Pre-Analytical Errors White Paper PDF
Pre-Analytical Errors White Paper PDF
Pre-Analytical Errors White Paper PDF
Up to 37% of pre-analytical
Up to 60% of all errors in errors in laboratory STAT (short
blood gas testing occur in the turnaround time) testing
pre‑analytical phase are caused by provision of a
deficient sample
Results displayed at
Errors in patient identification
patient’s bedside
Delays in diagnosis
Common pre-analytical errors
Arterial blood gas analysis is common in critical care
settings, where the results almost always have the Haemolysed samples
potential to dictate an immediate or urgent response. One of the most frequent pre-analytical errors to occur
The pre-analytical phase of analysing a clinical sample during the process of sample handling is haemolysis9, the
refers to all of the activities that occur prior to the sample’s result of which is the release of intracellular components
insertion into the analytical instrument. These steps must into the plasma. Haemolysis can result when samples are
be carefully performed to ensure that the patient receives handled vigorously e.g. high sample fill rate, vigorous
an accurate test result and consequently appropriate and sample mixing or dropping the sample container on the
timely treatment. floor.
Many of the pre-analytical steps in arterial blood gas Sample haemolysis most affects the potassium
analysis are analogous to other laboratory tests, e.g. ion measurement accuracy as the concentration is
accurate sample labelling. However, some pre-analytical approximately 30 times greater in the intracellular
steps and potential sources of error are unique to blood compartment than in the plasma phase10. However,
gas analysis due to the physicochemical properties of sodium, calcium and haemoglobin (Hgb) measurements
the analytes being measured. This document explores can be affected, as summarised in table 1.
how and why the pre-analytical errors occur along with
the impact of the error on the analyte levels in the blood Analyte 0% 0.5% 5% 10%
sample. We also consider the Proxima System, an on- haemolysis haemolysis haemolysis haemolysis
demand arterial blood gas analyser that is designed to K+ (mM) 4 4.5 7.0 10.0
address many of the errors that can occur in the pre-
analytical phase. Na+ (mM) 140 140 136 133
Liquid heparin causes negative bias to all parameters by
Incidence (%)
Sample contamination
The blood gas sample can become contaminated during The Proxima System has been designed to address many
the collection process: of the common pre-analytic and pre-analytical errors to
• Contamination from flush: When sampling from an deliver more reliable blood gas measurements. Table 2
arterial line it is important to remove an adequate presents the design features of the Proxima System and
‘discard volume’ to ensure the sample obtained for how common pre-analytical errors are addressed within
analysis is 100% blood. If an insufficient discard volume this new medical device.
is removed, the sample will be contaminated with flush
solution and the results affected.
• Contamination with air: Any air bubble in an arterial
blood can alter the pO2, pCO2 and pH of the sample
so that it no longer represents the patient’s status15.
Air bubbles with a relative volume of 0.5-1.0% of the
sample may cause significant errors16. Oxygen levels will
Sources of
The Proxima System is designed to address pre-analytical errors
pre-analytical error
Haemolysed samples Sample analysis with the Proxima System is carried out immediately, avoiding risk factors for
sample haemolysis such as storage on ice or vigorous mixing of the sample.
Errors associated with Blood samples analysed on Proxima do not require treatment with an anti-coagulant, thereby
anti-coagulation avoiding poor incorporation, the risk of dilution or inappropriate reagent choice.
Deficient samples The Proxima System is designed so the user withdraws a fixed volume of blood which ensures a
high integrity arterial blood sample is present in the Sensor for analysis.
Since Proxima analyses the samples in situ, samples cannot be lost or test requests missed.
Sample storage and The Proxima System is incorporated into an arterial line tube fitted with a captive syringe. When
transport an analysis is performed, blood is drawn into the captive syringe until it is completely filled.
The analysis then occurs without further manipulation of the sample which ensures errors
associated with sample container choice are avoided.
The Proxima System analyses samples within a few tens of seconds, during which there is no
significant metabolism effect.
Sample sedimentation The Proxima System measures the blood sample immediately after flowing through the Sensor
and within a few tens of seconds, precluding the risk of sample sedimentation.
Errors in patient The Proxima System is a patient dedicated in-line blood gas analyser displaying results directly
identification at the patient bedside. This eliminates accidental misidentification or exchange of samples.
The patient’s ID is captured in the Proxima System at the start of the episode of care and is
automatically saved with all electronic records.
Sample contamination The Proxima System is designed to accommodate a suitable discard volume within the line
reservoir to ensure that a high integrity arterial blood sample is present in the Sensor for
analysis. By returning the contents of the reservoir to the patient there is no reason to minimise
the discard volume and risk a sample contaminated with flush.
The Proxima System keeps the blood sample in a closed, air-free system at all times, thereby
allowing the user to analyse blood samples at the patient’s bedside removing the impact of
transport on sample quality.
Table 2: Design features of the Proxima System that address common pre-analytical errors
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