Contractor Registration Regulation-Aug.18 PDF
Contractor Registration Regulation-Aug.18 PDF
Contractor Registration Regulation-Aug.18 PDF
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',. 11.,.,: i.i 1r,11;'
Classifieation and Enlistrment of
eont*'actans ir: the
e*nstnueticn & ffiesign $ervlces,
U.F. Jal Nigam
Published By:
Construction & Design Services, U. P. Jal Nigam,
TC-38 V, Vibhuti Khand, €omti Nagar, Lucknosrr-226010
Ciassificatir-in and Enlistment of Contractors in C&DS, il P. Jal Nigarn Fage 2
Classification and Enlistment rif Contractors in the
Construction & Design Services, U.F. Jal Nigam.
The C&DS. U P Jal l.'iigam hereinafter called "C&DS" is follorving U.P.
Rajkiya l.{inlar: lriigam tulanuai, 1984 as amended &om tirne to time. These
Regulations have been fi'arned to gLlvefli and regtilate tlie classificatioir anil
enlisffirent t:f corira*tors ir respect of onl-v thcse rvorks which are proposed
t* be ereeuterl through tenders.
This enlist*ient is beiug d<;ne to have a read,v list of suitable and competent
contract,Jrs for C&DS rvorks. so as to riilimize requirerxrnt of verif,eation
cicredentials of contractors at ilre time of ai.vard of i*dilridrial lenders.
C&DS rvh,-', are eniisted tc terder for that rvork acccrding f* their
enlistrneni. Issue ar:d receipt of applicatir:ns for enlistrnelt r'.,iitr rernain
cpefi from lst of Aprii to 30th .]une eyery ].ear rvitirout late iee.
Applicatio* tbruri wiil issued thri--rughout the _vear Application ii:i::r fbr
eniisiment subi:.titted after 30th Jime wiil be receiveii rvith late fee jj"i:iri i st
Julir tc 30th Novernber fi
Rs. 500;- per morth or palt thereiif and lrcm lst
Decernber to 31st N{arch @ Rs 1000i- per month or pafi thereof.
cotrunercial bank. The C&DS shallnot tre responsible lbr late delivery and
danrage or loss during transit. No castr paylnent shall be accepted. A11 pay
orders shouiri be drawn in far..orr of "Director. C&DS. i;.P. Jal Nigam",
and payabie at "Luckilol".
'fhe ilotice invitrr:g tenders. hereinafter r:alled li.1.T shall tre dul_v
publicised by wa1, *f uploadirig on e-procilrement portals;' websitesr'
ill Enlistment of cortractors will be done for the categories as mentioned
in Appentli,ts nA'.
(2) Each categar)" oi contractors will he fiu-ther classified as in Appendir
'A'ace+rd*rg tL] rFpl'r fi;xrncial ii*ir *f the rvoiks foi: wiiic;!: a
contriici*i e*lisi*d in tire particri-l*r +}*ss *ar; teilder.
Proof of REGUT,ATION -7
of machinery & to*ls Proof oi possession of reqriu'ed Maclilnery & Taols and Plants rvil1 cansist
etc" of a deciaraiion b1'the appilcant in the fonri as per Appendix'N' made in
the preserce of iv{agistrate, gi.ring fu1l particulars cf the equipnreltt or an
Afiidavit for the same verified try a Notarl.
sl. Item Factor
A Prefabricated HLrts, Industrial sheds etc. 0.50
B False Ceilillg, corllpound rvall, st*mr rvater drain, 0.25
sfwer ilnes" water siippiy lines, Road side gu111.'
chambers etc.
C Ad d itio ni ai teraiionirenoyation/up- 033
graCaticrr inairr Ienancc etc.
{I)The application for the enlistrnent will be made in the form given in
Appendix-'F' and shall be accompanied by a Demand Draft for the
registratioa fee mentioned in sub-para {2} and documents mentioned in
sub-para (3). A separate application will have to be made for diffsrent
categories of *'crks. The receipt far application fee should alsc be
attached with the application.
i2) The regisffation fee shall tre as under and it shail not be ref,inded.
of a compary as mentioned in reErlatiori-91-1; above the satne siiall be
iutimated to the autliority competent far enlistment. within 7 days of such
cliange and an acknr:wledgment of the sane be obtained.
{5}\\1fle applying for eulistment. the conf.ractor should meirtion address of
I:is registereii aflice as ',..ve11 as Head OIEce" if clifferent. All dr:cui:re*ts
e.g. Bankers' feltificate, etc. sharild bear one i:f the ai:ove adrlresses,
otherrvise tl:e same sl.rali not t:e accepteC.
i {r } Natrvith staading a,nvihin g inenti *r cd abi;ve, the ccntra,etar shal I ini irna ie
iire citange, ilany. in any oithe above addresses, tt adva;rce ot nariintuit
within one inonth of such chang,- along witl-r ackiiowledgement of noting
dorvn ol such chan-qe in address from the Banli. Incorne Tax. GST
authorities etc. Failire to do so ura-v result in removal of his name &'otn
the approved list ofcontractors.
(2) The General Securiry shall be in the form of F.D.R. llom a Public
Sector Bauh iinclnding State Bank of Indiai or IDBI Bank or ICIC{
Bank or HDFC Bank or Axis Bank and pledged to "Director, C&DS,
Ir_ P
r !.!i :\ rriam I rr|l'nr\rr.
.,lt1 LrtLutrr! t,(rLtLrrr.t.
i-3: c;liiiii{i ir.: i*nder ilr rr,+rti;*d i;v,--r .,+iii tlier: i,-****l'::*
Reciiliitinri i! ;thjr'C Hr' \.";il i1.irc lil jtiln51r t'aijiitt il:n!]t'\' it\
pr-oi'ided ir: i*r;dei dccrrinet.tii \ft,=r itr{-ulit;rilc'- ul' lg*r-1r-'r. iiru
contractor u,iii irave to cieposrt perfonnance securlf-vlsecurit_-v money lirr
due fulfillment of the contract as specified in tender. 'Ihe amount of
eamest tnoiley and perfcrrmance secudtJ'i security nrcfley and its mode
of deposit will i:e provided in tender docrunent which shall be fixed b-v-
the tendering authori[,- iir accordance to the provisions of F.H.B.
Volume 5 & 6 and order issued by the U.P. Govt. / C&DS/ from time to
{4) Recoverl'af any autor.ult due fi"om a coiltractor in respect of any work.
if required, sha1l be made ftom the General Securiw also ta the extent
of available amonnt.
{5i The General Secuiltv may be refimded to the contractor on the expiry of
a period ol'6 mtrnths from the rernoval of his name frorn ihe Register of
Ciassitied Contractors.
than*necccasi*n, cr i
lower class, or i
{2 } ln tiris register ila$l*s rif the eofitraft*r rvili i;e entered ii*iJer t}re class in
whicir the con{ract,.rr is ordered to be enlistecl either by the authodly
maintaining tiie register or higher aliihorit! having jurisdicfiou.
(3) For this purp*se orders of eniisiment, rvhich have becoure final, ailer
deposit of general securify. shall be ccnununicated by the autiurrifl'
concerned to al] officers concemed.
rvili r*maii: :,,aiid l-*i- :l:r'ee y*rrrs t+*r the e piri' ditte ,',.t' 'tid
{41 *riplieate e*si$eaie cf regisiratica rea3. L:e issri=d itr case -*-har* tltey
*c i'*-:st-*r d+s*"*3'td d** t* *:: a*eidei$ *t aav cth*r .saiid r*eson. The i
(5) ltt case r:f- finn{si and private anel priblic limited cornpanies ai1
individuai shauid l.:e authorized tc deai with the depafiment on thelr
beiralf on prcduciicn of Power of Artorne-v.
