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ACG Clinical Guideline: Preventive Care in

Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Francis A. Farraye, MD, MSc, FACG1, Gil Y. Melmed, MD, MS, FACG2, Gary R. Lichtenstein, MD, FACG3 and Sunanda V. Kane, MD, MSPH, FACG4

Recent data suggest that inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients do not receive preventive services at the same
rate as general medical patients. Patients with IBD often consider their gastroenterologist to be the primary provider
of care. To improve the care delivered to IBD patients, health maintenance issues need to be co-managed by both
the gastroenterologist and primary care team. Gastroenterologists need to explicitly inform the primary care provider
of the unique needs of the IBD patient, especially those on immunomodulators and biologics or being considered
for such therapy. In particular, documentation of up to date vaccinations are crucial as IBD patients are often
treated with long-term immune-suppressive therapies and may be at increased risk for infections, many of which are
preventable with vaccinations. Health maintenance issues addressed in this guideline include identification, safety
and appropriate timing of vaccinations, screening for osteoporosis, cervical cancer, melanoma and non-melanoma
skin cancer as well as identification of depression and anxiety and smoking cessation. To accomplish these health
maintenance goals, coordination between the primary care provider, gastroenterology team and other specialists is
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL is linked to the online version of the paper at

Am J Gastroenterol advance online publication, 10 January 2017; doi:10.1038/ajg.2016.537

INTRODUCTION depression, osteoporosis, etc. The results were limited to trials,

The purpose of this article is to review preventive care for the meta-analyses, systematic reviews, and existing guidelines. In some
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patient. Health maintenance areas where trials were unavailable cohort studies and reviews were
issues include assessment for vaccinations, screening for cervical included. Each author performed an updated literature search in
cancer, melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC), and 2016 to include more recently published articles.
osteoporosis. Identification of depression and anxiety and smok- To evaluate the level of evidence and strength of recommen-
ing cessation in IBD patients will also be reviewed. To accomplish dations, we used the Grading of Recommendations Assessment,
these goals, coordination between the primary care provider, gas- Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) system (1). The level of
troenterology team and other specialists is necessary. Colorectal evidence could range from “high” (implying that further research
dysplasia surveillance and management will not be addressed in was unlikely to change the authors’ confidence in the estimate of
this review. the effect), “moderate” (further research would be likely to have
As part of this guideline preparation, a literature search was con- an impact on the confidence in the estimate of effect), “low” (fur-
ducted using Ovid MEDLINE from 1946 to 2015, EMBASE 1988 ther research would be expected to have an important impact on
to 2015, and SCOPUS from 1980 to 2015. The major terms were the the confidence in the estimate of the effect and would be likely
controlled subject headings in MeSH: IBDs, colitis, ulcerative, and to change the estimate), or “very low” (any estimate of effect is
Crohn’s disease. These were translated into the EMTREE controlled very uncertain). The strength of a recommendation was graded
vocabulary as enteritis, ulcerative colitis (UC), and Crohn’s disease as “strong” when the desirable effects of an intervention clearly
(CD). Words in the title for these diseases were also included. The outweigh the undesirable effects and as “conditional” when there
balance of the search involved the concepts of interest, including is uncertainty about the trade-offs. We preferentially used meta-
vaccination, immunizations, specific vaccines and diseases, as analyses or systematic reviews when available, followed by clini-
well as screening, cervical cancer, melanoma, NMSC, smoking, cal trials and retrospective cohort studies. To determine the level

Section of Gastroenterology, Boston Medical Center, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; 2Division of Gastroenterology,
Department of Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, USA; 3Division of Gastroenterology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania,
Perelman School of Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; 4Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, Minnesota, USA. Correspondence: Francis A. Farraye, MD, MSc, FACG, Section of Gastroenterology, Boston Medical Center, Boston University School
of Medicine, 85 East Concord Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02118, USA. E-mail:
Received 22 January 2016; accepted 10 October 2016

© 2017 by the American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY

2 Farraye et al.

Table 1. Preventive health maintenance recommendations

Statement 1a: All adult patients with IBD should undergo annual vaccination against influenza. Conditional recommendation, with very low level of evidence.
Statement 1b: Those on immunosuppressive therapies and their household contacts should receive the non-live trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine, but not
the live inhaled influenza vaccine. Conditional recommendation, with very low level of evidence.
Statement 2: Adult patients with IBD receiving immunosuppressive therapy should receive pneumococcal vaccination with both the PCV13 and PPSV23, in
accordance with national guidelines. Conditional recommendation, with very low level of evidence.
Statement 3: Adults with IBD over the age of 50 should consider vaccination against herpes zoster, including certain subgroups of immunosuppressed
patients. Strong recommendation, with low level of evidence.
Statement 4: Adults with IBD should be assessed for prior exposure to varicella and vaccinated if naive before initiation of immunosuppressive therapy when
possible. Conditional recommendation, with very low level of evidence.
Statement 5: Patients with IBD who are immunosuppressed and traveling to endemic areas for yellow fever should consult with a travel medicine or infectious
disease specialist prior to travel. Conditional recommendation, with very low level of evidence.
Statement 6: Adolescents with IBD should receive meningococcal vaccination in accordance with routine vaccination recommendations. Conditional recom-
mendation, with very low level of evidence.
Statement 7: Household members of immunosuppressed patients can receive live vaccines with certain precautions. Conditional recommendation, with very
low level of evidence.
Statement 8: Adults with IBD should receive age-appropriate vaccinations before initiation of immune suppression when possible. Conditional recommenda-
tion, with very low level of evidence.
Statement 9: Vaccination against Tdap, HAV, HBV, and HPV should be administered as per Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice guidelines.
Conditional recommendation, with very low level of evidence.
Statement 10: Women with IBD on immunosuppressive therapy should undergo annual cervical cancer screening. Conditional recommendation, very low
level of evidence.
Statement 11: Screening for depression and anxiety is recommended in patients with IBD. Conditional recommendation, low level evidence
Statement 12a: Patients with IBD (both ulcerative colitis and CD) should undergo screening for melanoma independent of the use of biologic therapy. Strong
recommendation with low level of evidence.
Statement 12b: IBD patients on immunomodulators (6-mercaptopurine or azathioprine) should undergo screening for NMSC while using these agents,
particularly over the age of 50. Strong recommendation with low level of evidence.
Statement 13: Patients with conventional risk factors for abnormal bone mineral density with ulcerative colitis and CD should undergo screening for osteo-
porosis with bone mineral density testing at the time of diagnosis and periodically after diagnosis. Conditional recommendation with very low level evidence.
Statement 14: Patients with CD who smoke should be counseled to quit. Strong recommendation with low level evidence.
HAV, hepatitis A virus; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HPV, humanpapilloma virus; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; NMSC, non-melanoma squamous cell cancer; PCV,
pneumococcal conjugate vaccine; PPSV, pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine.

of evidence, we entered data from the papers of highest evidence hesitant to take ownership of vaccinations (6–8), it is reasonable
into the GRADE program (accessible at (9) that vaccination recommendations be the responsibility of
The recommendation statements from this guideline are shown the treating gastroenterologist, but the actual delivery/adminis-
in Table 1. Summary statements, when listed, are designed to be tration of these vaccines may be a shared responsibility (10–13).
descriptive in nature without associated evidence-based ratings. Communicating specific recommendations to the primary care
team in a concise fashion are needed. Consider empowering
the patient by giving written recommendations to bring to their
VACCINATIONS primary care physician. Clinicians sharing an electronic medical
Recent data suggest that IBD patients do not receive preventive record should use this platform to send recommendations to the
services at the same rate as general medical patients (2). Members referring clinician.
of the gastroenterology team are often the only clinicians that a Patients with IBD are often treated with long-term immune-
patient with IBD will see. As such, it is incumbent upon gastro- suppressive therapies and may thus be at increased risk for infec-
enterologists to take a proactive role in the health care needs of tions, many of which are preventable with vaccinations (14). In
their IBD patients (3–5). It is crucial to clarify with the patient general, adherence to age-appropriate vaccination schedules is
the limits of the specialist’s responsibilities and delegate rou- recommended, although special considerations exist for patients
tine health care issues to the primary care clinician. It is equally receiving or initiating immunosuppressive therapies (10,11,15).
important to educate the primary care clinician to the unique For patients in whom treatment is needed, however, delaying
health maintenance needs of the IBD patient, especially those some vaccinations may be necessary to facilitate timely adminis-
on immunomodulators and biologic agents. Although it appears tration of immunosuppressive therapy (10,11). All adult patients
that both primary care clinicians and gastroenterologists are with IBD, regardless of immunosuppression status, should receive

