when they
can be used. For example, before you have jettisoned the SIM bay panel, you won't
have any of the other mentioned commands. Note that this management wasn't done
in a too restrictive of a way. For example, you will be able to start a space EVA as
soon as the SIM bay is open and not only after you performed the TEI, as it was in
reality. Refer to the "USAGE" chapter, to understand how to work the commands
menu with the arrow keys.
The display line shows the actual translation mode (ROT or LIN), and the EVA
duration. Eventually a warning message appears when oxygen runs low or critical.
Finally, information about the film cassettes you must retrieve is also displayed. The
data tells the distance from the left hand of the astronaut to the cassette handle.
The astronaut’s left hand must be less than 5 cm from the cassette for the astronaut to
grab it automatically. A feedback sound is played when this occurs and the display
line reads "IN HAND" instead of the distance remaining.
When the astronaut has a cassette in hand, he must return to the hatch to put the
cassette inside the CSM. Just putting the left hand with the cassette a bit inside the
hatch opening does this. The cassette will be automatically stored in the CSM. A
feedback sound is played when this occurs and the information about this cassette
disappears from the display line.
To terminate the EVA, you must maneuver the astronaut inside the CSM through the
hatch. When he’s inside, PRECISELY on the middle seat, the hatch will close
automatically. You may enter inside the CSM with a cassette in hand.
During the EVA you may switch focus between your astronaut and the CSM by
using the "M" key.
The alternate action key "K" allows you to perform a "KILL-LINEAR". This
function will kill any linear translation speed relative to the CSM vessel even if the
astronaut has rotational movement.
Your EVA oxygen autonomy is 60 minutes. If you do not terminate the EVA before
the oxygen is exhausted, you will die. In this case, you cannot do anything more with
your astronaut than to use the "M" key to return the focus to the CSM. The hatch will
close automatically if the astronaut dies. After 45min, "WARNING" will be
displayed in the display line and "DANGER" 5min before the end of oxygen
You may maneuver your astronaut from the outside view or cockpit view. The
"cockpit" camera has been tuned to avoid graphic clipping at a reasonable distance
and correspond to astronaut eyes view.
Each landing site location now has realistic scenery. This allows the simulation of
most of the real Lunar activities the astronauts performed during all the Apollo
missions, including multiple EVA and multiple EVA stations, each with rock
samples to be collected, or the drilling lunar soil to get underground samples. Please
refer to the document "EVA.doc" for your Moon journey.
During approach, you will see a beautiful rendering of the Moon terrain when
closing to the ground. A full automatic landing will put you right on the historical
theoretical programmed landing point. You can have confidence in the very high
precision of the "LazyD" autopilot. But attention!!! Some of these locations are
hazardous! You will almost inevitably have to use the "CHANGE TARGET" feature
to choose a safe location according to the Moon terrain you see. This feature is
covered extensively in the "P64 -> Approach phase" section of the chapter
REMARK: As you should know, this actual version of Orbiter does not include
collision detection, nor support 3d landscape. The design of these
sceneries tries to hide the flatness of Orbiter’s ground, with some relief
relative to this ground. It is done in a way that it is never necessary to be
in such areas in order to accomplish the mission. But if you go there, it
is unfortunately obvious that you will be either levitating over or sinking
into the scenery.
If you perform a fictitious Apollo 13 successful mission, you will get the same
scenery and EVA mission duty as for Apollo 14.
The fictitious Apollo 18 will use the landing site "Marius Hills" and Apollo 19 or
later uses the "Copernicus" crater site. These two sceneries use a generic scenery
with no EVA defined.
If you activate the Orbiter launch pad option "damage & failure simulation" in the
"parameters" section, AMSO may randomly generate the following malfunctions:
When the malfunction occurs, you will see the malfunction message on the screen
and hear a warning siren. In this state, most of the interface functions are temporary
disabled until you acknowledge the warning by pressing either the "J" or "K" keys.
This will stop the siren, erase the message, and again restore full vessel control.
If the malfunction is not mastered and leads to vessel destruction, you will see the
Angel, as described in a previous chapter! But if you have disabled inhabited vessels
vulnerability, you will survive (see chapter TECHNICAL INFORMATION).
A technical word about this feature: All malfunctions rely on specific situations to
occur. For example, the engine ON, autopilot ON, lift off countdown, etc...
Depending on the specific situation, the engine will build a different probability,
based upon a general probability factor, set by default to 0.05 % of chance. In other
words, the probability for a specific event, is lowered or increased, according to the
characteristics of this event. For example, for a malfunction which can occur during
long period of time, the probability factor is lowered. But for an engine failure, the
factor will be increased, as the malfunction can only occur, while the engine is
running. Of course, the type of malfunction is also considered. Fatal malfunctions
have a lower probability to occur than recoverable malfunctions. You can modify the
general factor, by adding a custom parameter in scenarios (see chapter TECHNICAL
INFORMATION for more details). To build the final probability, the engine use a
technique of double drawing of lots. Drawing of lots are performed each second, so
that the engine is independent of computer performances.
