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coHsT[ucTtoll & oEsrctt 6ERylc€s


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Classifieation and Enlistrment of
eont*'actans ir: the
e*nstnueticn & ffiesign $ervlces,
U.F. Jal Nigam

Published By:
Construction & Design Services, U. P. Jal Nigam,
TC-38 V, Vibhuti Khand, €omti Nagar, Lucknosrr-226010
Ciassificatir-in and Enlistment of Contractors in C&DS, il P. Jal Nigarn Fage 2

Classification and Enlistment rif Contractors in the
Construction & Design Services, U.F. Jal Nigam.

The C&DS. U P Jal l.'iigam hereinafter called "C&DS" is follorving U.P.
Rajkiya l.{inlar: lriigam tulanuai, 1984 as amended &om tirne to time. These
Regulations have been fi'arned to gLlvefli and regtilate tlie classificatioir anil
enlisffirent t:f corira*tors ir respect of onl-v thcse rvorks which are proposed
t* be ereeuterl through tenders.
This enlist*ient is beiug d<;ne to have a read,v list of suitable and competent
contract,Jrs for C&DS rvorks. so as to riilimize requirerxrnt of verif,eation
cicredentials of contractors at ilre time of ai.vard of i*dilridrial lenders.

These Regulations in no ,way. rvhatsoeyei. shal1 entitle and, empower any

enlisted contractor to clairn tiral works clherlvise proposed to be erecuted
departrnentally based upr:rn LJPRNi{ concept be aiso executed through


These Regulafr'ons wili govent the classiiication and enlt'stment of

contractors in the Coustruction and Desipp Sen'ices" Ll.P. Jal Niganr.
L enders of only those contractors rvili be considered fbr any rvork in

C&DS rvh,-', are eniisted tc terder for that rvork acccrding f* their
enlistrneni. Issue ar:d receipt of applicatir:ns for enlistrnelt r'.,iitr rernain
cpefi from lst of Aprii to 30th .]une eyery ].ear rvitirout late iee.
Applicatio* tbruri wiil issued thri--rughout the _vear Application ii:i::r fbr
eniisiment subi:.titted after 30th Jime wiil be receiveii rvith late fee jj"i:iri i st
Julir tc 30th Novernber fi
Rs. 500;- per morth or palt thereiif and lrcm lst
Decernber to 31st N{arch @ Rs 1000i- per month or pafi thereof.

'flre appiicatron fbnn in duplicate with ccpi,' of resuiatiolls

can be had
liorn tire cffice i:f the Director. Constr-r"rction & Desigjt Sen'ices. U.P..lal
i\igain" TC-38-\', .',"ihhuti Khand, Gcrnti Nagar. Lucknow on pa,vment cf
Rs. 525.00 {Rs" 500.00 towards cost of application fonn + 59,'i, (or as
applicable on the date of issue) GST) plus poslage charges Rs.75.00 (if
required b_v post) through pa3r order or dernand drait oni-v fi'cm a scheduled

cotrunercial bank. The C&DS shallnot tre responsible lbr late delivery and
danrage or loss during transit. No castr paylnent shall be accepted. A11 pay
orders shouiri be drawn in far..orr of "Director. C&DS. i;.P. Jal Nigam",
and payabie at "Luckilol".

'fhe ilotice invitrr:g tenders. hereinafter r:alled li.1.T shall tre dul_v
publicised by wa1, *f uploadirig on e-procilrement portals;' websitesr'

ill Enlistment of cortractors will be done for the categories as mentioned
in Appentli,ts nA'.
(2) Each categar)" oi contractors will he fiu-ther classified as in Appendir
'A'ace+rd*rg tL] rFpl'r fi;xrncial ii*ir *f the rvoiks foi: wiiic;!: a
contriici*i e*lisi*d in tire particri-l*r +}*ss *ar; teilder.

w-._ho *re t* b* REGLiLATI*N -3

enlisted {1i Eniisiinent rr:ili ire cpen tc ali iudivi,i*als. Hildu tlldir.iried F:i:*iliss-
fitars regist*red r*:dei tire Indiair Fa:i:rership Act and Pcbli* r:r Piivatc
L irniicci ClriilFarlies
il i PFiOYi*ED ii:at iur a-ppiieani'*il! tr* *llisted *n11, iit t:1at ciass icr whiti:
tb*nri -crrit;ri,.'1e irr accordance wlth i-i:*se rcg*leti+ils ir-1'- iire ailtltorl:,
prescribeil irerei* ii:r ihc purp{ise" a;rri tire elriistffd Far*, siraiJ be cai}ed
cont'actor fcrr the puposes of these regulations.
i3 ) If the applieant is a partnership firn. it sirall sribmit, along with other
documents, certiiied cerpy of Par-rnership Deed dutry" registered witli
Registrar ol Fims and Societies lSub Registrar. Unregisterertr
Partnership Deeds shail not be accepted. {Sutrstituted in accordance
with Letter no. 39llKaryalCamp-Mh{lPanjitrraran/2015 dated
08.86.2015, annexed with these regulations.)
(4) All the eltlisted cofltractors/applicants are recluesteel to possess valid
GS f registration on tire date oiappiication for enlistment.

Qualifieafion for EIEGI-LATTOI\ -4

enlistment An applieeurt for e.nlistment to a particular class mentioned in Appendix 'A'
should have a minimum solvency as menfioned in Appendix 'B', techtical
staff as mentioned in ,,\ppendix 'C', eqrilpment. tools ancl plants as
metrtioned in Appendix 'D'. He sliould have satisfactoril_v executed numher
af wor"lis whrse individual value sirould at least be as mentioaed in

Proof of applicant's RECULATION ,5

soivenc--v i1) In case *f inriivi'Jua-ls- linns ar.rd iliniiri Undivided Families prcof *f
salvencS-'of tfue api:liciint uil1c*r:sisl of a si-rlv*ncy cecifrcate sigred bv
Distriei S.{agistraie concemed or a c*itificate issue<i b-v a Pnblic Sect*i"
Barik linciuding State Banii of lndia) or IDBI llank or icIfl Eank *r
HIiFC Battri or Axis llalk.
t2) ln case of private or public ljmited colxpary the fir:n rviil proctruce
audited balance sheet of the latest three financial years. Proof of

Classification and Enlisfiuent of Contractors in C&DS, U, P. Jal Nigam , Page 4

solvencli it'itl be average Annrnl trrxoyer ofi Ccnstruction worki dnnlg
last tluee years duly certified or the f,l:nnai prescribed in Arnexure-p
by' the statutorv Auditcr of the finn on the trasis of Retun sublnrtted t<r
the lncome Tax Departrnent or a {efiificate issued by a Public sectar
Bank {including State Bank cf india) or IDBI Bank or ICICI Bank or
IIDFC Bark or Axis Bank.
131 Banker's solvetcv certificate should be submitted in originai issued by
a Banli described in regulation 5(liand 5(2) above in the profcnna
#'..en in the .4rrnexure-O. This e+fificate sh+uld be on tlie L.lalrk's lefter-
iread a*,i ir ecver a*C shail i-r* aiirJresse'i l+ ih* f*t1f€nleii
Iiriirt tneril -\uiir, ri'rtr

F:"ocj{*f *sr: ili;;v:nen: aEGEii-ATI*S -6

of technicai stafT Proof of empioynrent of the requireii tecirnicai staii rvili consist of' a
declaratron b,v llie applicant in the fbnn as per Appendix '\4' in the presenee
of a 'Notary' public dulv verified b1, him givmg full particular of the
required staff.

Proof of REGUT,ATION -7
of machinery & to*ls Proof oi possession of reqriu'ed Maclilnery & Taols and Plants rvil1 cansist
etc" of a deciaraiion b1'the appilcant in the fonri as per Appendix'N' made in
the preserce of iv{agistrate, gi.ring fu1l particulars cf the equipnreltt or an
Afiidavit for the same verified try a Notarl.

