Trump PDF
Trump PDF
Trump PDF
DONALD TRUMP is one of America’s best known business personalities. His business interests include real
estate, gaming, sports and entertainment. Mr. Trump has recently featured in a prime-time TV series, The
Apprentice. He is also the author of The Art of the Deal, Surviving at the Top, The Art of the Comeback and The
America We Deserve. Mr. Trump also has extensive philanthropic interests and activities.
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“‘How to Get Rich’. Whenever I meet people, that’s usually what they want to know from me. You ask a baker how be bakes bread.
You ask a billionaire how he makes money. Sure, there have been countless how-to-get-rich books written by millionaires. Billionaire
authors are harder to find. Billionaire authors with interests in real estate, gaming, sports, and entertainment are rarer still. And
billionaire authors with their own Manhattan skyscrapers and hit prime-time TV series are the rarest of all. I’m pretty sure I’m the only
one, though Oprah could give me a run for the money if she ever decides to write another book and get into real estate.”
– Donald Trump
“In 1987, I wrote: ‘I don’t do it for the money. I’ve got enough, much more than I’ll ever need. I do it to do it. Deals are my art form. Other
people paint beautifully on canvas or write wonderful poetry. I like making deals, preferably big deals. That’s how I get my kicks.’ It’s
now 2004, I’m still making deals around the clock, and I still don’t do it for the money. I don’t think you should do it for the money, either.
Money is not an end in itself, but it’s sometimes the most effective way to help us realize our dreams.”
– Donald Trump
The Donald Trump School of Business & Get a great personal assistant
1. 4
Business and Management Management who is good at his or her job
If you surround yourself with people you can trust rather than
Business & Work like a general – keep the big people who will need constant supervision, you can get a lot
1 more done.
Management picture in mind when dealing with details
There are times when you need to challenge people to do their It’s smart to pay careful attention to who is on your home team,
best and other times when a lighter touch is required. Generals because having the right people in place can make your life a lot
are good at making this distinction. You need to learn how to do easier. You need people who are tough, smart, gracious and
the same. indefatigable – people who are good at their jobs.
“I often say it’s good to be paranoid, but not when it comes to your
The top people in any field want to work with managers who can home team. Ask God for a great assistant. No joke. A great one
execute good business strategy. To attract and retain good can make your life a whole lot easier – or, in my case, almost
people, be prepared to accept responsibility and call the shots. manageable.”
Hire people you can trust and rely on them to keep you informed. – Donald Trump
Always choose new people on the strength of their attitude rather
than their credentials or even their experience.
Business & 5 Set a good example because
“Keep the big picture in mind while attending to the daily details. Management nobody will work harder than you do
This can seem like a balancing act, but it is absolutely necessary
for success in running a company.” Be passionate about what you do. If your employees don’t sense
– Donald Trump your energy and enthusiasm, they won’t be fired up either.
Business & 2 Stay focused on what actually makes As the leader of a business, everything is up to you – the
Management you money – all else is irrelevant strategy, the results achieved and everything in between. Set a
high standard. Don’t for a minute expect anyone else in the
Never take your eye off the ball. Your lack of attention can kill organization to work harder and longer than you do. View
your business if you’re not careful. problems as an opportunity to prove yourself and as indicators of
growth and vitality.
You’ll always accomplish more by being willing to talk with your
“In the 1980s, I was riding high. One magazine headline said it
people rather than by intimidating them.
believed it. Then, the real estate market crashed. I owed billions “Remember Harry Truman’s famous words, which he kept on his
upon billions of dollars – $9.2 billion, to be exact. I’d personally desk in the Oval Office? THE BUCK STOPS HERE. I keep a
guaranteed a billion dollars. I wound up dealing with some similar quote on my desk. It reads: THE BUCK STARTS HERE.”
understanding bankers who worked out a fair deal. After being – Donald Trump
the king of the eighties, I survived the early nineties, but by the
mid-to-late nineties I was thriving again. I work as hard today as I
Business & 6 Don’t equivocate about things– this is
did when I was a young developer in the 1970s. Don’t make the
Management the politician’s stock in trade, not yours
mistake I did. Stay focused.”
– Donald Trump
When you want to say something, be blunt, get to the point and
do it quickly.
