Executive Summary: Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

Hardware without software is akin to having textbooks without words or

pictures. There is significant evidence that quality software can motivate
learners and assist in helping students to stay ‘on task’.

Computerization of Institutions has extended its scope even to educational

institutions. In the present scenario computer packages are used in the
educational institutions with different modules.

The modules include admission module, fee module, course module, staff
pay module, examination module, attendance module etc. These modules
help the institution to have access to the students data base, generates MIS
reports, it provides the information about the attendance of the students to
the staff that helps them to have a daily track of students attendance.

All this helps the Institution in concentrating on the development of the

students in Individual and also helps then in introducing and implementing
new techniques of teaching. It also helps the staff to devote their valuable
time on core job i.e., teaching.

This report mainly aims at identifying Educational Software providers, and

evaluating their software in order to suggest the most feasible-one to the
institutions based on its size of operation. User feedback on the performance
of the software is also been opted to suggest the companies in improving
their software in necessary.

Project objectives:

i. To identify the IT companies who are offering Educational Software

ii. To analyze the software package of Eight (8) companies.

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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

iii. To provide necessary recommendations for further improvements if

iv. To study the customer/user feedback on the said package.
v. To suggest the most feasible software for the educational


RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

Most of us would agree that Information Technology has been evolving at an

amazing pace, giving us more innovations in the past one decade than it did
in an entire century before. No aspect of human life today has been left
untouched by this revolution. Personal computers, fax machines, pagers, and
cell phones in the hands of millions of people worldwide have led to the
evolution of a completely “Connected or Wired Society”.

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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

Indian IT Industry maturity is the result of two decades of evolution. There

are no short cuts for this.

 Pioneered the Global Delivery Model - right skills at the right price at
the right time, with managed risk.

 Increased focus on client’s business results, modularized offerings,

consultative strategies, selective strategic alliances and tighter
relationships leading to customer satisfaction.

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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

 Mature understanding and pursuit of quality and business excellence

initiatives like CMM.

 Investments into world-class infrastructure and business continuity


 India’s offerings remain high-quality and yet cost-competitive against

other outsourcing nations…new countries join but not yet grown
through these phases.

 Success requires specific IT and project management skills which

cannot be build overnight.

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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

Challenges ahead for the Indian IT Industry:

 Moving up the value chain

 Indian companies have to continuously move up the value chain

– from being a programming-shop to being patent creators and
mission-critical, end-to-end solution providers.

 Must increase global presence and diversify in global


 Create multicultural workforces

 Supply of knowledge workers

 Scaling up across the country

IT Industry extended its scope even to Educational Institutions. Major

educational institutions have computerized their academic activities. Apart
from the standalone and integrated software solutions to the educational
institutions there are even other educational software like, SPSS, Minitab,
etc. It is mandate that each and every educational institution has to
computerize its activities in order to be competitive in the market.

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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

In today’s environment, even Educational Institutions are not untouched

from the core competition, there is a need for every Institution to proffer
additional focus on achieving thrift functional and operational procedures.
Today's independent, religious and charter Schools and Colleges need to
manage more information than ever before. Without a solid internal
infrastructure for teachers, administrators and departments to share data,
critical school/college and student information can be lost, or worse —
communicated incorrectly — leading to a host of problems that can affect
your institution’s image and longevity.

To remain competitive, educational institutions need a simple solution that

can run individual functions, connect their entire operation, use the Web as a
key communication tool and simplify day-to-day operational responsibilities,
giving staff more time with students.


India has a large and complex Higher Education System. This comprises of
nearly 310 universities. Universities in India are either set up by an Act of
Parliament or the State Legislatures. In addition, some institutions are also
conferred deemed to be University status by the Central Government.
Universities are either unitary or affiliating. 131 universities in the Country
are affiliating type. They together affiliate around 15,500 colleges. Total
student enrolment is around 92 lakh. In addition, there are several
professional councils that maintain standards in their respective fields. Some
of these professional councils also maintain a Central Register of
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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

Professionals in their fields. In 1956, the Central Government had set up the
University Grants Commission (UGC) to discharge its constitutional mandate
of coordination, determination, and maintenance of standards in higher

UGC's Mandate

Higher Education system in the Country is a loose configuration of

heterogeneous organizational units - universities, colleges, professional
councils etc. This diversity is a source of excellence and makes it vibrant.
Coordination of such a diverse system of education is tricky yet necessary to
ensure its credibility. UGC and the AITUC are mandated to ensure
coordinated development of higher education system in the Country -
Ensuring Quality Higher Education for All. More specifically, UGC would like

• Leverage its funding to bring about change in the higher education in

the country in a systematic manner.
• Adopt objective based criteria for funding of universities and colleges
maintained by it that promotes greater accountability and would like
the other funding agencies to adopt similar mechanism.
• Provide an efficient mechanism for data collection, compilation and
dissemination on higher education with more comprehensive
• Better targeting and monitoring of research funding both by it and
through other funding agencies.

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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

• Promote greater collaboration between higher education institutions

themselves and with industry and society through sharing of expertise
and facilities.
• Provide credible information about higher education institutions and
programmes - including their recognition status and accreditation
details in partnership with Professional Councils.
• Ensure a grievance redressal mechanism for students and parents
linking it with processes of inspections etc.
• Create a labour market information system for graduates by evolving a
mechanism for tracking them and build up confidence in education
• Create a Knowledge Repository for communities of teachers and
researchers in the Country.

With such an ambitious mandate and huge system of higher education,

adoption of an IT strategy is a must. A properly implemented information
system project in the higher education sector would not only enhance its
efficiency and effectiveness at the operational level, but also bring about a
paradigm shift in the management of the higher education system.

IT Strategy for UGC

IT Strategy for UGC involves - incremental computerization to improve

efficiency of operations of the UGC offices and units and systemic design,
development and deployment of comprehensive information system (Higher
Education Information System Project ? HISP) covering various activities to
smoothen the interface with the internal and external stakeholders of the
higher education system.

Incremental computerization effort would involve effective utilization of

existing hardware / software infrastructure including training of the staff. It

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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

also involves procurement/ upgradation of additional PCs / printers, other

hardware / software, and appropriate maintenance of the infrastructure
through AMC. Both these efforts are proposed to be launched in parallel that
need to converge eventually.