Previous Exper"ience REGLJLATION -8

i1) Evidence of satislactory- execution of works of the required value as
mentianed in Appenrlix'E'. It should be supporied with a certificate ftom
the of the work-q not helorrr the ran,k- of an Ereeriti.;e
Eilg*:=-+r, ill*-i*<t i'r'i=ai:g+r', i;:"i: j+,;i il *i:ii
{li Ti:* ':i:rir1;}*!jie 15*ik" ri- h*ii'-i:*g i:iirat.; "{i'u.!i .u++ik" *:*i*,=jitrr: ;ti
ka:;i ii** *i iir*= F-:i;i....1 :;*;vir,*s ::ierlti{rr1*al i:-;i+i+ .+i:i: i:ii*miri
;iit ti'; l'a;1 !,rr : ii: rdfr,..r: tr it,r! ff I it*t !I.
i. Fii'e figiiiing, f . Fire aiar::i:, -1. Hi.AC, .i. Liit. 5. i:ieerricai iiiiir

{3) "Ci.;ii l\"ork" ineans constnrclion o{ br.tiiding uader single,rmirltitr;ie

contractr'orders {*f, a singie projeet} ilcludir"rg civii items rciaiing ro
fcur:daticn" structLrre, partiiian. -joinery a*d t-inishing anii at leasi o;re of
the iterns of :-
1. lVater sLrppiy and sanitary installation, 2. Drainage work, 3. Water
proo{ing rr ork.
{4) value of tlie r,vcrks for following items si"raltr be reduced b-v tiie fuctor
given beiow. if erec*fed exclusively as a separafe rvork and nof as parf
of a main buiiding.

Classificaticn and Enlistment of Contractors in C&DS, u. p. Jal }-iigam v _- page 5

sl. Item Factor
A Prefabricated HLrts, Industrial sheds etc. 0.50
B False Ceilillg, corllpound rvall, st*mr rvater drain, 0.25
sfwer ilnes" water siippiy lines, Road side gu111.'
chambers etc.
C Ad d itio ni ai teraiionirenoyation/up- 033
graCaticrr inairr Ienancc etc.
{I)The application for the enlistrnent will be made in the form given in
Appendix-'F' and shall be accompanied by a Demand Draft for the
registratioa fee mentioned in sub-para {2} and documents mentioned in
sub-para (3). A separate application will have to be made for diffsrent
categories of *'crks. The receipt far application fee should alsc be
attached with the application.

i2) The regisffation fee shall tre as under and it shail not be ref,inded.

i a:iass-tr I R-e. 12*ii.t* j

Ittl i'ia*-*-D I fu. tSU ftO i

i CIass-E I Rs. 2s0.00 I

{3iEvery application shall be accompaaied by ihe following docusrents:

i. Proof of soivency oftire applicant.
ii. Proof of employrnent of the required technical staff-
iii. Proof of possession of required machinery, tools and plants"
iv. Proof of execution of required number of works & of the
required val*e.
v. In case of a firm, duly ce*ifled copy of the Partnership Deed and
registratian certif,cate ard in case of a company, the deed and
Articies of Asso ciation.
{ 7ke P*rtnerslip Deed and Articles of Association should be
certified copies of deeds registeredwith Registrar of Companies
or other cowtp etent re gistration authoriti e s.)
vi. Character certificate as per Appendix 'L' having an afiested
copy of phctograph on the body of certificate with two exffa
vii. Income Tax returns af the last three financial years.
viii. Proof of registration of GST, as well as photocopies of PAN
and ADHAR cards.
{4) lncase of any change in solvency, technical staff, tools and plants as
mentioned in Regulation-4 above or articles of Associatioa /constitution

Classifi*aii<l* *nd E*listmeat cf C+rrfi'actcr= i* C&ilS, U. F. Jai Nigar:r vJ Fage 6

of a compary as mentioned in reErlatiori-91-1; above the satne siiall be
iutimated to the autliority competent far enlistment. within 7 days of such
cliange and an acknr:wledgment of the sane be obtained.
{5}\\1fle applying for eulistment. the conf.ractor should meirtion address of
I:is registereii aflice as ',..ve11 as Head OIEce" if clifferent. All dr:cui:re*ts
e.g. Bankers' feltificate, etc. sharild bear one i:f the ai:ove adrlresses,
otherrvise tl:e same sl.rali not t:e accepteC.
i {r } Natrvith staading a,nvihin g inenti *r cd abi;ve, the ccntra,etar shal I ini irna ie
iire citange, ilany. in any oithe above addresses, tt adva;rce ot nariintuit
within one inonth of such chang,- along witl-r ackiiowledgement of noting
dorvn ol such chan-qe in address from the Banli. Incorne Tax. GST
authorities etc. Failire to do so ura-v result in removal of his name &'otn
the approved list ofcontractors.

Oflicer L\uthorizecl REGTiLATION -10

to Enlist fur application for eniistment to a pafiicuiar class of contractor will be
presented to the authorifv mentioned in Appendir 'G' rvho rvill be the tinal
authoritf in t-he matter subject to the pr*r.ision of appeai aud review made
hereafter. The Enlisting Authorities are subject to change w{tirout notice
accordin-u to adrninistr ati ve reqrdremerts.

Area in u,hich the REGULATION -I1

Enlisted contractor (l ) Enlishnent will elititle the contractor to tender for works as belc:r,v,
can worlr sr"rbject to fi"rlfil1nient of oiher qualif,,ing reqrdrenients as mentloned in
NITs fnr individual rvorks-
i. Contractors enlisted in any' class, shall be eli-eibie to bid fbr works
arryr,vhere w-itliin the jurisdi*ion r:f Director, C&DS. U.P. .lal
Nigarn. Lucknorv.

(2) Tlie eillistmert of a contractor in C&DS sliall onlv entitle him to be

consjdered for participation in tenders subject to the conditio*s laid
down in each indir,idual Notice Inviting Tenders. It shall nct confer arry
right ot hirl either to be necessanly issued the tender papers or for
award o1'work.
REGI.TLT\"tr't0F{ -12
(l)fhe authorit-v" to rvirich an application tbr enlistment is presented" may
get such enquiry held as ire ccnsiders flecessary before passing the final
r:rders. If tir* airtli*rih,is satisfied ti':at the appiicatt'rs suitatrie for being
enlisted in the Clas-. applieri li:r, ire r,,'i11 pass arr order to tliis effect. '
order r,r.ill horEer.'er i:e prcvrsirrnal and *,ill becr:rne final oni3,' after tire
ccintractcr i"ias depasited the securiq. provided in Appendtx 'H'. if the
authoriry is not satisfied. he will pass an order rejecting application
giving reasrllls ttrereaf and intirnate the applicant in writhg within 15
days of such rejection r:rder. Tlre applicrult can thereafler file an appeal.

Classification and Enlistment of Contractors in C&DS, U. P. Jal Nigam PageT

against the"'order. belbre the nert higher authority, rvho will dispose off
the representation. orditarily witliin tlree months.
(2)A11 applications shall. ordinarily be disposed off within tu.o montirs nf
prcseil ta tion.

{3)A contractor w}rose eniistment has beenreiected slrall not be entitled to

apply afresh fbr eniistment wthin 5 months of the date of finai order
passed in the case.

General Security REGLiLATION -I3

(1) A General Seciirity as mentioned in Appendix 'H' shall be deposited by
the contractor rvitliin one montli of the receipt of orders of enlisfinent or
ivithiri such period not exceeding tlrree months, as lxay be extended by
the authorig, ordering enlistment. If nc such security is deposited. the
order of enlistment ivill be deemed to hale lapsed and the matter rvill be
final11' clcsed.

(2) The General Securiry shall be in the form of F.D.R. llom a Public
Sector Bauh iinclnding State Bank of Indiai or IDBI Bank or ICIC{
Bank or HDFC Bank or Axis Bank and pledged to "Director, C&DS,
Ir_ P
r !.!i :\ rriam I rr|l'nr\rr.
.,lt1 LrtLutrr! t,(rLtLrrr.t.

i-3: c;liiiii{i ir.: i*nder ilr rr,+rti;*d i;v,--r .,+iii tlier: i,-****l'::*
Reciiliitinri i! ;thjr'C Hr' \.";il i1.irc lil jtiln51r t'aijiitt il:n!]t'\' it\
pr-oi'ided ir: i*r;dei dccrrinet.tii \ft,=r itr{-ulit;rilc'- ul' lg*r-1r-'r. iiru
contractor u,iii irave to cieposrt perfonnance securlf-vlsecurit_-v money lirr
due fulfillment of the contract as specified in tender. 'Ihe amount of
eamest tnoiley and perfcrrmance secudtJ'i security nrcfley and its mode
of deposit will i:e provided in tender docrunent which shall be fixed b-v-
the tendering authori[,- iir accordance to the provisions of F.H.B.
Volume 5 & 6 and order issued by the U.P. Govt. / C&DS/ from time to

{4) Recoverl'af any autor.ult due fi"om a coiltractor in respect of any work.
if required, sha1l be made ftom the General Securiw also ta the extent
of available amonnt.

