Executive Summary: Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore
Executive Summary: Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore
Executive Summary: Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore
The modules include admission module, fee module, course module, staff
pay module, examination module, attendance module etc. These modules
help the institution to have access to the students data base, generates MIS
reports, it provides the information about the attendance of the students to
the staff that helps them to have a daily track of students attendance.
Project objectives:
Pioneered the Global Delivery Model - right skills at the right price at
the right time, with managed risk.
India has a large and complex Higher Education System. This comprises of
nearly 310 universities. Universities in India are either set up by an Act of
Parliament or the State Legislatures. In addition, some institutions are also
conferred deemed to be University status by the Central Government.
Universities are either unitary or affiliating. 131 universities in the Country
are affiliating type. They together affiliate around 15,500 colleges. Total
student enrolment is around 92 lakh. In addition, there are several
professional councils that maintain standards in their respective fields. Some
of these professional councils also maintain a Central Register of
RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore
Professionals in their fields. In 1956, the Central Government had set up the
University Grants Commission (UGC) to discharge its constitutional mandate
of coordination, determination, and maintenance of standards in higher
UGC's Mandate
Institution administrators are therefore among those who will have to adapt
to the new paradigm taking on new strategies and embracing new
technologies. With limited resources and a budget that must be managed
effectively in the face of conflicting priorities, administrators will need all the
tools that can help to enhance the management of the institution, while
providing the greatest transparency and accountability.
RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore
The nature and definition of ‘software’ has broadened significantly over the
last few years. Traditionally, a computer program which when accessed
either attempted to teach or offered a learning environment to the user was
considered to be educational software. Over the last five years, the term has
come to encompass the content of web sites, video on demand, broadcast
material and an ever-expanding range of digitized material.
• Admission Module
This module comes into picture when any student would like to take
admission in the institute. This module has been provided the facility to
manage all the test details before admission and also all the student
details according to different criteria. This module is designed to make
admission of students in various classes and the respective sections and
maintains the details about them. The main features of this module are:
• Fees Module
• Administration Module
• It would help for the generation of exam set for each class.
• Record maintenance for the monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and
annual exams.
• Provides gradation of students on the basis of performance, i.e.
generation of Mark sheets.
• The results can be in the form of grades or percentage as the choice
may be.
• Generates class wise student progress report.
• Payroll Module
• Library Module
This module would help to maintain the record of all the books,
magazines etc automatically in the library reducing the overhead of
the Librarian. The features provided in this module are:
• Maintaining the complete category wise and thus the list of different
categories of books, magazines, references etc in the library storing
the complete information related to them.
• Books can be stored category wise and thus the list of different
categories of books can be generated.
• Books can be searched on the basis of different criteria and thus the
need for manually searching the book is completely discarded.
• Fine would be calculated automatically if the book is returned after
due date.
• Student card and employee card can be generated mentioning the
details of the books issued i.e. the name of the book, date of issue,
due date, return date, etc.
• Attendance Module
• Mess Module
RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore
• Just by click, parents can know the details of their child any time
any day.
• Parents are better prepared to help with homework as they can see
what is scheduled and when it is due.
• Transportation Module
Model of Integrated
This module takes care of all the aspects related to the Registration and
Admission process of new students in various Classes i.e. Calling
Applications, Filling Registration forms, Admission Tests and/or Interviews,
Final Selection, etc., in Nursery, Primary, Secondary and Senior Secondary
Students Attendance
Fees Collection
This module will provide the unbiased system for the Students Performance
Appraisal including the computerized generation of Mark Sheets for all
classes and providing the modules for printing of Certificates and other
official documents.
Result Analysis
Library Management
H R Management
This module keeps the record of the complete Profile of all the staff members
also identifies a shortage of staff needed to fill the vacant job positions and
remind the School/college authorities about the need for Staff members of
specific profile.
Staff Attendance
Payroll System
• Reduces errors and eliminating the ennui of long and repetitive manual
But for the purpose of this study the first 8 (Eight) companies from the below
list are considered. They are
4. HP
5. Data Links
• Quality
• Service
• Price
Apart from the above factors following attributes are also considered
and are applicable in selection of Educational Software:
User friendliness
The design of user interfaces. The clarity and the simplicity of the user
instructions (tutorial or manual).
Form of representation.
Programming style.
Project objectives:
The scope is again limited to those schools and colleges within Bangalore,
who have computerized their academic activates.