Business & 3 Maintain your momentum in
Management business, or fall behind the curve
“If you equivocate, it’s an indication that you’re unsure of yourself
No matter what your field, stay current and up to date with the and what you’re doing. I try not to do it. Fortunately, I don’t have
latest news. Don’t assume that you can get by on the strength of to try too hard at this one, because I’ve been known to be on the
past accomplishments alone. blunt (and fast) side at times, which is good.”
– Donald Trump
Always remain vigilant about the details of your chosen line of
business. Don’t assume that you can get by on past experience Business & 7 Always have a reality check by asking
or street smarts alone. Instead, you have to keep retraining Management yourself two questions over and over
yourself on all the latest procedures in use in your field, and all
the new technologies. In every situation, ask yourself:
“No matter what you’re managing, don’t assume you can glide 1. Is there anyone else who can do this better than I can – and if
by. Momentum is something you have to work to maintain. Even so, what else can be offered to differentiate us from them?
the best surgeons need to be retrained regularly, to stay current 2. What am I pretending not to see – that is, what cold hard facts
on the latest research and procedures.” are staring me in the face on this project but I am trying to
– Donald Trump sweep under the carpet?
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Business & 8 Keep reminding yourself that Business & 11 Focus on a person’s talent,
Management BS will only get you so far in life Management not their current job title
If you sense that you’re about to be fired, don’t try and BS your Never take a person’s job title as the sole indication of their worth
way out of it. Take control of the situation and act intelligently. to your organization.
If you want to keep a job but you sense the ax is hovering, ask “Very often, your resources are greater than you might think. I
your boss for a meeting. Tell them you want to make sure you are don’t like it when people underestimate me, and I try not to
communicating effectively and that you’re doing your job to underestimate anyone else, either. Try to see beyond a person’s
everyone’s satisfaction. Ask for help and guidance on what title. You can find talent in unlikely places.”
needs to be done. – Donald Trump
If you do this and still have a problem, fire your boss and get a
better job somewhere else.
Business & 11 Manage the person in your organization,
Management don’t try and manage the job
Business & 9 Recognize that every time someone is
Management hiring you, they’re taking a gamble
A good boss should know what makes his or her people tick,
what they need to excel. Be tough but also be fair.
Look for a sense of responsibility in new hires – they believe that
what they do is important and act accordingly.
Everyone has a different way of achieving results. The challenge
is to learn what each employee needs, and then to provide that
Good employees have a strong sense of pride for the company
on an ongoing basis. If you can learn to do this consistently, you
they work for. They believe there is a direct relationship between
can rise from being a good manager to become a great manager.
what they do each day and the success or failure of the
organization as a whole. This is evidenced by the fact they spend “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a
the company’s money as carefully as they do their own. man’s character, give him power.”
In short, good employees make themselves valuable. They think – Abraham Lincoln
on their feet and find ways to help the organization move forward
and achieve its goals. Business & Keep an open mind and make sure
“A lot of people say they’re going through the motions because Management you learn something new every day
their position isn’t challenging or rewarding and there’s no room
to grow. It’s a dead-end situation. If so, look elsewhere. There A know-it-all closes doors. Your aim should be to always keep
are times when you should move on, and situations in which the the door of your mind open and accessible to new ideas.
only way up is out.”
– Donald Trump Sometimes, the more you learn about life, the more you realize
there are many more things you didn’t even realize you don’t
Business & Always welcome new ideas but be sure know. Challenge yourself to learn something new every day.
Management you have the right idea personally Cultivate a learning habit. Dedicate a part of each day to
something that will expand your horizons. In particular, make it a
A good boss needs to be accessible and needs to be prepared to point to learn about other cultures. There are some great ideas
say “No” quickly and decisively to bad ideas. which can be gained there.
2. Career Advice From Donald Trump Career Brand yourself and don’t be
Advice afraid to toot your own horn
Career Take control of the job interview If you do something noteworthy, use that to maximum advantage
1 to build your own personal brand.
Advice and slant things your way
When interviewing for the job you really want, make your There’s no point being subtle or modest when you do something
prospective employer an offer they can’t refuse. extremely well. Speak up and make the world aware. Over a
period of time and with a solid track record of achievements,
you’ll find that your personal brand will come to add value to
Offer to work for them for one month for low pay on the basis that
every project you do. A good personal brand will then be useful in
they can tell you it’s just not working out at any time with no
getting new projects off the ground.
strings attached. If you’re genuinely the right person for the job,
this offer will help you get a foot in the door. “So don’t be afraid to toot your own horn when you’ve done
something worth tooting about. And don’t believe the critics
Career 2 When asking for a raise, make very unless they love your work.”