{5i The General Secuiltv may be refimded to the contractor on the expiry of
a period ol'6 mtrnths from the rernoval of his name frorn ihe Register of
Ciassitied Contractors.

Technical staff at site REGTJI,ATIOIiI T4

of work 11) The contractor shali have to keep the staff at site of work as per
conditions of contract far particular rvi:rk.
(2) ff the coirtract*r fails to cornply rvith SLrb Regulation (1 ) the Engirreer-
in charge of the rvork shail l'eport the riatter to the enlisting authoritv of
the conlractor, rvho after giving the contractor such opptirtuniry to
explain as mav be considered necessary, order the rernoval of the
contractors name from the Regrster of Classified Contractors. This rnay'

Classification and Enlistment of Conffactors in C&DS, U. P. Jal l.ligarn

rt*, Pase 8
be in adciifion to an-v actiol) wirieir rm.v be taken against tir* contractcr
in temrs of his contract lor the r,vork.
RemnvaUBlacklisting ( l lThe authoriry- competent to enlist a contractor or aliy liigher autliority

of contractor's name having jurisdicti*n may order the remr:va1,&iacklisting of a contractor's

from register of name lrom the register of enlisted contractors and communicate to the
c lassified contractor in a manner prescribed by the Gavt. Before srich order is
contractors/ passed. tire conlractar sirall be senisd rniih a show cause notice giving
Demof-i+:r t* a lsrver reasons fbl propcsed removal.,'hlaeklisti*g a*d given a reasonable
{ l*it *pp{rrtir*it-v ii} ;-xsiai*. ,+ffi1*;iiisl +t-i}+l's. iirs i"e;'is*rrs t1i3'g fo3 ei1+ or Eiore
af ti:e fali*r"ring.

i. iilsatisiaeil:fl' d\eciiilr-lii .liirr te*dei' is ae*epteC. r-rr


ii. Faiiure to cornillence work when tender is accepted, or

III. Failure to inaintairr required capital. technical stafl *rachmery'"
taols and plants; or'
IV. Failure to maintain the required amonnt oiGeneral Secun4'; or
V. Conviction of an oflerice invoiving inorai trirpitude. or
V i.
Persistent misconduct by hirn-self or his emplo.vees; or
\rIL I Iabitual indebteclrless. 01'
VIII. Bad reputalion in rnarket; i:r
IX. Has. on rllore lhan one occasiol. failed to execute a contract or has
executetl it unsatisfactorily: or
X. Persisteutl-v violates an_v imporlanl conditions of the contract, cr
XL Neglectir.rg quality and olTering sub-standarct workirnaterials. . or
XIi. Lirisystematic working; or
XitrI. Neglecting tirnely accounting of stores supplied by the C&DS ar
rnisaopropriation of stores: or
\ t! (ii,-ci,!qtir,,,
',FLa.rr+r! i-,rriiiirr,r',ir
\i\ Bi;iLii il:,trd ,,t t i:DS i'i: iiir\ iilii:i :ilrii rll':';l:rt;;-i!;11;;.,ti'i ir;t;
Pri:riesii" i;r
\',. i i.: *ti,rlir,.ri ii: i.r:itirll;'t iiiii, r,! ii'flL!tir iiiiLillL' i;i.:iltsd Ltilli ,rLit*t
ri*pa:tn*r:i= r-,'irir.i: Fri:?ra ibe i* apprai rr: he trir+.
TV !i i,irsr.rirniir r..i*}=-ie= ti a: iai;*ii: i=giriiiti,-:i:= t=i:ii tlii':= " tri
lf \ !ii iii'itrtrit iir iq'r1jg;1;alti i',{: ii;r ,,! ltr': iii.r' :n''r!!r{' i.r'. i '}, i ..:i;:,ri.
iltiiii'\,ii- :r, :i;.;.ir;:ihl,- !iri;i! i;i;ii i:i iti:it'' .i:
\!\: rl*ilil' crl ti1:ilirtir;if.'tii ;ii1;iii;ii', t:l
,\X. i-iaving uusounri mrnei; or
XXi. Holds arry office of profit undsr th€ C&DS: or
XXll. The period for r.vhich he was previously removed ftom the list of
approved contractors has noi passed or exerrption has not been
granted by the competent ar$ltcritv; cr
XXIil. BringingiCan],ing of anns and anlnunitions in the prernises, ivhere
tenders ale sctrieduled to be received and opened lsite of
work;'offices of Engineer-in-Charge; or

Ciassificati*n and Enlistment of Contractors in C&DS, U. P. Jal Nigam Page 9

XXIY. Fails tii prr:vide satislactory expl*i:ation wlrerever anv action ar bid
or tender in lvhole or par-t appears urirealistic or unr€aso$able; or
,YXV. Arry other act whicir in th* judglnent of tire authorit-v cornpe{ent to
order rernoval of the name fiom the list. is undesirable or atnounts
to misconduct.
(2) 'Iiie officer ordering the removal will infami ali authorities below lrim
to make a note to this effeet against the rame o1'the contractor in theil'

i3) Demotiou to a lorver class -The ccntractor sirali be nrteraliia liable to

rlemotion to a lor,ver class, bv the enlistiug authoriry*, if he:
a) fails to sxecute a contract or erecutes it unsatisfactoriiy or is prr:ved
to lre i'esponsible for constructir-rual defects; or
b) no longer hi:s adequate equipmett. technical persomrel or financiai
tesour*es, or i
c) his staff urise*nducts or misbehaves with C&DS officiais on mcre i

than*necccasi*n, cr i

d) is respansibl* for a conduct r*.hich ma,v j*stift his dernation to a !

lower class, or i

e) any otfo*r reas*rr e,hi*ir ia r-ie:ry- ef entisii*g authacqv i* a<ieqriate f*i I

!:is riesr-=ti** t* a i*=-r,*r slass. i

Appeatr review e.E{;ilt...r_Eg*= -i*

:l'ii;1lrirljrlrt: {1I jrtiij,id* Ur}}li!fli!i!i i,.ijl, l*ji. il:-,!r'i1'\ri1 i=i ii', , r:i,l*l ij:l!:r:'l
under these reprlatlons ma-y tiie an appeal to the nert hrgher authong' rvitirin
a period of r:re *r:*ih cf receipt of intimation of such order and the order'
passed by such authoritv after holding sucir enquiry as it may' eansider
necessary. shali be final. Such appeals shall, ordinarily be disposed off
within a period of trvo months.
Pror,.ided that no appeal shall lie agairrsi an order passed b1' Director" C&DS.
i.l P Jal Nigarn. However, the person aggrieved b-v..the said order rnay apply
to Director fbr a review within the periad specified above arrd the Director
may pass any order co*sidered suitable.

Register of classified REGTjLATION -t7

contractcrs II ) The authority cofipetent to enlist contraclors shall rnaintain a register cif
classifieci coflaractors ia foitr mefifioned in Appendix 'i'. Separate
register wiii be maintained far eacli category. under eacir category
separate pages r.l.ill be allotted for contr"actr-rrs of different classes.

{2 } ln tiris register ila$l*s rif the eofitraft*r rvili i;e entered ii*iJer t}re class in
whicir the con{ract,.rr is ordered to be enlistecl either by the authodly
maintaining tiie register or higher aliihorit! having jurisdicfiou.
(3) For this purp*se orders of eniisiment, rvhich have becoure final, ailer
deposit of general securify. shall be ccnununicated by the autiurrifl'
concerned to al] officers concemed.