The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY VOLUME XXX | XXX 2016

Preventive Care in IBD Patients 3

Table 2. Inactivated vaccine recommendationsa

Infectious agent Target population Check titer before Dosing regimen


Corynebacterium diphtheria, Clostridium All patients No A single dose of Tdap recommended at age 11 through 64
tetani, Bordetella pertussis years; Td booster every 10 years
Hepatitis A All patients Yes 2 doses at 0 and 6 months
Hepatitis B All patients Yes 3 doses at 1, 1–2 and 4–6 months; check titers 1 month after
the last dose; if no response, 3 options: revaccinate, double
dose HBV vaccination or combined HAV/HBV vaccine
HPV Female and male; No 3 Doses at 0, 2, and 6 months
11 to 26 years of age
Influenza All patients No Annual immunization with trivalent inactivated influenza
vaccine; “high dose” vaccine for patients 65 and older; live
attenuated intranasal influenza vaccine is contraindicated in
immunosuppressed patients
Neisseria meningitidis High risk adults No Two or three doses depending on vaccine
Streptococcus pneumonia All patients No If no previous vaccination, PCV13 followed by a dose of
PPSV23 after 2–12 months; if received 1 or more doses
of PPSV23 should receive PCV13 one or more years after
PPSV23; another dose of PPSV23 should be administered
5 years after the initial PPSV23 dose and at age 65 years
or older if at least 5 years have elapsed since their previous
PPSV23 dose
HAV, hepatitis A; HBV, hepatitis B; PCV, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine; PPSV, pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine.
See text for details.

non-live vaccines (15,16) in accordance with national guidelines A study from Canada demonstrated similar findings (7). A recent
published by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Advisory study of 178 pediatric gastroenterologists demonstrated practice
Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) (17,18) and the variation among the gastroenterologists in assessment of immu-
Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) (10), including nizations in patients with IBD, including the specific vaccines
trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine, pneumococcal vaccina- assessed, and timing and method of assessment (21). Barriers to
tion (PCV13 and PPSV23), hepatitis A, hepatitis B, Haemophilus implementing vaccinations included the inability to coordinate
influenza B, human papilloma virus (HPV), tetanus, and pertus- care, access immunization records, and offer vaccines through
sis. Over the last 10 years there has been an increase in the number their medical practice. In this study only 28% believed that pri-
of cases of measles in the United States, in part related to parents mary care practitioners were solely responsible for immunizations.
who intentionally have not vaccinated their children (19). A list In a survey of family care physicians, only 29% were comfortable
of inactivated and live vaccines to consider are listed in Tables 2 making a recommendation for vaccinating their IBD patients (8).
and 3. Although all non-live vaccines can be administered to patients
Several studies have documented poor uptake of routine vac- regardless of immunosuppression status, certain live vaccines
cinations among patients with IBD (14,20). In one study of 169 (i.e., herpes zoster vaccine) are recommended for patients on
IBD patients seen at an IBD center, of 145 patients on current “low-level” but not “high-level” immunosuppression. Patients
or previous immunosuppression, only 28% reported regular with low-level immunosuppression include individuals receiving
flu shots and only 9% received the pneumococcal vaccine (14). a daily dose of systemic corticosteroids for ≥14 days (prednisone
Common reasons for low rates of vaccination included patient 20 mg/day equivalent and within 3 months of stopping) or receiving
lack of awareness and fear of side effects. In another study of alternate-day corticosteroid therapy, and those receiving metho-
2076 IBD patients in Spain, only 12% of patients were vaccinated trexate ≤0.4 mg/kg/week and within 3 months of stopping, azathi-
against hepatitis B (20). oprine ≤3.0 mg/kg/day, or 6-mercaptopurine ≤1.5 mg/kg/day and
In a survey of 108 gastroenterologists in the United States con- within 3 months of stopping. Significant protein calorie malnu-
ducted in 2009 there was poor knowledge regarding which vac- trition is also associated with immunosuppression. The IDSA
cines to recommend to the IBD patient (6). In this study, 20–30% considers patients on anti-tumor necrosis factors (TNFs) to have
would erroneously give live vaccines to immunosuppressed high-level immunosuppression (10,11,15). The package insert for
patients while 25–35% would erroneously withhold live vaccines vedolizumab states that patients on this biologic agent may receive
from immunocompetent patients. The majority thought the pri- non-live vaccines (e.g., influenza vaccine injection, etc) and may
mary care provider was responsible for determining which vac- receive live vaccines if the benefits outweigh the risks (https://
cinations to give (65%) and for administering the vaccine (83%).

© 2017 by the American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY

4 Farraye et al.

Table 3. Live vaccine recommendationsa

Infectious Target population Check titer before Dosing Regimen In patient already on Vaccination for family
agent immunization immunosuppressive contacts

Measles If unknown vaccination Yes Two doses (>28 days apart) at Contraindicated Yes
Mumps history least 6 weeks before starting
Rubella immunosuppressive therapy
Varicella If unknown vaccination Yes 2 doses (4–6 weeks apart) at Depends on the type Yes, if vaccine related rash
history or exposure least 1 month before starting of immunosuppressive occurs, immunosuppressed
immunosuppressive therapy medications IBD patient should avoid
Herpes zoster For patients aged 50 No 1 dose at least 1 month before Depends on the type Yes, if vaccine related rash
or older starting immunosuppressive of immunosuppressive occurs, immunosuppressed
therapy medications IBD patient should avoid
IBD, inflammatory bowel disease.
See text for details.

Patients treated with ustekinumab should not receive live vaccines, using a checklist as part of a quality improvement intervention
and while non-live vaccines can be safely administered, immune (24). In another study, making influenza and pneumococcal
responses may be insufficient ( vaccinations available in the gastroenterologists office increased
prescribinginformation.pdf ). vaccination rates significantly (25). A systematic education of
One concern raised by clinicians and patients is that vaccina- health-care professionals resulted in increased patients’ adherence
tion may exacerbate IBD disease activity (12,16). Several studies to vaccination guidelines (26). A checklist reviewing vaccination
of patients with rheumatologic disorders failed to demonstrate and general health maintenance recommendations can be found
that vaccination was associated with an increase in disease activ- at and http://www.ccfa.
ity. There is no convincing evidence that IBD activity will be org/science-and-professionals/programs-materials/ccfa-health-
exacerbated by vaccination. In one study of H1N1 vaccine, 575 maintenance.pdf. With increased attention paid to variability in
patients on immunomodulators or anti-TNFs received vaccine the type and cost of care delivered to patients, several gastroenter-
between 11/09 and 3/10 in 14 European countries. The vaccine ology societies are developing measures to assess quality of care.
was well tolerated. Within 4 weeks after vaccination, absence Systematic efforts should be developed to incorporate quality
of flare was observed in 377 patients with Crohn’s disease (CD; measures of care in practice (27,28). Several of the recommenda-
96.7%) and 151 with UC (95.6%), which was considered to be tions discussed in this article are included or suggested as quality
consistent with the background rate of relapse (22). Another measures by national or international gastroenterology societies.
small study, evaluating the safety and efficacy of the vaccination
in patients with IBD on immunomodulator therapy, reported no
flares after vaccination (23). INFLUENZA VACCINATION
The sections below provide evidence and detail for specific vac- Recommendations
cinations in the setting of IBD with and without immunosuppres- 1a. All adult patients with IBD should undergo annual vaccina-
sion. Although there are many vaccines to consider, most adults tion against influenza. Conditional recommendation, with
will have already received routine childhood vaccinations. During very low level of evidence.
flu season, influenza vaccination should be prioritized due to the 1b. Those on immunosuppressive therapies and their household
significant morbidity and mortality associated with this common contacts should receive the non-live trivalent inactivated
public health hazard especially during epidemic years. Further- influenza vaccine, but not the live inhaled influenza
more, pneumococcal vaccination can be safely administered at vaccine. Conditional recommendation, with very low level of
the same time as influenza vaccination and the two should be con- evidence.
sidered concurrently when opportunities arise. It is also impor-
tant for clinicians to be attuned to regional epidemics, such as the Summary of evidence
pertussis epidemic that appeared in many states between 2010 Patients with IBD are at increased risk for acquiring influenza
and 2014 and led to public health advisories for universal Tdap infection relative to age-matched patients without IBD. This risk
vaccination in many states. is particularly increased when patients are treated with immuno-
Simple office measures can be easily implemented to improve suppressive therapies (29). Furthermore, some patients with IBD
vaccination rates in clinical practice. In one study, vaccination who acquire influenza infection are more likely to experience hos-
rates for a high-risk IBD population was significantly improved pitalization and co-infection with pneumonia (30).

