The Remnant Church Bible Institute Curriculum: (Amended 040412)
The Remnant Church Bible Institute Curriculum: (Amended 040412)
The Remnant Church Bible Institute Curriculum: (Amended 040412)
Please Note that ALL of our Courses have been designed for
Classroom teaching, but when we set out first we shall be
mostly online and distance learning, so not all of the
instructions in your materials supplied shall apply. Each
module will come with amended schedules unless
Classrooms have been established in your locality.
Suggestions For Group Study: Guidelines for using the course in a group setting.
Course Introduction: This identifies the module of which the course is a part, gives
the name of the course, and presents an introduction to the subject matter.
Course Objectives: Major objectives are stated in terms of what the student should
be able to do upon completion of the course.
For Further Study: This is the final section in each chapter. It encourages
additional independent study on the subject matter.
The curriculum of The Remnant Church Bible Institute is designed so that other
reference books are not required to complete the courses. You do not need a Bible
concordance, dictionary, Bible handbook, atlas, or commentary, etc. If you have
access to these materials their use is encouraged, but they are not necessary to
complete the training. You do need a King James version of the Bible in your own
Encourage students to set a special time for study each day and start with prayer to
God that the Holy Spirit will quicken their mind to learn God's truths. Train them to
follow this "Seven Step Study Plan":
Read the module and course titles on the introductory page of the manual. Use the
curriculum list to see where the course fits into the pattern of Institute training. Read
the chapter titles in the "Table Of Contents" of the manual. They provide an overview
of the study. Read the "Introduction" which introduces the subject matter. Read the
"Course Objectives." These are the main goals for your study of this course. After
you complete the course survey you are ready to begin the first chapter. For this and
all other chapters use steps Two through Six.
Read the "Objectives" of the chapter. These are the goals you should achieve by
studying this lesson. Read the "Key Verse" and memorize it for the "Self-Test." This
verse summarizes the basic concept of the chapter. Read the "Introduction" to the
chapter. This introduces the content of the lesson. Go through the chapter and read
the headings (titles which are centered) and subheadings (titles which are even with
the left hand margin). These introduce the basic outline of the chapter.
Now you are ready to study the chapter in detail. Read through the entire chapter. Do
not skip any material. As you read, underline important points and write notes or
questions in the margins. When you are told to look up a reference in the Bible and
read it, be sure to do so.
Review the objectives at the beginning of the chapter. Have you met each of these
goals in your study? If not, study the materials again. Can you quote the "Key Verse"
from memory? Review the chapter headings, subheadings, and your own study notes
and underlined portions.
Take the "Self-Test" for the chapter. When you finish, compare your answers with
the correct answers given at the back of the manual. Study again the material for any
questions which you did not answer correctly.
Do the assigned projects in the "For Further Study" section. These activities will
develop independent study habits and expand your knowledge of the subject matter.
Upon completion of all the chapters of the course, refer back to the major objectives
given at the beginning of the manual. Have you achieved these major objectives? If
not, you may need to review certain portions of the course again.
(Text Book – “The Sin Nature” by Jimmy Swaggart) Can be ordered via
(Text Book – “God’s Prescribed Order for Man” by Jimmy Swaggart) Can be
ordered via
(Text Book – “How the Holy Spirit Works” by Jimmy Swaggart) Can be ordered
(Text Book – “The Law of the Spirit” by Jimmy Swaggart) Can be ordered via
Course Tutors will advise which are the best modules suited dependent on which
Bachelor route you wish to take.
Doctor of Theology and Ministry (DThM). This will require a BTh or BMin or
equivalent degree plus 76 further credits of taught / studied topics or a
dissertation or a combination of the two options – as yet to be confirmed by the
Faculty Board.
The initial call of Jesus Christ to men was to be spiritually reproductive: "Follow me,
and I will make you fishers of men." His final command that of the Great
Commission, also challenged followers to spiritual reproduction. Using the analogy
of the natural harvest, this course focuses on promises of spiritual harvest, things that
prevent harvest, and keys to effective harvest. It communicates the vision which the
remainder of Institute training equips students to fulfil.
This course stresses the importance of proper spiritual foundations for life and
ministry by focusing on foundations of the Christian faith identified in Hebrews 6:1:
Repentance, faith, baptism, laying on of hands, resurrection, and eternal judgment.
The "Gospel of the Kingdom" shall be preached in all the world before the return of
the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:14). Understanding of Kingdom principles is
necessary if one is to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom. This course focuses on
patterns and principles of Kingdom living applicable to life and ministry.