Higher Education Information System Project- HISP

Under the comprehensive information system, various functional modules

that would be designed and rolled out are:

a. Grants Management System - The UGC releases funds under

different heads / schemes to more than five thousand institutions and
several thousand teachers and researchers. Accordingly, the Grants
Management System is to monitor flow of grants, physical and financial
progress, rendition of accounts and utilization; criteria-based funding
for institutions maintained by it; Monitoring through Performance
Radars; Online submission of proposals and its monitoring till sanctions
under various schemes; Generation of need-based reports State /
University / Scheme Wise, Generation Exception Reports; withholding
grants for non-compliance, unique numbering methodologies etc.

b. Statistics Collection & Compilation System - The system should

facilitate timely automatic data collection as well innovative
mechanisms for obtaining the relevant data from various institutions
whether funded or not by the UGC for statistical analysis consistent
with International Standards (ISCED). The system should facilitate
online compilation and query based responses for policy planners,
administrators and researchers.

c. Recognition Management System - UGC recognises Institutions and

programmes based on their level of competence and performance. In
addition, various Professional Councils, NAAC and NBA also approve /
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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

accredit institutions and programmes. The requirement is for

generating and disseminating unbiased and relevant information about
different institutions and programmes including their accreditation
details as well as mechanisms for monitoring and evolves a
comprehensive National Qualification Framework (NQF).

d. Research Project Management System - UGC funds a number of

research projects through its colleges/ Institutions etc on an annual
basis. UGC requires developing and maintaining a repository of
research projects as well as a tool to monitor these research projects
for its timely completion and effective utilization of the funds. This
repository needs to be built around the metadata framework for
effective tagging of resources and their timely retrieval. This may be
expandable to include research projects funded by other agencies to
monitor gaps and overlaps etc.

e. Expertise & Facilities Database- UGC aims to improve the interface

between the academics and the society, in particular the industry to
help continuously monitor the relevance of various curricula offered by
the universities to the industry and the society as a whole. While the
system covers various levels of e-enabling such as information,
interaction, transactional and collaborative, this sub-system facilitates
and promotes collaborative activities, for better use of limited facilities,
facilitating and improving industry/Society interfaces.

f. Graduates Registration & Information System (Gratis) - a labour

market information system; assigning unique number to each Student
entering into Indian Higher Education system; Linking such numbers
with subsequent qualifications acquired; develop and establish
qualification-skill-competency card integrated with the multi-purpose
cards; implement means-tested scholarship and loan schemes to

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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

contain the problem of malpractices in higher education and help track

loan recovery, unemployment assistance etc.

g. Knowledge Repository - Develop a mechanism for tracking

academic information resources such as learning resources, curricula,
question banks, national theses etc., published in various formats
through systematic, internationally used metadata data framework for
tagging such resources.

h. University & College Admission Management- To bring in

transparency in the process of admissions by various Institutions,
ensure reliability of such processes and to prevent malpractices in
admissions, appropriate mechanisms need to be designed for
effectively monitoring various tests for admissions such as Aptitude
tests, common admission test, national eligibility test, and information
collection on seat allocation and counseling.

i. Web-based Standard Solution for an Educational Institution -

Develop standards for computerization for institutional functions in
educational set up, so that independently evolved computerization
initiatives of different higher education institutions could be seamlessly
integrated within each other and fit into the metadata framework of
this Project and ideate a framework for a standard web-based standard
solution for an educational institution.

j. Other functional modules - may be included during the study phase

based on their relevance, rational and need.

A Policy document on Electronic Records Management shall also be

developed. This document shall cover - legal issues, Information Security
including authentication and audit, issues relating to privacy, structuring a
mechanism for institutionalizing the electronic Records Management Office,

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Records Preservation and disposal, strategies for incorporating metadata

tags in various electronic documents of the UGC and the institutions under
its coverage.


It is proposed to appoint consultant(s) to draw up the system specifications

and for handholding during the design and development phase of the
system. The consultant/s shall provide a blue-print to roll-out the entire
infrastructure, systems and sub-systems including those within each
different university / college. Based on the blue print a second level tender
will be issued for implementation and roll-out. In order to obtain an early
understanding of the stakeholder requirements and get their buy-in, it is
necessary to hold a series of workshops and seminars involving both the
internal and external stakeholders. This is expected to significantly
contribute to effective design and development of the required functional

Even as Educational Institutions across the globe adapt their curricula to

reflect the constant development and use of new technology, many of them
are still faced with the dilemma of coping with the rapidly changing and
often massive flow of information involved in the administration of these
institutions. Undoubtedly, the management of information is set to play an
increasingly dominant role in determining how successfully our educational
institutions are being administered.

Institution administrators are therefore among those who will have to adapt
to the new paradigm taking on new strategies and embracing new
technologies. With limited resources and a budget that must be managed
effectively in the face of conflicting priorities, administrators will need all the
tools that can help to enhance the management of the institution, while
providing the greatest transparency and accountability.
RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

The more successful administrators are almost certainly going to be those

who will be able to raise the levels of efficiency and effectiveness of their
management capabilities through the enlightened and creative use and
deployment of information and communication technology.

Today’s administrators benefit from having at their disposal, application

software packages which assist in collating, coordinating, processing and
managing the flow of information in the administrative activities of their
institutions. By facilitating real-time access to important administrative and
management information, these software packages contribute significantly
to institutions administration.

Here, we are looking at the use of computers and computer technology in

institutional management, discusses the components, desired system
features and effectiveness of administration software for Educational

What is Educational Software?

The nature and definition of ‘software’ has broadened significantly over the
last few years. Traditionally, a computer program which when accessed
either attempted to teach or offered a learning environment to the user was
considered to be educational software. Over the last five years, the term has
come to encompass the content of web sites, video on demand, broadcast
material and an ever-expanding range of digitized material.

Institutions Administration in Perspective

Administration of even small Institutions incorporates a wide range of tasks.