The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY VOLUME XXX | XXX 2016

Preventive Care in IBD Patients 5

Vaccination against influenza has been shown to reduce the PNEUMOCOCCAL VACCINATION
risk of infection in several populations, including otherwise Recommendation
healthy adults and children, as well as those with various comor- 2. Adult patients with IBD receiving immunosuppressive ther-
bidities including asthma, cancer, and immunocompromised apy should receive pneumococcal vaccination with both the
populations (31). PCV-13 and PPSV23, in accordance with national guidelines.
Influenza vaccination uptake in patients with IBD is subop- Conditional recommendation, with very low level of evidence.
timal. Several studies have demonstrated that the most patients
with IBD do not receive adequate vaccinations across multiple Summary of evidence
different healthcare settings (7,14,32–40). This seems to reflect Patients with IBD are at increased risk for pneumonia relative to
deficiencies in provider knowledge both from gastroenterologists age-matched patients without IBD (adjusted Cox proportional
and primary care practitioners (6,8,41). However, there appears HR 1.54, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.49–1.60) (61); this
to be an important role for patient education. In a 2012 survey of risk is apparent among both CD and UC. This risk appears
958 patients (median age 45, 73% female, 62% with CD) partici- increased in patients who are being treated with narcotics, corti-
pating in the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America Patients costeroids, biologic medications, thiopurines, and proton-pump
as Partners cohort, maintaining health (74.1%), importance of inhibitors relative to patients not receiving these medications
prevention (66.1%), and provider recommendation (38%) were (61). Furthermore, patients with IBD hospitalized with pneumo-
the most frequently cited motivations for receiving the influenza nia may be at increased risk of death during hospitalization (62).
vaccine (32). In a study using the Nationwide Inpatient Sample, no increased
Several studies have evaluated the safety and efficacy of influ- risk of pneumococcal pneumonia was identified among
enza vaccination among children and adults with IBD and found individuals with IBD. However risks of pneumonia attrib-
the vaccines to generally induce appropriate immune responses utable to influenza virus and Hemophilus influenza were
(42). However, when patients are receiving immunosuppressive found to be increased among low-income patients with UC
therapies with combined thiopurines and anti-TNF agents, sero- and all patients with IBD, respectively (30). In contrast, a
logic responses to vaccines are impaired (22,23,43–51). None- recent cohort study of 74,156 IBD patients and 1,482,363
theless, even a blunted vaccination response is thought to be of non-IBD controls, the risk of invasive pneumococcal pneumo-
benefit (52) and thus recommendations for influenza vaccination nia was significantly increased both before and after diagnosis
with inactivated vaccine continue to be broadly applicable to all of IBD (63). In this study, there was limited impact of the use
patients, regardless of immunosuppression status (13,53). The tri- of IBD medications suggesting that the risk of invasive pneu-
valent inactivated vaccine in these studies has been generally well mococcal pneumonia in patients with IBD is related to the
tolerated (42). underlying altered immune response in these patients. Vaccina-
Since 2009, universal recommendations for influenza tion against pneumococcal pneumonia is licensed in the United
vaccination recommend that all those over the age of 6 months States as the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine
should generally receive influenza vaccination (54). However, (PPSV23, Pneumovax, Merck & Co., Inc. (Kenilworth, NJ))
because of the theoretical risk of live virus transmission, it is rec- and the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13,
ommended that household contacts of immunosuppressed indi- Prevnar-13, Pfizer (New York, NY)). Studies in adults with IBD
viduals should receive the trivalent inactivated vaccine and not have shown that immune responses to PPSV23 are impaired
the the live attenuated influenza vaccine Flumist (Medimmune, among patients receiving immunosuppression with thiopurines
Gaithersburg, MD) (55). However, no cases of influenza trans- together with anti-TNF therapy (64,65). Most studies performed
mission after live vaccine have been reported among patients with in the literature among patients with IBD and rheumatological
IBD. conditions including patients treated with anti-TNF therapy
Vaccination against influenza among patients with IBD is suggest that pneumococcal vaccine responses are most
recommended in several societal guidelines including the influenced by the presence of an immunomodulator (thiopu-
American College of Gastroenterology (56), the American rine or methotrexate) but not monotherapy with anti-TNF (42).
Gastroenterology Association ( PCV13 has been shown to be safe and effective in children with
quality-initiatives/IBD_Measures.pdf ), the European Crohn’s IBD (66).
and Colitis Organization (57), the North American Society of Vaccination with both PPSV23 and PCV13 is recommended
Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (58), for those receiving immunosuppressive treatment, to maximize
and are included as quality improvement measures developed the breadth of serotypes covered (i.e., with PPSV23) and ensure
by the American Gastroenterology Association and the Crohn’s optimal protection against the most common and virulent strains
and Colitis Foundation of America (56,58–60) (http://www. (i.e., with PCV13 (10,11)). Thus, children and adults receiving ). Fur- immune suppressive therapies should receive a single dose of
thermore, widespread public health advisories during flu sea- PPSV23 followed by a single booster dose 5 years later (10,11,17).
son suggest a need to prioritize influenza vaccination in general In addition, a single dose of PCV13 should also be administered
mong patients with IBD, especially among those receiving either >8 weeks before PPSV23 or >1 year after PPSV23 (10).
immunosuppression. Pneumococcal vaccination can be safely administered at the same

© 2017 by the American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY

6 Farraye et al.

time as influenza vaccination, thus providing an opportunity to vention of herpes zoster (shingles) and its complications among
educate and target patients appropriate for pneumococcal vacci- adults aged ≥60 years (68). Zostavax is a live attenuated vaccine.
nation during flu season (17). The minimum potency of zoster vaccine is at least 14 times the
potency of varicella vaccine. Zoster vaccine is administered sub-
cutaneously as a single dose. It is not recommended to ask patients
HERPES ZOSTER VACCINATION about history of primary varicella infection or to check serologic
Recommendation titers for varicella immunity before the administration of zoster
3. Adults with IBD over the age of 50 should consider vaccina- vaccine. Patients with a history of zoster are eligible to receive the
tion against herpes zoster, including certain subgroups of shingles vaccine. The FDA approved the use of Zostavax in 2011
immunosuppressed patients. Strong recommendation, with for adults aged 50 through 59 years based on a large study of safety
low level of evidence. and efficacy in this age group. However the ACIP elected not to
recommend vaccination for individuals for 50–59 for concern of
Summary of evidence loss of vaccine efficacy as patients age which is when their risk of
Herpes zoster (HZ) commonly is a painful, dermatomal cutane- zoster increases (73).
ous eruption that occurs most frequently among older adults and In 2008 the CDC stated that treatment with low-doses of meth-
immunocompromised individuals. The disease results from the otrexate (<0.4 mg/kg/week), azathioprine (<3.0 mg/kg/day), or
reactivation of latent varicella-zoster virus (VZV) within dorsal 6-mercaptopurine (<1.5 mg/kg/day) for treatment of rheumatoid
root ganglia (67). In the general population, about one in three arthritis, psoriasis, polymyositis, sarcoidosis, IBD, and other con-
persons will develop zoster, or a zoster-related diagnosis, during ditions are also not considered sufficiently immunosuppressive to
their lifetime, with an increased incidence with age due to weak- create vaccine safety concerns and are not contraindications for
ening cellular immunity. As many as 10–18% of patients may also administration of zoster vaccine. Thus it is appropriate to vaccinate
develop debilitating post-herpetic neuralgia (68). IBD patients on low dose immunosuppression as described above.
Patients with IBD are at increased risk of developing herpes- There is no contraindication to vaccinate household members of
zoster infections (69,70). The risk of herpes-zoster is higher immunosuppressed individuals with Zostavax, although if the vac-
in patients with IBD regardless of duration of disease. Gupta cine recipient develops a post-vaccination rash the immunocom-
performed a retrospective cohort and a nested case–control promised household contact should maintain contact precautions
study using 1988–1997 data from the General Practice Research until the rash has resolved (10,11).
Database (71). In the cohort study, 7,823 CD and 11,930 UC It is more controversial whether patients on anti-TNF agents can
patients were matched on age, sex, and primary care practice receive the zoster vaccine. At present the Zostavax package insert
to 79,563 randomly selected controls without CD or UC. In the and CDC guidelines (68) recommend against vaccination if the
nested case–control study, 185 CD patients with zoster and 266 UC recipient is immunosuppressed. Interestingly in a large retrospec-
patients with zoster were matched to 1787 IBD patients without tive administrative database cohort study of over 460,000 patients
zoster. In the cohort study, the incidence of zoster was higher in with immune disorders including IBD, there were no cases of zoster
patients with CD and UC compared with their matched controls in 633 patients on biologic agents in the 42 days after receiving zos-
(UC incidence rate ratio (IRR), 1.21; 95% CI, 1.05–1.40; CD IRR, ter vaccine. Furthermore when these patients were compared with
1.61; 95% CI, 1.35–1.92). In the nested case–control study, receipt a cohort of individuals not vaccinated, the adjusted hazard ratio
of a prescription for corticosteroids (adjusted odds ratio, 1.5; 95% for developing zoster for individuals receiving vaccine was 0.61
CI, 1.1–2.2) or azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine (adjusted odds (95% CI, 0.52–0.71) over a median of 2 years of follow up. Thus the
ratio, 3.1; 95% CI, 1.7–5.6) were both associated with zoster. vaccine use was safe and associated with a lower zoster incidence
In another large retrospective cohort and nested case–control over a median of 2 years of follow-up (74). These data, although
study using a large administrative database, 50,932 patients with retrospective suggest that vaccinating IBD patients on anti-TNF
CD, 56,403 patients with UC, and 1,269 with unspecified IBD, therapy can be considered on a case by case basis after a discussion
were matched to 434,416 individuals without IBD (72). The IBD of the risks and benefits with the patient. A randomized blinded
cohort had an increased zoster risk compared with non-IBD (IRR: prospective trial on the safety and effectiveness of the live zoster
1.68, 95% CI: 1.60–1.76). After adjustment, IBD patients had a vaccine in anti-TNF users is underway (NCT02538757). In this
higher risk of zoster than non-IBD (HR: 1.49, 95% CI: 1.42–1.57). study vaccine safety and all serious adverse events and non-serious
In the nested case-control multivariate-adjusted analyses, anti- vaccine-strain varicella events within 42 days of vaccination will be
TNF medications (OR: 1.81, 95% CI: 1.48–2.21), corticosteroids assessed as will the clinical effectiveness of the herpes zoster vac-
(OR: 1.73, 95% CI: 1.51–1.99), and thiopurines (OR: 1.85, 95% cine in reducing longer-term herpes zoster risk over the ensuing
CI: 1.61–2.13) were independently associated with zoster. Risk 2 years post vaccination. When available, these data will inform
of zoster was highest with combination anti-TNF and thiopurine clinicians on the safety of vaccinating anti-TNF treated patients
therapy (OR: 3.29, 95% CI: 2.33–4.65). In addition, herpes zoster with zoster vaccine. An inactive subunit zoster vaccine containing
also occurs at a younger age in IBD patients (71). VZV glycoprotein E and an adjuvant was remarkably effective in a
The herpes zoster vaccine (Zostavax, Merck & Co., Inc.) was study of 15,411 immunocompetent individuals 50 years and older
licensed in 2006 and recommended by the ACIP in 2008 for pre- reducing the risk of developing zoster by 97.2% (75,76). Although

The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY VOLUME XXX | XXX 2016

Preventive Care in IBD Patients 7

not tested in immunosuppressed patients, an inactivated subunit varicella vaccine, although if a recipient develops a post-vaccina-
vaccine may be advantageous for immunosuppressed patients tion rash then contact should be avoided until resolution of the
with IBD. rash (10,11).


Recommendation Recommendation
4. Adults with IBD should be assessed for prior exposure to 5. Patients with IBD who are immunosuppressed and traveling
varicella and vaccinated if naive prior to initiation of immu- to endemic areas for yellow fever should consult with a travel
nosuppressive therapy when possible. Conditional recommen- medicine or infectious disease specialist before travel. Condi-
dation, with very low level of evidence. tional recommendation, with very low level of evidence.

Summary of evidence Summary of evidence

Varicella or chicken pox is highly contagious ( The yellow fever virus is transmitted to people by the bite of an
chickenpox/hcp/clinical-overview.html). It can be spread by infected mosquito and is found in tropical and subtropical areas
direct contact with vesicles or through the air when an infected in South America and Africa. There is no specific treatment for
individual coughs. Based on studies of transmission among yellow fever which can be associated with significant morbidity
household members, ~90% of susceptible close contacts will and mortality, and management is based on treatment of
get varicella after exposure to persons with disease. Before the symptoms. Steps to prevent yellow fever virus infection include
vaccine was available, ~4 million people got chickenpox each year using insect repellent, wearing protective clothing, and getting
in the United States. About 10,600 of those people were hospital- vaccinated ( Certain countries
ized, and 100–150 died each year. require confirmation of yellow fever vaccination for entry.
Patient recall of chicken pox infection is not accurate for It is recommended that all IBD patients and in particular
determining seropositivity (77,78). In one study of 163 pediatric the immunosuppressed IBD patient be evaluated by an infec-
patients with newly diagnosed IBD (mean age was 12 years (range tious disease clinician or at a traveler’s clinic at least 3 months
1–19 years, 62% with CD), 66% of the patients related a history of before their departure so that necessary vaccinations be
disease or vaccination. However, measurable titers against varicella administered (5,10,11,57). Useful resources for patients include
were found in only 77% of these patients (77). In another study the CDC website to learn about the various infectious diseases
of 121 IBD patients (86% CD, mean age 37±12.8), previous expo- endemic to their destination (
sure to VZV was reported by 104 patients, and 97/104 (93%) were tions/list.aspx).
VZV-immunoglobulin G seropositive. Seventeen patients, all sero- The yellow fever vaccine is a live attenuated vaccine; no
positive, reported negative exposure history. The calculated posi- alternative inactivated form of the vaccine is available. The CDC
tive and negative predictive values for the reported history of VZV recommends that travelers with severe immune compromise
exposure were 93 and 0% respectively (78). These data suggest that be strongly discouraged from travel to destinations that present
IBD patients be tested for varicella exposure and be vaccinated if a true risk for yellow fever (
nonimmune. healthcareproviders/index.html). These patients should not
Varicella vaccine is a live attenuated vaccine. The ACIP rec- undergo yellow fever vaccination, as there is a risk of developing
ommends that children who have never had chickenpox should a serious adverse event, specifically yellow fever vaccine-associ-
receive 2 doses of the varicella vaccine at 12–15 months of age and ated viscerotropic disease which is a systemic disease associated
a second dose at 4–6 years of age. People 13 years of age and older with multiorgan failure and death. The CDC states that if travel
who have never had chickenpox or received chickenpox vaccine is unavoidable to an area where yellow fever vaccine is recom-
should get two doses at least 28 days apart. As per the CDC (79) mended and the vaccine is not given, these travelers should be
varicella immunity can be documented by any of the following informed of the risk of yellow fever, carefully instructed in meth-
options including (i) documentation of age-appropriate vaccina- ods to avoid mosquito bites, and be provided with a vaccination
tion (at least 2 doses); (ii) laboratory (i.e., serological) evidence of medical waiver. Even with a medical waiver, the traveler may be
immunity; or (iii) a health care provider documented diagnosis faced with quarantine, refusal of entry, or vaccination on site. The
of VZV (79). Varicella vaccination is contraindicated 1–3 months CDC states that family members of people with altered immune
before start of biologics and if on one of these agents. The IDSA status, who themselves have no contraindications, can receive yel-
clinical practice guideline states that administration of varicella low fever vaccine.
vaccine can be considered for nonvaricella-immune patients who If the patient requests to stop their immunosuppressive therapy
are receiving long-term low-dose immunosuppression (10). Inter- to receive the vaccine, experts feel that the minimal time before the
estingly in a small case series of six pediatric patients who received safe administration of the vaccine can be up to 3 months depend-
the varicella vaccine while on thiopurines or infliximab, no adverse ing on the type of immunosuppressive regimen. The immunosup-
events were identified (80). There is no contraindication to vacci- pressive treatment should not be restarted earlier than 4 weeks
nate household members of immunosuppressed individuals with after vaccination (81).

© 2017 by the American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY

8 Farraye et al.

MENINGOCOCCAL VACCINATION 3. Healthy immunocompetent individuals who live in a house-

Recommendation hold with immunocompromised patients should receive
6. Adolescents with IBD should receive meningococcal the following live vaccines based on the CDC–ACIP annual
vaccination in accordance with routine vaccination recom- schedule: combined measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines
mendations. Conditional recommendation, with very low level (strong, moderate); rotavirus vaccine in infants aged 2–7
of evidence. months (strong, low); varicella vaccine (strong, moderate);
and zoster vaccine (strong, moderate).
Summary of evidence 4. Highly immunocompromised patients should avoid handling
Meningococcal disease is a rare but serious illness and each case diapers of infants who have been vaccinated with rotavirus
may be life-threatening. Teens and young adults 16 through 23 vaccine for 4 weeks after vaccination due to concern for virus
years old are at increased risk. Meningococcal infection can cause transmission (strong, very low).
sepsis and meningitis resulting in permanent disabilities and rarely 5. Immunocompromised patients should avoid contact with
death. Meningococcal vaccines are inactivated and can be admin- persons who develop skin lesions after receipt of varicella or
istered to all IBD patients regardless of immunosuppression. Sev- zoster vaccine until the lesions clear (strong, low).
eral different vaccines are available (82). Serogroup A, C, W, and
Y meningococcal vaccine is available as a conjugate (MenACWY
(Menactra, Menveo)) or a polysaccharide (MPSV4 (Menomune)) VACCINATE PRIOR TO IMMUNOSUPPRESSION
vaccine. Serogroup B meningococcal (MenB) vaccine is available Recommendation
as a two-dose series of MenB-4C vaccine (Bexsero) administered 8. Adults with IBD should receive age-appropriate vaccina-
at least 1 month apart or a 3-dose series of MenB-FHbp (Tru- tions before initiation of immune suppression when
menba) vaccine administered at 0, 2, and 6 months; the 2 MenB possible. Conditional recommendation, with very low level
vaccines are not interchangeable, i.e., the same MenB vaccine of evidence.
product must be used for all doses. The reader is referred to the
newest recommendations from the ACIP from 2016 (18). Summary of evidence
Immune response to vaccination in the IBD patient: There are
multiple studies that assessed response to vaccination in immuno-
LIVE VACCINATIONS IN HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS OF suppressed IBD patients (42,50). In general, patients on monother-
IMMUNOSUPPRESSED IBD PATIENTS apy with an immunomodulator have a normal immune response
Recommendation compared with controls or patients on 5ASAs. In patients on mon-
7. Household members of immunosuppressed patients can otherapy with anti-TNF, some but not all studies demonstrate a
receive live vaccines with certain precautions. Conditional diminished immune response compared with controls or patients
recommendation, with very low level of evidence. on 5ASAs. Finally, in patients receiving both an immunomodula-
tor and anti-TNF agent, there is a diminished immune response
Summary of evidence to vaccines compared with those on monotherapy with an immu-
Household members of immunocompromised patients can receive nomodulatory, anti-TNF, or 5ASAs. In rheumatologic disorders, a
all inactive vaccines. A “cocooning” strategy (83) encourages blunted serologic response to vaccination has similarly been estab-
household members of immunocompromised patients be vacci- lished in patients on combination immunosuppression. In a study
nated to reduce transmission to the immunocompromised patient of normal individuals receiving parenteral hepatitis B vaccine and
and has been endorsed by the ACIP and CDC. The IDSA recom- oral cholera vaccine, vedolizumab did not alter the response to
mends that household members of immunosuppressed individu- parenterally administered antigens but reduced the response to
als can be safely vaccinated based on the most recently published oral antigens consistent with its purported gut-selective mecha-
critical review of the literature (10,11,83). In parentheses are the nism of action (84).
strength of the IDSA recommendation and evidence quality. Finally, it is unclear whether the absence of a robust serologi-
cal immune response that is seen in healthy individuals is clini-
1. Immunocompetent individuals who live in a household with cally significant or whether the vaccines offer protection to some
immunocompromised patients can safely receive inacti- degree. In one study, vaccinated patients with lupus, rheumatoid
vated vaccines based on the CDC–ACIP’s annually updated arthritis, and Sjogren’s had lower rates of influenza infection and/
recommended vaccination schedules for children and adults or total viral infections (85). As the immune response to vaccina-
(strong, high) or for travel (strong, moderate). tion is generally blunted by immunosuppression, the IBD patient
2. Individuals who live in a household with immunocom- should ideally be vaccinated soon after diagnosis before the com-
promised patients age ≥6 months should receive influenza mencement of immunosuppressive therapy where possible, espe-
vaccine annually (strong, high). They should receive either: cially given the unpredictable course of the disease and need for
(a) Inactivated influenza vaccine (strong, high) or (b) Live future immune suppressive therapy. Treatment of active IBD takes
attenuated influenza vaccine provided they are healthy, not precedent over delay to administer live vaccines. General recom-
pregnant, and aged 2–49 years (strong, low). mendations from the IDSA with strength of the recommendation

