Re-Creating Vintage Designs On T-Shirts: Michael Ploch
Re-Creating Vintage Designs On T-Shirts: Michael Ploch
Re-Creating Vintage Designs On T-Shirts: Michael Ploch
Michael Ploch
A client approached me recently with a shirt that he had printed. The printed design
looked like it was produced by the old method of cutting out the design with an
X-ACTO® knife to make each screen color. The client wanted to change the name yet
keep the overall design the same.
In a screen printing shop, we see this on a daily basis — someone bringing in an existing
design that needs to be re-created because it is not available in any type of electronic
format, or because the image quality is just not acceptable.
In this tutorial, I demonstrate how I use the many exceptional features in the
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite to get the job done.
Step 1: Layers
I start by taking a digital photograph of the shirt laid out as smoothly as possible, and
then I import the picture into CorelDRAW (see Figure 1).
Figure 1
I then open the Object Manager docker, create a new layer, and label it “JPG File.” I
will use the layering function quite a bit because I will create an overlay for all of the
elements to create the final design.
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Notice that I have turned off the outline color for the objects that represent the water
to provide a smooth transition of color between the different tint colors. (To turn off the
outline, select the object, and choose None from the Outline Width list box on the
property bar.)
Before moving on to the next step, I want to add a few pointers. As I did in Figures 5
and 6, turning off the JPG layer in the Object Manager makes it easier to see your work.
Also, Corel has brought back the PANTONE Transparent White color in version X3.
It’s almost a must for us screen printers when we create spot-color designs to have the
colors separated with CorelDRAW. Having the Transparent White helps us create a
design that looks correct on the screen and then separates so it can be printed.
Make sure that all of the colors in the Color Styles docker are PANTONE colors. If they
are not, open your PANTONE color palette and drag the corresponding PANTONE
color on top of the non-PANTONE color in the Color Styles docker. As your work
Figure 7
Figure 8
The design is coming to life. By using the Object Manager’s layering function, along
with the wire-frame view, I have been able to create an excellent copy of the original
JPG file. There is still more work ahead with some of the more complex elements of the
design — the boats and the compass. To re-create them, I use more of the great features
of CorelDRAW X3 and Corel PHOTO-PAINT® X3.
Figure 9
Using the Magic Wand selection tool and the eraser, I remove as much of the
background as possible (see Figure 10).
Figure 10
The next step is to print out a hard copy of the boat. Then, I use tracing paper to trace
a nice clean copy and scan it into CorelDRAW. Once I have the scanned image in
CorelDRAW, I use the trace function (Bitmaps ` Trace Bitmap) to create a nice, clean,
and smooth vector image of the boat (see Figure 11) that will allow me to convert the
colors to PANTONE colors.
Figure 12
I repeat this process for both boats and for the compass. See Figure 13 for the results.
Figure 14
The new Fit Text to Path feature lets me move and adjust the text to follow the
curvature of the circle. I select Text ` Fit Text to Path, and then move the arrow pointer
toward the circle until the text snaps to the path (see Figure 15).
Figure 16
The design work is now done. Every element has been re-created and placed to match
the original digital picture (see Figure 17).
Figure 17
Figure 18
With the Pick tool, I select all of the objects, and I convert the selection to a bitmap by
using the Grayscale 8-bit option, making sure that Anti-aliasing is turned off (see
Figure 19). After the selection is converted to a bitmap, the image appears as in Figure
Figure 19
To finish, I select Effects ` Transform ` Invert. This process creates a nice underbase
print that prints only under the lighter colors that need it, not under the black plate (see
Figure 20).
Figure 21