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TOPIC 2 Kinematics

1 The graph shows how the velocity of a car changes with 5 The graph shows part of a car journey.


o 10 20 30
Which of the following can be deduced from the graph?
A The car decelerates until it stops. What distance is travelled by the car in the first ten seconds?
B The car first decelerates and then moves with a steady A 10m
velocity. BlOOm
C The car accelerates uniformly. C 150m
D The car accelerates at an increasing rate. D 200m
E The car first accelerates and then moves with a steady E 400m J911I12
velocity. J90/1/2
6 A small stone is dropped from the top of a ladder and falls to
2 A girl weighing 400 N takes 4 s to run up the stairs shown the ground.
in the diagram.
Which speed/time graph shows how the stone's speed varies?

3m A ,poe',V time

What is her average speed?

A 0.75 mls D 1.33 mls B 'P"",V"'-­
B 0.8 mls E 12 mls time
C 1.25 mls J901117

3 A cyclist riding at a speed of 5 mls braked with uniform

acceleration and stopped in 3 ffi.
How long did she take to stop?
c 'p""k1

1.33 s
3.0 s
7.5 s
D ' ' ' ,Ld""'------''::-tim-e---+

4 The
graph shows how the speed of an object changes with
E speedJ~ J9111/3

7 During a thunderstorm, an observer sees a lightning flash.

speed 6 seconds later he hears the thunder. The speed of sound
is 330 mls.
Approximately how far away is the observer from the

A If20 km D 2km
B If3 km E 30km
Which section of the graph shows the object moving with an
increasing acceleration? N90/l/3 C 1J2 km N911I13

2 Kinematics 21 '0' Physics Topical Paper

8 A body is allowed to fall from rest through air. It reaches its 11 An Eskimo is pulling a sledge across level snow. The sledge
terminal velocity. has a mass of 25 kg. The Eskimo pulls with a horizontal
force of 60 N and the constant force of friction is 20 N.
Which graph shows how the speed of the body changes with
time? What is the acceleration of the sledge?
A B c A 0.080 mls2 D 1.8 mls2
speed speed speed
B 0.625 m/sl E 3.2 mls 2


C 1.6 mls2 J93/[/7

12 Sand was dropped from a stationary hot-air balloon at a

height of 2000 metres.
lime time time
Which statement best describes the fall of the sand to the
c D
speed speed

A The speed increases uniformly all the way.

B The speed increases and then remains constant.

C The speed remains constant all the way.

D The speed decreases and then remains constant.

lime time J921I12 J941113

9 Below is a speed-time graph for a car. 13 When someone on Earth drops a rock, it accelerates at about
10 m/s2. When a rock is dropped on the Moon, the rock
25 accelerates at about 1.6 m/s 2.
20 Which diagram shows the speed-time graphs for rocks
dropped on the Earth and on the Moon?
speed! 15
mls A B
10 Earth

10 20 30 40 50 - - - - Moon
time/s time time

What is the acceleration of the car when the time is 30 s? C D

A Om/s2 D 20 mls2

B 25 - 5 mls2
E 25 mls 2 "a.'"'"

C ~m/s2
-- --

10 After a parachutist has been falling for I minute, his
parachute opens.
14 A car accelerates from rest. The acceleration gradually
Which graph best shows how his speed varies with time?
Which graph shows how the speed of the car changes?

.~oo~ ,,,oo~

B 'p'w
e 1 minute time

E ~~v:~-
1 minute time

o time 0 time

1 minute time 1 minute time

1 minute time

2 Kinematics' 22 '0' Physics Topical Paper

15 A body falls from rest through air until it reaches its terminal
speed in
c speed in

velocity. mls mls

How can the acceleration of the body during the fall be
20 20 0 l L
A constant at 0 mls 2
10 10
B constant at 10 mls2
C decreases from 10 mls 2 to 0 mls 2 o 0
o 5 10 0 5 10 J97/I13
D increases from 0 m/s2 to 10 mls 2 J95/113 time in s time in s

16 Two similar cricket balls are released from a 20 m tower at 20 Acceleration can be calculated using
the same time. One falls from the top, the other from half
way up, as shown. A average speed x time.

•,r----.---. B change in velocity 1 time .

C distance 1 time.

tower D force x mass. N971l/3

-,--e 20m 21 The speed of a body during 20 s of motion is represented by

the speed-time graph shown.