Classificatirrn and Erlistment of Contractors in C&DS, U. P. Jal i.ligam

.y Page l0
Certificate of REGtiLATIdn* -1S
enlisfment (1) The autlioriqv- coinpetent to enlist a conttactor to a particular class will
issue a cefiificate of enlistment to the contractor in tire {trnn rnentioned
in Appendix '.I' after the order cf enlistrnent has become tinal on
deposit of general security.
tl) l'he enlistment rvill be valid for a penod of tlree years lrom tlie clate of
{3} \Vithfu two months hefore expiry of tire certificate of enlistmer:f the
conh'actor will apply for renewal of tlie certificate to the authori6,
cornpetsnt to enlist a coniractor of that class in the fonn meutioned in
Appendix 'K' together with reqriired docmrieflts including character
'flie fee for renewal shall be the same as for registration and shaii have
to be depcsited afresh wirh each renerval. However if contractor fails tr:
subnrit his renerval application as referred to above stipulated period. trre
will be liable to pa,v a fine @ 500t- per month or par1 thereof up to six
rnonths and Rs. i000 - perrnolth orpafi thereol'for the remaining six
months. if contractor fails tcr apply for renerval during one -vear. his
registririir:* i,..,iii L=* irraicji ...s *zu":**ii*il a;:,j l:e iiili liave ii: i:trrpi1 i'iri
i't esl: icrli:ii-etintr. ft' cetr;i]cai,; ,-:i *lrli::tlriejil isrirr.'r,i aiiilr l*'fici'',t!

rvili r*maii: :,,aiid l-*i- :l:r'ee y*rrrs t+*r the e piri' ditte ,',.t' 'tid

{41 *riplieate e*si$eaie cf regisiratica rea3. L:e issri=d itr case -*-har* tltey
*c i'*-:st-*r d+s*"*3'td d** t* *:: a*eidei$ *t aav cth*r .saiid r*eson. The i

appiieati*a f+r a drEi-i+aae **Fj- si:*uld be pr*senied .+rithia a v:e+&: **m

the date +rl rvLicir ii has beerr i*st. T1r* f-*iia*'i::e fee e:ii b* *irarged f*r
iii+ i=s-* *i:ir= iSrrpt:*i:l* 1:*pi+s.
Ciass-AA Rs 500 00
Class-A Rs. 150.00
Ciass-B Rs 120 00
Class-C Rs. 90.00
Class-D Rs. 60.00
Class-E Rs" 50 00

(5) ltt case r:f- finn{si and private anel priblic limited cornpanies ai1
individuai shauid l.:e authorized tc deai with the depafiment on thelr
beiralf on prcduciicn of Power of Artorne-v.

General Regulation -19

With the collcuilerlce of llirector" ihe Senior Accounts OfficeriFinance
Otficer sirall har.e the authorih, to revise a:rd update the cost of application
forms for registraticn. postage charges. registration and its reirerval fees etc.
and other financial figures given anywhere ir fhese regulations.

Ciassification and Enlistrnent of Conkactors in C&DS, U. P. Jal Nigam V2zPage tt

Associatir-rn Reguiation-?0'"
ilectfical i"iie ccntractors r:f all buiiding categones shail subrnit an r.iadertaking"
Contraetor pi:ovided the-v do not pilssess it in tlreir i]lyrl ilffme. tirat ihe-v shall ass;:ciate
with an agenc;y havirig valid electrical license fi'orn the competerit arltho{iry*
in its name ibr execution. Sucir agency siraii l.:eep vaiid license thrr:ughor:l
the period ol'execution b-v- getting it renexed at suitable iiliervals and subrnit
an attested capy of the same aiong wlth a cefiillcate of havitg executed the
electricai rl,ork fo the Projecf Manager along w:ith eacir running bill and tinal
bill. In event of alr1, default on the parf of tire contractor in this regard" its
ettlistmenf and authorilv to work witir C&DS rvill also automaticaiiy cease tn
be valid. For appll,ing for tenders for a work in C&DS the-v shall have to
sirailarly associate wrth an ageilcy possessrng valid electricai license of
appropriate voltage issued by an-v State Govt. under Ciause 45 of
corripilation of rule of Indlar Elecrrlcit-1, Ruies 1956 01' as amended frorl
time tc tinre.
Authority for Regulatic*-Z1
verificsfi*n The enlistiiient arithorig shall have the r"ight to independenlly veriflr the
details filmisired by tlie cofttractor and to get \,vorks doneiexecuted in future
i'r3,' th* r*i?t.aci.-.r *iipeei*,J ;r:ldi'rir til gei i::r,i: +ii:e: repc$s ?s :Eay 1ie
er--*srrier+ii Eee*ssary like F*rr€ t*A iEl*-r ileg-ii:cierJ s€ s,3t*t{* E:.v illi*cat}
;t*d,rur I.*r;* ?* re$ iA=:eirai E::x -€t*Ee*e*t i'i:r :-appEi+*:it* FAi*
*u*rber) in rr:g*re* t* *xee*ti+:r +f x*rk,
Authririi;r t* ci+s* Regulati*a-2?
the registration 1. The enlisting authoriry- i"esertrres riglrt l+ iirnit numlier of contractors to
be enlisted in any class or category or an-v otlrer manner decided b), the
2. The Director, C&DS,. Li.P. .lai Nigarn reserves right to noti$ period irr
any class or category ou Stateilocation basis or an-y other rnanner
during which no applications rvili be received.
3. Enlistrnent cf contractors in the depariment rnay [:e ciosed at any poiiit
of time. \Yliile closing the enlistrrrent, the depafilnent ruay i:ave a
reserved list of eligible contractols frorn the pelding applications. Out
of this. contractors ma_1r be enlisted rlepending on requirement in a
parlicular area or crrtire state.

Classifi*ati** and E*lis*r-rent *f Con&'act*rs in C&i)S. U. F. Jai Nigam lz



Contractors eilIisted in a particular class will be entitled tc teader frr warks of value not exceeding the
amount mentioned bslow:
Rs. in iacs
SI. Category CI*ss-AA Cl*ss-A Ctrass-B CIass*C Class-D Class-E
i Civil Warks 2500.00 1000.00 2s0.00 100.00 30.00
2 Composite Any limit NA l'JA NA NA NA

Classification ancl Enlistment ol-Contractors in C&DS, U. P. .ial Nigam

v Page 13


N4inirnunr Solvency reqLrired for enlistrnent in each class.

Rs. in Lacs
SL Category Class- CIass-A Class-B CIass-C Class-D Class-E
No. AA
1 Civil Works NA 1 000 00 400 00 100.00 40.00
2. Composite 12s0 00 NA |iA NA NA NA

Ciassitication and Eniistrnent of Coniractors in C&DS, U. P. Jalidigarn Page 14




L{iaimum Technical Staffrequired for enlistment in each class:

st" C*mposite Civil lVorks

No. Wnrks Class-A CIass-B Class-C Class-D Class-E
I i)One Graduate i) One graduate i) One i) One i) One 1\Ut
engineer (civil) engineer (civil) graduate graduale diploma required
with minimum 20 with 5 years ergineer engi*eer engineer
years experience
ii) Two graduate
experience (Civil) with {Civili with (civil or
engineers {civil} ii) One diploma minimum minimum E/M) with
with Engineer (civil] experience experience minimum
minimum 10 years with 5 years of 5 years of3 years. experience
erperience experience. ii) One ii)One of 5 ;,'ears
iii) Tr,vr: graduate iii) One diploma diploma Diploma
engineers (civit) Engineer (civil) holder Holder
each with 2 years {Civil) with (E/M) wnth
minimum 5 years
experience experience. at least 5 three years
or iv) One graduate years experience
T w o diploma engineer (E/M) experience.
Engineer (civil) with with minimum iil) One
10 experience of 5 diploma
Years experience. years holder
iv) One graduate
OR (Ellu) with
engineers {civil}
*,ith One Diploma miaimum
5 years
minimrun holder {E/M} rvith experience
experience as minimum of5 years.
Qualit_y experience of 10
Engineer years
v) One diploma
v) One diploma
Engineer (civil)
with holder {E&{)
minimum 5 years w.ith minimum
experience as experience of 5
Surveyor. yeafs.
vi) One grad*ala
Engi*eer {civii)
minirnum 5
experience in Proiect
vii) One Graduate
engineer {E&M)
10 -vears
viii) Two graduate
(E&M) nith

Classit-ication and Eillistment of Corltlaclors in C&DS, U. P. Jal Nigau

-V Page i5
sl. Composite Civil lY*rks
Ns. \\'*rks Class-A Class-B Cl*ss-C CIass-D Class-E
Two dipioma
Engineer iE&M)
u,.ith 10
Years experience.
ix) One graduate
engineer {E&S{)
minimum5 years
experience as
x) One graduate
Engineer {E&M)
minimum 5 years
experienc* in Praject

Note: The contractors will have to submit cerlified copies of Degree/Dipioma of technical staff at
the time of registration.

