Question of BTM

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BTM: Question Bank

Foundation & Soil Exploration:

Question: What are the basic characteristics of black cotton soil? What precautions should be taken
during foundation construction in black cotton soil?
Question: What is underpinning? Explain Pit method for the same.
Question: Explain the purposes of sub-surface investigations and discuss wash boring in detail.
Question: Discuss the problems of foundation in black-cotton soils. Describe their preventive
Question: State the purpose of soil exploration.
Question: Enlist the methods of site exploration. Explain any one in detail.
Question: What does it mean by shoring? Enlist the types of shores and describe in brief any one.
Question: Write causes of failure of foundations and remedial measures.
Question: What are the different types of boring methods? Explain each in brief with neat sketches.
Question: Define underpinning. Explain pit method of underpinning with sketch.
Question: Write the purposes of site exploration. Enlist various methods of site exploration.
Question: Explain seismic refraction method with sketch.
Question: Write various factors affecting the selection of site exploration method. Enlist various
boring methods adopted for site exploration. Explain wash boring with sketch.
Question: What are the causes of failure of foundation? When do you suggest:
1. Combined footing 2. Strap footing 3. Raft foundation
Also state that which type of foundation is suitable for black cotton soil?
Question: Define shoring, underpinning and scaffolding. Sketch brick layer’s scaffolding.
Question: What are the causes of failure of foundation? What remedial measures would you adopt?
Question: Explain with sketch Plate Load Bearing Test.
Question: What are the problems of foundations on black cotton soils? Explain with sketch Under-
reamed pile foundation.
Question: What do you understand by under-pinning? When do you require it? Explain with sketches
its method.
Question: Explain various types of shallow foundation.
Question: Describe setting out of foundation trenches.
Question: What are the different types of foundation in black cotton soil? Explain any one in detail
Question: Briefly describe the causes of failure of foundation and their remedial measures.
Question: Describe auger boring and wash boring with a sketch of each.
Question: Explain in brief (1) Sub-surface investigation (2) Methods of improving bearing capacity
Question: Describe in brief (1) Foundation in black cotton soil (2) Wash boring
Question: Define shoring and underpinning. Explain any one method of each.
Question: Discuss in brief the causes of failure of foundation.
Question: Write different types of building and write purpose and different methods of site exploration
Question: Differentiate between shallow foundation and deep foundation along with types of them.
Question: Write definition and types of shoring, scaffolding and underpinning.
Question: Explain with help of neat sketch classification of shallow foundation?
Question: Explain steel grillage foundation with all details.
Question: What are the different methods for site exploration? Explain any two methods in detail.
Question: Explain the various types of boring methods with help of neat sketches

Masonry Construction:
Question: Explain Brick Cavity Wall with sketch.
Question: Write short note on random rubble masonry and ashlar chamfered masonry.
Question: Explain the difference between English bond and Flemish bond with figure.
Question: Give a point wise comparison of brick and stone masonry
Question: Classify the stone masonry and describe the ashlar masonry in detail with figures.
Question: Write a note on random rubble built to course stone masonry.
Question: Define the following terms: (i) closer, (ii) quoin, (iii) coping
Question: Differentiate between English bond and Flemish bond
Question: What are the different types of bonds in brickwork? Explain English bond with neat
Question: Define cavity wall. What are its advantages? Explain method of construction of it.
Question: Explain fire resisting properties of common building materials.
Question: Write size of brick. Enlist types of bonds in brickwork. Sketch English bond for 1.5 brick
thick wall.
Question: Write the difference between (1) English bond and Flemish bond (2) Rubble masonry and
ashlar masonry
Question: What is composite masonry? Write various types of it. Explain any one in detail.
Question: What is cavity wall? Write advantages of cavity walls. What precautions to be taken during
cavity wall construction?
Question: What is bond in brick masonry? What is its significance? What are the rules for bonding?
Question: Describe with neat sketch different types of rubble masonry.
Question: Explain with sketches the details of cavity wall at the following locations: (a) Foundation
level, (b) Parapet level, (c) At openings.
Question: Compare stone masonry and brick masonry.
Question: What are the different types of composite masonry? Explain reinforced brick masonry.
Question: Explain Dutch bond and ranking bond with sketch
Question: Describe merits of English bond and draw plan of 1 brick wall English bond for odd and
even course.
Question: Write a detailed note on composite masonry.
Question: Explain various rubble masonries with a figure of each.
Question: Describe the causes of failures of foundation and their preventive measures.
Question: Enumerate various stone masonries. Describe rubble masonry in detail with figure.
Question: Enlist various bonds in brickwork. Describe English bond and Flemish bond with their
essential features.
Question: Define composite masonry and write its advantages. Describe any two types of composite
masonries in detail.
Question: Write a short note on (1) Hollow masonry (2) Cavity wall
Question: Write the difference between rubble masonry and ashlar masonry.
Question: What is composite masonry? Write advantages of composite masonry and enlist different
types of composite masonry.
Question: What is composite masonry? Explain cavity wall with sketch with position of cavity at
foundation level.
Question: State different types of bonds in brick masonry. Explain 1.5 brick thick wall in Flemish
bond with elevation and plan for even and odd layers.
Question: Discuss components of stone masonry? List various lifting appliances for stone work and
explain any two in detail?
Question: Define the following terms with neat sketches (i)Frog (ii) King & Queen Closer (iii)Bat
Question: What are hollow concrete blocks? Enumerate the various advantages of using hollow
concrete blocks for construction.
Question: Discuss the purpose of Cavity Walls? Give general principles of its construction.
Question: Describe Ashlar masonry with its various categories.

