Managing The Liquidity Crisis
Managing The Liquidity Crisis
Managing The Liquidity Crisis
The coronavirus pandemic has left the corporate sector scrambling for cash. So far,
a relatively robust financial system has been able to provide short-term funding,
primarily through the revolving lines of bank credit available to most firms.
According to JPMorgan, as of the end of March, nearly $208 billion (77% of the
funds available in the facilities) had been borrowed by large companies through
revolver drawdowns, of which borrowings by below investment grade firms
accounted for about half.
But will revolving lines be enough to bridge companies through the crisis? Revolvers
are used to bridge temporary cash shortfalls — and once the limit of the line is
reached, no more cash is available, unless the lenders agree. If you can’t fund
ongoing obligations out of the money you have coming in, you are going to have to
get another form of financing or file for bankruptcy. So how are borrowers
positioned right now?
The riskiness of this $6 trillion in debt has increased since the last downturn. A
decade of robust debt markets came hand-in-hand with looser creditor governance
terms and weaker covenants. Borrowers have been able to artificially inflate their
earnings for loan tests using liberal “EBITDA addbacks.” As a result, many weaker
highly leveraged firms have been able borrow more without restructuring their
balance sheets than they would otherwise have been able to. For the past several
years, these factors have raised red flags for economists, global leaders and
regulatory bodies. In December, before the virus emerged as a serious economic
threat, the Financial Stability Board (FSB) issued a warning regarding the
vulnerability of the leveraged loan markets to sudden economic shocks.
Typically, when companies are running out of cash and need a loan, they turn first
to their current lenders, who with their privileged access to company-specific
information, are best placed to make a decision quickly. In the current environment,
however, leveraged firms will struggle to obtain financing from their existing loan
creditors, for a variety of reasons.
Although CLO structures have evolved over the years, at their core, they are all
designed to protect investors at the senior end of their capital hierarchy: the global
pension funds and insurance companies that tend to buy the AAA-rated
collateralized notes issues by the CLOs. All CLO agreements contain a series of
protective covenants that place guardrails on the loans to companies made by the
CLO portfolio manager. The net effect of these provisions is to establish strong
disincentives for CLO managers to hold or invest in assets that are more likely to
default — as indicated by ratings of CCC+ or less.
Typically, a CLO is limited to investing only 7.5% of the whole portfolio in CCC
loans. If existing holdings are downgraded, placing them in the CCC category, then
the CLO manager is essentially obliged to direct future lending towards higher-grade
borrowers. What’s more, excess holdings of CCC are marked to market to test that
the value of the CLO collateral (the loans extended) exceeds the value of the debt
the CLO has issued by a certain margin. Thus, drops in the prices of lower-grade
loans, which are inevitable in the current crisis, will further require CLOs to skew
future lending towards safer borrowers, in order to maintain the collateral levels
mandated in the debt issued by the CLO.
CLO managers have entered the pandemic crisis with portfolios over-weighted with
loans that are most likely to be downgraded to the undesired CCC category.
Although single-B rated loans comprise 56% of the U.S. leveraged loan market, they
comprise 70% of syndicated CLO portfolios. Single-B minus loans comprise
approximately 29% of these loans (S&P Global Market Intelligence, LCD’s
Quarterly Leveraged Lending Review: 4Q 2019). Already to date, as a result of
downgrades, CCC assets have increased to 9% across CLO deals on average, putting
many CLOs in violation of the 7.5% threshold (Creditflux, 04/06/2020, “S&P puts
48 triple C-heavy CLOs on negative watch”). Moreover, as of March 31, the average
bid for U.S. leveraged loans was 83 cents on the dollar and 63% of the market was
bid below 90 cents (S&P Global Market Intelligence, SP-LSTA LLI Liquid
This is a crisis hiding around the corner. Given the covenant constraints and current
market conditions, it is pretty clear that CLOs will be unable or at least unwilling to
extend any additional capital to the most leveraged borrowers. It is worth noting that
in two recent debt restructurings — Deluxe Entertainment and Acosta — CLOs
declined to participate proportionately.
Small and mid-cap enterprises (SMEs) are not immune to the leverage problem, but
they are less visible due to the private nature of the bulk of this market. CLOs are
not a major player in this segment, but over the past decade, a desire to reach for
yield has attracted other providers of risky debt capital to the balance sheet of SMEs.
By the end of 2019, business development companies (BDCs) — publicly quoted
investment funds specializing in loans to SMEs — were holding about $110 billion
in SME debt (S&P Global Market Intelligence, U.S. Middle Market Research). An
even larger amount – $600 billion by some informal estimates — is held by a wide
variety of private investment funds.
On March 27, President Trump signed the CARES Act, a bill which includes, among
other measures, up to $849 billion to back loans and assistance to small and large
businesses. This seed capital from the Treasury will be further increased by
contributions from the Federal Reserve. Although several details of the program
have yet to be specified, we are concerned that their benefits for leveraged
companies may fall short on several fronts.
To begin with, the Federal Reserve has yet to define the collateral requirements for
loans to large and medium-sized businesses. If it requires — as it generally has done
in the past — that these loans be fully secured by collateral, the act will not help
those highly leveraged companies that do not have unpledged collateral, with very
few exceptions.
Moreover, the CARES Act also excludes from the small-business portion of the
package the small companies that are backed by private equity firms. As a result, the
act does little to protect many of the companies and jobs that are arguably most at
risk from the economic shock delivered by the coronavirus pandemic and penalizes
perfectly good small companies that happen to be owned by private equity investors.
What should the government do to fix or clarify the program? These three
amendments should be urgently considered: