Ed 112 Essay PDF
Ed 112 Essay PDF
Ed 112 Essay PDF
was— let alone my beliefs and thoughts about the matter. All I knew was that I had the
passion to learn as a student and as a future educator, but I didn’t know much else.
However over the course of the semester, Dr. Lori and Dr. Erin helped my find my voice
and discover my personal philosophy of education, and I can’t thank them enough for
One of the first values I discovered early into the semester was the excitement of
teaching. I already have the passion to teach children, but my ED112 and ED245
classes fueled the fire even more. After visits to the Lab school, Shortridge High School,
and the Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, I realized how truly excited I
am to become an educator. I can’t wait to use some of the methods and tech
tools I learned with my future students. My favorite thing I learned was the notion
that all children don’t learn the same way. In high school, I was a swim instructor
so I knew that all children learn through different lessons, but Dr. Lori and Dr.
Erin were the people who taught me a variety of ways to cater to different
learning types. I’m definitely going to use “brain breaks” when I’m a teacher, and use
technology to help enhance the learning of students as well. Furthermore, I’m excited to
give my students the passion for learning like I do, and I plan on encouraging my
students to ask questions, find research, and explore the community where they live.
inside and outside of the classroom. I grew up in Noblesville, Indiana and it had
little diversity in the school and community, and I feel as though I never received
different cultural perspectives. When we were making our self identity projects, I
discovered that about 89% of the students at Noblesville Schools are caucasian. After I
researched more and more about the city I grew up in, I realized that I want to teach in
an area that has a diverse community, such as the Lab School. Because schools reflect
their community, I want to develop a classroom that embraces these differences and
similarities that exist inside and outside of the school. Especially after learning about
how the brain works, I believe that it’s healthy for students, whether young or old, to be
exposed to worlds outside of their own. It will help them open their mind to other
cultures around them, and hopefully increase their level of empathy and understanding,
we were constantly encouraged to communicate with our peers and other educators
too. This idea of collaborative work is a presence I would like to use in the classroom
because it encourages the sharing of different perspectives and ideas. Rather than
discussing simple questions, we focus on open ended questions that require deep
thinking and intellectual thought. I feel as though open communication can help
listening. Rather than simply being a teacher, I want to be a guide to unlock every
students’ potential through deep thought and integrated projects that connect to a
variety of subjects instead of one. I believe that I can teach my students, but I’m so
excited to learn from my students too, and I cannot wait for the years ahead
my passion for education and further my learning as a student and future educator. I hope I get to
have them again in my future classes, because they are the bee’s knees!