Scaffolding & Underpinning Techniques:

Question: Define shoring and underpinning and Write a note on needle scaffolding and dead shores.
Question: What is meant by scaffolding? Discuss the essential requirements of it.
Question: What are the various types of scaffolding? Describe single and double scaffolding with
Question: Write a short note on (1) Types of scaffolding (2) Under pinning
Question: Write a short note on 1) Needle scaffolding. 2) Pit method for underpinning.
Question: Discuss with neat sketch double scaffolding?

Arches & Lintels:

Question: Explain in detail with neat sketches various types of stone arches?
Question: Explain relieving arch and horse shoe arch. Discuss different causes of failures of arches.
Question: Define the terms: (i) springing points (ii) centering
Question: Distinguish between lintel & an arch. Draw a neat sketch of an arch and show on it various
technical terms used in its construction.
Question: List various types of lintels. Write about relieving arch and horse shoe arch with sketch.
Question: Explain the reinforced brick lintel with sketch.
Question: Classify and explain various types of arches based on material and workmanship.
Question: Explain with sketch: (1) R.C.C.Lintel (2) Semi-circular brick arch
Question: Classify the arches based on material and workmanship. Explain stone arches with sketch.

Roof & Floors:

Question: Give merits and demerits of flat and pitched roof.
Question: Explain essential requirements of floor and describe tiled flooring.
Question: Define the following terms in relation to roof (1) Span (2) Rise of a roof (3) Ridge (4)
Eaves (5) Gable (6) Purlins (7) Common rafter
Question: Explain the factors affecting the selection of types of roof covering and enlist various
materials used in roof covering.
Question: Explain with the help of sketch the method of constructing timber flooring.
Question: Compare Steel roof trusses and Timber roof trusses.
Question: Explain in brief the factors that affect the selection of a floor finish.
Question: State briefly the essential requirement of a good roof.
Question: Enumerate various types of materials used for construction of floor base and flooring.
Explain factors that affect the selection of flooring materials.
Question: Draw a neat sketch of jack arch floor of bricks. Explain its method of construction.
Question: Classify different types of timber floors and explain each in brief with help of sketches.
Question: Differentiate between pitched roofs and flat roofs. Write advantages and disadvantages of
flat roofs.
Question: What are the various types of flat terraced roofing? Explain lime concrete terracing with
Question: Write essential requirements of a floor. Explain cement concrete flooring with advantages
and disadvantages of it.
Question: What is pitched roof? What are the types of it? What are the roof coverings for it? Sketch
king post truss with labels.
Question: Explain in brief the essential requirements of a floor. Describe the following with sketches
& mention the situations under which they are used? (a) Reinforced brick flooring, (b)
Ribbed floor.
Question: What are the essential requirements of a good roof? Compare merits & demerits of flat &
pitched roof?
Question: Compare steel roof truss and timber roof truss.
Question: Describe factors affecting selection of flooring material
Question: Write a short note on (1) Timber flooring (2) Reinforced concrete floor
Question: Define the following terms in relation to roof with figure (1) Ridge (2) Common rafter (3)
Purlin (4) Cleat (5) Eaves Board
Question: Write advantages and disadvantages of flat roof. Write short note on drainage of roofs.
Question: Describe essential requirements of floor.
Question: Define the following in relation of roof. (1) Pitch (2) Ridge (3) Valley (4) Common rafter
(5) Purlin (6) Eave board (7) Gable
Question: Describe the following with figure (1) Lean to roof (2) King post roof truss
Question: Discuss various factors affecting the selection of flooring material.
Question: Enlist the materials used for flooring. Explain marble flooring with sketch.
Question: Enlist upper floors. Explain jack arch floor with sketch.
Question: Discuss various factors affecting the selection of flooring material? Give your
recommendation for flooring to be provided for a hospital building.
Question: Give requirement of a good roof? Define the following terms with respect to roof (i) truss
(ii) Span (iii) Rise (iv) Ridge beam
Question: Enlist the materials used for construction of floor finish and write the factors that affect
their selection.
Question: Write types of roof and roof covering. Explain king post truss with sketch and label the
Question: Discuss in brief the method of construction of concrete jack arch flooring.

