Fundamentals of Medical Astrology

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Chapter 13

Fundamentals of Medical Astrology

Since time immemorial, both medicine and astrology have constituted a way
of life in India. The ancient Indian scriptures passed on to the current generation
through the ages, contain profuse references to the system of medicine practiced in
ancient times; this system was known as Ayurveda, as well as to the highly evolved
system of astrology known as Vedic Astrology [Charak, 1994]. Both Astrology and
medicine were developed as a part of religion in ancient India. Principles of hygiene
and prevention of diseases were as much a part of the daily rituals as were those of
astrology applicable to a person’s mundane affairs.

13.1.1 Astrology and Medicine are Ancient

Astrology and medicine are both ancient forms of knowledge in India.
Puranas have stories of Lord Siva and his divine consort Parvati discussing astrology
and making astrological references to it. Stories of Ayurveda are legion too. Easy
accounts are available to Lord Siva transplanting the head of a baby elephant on his
own child, who came to be known as Ganesha. Also, Lord Siva transplanted the
head of a goat on the beheaded Daksha Prajapati, the father of his wife (Sati Devi),
who committed suicide in a fit of anger against her father. Sati Devi, eldest daughter
of Daksha Prajapati, married Lord Shiva without her father’s consent, in Gandharva
Style. Daksha Prajapati performed Yagna and had not invited Lord Shiva and his
consort Sati Devi. She went alone to attend Yagna, where her father ill-treated her
and Lord Shiva. She committed suicide by jumping into the Yagna Kunda. Ashwini
Kumaras are well-known as the physicians of Gods.

The fascinating story of the churning of oceans by the Gods and the Demons
brought forth divine physician, Dhanvantari, from whom the knowledge of healing
spread. Principles of medicine were well known to the Pandavas, especially to
Nakula and Sahadeva, the youngest twins (who were off springs of Aswani Kumara).
They knew principles of veterinary medicine too, which they employed to their full
advantage in the kingdom of King Virata, where they spent a year incognito.

Charaka and Sushruta, fathers of Indian Medicine and Indian Surgery,

respectively, came later. Even today, their principles remain useful. The method of
reconstruction of the nose as employed by plastic surgeons today worldwide, is the
same as the one employed by Sushruta thousands of years ago and is known as the
Indian Method of Rhinoplasty.
Jataka Mani Manjusha

13.1.2 Astrology and Medicine are Inseparable

Vedic Astrology is unique from another point of view also. It advocates
remedial measures in the form of propitiation of Planets in the event of an
untoward planetary combination. There are three main systems of medicine today,
namely Allopathic, Homeopathic and Ayurvedic Medicine. The most prevalent is
Allopathic Medicine, which is based on the principle of treating an illness by medicine
which would produce results opposite to those produced by the disease. It is based
on sound scientific principles and has the greatest acceptance. Its practitioners have
an open mind to all new ideas, as is expected of scientists, and this is the reason for
excellent progress in this subject. Homeopathic Medicine is based on the principle of
treating an illness by medicine which would normally produce results same as those
produced by the disease itself; surgery is a not constituent of this system of medicine.
Ayurvedic Medicine is the most ancient system of medicine in India; ayurveda literally
means the science of life. It is a separate system of medicine that encompasses both
Allopathic Medicine and Homeopathic Medicine.

Astrology, Allopathic Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine and the present day

version of Ayurvedic Medicine have their strengths and limitations. The wisest
recourse lies on realizing the limitations of each and using them to compliment each
other and not antagonistic to each other. Only then, they can be used to benefit the
human kind.

13.1.3 Relevance of Medical Astrology today

The term Medical Astrology at once brings to mind two points, namely:
(1) Occurrence of disease or disturbance of one’s ease; and
(2) Role of Astrology as applied to diseases.
According to Charaka Samhita (the classical text on Indian System of Medicine), mind
and body are abodes of disease. This definition of Charaka Samhita, should suffice in
the current context. Here, consideration of disease includes both physical and mental
diseases. Also, physical disease includes accidents, which means application of
sudden, excessive, generally external force causing a disruption of a body

13.1.4 Ancient Literature on Medical Astrology

Significant amount of literature is available on Astrology, but only scanty
literature on Medical Astrology. The present day works on Medical Astrology are
deficient in many ways; often, references to medical astrology in classical works are
too generalized and not applicable to individual horoscopes. The reason for this
deficiency is that, in general, astrologers are not trained in medicine and the best of
them may not have adequate understanding of the functioning of the human body.

Chapter 13: Medical Astrology

Another reason for this deficiency is that medical doctors are not astrologers.
Until recently, persons from medical fraternity had not shown much inclination
towards astrology, though the times are fast changing. Today, it is essential that
medical persons study astrology with interest; medical astrology should not be left
in the hands of non-medical persons. Also, understanding of diseases according to
modern system of Allopathic Medicine is different from that in the ancient system of
Ayurvedic Medicine. The classical texts use only the standard Ayurveda terminology,
which are difficult to translate into the modern system of Allopathic Medicine. Thus,
it is not going to be easy to undertake research in medical astrology to demonstrate
that astrology is of use to modern medicine.

13.1.5 Important Aspects of Diseases

A medical astrologer may consider the following factors, while studying a
horoscope chart from the standpoint of diseases:
(1) Timing (or time of onset) of disease;
(2) Diagnosis (or nature) of disease;
(3) Severity (and outcome) of disease; and
(4) Treatment of disease.
These factors are equally important to medical astrologers as well as to the person
consulting or the patient. Each is briefly discussed in this sub-section.

(a) Timing of Disease

This is a strong area of an astrologer. A good astrologer, on examining an
horoscope, should be able to indicate the time when a person is liable to fall ill.
This may help in taking some preventive steps, especially the astrological
remedial measures, to forestall the malady. For a medical person, it is not
possible to predict a future illness. Heredity diseases may be expected to occur
in some blood relatives of the person. The current medical knowledge cannot
predict with any degree of accuracy as to which of the relatives of the person
will suffer that disease and when he/she will contact that disease.

(b) Diagnosis of Disease

This is a weak area for an astrologer. To be sound in this, requires significant
research by the medical person proficient in astrology. Diagnosis of a disease is
the strongest area of the medical person with all sophisticated investigations at
his disposal to assist him.

Jataka Mani Manjusha

(c) Severity of Disease

The person consulting or the patient is concerned naturally about the
severity of an ailment and its outcome. Generally, a medical practitioner of
today’s times, with his sound knowledge, will be able to accurately decipher the
possible course of an ailment in a patient. An astute astrologer too should be
able to indicate the severity and outcome of an illness fairly accurately,
sometimes perhaps better than the medical practitioner.