The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY VOLUME XXX | XXX 2016

Preventive Care in IBD Patients 9

and evidence quality noted are as follows but there is some varia- OTHER HEALTH MAINTENANCE ISSUES
tion in recommendations dependent on the specific live vaccine In addition to vaccination issues, it is important to identify the
administered (10,11): subgroups of patients with IBD that have an increased risk of
developing cervical cancer, NMSC and melanoma. Additionally
1. Vaccines should be administered before planned immuno- assessing bone health, screening for depression and recommend-
suppression if feasible (strong, moderate). ing smoking cessation in patients with CD are important meas-
2. Live vaccines should be administered ≥4 weeks before im- ures to address when caring for IBD patients.
munosuppression (strong, low) and should be avoided within
2 weeks of initiation of immunosuppression (strong, low).
3. Inactivated vaccines should be administered ≥2 weeks before SCREENING FOR CERVICAL CANCER
immunosuppression (strong, moderate). Recommendation
10. Women with IBD on immunosuppressive therapy should
undergo annual cervical cancer screening. Conditional
TDAP, HEPATITIS A, HEPATITIS B AND HUMAN recommendation, very low level of evidence.
Recommendation Summary of evidence
9. Vaccination against Tdap, HAV, HBV, and HPV should be Cervical cancer is caused by persistent infection with oncogenic
administered as per ACIP guidelines. Conditional recommen- HPV. Known factors associated with an increased risk of cancer
dation, with very low level of evidence. include cigarette smoking and a compromised immune system,
both of which can be seen in patients with CD. Although vacci-
Summary of evidence nation against HPV remains a recommendation for women aged
All adult patients with IBD, regardless of immunosuppression sta- 9–26 years, most females would have been exposed to HPV by
tus, should receive non-live vaccines in accordance with national the time they are vaccinated so regular screening remains the best
guidelines published by the CDC, ACIP (17) and the IDSA (11), approach to protect women from cervical cancer. The American
including hepatitis A (HAV), hepatitis B (HBV), Haemophilus College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists along with the CDC
influenza B, HPV, tetanus, and pertussis (10,15,86,87). recommend annual screening for women who have a history of
Given the importance of HBV infection in IBD patients, specific chronic immunosuppression (97).
attention should be given to assessing HBV status. Reactivation The data regarding an increased risk of cervical dysplasia and
of hepatitis B infection has been reported in immunosuppressed cancer from simply having a diagnosis of IBD are conflicting, but
IBD patients with serious consequences (88). Testing for HBV there is a consistent trend for the increased risk associated with the
infection (HBsAg, HBcAb, and HBsAb) and vaccination of the use of immunosuppressants. In addition, some data suggests that
non-immune patient is recommended before starting anti-TNF’s women with IBD and particularly those on immunosuppressants
(10,11,57). In healthy individuals, protective antibody concentra- are screened even less frequently than the every 3 years as recom-
tions after the primary three dose HBV vaccine series is >95% mended for healthy women (98,99). Data from the PharMetrics
(89). In contrast, studies on HBV vaccination in IBD patients have Patient-Centric Database from 1996 to 2005 demonstrated that
reported efficacy rates from 33–76% (90). The efficacy of different while 70.4% of women with IBD (n=9356) received cervical test-
vaccination strategies against HBV has been reviewed by Marin ing at least once every 3 years, factors associated with reduced test-
and colleagues (91). In one study of 148 patients, 41% of those ing included Medicaid insurance (OR, 0.28; 95% CI, 0.19–0.41),
receiving single doses of Engerix-B at 0, 1, and 6 months attained and immunosuppressant medication use (OR, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.74–
anti-HBs titers>10 IU/l compared with 75% of patients receiving a 0.88); factors in patients at the highest risk for abnormalities (98).
faster, double-dose protocol (double doses of Engerix-B at 0, 1, and Similarly, in a Manitoba province study, 54% of women with IBD
2 months) (92). Although routine testing of titers in healthy indi- received Pap smear screening but having CD, as well as exposure
viduals after HBV vaccination is not recommended, immunocom- to immunosuppressant medications were independent predictors
promised patients should have hepatitis B surface antibody levels of lower use of Pap testing (99). The European Crohn’s and Colitis
checked 1–3 months after completion of the vaccination series Organization states “given the excess risk demonstrated in various
(10,11,57,93). There is some debate about what titer level repre- other contexts of immunosuppression, it is currently recommended
sents adequate protection against hepatitis B, with some groups that all women with IBD, particularly those receiving immuno-
recommending titers above 10 and another above 100 IU/l (89,94). suppressants, strictly adhere to a screening program of cervical
Some experts advise that immunocompromised patients have surveillance and undergo vaccination against HPV, when appro-
titers checked every 12–24 months to confirm immunity (94). In priate” (100).
those patients with waning protective titers, it is reasonable to give A recently published meta-analysis found sufficient evidence to
a single booster shot, and if titers do not rise appropriately, con- suggest an increased risk of cervical high-grade dysplasia and cancer
sider administration of another 3 vaccination series at the regular in patients with IBD on immunosuppressive medications with an
dose. Prophylaxis regimens for patients at risk for HBV reactiva- adjusted odds ratio of 1.34 (95% CI, 1.23–1.46) (101). The analysis
tion were recently reviewed (95,96). included eight studies that were varying size and population