Which quantity is the same for both balls? mls


A acceleration
B final speed
C increase in velocity
D time of travel N95/I12 5 10 15 20
17 A ball falls freely (with no air resistance) near the surface of Which distance does the body travel during this motion?
the Earth.
A 200m C 300m
Which quantity remains constant? B 250m D 400m N981I12
A acceleration
B distance travelled in 1 s 22 Why does an object falling in the Earth's gravitational field
C speed reach a steady velocity?
D velocity J96nt3, June 2000/112 A Air resistance increases with increase of velocity.
B The Earth's gravitational field decreases as the object
18 What must be changing when a body is accelerating falls.
C The mass of the object remains constant.
A the force acting on the body D The weight of the object increases as it falls. N99/1/2
B the mass of the body
C the speed of the body 23 A car starts from rest and is uniformly accelerated to a speed
D the velocity of the body N96/112 of 30 mls in 6 s.

19 A skier is travelling downhill. The acceleration on hard 30

snow is 4 mls 2 and on soft snow is 2 mls 2.

speed V

Which graph shows the motion of the skier when moving

from hard snow to soft snow? /"
A B 10
speed in speed in


m/s m/s

o ./

o 2 3 4 5 6
10 10 What is the distance travelled by the car?
o 0 A 5m C 90m
o 5 10 0 5 10
time in s time in s B 30m D 180m N99nt3

2 Kinematics 23 '0' Physics Topical Paper

24 Oil drips at a constant rate from a moving car. The diagram 28 A ramp is inclined to the horizontal at a fixed angle x and is
shows the pattern of the drips on a road. 6.0 m long, as shown in the diagram.

• • • • ·..... a: [bJ ~
. O"'~
direction of movement
~6. .

Which statement describes the motion of the car? o . x

A It accelerated and then moved at a steady speed. A ball was placed on the ramp, a measured distance d
B It accelerated and then slowed down. from the point 0 and allowed to roll, without slipping, from
C It moved at a steady speed and then slowed down. rest to the point O. The time taken, t, was recorded. The
D It moved at a steady speed and then accelerated. experiment was repeated for a number of different distances
J200011/3 d, the corresponding times t were found and values of t 2
calculated. The results are recorded in the table below.
25 The graph shows the speed of a car as it moves from rest.
dim 0.90 1.70 2.80 3.90 4.80
What is the average speed of the car during the first 3 s?
t2/s2 0.86 1.62 2.67 3.71 4.57
Plot a graph of d (along the y-axis) against t2 (along the
speed 9 x-axis), making sure that the y-axis covers the range of
values of d from 0 to 7 m and that the x-axis covers the range
6 of values of t2 from 0 to 6 s2.

3 Determine b, the gradient of the graph, showing clearly how

you obtain the value. The acceleration of the ball down the
0 slope is equal to 2b; state your value for this acceleration.
0 2 3 time/s 4 What would be the effect on the value of the acceleration of
A 4m1s C 18 mls increasing the angle x and repeating the experiment'?
B 6m1s D 36m1s N20001112 By suitably extending the graph, find the time it would take
the ball to roll down the whole 6 m length of the ramp.
26 The diagram shows a strip of paper tape that has been pulled
under a vibrating arm by an object moving at constant speed. Suggest a method of measuring the distance, d, rolled down
The arm is vibrating regularly, making 50 dots per second. the slope by the ball in this experiment in such a way as to
obtain the greatest accuracy. J80/11IIIIA
I- ~I
29 (a) A flat puck lies at rest on a flat, horizontal surface.
I• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
The contact between the puck and the surface may be
What was the speed of the object? regarded as frictionless.
A 2.0cmls C lOOcmls A steady horizontal force F, of magnitude 0.50 N is
B 5.0cmls D 200cmls N2000/l/3 applied to the puck, the mass of which is O. 10 kg. The
force acts on the puck for a time of 3.0 s and then
27 The diagram shows the speed-time graph for the motion of a ceases to act.
body. Determine the distance the body travels
(i) Determine the acceleration of the puck while the
Speed force is acting on it.
inmls 4
(ii) Determine the speed of the puck at the end of the
3 3. Os.
) 1\
\ (iii)
1V r-­ 20