Advice certain you get your timing right – Donald Trump
If you pick the right time to ask your boss for a raise, that shows Being an entrepreneur is never a group effort. Trust yourself, and
that you have an appropriate amount of discernment and follow your instincts. It’s the only way to get ahead.
awareness. Conversely, if you ask for a raise during a time of
genuine pressure, that shows you’re so wrapped up in your own
affairs that nothing else matters – which is not helpful. “Carl Jung said our conscious minds use only five percent of our
brain power for daily functioning. If we can learn to tap into that
“Money, like comedy, is all about timing.” unconscious, subconscious, and dormant ninety-five percent,
– Donald Trump the results can be amazing.”
– Donald Trump
Career 3 In building your career, be tenacious
Advice and patient at the same time Career Be optimistic, but also always
Advice prepare for the worst case scenario
Building a great career takes time. Hang in there and keep
moving forward, despite the odd setback. Be prepared for both ups and downs in your career, because the
only thing guaranteed is that there will be lots of both.
“At times, just about every executive will appear impatient, but to
build something that endures, you have to take the long view. “I’m actually a very cautious person, which is different from being
Some things are worth waiting for.” a pessimistic person. Call it positive thinking with a lot of reality
– Donald Trump checks.”
– Donald Trump
Career 4 Learn how to play golf – or find
Advice something you like passionately Career If you’re tempted to change careers,
Advice make sure you know what you’re doing
Spend the time learning the skills and techniques of a game like
golf. They translate well into the world of business. Anyone with ambition will be tempted to change careers
frequently. Be careful to find out what’s involved before you leap.
Learning to play golf will build your business career because:
• Golf builds your capacity to assess and concentrate. People with skill and talent are in demand in all kinds of fields. For
• Golf teaches you how to maneuver and negotiate better. example, many highly successful businesspeople dabble with
• Golf gets you out in the fresh air in an inspiring environment. the idea of going into politics. They think that because they’ve
• Golf is a great way to network with corporate heavy hitters. excelled in one area, they will have equal success in another field
• Golf is a solitary game – just like running a company. of their choice.
Ultimately, although there are genuine advantages to playing The reality is quite different from the illusion. Skills and
golf, what matters most is the opportunity to become passionate temperament that serve you well in one field not only may be
about something, and then finding a way to turn that passion into unlikely to be useful in another but are often detrimental.
profit. People with genuine passion are tenacious and never give Therefore, before you change careers or try new challenges in a
up, no matter what the circumstances. In business, that’s a good new terrain, look carefully at what you’ll be getting yourself into.
trait to have, so if golf does it for you, take advantage. Make sure you’ve got the right mind-set for the new job first.
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Career Become good at public speaking by Career 11 Have a well-developed ego – which
Advice genuinely connecting to your audience Advice means keeping the critics in perspective
Unless you can speak well in public, this can be a roadblock in Unless you have an ego, you won’t have much drive. Don’t let
your career. Learn how to do this well. others – especially the critics – influence the drive of your ego.
To become a great public speaker: A well-developed ego gives a sense of purpose and forms the
1. Think about your audience – not as a group waiting to judge foundation for pride of achievement. Admittedly, too much ego
you but as individuals needing something. can cause people to do foolish things but no ego whatsoever can
also be a problem. The ideal is to have an ego which will build
2. Get your audience involved – by being willing to poke fun at
castles in the air first and then work hard to put some solid
yourself and some of your personal disasters.
real-world foundations under those castles.
3. Be prepared – by reading in your field and meditating or
At some point, all high achievers will be analyzed by the critics.
reflecting for two or three hours every day.
Whenever that happens, ask yourself:
4. Be a good storyteller – since people like stories and
n Does this person’s opinion genuinely matter to me?
remember them long after you’ve finished.
n Is there anything helpful in the criticism – that is, is it
5. Be aware of any common denominators – so you can create
highlighting anything I have overlooked?
a common bond with the people who are listening.
Remember that in many ways, having critics is a compliment. At
6. Be entertaining – since people will only learn if they’re having
the very least, it means you’re doing something newsworthy.
fun and engaging in a little give-and-take.
Many people go their entire lives without ever doing anything of
7. Learn to think on your feet – so you can inject a little sufficient worth to attract criticism. Treat it as a sign that you’re on
spontaneity into what you’re saying. the right track.