© 2017 by the American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY

10 Farraye et al.

source but scored high on quality. Heterogeneity was found and The impact of depression was measured in patients receiving
was based on study type (case control vs. cohort). The authors infliximab therapy for their active CD. One hundred consecu-
concluded based on the results from pooled data of over 77,000 tive patients underwent assessment of clinical and psychological
women, increased screening intervals, like those recommended variables at baseline and at 4 weeks after infliximab. The presence
for other chronically immune suppressed women, is indicated. of major depression at baseline predicted a lower remission rate,
The most recent study to date is the experience of the nationwide and a significantly decreased time to re-treatment. Depression was
cohort study from Denmark (102). Over 26,000 women with IBD found to be an independent determinant of active disease both at
were matched to women from the general population (N=1,508,000). baseline and reevaluation (HR 2.27, 1.36–3.79) (105).
They found that women with CD were screened as often as healthy In a case–control study of patients with active CD, anxiety and
women but women with UC were screened slightly more often (IRR depression were measured in quiescent vs. active disease (106).
1.06; 95% CI, 1.04–1.08). Women with UC had an increased risk Anxiety and depression scores were significantly worse in those
of low-grade (IRR 1.15; CI, 1.00–1.32) and high-grade lesions (IRR not being treated aggressively, and treatment with a thiopurine to
1.12; CI, 1.01–1.25) compared with healthy controls. Women with achieve remission was associated with improved psychiatric sur-
CD had increased risk of low grade (1.26; 95% CI, 1.07–1.48) and vey scores. However, a later study of 139 patients with IBD, IBS,
high grade (IRR 1.28; 95% CI, 1.13–1.45) lesions as well as well as and hepatitis C enrolled in a 1 year observational cohort prospec-
cervical cancer (IRR 1.53; 95% CI, 1.04–2.27). Interestingly, these tive study of patient outcomes in relation to psychological co-mor-
investigators also demonstrated a two-way association between IBD bidity (107), there was no relationship between depression and
and neoplastic lesions as the IRR was higher for both conditions 1–9 anxiety and total number relapses in the IBD group.
years before IBD diagnosis. Also noted was an 8% increased risk for In another Canadian study, 101 patients with CD in remission
dysplasia for those women with a history of azathioprine use; this were followed prospectively for up to a year to examine clinical,
effect was not seen for those on steroids or anti-TNF agents. biological, and psychosocial parameters as predictors of clinical
relapse (108). Monthly measurements of psychological distress
and perceived stress were measured. The interaction of perceived
SCREENING FOR DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY stress and avoidance coping were predictors of earlier relapse (HR
Recommendation 7.0, 95% CI, 2.3–21.8) in the 37 patients that experienced a relapse.
11. Screening for depression and anxiety is recommended in In a recent study of IBD patients in several Boston area hospitals,
patients with IBD. Conditional recommendation, low level surgery appeared to increase the risk for depression and anxiety for
evidence. both UC and CD, with a risk of 16% in CD and 11% in UC within
5 years of surgery (109). A cohort of 75 patients in remission with
Summary of evidence UC was followed for a year, with endoscopy and long-term per-
The etiology of IBD and disease activity following periods of ceived stress measured at baseline (110). The Hospital Anxiety
remission is complex, and likely involves an interaction between and Depression Scale was also used, and acute perceived stress
multiple factors. Psychological stress has been reported by both was measured at baseline and then after 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months.
care givers and patients to exacerbate disease but the published Short-term stress (HR 10.5, 95% CI, 1.01–11.0) but not long-term
literature is conflicting, in part due to the inherent difficulty in stress nor depression was predictive for risk of relapse.
studying this area and diversity of measurement tools used. How- In humans, Mawdsley et al. (111) studied biochemical mark-
ever, newer studies and animal data suggest that depression and ers in serum and rectal mucosa in patients with UC in remission
anxiety play a role in disease course. Addressing or at least iden- vs. controls. A short-term psychological stress was applied to half
tifying these issues in patients can be important for disease man- of the UC patients and the others were controls. In UC patients,
agement and optimizing the chance for good outcomes. stress increased mucosal TNF alpha release by 102%, and reactive
A recent systematic review found that anxiety was present in oxygen metabolites by 475% as well as reducing rectal mucosal
19% of IBD patients vs. 9.6% of the background population and blood flow by 22% compared with UC patients not given stress
depression was found in 21.2 with IBD vs. 13.4% in non-IBD con- and healthy controls.
trols. There was just as much depression in those patients with In a review of 12 studies, antidepressants were found to be
inactive disease as measured by the Hospital Anxiety and Depres- effective for treating both psychological and somatic symptoms
sion Scale as those with active disease (103). in patients with IBD (112). A small retrospective study in humans
In 2004, Mittermaier et al. studied the impact of depression on demonstrated the role of antidepressants in managing disease
relapse of IBD (104). This was a prospective longitudinal study of activity in humans (113). Twenty-nine IBD patients (14 UC and
60 patients with IBD in remission. Patients were evaluated every 3 15 CD) and matched controls had disease course reviewed the
months for 18 months with the Beck Depression inventory (BDI), year before and the year after an anti-depressant was started for a
Spielberger Anxiety inventory, IBD Quality of Life Questionnaire mood disorder. Patients had fewer relapses and courses of steroids
(IBDQ), Perceived Stress Questionnaire, and the Rating for IBD in the year after starting an antidepressant than the year before
Patient Concerns. At baseline, 28% of patients had depression. A with the controls showing no change. In a retrospective study,
higher BDI score at baseline predicted total number of relapse after while taking antidepressants the majority of patients had inactive
12 and 18 months. disease (114).

The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY VOLUME XXX | XXX 2016

Preventive Care in IBD Patients 11

In a study on patient adherence, 85 IBD patients were psychiat- noma diagnoses at earlier stages, when the disease is most treatable
rically assessed for reasons for non-adherence to medical therapy (120,121). Thus, it is suggested that all IBD patients should follow a
(115). The presence of depression or other psychiatric disorders program of sun protection and dermatological surveillance, which
was found to be significantly associated with non-compliance with takes into account their other non-IBD-related risk factors for skin
medications. However, a more robust study in follow-up was done cancer development (122,123). In addition, education on skin can-
by Ediger et al. (116) from Manitoba. In a cross-sectional study on cer risk and rapid referral for skin abnormalities is appropriate in
adherence to medication, 326 IBD patients completed a multi-item this patient population.
self-report on adherence (Medication Adherence Report Scale), It is recommended that all patients starting or who are already
the Health Anxiety Questionnaire and a Brief Symptom Inventory on immunosuppressive medications should be evaluated by a der-
to assess psychological state. Neither the Anxiety Questionnaire matologist, so that risk assessment according to the individual
nor the Symptom Inventory was found to significantly correlate risk factors and a tailored and case-by-case surveillance strategy
with adherent behavior. is defined for each patient. Although not evidence based, this
A randomized trial of psychotherapy and relaxation on the logical approach has been suggested by some individuals (124).
clinical course of CD from the German Prospective Multicenter In addition, based on the results from the CESAME study, skin
Psychotherapy Treatment study did not show an effect at 2 years surveillance strategies need to be maintained even after stop-
for episode free course (117). However, in a follow-up study of this ping thiopurine therapy; which differs from the recent date of the
cohort, they found in multivariate analysis that steroid intake and nationwide VA cohort study.
depression predicted worse disease outcomes. In the high utilizers
of health care, a significant drop in healthcare utilization was noted Epidemiology in IBD patients
in those treated vs. not for their depression (118). A recent meta-analysis (125) demonstrated a cumulative pooled
Although medical treatment of depression may have an effect crude incidence rate of melanoma in patients with IBD to be 27.5
on disease course, a systematic review of psychological interven- cases/100,000 person-years (95% CI, 19.9–37.0). Overall, IBD was
tions revealed 21 studies with a high risk of bias. Psychotherapy associated with a 37% increase in risk of melanoma (12 studies:
had no effect on emotional status (4 studies, 266 patients), with a RR, 1.37; 95% CI, 1.10–1.70) compared with the general popula-
standardized mean difference between groups of only 0.03 (95% tion. The risk was increased among patients with CD (seven stud-
CI, −0.22–0.27) (119). Educational interventions were ineffective ies: RR, 1.80; 95% CI, 1.17–2.75) and UC (seven studies: RR, 1.23;
as well −0.08, (95% CI, −0.29–0.12). 95% CI, 1.01–1.50). The risk of melanoma was higher in studies
performed before patients were treated with biologic therapies
(studies done before 1998; eight studies: RR, 1.52; 95% CI, 1.02–
SCREENING FOR MELANOMA AND NON-MELANOMA 2.25), but not in studies performed after 1998 (two studies: RR,
SKIN CANCER 1.08; 95% CI, 0.59–1.96). Based on this recent meta-analysis, IBD
Recommendations has been associated with an increased risk of melanoma, inde-
12a. Patients with IBD (both UC and CD) should undergo pendent of the use of a biologic.
screening for melanoma independent of the use of biologic Patients with IBD are likely to have the same risk factors
therapy. Strong recommendation with low level of evidence. as the general population, but in addition have treatment-
12b. IBD patients on immunomodulators (6-mercaptopurine specific risks. There is no suggestion that IBD itself increases
or azathioprine) should undergo screening for non-mel- the risk for NMSC. Several earlier studies did suggest an
anoma squamous cell cancer (NMSC) while using these independent risk for NMSC in patients with IBD, but careful
agents, particularly over the age of 50. Strong recommenda- evaluation demonstrates that they failed to take into account
tion with low level of evidence. the patients’ use of antimetabolite therapy. The cumulative data
on NMSC risk in patients with IBD highlight that there is an
Summary of evidence increased risk with the use of immunosuppression, particularly
Widespread use of anti TNF therapy and immunomodulator thiopurine use.
therapy has led to the recognition of two malignant complications In general, the presence of chronic immunosuppression has
associated with the use of thiopurines and anti-tumor necrosis been linked to an increased risk for the development of squamous
factor therapy: NMSC associated with the past or current use of cell carcinomas (SCC) and to a lesser degree also basal cell carcino-
thiopurines and the potential for melanoma in patients with IBD mas (BCC) (126–130). Most studies regarding NMSC in patients
or those exposed to anti-TNF therapy. on immunosuppression have been reported in solid organ trans-
It is suggested that all individuals who are initiating immuno- plant patients. Little has been published regarding the incidence of
suppression therapy for the treatment of IBD should use sunscreen NMSC in patients with IBD.
that is protective against UVA and UVB light as well use sun protec- In patients who have had solid organ transplantation, the inci-
tive clothing. There have been no randomized trials performed in dence of SCC is higher as the duration and the level of immuno-
patients with IBD assessing this recommendation; however, early suppression increases, and it also increases in areas where there are
detection, including performing regular skin self-examinations sunny climates (131,132). Within a period of a decade after trans-
and physician skin examinations has been found to result in mela- plantation ~35% of heart transplant recipients will develop a skin