0 0 :0 I f 10 110 110 1: 0 Speed

"""'" Time in s inm/s 15

(a) during the initial acceleration, 10

(b) When travelling at constant speed. 5
Estimate the distance the body travels during the 40 s which o,~ __~__~__~__~~__L -__~Tlme
2 4 6 8 10 12 ins
it takes to come to rest. J791112

2 Kinematics 24· '0' Physics Topical Paper

Draw, using the axes shown, a speed-time graph Detennine

for the motion of the puck, starting at the instant
(i) the time taken to reach the far bank,
the force is first applied and ending 12.0 slater.
(ii) the distance from B at which he reaches the bank.
From the graph, or otherwise, find the distance JS2lI1I
the puck has travelled in the 12 s.
(b) The diagram below illustrates a situation in which two 32 A car travels at a constant speed of 15 mls for S.O s and is
horizontal forces, of magnitude 0.5 Nand 1.0 N, act, at then brought to rest in 4.0 s by a constant braking force. On
a point, in directions at right angles to each other. The the axes below, draw a graph to show how the speed of the
diagram is drawn to scale; 100 mm represents 1.0 N. car varies with time. Detennine the total distance travelled
by the car in this period of 12 s.

i~: ~

1.0 N
Complete the scale drawing to detennine the magnitude 00 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 time in s
of the resultant of the two forces.

30 (a) A lead mass is held stationary at a point X above the

33 A driver accelerates his car from rest. The speed-time graph
Earth's surface and is then allowed to fall freely. The for the first 2.0 s of the motion is shown in the diagram.
height of X is such that the mass takes more than 3 s to Initially, the acceleration is constant but soon decreases.
reach the ground. speed in
Plot a graph showing the speed of the falling mass
mls 6
against time for the first 3.0 s of the motion. Assume S
that air resistance can be neglected and that the 4 f..' "'"""
acceleration of free fall is 10 mls 2. 3 V
~r-~--~---+---r- o time in seconds
speed (a) Indicate on the graph the limit of the period of unifonn
in mls 20 r-.......,I--~I--~I----f-
10 r-~I--~I----i'---f- (b) From the graph,

o I....----'__---I._ _
(i) find the magnitude of the initial acceleration,
2 3 4 time in s (ii) estimate the distance travelled by the car in the
(b) When the lead mass is released from a different point
first 2.0 s of its motion,
P, it strikes a metal plate directly below P I.S s after (iii) calculate the work done by the force driving the
starting to fall. Using your graph or otherwise, find the car forwards in the first 2.0 s of the motion, given
height of the point P above the metal plate. that this force is constant at 3000 N.
(e) Why would it be unsatisfactory to use a stopwatch to (e) Suggest a reason why the acceleration is not
detennine this time interval? maintained at its initial magnitude even though the
driving force is constant. JS3/II1I
(d) Draw a labelled diagram of an experimental
arrangement which is satisfactory for measuring this
34 A car accelerates unifonnly from rest to a speed of 15.0 mls
time interval. NSllII/2
in 10.0 s: after travelling at this constant speed for 16.0 s,
it is brought to rest with unifonn retardation in 6.0 s. Find the
31 A river that is40m wide flows at 0.4 mls in the direction shown.
total distance the car travels in this motion.
A man sets out from A in a rowing boat heading in the direction
AB. His speed through the water is O.SO mls.
35 The diagram shows apparatus which was used to investigate
B the fall of a small soft-iron ball B, initially held by an
electromagnet. When the switch SI is changed quickly, from
0.40 mls contact X to contact Y, the ball falls and an electronic clock,
C, is started. When the ball hits switch S2 the timing circuit
A is broken and the clock stops.