8. Take note of and use your daily life experiences – because
this can make excellent material for speeches. Career 12 Always remind yourself there’s no
9. Have fun – because if you enjoy yourself, your listeners will Advice such thing as an overnight success
follow your cue and do the same. Relax.
Be prepared to work hard to achieve your dreams. Do your
10. Study how the professionals do it – like Regis Philbin. If you
homework on what it will take to succeed.
watch him carefully, you’ll learn a lot.
Career 10 You’ll achieve a lot more if you “People who think achieving success is a linear A-to-Z process,
Advice become a tough-minded optimist a straight shot to the top, simply aren’t in touch with reality. There
are very few bonafide overnight success stories. It just doesn’t
Half the battle in building any enterprise is to have confidence work that way.”
and clear-sighted enthusiasm. Be genuinely optimistic. – Donald Trump
Every business has a bottom line for what’s needed to succeed
Negativity is paralyzing and will shortchange you if allowed to go in that field. If you’re not prepared to do your homework and build
unchecked. Most negative thinking stems from low self-esteem. solid competencies in that area of your life, nothing you achieve
To offset that and let go of all negativity, make a person will endure. You build a solid career by putting in place a good
commitment to excellence in all you do. To think positively: solid foundation first, and then you can add some finishing
n Take some time each day to think of how fortunate you touches of your own. In business, you’ve got to do your
already are, and how much you still have to look forward to in homework. You’ve got to know what’s actually involved, what
the future. you’re going to be responsible for.
n Read some positive and uplifting books – like The Power of To put this into practice:
Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. You might also n Find out what others in your chosen field did to succeed, and
read some psychology and self-help books by authors like then be prepared to put in 10-times as much work yourself
Carl Jung who delves into the concepts of psyche, intuition without any guarantee that you will actually succeed.
and instincts.
n Forget about comparing yourself to others. It’s pointless.
n Keep a book of positive and inspiring quotes close at hand Attend to your own personal blueprint. Get to work.
and read it whenever you have a few minutes spare, perhaps
while waiting for an appointment. n Set aside about three hours a day to read and reflect. This is
the only way to become a clear thinker yourself and to keep a
“He who looks outside his own heart dreams, he who looks inside good perspective on what you need to do.
his own heart awakens.” n Be fully aware of what’s happening in the marketplace. Tune
– Carl Jung in to current events and learn from parallels in history.
Develop your ability to anticipate what might happen soon.
“Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to
unlocking our potential.” n Dress for success. Understand the environment in which you
– Winston Churchill need to work and make an effort to reflect and respect it. Make
it easy for people to take you seriously. Be tasteful and use
your best judgement.
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3. Advice on Money From Donald Trump Advice on Never rely on your lawyer to try
Money and get you out of financial trouble
Advice on Always be your own best and most Lawyers are just middlemen. To get your financial affairs
1 straightened out if necessary, go to the lender yourself.
Money competent financial adviser
Don’t hire a financial adviser. Instead, do your homework, and If you find yourself owing money to a bank or anyone else, take
make your own decisions. control of the situation. Get to know the person who is really in
charge (not the figurehead) on a personal basis. Make a deal
with them on the strength of them liking you as a person, not as a
Advice from a bad financial adviser can be extremely expensive.
You’re much better off relying on your own judgement. To
become good in this area: Only you can do this. Your lawyer cannot – he or she is just a
middleman. In addition, your lawyer also has a vested interest at
n Read the financial press – The Wall Street Journal, Forbes,
work. If the case gets settled, the legal fees stop flowing.
BusinessWeek and Fortune. After a while, you will get a feel
Therefore, lawyers never want to settle, but you certainly do and
for what’s happening in the marketplace.
the lender more than likely does as well. Create an opportunity
n Read the business section of your daily newspaper to get a for this to happen by making a personal approach to the person
feel for what’s happening in your local area. in charge.
n Stay with the organizations which have a solid track record of
success. In the world of finance, instant stars are a real Advice on Find good ways to teach your
danger to your wealth. Trust the people who do consistently Money children the value of a dollar
well year after year, but always trust your own common sense
first and foremost. Ideally your kids show understand the value of money by
observing how hard you work. That’s a very important thing.
Advice on 2 Always invest simply in
Money investments you understand
When children see determination and financial discipline, they
get the message that money matters and should be treated with
Don’t get caught up in intricate financial manueverings you need
respect. Probably the best way to teach children is by example. If
a doctorate to understand.
you emphasize education and contributing to society rather than
worrying about material possessions, kids will get the right
The genuine “titans” of the investment world – like Alan message.