Classificatioll aird Enlistrient of Coiltractors in C&DS. L,. P. Jal Nigam Fage 1{r


l"'{inimum Machirery, Tools & Plants reqldi"ed far enlisturent.

Compcsite Works Civil Works
CIass-AA Class-A CIass-B CIass-C CIass-D CIass-E
i) Total station - I i) Total station - I No. i) Sreel i. sleel il Concrete Not rerluired
No. ii) Builders shuttering 1500 shutteriiig 750 mixer olfuli
ii). Buiiders hoist - ? hoisijTower c.rane- I sqm ia.ith sqm with hrrt
Nos. Nas. mi*imum of minimum of capaciir,i nc.
iii). Tower crane- 2 iii) Concrete mixers of 50{! sqm 250 sqm iil Mortar
Nos. tu1lbag prccured prccur"ed &{ixer - I No
iv). Coacrete mixers capacity- 5 Nos during }ast two during last trvc iii) Needie
- 2 Nos. iv) Steel shuttering years. years. vibrator - 2
v). Steel shuttering 2000 sqm wi& ii) Steel props - ii. Steel props - Nos (1 OtL. I

5000 Sqm'with minimum af 750 sqm 5000 cum space 3000 cu.m space Electrical )

minimum of procured during last with min. of with ir,) Plate

2000 Sqm procured two:,ears. 1500 m3 min. of 1000 m3 ribrator - i No
during last tu,o years. v) Steel props for procured procured during l\'[inimum
vi). Steel props for 10000 m3 space dwing last trvo iast two years. two sets of
20000 m3 space *.ith with min. of 3500 m3 years iii. Concrete fcllondng
min. of space iii) Concrete mixers of full T&P:
4000 m3 space procured during last mixers of fiIl bag i) Chase
procured during last tlvo years. bag capacity 2 nos. culling
tlvo vi) Mortar Mixer - 2 capaciry - 2 Nos iv. Mortar Nlachine
)'ears. Nos iv) Modar Mixer - I No ii) \Yire
vii). Mortar Mixer - vii) Needle vibrator-6 Mixer - 2 Nos v. Needle dra* ing
2 Nos. (3 Oir-,3 v) Needle vibrator - 3 Nos machinc:
viii). Needle ELECTRIC) vibrator-4 No (2 {2 *n+1 iii) Conduit
vibrator-20 (10 OIL, viii) Plate vibrator - 4 No OIL. Electrical ) die set.
ro ELECTRTC) Nos 2No vi. Shuttering ii ) Bench lice
ix). Beam vibralor - ix) Shuttering vibralor - ELECTRIC) vibralor - 2 Nos i') LT meggar
2 Nos. 6 Nos vi) Plale vii. Plate 5iX) r oits.
x). Slab vibrator - 4 x) Vibro compactor - I vibratar - 3 No vibrator:2 Nos
Nos. No. vii) Shuttering Minimum tvo
xi). Shufier vibrator - xi) Fully automatic vibrator - 4 Nos sets of
3 Nos. Batclung plant viii) l'ribro followiug T&P:
xii). Yibro (min. 06 cum capacrf) compaetor - 1 i. Steel/
compactor - 1Nc. with No- Alumidum
xiii). Fully automatic pump:1 No. ladder 1.5 m to
Baiching plant (min. Minimum two I
i5 Cffi] *li*imum iw* se€s *f seq$ ef 111,

capaci*,"per hour) fel*au.iag T&P: f*El*eiag ?&F. ii. eha*e cutt'rrrg

''',,iiilput11p:1N*. ?o-E-
t&f i. Steeij r:raehir:e=,
xi.".i. Tran=it lVii.<**ie i. Ste*lj Aiamieiuar Aluira:r::st iii. Eiecirieal
r*ih p';mps - ?:1ias. i-.1.1.--
{&uq!l 1 r_J< ,:
r1r iaqider i.5 s: 11iirE draFi-irig
trIiairu*rr: iqs $*tG tr:8 m; lnxm' e+*ipra*ni
eaeh ofthe ii. Chase cutting ii. Chase cr*ting iv. Conduit die
following T&P: machines, machines, set;
i). Steel/ Aiuminium iii. Electrical wire iii. Electrical v. Bench vice;
Ciassificatiorl Bild E11listmeflt of Contraciors in C&DS,1-1. P. Jal Nigam Page i7
Composite 14'orks Civil Works
CIass-AA Class-A CIass-B CIass-C Class-D CIass-E
ladder 1.5 mto 8 n1 drawing wire drawing vi, LT Meggx
ii). Chase cutting equipment, equipment, 500 voits
machines" iv, Torque wrench for iv. Conduit die i,ii. farthtester;
iii). Electncal w'ire nut/bolt/screws; set;
drar,ving equipmeat. v. Conduit die set; v. Bench v:ice;
iy). Torque *'rench vi. Bench vice: vi. LT Meggar
for nut/bohlscrelvs, vii. LT Meggar 1000 50S volts
v). Conduit die set; volts, vii. Earthtester;
vi). Pipe vicet viii. LT Meggar 500
vii). Bench vice; volts"
i,iii). LT Meggar ix. Earth tester:
1000 volts,
ix). LT Meggar 500
xi. Torg TesteE,
ix). lv'fr:1tia;eter:
x). H;;<ira*icail_1'
o-eraie'J & Lsnd
^*:*==:=-. - _=.-
!rrrrplrrts --L:---.-
xi). Earth tester;
xii). Portable drilling
xiii). Overhead
conduit pulleq
xiv). Core eutting

Note: The cotlractol" will have to anange all Tools & Piants reqldrsd for proper completion of works
uilder contract as inentioned in individlial contracts of works"

Classification and Enlistment of Contractors in C&DS, U. P" Jal biigarn Page 18


RL,CtlL,{TION:4 & 8
Appiicant finn shoiiid have successfrilly rcrnpleted w'orks during iast 10 years from the date of
submissiori of applieation of vahie as describecl belolv.

Rs. Lacs
sl. Category Class-AA Class-A CIass-B CI*ss-C Class-D CIass-E
1 Civil lilorks-
d Three building works 500.00 200.00 50.00 20.00
ofvalue each
b Two building works of 750.00 300.00 7-5.00 30.00
value each
c One building work of 1s00.00 600 00 i50.00 60.00
2 (Jornp*site lYorks-
a Thr-ee ccmpcsite 1000.00
building works of
value sach
b Two composite 1500.00
building works of
value each
One composite 3000 00
building work of value
1. The cotnposite rvork of-building llrealls Civil building work includin-s inteuai electrificaticn
and at least one of the E&N{ services mentionecl below under one agreement:
L Fire trglrting, IL Fire alann, Iil. HVr\C, IV. t,ift, V. Electrical Sub Station.
2. The erperience of Cor:rposite \4rorks fcr Class-AA strralI only be considered prr-.vided
appiicant has execrfied composrte works of buildings amoLmting to ]owest value mentinned iil
Appetdir-E, either as the eligible rvort nr some other work under one agreement.

-i. Irol oih*r categoriesi'classes of registration. i.e. C-lass-A, B, C, D & E the eligrhle works (of a
single proie,;t) tnay have been executed under single,trultiple contracr-rorders.