2 Kinematics 25 '0' Physics Topical Paper


y ~
B Fig. 1 N851IUl(a)

38 A body is accelerated uniformly from rest and in the first

8.0 s of its motion it travels 20 m. Calculate
(i) the average speed for this period of 8 S,
(ii) the speed at the end ofthis period,
(iii) the acceleration. N871I11

c' 39 (a) The motion of a hot air balloon during an interval A to

E after it began to rise from the ground is illustrated by
The vertical distance x, through which the ball falls before the graph below.
opening S2' is measured and t, the time of fall noted.
(a) On the diagram mark x, the vertical distance through
which B falls. speed
(b) The experiment was repeated for five different values
of x. For each value of x three trials were conducted
and the average time of fall, t a, determined. L-----~~------~--~~~time
Construct a table in which the observations could be
recorded and ta displayed. Describe the motion of the balloon
(c) How would you measure x, to the nearest mm, when (i) during the interval A to B,
it is in the range 0.500 m to 0.900 m? J851IIIU2 (ii) during the interval C to D,

36 Explain the meanings of the terms velocity and acceleration (iii) at time E. [4]
of a moving body. Draw graphs of velocity against time for (b) When the balloon was stationary at a height of 25 m
the first 5.0 s of the motion of: above the ground, a metal sphere was dropped. The
(a) a body A moving with a uniform velocity of 4.5 mls sphere accelerated uniformly as it fell to the ground.
An observer, noted that it took 2.0 s for the sphere to
(b) a body B which has an initial velocity 4.0 mls and a
reach the ground.
uniform acceleration, in the same direction, of 2.0 mls 2.
Calculate values for
Using your graph, or otherwise, determine the distance
travelled by B in the 5.0 s. (i) the average speed of the sphere as it fell,
Describe a laboratory experiment to measure the acceleration (ii) the maximum speed of the sphere,
of a moving body. Draw a labelled diagram of the arrange­ (iii) the acceleration of the sphere as it fell.
ment of apparatus, state what readings are taken and show
how the acceleration is calculated from the observations. In the light of your value for the acceleration, suggest
in what way the original observations may have been
In an experiment using failing bodies, a student measured the faulty. [6] J88/1Ul
acceleration of free fall of a steel ball using a vertical
distance of 2.0 m. He repeated his experiment using a 40 Fig. 2 shows the speed-time graph for a child on a swing.
distance of 20.0 m to see if the acceleration remained
constant. 6
What do you think the result of his experiment would be?
If ~
Give a reason for your answer. J85/Im

37 (a) State what is meant by acceleration.

speedl 3
/ \
Fig. 1 illustrates a slide such as may be found in a 2
/ \
children's playroom.
Describe clearly how you would measure the
o / \
acceleration of a metal block sliding down the section o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
~ ~2 timels

2 Kinematics 26 '0' Physics Topical Paper

(a) Write down: The car takes 2.0 s to pass the point P.
(i) the maximum speed, 10.0 s later the car has just passed the point Q.
(ii) the time at which the maximum speed occurs. [1] The car takes 0.40 s to pass point Q.
(b) (i) On the graph, mark with a cross one point at (a) Calculate
which the magnitude of the acceleration of the
(i) the average speed of the car as it passes P,
child is a maximum. Label this point 'M'.
Speed at P= ..........................................................

(ii) Mark one point at which the acceleration is zero.

Label this point 'Z'. [2] (ii) the average speed of the car as it passes Q,
(c) Estimate the distance travelled by the child in 1.2 s. [2] Speed at Q =.........................................................

(d) Describe briefly the changes in acceleration during the (iii) the average acceleration of the car between P
period shown on the graph. [2] andQ.
Acceleration =.................................................. [5]

41 The graph shows the variation of speed with time of a (b) (i) Estimate the distance between P and Q.
runner over the first 0.5 s of a particular run.
Distance between P and Q = ............................... .

8 y­ (ii) What assumption did you make when you

6 estimated the distance between P and Q? [3]
v / J93/TI/I
mls 4 /
44 Figure 4 is a graph showing the variation of the speed v
2 of an object with time t, as the object falls through the air.
00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 tIs 20
For this part of the run, 16
(a) determine the maximum speed of the runner, v
mls 12
(b) describe briefly how the acceleration of the runner 8
/ Fig. 4
(c) estimate the distance travelled by the runner. [6]
N91III/l o
o 4 8 12 16 20 24
42 Students, investigating motion down an inclined plane, tIs
measure the speed of a steel ball at one second intervals after (a) Write down the speed of the object when its
the ball starts to roll from rest down one such plane: acceleration is

I time in s 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00

(i) at its maximum value, Speed =..............