You have 2 "magic keys" to increase (F12) or decrease (F11) the probability by a
10x factor. When you hit the key, the actual factor is just shortly displayed on the
bottom line. To change it, you must re-hit the key during the display time. This will
allow you to practice your ability to react well to malfunctions. This modification is
not memorized, so if you save just after having modified, when you will reload the
saved scenario, you will be again with the initial probability.
When you first land on the Moon, press the "K" key to start the EVA activities. Your
astronaut appears near the foot of the LM leg with the attached ladder.
The focus has been automatically moved to this crew member #1. Before proceeding
further, I recommend changing the camera mode to "ground mode". Use the shortcut
By using the key "M" you can now toggle the focus between the LM and the
astronaut in EVA. If you press again the key "K", when the focus is on the LM, the
second astronaut will start his EVA.
From this stage the "M" focus toggle key will switch views between both astronauts.
This is simple. You use the numeric keypad in the following way:
- To walk forward, use the key "8".
- To walk backward, use the key "2".
The astronaut will "Moon walk" as long as you keep the key pressed. If you need to
turn while walking press SIMULTANEOUSLY the following keys:
Here again, as long as you press both keys at once, the astronaut will turn while
walking. So to review, you use two groups of keys "1,2,3" and "7,8,9" to walk and
turn in any direction. For example, while pressing keys "7" and "8", your astronaut
will walk forward while simultaneously turning to the left.
The translation of movement accelerates with the time when you keep the key
pressed. In other words, your astronaut will walk faster (about a 30% increase).
Notice that this also depends on his fatigue (see following). When he starts to
become really exhausted, he won’t be able to accelerate. To the contrary, he will only
be able to take smaller steps even though he must pause between each step, and this
will occur more and more until he is fully exhausted. At this point, he’ll almost no
longer be able to move. You will have to wait until he recovers his breath and tonus.
To turn in place, use the NUMPAD keys "4" & "6". Here again, keep the key pressed
until the astronaut looks in the desired direction. Note that you may also use keys "7"
& "9" or "1" & "3" instead. You have 2 more commands on the numeric keypad to
let the astronaut perform funny acrobatics. The "." (dot) key performs a forward salto
and the "0" key performs a back salto. Obviously, this has never actually been
performed on the Moon, but it is cool!!!
It is possible to LOCK any walking command combination with the numeric pad
“ENTER” key. To do this, press this key WHILE ALSO PRESSING THE
WALKING KEY(S). The message line in the bottom left of the screen will display
“LOCK”. Now the walking order is locked, so you can release the walking key(s).
This allows you to now switch the focus on the other Astronaut and do the same (Use
the “M” toggle focus key). In this case, both Astronauts will continue to walk,
without you ever needing to keep the walking key(s) pressed. To unlock again, you
simply press the numeric pad “ENTER” key. This is useful, for example, to let one or
both astronauts continue walking somewhere while you examine the surrounding
with the camera. This can also be very useful if you create a video. Notice that if you
change the focus with the “M” key, while also keeping the walking key(s) pressed
UNTIL THE FOCUS HAS CHANGED, the Astronaut without the focus will also
continue to walk.
Fatigue is also modeled. Walking and jumping (even more) will increase the
tiredness of the astronaut. As said before, tiredness will reduce walking performance
and past a certain point, the jumps won’t be possible anymore (he will just do a small
vertical jump). Twenty minutes of continuous walking will totally exhaust the
astronaut. To recover, the astronaut must stop walking and jumping. You will know
when the astronaut starts to be really tired, because the breathing sound in the
"cockpit" view will become more rapid and loud. Finally, notice that the Astronaut
will recover 20% faster, when he sits aboard the Lunar Rover.
Actions that can be performed rely on radius distances around the LM.
If you are between 5 and 6 meters from LM, pressing action key "J" will terminate
your EVA. This distance corresponds to a position just beside a LM leg.
If you are between 3.5 and 4.8 meters from LM, you can get tool items from the LM
by pressing action key "J". This distance corresponds to a position just beside the
LM sides, where the materials compartments are located (between the LM legs).
With Apollo 15 and subsequent missions, the "K" key will start the authentic
deployment and equipment of the Lunar Rover. Tools come in the following order:
1- The Antenna (Apollo 12 to 14)
2- The US flag
3- The solar wind experiment
4- The magnetometer
5- The UV telescope
6- The station
7- The SEP
8- The drill
When you carry an item, you have to go almost 8 meters away from the LM to be
able to lay the item on the ground by pressing the "J" key.