This course moves participants beyond the natural world into the realm of the spirit.
Tactics of the enemy are analyzed and strategies of spiritual warfare assuring victory
over the principalities and powers of the spirit world are explained.
This study focuses on the ministry of the Holy Spirit, spiritual fruit, and spiritual
gifts. Students are guided in discovery of their own spiritual gifts and position of
ministry in the Body of Christ.
This course explains how God speaks to men today and how to find His general and
specific plans for life. A Christian model for decision making is presented, along with
guidelines for overcoming wrong decisions, steps to take if you have missed the will
of God, and methods for dealing with questionable practices.
This course equips students for personal study of the Word of God after the
conclusion of Institute training. Students learn how to study the Bible by book,
chapter, paragraph, verse, and word. Other methods taught include biographical,
devotional, theological, typological, and topical. Special guidelines for studying
Bible poetry and prophecy are presented and students are taught methods of charting
and outlining.
This survey provides an overview of the entire Bible. Study outlines of each book of
the Bible are provided for further development by the student. Volume One:
Introduction and Old Testament. Volume Two: New Testament.
This course examines the Biblical world view from Genesis through Revelation.
God's plan for the nations of the world from the beginning of time is detailed. Current
worldwide spiritual need is also presented.
This course examines the methods Jesus used to teach and preach the Gospel.
Students are taught how to prepare and present lessons and how to teach and preach
the Gospel.
God's plan for spiritual multiplication is presented. This study reveals how a single
Christian can be responsible for the multiplication of thousands of trained and
motivated believers. Church growth principles are emphasized.
The early church was born in a demonstration of the power of God. Power principles
taught in this course equip students for spiritual harvest and moves them from being
spectators to demonstrators of the power of God.
Everything Jesus did centered on the great purposes of God. This course analyzes
Christ's objectives for ministry and teaches students to institute management by
objectives in their own life and ministry.
This course presents methods for mobilizing spiritual forces for God and explains the
practical application of the RCBI vision to specific areas of ministry. Referral courses
in various areas of ministry are also available through this module.
The Gospel of the Kingdom spreads throughout the world as leaven in bread dough:
The leaven is small and hidden, but its impact is unlimited. Effective evangelism
strategies are taught, including detailed instruction on the deliverance ministry, church
planting, and techniques of networking between ministries.
Realizing the importance of our Spiritual Heritage will help us to gain the victories of
the future and avoid mistakes of the past. (Text Book – Various Biographies and
Church Publications to be determined)
Jesus said we are to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel. Is there one way to do
this? (Text Book – “The Soul Winner’s Handy Guide” by Y.T.Wee)
The Five Fold Ministry and other ministries that are not as public. What is your
calling? Is preaching the only ministry (Text Book and course materials to be
The “heartbeat” of God. Making Disciples in all the world. A study of missions.
A study of all that the Bible teaches about women and their role in ministry. Also
includes a study of the Bible books bearing women’s names--Ruth and Esther--and
resources for biographical study of all of the women of the Bible.
An intercessory prayer guide that includes guidelines on how to pray, what to pray
for, when not to pray, resources for prayer, international intercession, and factors that
hinder prayer.
A study of the entire Bible teaches about divine healing. Complete guidelines for
receiving and ministering healing.
Part of the Cross of Christ series produced by Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. The Life of
Christ according to Mark’s Gospel
One such task would be a 25,000 Dissertation on the Watchman Nee book “The
Spiritual Man” which we can supply as a pdf file. This would be worth 24 Credits.
We are also looking at other similar books such as “Spiritual Leadership” and
“Spiritual Discipleship” both by J. Oswald Sanders. Sadly we cannot supply these
free and you should seek them from bookstores. There are study guides in each book.
A 5,000 word essay on each book would create 6 Credits per book.
Core Courses have been discounted as have all modules up to and including your
Bachelor’s Degree.
Also with a Doctorate’s Degree we ask the students to re-register again $35.00
For the supplied study materials for those going beyond a Diploma in Theology,
these can be ordered
You may order courses in the following ways: via email @
+ U illeam
Prof. Rev. Dr. William K. Mackie DD; BTh; ThD; FSA Scot; MBSC; MCJS; MIfL;
Bishop and Overseer of Tell Them Fellowship Network for Scotland and Britain
Vice-Chancellor & Dean of Studies – The Remnant Church Bible Institute