I speed in mls 0.00 0.60 1.20 1.80

(ii) at its minimum value. Speed = ......... [2]

(a) Calculate the average acceleration over the first 3.00 (b) Write down the minimum value of the acceleration
seconds. [2] of the object. [I]

(b) Calculate the average speed over the first 3.00 seconds. (c) Estimate the distance travelled by the object in the
first 2.0 seconds. Show your working clearly l3]
(c) What was the distance travelled by the ball in the first
3.00 seconds? [l] 4S Figure 5.2 shows the variation of speed v with time t of a
(d) How do the numbers in the table show that the child sitting on the end of a see-saw (see Fig. 5.1), for one
acceleration was constant? [I] complete up-and-down motion.

43 A car of length 6.0 m accelerates from rest along a straight

level road as shown in Fig. 3. ~====,O

Fig. 3 a Fig. 5.1

2 Kinematics 27 '0' Physics Topical Paper

vI (m/s) Figure 7 shows an experimental arrangement for
determining the speed of the jet of water emitted by a
horizontal nozzle. A large vertical sheet of graph paper is
1.0 placed behind the jet.

0.5 The horizontal displacement x and the vertical displacement

y of a number of points along the jet are measured.
o (a) Explain why the path of the water jet
o 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 tis
Fig. 5.2 (i) is horizontal close to the nozzle,

(a) What is the maximum speed of the child? (ij) gets more nearly vertical as it moves away from
the nozzle.
Maximum speed = ........................ [I]

(The horizontal motion of a body is not affected by its

(b) Estimate the distance moved by the child during the vertical motion.) [4]
first 1.0 s.
(b) The Table gives one set of corresponding values of
Distance moved = ............................................... [4] x andy.
xlm 0 0.400 0.500 0.600 0.700 0.800
46 A woodworking machine is turned using a belt-drive from
an electric motor. Figure 6 shows the motor pulley, the belt
ylm 0 0.120 0.200 0.300 0.390 0.520
and the machine pulley. The belt does not slip on either
pulley. Theory suggests that y and x are related by the equation
y= kx2,
where k is a constant.
machine pulley
(i) Draw up a table showing corresponding values of
motor pulley x2 andy.
(ii) Plot a graph of y (y-axis) against x 2 (x-axis). [5]
Fig. 6
(c) Theory also suggests that k, the gradient of the graph. is
(a) The diameter of the motor pulley is 12.0 cm; the
given by
diameter of the machine pulley is 30.0 cm. The motor
pulley rotates in a clockwise direction at a constant rate k=~
2u2 '
of 30 revolutions per second.
where g = the acceleration of free fall and u = the
Calculate horizontal speed of the jet.
(i) the circumference of the motor pulley, Determine
(ii) the speed of the belt in mls. (i) the gradient of your graph.
Circumference of motor pulley = ........................
(ii) a value for u, taking the value of g to be 10 mls2•
Speed of belt = ............................ [4]
(b) (i) State the direction of rotation of the machine
48 Figure 8 shows the variation of speed v with time t at the
Direction of rotation of machine pulley ............... .
beginning of a bicycle ride.
(ii) State and explain whether the machine pulley will 6.0
rotate more quickly or less quickly than the motor
pulley. J95/11/1 5.0
/ --­
47 4.0
:::~_~_:_ ,horizontal nozzle vl(mls) /
vertical board 3.0

I Fig. 8
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Fig. 7 tis

2 Kinematics 28 '0' Physics Topical Paper

(a) Describe the variation of the acceleration of the bicycle (c) The mass of the trolley is 1.4 kg and that of the
w~ti~ ~ mass-hanger is 15 g. The gravitational force on a mass
of 1.0 kg is 10 N. Name and determine the
(b) Use the graph to determine
magnitude of each of the four external forces acting on
(i) the speed at t = 5.00 s, the trolley after it has been given the initial push. You
(ii) the acceleration at t = 5.00 s, may give your answers in any order. [2]
(iii) the approximate distance travelled in the first
5.00s. 51 Fig. 10 shows the variation of speed u with time t of a ball
speed =......... acceleration =......... distance =............ [4]
thrown vertically upwards into the air. Only the first 0.4 s
N95/II/1 of the graph has been plotted. In this question, air resistance
can be neglected.
49 (a) A small steel ball, dropped from rest, takes 0.50 s to
fall through a vertical distance of 1.25 m. Determine 6~
(i) the average speed of the ball,
-y- 4 I'\...