When you are not carrying an item and if you are close to any items already installed
(1.5 meter or less), you can pick this item up again with the "J" key and move it
The solar wind experiment is the only item you can carry in your hand, when you
return into LM. In fact, you should not forget to take it back with you, when you
terminate your last EVA trip, otherwise the Swiss university who imagined this
experiment will be very disappointed !!!
You can also use the drill to collect underground samples. To do this, simply stand
close toward the drill and press "K" alternate action key. You will see a message
saying you are drilling. When the message disappears, press "K" again to store the
sample. If you want to take another sample, you must displace the drill. Drilling
operation takes two minutes and during this time, you can't do anything else.
On the lower-left corner of the screen, your can read your EVA references. First is a
direction indicator built with "<" and ">" characters which indicate the direction of
the actual EVA station. Then, you see the EVA # you are in and the current EVA
station indicated with the ">" character, followed by the station #. Then, comes the
distance to this station. The same indications are used in the Lunar Rover vehicle,
with the exception that the location indicated by the LRV may differ from the
location indicated in the astronaut display line. For the Lunar Rover, this location is
the center of the EVA station. For the Astronaut the location is the center of the area
where 6 rock samples have been randomly generated. Your task is to find these rocks
and collect them. You simply press the "J" action key when you are a distance of 1.5
meter or less from the stone. If you don't want to gather these rocks anymore, you
can use the cheat command "CTRL-K" at any time to destroy all the remaining
rock(s) in the present station.
For each EVA you are in, there are several stations to visit. Since Apollo 15, they can
be very far and will require you travel with the LRV vehicle. As soon as you will
have collected all the rocks, if the EVA has a further station to visit, then a new set
of rock samples will be generated at this next station and so on, until you visited the
last station programmed for this EVA. After you have collected all the rock samples
in this last station, no more samples will be generated, and all reference locations
simply become the LM landing location, so you can return to the LM with no
Finally, when you terminate your EVA (both astronauts back in the LM), if you have
collected all the rock samples, the next EVA will be selected. But if you haven’t
collected all the samples, you will remain in this unachieved EVA until the last rock
sample is collected. You can do more EVAs than programmed. The EVA counter
will increment, but you won’t have any rock samples to collect and all the reference
locations will always be the LM location.
REMARKS: The following trick may help you to locate rock samples, if you have
difficulties finding them. Press F4, then press "Select ship" and in the
list, select a rock and press OK. This sets the camera focus on this rock.
Now by moving the camera, you can evaluate the position of the rock,
relative to the astronaut, or any other objects. To continue your
mission, you will have to select the astronaut "vessel" again in the
same way.
The last information displayed in the display line is the time spends since EVA
started for the Astronaut. ATTENTION !!! You may die, if you exceed your oxygen
autonomy !!! Here are the oxygen autonomies you get for each mission and EVA
(based on NASA Mission Press toolkit):
When your oxygen autonomy reaches 30mn left, the message "WARNING" will be
added to the display line. When you start to use the last 10 minutes of reserve, the
message will turn to "DANGER". If you are not inside the LM before the oxygen is
totally exhausted, you will die and fall face toward the Moon ground.
For the Apollo 12 mission, you have a special task to do: You must find the probe
Surveyor III, get close to it and press the "J" action key to retrieve the probe camera.
To climb into the Lunar Rover, get close to one of its sides and press the action key
"J". Both astronauts may climb into the Rover while carrying the drill tool. In this
case, when one disembarks, he will have the drill with him. You drive the Rover in
the same way as the astronaut, including the lock/unlock. Of course, you cannot turn
in place and the "0" key is a brake. You can make sharp turns at low speeds if you
press the turning key while giving multiple short keystrokes with the forward or the
backward key. To disembark, just press "J" again. You may use the key "K" instead,
if you want crewmember #2 to disembark first.
You will need to manage the Lunar Rover thermal mirrors covers of the forward
batteries pack with "Ctrl-L" key, when you stop. These covers protect the mirrors
from the dust, while driving or when the batteries pack temperature is low enough.
Driving the Rover will increase this temperature. After about 6 to 7 minutes of
continuous full speed driving, you may even get the message "OVERHEAT" in the
display line and the maximum speed will be reduced. This is why, when you stop at a
station, you must open these covers before to disembark, to get optimal heat
dissipation. Covers will close automatically when you restart your drive or when the
batteries pack temperature is again low enough. If you forget to open these covers
when you stop, batteries pack temperature will lower only very slowly during your
stay. With opened covers, heat dissipation should not exceed 20 minutes.
Until both astronauts come back (or die), the LM is totally disabled, so you cannot
leave the Moon without them. You can try by going to the LM with Orbiter standard
manual ship selection commands, or with "M" key, but only if 1 astronaut is in EVA.