It is therefore necessary at the outset to note the broad areas, which affect
the management of Institution. Among these are decision-making, follow-up,
staff development, time management, evaluation and reporting. More
specifically however are the management and administrative tasks within
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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

the environment. These include administrative planning, budgeting, financial

control, bookkeeping, personnel records, teachers’ duty roster, time-tabling,
student records, examination systems, regulations and reporting.

It is essential that the developers of software for Educational Institutions

must have a solid understanding of the various tasks involved. The better
software packages for the Institutions will be the more comprehensive ones -
those that handle more of above mentioned tasks. In addition, since these
tasks can usually be grouped, it also makes sense for the software packages
to adopt an approach, which makes use of functional modules that parallel
the flow of information in a learning institution.

It includes no of modules, proved beneficial to achieve the operational and

functional efficiencies, monitoring and optimizing the management
processes & operations and enhancing co-ordination across the various
departments in the Institution. In general following are the software modules

• Admission Module

This module comes into picture when any student would like to take
admission in the institute. This module has been provided the facility to
manage all the test details before admission and also all the student
details according to different criteria. This module is designed to make
admission of students in various classes and the respective sections and
maintains the details about them. The main features of this module are:

• Maintaining Personal information about the students including name,

DOB etc and complete details of Kin's information providing auto
generation of registration number.

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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

• Storing complete transfer details i.e. whether a new admission or

transfer from other school/college in which case details of previous
school/college is maintained.
• Storing fee and other details including charges for mode of coming and
• Also facilitates the user to edit the existing student information.

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Model screen of Admission


• Fees Module

Fees module is one of the important components of the

school/college management software. It has been designed exclusively
to handle all types of fee transactions taken place in the institution.
This module provides for speeding up the process of fee deposition
instead of maintaining such records manually.


• The tuition fee for a particular class is automatically displayed.

• The total fee, fine, discounts, previous balance etc are calculated
and amount paid and balances are displayed.
• Fee collection report can be generated depending upon various

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Model screen of Fees


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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

• Administration Module

This module is designed to manage various budgetary

functionalities of the institution. The features provided by this module

• Manages the budget allocation for each budget head.

• Manages the complete details about the donations and donors.

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Model screen of Administration

• Examination Module
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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

This module is designed for managing and maintaining the

examination system in the institution and reducing the overhead
related to it. The main features of this module are:

• It would help for the generation of exam set for each class.
• Record maintenance for the monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and
annual exams.
• Provides gradation of students on the basis of performance, i.e.
generation of Mark sheets.
• The results can be in the form of grades or percentage as the choice
may be.
• Generates class wise student progress report.

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Model screen of Examination


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• Time Table Scheduling

This module provides a means to create a time table reducing

the overheads and confusions involved in creating a time table
manually. The main features of this module are:

• An efficient and effective time table generation with no chances of

timing clash.
• The time table can be viewed class wise and teacher wise as per

Model screen of Time Table

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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

• Payroll Module

This module is designed for the calculation of different

deductions, increments and the calculation of the salary. This module
provides the following features:

• Allows for the preparation of complete salary including D.A., E.P.F.,

and H.R.A. etc.
• The salary can be calculated on the basis of attendance.

Model screen of Payroll

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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

• Library Module

This module would help to maintain the record of all the books,
magazines etc automatically in the library reducing the overhead of
the Librarian. The features provided in this module are:

• Maintaining the complete category wise and thus the list of different
categories of books, magazines, references etc in the library storing
the complete information related to them.
• Books can be stored category wise and thus the list of different
categories of books can be generated.
• Books can be searched on the basis of different criteria and thus the
need for manually searching the book is completely discarded.
• Fine would be calculated automatically if the book is returned after
due date.
• Student card and employee card can be generated mentioning the
details of the books issued i.e. the name of the book, date of issue,
due date, return date, etc.

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Model screen of Library


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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

• Attendance Module

This module is designed to automatically mark the attendance

minimizing the efforts of maintaining the registers. The main features
of this module are:

• Automatically marks the present of the class, month wise. Special

mechanism provided for marking absent and leaves.
• Maintaining the complete details of presents, absents and leaves
and according to this fine will be imposed.
• Attendance for teaching and non-teaching staff can be maintained
in a similar manner.

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Model screen of Attendance


• Mess Module
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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

This module is designed for managing different functions of the

mess like item purchase, store maintenance, item preparation and
many more. The main features of this module are:

• Allows the user to manage the item wise details.

• Keeps track of all purchases made.

Model screen of Mess


• Web Enabled Portal

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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

A comprehensive & interactive Web Portal is a place, where an

Institution can exhibit its distinct administrative and academic aspects,
provide day-to-day activity details of Institution and Students to its
stakeholders and allow them to communicate their suggestions and
grievances to the authorities.

It includes number of static, dynamic and database driven section

to display Institution’s information brochure, its achievements,
admission norms, details about co-curricular activities like debates,
sports, etc and other events held in Institution and Students fee
details, result details, attendance, result analysis, home assignments,

Benefits for Parents

A privilege being provided to all the Parents/ Guardians through

a secured User ID & Password System, to get synopsis of all the day -
today performance and growth of their Ward in all phases i.e. their
Academic, Social, Psychological and Co-curricular front in the
School/college. Here, they will be able to access the information of
Students Profile, his detailed Fees account, his Term wise and Daily
attendance and his appraisal report i.e. result statement along with the
comparative graphical analysis – Term wise and Subject wise, which
enables them to get evaluate the students performance in the Class
and last but not the least his performance in various Co-curricular
activities organized in the School/College.

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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


• Just by click, parents can know the details of their child any time
any day.

• Parents can stay connected anywhere in the world as they have

access to School/college Website with their private username and

• Readily access to grades, attendance, homework, schedules and

other activities.

• They can view their child's reports, fee details, homework,

assignments, examination, discipline records, attendance,
timetable, etc.

• Parents are better prepared to help with homework as they can see
what is scheduled and when it is due.

• Easily send message to your child's teacher, administrator or any

other School/college authorities.

• Parents will be informed about their child's attendance to be alert

for any unusual absences.

• Receive announcements and reports in time through email.

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• Report Generation Module

This module generates different important reports like fee

details, administration, library, student details, time table, transport,
attendance etc. The main features of this module are:

• The generated reports display the refined details depending upon

different criteria.
• Hard copy for each report can also be generated.