(d) Treatment of Disease

There is no doubt that today’s medical remedies are far superior to and more
reliable than any astrological remedy. But, astrology can help in two ways.
Firstly, when adverse planetary influences indicate the occurrence of an ailment
at a future date, and understandably medical science has no clue about it,
resorting to propitiation of Planets as a remedial astrological measure may be
undertaken. Secondly, astrology can sometime indicate whether or not surgical
intervention is going to help and when. In addition, it is possible that a sound
astrologer may be able to point to a diseased organ or region when the medical
person is finding it difficult to locate the site of illness; without doubt, this
happens only frequently.

In conclusion, medical astrology is a relatively new subject today. There are

many challenging opportunities for research. The known basic principles of classical
astrology have to be extended into unknown areas of medical science. In the pages
that follow, an attempt is made to approach the subject in a scientific manner, taking
help from the classical texts and applying their principles to diseases as it is
understood in the modern terms. It is hoped that medical astrology would some
day be of help to the medical profession.


A horoscope is chart of planetary positions at a specific time. When cast, it
consists of three main parts, namely Houses, Signs and Planets. The Houses, Signs
(or Rasis), the anatomy of chart, the Planets and their lordships, benefics and
malefics, exaltation and debilitation, moolatrikona signs and mutual relationship of
Planets, aspects, combustion and retrogression of Planets, and Nakshatras have been
dealt with in Chapter 2.

Chapter 13: Medical Astrology

13.2.1 The Vargas

Sage Parasara had advocated the use of 16 Vargas or divisional horoscopes
for astrological analysis. For the purpose of medical astrology, five of them are
particularly needed. These five are described below.

(a) The Rasi Chart

This is the basic horoscope or the birth chart. All vargas are the finer sub-
divisions of the Rasi chart only.

(b) The Navamsa Chart

This is the most important sub-division. It is said for good reason, that when
there is conflict between the results indicated by Rasi Chart and those indicated
by the Navamsa Chart, it is the planetary indications of Navamsa Chart that hold
sway. Each sign is divided into 320’. In movable signs (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th
Houses), the first Navamsa falls in the same sign, while the remaining ones
follow the regular order. In fixed signs (2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th Houses), the first
Navamsa falls in the ninth sign from itself. In mixed signs (3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th
Houses), the first Navamsa falls in the fifth sign from itself.

(c) The Drekkana Chart

The Drekkana Chart has a special significance in medical astrology. Each sign
is divided into three parts of 10 each. The first part belongs to the sign itself, the
second to the sign falling in the fifth house from it, and the third to the ninth
sign from it.

(d) The Dwadasamsa Chart

The Dwadasamsa Chart is analysed normally to know about one’s parents.
But, it has special significance in medical astrology. Each sign is divided into 12
equal parts of 230’ each. The first Dwadasamsa belongs to the same sign, while
the remaining ones to the signs that follow in order.

(e) The Trimshamsa Chart

This division is employed to determine particularly adverse indications in a
horoscope. In Trimshamsa Chart, in an odd sign, the first 5 belongs to Mars, the
next 5 to Saturn, the next 8 to Jupiter, the next 7 to Mercury and the last 5 to
Venus. The order gets reversed in an even sign. Here, the first 5 belongs to
Venus, the next 7 to Mercury, the next 8 to Jupiter, the next 5 to Saturn and
the last 5 to Mars. Sun and Moon do not own any Trimshamsa. Table 13.1
clarifies this.

Jataka Mani Manjusha

Table 13.1: The Trimshamsha Chart

Odd Signs Even Signs

1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 Houses 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 Houses
Trimshamsha Degrees Lord Degrees Lord
1 00 15’ Mars 00 05’ Venus
2 06 10’ Saturn 06 12’ Mercury
3 11 15’ Jupiter 13 20’ Jupiter
4 19 25’ Mercury 21 25’ Saturn
5 26 30’ Venus 26 30’ Mars

Other divisional charts or Vargas may need to be used in Medical Astrology

sometimes. For example,
(1) Saptamamsa may be used to know about one’s children;
(2) Drekkana may be used to know about one’s siblings; and
(3) Dwadashamsa may be used to know about well being of parents.
In such situations, the specific karakas, namely Jupiter for children, Mars for siblings,
Sun for father and Moon for mother, play an important role in the analysis of these
divisional charts.

13.2.2 The Dasas

The Operational Periods or Dasas, are unique to Vedic Astrology, which are
employed for ascertaining of the timing of events. There are a number of systems of
Dasas in both Parasara and Jaimini Schools of Astrology. For Medical Astrology, two
of the Parasara Dasas are suggested. These are based on Nakshatras or Constellations.

(a) The Vimshottari Dasa

This involves a cycle of 120 years and is the most widely used by astrologers
all over the world with excellent results. The nine Planets run this Dasa in a specific
order (Table 2.2). The Dasa operating at the time of birth is indicated by the Lord of
Nakshatra of the Moon at time of birth. The Lords and the periods of their Dasas are
given in Table 2.2. The balance Dasa period is calculated from the extent of Nakshatra
that remains uncovered by the Moon at the time of birth. In Medical Astrology, the
Main Period (Mahadasa), the Sub-Period (Antardasa) and the Sub-Sub-Period
(Pratyantaradasa) should be ascertained corresponding to the time of illness or any
specific related event.

Chapter 13: Medical Astrology

(b) The Yogini Dasa

There are eight Yogini Dasas with a specific Lord of each, specific duration
and the associated Nakshatra (Table 13.2). The Yogini Dasa is based on the Nakshatra
of the Moon in the birth chart: add 3 to the serial number of the Nakshatra (as given
in Table 13.2) of Moon at birth and divide by 8. The remainder gives the number of
the Yogini Dasa operating at the time of birth according to the order given in Table
13.3. The balance of a particular Yogini Dasa at birth is calculated from the remaining
part of the Nakshatra of Moon, as in Vimshottari Dasa. In Yogini Dasa also, Mahadasa
and Antardasa are determined. The nature of Antardasas under various Yogini
Mahadasas are given in Table 13.4. More details of Yogini Dasas is available in
literature [Jhanjhi and Sharma, 1994].