4. 'ihe value of executed works in last 10 years shall be brougirt to curent costing level bv
enliattcing the actual value r:f work at siurple rate of 1a/a per arul*m, calculated fi'orn the date

b '19
Classification and Enlistment of C--ontractors in C&DS, U. P. Jal Nigam Page
of completion to the last date oT validig of enlistrnentlrevalidation or date of submission of
application whichever is earlier.

5. At least one wcrk of value merfioned in 1(a) or 2{a), as the case rnay tre, should have been
executed vr,ith a Govt. departrnent8SU/Authority of any state in india. Rest of the eligible
works rnay be those executed for Pri:rate organisations. However Certif,cate issued by a
Private organisation should be issued by an officer not below the rank of a Project Head.

5. Certifieates issued by private organisations mllst be supported by Fonn 26ASITDS ce.{tific;ate,

Thc eer-tifl*ate sh*aid *l*arly indicate sespe of -:v*-k, .3aie *f e*mBieti,*ti, €G*rp;i61sal val*e;
aar*e *frv*rk" agreemeiri,J'*ider rt*.. date ri st*.li ete, ir ,fu-a:*:<ur*-Q tc v*ri$' +ligibilirr,-
wh*reve.r requir*d, rhe C*rtifieat* shouiC als* be supp+rt*d by s*iiedulei final bill {*sstifledi
to estaLiisir simiiarit_y.

Classification and Enlistrnent of Contractors in C&DS, U. P. Jal Nigarn Page 20
Application Form
For enlistment as a Csntractor in the Construction & Design Services, U"F. Jal Nigam

Type of Enlistment - New

Date ............ tray *f ."............... ?;]



I/We have the honour to apply for enlisflnent as Class ,........cnntractor in Construction &
Design Services, U. P .Jai Nigam for ..........................category.
1. A sum of Rs........ . [Rs........... ...... . .only] being the fee in respect
of this application form along with a copy of regrrlation has been deposited in the form of Pay
Order/ Derna*d Draft No. Dated issued
by (a Schedulecl Commercial Bank (excluding Co-operative and Rurai Banks))
and drawn in favour of "Director, C&DS, U P Jal Nigam, Lucknow " is enclosed.

2. The prescribed Registration fee of B.s......"........... [Rs. only] in

the form of Pay order/ Demand draft N*....
dated ................ issued . .. by
(a Scheduled Commercial Bank (excluding Co-operative and Rural Banks)) and drawn in
favour of "Director, C&DS, LI P Jal Nigam, Lucknow" towards ealistment as classifled contractor
is also enclosed hsrewith.

3. Tire r+qixred p*riic*lxs ar* give:: b*i**v"

5i" !3e:e r'ipiia:ct E',.r E:+ !iEi+:t iEt l,i- :liip:i.*rri
1 a) Name of the appiicant individuaV
Fiml Comiiany

b) Address of the individuaU Firml


F{ead Olfice

c) Telephone- Lardline & Mobile

<ii e-ruxii id.

Classiflcatior and Enlistrnent of Contructors in C&DS, Li. F. Jal liigam rage / r

SI" Ts be illled in by applicaut
2 PAN No. (Individuai,GirrfCornpany).

3 GSTNunber

Affix seif *fiesied passFofr siz*

photographs ofall the parhlers aicng u.ith
their rames.

tN-r-------l Name-

5 Nalionality of the individual, place of

registration/ incorporaiion of Firm
1Compar4,. (attested copies of deeds or
records of associafion are to be enclosed)

6 Frofession of individual or natsre of

business of Finr/ Company and place of
Whelher emolled as a member of an,v
Builders Associatian, if so, name cf the
Association and the date of enrolment.
8 Is the Indir,iclual I Sole proprietor I ary
Parlner I Directar of company-
(Piease strike ort option given which is
aor applicable)
a. Dismissed Gcr.e::rrrnes,"- Servafit? Yes No

b. REmsvsd lrcm appro-;ed lisi af i=5, r:u

c. Haviag business ba.r:ne#r:rspeird*d Yes 1Ns
Goverameat in &a past?
ii, Convieted by C*rrrt of L*:.r'? Yes / l{c
e. R*aire<i E:rgirieer/+firr*ia1 lr+r:: Yes ,1i'i,:'
Eagineering Eepafrmciri +f a^i:_-v

Gcr-'ari:rr:e-t ar PSL] llrti:irr i-i cne

il or Fartaer cf any other
company/firin efllisted rvith
C&DS/UPJN sr any other goi,t.
departrnenl or PSU?
If answer to anv cf the above is 'Yes' Ftirni: ;h details on a separaie sheet

9 Name of persons holding the pou,er of

Attomey {Attested copy of Attorney to be

t0 Name of the partners with their respective

shares in the firms. iCopy ol partnership
deeds to bs enclesed" only in case of
partnership firms).


Classificatioil arld Enlistment of Contractors in C&DS. U. F. .TalNigzun Page22

st. ?t be lilled ix hy applicart
tl a) Name of bankers and full address:

b) h case of limited iiabili4 of

companies ccp-v* of last balance sheet
duiy audited should be allached.

c) of immor,able properiies
with their market value (attach
certihcate *om Deput;l
Commissiraerl Coilector)

i2 Area in w'hich eontractor wants to work.

13 F*r Car*pasite 1!-o!'k

a Dces ihe applicant p+:s"*s lald i Yes i- J Ii*
eleef;eal ii{snse' i

tr. Does perma-+e$i eltcn iciaii j

!- r- i j \i
emplo.ved .catrailsr po==*=r I

r,-alid eleeirical licerrse? I

i+ i-isl *ilr+rks r'reutrti giling-

a)Name of rvork
b)Amount of $.srk ex-ecuted
c)Year of execution
dlAuthority under lvhich carried out {ta
be shown cn separate statemert).
Original or attested copies of
certificates, if an-r.,. may tre enclosed.
IJ Resources of Contractor:
a)Details of technical staff employed with
techaical qualilication and experience.

b)Details of lools. plants, machinery,

tiansport- etc. Details of rvorkshop. if
any" rn"ith location-

16 Whether the applicant is a Diploma

holder or qualified Civil, Mechanical or
Eler:trical Engineer *r has any other
technical qualification.{Attested ccpy of
the diploma or degree tc be attached).
i7 \tri,ether appiicant is already enlisted in
C&DS, if sc iir'"r.hich class and cat€gsry,.,
ta '*ihelher e$listd rvith any c,rher
iiep*frrneat includi*g LI.P. Jal Nigam lf
so. in rvhiEh class ar:d categsr!,
ainoufit r.rpi* r+'hicli qualifled to trrd.
l9 lErhether the applicaat is a shareholder +l
any fir,m enlisted in this department ar
any cther department {give full details),

Classificatron and Eniistment of Contractors in C&DS, U. P. .lai Nigam Page 23
st. Descripfion a ?o b* fiIled ir by applicant
20 a) Holr, many year$ has the appiicant's
organization been in business as a
contractor uader lhe present ttusiness

bi Has &e applicant er,er lailsd tA

executc ar:y rt*rk arvarded ta ht$:.


1, l!=,ii* {.i*eiud;*g *.!i thar lfi4'e =.r,ili au=t gcr rnyselflciirse:ye$ recisEer*d
pa,-t?u€?'s} cerri:,a as
contractors in Construction & Design Senices, U.P.Jal Nigam tmder more than one name.

of the Firm,'Coinpany retlected hereinabove above are as

[,'We cet-ti$ that the constituents
appltcable oii the date of this application wliieh taliles rvith the record of tlie registering
3. ii\\ie a€r'ee to nctify the officer acceptirg this application and enlisting iny,lsul ilame or1
Cr:nstt-rrction & Design Services. U.P. Jat Ni-sam iist of ccntractors, of any changes in the
tilre-uoing parti*rlars as the-v occrr and to verih,and
contlnl these parliculars.
4. I"\\'e urde(ake that IiWe lvill. if we do not o$:l. hire or otheiwise arrange the reqiiired tool
and piant required for the works vye procrre as a rcsuh of this enlistment. ir'llie undefiake that
i/\Ve lvill, if rve do not ernplo-v. hire or othenvise arrailge the required Elgureerins
hstat-:lislirnent required for the rvodis we procurE as a resrilt of this enlisfinent.
5. l,'triie rurdefiake thal, if we do rot possess in my;' owr narne a valid eiectricai iicense as
required. rve shall associate i.vitir an agency having such a license for execution of tr.odi which
requires such a license.
6" Il$,'e certi&"tliat above particulars are corect and tirat if IiWe have given a false certificate or
that rf I;'We fail to notify of m.v/oilr subsequent amalgamation rvith another contractor or fim.
tnviourname is liable to be removed &om the Construction & Design Services, U.P.Jal Nigarn
list of contractors and any c<lntract that liWe may be holding at the tirne ts liable to be

