Iso La: Friday, September 27, 2019 9:28 PM
Iso La: Friday, September 27, 2019 9:28 PM
Iso La: Friday, September 27, 2019 9:28 PM
1. ISO 27001 clause 6.1.3.d states that the Statement of Applicability must include “the justification for exclusions of control s from Annex A”
Explain in short when and an exclusion can be done to an organisation
Eg: A14 control can be excluded if the organisation is not into development process like such.....
2. Principal factors that affect the extent of ISMS documented information.
3. In the context of managing an audit programme, briefly explain the concept of risk-based auditing.
4. What is audit objectives ?
5. Example of ‘Equipment’ referred to in ISO 27001 and briefly describe how leaving the equipment unattended could affect inform ation security.
6. What is evidence based approach?
7. Why the auditor should be open minded ?
8. what is meant by ‘top management which clause falls on top management ?
9. Section 4 - 1st and 2nd is NC 3rd - Conformity
ISO 27001 clause 6.1.3.d states that the Statement of Applicability must include “the justification for exclusions of control s from Annex A”
Explain in short when and an exclusion can be done to an organization.
Ans: The inclusion/exclusion of controls depends on the context of the organization and its ISMS requirements. Controls relat ed to cryptography are
not applicable for the organizations which outsource the data hosting and storage mechanisms as the risk associated with data security is transferred
to the third party. Similarly, for an organization which is not into software development (ex: a bank whose IT captive is out sourced) would not require
controls related to section A.14 (Software development).
In the context of managing an audit programme, briefly explain the concept of risk-based auditing.
Risk based auditing gives an approach to see the risk as an opportunity to address information security pro -actively rather than reactive basis. An
informed risk assessment followed by risk treatment plans along with the controls helps in mitigating the known risks and pro vides a platform to
assess and accept the residual risk.
Translating key risks from the business risk process into the basis of the audit programme
audit assessment
Example of ‘Equipment’ referred to in ISO 27001 and briefly describe how leaving the equipment unattended could affect inform ation security.
An equipment in ISMS is termed as a medium through which information can be created, transmitted, stored or destroyed. Leavin g an equipment is a
risk which could result in an eventuality of information loss. For ex: fire alarm hammer being not sealed in data center room could lead to destruction
of other valuable assets like servers and storage devices by an intruder.