Doors & Windows:

Question: Explain Venetian door and Collapsible steel door.
Question: What factors should consider for selecting type, shape and size of window?
Question: Describe the factors affecting the selection of size, shape, location and number of windows
in rooms.
Question: Classify various types of doors. Discuss flush door and collapsible steel door in detail.
Question: Differentiate between: (1) Panelled doors and Glazed doors (2) Skylight window and
Lantern light widows
Question: Write the points to be kept in mind while fixing the position of doors and windows.
Question: Classify various types of windows based on nature of operation or opening and explain any
two in brief.
Question: Enlist types of doors. Write size of doors of residential buildings. Sketch solid core flush
Question: Write the factors affecting selection of size, shape, location and number of windows.
Sketch casement window and label various components of window on it.
Question: What are the points to be kept in view, while locating doors & windows in a room? Explain
with sketches: (1) Revolving door, (2) Dormer window.
Question: Describe framed and panelled doors and write salient features.
Question: Explain the construction of following doors with their suitability. (1) Ledged and braced
door (2) Glazed door (3) Paneled door
Question: Write a short note on (1) Location of doors and windows (2) Metal windows
Question: Enlist various types of doors and explain flush door and collapsible steel door with figure.
Question: Enlist various types of windows. Explain bay window and sky light window with figure.
Question: Discuss various factors affecting location of doors and windows.
Question: Differentiate between Fixed window and pivoted window and also explain with sketch
Framed and panelled door.
Question: Explain solid core and hollow core flush door with sketch.
Question: Write suitability of collapsible and rolling steel door. Also, write about fixtures used for
doors with sketch.
Question: Write the factors for selection of shape, size, location and number of windows in a room.
Explain fanlight with sketch.
Question: Explain clear storey window with sketch. Also, write fastenings used for windows.
Question: Enumerate the functions of a door? Explain different types of doors with help of neat
Question: Discuss various components parts of a window with a neat sketch? Give various factors
affecting the selection of window?