Contractors eilIisted in a particular class will be entitled tc teader frr warks of value not exceeding the
amount mentioned bslow:
Rs. in iacs
SI. Category CI*ss-AA Cl*ss-A Ctrass-B CIass*C Class-D Class-E
i Civil Warks 2500.00 1000.00 2s0.00 100.00 30.00
2 Composite Any limit NA l'JA NA NA NA
Note: The contractors will have to submit cerlified copies of Degree/Dipioma of technical staff at
the time of registration.
Classificatioll aird Enlistrient of Coiltractors in C&DS. L,. P. Jal Nigam Fage 1{r
5000 Sqm'with minimum af 750 sqm 5000 cum space 3000 cu.m space Electrical )
Note: The cotlractol" will have to anange all Tools & Piants reqldrsd for proper completion of works
uilder contract as inentioned in individlial contracts of works"
RL,CtlL,{TION:4 & 8
Appiicant finn shoiiid have successfrilly rcrnpleted w'orks during iast 10 years from the date of
submissiori of applieation of vahie as describecl belolv.
Rs. Lacs
sl. Category Class-AA Class-A CIass-B CI*ss-C Class-D CIass-E
1 Civil lilorks-
d Three building works 500.00 200.00 50.00 20.00
ofvalue each
b Two building works of 750.00 300.00 7-5.00 30.00
value each
c One building work of 1s00.00 600 00 i50.00 60.00
2 (Jornp*site lYorks-
a Thr-ee ccmpcsite 1000.00
building works of
value sach
b Two composite 1500.00
building works of
value each
One composite 3000 00
building work of value
1. The cotnposite rvork of-building llrealls Civil building work includin-s inteuai electrificaticn
and at least one of the E&N{ services mentionecl below under one agreement:
L Fire trglrting, IL Fire alann, Iil. HVr\C, IV. t,ift, V. Electrical Sub Station.
2. The erperience of Cor:rposite \4rorks fcr Class-AA strralI only be considered prr-.vided
appiicant has execrfied composrte works of buildings amoLmting to ]owest value mentinned iil
Appetdir-E, either as the eligible rvort nr some other work under one agreement.
-i. Irol oih*r categoriesi'classes of registration. i.e. C-lass-A, B, C, D & E the eligrhle works (of a
single proie,;t) tnay have been executed under single,trultiple contracr-rorders.
4. 'ihe value of executed works in last 10 years shall be brougirt to curent costing level bv
enliattcing the actual value r:f work at siurple rate of 1a/a per arul*m, calculated fi'orn the date
b '19
Classification and Enlistment of C--ontractors in C&DS, U. P. Jal Nigam Page
of completion to the last date oT validig of enlistrnentlrevalidation or date of submission of
application whichever is earlier.
5. At least one wcrk of value merfioned in 1(a) or 2{a), as the case rnay tre, should have been
executed vr,ith a Govt. departrnent8SU/Authority of any state in india. Rest of the eligible
works rnay be those executed for Pri:rate organisations. However Certif,cate issued by a
Private organisation should be issued by an officer not below the rank of a Project Head.
Classification and Enlistrnent of Contractors in C&DS, U. P. Jal Nigarn Page 20
Application Form
For enlistment as a Csntractor in the Construction & Design Services, U"F. Jal Nigam
I/We have the honour to apply for enlisflnent as Class ,........cnntractor in Construction &
Design Services, U. P .Jai Nigam for ..........................category.
1. A sum of Rs........ . [Rs........... ...... . .only] being the fee in respect
of this application form along with a copy of regrrlation has been deposited in the form of Pay
Order/ Derna*d Draft No. Dated issued
by (a Schedulecl Commercial Bank (excluding Co-operative and Rurai Banks))
and drawn in favour of "Director, C&DS, U P Jal Nigam, Lucknow " is enclosed.