Signatrre (s) of the Applicant(s) as applicable and address.

iSoie Proprietr:r OR All Partners OR Either All llirectors or fhe Chief fulana-ring Drrector if authorised
specificall5.' b_v a Board Resolution )


Classificatir:t and Eulistment of Contractors in C-&DS, lr'. P. Jal Nigam Fage 24


E1}{P*R?AF{T N*?E$:

1. All relevant certificates should be attached rvith the applicatir*.

2" Apptricatior for eniistment in earh catflgory arid class shauld be subrnitted on separate forms.
3. In case of Ccmpany, certifled capy cf articles of assaciatioa as registered with registering
authorities shauld be attached.
4. Character Certificate must be submitted with two exfra photos af passport size.

{-lassificaticn and Eirlistment of Contractors in C&DS, U. P. Jal }iigam Page 25


Offieers Authorised ta E-nlist

Ail ihe catsgodes and elasses of-Conrractors shall be er:listed bi, Clrief General j\4anager {He) or any
other Oificer duiV autlioriseri brr and acting on behalf of Director. C&tlS. t.t P Jai l'ligam, Lucknow.

Classification and of Contractors in C&DS, U. p. Jal lriigarn page 26


General Securitl
Amount in Rs.
sr. Category Class-AA Class-A Class-B Class-C Class-D Class-E
I Civil Wclks NA 5,00,000.0t 2.00,000.00 i,{}a},fi}0.r}0 _riio{it}.01'i iilt]00.ii(.)

2 Composite 10,00,000.00 NA NA l'iA NA NA


Hete- The Generai S*+rri*, must be i:r slape cf FDR drawn *e a Fublic Se*tor Bank iir:eluding State

trank of Ineiia) *r IIBI trani< i:r ICICI Baxk *r EiIFC Ba=k ar ,rris Bank and piedged t* "Diract*r,
C&DS, LT F Jai Nig*m, L*ckflcw".

Ciassification and Eniistrnent of Crnirac.ti-rrs in C&DS, U. P. "lal i'jigara

v Firge 27

Category: (a) Civil W*rks, (b) Ccmposite \Yorks
sl. Name of Full Address Reference Full Refere*ce Signaturc Remarks
No. Contractor r*'ith phone and to number Signature to number of, ollicer in
e-mail. antl date of officer and date of fullo
:rrtr! r:r:ri*faini*g *rcley aed main aini*g
liarn:irr +-r:ilr.*:*t_v rhe Regisi*r'
FA15;I;g passii-rg tfte
r:s'del'*f {!rtlet- llit'
,er*lisiai+c€ re-rrrc+i*g
ilre ::it*:e *i
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I

Classification an{i Eillishilent of Contractors in C&DS, U. P. Jal Nigam

vPage 28


Certificate of Enlistment

No. Date

CERT1FIED tirat Srir'San'asriil\,1,'s address

phone no. E+nail
-: contractor in construction & Design
i;;;,;, i-ro,i**-;:_ ::ll:i :iJ-[$i;
This certiflcate is valid for:-
Jurisdiction of Director, C&DS, U. P. Jal Nigarn, Lucicrow and shall expire on

Enlisting Authoriff

Ciassrfit:ation and Enlistment of,Contractors in C&DS, U. P. Jallt{igarn Page 29



Application For Renewal Of Enlistment


Dear Sir,

1. iitrVeirerob_vapplyfcr&+r+n*wal*f:uyr'*ureniistinentil*....,.......
dated.......... ... es Class.. .. Categcry. e+ntra+t+r e&ish
will expir* *ii...,...........

2. It is hereby declared that I&Ve still possess the solvency, machinery, tools & plants and employ
the technical staff required for above enlistrnent and that I I We atd/ are otherwise also
qualified for sach enlistrnent.

3. It is understood that the enlistment is liable to be cancelled at any stage if the above declaration
is found to be wrong.

The following are enclosed for record.

i. Last three linancial -vears'income ta.r rettuts"

ii. Solvenc_v Ceilificate fi'om ISank
iii, Satisfactorl compietion oflrv'olks report fi'orn ihe area of work.
ir,. Ciraracter Certificate frorn District N.'{agistrate.

Signatrre of Applicant

ClassiEcatri-,rr and Eniistment olContr"ctors in C&DS, U. P. Jal Nigam


(r{qq s (l)}
qfie gqrur Et isl grsq
ffiqfirq fs6r @2,

1. Grr+ffi sr rF{ ai/ffr qsqfutr 3rfira-Fi

EFT nq,fua, qrqde
z &*r/qfr ql *q +fi ql .gs. s"r' -,i*i-d-q
'.1.lClrl$ !+r.ll
1+ql -ttq

+ elkq, dr-ffi

5. qq-{F-

s. TdT- i<i EqTg qtr ir.r:e *a

(e) el*rli{ rn 6txv vka

7. wc{rFrs. t+-+fr ol fqqrq.

{qf+-d * f66-6 tafl-q n s-d Eq-fi}, sr.rcrfu-m qfdE-ft{q} eat{ eaaTqifq-{ 4.r$ er ffrfiq ftsl q].ql qR ffi
;qrrTIeF{ t arq$isrs E*-{qi E€ <-er t nt w*l fr-qrgr q} ftqr q'mr qk aiq" fTqfui frs+r1 errqr {r1*i ssfir{ * 'gl-q

&arF'i gRTffic fq-qi qqr

"+q. fqeror rt ftqr qrqr qrfuqT/+h€{ rrftifqF+* si {iTfd-d +rqc[Fi i tdq
Eqffi + qt t ffi sc * qis qrt * Ers Et sqrE-q{ fT,k fs-sT e.q etr EesT r6E Es qro,q t sreyc
tchqr qtq I

8. qtq;q €qtfr
9. grful*qa i-

rft gru ql ......"....... .* BTd sir enqiq aqr =fra + *qE t gli awrcr-* qmfi"S q-s tft
ryi *t rrd'fqsa qqclfFrs. EsEql d} qarl *fi Efu€ t Ne' d qi *r s"t q-4} 41 ql-{+Tir * c{Eq *
sqftp6 a.q1 t f+- qi .,.,... qr sT-4 em e*;rrE Rqi qkd Eri-q * Bth E-r* lr-q s-ffin *
ffi fr'*ffi' n :}*ETE ?+ ffi4 qi+j' ieqrEfie g,+ q fSEFr R ffiqFqii! .gicfu ai-* ti
=dr=. =*


fq-mT q@dld++-cr

iSrr vfra)

Ciassification and Enlistment of Cor*'actors in (&DS, U. P. Ja1 Nigam Page 31
+r.- t'

1. &"mT ERI q-f g'ErsI-q;I 31qt Eq * eerm t tr-d t+-qr qT+qTr a-*.# +,-lrc T{ ffi q:q
etFiaTcl 6rr ETTTET-I-;I Frfu' re fqqi .=-hrir
2. TreiE-E F€€ qffi€-Effi ek
q'E Efu€ .s"*f€-Ek.€ .sE*ffi1€€iffi .&s.*icqfsav.ffi ffiffi*
aT'{qT ,k€t ela &Tf.T+l'"$ t dq 6{!qt # giqi E{ ese *i