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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

• Transportation Module

This module is designed to manage the transportation of the

institution. The various features of this module are:

• The entire information about different modes of transportation can

be maintained.
• The vehicle can be allocated according to its capacity, the route
chosen and the timings.
• The charges for different modes of transportation can be calculated
according to the mode of transportation chosen.

Model screen of Transportation

Integrated Software Solution
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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

Model of Integrated

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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

Students Registration and Admission

This module takes care of all the aspects related to the Registration and
Admission process of new students in various Classes i.e. Calling
Applications, Filling Registration forms, Admission Tests and/or Interviews,
Final Selection, etc., in Nursery, Primary, Secondary and Senior Secondary

Students Attendance

Here record about Students Attendance can be maintained and accessed in

a very systematic and related information can be excavate and make
available to the School/College Authorities and Parents easily.

Fees Collection

This module reduces the cumbersome process of keeping an account of

each and every minor fees collection process as it can be taken care of by
this module, which automatically keeps informed about the entire process. It
can easily depict the defaulters, dues on any of a student, a quick eye-view
for management of total fees collected on a particular day / week/ month
under various heads and similar other queries to be answered on a day-to-
day basis.

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Result Processing System

This module will provide the unbiased system for the Students Performance
Appraisal including the computerized generation of Mark Sheets for all
classes and providing the modules for printing of Certificates and other
official documents.

Result Analysis

This is an important module for the real time analysis of Students

performance in various term exams conducted in School/College and Board
Exams. Information about performance of students in all / a particular class
in all / specific subject can be gathered on a single click and can be
represented in graphical form. Like wise, information can be excavate for a
number of combinations, in a figures and graphical form.

Library Management

Library System effectively manages a library incorporating an entire manual

process which till now is need of an hour. It also provides a quick view and
check on the number of books / journals issued, reminders of fines if due and
a valuable set of queries relating to normal requirement process. The module
is being equipped with an exclusive feature of Data warehousing and Data
mining via a high-end search engine used for the Research and Development

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Time Table Management

This module is being particularly designed to facilitate the school/college

authorities to manage and distribute the Subjects and Classes to the
teachers according to their profile and synchronies the whole Time Table
Process via User defined and dynamic process.

H R Management

This module keeps the record of the complete Profile of all the staff members
also identifies a shortage of staff needed to fill the vacant job positions and
remind the School/college authorities about the need for Staff members of
specific profile.

Staff Attendance

This module is an essential step towards automation of attendance system of

the employees with strict adherence to the time spent on duty or on leave.
The pay gets automatically calculated on the basis of the time/days attended
in a month and is automatically go across the Payroll module.

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Payroll System

This module facilitates an easy Payroll Generation with an effective off

shooting & overcoming of all the manual intricacies. The module is an
attempt to make available every necessary report, screens & output to a
user in a friendly user-interface.

The System automatically calculates every numerical calculation with

retrospective effect on entire system with user left with only feeding
employee information only Once. The system produces the Salary
Statement, PF Statement, Income tax Statement, Due & Drawn Statement,
Pay slips, Employees Loan Statement and numerous other useful reports and
powered with the unique Employee Information System where complete
details of an employee regarding his personal and official details, salary
details, detailed leave account, his income tax details and many more are
available at one place.

Financial Accounting and Inventory Management

This is an integrated module, which provides total solution for the

Accounting and Inventory management needs of an Education Institution. It
comprise of various reports like Receipt & Payment A/c, Income &
Expenditure A/c, Trial Balance, Balance Sheet, Bank Reconciliation
Statement, Cheque Printing, Purchase Order, Stock moment reports, min. &
max. Stock qty reports, and many other dynamic accounts and stock reports.

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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

Advantages for having Educational Software Packages:

Some of advantages to be gained by Institutions, which decide to implement

the School

Management Software solution, include the following:

• Improved customer service through greater access to accurate


• Increased productivity and job satisfaction among staff members as it

eliminate duplication of effort.

• More economical and safer means of storing and keeping track of


• Easier access to Information like management reports and reminder

letters, etc, as well as more accurate and faster results from statistical

• Reduces errors and eliminating the ennui of long and repetitive manual

• Greater accountability and transparency in operations.

• Improved efficiency and effectiveness in administration and

management as it has unprecedented access to real-time information.

• More reliable security for sensitive and confidential information.

• Appropriate knowledge-based action and intervention can now take

place in a timelier manner.

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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

Name of the companies that provide Educational


But for the purpose of this study the first 8 (Eight) companies from the below
list are considered. They are

1. Computer Educational Consultants (India) Pvt. Ltd.



4. HP

5. Data Links

6. 4 Axes Info Tech Services

7. Access Automation Pvt. Ltd.

8. Fomax Information Technology Pvt. Ltd.


10. Environ Lib

11. Idenizen Software Ltd.

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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

The selection of efficient software depends on the

following attributes:

Selection of any software depends on 3 major factors:

• Quality

• Service

• Price

Apart from the above factors following attributes are also considered
and are applicable in selection of Educational Software:


Reliability of a software system is defined as the probability that this

system fulfills a function (determination by the specifications) for a specified
number of input trails under specified input conditions in a specified time

User friendliness

Adequacy of a software system depends on:

The input required of the user should be limited to only what is



Learnabilty of a software system depends on:

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Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

The design of user interfaces. The clarity and the simplicity of the user
instructions (tutorial or manual).


Robustness reduces the impact of operational mistakes,

erroneous input data and hardware errors.


Maintainability is the suitability for debugging (localization and

correction of errors) and for modification and extension of functionality.


Readability of a software system depends on its:

 Form of representation.
 Programming style.
 Consistency.

Extensibility allows required modifications at the appropriate locations

to be made without undesirable side effects.


Testability is the suitability for allowing the programmer to fallow

program execution (run-time behavior under given conditions) and for


Efficiency is the ability of a software system to fulfill its purpose with

the best possible utilization of all necessary resources (time, storage,
transmission channels and peripherals).

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


Portability is the ease with which a software system can be adapted to

run on computers other than the one for which it was designed.


RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

Title of the Project Study:

Topic: “Evaluation of Educational Software Packages with

special reference to Bangalore”

Statement of the Problem:

There are many IT companies offering Educational Software Packages for

Educational Institutions. The suitability/feasibility of the packages depends
on the size of the Educational Institution and its operations. This study is
conducted to analyze the software packages, and evaluate them on the
criteria of maintainability, reliability, functionality and other software
attributes. Finally, suggesting the most feasible one to the educational

Project objectives:

vi. To identify the IT companies who are offering Educational Software

vii. To analyze the software package of Eight (8) companies.
viii. To provide necessary recommendations for further improvements if
ix. To study the customer/user feedback on the said package.
RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

x. To suggest the most feasible software for the educational


Scope of the Study:

Bangalore is the major hub of IT companies and most of the eminent

software developing companies have established here in Bangalore. Thus,
the scope of the study is limited to the Educational Software
developing/providing companies in Bangalore. Eight Educational Software
developing companies’ software is considered for evaluation.

The scope is again limited to those schools and colleges within Bangalore,
who have computerized their academic activates.

Research Design:

Since the comparative study of more than two companies’ software is

involved, an “Analytical Study” is been chosen for the study purpose. This
type of research design is identified as applicable for the study while keeping
in mind:

• Title of the project

• The statement of the problem
• Objectives of the study

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

Data Collection Method:

There are two stages of data collection.

1. Primary Data collection method:

a) Developers point of view

• Informal discussion with concerned employee/person in the
• Questionnaire is used to the different attributes of the
software. (Eg: functionality, reliability, maintainability, cost
b) User/Customer point of view
• Informal discussion with concerned employee/person in the
educational institution.
• Questionnaire is used to know the customer/user feedback
about the software package.
2. Secondary Data collection method:

• Company’s Manuals
• Help files provided in the software

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

• Internet
• Journals
• Magazines

Sampling Design:

Sample Size: Educational Software Developing Companies (8)

Educational Institutions that are using this software (20)

Sample type: Educational Software developing/providing companies

Educational Software Users

Sampling Method: Simple Random sampling

Limitations of the Study:-

• The study is dependent on the data collected from a variety of

primary and secondary data resources. Thus the data analysis will
be directly proportional to the degree biased of unbiased
information received during the process of data collection.
• The study will limit itself to the evaluation of educational software
package only.
• Volatility of the requirements of the educational institutions.

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

• Limited sample size

• The study is limited to IT companies and Educational institutions
existing in southern part of Bangalore city.
• Due to time constraint, an extensive research could not be taken.


RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore



1. Table and graph showing the category of educational software providers.

Category Number of % of
Respondents respondents

Developer 6 75

Vendor/Dealer 2 25

Outsourcing company - -

Total 8 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph clearly shows the category percentage of
educational software providers. 37.5% of the respondents are developers,
37.5% of them are service providers and 25% of them are vendors. None of
them are into outsourcing.


Majority of the Educational Software providers are Developers who develop

software to the educational institutions.

2. Table and graph showing the type of software offered to their clients.

Category Number of % of
Respondents respondents

Stand alone Software 2 25

Integrated Software 2 25

Both 4 50

Total 8 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph shows the type of software offered by the
companies. 50% of the respondents said that they offer both tailor-made and
integrated software, 50% is shared equally by those companies who offer
only tailor-made and integrated software respectively.


It is inferred from the above analysis, that the companies provide both tailor-
made and integrated software to their clients according to the client’s

3. Table and graph showing the list of modules provided by the companies.

List of the Modules Number of % of respondents


Administration 8 100

Admission 8 100

Fees 8 100

Examination 7 87.5

Time Table 2 25

Payroll 6 75

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

Library 5 62.5

Attendance 4 50

Mess 1 12.5

Web Enabled 1 12.5


Report Generation 6 75

Transportation 1 12.5

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph clearly explains the different modules offered by
the companies. 100% of the respondents said that they offer all the basic
modules like, Administration, Admission, required to an educational
institution. Only 12.5% of the respondents said that they offer web enabled


It is inferred from the above analysis that the companies offer the basic
modules like, Administration, Admission, Fees, Payroll, and Report
Generation etc. required for an educational institution.

4. Table and graph showing the average cost of customized software

Cost Range Number of % of respondents


Below 25 - -

25 - 40 thousand - -

40 – 50 thousand 3 37.5

Above 50 5 62.5

TOTAL 8 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph clearly explains the cost of customized software.
50% of the respondents said that the cost ranges from 40 to 50 thousand,
and 50% of them said that it costs above 50 thousand.


It is inferred from the above analysis that the customized software costs
above 50 thousand. The cost depends on the customization.

5. Table and graph showing the help on data conversion provided by the

Response Number of % of respondents


Yes 5 62.5

No 3 37.5

TOTAL 8 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph clearly states the help on data conversion
provided by the companies. 62.5% of the respondents said that they provide
help on data conversion and 37.5% of the respondents said that they don’t
provide any help as such.


It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the companies offer
help on data conversion.

6. Table and graph showing the software training provided by the companies

Response Number of % of
Respondents respondents

Training before installation 1 12.5

Training after installation 3 37.5

Training before and after 2 25


No Training 2 25

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

TOTAL 8 100


The above table and graph explains the software training provided by the
companies. 37.5% of the respondents said that they provide training after
installation and 25% of the respondents agreed that they provide training
before and after installation. 25% of them said that they don’t provide any
training as such.


It is inferred from the above analysis that the majority of the companies
provide software training to their clients.

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore



1. Table and graph showing use of the educational software by the

educational institutions

Response Number of % of respondents


Yes 16 80

No 4 20

TOTAL 20 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph explains the use of educational software by the
educational institution. 80% of the respondents said that they use
educational software in their institution. 20% of them said they don’t use.


It is inferred from the above analysis that the majority of the institutions use
educational software to carry out the activities.

2. Table and graph showing the list of modules used by the Institutions.

List of the Modules Number of % of respondents


Administration 12 60

Admission 14 70

Fees 10 50

Examination 10 50

Time Table 6 30

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

Payroll 8 40

Library 12 60

Attendance 10 50

Mess 2 10

Web Enabled 4 20

Report Generation 10 50

Transportation - 0

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph clearly explains the different modules used by
the institutions. 70% of the respondents said that they use admission
module, 60% of them said they use Administration, Library and 50% of the
respondents use Fees, Administration, Report Generation etc. required to an
educational institution. Only 20% of the respondents said that they offer web
enabled application.