5i" !3e:e r'ipiia:ct E',.r E:+ !iEi+:t iEt l,i- :liip:i.*rri
1 a) Name of the appiicant individuaV
Fiml Comiiany
F{ead Olfice
3 GSTNunber
tN-r-------l Name-
c) of immor,able properiies
with their market value (attach
certihcate *om Deput;l
Commissiraerl Coilector)
a)Name of rvork
b)Amount of $.srk ex-ecuted
c)Year of execution
dlAuthority under lvhich carried out {ta
be shown cn separate statemert).
Original or attested copies of
certificates, if an-r.,. may tre enclosed.
IJ Resources of Contractor:
a)Details of technical staff employed with
techaical qualilication and experience.
Classificatron and Eniistment of Contractors in C&DS, U. P. .lai Nigam Page 23
st. Descripfion a ?o b* fiIled ir by applicant
20 a) Holr, many year$ has the appiicant's
organization been in business as a
contractor uader lhe present ttusiness
1, l!=,ii* {.i*eiud;*g *.!i thar lfi4'e =.r,ili au=t gcr rnyselflciirse:ye$ recisEer*d
pa,-t?u€?'s} cerri:,a as
contractors in Construction & Design Senices, U.P.Jal Nigam tmder more than one name.
iSoie Proprietr:r OR All Partners OR Either All llirectors or fhe Chief fulana-ring Drrector if authorised
specificall5.' b_v a Board Resolution )
E1}{P*R?AF{T N*?E$:
{-lassificaticn and Eirlistment of Contractors in C&DS, U. P. Jal }iigam Page 25
Ail ihe catsgodes and elasses of-Conrractors shall be er:listed bi, Clrief General j\4anager {He) or any
other Oificer duiV autlioriseri brr and acting on behalf of Director. C&tlS. t.t P Jai l'ligam, Lucknow.
Classification and of Contractors in C&DS, U. p. Jal lriigarn page 26
General Securitl
Amount in Rs.
sr. Category Class-AA Class-A Class-B Class-C Class-D Class-E
I Civil Wclks NA 5,00,000.0t 2.00,000.00 i,{}a},fi}0.r}0 _riio{it}.01'i iilt]00.ii(.)
Hete- The Generai S*+rri*, must be i:r slape cf FDR drawn *e a Fublic Se*tor Bank iir:eluding State
trank of Ineiia) *r IIBI trani< i:r ICICI Baxk *r EiIFC Ba=k ar ,rris Bank and piedged t* "Diract*r,
C&DS, LT F Jai Nig*m, L*ckflcw".
Category: (a) Civil W*rks, (b) Ccmposite \Yorks
sl. Name of Full Address Reference Full Refere*ce Signaturc Remarks
No. Contractor r*'ith phone and to number Signature to number of, ollicer in
e-mail. antl date of officer and date of fullo
:rrtr! r:r:ri*faini*g *rcley aed main aini*g
liarn:irr +-r:ilr.*:*t_v rhe Regisi*r'
FA15;I;g passii-rg tfte
r:s'del'*f {!rtlet- llit'
,er*lisiai+c€ re-rrrc+i*g
ilre ::it*:e *i
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I
Certificate of Enlistment
No. Date
Enlisting Authoriff
Dear Sir,
1. iitrVeirerob_vapplyfcr&+r+n*wal*f:uyr'*ureniistinentil*....,.......
dated.......... ... es Class.. .. Categcry. e+ntra+t+r e&ish
will expir* *ii...,...........
2. It is hereby declared that I&Ve still possess the solvency, machinery, tools & plants and employ
the technical staff required for above enlistrnent and that I I We atd/ are otherwise also
qualified for sach enlistrnent.
3. It is understood that the enlistment is liable to be cancelled at any stage if the above declaration
is found to be wrong.