Research Design:
• Company’s Manuals
• Help files provided in the software
• Internet
• Journals
• Magazines
Sampling Design:
Category Number of % of
Respondents respondents
Developer 6 75
Vendor/Dealer 2 25
Outsourcing company - -
Total 8 100
The above table and graph clearly shows the category percentage of
educational software providers. 37.5% of the respondents are developers,
37.5% of them are service providers and 25% of them are vendors. None of
them are into outsourcing.
2. Table and graph showing the type of software offered to their clients.
Category Number of % of
Respondents respondents
Integrated Software 2 25
Both 4 50
Total 8 100
The above table and graph shows the type of software offered by the
companies. 50% of the respondents said that they offer both tailor-made and
integrated software, 50% is shared equally by those companies who offer
only tailor-made and integrated software respectively.
It is inferred from the above analysis, that the companies provide both tailor-
made and integrated software to their clients according to the client’s
3. Table and graph showing the list of modules provided by the companies.
Administration 8 100
Admission 8 100
Fees 8 100
Examination 7 87.5
Time Table 2 25
Payroll 6 75
Library 5 62.5
Attendance 4 50
Mess 1 12.5
Report Generation 6 75
Transportation 1 12.5
The above table and graph clearly explains the different modules offered by
the companies. 100% of the respondents said that they offer all the basic
modules like, Administration, Admission, required to an educational
institution. Only 12.5% of the respondents said that they offer web enabled
It is inferred from the above analysis that the companies offer the basic
modules like, Administration, Admission, Fees, Payroll, and Report
Generation etc. required for an educational institution.
Below 25 - -
25 - 40 thousand - -
40 – 50 thousand 3 37.5
Above 50 5 62.5
TOTAL 8 100
The above table and graph clearly explains the cost of customized software.
50% of the respondents said that the cost ranges from 40 to 50 thousand,
and 50% of them said that it costs above 50 thousand.
It is inferred from the above analysis that the customized software costs
above 50 thousand. The cost depends on the customization.
5. Table and graph showing the help on data conversion provided by the
Yes 5 62.5
No 3 37.5
TOTAL 8 100
The above table and graph clearly states the help on data conversion
provided by the companies. 62.5% of the respondents said that they provide
help on data conversion and 37.5% of the respondents said that they don’t
provide any help as such.
It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the companies offer
help on data conversion.
6. Table and graph showing the software training provided by the companies
Response Number of % of
Respondents respondents
No Training 2 25
TOTAL 8 100
The above table and graph explains the software training provided by the
companies. 37.5% of the respondents said that they provide training after
installation and 25% of the respondents agreed that they provide training
before and after installation. 25% of them said that they don’t provide any
training as such.
It is inferred from the above analysis that the majority of the companies
provide software training to their clients.
Yes 16 80
No 4 20
TOTAL 20 100
The above table and graph explains the use of educational software by the
educational institution. 80% of the respondents said that they use
educational software in their institution. 20% of them said they don’t use.
It is inferred from the above analysis that the majority of the institutions use
educational software to carry out the activities.
2. Table and graph showing the list of modules used by the Institutions.
Administration 12 60
Admission 14 70
Fees 10 50
Examination 10 50
Time Table 6 30
Payroll 8 40
Library 12 60
Attendance 10 50
Mess 2 10
Web Enabled 4 20
Report Generation 10 50
Transportation - 0
The above table and graph clearly explains the different modules used by
the institutions. 70% of the respondents said that they use admission
module, 60% of them said they use Administration, Library and 50% of the
respondents use Fees, Administration, Report Generation etc. required to an
educational institution. Only 20% of the respondents said that they offer web
enabled application.
It is inferred from the above analysis that the institutions use all the basic
modules like, Administration, Admission, Fees, Payroll, and Report
Generation etc. required for an educational institution.
3. Table and graph showing the time period since the software is been used
in the institutions
Not used 4 20
< 6 months - 0
6 months – 1 year - 0
1 – 2 years 8 40
> 2 years 8 40
TOTAL 20 100
The above table and graph states that the time period since from which the
institutions are using educational software. 40% of the respondents said that
they are using past from 2 years.
It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the institutions are
using software past from 2 years.
No Answer 4 20
Below 25 - 0
25 - 40 thousand 1 5
40 – 50 thousand 3 15
Above 50 12 60
TOTAL 20 100
The above table and graph states the average price of the software. 60% of
the respondents said that the price of the software is more than 50
thousand. 15% of them said the price as between 40 - 50 thousand.
It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the institutions bought
the software for more than 50 thousand.