It is inferred from the above analysis that the institutions use all the basic
modules like, Administration, Admission, Fees, Payroll, and Report
Generation etc. required for an educational institution.

3. Table and graph showing the time period since the software is been used
in the institutions

Response Number of % of respondents


Not used 4 20

< 6 months - 0

6 months – 1 year - 0

1 – 2 years 8 40

> 2 years 8 40

TOTAL 20 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph states that the time period since from which the
institutions are using educational software. 40% of the respondents said that
they are using past from 2 years.


It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the institutions are
using software past from 2 years.

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

4. Table and graph showing the price of the software

Price Range Number of % of respondents


No Answer 4 20

Below 25 - 0

25 - 40 thousand 1 5

40 – 50 thousand 3 15

Above 50 12 60

TOTAL 20 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph states the average price of the software. 60% of
the respondents said that the price of the software is more than 50
thousand. 15% of them said the price as between 40 - 50 thousand.


It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the institutions bought
the software for more than 50 thousand.

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

5. Table and graph showing the type of software used by the end user.

Category Number of % of
Respondents respondents

Not used 4 20

Stand alone Software 10 50

Integrated Software 6 30

Total 20 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph states that the type of software used by the end
users. 50% of them said that they use stand alone software, 30% of them
said they have integrated software.


It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the institutions use
standalone software.

6. Table and graph showing the software training provided by the companies
to the institutions

Response Number of % of
Respondents respondents

No Answer 4 20

Free training before installation 4 20

Free Training after installation 12 60

Training at a cost - 0

No Training - 0

TOTAL 20 100
RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph explains the customer response to the software
training provided by the companies. 60% of the respondents said that they
are given free training after installation. 20% of them said they are given
free training before installation.


It is inferred from the above analysis that the majority of the companies
provide free software training after the installation of the software.

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

7. Customer opinion about the software:

a) The functionality matches with the requirements

Response Number of % of
Respondents respondents

No Answer 4 20

Yes 12 60

No - 0

Can’t say 4 20

TOTAL 20 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph explains the matching of functionality of the
software with the requirements. 60% of them said that the functionality of
the software matches with the requirements.


It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents agree
to the statement i.e., matching of functionality with the requirements.

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

b) Instructions are clear and easy to understand

Response Number of % of
Respondents respondents

No Answer 4 20

Yes 14 70

No - 0

Can’t say 2 10

TOTAL 20 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph explains the clarity and understandability of
instructions. 70% of them said that the instructions are clear and easy to


It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents said
that the instructions are clear and easy to understand.

c) Screen display is well designed

Response Number of % of
Respondents respondents

No Answer 4 20

Yes 10 50

No 4 20

Can’t say 2 10

TOTAL 20 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph explains the design of the screen display. 50% of
them said that the screen display is well designed.


It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents said
that the screen display is well designed.

d) Provides after sales service

Response Number of % of
Respondents respondents

No Answer 4 20

Yes 10 50

No 6 30

Can’t say - 0

TOTAL 20 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph explains the customer’s response to the after
sales service provided by the company. 50% of them said that the
companies’ provide after sales service. 30% of them said that No to the


It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents said
that the companies’ provide after sales service.

e) Generates useful reports for decision making

Response Number of % of
Respondents respondents

No Answer 4 20

Yes 12 60

No 2 10

Can’t say 2 10

TOTAL 20 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph explains the user response to the useful reports
generation for decision making. 60% of them said that the software
generated useful reports needed for decision making..


It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents said
that the software generates useful reports necessary for decision making.

8. Table and graph showing the ratings given by the respondents regarding
software’s attributes

a) Learnability:

Learnabilty of a software system depends on: The design of user

interfaces. The clarity and the simplicity of the user instructions
(tutorial or manual).

Response Number of Respondents % of


Excellent 14 70

Good 6 30

Satisfactory - 0

Fair - 0

Poor - 0
RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

Total 20 100


The above table and graph clearly explains the learnability of the software.
70% of the respondents said that the learnability is excellent. 30% of them
said that it is good.


It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the institutions believe
that the learnabiltity of the software is excellent.

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

b) Reliability:

Reliability of a software system is defined as the probability that this

system fulfills a function (determination by the specifications) for a
specified number of input trails under specified input conditions in a
specified time interval.

Response Number of Respondents % of


Excellent - 0

Good 10 50

Satisfactory 10 50

Fair - 0

Poor - 0

TOTAL 20 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph clearly explains the reliability of the software.
50% of the respondents said that the software is reliable.


It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents believe
that the software is reliable.

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

c) Robustness:

Robustness reduces the impact of operational mistakes, erroneous input

data and hardware errors.

Response Number of Respondents % of


Excellent - 0

Good 12 60

Satisfactory 2 10

Fair 4 20

Poor 2 10

TOTAL 20 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph clearly explains the robustness of the software.
60% of the respondents said that the software is robust that reduces errors.


It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents rated
good to the robustness attribute.

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

d) Efficiency:

Efficiency is the ability of a software system to fulfill its purpose with the
best possible utilization of all necessary resources (time, storage,
transmission channels and peripherals).

Response Number of Respondents % of


Excellent - 0

Good 10 50

Satisfactory 8 40

Fair 2 10

Poor - 0

TOTAL 20 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph clearly explains the Efficiency of the software.
50% of the respondents said that the software is efficient. 40% of them are
satisfied with the efficiency of the software.


It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents rated
good to the efficiency attribute.

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

e) Maintainability:

Maintainability is the suitability for debugging (localization and correction

of errors) and for modification and extension of functionality.

Response Number of Respondents % of


Excellent 4 20

Good 10 50

Satisfactory 6 30

Fair - 0

Poor - 0

TOTAL 20 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph clearly explains the maintainability of the
software. 50% of the respondents said that the maintainability of the
software is good.


It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents rated
good to the maintainability attribute.