3. €aiFrr qtrry * €fu ffi.{-q;r s} * ffi,+ *i

4. s6 yqrur q;i $Hr;q-r: ni"{ q{ * fmS qr;q *fiq sft Es-* g{ qt€ iaqttlrr*' qz-{T €fS t erqqr sTS +
tq-s< 6t€ g*-<qr srrk q-"{ ErdT * qr q"e ffi Iffia s1s{E t q1 qfia-qf rTfdidi{qi t qT
erqmrfqar {fdfqF{q} t q-+-sl qrfl t i} gfds frr-nT sr c-{ saa-r<Tfuis EhTr fs E{rst qari q6 frffr
q@.ffi-+er asa- *aifcm fs"TrT * arFmH R1-+,Tr Brt{ !-qTq-!-d <-or-o'&rs f+-qr er}rTr

s. qq yqllr-l-* qt sfqFe ffimrtt +iqfme i ae$ ef{€ Eiii€ clcitq-+/Efdq ar"nrr*. qTsfuc I qq oro.T
{kgq n-i fqlrms siEid qt qT+"ft eik fpfu lqm qd e1 qq. }qrFra 4izi Ek lfu€{ I erwe {€1 qrtrfrl

6. Eq sqFr-qd + frt{ qrt awqr f{im' fii + diirT t slf{q f{Eiq *{Frd fs-clT @,e"f,e{ ql *qrr
7 f1rfu eqq-q7et qs si"cfus gk' (Office Copy) ake gfcl€ sr*q-*'lgk€ s{qiar6 qrcicrc t erqe-c rc?
q+fi s*{ !F .3rnri crq{e{ fr shfu dfs{ qt qrh"fr tq-e-& f{-dfri r*r

B. {iiFrd qffld ERT qrqdd qr{q qT e.r{r r+{d-q RHrrTq., q} TqcBf, erFrfi-ft 6RT sqrfrH €}, qfra !rl[q-q{
* orn f{qkd HFi rr q*qr f*-ql qr*,Ti
c. qs s* erel * *ri e"ffes s-{+ *+ iq* eR=,{-q* E{ ErTHi *i

Classification and Eulistment of Contractors in C&DS" U. P. Jal Nigam

v Page 32


l ' ** ;;; -;;; ;; ":ou:":::

.""..... appli*ant f+r enlisirne*t as E cdrrtraeior in Canstrireti** & Design
Sorvices, LI.P. Jatr iiiga:n d* h*r*bv d**Iar= *:at the f*Il*r*'ing psss*rls ar* in m3',./crur r*gular
employment o* the p*st a:rd &ol* ihe dat* *:+irii***d against tule.m.
ifvlt+ unsiertake thai if any *f th* p*st faiis l-aa*r:t +rid is i*& r:nEll*d il*r *rore cha:r *ii* m**th ilWe
shell inf*na the aiithorig.'tr irheim the appliceti*:: f*r e#istment is being made.

t€i' H**re & ?r+?er:i*-i F+sl !:;:iqi Ilat?* +i' Er*p=r=ir=aee i::
5*. A*dress Q*:riii?e;ari*;:s i=*g ;r i i: i:r:+ z: {i * r: r-u r: r c'=is*..=*t ffsiii.
irrckidi*g v*::r" ap;:*irit*:**t
ol passing
I z 3 4 5 6

Declared in my presence

( Seal Nctary Public) Signature-

{+} If tire applieant is a*t *r itdividual.

Classifrcation and Enlistment of Contractors in C&DS, U. P. Jal Nigarn

v Page 33
;Lppe*t*i=' :ri'


S.b Resideut of
.........(*) Karta/ Parhier of

* ;;;;;;; * o"ri* i**,".r' .i" ix n,rr* ;" ;;*ryI::,L h ;#ffil.;',t:
following machineiy, tools & plants. LtVe $ndertake that if there is any reduction in this equipment
list below the limit required by tlie relevant regulation, lAVe will inform the authority to whom the
application for enlistmont is being made.
Rs. in Lacs

Sl. No. Particular of Estirnated Approxinrate age Other remarks. if an1

iX.tachinery Cost
1 -f +

Declared in my presence

(Seal Notary Public)


(r ) If the applicant is oiher than an individrial.

Classific*cia;i a:id Eirlis*n*iii *f C*atract-:rs in C&*S" ii. F. Jai liiigam Page 34


(Regat*tior -5i


iln seaied eoyer atldrrss*d t+ Eniistment Autfuority)
(Apptie*bte f*r all classes and categriries)

This is i* +ert-i$' iIaat. t* th* b*st *f *:-1r l*:*:+4+dg+a:td iel*::e*ti+n= h{ls. /5= ..
iraviag margir:*iiy *cted ad<iress, a cr:si*;e*r *ur i:x:.L arelis respectab!* and ean b* a'eated as g**d
faa"aa,ve*gagerneniaptsalieit*fE-s.. ....... {Frup€es.... = =. i
This certificate is issued without any guarantee or responsibility on the Bank or any of the officers.

This certificate is issued on the request of ShrilSmt.&{/s .. ............... for

obtaining enlis&nentlrenewal of enlistment ifl C&DS, U P Jal Nigam fu . .. . ... (Name of
e*-teg*qv) Cl*ss.

J a r.-+i:rei

;::"-+^J. ---- +i- = !].,=-i-


l) Bankers' cerlificates should be on letter head of the Bank, signed with date and sealed in cover
aridressed to eniistment au&ority.
2) ln case oJ'part*ership fir*, ce*ifitcte {o include yr{t?fies *J-r:lf partners as reurCed with tlze
3J Above Certificate be issued by a Publie Sector Bank (including State Bank of india) or IDEI
Bank or ICICI Bank or HDFC Bank or Axis Bank and it sh*uld not be later than three mo*ths
from the date of submission of application.

illassillcation and Enlistrnent of Contractors in C&DS, Li. F. Jal liigarn Page .35
{R*gutati+* 5 t?i}


Certified that following is the turnover sr construction works cf the irdividuaV firmi company as per
returns filed with Income Tax for the past 3 years.

l{ame and Registered Address of fim/ coffipany:-.

si. .{ccounting Year Turnover on Construction

No. (Rs.In Lakhs)

4 "f otal

Sig*afirre -


For the Charlered Accountatrt

i\{embership Nc. oi IC r\l
Date and seal

Signatwre afApp|icant

fias=ifi*a€*a *.n,i *ie*nira,+t*rs i:: f&*S. Ll. F. =iai Nig*m Pege 3'.:
"u Alitif,xuRE-Q



i{Jn the letter h_cad of the certific?te issuing FirmlComranv/Authoriw*)

fl,XPER{ENCE OF \YORK fl{'ork of Private Og:ranisations)

Certified tl-rai h.{is .. . . {luiarne anii addiess cf -fi:m-} has +xseufed aail c*mpleted {he
fi;ii.''ri in,, nr'.ricui as Jciliieii lre!,;ir -

Name *{Prajeet & Locatian.

Sccpe of '"vork:
{Deseribe in bri*f; sueh as

{A! Civi!: }-{ *i *trueisre

{RCe fta-+:e# l*ad bean*g:€teel
structure,) Nos., *f f1o*rs, cype *f-'
roofing etc. and other special

(B) Electrical: Mentioq-Internal

electrical installations-

{C) Others:
Cost of Project:

M0U/Contract No. & date:

(Attach copy)
Contract Yalue ( in Rs. Lacs):

Date of start:

Completed Value ( in Rs. Lacs):

Date of Completicn.

Time overrun:
(if any, with reasons)
Payments made to the Firm under the
Scope of this proieet:
Details of TDS against above pa,,vment.

ia*aeh f+rrc-i&A)
Fedbrman+e Rep*;t. Vr:i.:.i=ic---r:dr;L;r-:*ii,tirairr']L+r:i=

Atiaeh *apy *f ii*a! **-tiiieC Eiil.

Dated: P:"aje*i H*aeE *r Allth{}ris*d Sig:ia€ery

(5earj t-
Classificatii--r.r and Enlistrnent of Ccntffictors in C&DS. ii. P. Jai ltiigaln Page 37
Note- a

1. The Certificate should contain frrll address, land line nunber" e-mail address, fax numbers of
Registered office& issuing authority on the letter pad of the company.

2. Certificate issued by private finns must be supported by Form 26AS/TDS certificate. The
Certificate should also be supported by schedule I final bill (certified) to establish similarity.

3. Bidder should note that work experience cefificate for on-going works shall not be considered for

Classificaticn and Enlistment of Contractors in C&DS, U. P. Jal Nigam

I Page 38

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