Units of Temperature: TJ"C T/K - 273,15
Units of Temperature: TJ"C T/K - 273,15
Units of Temperature: TJ"C T/K - 273,15
It should be noted that the official version of the scale is the French one.
The English version, published for convenience, has been authorized by the
Comite Consultatif de Thermometrie and approved by the Comite International
des Poids et Mesures.
1. Units of temperature
Published in the Proces-verbaux du Comite International des Poids et Mesures, 78th meeting, 1989
- T24
The unit of the physical quantity T90 is the kelvin, symbol K, and
the unit of the physical quantity t 90 is the degree Celsius, symbol oc,
as is the case for the thermodynamic temperature T and the Celsius
temperature t.
Published in the Proces-verbaux du Comite International des Poids et Mesures, 78th meeting, 1989
- T25
The values of the constants A0 , Ai, B and C are given in Table III
for 3He in the range of 0,65 K to 3,2 K, and for 4He in the ranges
1,25 K to 2,1768 K (the 'A point) and 2,1768 K to 5,0 K.
Published in the Proces-verbaux du Comite International des Poids et Mesures, 78th meeting, 1989
Defining fixed points of the ITS-90
s· Number Temperature Substance(•) State(bl W, (T9o)
(1) T9o/K t9o/'C
1 3 to 5 - 270,15 to He v
- 268,15
2 13,803 3 - 259,346 7 e-H2 T 0,001190 07
3 17 - 256,15 e-H2 (or He) V (or G)
..., 4 20,3 - 252,85 e-H2 (or He) V (or G)
5 24,556 1 - 248,593 9 Ne T 0,008 449 74
6 54,358 4 - 218,791 6 02 T 0,091 718 04
7 83,805 8 - 189,344 2 Ar T 0,215 859 75
8 234,315 6 - 38,834 4 Hg T 0,844142 11
9 273,16 0,01 H20 T 1,000 000 00 ,...,
' 10 302,914 6 29,764 6 Ga M 1,118 138 89 N
11 429,748 5 156,598 5 In F 1,609 801 85
12 505,078 231,928 Sn F 1,892 797 68
13 692,677 419,527 Zn F 2,568 917 30
cs· 14 933,473 660,323 AI F 3,376 008 60
15 1 234,93 961,78 Ag F 4,286 420 53
16 1 337,33 1 064,18 Au F
17 1 357,77 1084,62 Cu F
"' ·-
'···- ------ ··-
- All substances except 3He are of natural isotopic composition ;
- (b) :
- e-H, is hydrogen at the equilibrium concentration of the ortho- and para-molecular forms.
- For advice on the realization of these various states, see «Supplementary Information for the ITS-90 ».
- Symbols have the following meanings : V : vapour pressure point; T : triple point (temperature at which the solid, liquid and vapour phases
. are in equilibrium); G: gas thermometer point; M, F: melting point, freezing point (temperature, at a pressure of 101 325 Pa, at which the solid
--.] and liquid phases are in equilibrium).
- T27
Effect of pressure on the temperatures of some defining fixed points *
The reference pressure for melting and freezing points is the standard atmosphere
(p0 101 325 Pa). For triple points (T) the pressure effect is a consequence only of the
hydrostatic head of liquid in the cell.
** Equivalent to millikelvins per standard atmosphere.
*** Equivalent to millikelvins per metre of liquid.
Values of the constants for the helium vapour pressure Eq. ( 3),
and the temperature range for which each equation, identified by
its set of constants, is valid
3 4 4
He He He
0,65 K to 3,2 K 1,25 K to 2,1768 K 2,1768 K to 5,0 K
Published in the Proces-verbaux du Comite International des Poids et Mesures, 78th meeting, 1989
- T28
3.2.1. From 4,2 K to the triple point of neon {24,5561 K) with 4He
as the thermometric gas
3.2.2. From 3,0 K to the triple point of neon {24,5561 K) with 3He
or 4He as the thermometric gas
For a 3He gas thermometer, and for a 4He gas thermometer used
below 4,2 K, the non-ideality of the gas must be accounted for explicitly,
using the appropriate second virial coefficient B3 (T90 ) or B4 (T90 ). In this
range T90 is defined by the relation :
For 3He,
Published in the Proces-verbaux du Comite International des Poids et Mesures, 78th meeting, 1989
- T29
The accuracy with which T90 can be realized using Eqs. (4) and (5)
depends on the design of the gas thermometer and the gas density
used. Design criteria and current good practice required to achieve a
selected accuracy are given in « Supplementary Information for the
ITS-90 ».
( ) Note that this definition of W(T90 ) differs from the corresponding definition used
in the ITS-27, ITS-48, IPTS-48 and IPTS-68: for all of these earlier scales W(T) was
defined in terms of a reference temperature of 0 ·c, which since 1954 has itself been
defined as 273,15 K.
Published in the Prod:s-verbaux du Comite International des Poids et Mesures, 78th meeting, 1989
- T30
15 w (T,90)1/6
[ 0 65Ji
T,90 /273' 16 K = B0 + .L_.
"B I
' 0 35- '
• (9 b)
t=l '
The values of the constants A0 , A;, B0 and B; are given in Table IV.
A thermometer may be calibrated for use throughout this range or,
using progressively fewer calibration points, for ranges with low
temperature limits of 24,5561 K, 54,3584 K and 83,8058 K, all having
an upper limit of 273,16 K.
W,(T90) = Co +;
[T /K-
· (10 a)
T90 jK - 273,15 = D0 + ;'S D; [W,(T 1,64 90) - 2,64];
· (10 b)
The values of the constants C0 , C;, D0 and D; are given in Table IV.
