La Hipotesis de Aprendizaje de Adquisicion Ingles
La Hipotesis de Aprendizaje de Adquisicion Ingles
La Hipotesis de Aprendizaje de Adquisicion Ingles
Type of
Individual ☐ Collaborative ☒ of 4
Initial ☐ Intermediate ☒ Final ☐
Environment for the delivery of
Total score of the activity:
the activity: Monitoring and
evaluation environment
Starting date of the Deadline of the activity:
activity: 11/03/2020 8/04/2020
Competence to develop:
To know the theories and methodologies about the language learning
Topics to develop:
Language Acquisition, Contents for Unit 2: Second language
acquisition and providing input for acquisition.
Step, phase or stage of the learning strategy to develop
Read about the five Hypothesis that Krashen created and describe
which one of these hypotheses for language acquisition best describes
the way you have been learning languages until now.
In this link you will find an explanation about how to use the app,
please try to be creative but it is necessary that people can
understand your point of view through your presentation. The main
elements about the hypothesis must be included.
Activities to develop
Read about the five Hypothesis that Krashen created and describe
which one of these hypotheses for language acquisition best describes
the way you have been learning languages until now.
In this link you will find an explanation about how to use the app,
please try to be creative but it is necessary that people can
understand your point of view through your presentation. The main
elements about the hypothesis must be included.
Share the description of your learning process and your point of view
about the relevance of age for language learning in the discussion
topic created for this assignment available in the collaborative forum:
Learning moment two: Language Acquisition
Make any corrections or changes to your work according to feedback
and comments given by your partners and tutor.
for the Knowledge settling, collaborative settling and
development evaluation & assessment settling.
of the activity
Products to Individual:
deliver by the
Participation in the collaborative forum.
- One of Krashen’s hypotheses that relates to you.
- Meaningful feedback to your classmates.
- Critical review of Classmates presentation.
The group compiler must prepare and send to the
forum a PDF document that includes the following
Use of
Always cite the references
Plagiarism In the agreement 029 of December 13, 2013, article
policy 99, the mistakes that infringe upon the academic
order, among others, are the following: paragraph e)
“To plagiarize is to present as your own work the
whole or part of a writing, report, task or document of
invention performed by another person. It also implies
the use of cites or lack of references, or includes cites
where there is no coincidence between them and the
reference” and paragraph f)”To reproduce, or copy for
profit, educational resources or results of research
products, which have intellectual rights reserved for
the University”.
4. Evaluation rubric
Evaluation Rubric
Individual Collaborative
Activity type: ☒
Activity Activity
Initial ☐ Intermediate ☒ Final ☐
Evaluated Performance levels of the individual activity Score
items High score Middle score Low score
Individual The student 15
The student
and timely participated in the
participated in the
participatio forum on time and The student did
forum once or
n in the gave meaningful not participate in
twice and the
forum feedback about the forum.
contributions were
their partners’
not meaningful.
(Up to 15 points) (Up to 8 points) (Up to 0 points)
The development
The writing
of the writing
assignment is well
Task 1: assignment shows No writing
developed and
Developing some degree of assignment is
evidences proper 25
the writing reflection but lacks presented
writing and
assignment coherence and
coherent ideas.
(up to 25 points) (up to 12 points) (up to 0 points)
Although the 30
paper includes the
The student
description of
correctly presented The student did
Task 1: hypotheses and
the assignment not follow the
Content presents the
content, with minor instructions to
and influence of age in
problems in complete the
language language learning,
language assignment.
use the structures and
language are
somewhat poor.
(up to 30 points) (up to 15 points) (up to 0 points)
Evaluated Performance levels of the collaborative activity Score
Items High score Media score Low score
The review meets
The reviews some of the The review
satisfy the requirements of meets few of the
requirements of the writing task requirements of
the task at hand in and includes some the writing task 30
a creative and key elements that and discusses
original manner. help explain the very basic ideas.
student’s opinion.
(up to 30 points) (up to 15 points) (up to 0 points)
Group The group The group did a The group did 15
Interaction successfully good job following not follow the
followed the the instructions but instructions to
activity instructions some elements complete the
and interaction is were omitted, assignment and
successful. group interaction is there was poor
OK. interaction.
(up to 15 points) (up to 8 points) (up to 0 points)
The group
The group
presented a well-
presents their work The students did
with major not work as a
Structure document with
problems in group they
and minor problems in
mechanics, spelling delivered the 10
content of mechanics, spelling
and the document product
the paper and the document
does not include all individually.
includes all
suggested items.
suggested items.
(up to 10 points) (up 5 points) (up to 0 points)
Final Score 125