Indifference Curve: Combination Food Clothing
Indifference Curve: Combination Food Clothing
Indifference Curve: Combination Food Clothing
It is a curve that represents all the combinations of goods that give the same
satisfaction to the consumer. Since all the combinations give the same amount of
satisfaction, the consumer prefers them equally. Hence the name Indifference
Here is an example to understand the indifference curve better. Peter has 1 unit of
food and 12 units of clothing. Now, we ask Peter how many units of clothing is he
willing to give up in exchange for an additional unit of food so that his level of
satisfaction remains unchanged.
Peter agrees to give up 6 units of clothing for an additional unit of food. Hence,
we have two combinations of food and clothing giving equal satisfaction to Peter
as follows:
A 1 12
B 2 6
C 3 4
D 4 3
Graphical Representation:
The diagram shows an Indifference curve (IC). Any combination lying on this
curve gives the same level of consumer satisfaction. It is also known as Iso-Utility
Indifference Map
A 1 12 –
B 2 6 6
C 3 4 2
D 4 3 1
In this example, Peter initially gives up 6 units of clothing to get an extra unit of
food. Hence, the MRS is 6. Similarly, for subsequent exchanges, the MRS is 2
and 1 respectively. Therefore, MRS of X for Y is the amount of Y whose loss can
be compensated by a unit gain of X, keeping the satisfaction the same.
Interestingly, as Peter accumulates more units of food, the MRS starts falling –
meaning he is prepared to give up fewer units of clothing for food. There are two
reasons for this:
1. As Peter gets more units of food, his intensity of desire for additional units
of food decreases.
2. Most of the goods are imperfect substitutes for one another. If they could
substitute one another perfectly, then MRS would remain constant.
Fig 3 shows tow ICs intersecting each other at point A. Since A and B lie on IC1,
the give the same satisfaction level. Similarly, A and C give the same satisfaction
level, as they lie on IC2. Therefore, we can imply that B and C offer the same
level of satisfaction, which is logically absurd. Hence, no tow ICs can touch or
intersect each other.