To know all about your duties during any EVA of all Apollo missions, please refer to
the document "EVA.doc" where you will find nice landing site maps and all the
necessary instructions to succeed in your missions during your Moon visits.
Mode 2 - Begins when LES tower is jettisoned and runs until the
CSM main engine can be used to insert it into a safe Earth
orbit (T+9:22) or until landing points approach the African
coast. Mode 2 requires manual separation, entry
orientation and full-lift entry with landing between 350
and 3200 nm downrange.
Mode 4 & Apogee Kick - Begins after the point the CSM main engine could be used
to insert it into an Earth parking orbit. This is from about
T+9:22. The main engine burn into orbit would be made
two minutes after separation from the 3rd stage and the
mission would continue as an Earth orbit alternate. Mode
4 is preferred over Mode 3. A variation of Mode 4 is the
apogee kick in which the CSM main engine would be
ignited at first apogee to raise perigee for a safe orbit.
You can apply aerodynamic lift when you enter into atmosphere. ATTENTION,
LIFT APPLY ONLY ON THE PITCH AXIS. This lift allows you to control your
entry path within a certain limit. Note that vertical lift, also allow reducing dynamic
pressure, which is MANDATORY to survive in most of direct abort reentry.
Practically, this means you must orient the vessel retrograde and anti-level (you must
see the Earth over your head, this is the real historical orientation used). You can
read the AOA on the Orbiter "surface" instrument or on the mini-panel in Virtual
cockpit. With this attitude, you can apply maximum positive lift with an AOA of 148
degrees and a maximum negative lift with an AOA of -148 degrees. If you also bank
left or right, you can apply laterally a part of the lift, to also modify your trajectory to
the left or to the right. Attention! AOA (and Yaw axis too) lower than 120/-120
degrees may simply kill you, because you will lose the thermal shield protection!!!
To apply lift, it is recommended to use the joystick. This device should allow you
more easily, to maintain a precise AOA, while the increasing aerodynamic effect on
the capsule will counter-act more and more your RCS actions. KILLROT is
automatically applied when you return the command to neutral. You can avoid this
auto-KILLROT feature, by simply pressing the "Ctrl" key, while you apply RCS
commands. Notice that KILLROT may sometimes stay locked, especially when
aerodynamic effect on the capsule become stronger. But this problem might be, in
fact, helpful, as it may lock your selected AOA. You can defeat the lock at any times,
by simply pressing the KILLROT button.
For a normal entry, it is recommended to stay in the neutral 180 degrees retrograde
attitude. You can toggle ON/OFF, an "AOA-180-LOCK" autopilot, with the numeric
keypad "Return" key. This autopilot will only lock the pitch axis. You can even over-
apply manual RCS commands. Only standard Orbiter autopilot functions like
RETROGRATE, LEVEL, etc…, will automatically disable "AOA-180-LOCK"
autopilot. Now, if you need to modify your trajectory, be careful to not apply too
much lift too soon, or you may re-bounce off the atmosphere. The best parameter you
should monitor carefully, to avoid this case, is the vertical acceleration VACC, you
can read on the Orbiter "Surface" instrument or on the AMSO mini-panel. If you
read an important positive vertical acceleration, apply immediately NEGATIVE lift.
If you keep vertical acceleration close to zero, it mean you fly level, like airplane !!!
As already mentioned, for launch abort mode 2 & 3 (see previous chapter), YOU
MUST APPLY LIFT. Even FULL-LIFT (148 degrees) at the beginning is required to
keep the dynamic pressure within the admissible range. Remember, over 250 kPa,
you will be dead !
If you are into a normal entry (I mean NOT an entry consecutive to a flight abort),
the carrier USS-Hornet will be there, waiting for you.
As soon as the parachute protection cone is jettisoned, you will be able to toggle the
focus between the CM and the carrier with the "M" key. If you are fast enough, you
might see all the parachutes sequence from there !
If you press "J" action key, you will deploy the SH3-SeaKing helicopter. Now, if you
press "M" key you will toggle focus between the carrier and the helicopter.
With the "D" key, you can open the door. When airborne, the "G" key will retract or
deploy the landing gear.
To start the engines, press the "J" action key. Your engines and rotors will
progressively spool up. When the optimal speed is reached and you are therefore
ready to take off, a display line will appear which indicates the horizontal speed in
knots, the lateral speed in ft/s, the vertical speed in ft/s, the altitude in feet, the
distance and bearing to current target and finally, the landing gear status. A negative
value for the horizontal speed means you’re moving backward. A negative value for
lateral speed means you’re moving to "Port" side (left). Your landing altitude is 72.8
feet’s. Remember it, this will be your landing altitude when you come back, but it
will be also your stationary altitude over the Apollo vessel. In fact when you fly in
translation, you must always remain over this altitude.