Table 13.2: Yogini Dasa – Relation with nakshatras and planet periods

S.No. Yogini Dasa Nakshatra Lord Period

1 Mangala Arudra, Chitra, Shravana Moon 1 year
2 Pingala Punarvasu, Swati, Dhanishta Moon 2 years
3 Dhanya Pushya, Visakha, Satabhisha Jupiter 3 years
4 Bhramari Ashlesha, Anuradha, Purvabhadra, Aswani Mars 4 years
5 Bhadrika Magha, Jyestha, Uttarabhadra, Bharani Mercury 5 years
6 Ulka Poorva Phalguni, Moola, Revati, Krittika Saturn 6 years
7 Siddha Uttara Phalguni, Poorvashada, Rohini Venus 7 years
8 Sankata Hasta, Uttarashada, Mrigasira Rahu / Ketu 8 years

Table 13.3: Antardasas in Yogini Dasas in relation to Signs

Longitude of Moon Rasi Dasa Rasi Dasa Rasi Dasa

00 00’ - 13 20’ Aries Bhramari Leo Bhadrika Sagittarius Ulka
13 20’ - 26 40’ Bhadrika Ulka Siddha
26 40’ - 30 00’ Ulka Siddha Sankata
00 00’ - 10 00’ Taurus Ulka Virgo Siddha Capricorn Sankata
10 00’ - 23 20’ Siddha Sankata Mangala
23 20’ - 30 00’ Sankata Mangala Pingala
00 00’ - 06 40’ Gemini Sankata Libra Mangala Aquarius Pingala
06 40’ - 20 00’ Mangala Pingala Dhanya
20 00’ - 30 00’ Pingala Dhanya Bhramari
00 00’ - 03 20’ Cancer Pingala Scorpio Dhanya Pisces Bhramari
03 20’ - 16 40’ Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika
16 40’ - 30 00’ Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka

Jataka Mani Manjusha

Table 13.4: Nature of various Antardasas under Yogini Mahadasas

Mahadasa Antardasa
S.No. Benefic Malefic Neutral
1 Mangala Mangala Pingala –
Dhanya Bhramari
Bhadrika Ulka
Siddha Sankata
2 Pingala Mangala Bhramari Siddha
Pingala Ulka
Dhanya Sankata
3 Dhanya Mangala Pingala –
Dhanya Bhramari
Bhadrika Ulka
Siddha Sankata
4 Bhramari Mangala Pingala Bhadrika
Dhanya Bhramari
Siddha Ulka
5 Bhadrika Mangala Ulka Bhramari
Pingala Sankata
6 Ulka – Pingala Mangala
7 Siddha Mangala Pingala –
Dhanya Bhramari
Bhadrika Ulka
Siddha Sankata
8 Sankata Siddha Mangala Bhadrika

Chapter 13: Medical Astrology

13.2.3 Tridoshas of Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, there are three basic elements (or Tridoshas), termed
as Vaata, Pitta and Kapha (and inadequately translated as wind, bile and phlegm). A
balance of which is required for maintaining health. Any imbalance in them leads to
illness. The understanding of disease and various remedies advocated take into
account these three elements. For instance,
(1) the Vaata element produces windy complaints – neurological disorders, joint
pains, etc.,
(2) the Pitta element produces heat related complaints – fever, inflammations, liver
and gall bladder problems, etc.,
(3) the Kapha element produces respiratory complaints – colds, asthma, etc.,
The elements associated with each of the seven Planets are given in Table 13.5.

Table 13.5: Basic elements of health associated with each Planet

S.No. Planet Element

1 Sun Pitta
2 Moon Kapha and Vaata
3 Mars Pitta
4 Mercury Vaata, Pitta and Kapha
5 Jupiter Kapha
6 Venus Excess of Vaata and Kapha
7 Saturn Vaata


It is a well-known medical principle, that when a number of people are
exposed to an infectious disease, only some of them contact the disease; the others
escape unaffected. Even during the most virulent epidemics, only some are affected
and several are unaffected. In cases of hereditary diseases too, not all children of the
affected parents suffer. Several medical explanations are given to explain this; the
most pertinent explanation is the inherent resistance of human being to an infective
illness. The vulnerability to diseases varies from person to person. Not only is the
virulence of the microbe important in causing a disease, but also a poor resistance of
the body and a suitable environment in it. Those who suffer from debilitating
disease, malnutrition or diabetes (say), fall a prey easily to varying ailments. A well
nourished healthy individual protected against infectious illness by vaccination or
other means, does not easily contact illness. The inherent body resistance and a lack
of suitable environment for bacterial growth are important factors in protecting a
body against illness.

Jataka Mani Manjusha

Today’s medical astrologers need to keep examples of medical science in

mind. There are indications of which aspects of the horoscope chart show sound
health or which other aspects show unsound health. In a healthy chart, an ordinary
malefic Period will pass unnoticed and only an extremely malefic Period will prove
adverse. And, in another chart indicating poor health, an ordinary malefic Period or
malefic transit may cause major upsets in health. Thus, it is vital for an astrologer to
determine the inherent resistance of a chart against ill health. In this section, the
various astrological factors are discussed, which decide good or bad health of a
person. The principles mentioned here need to be extended, as far as possible, to the
divisional charts also.

13.3.1 Indications of Sound Health

Salient factors that lead to good health include:
(1) Strong Lagna:
Lagna is the single most important determinant of good health in a
horoscope. Planets are subservient to the Lagna. The Lagna indicates the state of
health of an individual. A Lagna is strong, when it is
(a) Vargottama: It is the sign rising in the Lagna is the same as the Navamsa Lagna.
Vargottama is a special state of strength.
(b) Benefic Occupation: Natural benefic planets (like Jupiter, Venus and
unafflicted Mercury) in the Lagna are indicative of sound health. Also, when
naturally good planets own good houses (like the trines), they become even
(c) Benefic Aspect: Aspect of naturally good planets on the Lagna is an additional
desired factor.
(d) Occupation by the Lagna Lord: Any house, when occupied by its own Lord,
tends to prosper and its indications get encouragement. The Lagna indicative
of good health becomes strong, when occupied or aspected by its own Lord.
(e) Raja Yogas in the Lagna: Raja Yogas are combinations of beneficence. The
effects of various Raja Yogas depend to a large extent on the houses
associated with them. When Raja Yogas are formed in Lagna, they strengthen
the Lagna and promote good health.
(2) Strong Lagna Lord:
Factors indicted by Lagna are equally indicated by its Lord. Lagna tends to
prosper when its Lord is strong and well placed. Lagna gains strength, when it is
(a) exalted;
(b) vargottama, i.e., it is placed in the same sign in both Rasi and Navamasa Charts;
(c) in its own house;
(d) in the house of friendly Planet;
(e) placed in a quadrant, trine, 2nd House or 11th House;
(f) associated with or aspected by naturally good planet or friendly planet; OR
Chapter 13: Medical Astrology

(g) participating in formation of Raja Yoga.