5. Table and graph showing the type of software used by the end user.
Category Number of % of
Respondents respondents
Not used 4 20
Integrated Software 6 30
Total 20 100
The above table and graph states that the type of software used by the end
users. 50% of them said that they use stand alone software, 30% of them
said they have integrated software.
It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the institutions use
standalone software.
6. Table and graph showing the software training provided by the companies
to the institutions
Response Number of % of
Respondents respondents
No Answer 4 20
Training at a cost - 0
No Training - 0
TOTAL 20 100
RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore
The above table and graph explains the customer response to the software
training provided by the companies. 60% of the respondents said that they
are given free training after installation. 20% of them said they are given
free training before installation.
It is inferred from the above analysis that the majority of the companies
provide free software training after the installation of the software.
Response Number of % of
Respondents respondents
No Answer 4 20
Yes 12 60
No - 0
Can’t say 4 20
TOTAL 20 100
The above table and graph explains the matching of functionality of the
software with the requirements. 60% of them said that the functionality of
the software matches with the requirements.
It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents agree
to the statement i.e., matching of functionality with the requirements.
Response Number of % of
Respondents respondents
No Answer 4 20
Yes 14 70
No - 0
Can’t say 2 10
TOTAL 20 100
The above table and graph explains the clarity and understandability of
instructions. 70% of them said that the instructions are clear and easy to
It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents said
that the instructions are clear and easy to understand.
Response Number of % of
Respondents respondents
No Answer 4 20
Yes 10 50
No 4 20
Can’t say 2 10
TOTAL 20 100
The above table and graph explains the design of the screen display. 50% of
them said that the screen display is well designed.
It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents said
that the screen display is well designed.
Response Number of % of
Respondents respondents
No Answer 4 20
Yes 10 50
No 6 30
Can’t say - 0
TOTAL 20 100
The above table and graph explains the customer’s response to the after
sales service provided by the company. 50% of them said that the
companies’ provide after sales service. 30% of them said that No to the
It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents said
that the companies’ provide after sales service.
Response Number of % of
Respondents respondents
No Answer 4 20
Yes 12 60
No 2 10
Can’t say 2 10
TOTAL 20 100
The above table and graph explains the user response to the useful reports
generation for decision making. 60% of them said that the software
generated useful reports needed for decision making..
It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents said
that the software generates useful reports necessary for decision making.
8. Table and graph showing the ratings given by the respondents regarding
software’s attributes
a) Learnability:
Excellent 14 70
Good 6 30
Satisfactory - 0
Fair - 0
Poor - 0
RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore
Total 20 100
The above table and graph clearly explains the learnability of the software.
70% of the respondents said that the learnability is excellent. 30% of them
said that it is good.
It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the institutions believe
that the learnabiltity of the software is excellent.
b) Reliability:
Excellent - 0
Good 10 50
Satisfactory 10 50
Fair - 0
Poor - 0
TOTAL 20 100
The above table and graph clearly explains the reliability of the software.
50% of the respondents said that the software is reliable.
It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents believe
that the software is reliable.
c) Robustness:
Excellent - 0
Good 12 60
Satisfactory 2 10
Fair 4 20
Poor 2 10
TOTAL 20 100
The above table and graph clearly explains the robustness of the software.
60% of the respondents said that the software is robust that reduces errors.
It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents rated
good to the robustness attribute.
d) Efficiency:
Efficiency is the ability of a software system to fulfill its purpose with the
best possible utilization of all necessary resources (time, storage,
transmission channels and peripherals).
Excellent - 0
Good 10 50
Satisfactory 8 40
Fair 2 10
Poor - 0
TOTAL 20 100
The above table and graph clearly explains the Efficiency of the software.
50% of the respondents said that the software is efficient. 40% of them are
satisfied with the efficiency of the software.
It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents rated
good to the efficiency attribute.
e) Maintainability:
Excellent 4 20
Good 10 50
Satisfactory 6 30
Fair - 0
Poor - 0
TOTAL 20 100
The above table and graph clearly explains the maintainability of the
software. 50% of the respondents said that the maintainability of the
software is good.
It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents rated
good to the maintainability attribute.
f) Portability:
Excellent - 0
Good 8 40
Satisfactory 6 30
Fair 6 30
Poor - 0
TOTAL 20 100
The above table and graph clearly explains the portability of the software.
40% of the respondents rated good to the portability attribute. 30% each of
them rated satisfactory and fair respectively.