When this line appears, you are ready to start flying. To control the collective pitch,
use, like with the LM, the "Insert" key to increment your vertical speed by 1 ft/s and
the "Delete" key to decrease the same value. You can use the "End" key to reset
vertical speed to zero (fly level).
You fly the helicopter with the joystick. You pitch up and down to control your
horizontal speed, bank left/right to control lateral speed and yaw to turn the
helicopter around the main rotor axis. During translation, you can perform turns by
banking and yawing of the appropriate value. As already said, you use "Insert",
"Delete" and "End" keys, to control your vertical speed. DON'T USE standard
Orbiter hovering commands.
I recommend switching off the 2nd MFD and to set the HUD in surface mode. Use
"Distance" and "Bearing" of the display line, to fly in the direction of your current
target (first, Apollo vessel and later, when recuperation is done, the Carrier).
When you are just over the Apollo vessel, "land" just over it. This simulates the
hovering station over the capsule. Open the door with "D" key and use multiple "K"
key stroke to simulate the recovery of the 3 astronauts. Notice that you may open the
door before to land. This will engage the Orbiter "Level" flying mode which should
help to fine pilot the final approach. You can either descent the basket before to land,
as soon as you see "IN RANGE" on the display line. This may be helpful to "land"
the helicopter at the precise right place.
To leave your station over the capsule, just press "Insert" key to climb. Don't forget
to close the door with "D" key, before to leave.
Return to the carrier and approach it from the back. Aim for a landing in the central
part of the carrier deck. Don't forget to deploy your landing gear with the "G" key
and when landed, press the "J" key to stop your engines.
When the main rotor is totally stopped, open the door with "D" key and press "K"
key for the final "welcome back" ceremony.
REMARK: In reality, for the first missions, astronauts wore gas masks and had to
immediately enter into a quarantine chamber, as soon as the helicopter
landed. But I thought it was more fun to simulate later missions, where
this precaution was abandoned, because scientists were sure at that time
that astronauts couldn't be contaminated by their journey on the Moon.
In the external view, if you zoom a lot with usual Orbiter "Page Down" key, you can
put the camera inside the helicopter. You will see that "Kev33" has modeled the
entire interior.
The best way to enjoy the recovery sequence is to use the Orbiter ground observer
When you are hovering over the Apollo CM module and ready to start the recovery,
set the view at a distance you can see both the CM and the helicopter while looking
Now press F4 and select "Camera". Select "ground" page, deselect "target lock"
option and press "current".
Now you can control the camera with arrow keys, with or without "CTRL" key and
both "Page Up" and "Page Down" keys.
When you are ready to fly back to the carrier, try to start your flight from this view,
as it’s really spectacular! You may even reactivate the "target lock" if you want the
camera to automatically follow the helicopter.
Look at the scenario "Apollo 11, step 32" to see an example of this camera setting
and practice astronauts recovery.
You will find several camera settings for both Cape Canaveral and all the Moon
The cameras "Pad 39A tower X" are a bit tricky to use properly. Here is what you
should do:
You are now ready to see the lift off just like some NASA automatic cameras filmed
it. Fans of Apollo certainly still remember these stunning images!!!
The "God eyes" cameras for all the landing sites are very useful to watch the last
minutes of the LM landing. To set them, you should simply:
For the "Tribute to LazyD" scenario, you also have "Memorial station #X" camera
presets, which will place the camera optimally over each of the stations of the
Here is the list of all existing sound customizations, relative to default OrbiterSound
sounds ambiance. This is what you get on every mission, with the AMSO
installation, without sound pack extensions. With sound pack extensions, you may
hear more ATC dialogs for more flight phases. The ATC sounds played could also be
those of the real mission you are flying. For more details, refer to the chapter
ATC dialogs for the Saturn V flight, for the LM descent plus landing and the LM
ascent into Moon orbit are fully accurate. You will hear the dialog at the time (or
altitude) it occurred in reality. All sounds are from the Apollo 11 mission.
Before LM descent, you will hear the "Go for PDI" from Houston flight control. For
the Moon lift off, you will hear Houston "take off" authorization when you enter in
ASCENT preparation phase. Two minutes before lift off, you will hear Neil
Armstrong performing the end of the checklist, and then the authentic countdown.
Technically speaking, these ATC dialogs work the following way:
ATC sounds performed during flight phases rely on the autopilots of Saturn V and
the LM to be played. In other words, you won't hear these dialogs if you are in
manual flight or if you abort the guidance program, because in this case it is
obviously quite difficult to guess what you are going to do next.
During all these custom ATC phases, the default OrbiterSound random ATC feature
is disabled, except if the delay to play the next custom ATC is over 15 minutes. If
you abort the flight or disable the autopilot, the custom ATC phase is immediately
disabled and default random ATC is restored.