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

f) Portability:

Portability is the ease with which a software system can be adapted to

run on computers other than the one for which it was designed.

Response Number of Respondents % of


Excellent - 0

Good 8 40

Satisfactory 6 30

Fair 6 30

Poor - 0

TOTAL 20 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph clearly explains the portability of the software.
40% of the respondents rated good to the portability attribute. 30% each of
them rated satisfactory and fair respectively.


It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents rated
good to the portability attribute.

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

g) User Friendliness:

Adequacy of a software system depends on: The input required of the

user should be limited to only what is necessary.

Response Number of Respondents % of


Excellent 12 60

Good 4 20

Satisfactory - 0

Fair 4 20

Poor - 0

TOTAL 20 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph clearly explains the user friendliness of the
software. 60% of the respondents said excellent to the software user


It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents rated
excellent to the software’s user friendliness.

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

h) Extensibility:

Extensibility allows required modifications at the appropriate locations to

be made without undesirable side effects.

Response Number of Respondents % of


Excellent 12 60

Good 8 40

Satisfactory - 0

Fair - 0

Poor - 0

TOTAL 20 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph clearly explains the Extensibility of the software.
60% of the respondents rated excellent to the extensibility attribute. 40%
rated good.


It is inferred from the above analysis that the software will allow required
modifications if necessary without affecting other operations.

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

8) Table and graph showing the frequency of maintenance in a year

Response Number of % of
Respondents respondents

No Answer 4 20

< 3 times 12 60

3 - 5 times 2 10

> 5 times 2 10

TOTAL 20 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph clearly explains the frequency of the
maintenance required to the software in a year. 60% of the respondents said
that the software requires less than 3 times of maintenance in a year. 10% of
them said it requires more than 5 times.


It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondent said
that maintenance is required is less than 3 times in a year.

9. Table and graph showing the right to accessibility of the software

Response Number of Respondents % of


No Answer 4 20

Students 2 10

Staff 4 20

Office Personnel 10 50

TOTAL 20 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph clearly explains the accessibility of the software.
50% of the respondents said that the software is accessed only by the office
personnel. Only 20% of them said it is accessed by the staff.


It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents said
that the software is accessed by the office personnel.

10. Table and graph showing the Satisfaction with the overall functionality of
the software

Response Number of % of
Respondents respondents

No Answer 4 20

Yes 14 70

No 2 10

TOTAL 20 100

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


The above table and graph clearly explains the user’s overall satisfaction of
the software. 70% of the respondents said that they are satisfied with the
performance of the software. 10% of them said No to the statement.


It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents

are satisfied with the performance of the software.

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

Findings from company’s point of view:

 Majority of the companies are into the development of educational


 Companies provide both stand alone and integrated software to their

customers based on their requirements.

 Companies provide all the necessary and basic modules required for
the educational institutions. The major ones are:

 Admission

 Administration

 Fees

 Payroll

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

 Examination

 Attendance

 Very less percentage (12.5%) of the companies provide web enabled

portals i.e., Web Application.

 The average cost of the customized software is above 50 thousand,

and again it depends on the size of the institution and its operations.

 Majority of the companies provide help on data conversion.

 Majority of the companies provide one year of free software training,

but it is given after the installation of the software and is limited for 2
sessions. After a year training is provided at cost.

 Ratings the company based on the attributes

(Reliability, Efficiency, Robustness, Maintainability, User


Companies Reliabilit Efficien Robustne Maintainabil User

y cy ss ity friendlines

Computers - Excellen - - -
Edn t
Pvt. Ltd.

WIPRO - - - Excellent -

INFOSYS Excellent - - - -
RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

HP - - - - Excellent

Data Links - - - Excellent -

4 Axes Info - - Excellent - -

Tech Services

Access Excellent - - - -
Pvt. Ltd.

Fomax Info - - - - Excellent

Tech Pvt. Ltd.

Findings from the user point of view:

 80% of the institutions use educational software. They have all the
basic modules necessary for an educational institution.

Some of them are:

 Admission

 Fees

 Administration

 Examination

 Attendance

 Payroll

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

 Library

 Majority of the institutions are using the software past from 2 years.

 Majority of the institutions use stand alone software.

 Majority of the users mentioned that they are given Free software
training after installation of the software, and it is given twice in a

 60% of the users said that the software functionality matches with the
requirements. They are well satisfied with the design and display of
the screen.

 Users have rated the software attributes as follow:

o Learnability: 70% of them said Excellent

o Reliability: 50% said Good, 50% said they are satisfied

o Robustness: 60% said Good

o Efficiency: 50% said Good, and 40% said satisfactory

o Maintainability: 50% of them said Good, 30% said Satisfactory

o Portability: 40% said Good, 30% each said Satisfactory and fair

o User friendliness: 60% of them said Excellent

o Extensibility: 60% said Excellent

 60% of the respondents said that the frequency of maintenance is

required less than three times in a year.

 The software is accessed by office personnel. Very less percentage of

the respondents said that it is accessed even by the staff and students.

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

 70% of the respondents said that they are satisfied with the overall
performance of the software.

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore



 There is still 80% of untapped market. It is challenging to the

companies to reach to this untapped market with some strategies like,
more customized software, customized after-sales services. It is also
challenging to the companies to increase their customer database.

 Companies should provide some demo versions to make the customers

aware of software and its advantages.

 Since the average cost of the customized software is above 50

thousand, It is recommended to the companies to provide single-
window solution with some basic modules. Such as:

o Admission

o Administration

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

o Fees

o Examination

o Payroll

o Attendance

o Report Generation

Cost of the software should be reduced, so that it is affordable to

the small and medium institutions.

 Training should be provided to the end users twice in a year. First

training should be given before the installation of the software. And the
other one is after the installation of the software.

 It is recommended to the companies to make their software more user

friendly, and should increase the efficiency of the software. They
should also pay attention towards maintainability of the software.

 It is recommended to the companies to provide access of the some of

the software even to students and staff.

o Students should be allowed to view their attendance status,

marks statements, fees details etc.

o Staff should be allowed to view their salary particulars, their

leave details, etc.

 Companies can extend its scope in providing even web enabled

application to the institutions.

