Reich Books
Reich Books
Reich Books
The Encyclopedia Of The Third Reich, edited by Christian Zentner and Friedemann
Fortress Third Reich: German Fortifications and Defense Systems in World War II by
Robert M. Jurga
German Armored Warfare: The Unpublished Photographs 1939 - 1945 by Ian Baxter
Germany at War: Unique Color Photographs of the Second World War by Lt. Col. George
Hitler and His Generals: Military Conferences 1942-1945 by Helmut Heiber and David
Hitler�s Table Talk, 1941-1944: His Private Conversations, preface by Hugh Trevor-
Hitler�s Priestess: Savitri Devi, the Hindu-Aryan Myth, and Neo-Nazism by Nicholas
Hitler�s Secret Headquarters: The Fuhrer�s Wartime Bases from the Invasion of
France to the Berlin Bunker by Franz W. Seidler and Dider Ziegert
In the Name of Science: A History of Secret Programs, Medical Research, and Human
Experimentation by Andrew Goliszek
The Master Plan: Himmler�s Scholars and the Holocaust by Heather Pringle
The Mind of Adolf Hitler: The Secret Wartime Report by Walter C. Langer
Mussolini by R. J. B. Bosworth
The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology
by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
The Secret Archives: Eastern Front (SS: The Secret Archives) by Ian Baxter
The Secret Archives: Western Front (SS: The Secret Archives) by Ian Baxter
Temple of Wotan: Holy Book of the Aryan Tribes by Miguel Serrano, Ron McVan and
Katja Lane
The Triumph of Reason - The Thinking Man�s Guide to Adolf Hitler by Michael Walsh
U-Boat War Patrol - The Hidden Photographic Diary of U564 by Lawrence Paterson
The Waffen SS: Hitler�s Elite Guard at War, 1939-45 by George H. Stein
World War II: The Definitive Visual History by Richard Holmes, Ann Kramer, Charles
Messenger and Robin Cross