It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents rated
good to the portability attribute.
g) User Friendliness:
Excellent 12 60
Good 4 20
Satisfactory - 0
Fair 4 20
Poor - 0
TOTAL 20 100
The above table and graph clearly explains the user friendliness of the
software. 60% of the respondents said excellent to the software user
It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents rated
excellent to the software’s user friendliness.
h) Extensibility:
Excellent 12 60
Good 8 40
Satisfactory - 0
Fair - 0
Poor - 0
TOTAL 20 100
The above table and graph clearly explains the Extensibility of the software.
60% of the respondents rated excellent to the extensibility attribute. 40%
rated good.
It is inferred from the above analysis that the software will allow required
modifications if necessary without affecting other operations.
Response Number of % of
Respondents respondents
No Answer 4 20
< 3 times 12 60
3 - 5 times 2 10
> 5 times 2 10
TOTAL 20 100
The above table and graph clearly explains the frequency of the
maintenance required to the software in a year. 60% of the respondents said
that the software requires less than 3 times of maintenance in a year. 10% of
them said it requires more than 5 times.
It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondent said
that maintenance is required is less than 3 times in a year.
No Answer 4 20
Students 2 10
Staff 4 20
Office Personnel 10 50
TOTAL 20 100
The above table and graph clearly explains the accessibility of the software.
50% of the respondents said that the software is accessed only by the office
personnel. Only 20% of them said it is accessed by the staff.
It is inferred from the above analysis that majority of the respondents said
that the software is accessed by the office personnel.
10. Table and graph showing the Satisfaction with the overall functionality of
the software
Response Number of % of
Respondents respondents
No Answer 4 20
Yes 14 70
No 2 10
TOTAL 20 100
The above table and graph clearly explains the user’s overall satisfaction of
the software. 70% of the respondents said that they are satisfied with the
performance of the software. 10% of them said No to the statement.
RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore
Companies provide all the necessary and basic modules required for
the educational institutions. The major ones are:
Computers - Excellen - - -
Edn t
Pvt. Ltd.
WIPRO - - - Excellent -
INFOSYS Excellent - - - -
RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore
HP - - - - Excellent
Access Excellent - - - -
Pvt. Ltd.
80% of the institutions use educational software. They have all the
basic modules necessary for an educational institution.
Majority of the institutions are using the software past from 2 years.
Majority of the users mentioned that they are given Free software
training after installation of the software, and it is given twice in a
60% of the users said that the software functionality matches with the
requirements. They are well satisfied with the design and display of
the screen.
o Portability: 40% said Good, 30% each said Satisfactory and fair
70% of the respondents said that they are satisfied with the overall
performance of the software.
o Admission
o Administration
o Fees
o Examination
o Payroll
o Attendance
o Report Generation
RJS Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore
Evaluation of Educational Software in Bangalore
Annie Vijaya J.
Dear madam/Sir
collecting data from various software companies who are into the development of
Educational Software. The information given will be used only for academic
I would appreciate if you spare few minutes to answer the following questions
Yours faithfully,
Annie Vijaya J.
Outsourcing Company
6. You offer –
Tailor-made software
Integrated Software
7. From the below list choose the modules that you have-
Fees Module
Time Table
Pay roll
Reports Generation
Below 25 thousand
25 – 40 thousand
40 – 50 thousand
Above 50 thousand
No Training
1 à Excellent
2 à Good
3 à Satisfactory
4 à Fair
5 à Poor
a) Reliability : __________
b) Efficiency : __________
c) Maintainability : __________
Annie Vijaya J.
Dear madam/Sir
I would appreciate if you spare few minutes to answer the following questions
Yours faithfully,
Annie Vijaya J.
3. Designation: ________________
4. Experience: _________________
Yes No
6. From the below list of modules, choose the modules that you have-
Administration Admission
Library Attendance
Mess Transportation
< 6 months
6 months – 1 year
1 – 2 years
> 2 years
Below 25 thousand
25 – 40 thousand
40 – 50 thousand
Above 50 thousand
Standalone software
Integrated Software
Training at a cost
No Training
1 à Yes
2 à No
3 à Can’t say
1 à Excellent
2 à Good
3 à Satisfactory
4 à Fair
5 à Poor
a) Learnability : __________
b) Reliability : __________
c) Robustness : __________
d) Efficiency : __________
e) Maintainability : __________
f) Portability : __________
h) Extensibility : __________
< 3 times
3 – 5 times
> 5 times
Office Personnel
Yes No
b) If “No” please suggest the areas in which you need the improvement:
Yes No
Standalone Software
Integrated Software
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING – A Practitioner’s Approach
5th Edition
4th Edition