(3) Benefic Durudhara Yoga around Lagna or Lagna Lord:
A Durudhara Yoga is said to form, when Planets (other than Sun) are present
in the 2nd and 12th Houses from the Moon. It is a beneficial Yoga, promising
prosperity and comforts. When caused by benefics, this Yoga is productive of
good health. A benefic Durudhara Yoga would form around the Lagna or the
Lagna Lord, when benefics occupy the 2nd and 12th Houses from them. This is
called as Shubha-Kartari Yoga also, meaning that Lagna or the Lagna Lord is
hemmed between the benefics. Any House or Planet that is hemmed between
the naturally good planets tends to gain strength and produce benefic results.
(4) Unafflicted Moon:
A strong Moon is important for health and longevity. A strong unafflicted
Moon is good for sound mental health also. A benefic Durudhara around the
Moon is a positive factor for good physical and mental health of the person.
(5) Malefics in Houses 3, 6 and 11:
A potent factor for good health is the presence of malefics in the otherwise
adverse Houses 3, 6 and 11. Malefics in these houses provide physical strength,
destruction of ailments and resistance against disease.
(6) Benefics in the Trines:
The placement of benefics in the Trines (5th and 9th Houses from Lagna) is
good for health also.
(7) Benefics in the Quadrants:
Quadrants are those houses, which are at 90 to each other. These are houses
1, 4, 7 and 10 from lagna. Quadrants are the pillars of a horoscope. Naturally
Good Planets as Lords of the quadrants have not been praised by classical
writers of astrology, but their placement in the Quadrants is desirable for sound
health. But, benefics do not provide any protection against disease, when in
retrograde. Instead, they promote ill health.
(8) Saturn in 8th House:
Eighth House is the house of longevity. Saturn is the significator for
longevity. According to astrological dictum, the presence of a significator in its
concerned House tends to destroy the indication of that house. For example, Sun
(significator for father) is adverse for father, when located in the 9 th House
(House of father). Moon (significator for mother) is adverse for mother, when
located in the 4th House (House of father). Mars (significator for brother) is
adverse for brothers, when located in the 3rd House (House of siblings). But,
Saturn is an exception; it promotes good health and long life, when located in
the 8th House.

Jataka Mani Manjusha

(9) Nature of Signs:

The 12 Zodiac Signs, by their very nature, either resist against or succumb to
diseases. The Fiery Signs (Signs 1, 5 and 9) have best resistance against diseases
and show prompt recovery. Next in order are the Earthy Signs (Signs 2, 6 and
11), which have a fair amount of resistance. The Airy Signs (Signs 3, 7 and 11) are
the next in order. The most susceptible to disease are the Watery Signs (Signs 4, 8
and 12); they have poor resistance against disease and show slow recovery once
they contact it.
(10) Strong 8th Lord:
A strong Lord of 8th House ensures good health.
(11) Strong Atma Karaka:
In Jaimini School of Astrology, the Atma Karaka is a Planet, which is the
farthest advanced in a Sign. A strong Atma Karaka ensures good health. Sun can
be taken as the equivalent to Atma Karaka in the Parasara School of Astrology.
Sun stands for energy and vitality; generally, if Sun is strong in a chart, good
health is ensured.
(12) Placement of Gulika and Mandi:
Gulika is the son of Saturn and is as malefic or worse than its father. Gulika,
like all other malefics, is good for health only in Houses 3, 6 and 11, that too
when it does not involve Moon or the Lagna Lord. For all practical purposes,
Gulika and Mandi may be taken be identical.
(13) Houses 1 to 8 in Sarvashtakavarga:
Ashtakavarga is a system of numerically determining the strength and
weakness of various houses and planets. It is an elaborate system which can be
determined with a high degree of accuracy in conjunction with periods and
transits. Sarvashtakavarga gives numerical information on total strengths of
individual houses, as contributed by the various Planets. When Lagna and the 8th
House are strong, according to Sarvashtakavarga, it is an indication of sound
It is not necessary that all the above factors are present in any chart, to ensure good
health. Obviously, more the factors in a given chart, better the health.

Chapter 13: Medical Astrology

13.3.2 Indications of Poor Health

Combinations for ill health are reverse of those indicated for good health.
Salient factors that lead to poor health include:
(1) Weak Lagna:
(a) occupied by malefic Planets;
(b) aspected by naturally bad planets and Lords of adverse Houses;
(c) occupied by a debilitated Planet; OR
(d) having adverse Yogas in the Lagna.

(2) Weak Lagna Lord:

Lagna Lord becomes weak, when it is
(a) debilitated;
(b) combust;
(c) in the house of an enemy Planet;
(d) in an adverse House, like 6th, 8th and 12th Houses; OR
(e) associated with or aspected by malefics.
(3) Malefic Durudhara Yoga around Lagna or Lagna Lord:
Presence of malefic planets in the 2nd and 12th Houses from the Moon, is bad
for health. This is called as Papa-Kartari Yoga also, meaning that Lagna or the
Lagna Lord is hemmed between the malefics.
(4) Afflicted Moon:
It is adverse for health to have ill placement of the Moon, affliction by
malefics, and malefic Durudhara around it.
(5) No malefics in Houses 3, 6 and 11:
Absence of malefics in these houses is a weak point, which must be
neutralized by other benefic combinations to ensure a sound health.
(6) Malefics in the Trines:
The Trines are the desired houses for malefics.
(7) Naturally Malefic Planets in the Quadrants:
As opposed to benefics, the natural malefics are not bad as Lords of the
Quadrants, but are quite adverse when located in Quadrants. They are worse, if
they are in retrograde.
(8) Benefics in the 8th House:
The 8th House is the house of chronicity and incurability. Benefics in the 8th
House are wasted benefics; they would be useful elsewhere.
(9) Weak 8th Lord:
A weak Lord of 8th House proves adverse for health.
(10) Weak Atma Karaka:
A weak Atma Karaka or a weak Sun does not favour good health, generally.

Jataka Mani Manjusha

(11) Placement of Gulika and Mandi:

When Gulika is placed in the Quadrants or Trines, it produces adverse
results. Its association with Lagna, the Lagna Lord, Sun or Moon, does not auger
well for health.
(12) Houses 1 to 8 in Sarvashtakavarga:
When these houses are weak according to the Sarvashtakavarga chart, poor
health is indicated.
Ill health should not be predicted on the basis of a single factor. Several of them
must be present to lead to vulnerability to diseases. Presence of adverse factors
must be suitably weighed against factors promising good health.

13.3.3 Indications for Cure or Remedy

People suffer from ill health sometime or other in life. Following factors
indicate cure or recovery from ill health.
(1) Strong Lagna:
The Lagna is the single most important factor in the maintenance of health. A
strong Lagna and a strong Lagna Lord ensure recovery from disease.
(2) Strong 6th Lord:
The strength of the 6th House and its Lord promises good body resistance
and therefore recovery from illness.
(3) Favourable Periods:
Favourable Main Periods and Sub-Periods ensure recovery from illness. The
concept of the subsequent Period is thus of significance. When a disease
producing Period is operating, and its subsequent Period is favourable, it
indicates recovery; if subsequent Period is unfavourable, it indicates no recovery
or even complications. When several subsequent Periods are adverse one after
the other, no recovery occurs.
(4) Favourable Transit:
When transit indicates good results, recovery occurs from diseases.
(5) Jupiter Aspect:
Jupiter is the best and most potent natural benefics. When it aspects the
Lords of the Main Periods, wither in birth chart or during its transit, it favours
recovery and good health.