Signatrre of Applicant
(r{qq s (l)}
qfie gqrur Et isl grsq
ffiqfirq fs6r @2,
+ elkq, dr-ffi
5. qq-{F-
{qf+-d * f66-6 tafl-q n s-d Eq-fi}, sr.rcrfu-m qfdE-ft{q} eat{ eaaTqifq-{ 4.r$ er ffrfiq ftsl q].ql qR ffi
;qrrTIeF{ t arq$isrs E*-{qi E€ <-er t nt w*l fr-qrgr q} ftqr q'mr qk aiq" fTqfui frs+r1 errqr {r1*i ssfir{ * 'gl-q
8. qtq;q €qtfr
9. grful*qa i-
rft gru ql ......"....... .* BTd sir enqiq aqr =fra + *qE t gli awrcr-* qmfi"S q-s tft
ryi *t rrd'fqsa qqclfFrs. EsEql d} qarl *fi Efu€ t Ne' d qi *r s"t q-4} 41 ql-{+Tir * c{Eq *
sqftp6 a.q1 t f+- qi .,.,... qr sT-4 em e*;rrE Rqi qkd Eri-q * Bth E-r* lr-q s-ffin *
ffi fr'*ffi' n :}*ETE ?+ ffi4 qi+j' ieqrEfie g,+ q fSEFr R ffiqFqii! .gicfu ai-* ti
=dr=. =*
fq-mT q@dld++-cr
iSrr vfra)
Ciassification and Enlistment of Cor*'actors in (&DS, U. P. Ja1 Nigam Page 31
+r.- t'
1. &"mT ERI q-f g'ErsI-q;I 31qt Eq * eerm t tr-d t+-qr qT+qTr a-*.# +,-lrc T{ ffi q:q
etFiaTcl 6rr ETTTET-I-;I Frfu' re fqqi .=-hrir
2. TreiE-E F€€ qffi€-Effi ek
q'E Efu€ .s"*f€-Ek.€ .sE*ffi1€€iffi .&s.*icqfsav.ffi ffiffi*
aT'{qT ,k€t ela &Tf.T+l'"$ t dq 6{!qt # giqi E{ ese *i
4. s6 yqrur q;i $Hr;q-r: ni"{ q{ * fmS qr;q *fiq sft Es-* g{ qt€ iaqttlrr*' qz-{T €fS t erqqr sTS +
tq-s< 6t€ g*-<qr srrk q-"{ ErdT * qr q"e ffi Iffia s1s{E t q1 qfia-qf rTfdidi{qi t qT
erqmrfqar {fdfqF{q} t q-+-sl qrfl t i} gfds frr-nT sr c-{ saa-r<Tfuis EhTr fs E{rst qari q6 frffr
q@.ffi-+er asa- *aifcm fs"TrT * arFmH R1-+,Tr Brt{ !-qTq-!-d <-or-o'&rs f+-qr er}rTr
s. qq yqllr-l-* qt sfqFe ffimrtt +iqfme i ae$ ef{€ Eiii€ clcitq-+/Efdq ar"nrr*. qTsfuc I qq oro.T
{kgq n-i fqlrms siEid qt qT+"ft eik fpfu lqm qd e1 qq. }qrFra 4izi Ek lfu€{ I erwe {€1 qrtrfrl
6. Eq sqFr-qd + frt{ qrt awqr f{im' fii + diirT t slf{q f{Eiq *{Frd fs-clT @,e"f,e{ ql *qrr
7 f1rfu eqq-q7et qs si"cfus gk' (Office Copy) ake gfcl€ sr*q-*'lgk€ s{qiar6 qrcicrc t erqe-c rc?