© 2017 by the American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY

12 Farraye et al.

cancer. The risk of metachronous lesions in patients with one prior with current users. The increased risk of NMSC in IBD patients
BCC or SCC has been demonstrated to be high in heart transplant who receive thiopurines was increased with a HR of 5.9 (95%
patients with 60–70% developing a subsequent SCC within 5 years CI, 2.1–16.4; P=0.0006) for ongoing treatment and 3.9 (95%
(128,133). When cutaneous SCCs develop in patients with trans- CI, 1.3–12.1; P=0.02) for past exposure in the CESAME cohort
plants who are receiving immunosuppressive therapy the tumors study (147). When assessing the risk based on patient’s age; these
seem to be more aggressive than those patients not receiving values were 2.59/1,000 and 1.96/1,000 patient-years for the age
immunosuppressive therapy. In general, there is an increased risk group of 50–65 years and 4.04/1,000 and 5.70/1,000 patient-years
of local recurrence, regional and distant metastasis, and mortality for patients older than 65 years. Among patients who had never
compared with other patients (129). This background demonstrat- received thiopurines, the incidence of NMSC was zero before
ing an increased risk of skin cancer in patients who are immuno- the age of 50 years, 0.60/1,000 for the ages of 50–65 years, and
compromised from transplantation lead to the assessment of the 0.84/1,000 for those older than 65 years. In light of this, it is rec-
risk for SCCA and BCCA in patients with IBD. ommended to evaluate these patients with periodic skin examina-
tion especially in patients over the age of 50 years. Another recent
Immunosuppressive agent use in patients with IBD and study suggests that the risk for NMSC reverts to the baseline pop-
their risk ulation risk on cessation of the thiopurines (148,149). This study
There has been concern that immunomodulators and anti-TNF evaluated 14,527 patients with UC in the analysis, with a median
therapy may increase the risk of skin malignancies in patients follow-up of 8.1 years. A total of 3,346 (23%) patients used thi-
with IBD. In particular, there is concern that immunomodulators opurines for a median duration of 1.6 years. There were a total
(azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine) increase the risk of NMSC of 421 NMSC and 45 MSC cases. The adjusted hazard ratios of
and also there were some concerns that anti-TNF may accelerate developing NMSC while on and after stopping thiopurines were
the development of the more aggressive and deadly melanoma. 2.1 (P<0.0001) and 0.7 (P=0.07), respectively, as compared with
The relationships between methotrexate, natalizumab, vedoli- unexposed patients.
zumab, and skin malignancy in IBD have not been adequately It remains uncertain if there is additive or synergistic risk for
studied. patients who use combination therapy (anti-TNF therapy and
There has not been a suggestion of any escalation of the risk of immunomodulator therapy) when compared with monotherapy
melanoma in patients receiving thiopurines. Recently, however, a with either agent alone. Please see Supplementary file 1 for addi-
study performed by Long et al. (134) evaluated the risk of mela- tional background information on skin cancer.
noma in IBD and in relation to drugs, and verified that the use
of anti-TNF for 1 year conferred an almost twofold (OR, 1.88;
95% CI, 1.08–3.29) increased risk for developing this malignancy, SCREENING FOR OSTEOPOROSIS
even after adjusting for health care utilization and comorbidities. Recommendation
Therefore, this study should alert clinicians to be watchful for the 13. Patients with conventional risk factors for abnormal bone
development of skin cancer (melanoma in particular) in patients mineral density with UC and CD should undergo screening
under anti-TNF monotherapy (134–137). Further confirmation for osteoporosis with bone mineral density testing at the time
in large prospective analyses is important to validate these initial of diagnosis and periodically after diagnosis. Conditional
observations. recommendation with very low level evidence.
There have been several studies that have highlighted an elevated
risk of NMSC in patients with IBD (134,138–146). It is recognized
that individuals who use antimetabolite therapy with either azathi- Summary of evidence
oprine or 6-mercpatopurie whether current or prior use- escalates It has been recognized that reduced bone mineral density (BMD)
the risk of NMSC for users. and bony fractures are more common in persons with IBD, how-
A recent meta-analysis (which evaluated eight studies ever, the actual disease burden is not well characterized. Also,
involving 60,351 patients provided data on the risk of developing the impact of IBD-associated factors and IBD-specific inflam-
NMSC in patients with IBD on thiopurines) evaluated the aggre- mation on bone is not well characterized. It has been estimated
gate of all published studies to discern the magnitude of the eleva- that 14–42% of persons with IBD have osteoporosis, though the
tion of the risk for patients with IBD on immunomodulators to precise prevalence is unknown, as there are no population-based
develop NMSC compared with those who do not use thiopurines. data with universal case detection (150–152). Not all persons with
This meta-analysis has shown that the risk of developing NMSC IBD are at equivalent risk for developing osteoporosis or develop-
with thiopurine use in patients with IBD is 2.28 (95% CI, 1.50– ing an osteoporosis-related fracture. There are specific risk factors
3.45) and is 1.83 (95% CI, 1.2–2.80) when population-based stud- associated with the development of accelerated bone mineral loss,
ies are included. Thus, the risk for NMSC is modest in patients osteoporosis, and fracture in IBD.
with IBD who use thiopurines and the risk vs. benefit needs to be The pathogenesis of bone loss in patients with IBD is complex,
determined in all patients who use these agents. multifactorial, and incompletely understood. Patients with IBD
In addition, in the CESAME study, investigators have have an increased risk for loss of bone mass. The pathophysiol-
assessed the risk of past use of thiopurines and compared the risk ogy of IBD-related osteoporosis is multifactorial; however, risk

The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY VOLUME XXX | XXX 2016

Preventive Care in IBD Patients 13

factors such as steroid treatment, systemic effects of chronic A low threshold should be maintained for screening individuals
inflammation, calcium and vitamin D deficiencies, and malnutri- who have used glucocorticoids at any time. BMD measurement
tion are known to be involved (151,153,154). (with a DEXA scan) is recommended in all patients starting oral
There have been few population-based cohort studies evaluating corticosteroid therapy specifically in those who have used oral
the prevalence of metabolic bone disease in IBD and on the spe- corticosteroid therapy for longer than 3 consecutive months in a
cific risk factors for low BMD in IBD. Several studies have impli- dose ≥7.5 mg/day of prednisone-equivalent in the absence of base-
cated the presence of a low BMD in patients with IBD whereas line BMD measurement. Selection of this minimal dose cutoff is
others have not (155–158). Two population-based European stud- as a result of its use in most clinical trials as an inclusion crite-
ies revealed that the risk of IBD itself causing major osteoporotic rion and on epidemiological data showing that the relative risk of
fracture decreased when there was adequate control for recent glu- vertebral fracture increases from 2.6 with doses of 2.5–7.5 mg/day
cocorticoid use (159,160). to 5.2 with doses >7.5 mg/day (165). Please see Supplementary
In the past it had been hypothesized that having IBD is an file 2 for additional background information on bone health.
independent predictor for the development of metabolic bone
disease, as a result of the inflammation that was present which
occurred independently of concomitant confounding variables SMOKING CESSATION IN PATIENTS WITH CROHN’S
such as corticosteroid use, decreased body mass index, and die- DISEASE
tary deficiency and/or malabsorption of vitamin D and calcium. Recommendation
Currently, however, there is inadequate data to support the con- 14. Patients with CD who smoke should be counseled to quit.
tention that inflammation within the bowel itself is an independ- Strong recommendation with low level evidence.
ent predictor of bone mineral loss in IBD. It has been suggested
that the increased risk of fracture seen in previous analyses of Summary of evidence
IBD patients is likely explained by unadjusted confounders such As the original report on the effects of smoking on human
as low BMI, use of glucocorticoids, or calcium/vitamin D defi- health by the Surgeon General in January 1964 physicians
ciency (156). have recommended smoking cessation to their patients (www.
Patients with ulcerative status and conventional risk factors for For CD, there are data
abnormal bone mineral density should undergo screening for to suggest that smoking is associated with (i) development of
osteoporosis. Even after having surgery, UC patients with an ileal disease, (ii) disease progression and (iii) poorer medical and sur-
pouch anal anastomosis need to be monitored for abnormal BMD gical outcomes. The first epidemiologic study to document the
with periodic Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan- increased risk of CD associated with smoking came from the
ning (161). UK in 1984, where in a population based cohort of patients who
If all patients with IBD had BMD assessment initially and smoked were shown to have more than a threefold risk for devel-
then again within a year, this method of practice would be oping Crohn’s compared with healthy controls (RR 3.5, 1.8–6.6)
comforting and enable patients and practitioners to see if any (166). Another later population-based case–control study from
alteration over time occurs in BMD. Several investigators have New Zealand demonstrated a twofold increased risk for ciga-
supported this generalized approach given there is a potential for rette smoking at diagnosis (OR 1.99; 95% CI, 1.48–2.68) (167).
significant morbidity associated when an individual develops this Finally, the Oxford Family Planning Association contraceptive
complication (abnormal bone density with the potential for bone study showed that the risk of developing CD in women was more
fracture). than threefold higher in smokers than nonsmokers (168). In
However, current data does not support this approach to screen- twin studies, Bridger found that in 23 dichotomous twin pairs,
ing because the absolute risk of bone fractures is low. As a conse- the smoker twin had CD in 91% of cases with an OR of 10.5
quence of the low prevalence, a more conservative, cost-effective (95% CI, 2.6–92) and in another more recent study, the smok-
approach that limits screening to all patients with a preexisting ing twin from discordant pairs demonstrated an OR of 2.9 (95%
fragility fracture, women aged 65 and men aged 70 and older, and CI, 1.2–7.1) (169). A meta-analysis by Mahid et al. examined a
those with risk factors that increases the likelihood of detecting total of nine studies reporting on smoking and development of
low bone mass seems more reasonable. CD (170). They found a significant association between current
Thus patients who have IBD should be screened based on estab- smoking and the development of CD with an OR of 1.76 (95%
lished guidelines for the general population. Osteoporosis screen- CI, 1.40–2.22) without significant heterogeneity.
ing guidelines differ between societies, however, DEXA testing is Smoking is also associated with disease progression. Data from
recommended by the National Osteoporosis Foundation for post- 1,420 incident patients between January 1977 and December
menopausal women aged 65 and men aged 70 and older (162–164). 2008 found that smoking was associated with a change in dis-
Also, focused BMD screening is advocated for persons who have ease behavior (P=0.02), development of arthritis/arthropathy
conventional risk factors for low BMD, specifically those individu- (P=0.002), and need for steroids (P=0.06) or thiopurine therapy
als who have identifiable medical conditions or use of medications (P=0.038) (171).
that are known to influence BMD. This would thus include a subset Data from a large Spanish national IBD registry (ENEIDA),
of patients with IBD. including information regarding demographics, clinical charac-