Greenberg and Warren Buffett – use common sense in their To further supplement your children’s financial education:
investment decisions. They never invest in anything they don’t
n Buy them a subscription to Money or some other personal
understand. You should do the same. Your hard-earned money
finance magazine.
is at risk so it’s important than you don’t take unnecessary risks.
n Give them incentives to save their allowance.
“The wisest thing I can tell you is to invest only in products you
n Create opportunities for them to work and earn their spending
understand, with people you know you can trust. Sometimes, the
best investments are the ones you don’t make.”
– Donald Trump n Set high standards, and talk with them about the importance
of being a high achiever.
n Make them feel welcome to join the family business if that is
Advice on 3 If you’re contemplating marriage,
Money get a prenuptial agreement
n Try and expose your children to sound financial practices and
Regardless of how certain you are, the reality is things don’t disciplines.
always go as planned in business and love. You have a right to n Be careful how you spend your money.
protect your assets. Get a prenuptial agreement.
“Not teaching your kids about money is like not caring whether
they eat. If they enter the world without financial knowledge, they
A prenuptial agreement doesn’t signal that you have doubts your will have a much harder go of it. Make sure you let them in on
marriage will last. Nor does it signal that you won’t always love your way of thinking about money – how you manage expenses,
your spouse. All a prenuptial agreement says is that life can be how you save, where you invest. Let them know that having
complicated at times, and you don’t want to jeopardize the money isn’t necessarily a sign of greed. It’s an important element
livelihood of yourself and those who work for you on the actions for survival.”
of someone else. – Donald Trump
This advice applies equally to both sexes. Women should put in
“My kids know the value of money from example. They see the
place a prenuptial agreement before they get married as well.
way I live. I turn off the lights whenever I leave the office. I’m
They are just as likely to be successful in building a great
always happy to get a good deal, whether I’m buying a building or
business as their husbands might be, perhaps even more so.
buying office supplies.”
This is just a matter of common sense and sound financial
– Donald Trump
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Negotiation Realize if you have them by the vitals, If you’ve done your homework, your subconscious mind should
1 be sending you clues through your instincts. Take notice.
Secrets their hearts and minds will follow
Getting a good deal has little to do with techniques of persuasion. When negotiating, pay attention to what your gut is telling you.
Instead, it all comes down to who has the power. Don’t automatically accept the advice of the experts (who may
have vested interests you’re not even aware of). Instead, trust
your own instincts and gut feelings. Have confidence in your own
Power is derived from ability. If you call the wrong shots nobody
business judgement, and then scramble to make it work.
will take much notice of you in the future. To have power in a
Negotiation 4 Decide in advance exactly what you
n You have to know what you’re doing. Secrets want from a deal, but keep it to yourself
n You have to make it easy for people to understand what you’re
talking about – by using simple metaphors and analogies. Or If you’re careful and judicious about what you reveal during a
even better, a little humor. negotiation, you have more flexibility to get something done.
n You have to let people think the best ideas are theirs and you
were just helping them think things through. Never be confined by your own expectations. Sometimes, during
n You have to listen to what the other party are saying and the course of a negotiation, new and lucrative ideas may surface
observe their body language. This will indicate whether they which you hadn’t even thought of. If you haven’t defined your way
genuinely want to make a deal or if they’re more interested in forward too precisely at the outset, you can head off seamlessly
trying to show you how smart they are. into the new direction.
n You have to be prepared to shout a bit and pound a few tables
“Cut yourself some slack. It’s okay to change your mind and
if that’s what it takes to get things moving forward.
suggest a different approach – as long as you haven’t made a
n You must have the ability to convince the other party that you commitment to the other side. I just assimilate information
really don’t want or need what they’re trying to sell you. quickly and move forward in unexpected ways – unexpected to
n You have to be able to think creatively, even to the point of the other party as well as to myself. That’s one reason I find
using something other than money to settle the transaction. negotiating exciting.”
n You need to learn the value of saying “No” at the most – Donald Trump
appropriate time. “Before you begin negotiating, write down your objectives. Then
n You need to view conflict as an opportunity to move forward. try to anticipate what the other side may want. Find a way of
n You need to know the party on the other side of the table – talking about the deal and setting up parameters that will keep
what drives them, how they will attempt to negotiate and what either of you from getting locked into an impossible position.•
they ultimately want from you. – Donald Trump
Negotiation 6 Sometimes, being stubborn is an asset Negotiation 8 Learn and understand the value of
Secrets but being patient is always a necessity Secrets saying no during a negotiation
There will be situations where stubbornness pays off, but you In some negotiations, the best thing you can do is say “No” to a
always have to be patient. bad deal. That will allow other bidders to come forward, and for a
much better deal for everyone to get put together.