q+fi s*{ !F .3rnri crq{e{ fr shfu dfs{ qt qrh"fr tq-e-& f{-dfri r*r
B. {iiFrd qffld ERT qrqdd qr{q qT e.r{r r+{d-q RHrrTq., q} TqcBf, erFrfi-ft 6RT sqrfrH €}, qfra !rl[q-q{
* orn f{qkd HFi rr q*qr f*-ql qr*,Ti
c. qs s* erel * *ri e"ffes s-{+ *+ iq* eR=,{-q* E{ ErTHi *i
t€i' H**re & ?r+?er:i*-i F+sl !:;:iqi Ilat?* +i' Er*p=r=ir=aee i::
5*. A*dress Q*:riii?e;ari*;:s i=*g ;r i i: i:r:+ z: {i * r: r-u r: r c'=is*..=*t ffsiii.
irrckidi*g v*::r" ap;:*irit*:**t
ol passing
I z 3 4 5 6
Declared in my presence
{+} If tire applieant is a*t *r itdividual.
S.b Resideut of
.........(*) Karta/ Parhier of
* ;;;;;;; * o"ri* i**,".r' .i" ix n,rr* ;" ;;*ryI::,L h ;#ffil.;',t:
following machineiy, tools & plants. LtVe $ndertake that if there is any reduction in this equipment
list below the limit required by tlie relevant regulation, lAVe will inform the authority to whom the
application for enlistmont is being made.
Rs. in Lacs
Declared in my presence
(r ) If the applicant is oiher than an individrial.
(Regat*tior -5i
This is i* +ert-i$' iIaat. t* th* b*st *f *:-1r l*:*:+4+dg+a:td iel*::e*ti+n= h{ls. /5= ..
iraviag margir:*iiy *cted ad<iress, a cr:si*;e*r *ur i:x:.L arelis respectab!* and ean b* a'eated as g**d
faa"aa,ve*gagerneniaptsalieit*fE-s.. ....... {Frup€es.... = =. i
This certificate is issued without any guarantee or responsibility on the Bank or any of the officers.
J a r.-+i:rei
l) Bankers' cerlificates should be on letter head of the Bank, signed with date and sealed in cover
aridressed to eniistment au&ority.
2) ln case oJ'part*ership fir*, ce*ifitcte {o include yr{t?fies *J-r:lf partners as reurCed with tlze
3J Above Certificate be issued by a Publie Sector Bank (including State Bank of india) or IDEI
Bank or ICICI Bank or HDFC Bank or Axis Bank and it sh*uld not be later than three mo*ths
from the date of submission of application.
illassillcation and Enlistrnent of Contractors in C&DS, Li. F. Jal liigarn Page .35
{R*gutati+* 5 t?i}
Certified that following is the turnover sr construction works cf the irdividuaV firmi company as per
returns filed with Income Tax for the past 3 years.
4 "f otal
Sig*afirre -
Signatwre afApp|icant
fias=ifi*a€*a *.n,i *ie*nira,+t*rs i:: f&*S. Ll. F. =iai Nig*m Pege 3'.:
"u Alitif,xuRE-Q
Certified tl-rai h.{is .. . . {luiarne anii addiess cf -fi:m-} has +xseufed aail c*mpleted {he
fi;ii.''ri in,, nr'.ricui as Jciliieii lre!,;ir -
Sccpe of '"vork:
{Deseribe in bri*f; sueh as
{C) Others:
Cost of Project:
Date of start:
Date of Completicn.
Time overrun:
(if any, with reasons)
Payments made to the Firm under the
Scope of this proieet:
Details of TDS against above pa,,vment.
ia*aeh f+rrc-i&A)
Fedbrman+e Rep*;t. Vr:i.:.i=ic---r:dr;L;r-:*ii,tirairr']L+r:i=
(5earj t-
Classificatii--r.r and Enlistrnent of Ccntffictors in C&DS. ii. P. Jai ltiigaln Page 37
Note- a
1. The Certificate should contain frrll address, land line nunber" e-mail address, fax numbers of
Registered office& issuing authority on the letter pad of the company.
2. Certificate issued by private finns must be supported by Form 26AS/TDS certificate. The
Certificate should also be supported by schedule I final bill (certified) to establish similarity.
3. Bidder should note that work experience cefificate for on-going works shall not be considered for