Chapter 13: Medical Astrology


Onset and outcome of disease is the most important area of medical
astrology. It is natural for the consultor to be concerned about his health, when a
patient is a consultor, and also is concerned about the outcome of his ailment. It is a
concern for the medical man to know the course the patient’s ailment is likely to
take. What is most important is that a medical astrologer can forecast the occurrence
of a disease months and years in advance, when the person may be at the soundest
of his health and his modern physician will not be able to foresee the impending
illness of the person.

Today’s Medical Practitioner encounters diseases in a passive manner. A

patient or relative of the patient comes to the Medical Practitioner and narrates the
problem. The Medical Practitioner examines the patient, makes clinical findings,
proceeds to conduct certain investigations to confirm the clinical findings, and
finally undertake treatment could be strictly medical (which may involve surgery
also). The role of the Medical Astrologer starts before the person falls ill. The Medical
Astrologer can work out planetary periods that are adverse for the person’s health,
the course of illness and likely outcome. But, with the present state of astrological
knowledge, medical diagnosis cannot be made; that is a job best left to the modern
day physician.

The following narration assists the astrologer understand the period of

illness of the person, and the outcome of the illness. Simple astrological principles
laid down by Sage Parasara are applied in a scientific manner to the horoscope
charts of the patient. Understandably, no stress is laid on the actual diagnosis of the

13.4.1 The Relevant Astrological Principles

The uniqueness of Vedic Astrology lies in its ability to time events based on
Main Periods or Operational Periods. There are many Period Systems in Vedic Astrology;
Vimshottari and Yogini Period Systems are most commonly employed. While both
systems give equally sound results when properly employed, the simultaneous use
of both systems provides greater confirmation and accuracy of predictions. These
systems are to be applied in the Rasi Chart as also the relevant Divisional Chart.

Jataka Mani Manjusha

(a) Vimshottari Period System

Vimshottari Period System has a cycle of 120 years with each of the 9 Planets
having specific number of years allotted to them. Some of the main principles are:
(1) For an event to be timed with any degree of accuracy, Vimshottari Periods should
be calculated from Main Period to Sub-Periods and eventually to Sub-Sub-Periods.
The Main Period gives the broad timing, the Sub-Period narrows it down, and the
Sub-Sub-Period indicates the actual precipitation of the illness.
(2) A disease as commonly understood is an affliction of the body. In a horoscope
chart, the body is represented by the Lagna as well as the Lagna Lord. It is logical
to assume that the state of Lagna and the Lagna Lord in the Rasi Chart as well as
Divisional Charts should reflect the state of health of the person.
(3) Sage Parasara mentioned some malefic (and generally adverse) and Maraka
(death inflicting) Planets for each Lagna. When the Period of a Planet adverse to
a particular Lagna is underway, it tends to adversely affect the health of the
person, leading to vulnerability to the disease. Thus, the Main Period, Sub-Periods
and Sub-Sub-Periods of the malefic as well as death inflictions are periods to be
watched from the stand-point of health.
(4) The adverse influence will be more pronounced, if the Lords of Main Period, Sub-
Periods and Sub-Sub-Periods are in anyway connected to the Lagna or the Lagna
Lord. The underlying principle is that since Lagna and the Lagna Lords represent
the body, any link of a benefic or malefic period Lord with the Lagna or the
Lagna Lord would favourably or unfavourably influence the health.
(5) The adverse results get further accentuated, if the Lagna, the Lagna Lord of Main
Period, Sub-Periods and Sub-Sub-Periods get affected by natural malefics. Further,
aggravation results from their association with the Trika (6th, 8th and 12th) Houses
or Trika Lords.
(6) Periods of Planets falling in or owning the 22nd Drekkana or the 64th Navamsa are
adverse also.
(7) Rahu-Ketu Axis falling on the Lagna, the Lagna Lord, or the Lords of Periods, is an
adverse factor. Also, Rahu behaves as Saturn and Ketu as Mars.
(8) Benefic influence on the Lagna, the Lagna Lord and the Lord of the Period tend to
decrease or neutralize the affliction.

(b) Yogini Period System

Yogini Period System has a cycle of 36 years. It is possible that a disease may
occur in the first, second and third cycle of Yogini Period System. In the present
context, the Yogini Period System is employed as a confirmatory tool to the
Vimshottari Period System. Details of this combined approach is available in literature
[Jhanji and Sharma, 1994]. Some of the main principles are:
(1) Yogini Periods should be calculated from Main Period, Sub-Periods and Sub-Sub-
Chapter 13: Medical Astrology

(2) Since the 8 different Yogini’s have 8 different Planets as their Lords (Rahu and
Ketu work as one unit), any Main Period and Sub-Period is taken as the Main
Period and Sub-Period of the Planet owning the Yogini.
(3) To the Lords of these Main Period and Sub-Period, the same principles of analysis
are applied as in the Vimshottari Period System.

13.4.2 The Divisional Charts

In Medical Astrology, the Rasi, Navamsa, Drekkana and Dwadasamsa must be
used. The condition of the Lagna, the Lagna Lord and the Lords of the Periods must
be judged in the Rasi Chart and in the various Divisional Charts.

13.4.3 The Inherent Strength

The inherent strength of a chart must be judged apart from the strength of
the Lagna and of the Lagna Lord, based on the following:
(1) Benefics in Quadrants provide the best protection; here, malefics indicate ill
(2) Malefics in Houses 3, 6 and 11 provide strength, stamina and resistance to disease.
Benefics in these houses only waste their beneficence.
(3) Retrograde Benefic Planets in quadrants do not provide any protection and even
lead to disease during their Main Period, Sub-Periods and Sub-Sub-Periods.