In both CSM & LM vessels, this is the default OrbiterSound settings, set by AMSO:
AMSO allows customization of all AMSO ATC sounds which are relative to a
particular mission. By default, all included sounds are those of the Apollo 11 mission
and are located into the root AMSO sound directory "Sound\AMSO". But AMSO
will also look to see if inside this root directory, a sub-directory named like the
current mission exists. For example, for Apollo 12, the directory must be named
"AS-507". If this directory exists, then AMSO assumes that ALL the customizable
sound files are to be played from this directory. If the optional sound directory for
the mission is not found, then AMSO will use the default Apollo 11 sounds
mentioned before. Notice that even for Apollo 11, a custom directory can be made.
These files are played when a precise event occurs or when the user does a specific
action. These sounds are:
Any missing Fixed events ATC sounds will mean no play during the simulation and
OrbiterSound will enlist the file in its log file.
These are sounds which will be played by several AMSO "ATC engines" able to step
into a list of an undetermined number of ATC sound files, reading from the file name
itself, the time (or altitude) information to know when to play the ATC file.
LM vessel: LM-HHHMMSS.wav
where HHH:MM:SS is the GET time at which the ATC must play.
where MM:SS is the elapsed time delay to play the ATC, since PDI
burn started.
where IX is the rank order of ATC play and AAAA the altitude at
which the ATC must be played. AAAA=0000 will correspond
automatically to the precise instant where the landing probe touches
the ground.
where MM:SS is the elapsed time delay to play the ATC, since the
LM touched the ground.
where MM:SS is the elapsed time delay to play the ATC, since the
liftoff burn started.
All Custom events ATC sounds found will be played according to the rules defined
previously. You can have as many Custom events ATC sounds you want in the limit
imposed by their specifications. For example, for LM-landing-ALT-IXAAAA.wav, the
IX 2 digits ranking index means a maximum of 100 files.
The multiple "ATC engines" architecture for the LM allows you to precisely
synchronize ATC on landing and ascent events, no matter at which GET these events
occur. Usage of altitude for the final part of the landing also gives more precise
results and even allows you to keep ATC when flying the LM with the P66 manual
landing program.
LM-ascent-EET-MMSS.wav "ATC engine" is stopped in the same time of P12 Moon
orbit insertion program (normal end or abort).
For Apollo-HHHMMSS.wav, during the ascent into Earth orbit, if the autopilot is
disabled for any reasons (abort flight, autopilot malfunction or user take manual
control), the playing of these ATC will be immediately aborted and will remain
muted until GET 000:11:40 (end of a normal Earth orbit insertion). After that time,
this "ATC engine" will be reactivated automatically only if the Apollo vessel is in a
plausible situation (this is altitude over 185km and in 3 rd stage configuration).
LM-HHHMMSS.wav "ATC engine" will never abort playing ATC. It runs as soon as
the LM is activated and until the LM ascent stage is definitively undocked from the
Apollo vessel. Notice that LM landing and ascent "ATC engines" have the priority
over this "ATC engine". Any ATC which would occur during the activity period of
these other "ATC engines" will be skipped.
Don't forget also the timing constraints for all countdown sounds. The
best way to build an Apollo pre-countdown/countdown pair of files is
to take a sound file starting precisely at minus 5 minutes and ending
after the liftoff, before the first Apollo ATC. Then you cut precisely
this file in two, at minus 10 seconds time.
Finally, for those who are going to build such a sound pack, think
about the size of the whole sound package !!! Avoid using high sample
rates in stereo or very long samples. Most of the time, a sample rate of
11K in 8 bits mono is enough with these kinds of sounds. In most ATC
conversations, you have time where nobody is speaking. Split your
ATC in several files on these silences, when they exceed 2-3 seconds.
You can disable inhabited vessels vulnerability feature by adding, at the end of the
scenario parameters list for these vessels, the parameter "INVULNERABLE 1". If
you add this parameter, the vessel(s) will remain invulnerable during all the rest of
the mission, even if you exit and restart the simulation. When this parameter is
specified in the Apollo vessel, it will be automatically transmitted to the LM vessel.
The contrary is not true, so you can set the LM to invulnerable, while keeping the
Apollo vessel vulnerable. In the same way, the parameter "PROBABILITY" allow
you to change the default probability of 0.05 %, for the damage & failure engine, for
both Apollo & LM vessels, in the valid range from 0.001 to 1.00 %. This parameter
is specified in Apollo vessel ONLY and is automatically passed to LM vessel, as
soon as it exist. This should allow you to tune events probability to your taste. You
can also disable the LM landing dust effect with the "NODUST 1" parameter
specified in either Apollo or LM vessel. If specified into Apollo vessel, it will be
automatically transmitted to LM vessel as soon as the vessel exist.
You can also specify several other parameters which allow internal autopilot
programs to refine their navigation. These parameters are also passed externally, via
the IPC feature. So external applications, like an external instrument “plug in”, can
use them too.