(ii) the actual speed of the ball when it has fallen (m/s) I "­
through a vertical distance of 1.25 m, assuming Fig. 10
that the acceleration is constant,
(iii) the value of that acceleration. [4] 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
(b) An object dropped from an aircraft flying horizontally
takes 20 s to reach a constant vertical speed of 100 mls. (a) State what is meant by the speed of the ball. [1]

(i) In the space below, using labelled and scaled (b) Complete Fig. 10 to show the variation of the speed u
axes, sketch a graph to show the variation of the with time t between t = 0.4 sand t = 1.2 s. [2]
object's vertical speed with time over the first (c) State the value of the time when the ball is at its highest
25 s of the fall; label this graph 'T'. point above the ground. [1]
(ii) On the same axes, sketch a graph of the (d) Determine the vertical distance covered by the ball in
variation of speed of any object falling freely the first 0.4 s of its motion. [3]
(i.e. neglecting air resistance) from rest to a speed J98/Wl
of 100 mls; label this graph 'F'. The acceleration
of free fall is 10 mls 2• [4] 52 A parachutist jumps from an aircraft and falls through the
J96/II/l air. After some time, the parachute opens.
50 Fig. 9 shows a trolley being pulled along a horizontal bench speed 50
by means of the tension T in the thread fastened to the front mls 40
/" \
of the trolley. The other end of the thread is attached to a
mass-hanger. 30 ./ c 1
friction-free 20 / \
T pulley I B \
horizontal bench
o ~ r-­
o 2 4 6 a. II} 12 14­ 16 1e
Fig. 11

Fig. 9 Fig. II shows how the speed of the parachutist varies with
A group of students times the motion of the trolley after
(a) Describe the motion of the parachutist between A and
it has been given a small initial push. They obtain the
following data. ~ m
(b) State the value of the terminal velocity before and after
distance travelledlm 0.60 1.20 1.80 the parachute opens.
before parachute opens, terminal velocity = ..................

time Is 2.2 4.6 6.4

after parachute opens, terminal velocity = ................. [1]

(a) Describe, in a few words, the motion of the trolley. (c) Calculate the average value of the acceleration between
Justify your answer. [3] Band C. [2]
(b) Determine the average speed of the trolley. [2]

2 Kinematics 29 '0' Physics Topical Paper

ANSWERS (iii) 23 m
49. (a) (i) 2.50 m/s (ii) 5 m/s
I. E 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B (iii) 10 m/s
6. C 7. D 8. A 9. A to. E 50. (b) 0.28 m/s
II. C 12. B 13. D 14. D 15. C (e) Wt. of trolley = 14 N
16. A 17. A 18. D 19. C 20. B Tension = 0.15 N
21. C 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. B Friction =0.15 N
26. C Reaction = 14 N
27. (a) 30m (b) 150m ,~30 m 51. (e) 0.6 s (d) 1.6 m
28. 2
2.0 m/s ; t= 2.4 s 52. (b) 50 m/s; 5 m/s (e) 4.75 m/s 2
39. (a) (i) 5 m/s2 (ii) 15 m/s
(iii) 157.5 m
(b) UN
30. (b) 16.2m
31. (i) 50 s (ii) 20m
32. 150m
33. (a) 4.0m/s
(b) (i) 2.7 m/s2 (ii) 5.3m
(iii) 15.9 kJ
34. 360m
36. 45m
38. (i) 2.5 m/s (ii) 5.0 m/s
(iii) 0.625 m/s 2
39. (b) (i) 12.5 m/s (ii) 25 m/s
(iii) 12.5 m/s 2
40. (a) (i) 6 m/s (ii) 0.6 s
(e) 4m
41. (a) 8 m/s (e) 2.35m
42. (a) 0.6 m/s (b) 0.9 m/s
(e) 2.7m
43. (a) (i) 3 m/s (ii) 15 m/s
(iii) 1.2 m/s 2
(b) (i) 90m
44. (a) (i) 0 (ii) 20m/s
(b) 0 (e) 8m
45. (a) 1.2 m/s (b) 0.96m
46. (a) (i) 37.7 cm (ii) 11.3 m/s
(b) (i) Clockwise
47. (e) (i) 0.8m- i (ii) 2.5 m/s
48. (b) (i) 6.0 m/s (ii) 0

2 Kinematics 30 '0' Physics Topical Paper

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