© 2017 by the American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY

14 Farraye et al.

teristics, disease complications, therapeutic interventions, and months (1–54 months), the risk of flare-up in quitters did not
smoking status demonstrated that in the time-dependent mul- differ from that in nonsmokers and was less than in continuing
tivariate analysis, smokers were found to have a significantly smokers (P<0.001). Need for steroids and for introduction or
decreased survival free of stricturing disease (HR 1.5, 1.18–1.90) reinforcement of immunosuppressive therapy, respectively, were
or perianal complications (HR 1.50; 95% CI, 1.01–1.46), and had similar in quitters and nonsmokers and increased in continuing
a higher risk for requiring thiopurine therapy (HR 1.20; 95% CI, smokers (180).
1.05–1.30) (172). There are several proposed biologic mechanisms as possible
In the follow-up TABACROHN study, this multi-center cross- explanations for this association ranging from altered autophagy
sectional study included 1,170 CD patients. Patients were classified and consequent epithelial oxidative damage (181), genetics with
as nonsmokers, current smokers, or former smokers according to altered IL23R SNPs (182), dysfunctional mononuclear cells
their present smoking status. Smokers were more frequently under (183), and altered bacterial microbiota profiles in smokers with
maintenance treatment when compared with nonsmokers. In addi- CD (184).
tion, current smokers presented higher use of biologic drugs com-
pared with nonsmokers. Tobacco exposure and a higher tobacco
load were independent predictors of need for maintenance treat- CONCLUSIONS
ment and stenosing phenotype, respectively (173). Patients with IBD often consider their gastroenterologist to be
In a recent meta-analysis, To et al. (174) found in 33 studies a the primary provider of care. Health maintenance issues need to
56% higher risk of a flare of disease activity and a twofold risk of be co-managed by both the gastroenterologist and primary care
flare after surgery along with a need for first surgery (OR 1.68; team. Gastroenterologists need to explicitly inform the primary
95% CI, 1.33–2.12) and the need for second surgery (OR 2.17; CI, care provider of the unique needs of the IBD patient, especially
1.63–2.89) in smokers. those on immunomodulators and biologics or being considered
Smoking also appears to adversely affect response to therapy. for such therapy. In addition to vaccinations, referral to dermatol-
Early reports of anti-TNF therapy found that 22% of smokers ogy, gynecology, psychiatry, and endocrinology may be necessary
vs. 74% of nonsmokers responded to episodic use of infliximab on a case by case basis. Coordination between the gastroenterol-
(175), and a prospective study of 74 patients given a single dose of ogy team and other providers is the basis for improving the qual-
infliximab found that at 4 weeks smokers were less likely to have ity of care that is provided to patients with IBD.
a response (OR 0.22; 95% CI, 0.08–0.41) and a shorter duration
of response than non-smokers (176). In a retrospective study, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
patients with CD who continued to smoke required new courses of The authors thank Lauren Gerson MD, FACG for developing the
steroids and in multivariate analysis, smoking status was the only GRADE statements for this manuscript.
predictive factor of drug tolerance (177).
In a retrospective study of 83 patients with CD who underwent CONFLICT OF INTEREST
endoscopic balloon dilation of an intestinal stricture, Gustavsson Guarantors of the article: Francis A. Farraye, MD, MSc and
found among current smokers, 97% underwent another interven- Sunanda Kane, MD, MSPH.
tion compared with only 55% among never smokers (adjusted HR Specific author contributions: Francis A. Farraye; wrote sections on
2.50; 95% CI, 1.14–5.50). After 5 years, the cumulative probability vaccination, reviewed and edited final manuscript: Gil Y. Melmed,
of a new intervention was 0.81 in smokers compared with 0.52 in MD, MS; wrote sections on vaccination, reviewed and edited final
never smokers the difference 0.29 (95% CI, 0.07–0.52) (178). manuscript: Gary R. Lichtenstein, MD; wrote sections on melanoma,
The positive effect of smoking cessation has also been demon- NMSC, and bone disease; reviewed and edited final manuscript:
strated. Ryan et al. (179) reported on the effect of smoking cessation Sunanda V. Kane wrote sections on cervical cancer screening,
on surgical outcomes with a favorable outcome in those quitting less depression and smoking; reviewed and edited final manuscript.
likely to have undergone 1, 2, and 3 re-operations for recurrence at Financial support: None.
any site and were less likely to have undergone one re-operation for Potential competing interests: Dr. Farraye is a consultant for
recurrent ileocecal CD than those who continued to smoke. Abbvie, Braintree, Celgene, Cellceutix, Janssen, Merck, Pfizer,
In a controlled trial of the effect of smoking cessation on CD, PUMA, Salix, Takeda and UCB. He is a member of a data safety
repeated counseling to stop smoking, with easy access to a smok- monitoring board for Mesoblast and Protagonist. Dr. Kane is a con-
ing cessation program, was given to 474 consecutive smokers sultant for Abbvie. Dr. Lichtenstein is a consultant for Abbvie, Act-
with Crohn’s disease. Patients who stopped smoking for more avis, Celgene, Ferring, Hospira, Janssen, Luitpold /American Regent,
than 1 year (quitters) were included in a prospective follow-up Merck, Pfizer, Prometheus Laboratories, Romark, Salix Pharmaceu-
study, which compared disease course and therapeutic needs ticals/Valeant, Santarus, Shire Pharmaceuticals, Takeda, UCB. He
with 2 control groups, continuing smokers and nonsmokers, has received research support from Research support Celgene, Jans-
paired for age, gender, disease location, and activity. There were sen, Salix Pharmaceuticals/Valeant, Shire and UCB. Dr. Melmed is a
59 quitters (12%). Predictors of quitting were the physician, consultant for Abbvie, Janssen, UCB, Luitpold, Celgene, Medtronic,
previous intestinal surgery, high socioeconomic status, and in Pfizer, Takeda, Merck, Boehringer-Ingleheim and has research grant
women, oral contraceptive use. During a median follow-up of 29 from Shire and Prometheus.

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Preventive Care in IBD Patients 15

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The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY VOLUME XXX | XXX 2016

May 4, 2017

Farraye FA, Melmed GY, Lichtenstein GR, Kane SV. ACG Clinical Guideline: Preventive
care in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Am J Gastroenterol 2017; doi:10.1038/ajg.2016.537

1. How often should cervical cancer screening for women on immunosuppression be done?
a. every 6 months
b. every 3 months
c. every 12 months
d. every other year

True or False

2. Melanoma risk is associated with IBD and anti-TNF use, non melanoma squamous cell
cancer is associated with the use of thiopurines, particularly in those over age 50

3. Family members of an immunosuppressed IBD patient cannot be vaccinated for herpes


4. Pneumococcal vaccination with PCV-13 and PPSV23 is recommended for all IBD patients
receiving immunosuppression

5. IBD patients on immunosuppression should not travel to areas with endemic yellow fever, as
the vaccine is not safe for these patients

6. All patients with IBD require osteoporosis assessment

7. Ustekinumab therapy may reduce the immune response to non-live vaccines

8. HPV vaccination should be completed prior to starting immunosuppression and should not be
given during immunosuppression

9. Herpes zoster vaccine can be given to patient on prednisone monotherapy at a dose of <20
mg per day or on azathioprine doses of <3mg/kg/day.

10. Zoster vaccine is not recommended if the patient has had an episode of shingles

11. Live vaccines could be administered 3 or more months after last dose of
immunosuppression, immunosuppression should not restart for at least 4 weeks

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