 It is also recommended to the companies to provide Open License to

the institutions in order to encourage the institutions in computerizing
their activities at cheapest cost.
RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

 It is recommended to the institutions to have web enabled applications

that provides online access of student details by all the stakeholders of
the institution, such as parents, staff, office personnel, management
people etc.

 It is recommended to the institutions to computerize their activities for

two main purposes:

o To increase the quality of education, and

o To increase the speed of knowledge acquisition

 Before buying educational software the user should consider the

following points:

o Quality of the Software in terms of Reliability, Maintainability,

Robustness, Efficiency and User friendliness

o Services provided by the company in the form of data

conversion, customized after sales service etc.

o Finally the Cost/Price, which should affordable by the

institutions based on their size of operations.

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


Mere quantitative expansion in classrooms and teaching staff is an efficient

way of tackling the nation’s educational deficit in the age of computer.
Recent experience has proven that computerizing education, i.e. utilizing
computer and computerized teaching materials as instruments for general
education, can dramatically increase the quality of education and the speed
of knowledge acquisition, while dramatically decreasing dependence the
knowledge and skill of teaching staff.

A fundamental policy decision should be made to fully utilize the capacities

of computer for general education, not just for computer training, and to
launch a major initiative to convert the entire school/college curriculum to
computer-based, CD-Rom teaching materials. The effort at computerization
can be extended to include not only general school/college curriculum but
vocational training on a very wide range of occupational skills, which can
then be made accessible through private and public vocational training
outlets throughout the country.

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

At the same time, a national campaign should be launched to develop low-

cost teaching computers that can introduce into existing schools/colleges on
a very large scale. A tie-up may be possible with major international
computer manufacturers to provide long term credit for this investment as it
will serve as model for other countries and expand the entire world market
for educational computers.

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore



Annie Vijaya J.

RJS Institute of Management Studies

100 ft Road, Koramangala,


Dear madam/Sir

I am pursuing my studies in the field of management, specializing in Systems. As a

part of my curriculum, I am doing a project titled “Evaluation of Educational
Software Packages with special reference to Bangalore South” I am

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

collecting data from various software companies who are into the development of
Educational Software. The information given will be used only for academic

I would appreciate if you spare few minutes to answer the following questions

Yours faithfully,

Annie Vijaya J.

1. Name of the Organization: __________________________________________

2. Name of the Person: ______________________________________________
3. Designation: ________________
4. Experience: _________________
5. Which category do you belong to, with respect to educational software


Outsourcing Company

Others Mention: ____________

6. You offer –
Tailor-made software

Integrated Software


7. From the below list choose the modules that you have-

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore



Fees Module


Time Table

Pay roll




Web Enabled Application

Reports Generation


Others Mention: ____________

8. The customized cost of the software ranges from –

Below 25 thousand

25 – 40 thousand

40 – 50 thousand

Above 50 thousand

9. Do you provide help on data conversion?



10. Do you provide software training?

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

Training before installation

Training after installation

Training before and after installation

No Training

11. Rate the following attributes as:-

1 à Excellent

2 à Good

3 à Satisfactory

4 à Fair

5 à Poor

a) Reliability : __________

b) Efficiency : __________

c) Maintainability : __________

d) User friendliness : __________

12. What are your future projects?



13. Can you please refer some of your customers?



RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

Thank you for your time



Annie Vijaya J.

RJS Institute of Management Studies

100 ft Road, Koramangala,


Dear madam/Sir

I am pursuing my studies in the field of management, specializing in Systems. As a

part of my curriculum, I am doing a project titled “Evaluation of Educational
Software Packages with special reference to Bangalore South”. I am
collecting data from various Educational Institutions those who are using
Educational Software. The information given will be used only for academic
RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

I would appreciate if you spare few minutes to answer the following questions

Thanks for your time

Yours faithfully,

Annie Vijaya J.

1. Name of the Institution: ___________________________________________

2. Name of the Person: ______________________________________________

3. Designation: ________________

4. Experience: _________________

5. Do you use Education Software?

Yes No

If “Yes” go to next question

If “No” go to 13th question

6. From the below list of modules, choose the modules that you have-

Administration Admission

Fee Module Examination

Time Table Payroll

Library Attendance
Mess Transportation

Web Enabled Application Report Generation

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

Others Mention: ____________

7. Since when are you using it–

< 6 months

6 months – 1 year

1 – 2 years

> 2 years

8. Name the vendor from whom you purchased this software?


9. The price of the software is –

Below 25 thousand

25 – 40 thousand

40 – 50 thousand

Above 50 thousand

10. Did you purchase–

Standalone software

Integrated Software

11. Do you provide software training?

Free Training before installation

Free Training after installation

Training at a cost

No Training

12. Rate the following attributes as:-

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

1 à Yes

2 à No

3 à Can’t say

a) The Functionality matches with the requirements : _______

b) Instructions are clear and easy to understand : _______

c) Screen display is well designed : _______

d) Provides after sales service : _______

e) Generates useful reports for decision making : _______

13. Rate the following attributes as:-

1 à Excellent

2 à Good

3 à Satisfactory

4 à Fair

5 à Poor

a) Learnability : __________

b) Reliability : __________

c) Robustness : __________

d) Efficiency : __________

e) Maintainability : __________

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

f) Portability : __________

g) User friendliness : __________

h) Extensibility : __________

14. What is the frequency of maintenance in a year?

< 3 times

3 – 5 times

> 5 times

15. Please check the box, with respect to its accessibility -



Office Personnel

Others Mention: ____________

16. a) Are you satisfied with the overall functionality?

Yes No

b) If “No” please suggest the areas in which you need the improvement:



RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore

17. a) Would you like to purchase it in the future?

Yes No

If “Yes” When? ________________

If “No” Why? ________________________

b) Would you prefer to buy -

Standalone Software

Integrated Software

Thank you for your time

RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


SOFTWARE ENGINEERING – A Practitioner’s Approach

5th Edition

Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.



4th Edition

Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.


NEWS PAPERS : The Hindu, Times of India, Deccan Herald etc

MAGZINES : The Week, Business World, India Today

JOURNALS : IT Journals from the college library







RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore


RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore


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