Stubbornness can be an asset in negotiating when you hang in
there until you achieve a result everyone else has assumed was Never make the mistake of thinking the way the deal is currently
impossible. At the very least, to be a good negotiator, you have to structured is a take-it-or-leave-it situation. Many times, when you
be patient enough to let a deal come together at its own natural walk away from the first deal, a much better opportunity
pace. elsewhere comes to light. Hang in there.
To slow down a negotiation so you have more time to think about “I’ve been asked how much the success of The Apprentice will
your next move (and to allow the other party to sweeten the deal mean to my business. My pay per episode, while substantial,
on their own initiative): does not, for me, mean very much. The real value is in the free
n Tell the other side you’ll be traveling for a few weeks and will advertising and publicity The Trump Organization has been
get back to them after that. receiving. I can’t put a monetary value on that. Before The
n Drop hints that various aspects of the deal should be looked Apprentice, the use of my name on a building was worth untold
into in more detail before the negotiation can continue. millions of dollars. That value sure has not gone down. I’m told
that The Apprentice is the highest-rated show featuring a
“One time, I was in the middle of a negotiation that seemed to be nonacting businessman in the history of television. When TV
speeding out of my control. I suddenly asked the other side if they viewers think of business in America, a lot of them are going to be
knew the history of a particular development, implying that their thinking about The Trump Organization. We’re already at work
understanding of it might be crucial. They figured the on the second season, to premiere in the fall of 2004. For those of
development must have had some bearing on what we were you who are interested in applying and winning, here are the four
trying to accomplish together, so they backed up a bit, took some essential qualities I’m looking for in an apprentice:
time to investigate it, and gave me control of the negotiations with 1. An outstanding personality. Someone who makes everyone
enough time to assess everything at my leisure. I got the upper feel comfortable. No matter what you’re doing in business–
hand.” buying, selling, negotiating, analyzing or managing – this may be
– Donald Trump the most essential trait. You’ve got to be able to connect with the
people you encounter, every hour, every day.
Negotiation There are times when you need to be 2. Brains. Not book brains alone, but street smarts as well. That
7 combination, properly used, is a winner.
Secrets dramatic, even to bear a grudge
3. Creativity. The ability to see beyond the obvious, to think
When someone tries to hurt you, sometimes the only way to unpredictably and imaginatively, to make connections others
respond is by going after them in kind. might not envision. This is perhaps the hardest quality to develop
– you’ve either got it or you don’t.
4. Loyalty and trust. Absolutely required traits. Unlike creativity
In business, you’ve got to be paranoid. If someone tries to steal and brains, any person can possess these qualities, so if you
your money or profits in a deal, you’ve got to respond if you hope lack them, you have no one to blame but yourself.”
to maintain your self-respect. Put bluntly, there are times when – Donald Trump
you just have to sue the other person or organization. Your
actions will show others that you’re not an easy mark for similar “Unless you win the lottery or have a bonanza at one of my
“shakedowns” or attempts to get what’s rightfully yours. casinos, you’re not going to get rich purely through luck. You’ll
have to work for it, and I’ve tried to show you how. My ideal goals
“Recently, I’ve become a bit more mellow about retribution and are success with significance. That’s worth more than the
paranoia. Although I still believe both are necessary, I now money. Being paid is nice. In most cases, it is absolutely
realize that vengeance can waste a lot of time better spent on necessary, and a good scorecard for success, but it certainly
new developments and deals, and even on building a better isn’t my only one. It feels great to be in a position to make a
personal life. If you can easily dismiss a negative from your life, difference, and that’s what I mean by ‘success with significance’.
it’s better to do so. Seeing creeps as a form of corruption that I hope you become rich. And I hope you use your talent to make
you’re better off without is a great time saving device. Still, some kind of positive change in your immediate world. Whatever
sometimes, you’ve just got to screw them back. And sometimes, your job, that’s your assignment. Begin now. You’re hired.”
you have to hold a grudge.” – Donald Trump
– Donald Trump