Vertical Circulation:
Question: Write short note on Escalator with sketch.
Question: Describe the following types of stair with line diagram. Also state the conditions under
which they are provided (1) dog-legged stair (2) Open-well stair (3) Quarter- turn stair
Question: State and explain the circumstances under which the following types of stairs can be
provided: (i) half turn geometrical stair (ii) dog-legged stair
Question: Explain with the help of sketches the following terms: (i) winders (ii) nosing (iii) landing
Question: Draw single flight staircase and label various components of stair on it. Also sketch various
types of steps with their names.
Question: Explain with sketches the following types of stairs: (1) Open well stair (Half& Quarter
turn), (2) Bifurcated stairs, (3) Spiral stairs.
Question: Classify the stairs and explain half turn stairs.
Question: Describe requirements of good stairs explaining each requirement clearly.
Question: Describe various types of stairs with figure explaining suitability of each.
Question: Define the following with figure in relation to stair (1) Tread (2) Riser (3) Flight (4)
Landing (5) Nosing (6) Waist (7) String
Question: Describe dog-legged stair and bifurcated stair with neat sketch.
Question: Give various types of stairs commonly used in construction? Explain any one in detail with
a neat sketch?
Question: State requirements of a good stair case in brief and explain continuous stairs
Plastering & Pointing, Paints and Special Treatments:
Question: Describe various types of pointing.
Question: What are the basic characteristics of an ideal paint?
Question: Explain anti – termite treatment with details.
Question: Define mortar. Describe lime mortar and cement mortar used for plastering.
Question: Describe damp proofing treatment for the following (1) Foundation (2) Floor (3) Parapet
Question: What is sound insulation? What are the various effective measures adopted to achieve
sound insulation in a building.
Question: Define mortar. Explain cement and lime mortar.
Question: State the general principles that should be observed for providing damp proofing (DPC)
Question: Discus in brief various types of thermal insulating materials.
Question: Describe common acoustical defects in auditorium and write recommended remedies.
Question: What is difference between plastering and pointing? Explain various types of pointing with
Question: What is the difference between plastering and pointing? Discuss cement mortar plastering.
Question: What are the special treatments for buildings? Explain any one in detail.
Question: What are the objects of plastering? Describe in brief: (i) Cement Plastering, (ii) Acoustical
Question: Briefly explain: (i) Thermal insulation of exposed walls, (ii) Post-construction anti-termite
Question: Explain general fire safety requirements for buildings.
Question: Explain different types of plaster finishes.
Question: Explain in brief the following (1) Damp proofing (2) Anti-termite treatment
Question: What are the requirements of good plaster and explain various defects in plastering.
Question: What are special treatments in Building? Explain any one in detail.
Question: Discuss in brief general principles to be observed for providing damp proofing.
Question: Write short note on “Thermal Insulation in Building”
Question: List various types of plaster finishes. Also, write various special materials used in plastering
and various defects in plastering.
Question: Write various materials used for damp proofing and thermal insulating materials.
Question: Discuss the necessity of plaster and list the various types of plasters discussing any one in
Question: Explain the types of special treatments required for a building giving the necessity of each
and its condition of application?
General Questions:
Question: Define following terms (1) Scotia (2) Reveal (3) Corbel (4) Buttress (5) Durability (6) Horn
(7) Thermal Conductivity
Question: Define the following terms with figure (1) King closer (2) Queen closer (3) Frog (4) Jambs
(5) Reveals (6) Throating (7) Coping
Question: Explain the following terms with figures (1) King closer (2) Queen closer (3) Header (4)
Strecher (5) Cornice (6) Coping (7) String course
Question: Describe the following wit figure in relation to masonry (1) King closer (2) Queen closer (3)
Strecher (4) Header (5) Coping (6) Throating (7) Cornice
Question: Define the following 1) Winders 2) Pitch 3) Frog 4) Queen closer 5) Lintel 6) Spandril 7)
Question: Write a note on various components of a building.
Question: Discuss with the help of neat sketch various building components with their respective
Question: Describe the ingredients of reinforced cement concrete and explain the function of each
Question: What are the functions of water in concrete mix? Describe the properties of water which are
necessary to be used to get good concrete.
Question: Differentiate between pre-cast and cast-in situ construction. Write advantages and
disadvantages of pre-cast construction.
Question: Explain water-cement ratio, Grades of concrete and Curing of concrete.
Question: Explain the methods of mixing, placing, compacting and curing of concrete.
Question: What is the importance of reinforcement in concrete? Describe various types of
reinforcements used in reinforced concrete.
Question: Write a short note on (1) Pre-cast construction (2) Cast in situ construction
Question: Describe the properties of fresh concrete.
Question: What are the various methods of proportioning concrete? Explain any two in detail.
Question: Explain segregation, bleeding and grades of concrete.
Question: Write advantages and disadvantages of precast and cast-in-situ concrete.
Question: Discuss various types of concretes used in infrastructure projects?

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