13.4.4 Method of Applying Astrological Principles

The following methodical approach is suggested to apply the principles
mentioned above to actual horoscopes:
(1) The Operative Period: Determine whether Main Period, Sub-Periods and Sub-Sub-
Periods Lords (or Main Period, Sub-Periods and Sub-Sub-Periods Lords, in Yogini
Period System) are malefic or otherwise to the Lagna.
(2) Relation of Period with Lagna and Lagna Lord: Determine whether the particular
Period Lords have any relationship with the Lagna or the Lagna Lord. The points
to be considered:
(a) Period of a Planet in Lagna;
(b) Period of a Planet aspecting the Lagna;
(c) Period of the Lagna Lord itself;
(d) Period of a Planet associated with a Lagna Lord; and
(e) Period of a Planet aspecting the Lagna Lord.
When an adverse Period Lord associates with the Lagna or Lagna Lord in any of
the ways listed above, the health of the individual is adversely affected.
(3) Malefic Influence: The influence (by conjunction, aspect, exchange, etc.) of natural
malefics, Trika Houses or Trika Lords on the Lords of Main Period, Sub-Periods
and Sub-Sub-Periods, and on the Lagna and the Lagna Lord, is an additional
adverse factor.
Jataka Mani Manjusha

(4) Importance of the Rahu-Ketu Axis: The Rahu-Ketu Axis is an important factor in
causing disease. As pointed out earlier, Rahu gives results of Saturn and Ketu of
Mars. In addition, Rahu and Ketu give results of the Lords of Houses where they
are placed and Planets associated with them. Presence of Lords of Periods on the
Rahu-Ketu Axis increases the malfeasance of the Lords of Periods.
(5) Divisional Charts: Lords of Periods must be examined in the divisional charts
also. The following factors are mentioned in this regard:
(a) Ownership by Lord of a Period, of a Lagna, or of the House occupied by Lord
of Lagna;
(b) Placement of Lords of Periods in relation to the Lagna or Lord of Lagna. For
example, Lord of Periods located in 6th, 8th or 12th House from the Lagna, or
the Lord of Lagna in a divisional chart, suffer affliction;
(c) Ownership by Lords of Periods of adverse houses (like 6th, 8th or 12th House)
in the divisional chart, or their association with Lord of such houses;
(d) Aspect or association of malefic Planets (like Mars and Saturn) or benefic
Planets (like Jupiter) is important also;
(e) Involvement of Lords of Periods along the Rahu-Ketu Axis, increases their
malevolence; and
(f) Any connection of the Lords of Periods with the Sign coinciding with the
ascendant of the Rasi Chart further accentuates the influence of a particular
Period on the health of the person.
(6) Protective Influences: An inherently strong horoscope does not indicate any
suffering to the person in the wake of an ordinary adverse Period. Benefic
Planets in the Quadrants and malefic Planets in Houses 3, 6 and 11, are
important, besides the inherent strength of the Lagna and Lagna Lord. Generally,
retrogression of Planets is bad for health. The Periods of retrograde Planets must
be studied carefully.
(7) The Period Sequence: It is important always to study the nature of sequence of
Periods. An adverse Period followed by a benefic Period indicates recovery
from disease. On the other hand, when the subsequent Period also is adverse,
the disease goes on and may get complicated. When malefic Periods follow one
after the other, there is no cure but only continuous suffering or even death.
(8) Extent of Severity: The severity of an illness depends on the extent of malefic
influences on the Lagna, the Lagna Lord and the Lords of Periods. Malefic transits
of Planets also aggravate illness, whereas benefic transits herald relief.

Chapter 13: Medical Astrology

13.4.5 Conclusions
The following are salient conclusions:
(1) Usually, disease manifests in the Period of the Planet adversely disposed
towards Lagna.
(2) When the Lords of the Periods are under malefic influence, a relatively mild
Period may produce illness.
(3) The relationship of the Lords of Main Period, Sub-Periods and Sub-Sub-Periods
with Lagna or Lord of Lagna of the Rasi Chart or the divisional charts enhances
the impact of the disease. The disease is of minor consequence when the Lagna
or Lord of Lagna are not connected with Lord of Period by aspect, association or
(4) Factors that increase the intensity of disease include:
(a) Malefic influences on Lords of Periods;
(b) Malefic influences on Lagna or Lords of Lagna;
(c) Rahu-Ketu Axis on Lords of Periods;
(d) Influence of Trikona Houses and Trikona Lords on Lagna, Lord of Lagna and
Lord of Periods; and
(e) Malefic influences on Lagna, Lord of Lagna and Lords of Periods in the
divisional chart.
(5) Benefic Planets in Quadrants provide protection, especially when they are
associated with Lagna, Lord of Lagna and Lord of Periods, when they are
themselves not afflicted by retrogression, combustion, or malefic association or
(6) When other factors are adverse, Planets owning or occupying the 22nd Drekkana
or the 64th Navamsa aggravates the illness.
(7) The results of Vimshottari Periods must be confined by use of another Yogini
Period is one of the many subsidiary Periods that can be used. Many times
similar Periods operate in Vimshottari as well as Yogini Period systems.
(8) An important factor in the recovery of a patient is the subsequent Period. When
the order of subsequent Period is adverse, recovery does not follow.
Improvement happens when the subsequent Period is more favourable.
(9) The principle of inter-related destinies operates well in medical astrology. The
event of an illness can be easily seen in the charts of parents, children and
siblings of the person.
(10) A correct analysis of a horoscope demands a careful balancing of benefic and
malefic influences accompanied by their integration with the Period System.
(11) An important factor that is not discussed here is the influence of planetary
transits over various houses and Lords of Periods, both in Rasi and Divisional
Charts. When malefic Planets (like Mars, Saturn and Rahu-Ketu Axis) transit
specific houses, their Lords and Lords of Periods, they produce malefic results.
Jupiter’s transit provides the healing touch and indicates recovery from illness.
Jataka Mani Manjusha


The term mental illness is relatively vague term. It indicates certain variations
in daily lives of persons, which generally would be considered abnormal under the
circumstances. Every one experiences phases of excitement, anger, aggression,
melancholy and depression in response different daily situations. These variations
in human behaviour are considered as normal reactions to fluctuations in the
environment. Thus, these normal reactions have explanations. These very reactions
are termed as mental illness, when they are circumstantially abnormal, being
extreme, unexpected or inexplicable for normal human behaviour.

13.5.1 Classical Combinations for Mental Illness

The classical astrological texts give certain combinations for mental illness or
insanity. Often, these combinations are too vague and non-specific. They cannot be
applied to the individual horoscopes in the literal sense. In fact, that is true of
combinations for any disease as given in the astrological texts. But, they give certain
clues about the causatives of that disease. Some combinations [Sareen, 2004] are:
(1) Jupiter in the Ascendant and Mars in 7th House or vice-versa;
Note: This and some of the subsequent combinations appear vague. Jupiter is the
Planet of idealism and Mars of aggression. Too much of emphasis can ruin the
married life, as this combination involves the 7th House. In the above Yoga,
substitution of Mars by Saturn is said to have the same result, though the
nature of affliction would change from aggressiveness towards depression.
(2) Saturn in the Lagna and Mars in the 5th, 7th or 9th House;
(3) Saturn in the Lagna, Sun in the 12th House, and Mars or Moon in a Trine;
(4) Saturn in 12th House associated with waning Moon;
Note: Saturn’s association with Moon leads to a tendency towards negative
thinking. 12th House is an adverse House.
(5) Association of Saturn and the Lord of 2nd House with Sun or Mars;
(6) Birth in the Hora of Saturn or Mars, the Sun-Moon conjunction in the Lagna or 5th
or 7th House, and Jupiter in Quadrant;
(7) Mandi in the 7th House, afflicted by a malefic Planet;
Note: Same result may accrue from an afflicted Mandi in 5th House.
(8) Rahu and Moon in the Lagna and malefic Planets in Trine;
Note: This combination goes by the name Pishaachagrasta Yoga, i.e., a combination
for being overtaken by the spirits. It signifies phobias.