A thermometer may be calibrated for use throughout this range or,
using fewer calibration points, for ranges with upper limits of 660,323 oc,
Published in the Proces-verbaux du Comite International des Poids et Mesures, 78th meeting, 1989
- T31-
Platinum resistance thermometer
The constants A0 , A; ; B0 , B; ; C0, C; ; D0 and D 1 in the reference function
of equations (9 a); (9 b); (10 a); and (10 b) respectively
419,527 oc, 231,928 oc, 156,5985 oc or 29,7646 oc, all having a lower
limit of 0 oc.
Published in the Proces-verbaux du Comite International des Poids et Mesures, 78th meeting, 1989
if' Deviation functions and calibration points for platinum resistance thermometers
in the various ranges in which they define T90
s· (a) Ranges with an upper limit of 273,16 K
Lower Deviation functions Calibration points**
I 3.3.1 13,803 3 K a [W(T90)-1] + b [W(T9o)-I]Z + c, [In W (T9o)J'+ ", n = 2 2 to 9
..., i=l
d = 0 8 to IO
660,323 'C ; the values of a, b and c thus obtained are retained for t 90 660,323 'C,
;":': with d being determined from calibration point 15.
. ** See Table I.
- T33
(') This deviation function {and also those of Eqs (13) and (14)} may be expressed
in terms of W, rather than W; ·for this procedure see « Supplementary Information for
ITS-90 ».
Published in the Proces-verbaux du Comite International des Poids et Mesures, 78th meeting, 1989
- T34
Published in the Proces-verbaux du Comite International des Poids et Mesures, 78th meeting, 1989
- T35
Published in the Prod:s-verbaux du Comite International des Poids et Mesures, 78th meeting, 1989
- T36
3.4. The range above the freezing point of silver (961,78 °C}: Planck
radiation law
where T90 (X) refers to any one of the silver {T90 (Ag) = 1 234,93 K},
the gold {T90 (Au) = 1 337,33 K} or the copper {T90 (Cu) = 1 357,77 K}
freezing points (4 ) and in which L?c(T90 ) and L?c[T90 (X)] are the spectral
concentrations of the radiance of a blackbody at the wavelength (in
vacuo) A. at T90 and at T90 (X) respectively, and c2 = 0,014388m·K.
For practical details and current good practice for optical pyrometry,
see « Supplementary Information for the ITS-90 ».
( ) The T90 values of the freezing points of silver, gold and copper are believed to
be self consistent to such a degree that the substitution of any one of them in place of
one of the other two as the reference temperature T90 (X) will not result in significant
differences in the measured values of T90 •
*See Monography BIPM/1990.
Published in the Proces-verbaux du Comite International des Poids et Mesures, 78th meeting, 1989
- T37
(.) 0\
0 -
0 C'l
Published in the Prod:s-verbaux du Comite International des Poids et Mesures, 78th meeting, 1989
0.. Differences between ITS-90 and EPT-76, and between ITS-90 and IPTS-68 for specified values of T 90 and t 90
g. (T9o - T16)jmK
T9o/K 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(T9o - T6s)/K
(t9o - t6s)/'C
(") t9o/'C 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
0 0,000 - 0,002 - 0,005 - 0,007 - 0,010 - 0,013 - 0,016 - 0,018 - 0,0021 - 0,024
& 100 - 0,026 - 0,028 - 0,030 - 0,032 - 0,034 - 0,036 - 0,037 - 0,038 - 0,039 - 0,039
200 - 0,040 0,040 - 0,040 - 0,040 - 0,040 - 0,040 - 0,040 - 0,039 - 0,039 - 0,039
300 - 0,039 - 0,039 - 0,039 - 0,040 - 0,040 - 0,041 - 0,042 - 0,043 - 0,045 .....,
- 0,046
400 - 0,048 - 0,051 - 0,053 - 0,056 - 0,059 - 0,062 - 0,065 - 0,068 - 0,072 - om5 1 1.0
500 - 0,079 - 0,083 - 0,087 - 0,090 - 0,094 - 0,098 - 0,101 - 0,105 - 0,108 - 0,112
;::;: 600 - 0,115 - 0,118 - 0,122 - 0,125* - 0,08 - 0,03 0,02 0,06 0,11 0,16
700 0,20 0,24 0,28 0,31 0,33 0,35 0,36 0,36 0,36 0,35
800 0,34 0,32 0,29 0,25 0,22 0,18 0,14 0,10 0,06 0,03
:;::, 900 - 0,01 -0,03 - 0,06 - 0,08 - 0,10 - 0,12 - 0,14 - 0,16 - 0,17 - 0,18
· 1000 - 0,19 - 0,20 - 0,21 - 0,22 - 0,23 - 0,24 - 0,25 - 0,25 - 0,26 - 0,26
t9o(C 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
1000 - 0,26 - 0,30 - 0,35 - 0,39 -0,44 - 0,49 -0,54 - 0,60 - 0,66
- 2 000
3 000
- 0,72
- 1,50
- 1,59
- 0,85
- 1,69
- 0,93
- 1,78
- 1,00
- 1,89
- 1,07
- 1,99
- 1,15
- 2,10
- 1,24
- 2,21
- 1,32
- 2,32
- 1,41
- 2,43
* A discontinuity in the first derivative of (t 90 - t 68 ) occurs at a temperature of t90 = 630,6 'C, at which (t90 - t68 ) = - 0,125 'C.
- T40-
Published in the Proces-verbaux du Comite International des Poids et Mesures, 78th meeting, 1989
- T41-
Published in the Proces-verbaux du Comite International des Poids et Mesures, 78th meeting, 1989
- T42-
Published in the Proces-verbaux du Comite International des Poids et Mesures, 78th meeting, 1989
Imprime en France
Published in the Proces-verbaux du Comite International des Poids et Mesures, 78th meeting, 1989