MJDLOI: MJD time of the LOI (Lunar Orbit Moon). If this parameter is specified
the AMSO Saturn V autopilot, it will steer the yaw axis in order to
intercept the Moon plane at the time of LOI during the ascent to Earth
parking orbit. The result is an Earth parking orbit very precise for the
subsequent TLI burn. IMFD5 uses this parameter to preset the arrival
time of the program “Intercept Target”.
MJDLDG: MJD time of the Moon landing. This parameter is not used yet in AMSO.
IMFD5 uses it with the landing base location to compute the angular
offset with landing base, displayed into the “Map” program.
MJDPEC/ALTPEC: MJD time and altitude in km of the pericynthion (NASA term
for lunar perigee) of the free return TLI orbit. These parameters
are not used yet.
None of these parameters have any validity check. So it is the responsibility of the
user to specify correct data. With incorrect or impossible data, the behavior of
internal or external applications using them will be totally unpredictable.
Because I wasn't actually able to figure out how to implement docking with the IDS
mode, docking is actually restricted to Orbiter visual docking mode only.
A very great effort has been made to make AMSO fully transparent with save and
restore states. This is something that is sometimes VERY COMPLEX TO DO, but
normally you should be able to save a flight - AT ANY TIME - and when you will
restore the saved scenario, you should recover EXACTLY the state you had when
you saved. You can even save during any autopilot phases.
Throttle level will be restored ignoring the joystick setting at the loading time, so you
get the real throttle setting you had when you saved.
Specifications of Saturn V
Stage 1 module:
Gross Mass: 2,286,217 kg.
Empty Mass: 135,218 kg.
Thrust (vac): 3,946,624 kgf.
Isp: 304 sec.
Burn time: 161 sec.
Isp(sl): 265 sec.
Stage 2 module:
Gross Mass: 490,778 kg.
Empty Mass: 39,048 kg.
Thrust (vac): 526,764 kgf.
Isp: 421 sec.
Burn time: 390 sec.
Isp(sl): 200 sec.
Stage 3 module:
Gross Mass: 119,900 kg.
Empty Mass: 13,300 kg.
Thrust (vac): 105,200 kgf.
Isp: 421 sec.
Burn time: 475 sec.
Isp(sl): 200 sec.
Command Module:
Length: 3.5 m.
Basic Diameter: 3.9 m.
Max Diameter: 3.9 m.
Habitable Volume: 6.17 m3.
Overall Mass: 5,806 kg.
Structure Mass: 1,567 kg.
Heat Shield Mass: 848 kg.
Reaction Control System: 400 kg.
Recovery Equipment: 245 kg.
Navigation Equipment: 505 kg.
Telemetry Equipment: 200 kg.
Electrical Equipment: 700 kg.
Communications Systems: 100 kg.
Crew Seats and Provisions: 550 kg.
Crew mass: 216 kg.
Miscellaneous Contingency: 200 kg.
Environmental Control System: 200 kg.
Propellants: 75 kg
RCS Coarse No x Thrust: 12 x 42 kgf.
RCS Propellants: N2O4/UDMH.
RCS Isp: 290 sec.
RCS Total Impulse: 26,178.00 kgf-sec.
L/D Hypersonic: 0.3.
Maneuver System Propellants: n/a.
Electric System: 20.0 kWh.
Electric system type:
Batteries. Battery: 1,000.0 Ah.
Service Module:
Length: 7.6 m.
Basic Diameter: 3.9 m.
Max Diameter: 3.9 m.
Overall Mass: 24,523 kg.
Structure Mass: 1,910 kg.
Electrical Equipment: 1,200 kg.
Maneuvering System: 3,000 kg.
Propellants: 18413 kg
RCS Coarse No x Thrust: 16 x 45 kgf.
RCS Propellants: N2O4/UDMH.
RCS Isp: 290 sec.
RCS Total Impulse: 358,682.12 kgf-sec.
Maneuver System Thrust: 9,979 kgf.
Maneuver System Propellants: N2O4/UDMH.
Maneuver System Isp: 314 sec.
Maneuver system delta v: 2,804 m/s.
Electric system: 6.30 average kW.
Electric System: 670.0 kWh.
Electric system type: Fuel Cells.
Length: 3.5 m.
Basic Diameter: 4.3 m.
Max Diameter: 4.3 m.
Habitable Volume: 6.65 m3.
Overall Mass: 4,547 kg.
Crew mass: 144 kg.
Propellants: 2358 kg
RCS Coarse No x Thrust: 16 X 45 kgf.
RCS Propellants: N2O4/UDMH.
RCS Isp: 290 sec.
Maneuver System Thrust: 1,588 kgf.
Maneuver System Propellants: N2O4/UDMH.
Maneuver System Isp: 311 sec.
Maneuver system delta v: 2,220 m/s.
Electric System: 17.0 kWh.
Electric system type: Batteries. Battery: 800.0 Ah.
AMSO tries to fully respect the following Earth orbit insertion parameters taken
from several NASA documents:
1st stage:
Overall burn time: 161 seconds
5th engine burn time: 136 seconds
2nd stage:
Overall burn time: 390 seconds
5th engine burn time: 296 seconds
- Unfortunately, OrbiterSound does not allow controlling its internal mp3 player. In
the "Angel to Paradise" sequence, the "Tribute to LazyD" ceremony and finally,
the "welcome back" ceremony, they are mp3 pieces of music played. So, if you are
using OrbiterSound mp3 player, while playing with AMSO, you may hear two
pieces of music in the same time. AMSO version previous to 1.21, implemented an
half solution to this problem. But this has been removed for technical reasons.
- The LM autopilot "rendezvous" program: the closer you are to the CSM, the more
difficult it is to achieve a successful rendezvous. So avoid a re-launch rendezvous,
if you are close to the CSM.
- When Orbiter is minimized: when you return to it, you may find a very strange
situation. For example, if you minimize during an approach, you won't probably
find your LM landed as expected (Not re-tested with Orbiter 2010).
- When you toggle from one ship to the other, unfortunately some parameters of
some Orbiter instruments are not restored back. It is only the case if both vessels
are set to the same value (for example, the same landing base).
- Laboratory objects, when released by the astronauts, sometimes miss their "Lunar
landing". This seems to happen if you just performed a salto jump previously.
- While walking, Astronauts may sometimes start to slide on the ground. Most of
the time, he will stop soon after, but in the case he don't, change the focus with the
"M" key. This action should normally stop the sliding.
- Don't even touch the mouse wheel inside any Virtual Cockpit, before to have
changed almost once, the default camera direction (mouse move while keeping
mouse right button pressed), or you will have an immediate CTD !!! This is an
Orbiter bug I was unable to overturn. In fact, simply never use mouse wheel in VC
as it simply do nothing, except crashing to desktop !!!
- I would like to thanks first and from the depth of my heart, "LazyD", and Luis
Teixeira to have offered to me, their marvelous work. For "LazyD" the
implementation in AMSO of his great autopilot code for the LM and the CSM. For
Luis, all the stunting 3d work he made to enhance many AMSO meshes, creates
the incredible launch tower, the Pad-39A and all the 3d landing sites, both virtual
cockpits, etc... It was great and very efficient collaborations. Luis is now an
essential member of the AMSO development team, like was also “LazyD”. Rest in
peace my dear “LazyD” !!!
- Many thanks to Thomas Ruth for his so beautiful Saturn V stack meshes, which I
have used to rebuild all AMSO meshes involving Saturn V rocket.
- Many thanks to Rodion Herrera, for the astronauts and the Lunar Rover meshes,
same to John Graves for the Lab items. Without their nice work, EVA activities
implementation wouldn't have been possible.
- Many thanks to Max Grueter, a Swiss compatriot and very talented 3d artist, for
his authorization to use his beautiful Astronaut mesh. This allowed Luis to spare a
lot of time for the rework of all Astronauts in AMSO.
- Many thanks to Jean-Christophe Lemay for his beautiful remix of the music "La
Marche Funèbre" of Frederic Chopin, which fit exactly to the mystical Angel
sequence. Please consult the Internet site of this musician:, for more information’s and in particular,
about usage license and copyrights.
- Many thanks to Kev Rolling alias "Kev33" for the nice meshes & textures of the
"USS Hornet" carrier and the helicopter "SH3 SeaKing", who made possible the
creation of the astronauts recovery sequence. Thanks also to him, for the launch
tower mesh and the Pad 39a mesh, same to Brian Jones, for the spot light texture.
This material was the starting point for the realization of the new Launch scenery.
- Many thanks to "Jim" from Moonport, which allowed me to use his nice Surveyor
III mesh, to build the static mesh of this probe, used into the Procellarum landing
- Many thanks to "BigDAS" for his support and various precious help, like beta
testing, seeking some required material on Internet, doing some exhaust textures.
- Many thanks to Matteo Virdis, for his great intuition of a fine bloodhound, in the
hunting of the last bugs and CTD's remaining. A very precious talent he devoted to
AMSO during very long hours of tests !
- Many thanks to Daniel Polli, for the fabulous "OrbiterSound" add-on, which made
possible almost any sound customizations you may imagine.
- Many thanks to Axel Danz, for the beautiful Earth atmospheric enhancement.
- Many thanks to Jacquesmomo to have finished the graphic work left behind for a
so long time. His help gave me also the hope to be able to continue the project.
- And finally, many thanks to Dr Schweiger who made all this possible.
Alain Capt
ACSoft Productions