13.5.2 Mental Faculties: Astrological Basis

The above are fairly general combinations for mental diseases. No mention
is made of the time and onset of the ailment. In addition, there is no mention of
various divisional charts without which any combination would loose its specificity.
Thus, first, factors should be identified that govern our mental behaviour, and then
Chapter 13: Medical Astrology

abnormal behaviour should be detected from the nature and extent of affliction to
such factors. The following points need attention for the assessment of the mental
health of the person:
(1) The Moon: It is the significator of the mind. Its strength or weakness reflects the
state of one’s mind. It indicates attachments, feelings, emotional reactions,
mental capability with others, and such faculties as those that do not rely on
mathematical logic. The Moon has no enemies.
(2) Mercury: It signifies the nervous system, academic discipline, nationality, logic,
and intellect, as also one’s complexes. Its enemy is the Moon. Understandably,
the mind (signified by the Moon) is opposed to reasoning and intellect (signified
by Mercury).
(3) Jupiter: The best benefic, Jupiter, is the significator of maturity and wisdom,
while Jupiter is neutral towards Mercury; Mercury is the enemy of Jupiter. Quite
naturally the strict limits of logic can restrain only the exercise of wisdom.
Note: When Moon, Mercury and Jupiter are strong and well placed, the person
will have a sound mind, a healthy reasoning and a mature wisdom. When
the three Planets are afflicted, weak or ill-placed, then nervousness,
intellectual confusion and inability to take wise decisions and to implement
(4) The Fifth House: The 5th House is the house of fascination, thinking, logic and
wisdom. For sound mental health, the 5th House and Lord of 5th House must be
un-afflicted and under benefic influence.
(5) The Lagna and the Sign of Aries: Aries happens to be the first house equivalent to
the Head of the Kaalapurusha. Lagna is the first house or the Head of the person.
Both should be un-afflicted for sound mental health.
(6) Malefic and Benefic Yogas: Besides the above factors, certain malefic and benefic
Yogas in the horoscope may promote the occurrence of mental illness or
favourably compensate for it. The following are especially important:
(a) Kemadruma Yoga, i.e., Moon without a Planet on either side of it. This is an
adverse Yoga. Moon needs support to ensure a sound mind. When there is
no Planet in 2nd and 12th Houses from the Moon, an inherent weakness is
indicated in the chart.
(b) Gajakesari Yoga, i.e., presence of Jupiter in a Quadrant from the Moon. This is
a very important benefic Yoga. Planets in mutual Quadrants influence each
other. Jupiter is a Quadrant from the Moon causes strengthening of the
(c) Chandradhi Yoga, i.e., presence of benefics in the 6th, 7th or 8th House from the
Moon. Benefics in these Houses promote, and malefics obstruct and hinder
the functioning of the Moon.

Jataka Mani Manjusha

13.5.3 Afflictions of the Moon

Most of the mental disorders manifest, when Moon is afflicted. These vary
form simple mental aberration to gross neuro-psychotic disorders. The Moon
suffers affliction, when it is weak, placed in adverse houses (6th, 8th and 12th Houses)
and under the aspect or association of malefic Planets.
(1) Affliction by Sun: Quick, temper, quarrelsome, and self aggrandizement;
(2) Affliction by Mars: Quick, temper, aggressive and violent;
(3) Affliction by Saturn: Acute depression, maniac, and depressive psychosis;
(4) Affliction by Rahu: Cunning in thought, schizophrenia (any of a group of
psychotic disorders characterized by delusions, withdrawal, conflicting
emotions and deterioration of personality), phobias, and maniacal suicidal
tendencies; and
(5) Affliction by Ketu: Maniacal or suicidal tendencies, phobias, and irrational
suspicion on others.
(a) Affliction to Mercury and Jupiter causes abnormalities in behaviour in a
similar manner. For example, placement of Mercury in 6th House aspected
by Saturn leads to some sort of mental derangement. Jupiter-Saturn or
Jupiter-Mars oppositions have been pointed out already.
(b) How else these Planets are in degrees must be examined.


Numerous combinations are described in classical astrological literature on
eye diseases. These combinations again are too general and cannot be subjected to a
literal application. In addition, they have to be integrated with the Period System to
decipher the time when eye diseases manifest.

13.6.1 Classical Combinations

Whenever combinations for blindness are indicated, they mean only some
defective vision or even normal vision, if there is adequate compensation by the
aspect or association of benefic Planets. Similarly, combination which are described
to cause minor ailment may result in blindness, if there is sufficient additional

Chapter 13: Medical Astrology

(a) Poor Vision or Eye Disease

The following combinations may adversely affect the vision or lead to some
eye disease not necessarily leading to blindness:
(1) Sun in Lagna
(a) In Aries Lagna, it leads to inflammation of the eyes (influence of Mars
through its Aries sign),
(b) In Leo Lagna, it leads to night blindness,
(c) In Cancer Lagna, it results in cataract, and
(d) In Libra Lagna, it results in blindness;
(2) Weak Moon aspected by Saturn, un-aspected by Jupiter;
(3) Sun in 2nd House;
(4) Two malefic Planets in 2nd House;
(5) Moon in 2nd House by a malefic Planet;
(a) Sun and Moon together in 2nd House are said to cause night blindness.
(6) Moon as Lord of 6th House located in the Sign of a retrograde Planet;
(a) This can happen only in Aquarius Lagna; and
(b) Any Lord of 6th House located in the Sign of a retrograde Planet also is
considered as adverse by some astrologers.
(7) Moon positioned in 6th House without the aspect or association of benefic
(8) Venus as Lord of 6th House in Lagna and a retrograde benefic Planet in 6th, 8th or
12th House;
(9) Sun, Venus and Mars located together in any House; and
(10) Lords of 2nd and 12th Houses together in 6th, 8th or 12th Houses from Venus.

(b) Blindness
As indicated earlier, blindness from these combinations alone should be
expected, if there is sufficient affliction in all Divisional Charts and the Main Periods
also indicate it. The following combinations cause blindness:
(1) Moon in 2nd House from Sun afflicted by association or aspect by malefic Planets;
(2) Debilitated Moon in 6th or 12th House associated with or aspected by malefic
(3) Combust Mars in Lagna;
(4) Sun and Moon together in a Quadrant, in 8th Navamsa of a watery Sign;
(5) Moon in Lagna in Cancer, Aires, Taurus navamsa or first half of Sagittarius
(6) Moon in Lagna in Taurus 19 or in Pisces 20;
(7) Lord of Lagna in the sign of a malefic Planet in 8th House;
(8) Mars located in 6th House from Moon;
(9) Sun, Moon, Mars and Saturn positioned in any order in Houses 2, 6, 8 and 12;

Jataka Mani Manjusha

(10) Malefic Planet in 6-12 axis damage the left eye, and those in the 2-8 axis damage
the right eye;
(11) Sun and Moon in Houses 6 and 8, or Mars and Saturn in Houses 6 and 8;
(12) Sun and Moon together in 12th House afflicted by malefic Planets;
(13) Moon and Venus together in 2nd House afflicted by malefic Planets;
(14) Lord of Lagna, Lord of 2nd House and Sun positioned together
(a) When positioned together in the 2nd House, there is blindness since birth;
(b) Sun and 2nd House together in association with Lord of 4th House, cause
blindness of mother. When they associate with Lord of 3rd House, they cause
blindness of siblings, and when associated with Lord of 9th House, they lead
to blindness of father.
(15) Lord of 2nd House associated with Venus and Lord of Lagna, and placed in
navamsa, the Moola Trikona or exaltation Sign of Venus.

(c) Blindness since Birth

The following combinations cause blindness since birth:
(1) Sun, Venus and Lord of Lagna together in Trikona Houses;
(2) Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars and Saturn positioned together in any Sign;
(3) Saturn debilitated and combust, the birth taking place at the time of eclipse
(perhaps Solar Eclipse);
(4) Sun in Rahu-Ketu Axis, with Mars and Saturn in Trine;
(5) Lord of Lagna, Lord of 2nd House, Sun and Venus together in any of the Trikona
Houses; and
(6) Lord of Lagna, Lord of 2nd House, Lord of 12th House and Venus together in any
of the Trikona Houses.

(d) Blindness in one Eye

The following combinations cause blindness to one eye:
(1) Mars and Moon in Lagna aspected by Venus or Jupiter;
(2) Moon in 7th House in Leo Sign aspected by Mars;
Note: This is possible for Aquarius Lagna.
(3) Sun in 7th House (Cancer Lagna) aspected by Mars;
Note: This is possible in Capricorn Lagna; and
(4) Moon and Sun in 12th and 6th Houses respectively. Both the person and his wife
are one eyed.

Chapter 13: Medical Astrology

(e) Injury to Eye

The following combinations cause injury to eye:
(1) Mars in 12th House and Saturn in 2nd House cause injury to left eye and right eye,
(2) Lord of 2nd House, Lord of 12th House and Venus debilitated in navamsa and
afflicted therein by malefic Planets; and
(3) Lords of 2nd, 6th and 10th Houses associated with Venus in Lagna indicate loss of
eyes through the wrath of the ruler.

The above combinations are taken from literature [Sareen, 2004]. The
principles behind these dicta should be captured. Predictions should not be
pronounced without a judicious balancing of all malefic and benefic factors. But,
practice shows that these combinations never fail, if the Main Periods and Tansits
are adverse.

13.6.2 Astrological Principles underlying Eye Diseases

The following factors must be considered:
(1) The Luminaries: Sun and Moon represent right eye and left eye respectively;
(2) Venus: Venus is the significator for eyes as well as for vision. Unafflicted Venus
located in Lagna gives rise to beautiful eyes and face. Venus associated with
Saturn gives small eyes. Also, Venus represents the lens of the eye;
(3) 2nd House and Lord of 2nd House: The second house is concerned with Vision. A
strong and powerful Lord of 2nd House leads to beautiful and healthy eyes.
When Lord of 2nd House is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th House, it will cause some eye
defect; and
(4) 12th House: 2nd House is indicative particularly of the right eye and 12th House of
the left eye. Sun (which signifies the right eye) located in 12th House (also the
house of loss) damages the right eye.


Hearing is an important function of the body. Ancient astrological literature
gives several combinations for detecting ear disease in a horoscope chart. Various
combinations are given for deafness, although deafness is not the only disease that
affect the ears. There could be variety of ailments affecting the ears or the hearing

Jataka Mani Manjusha

13.7.1 Classical Combinations for Deafness

As is customary with the various combinations given in classical literature,
they are quite general and not applicable in literal sense. Their underlying
principles have to be grouped to apply them to individual horoscopes. Besides,
although it is degrees that are supposed to result from their combinations, it is
important to see in the individual charts, any benefic influence which neutralize the
affliction. It is the balance between the benefic and malefic influences, which
decides the final outcome at a time indicated by the appropriate Periods. The
classical combination for deafness are as follows:
(1) Mercury in the 6th, 8th or 12th House aspected by Saturn;
(2) Saturn aspecting 6th House as well as Mercury, which happens to be Lord of 6th
Note: This can happen in Aries and Capricorn Lagnas with Saturn in Houses 4, 9
or 12.
(3) Mercury in 4th House from Saturn and Lord of 6th House in one of the Trikona
(4) Mercury and Venus cojoined in 12th House lead to defective hearing in left ear;
(5) Malefic Planets located in 3rd, 11th, 5th or 9th House un-aspected by benefic
Note: Malefic Planets in the 3-9 axis would affect the right ear and those in 5-11
axis would damage the left ear.
(6) Mercury and Lord of 6th House in one of the Trika Houses aspected by Saturn;
(7) Debilitated Venus associated with Rahu;
(8) Mercury and Lord of 6th House in 4th House with Saturn occupying the Lagna;
(9) Conjunction of Sun and Mercury in Houses 3, 6 or 11;
(10) Venus in Taurus and Sagittarius Lagna and the malefic Moon aspecting Venus;
(11) Birth taking place at night time with Venus in 5th House and Mercury
occupying 6th House;
(12) Jupiter occupying Sagittarius with Mercury and Venus in the Hudda of Saturn;
Note: The Hudda is a special feature of the Vedic System of annual horoscopes
[Charak, 1994].
(13) Moon, Mars and Mercury together in the Rahu-Ketu Axis in 3rd or 11th House;
Note: This combination indicates severe mastoiditis (internal ear disease).
(14) Mercury associated with Sun in 3rd, 6th or 11th House, opposed by Mars and
Note: This combination leads to internal ear disease where surgical intervention
is necessary.

Chapter 13: Medical Astrology

13.7.2 Astrological Principles

Ear disease must be judged from the following:
(1) Mercury: Mercury deals with hearing as well as communications of any sort. A
strong Mercury under benefic influences indicates a strong and healthy hearing
mechanism. Affliction indicates the reverse;
(2) 3rd House: 3rd House in the horoscope is concerned with hearing. Benefic
influences in 3rd House or Lord of 3rd House ensure a healthy hearing system;
(3) 11th House: 3rd House and Lord of 3rd House indicate the right ear (besides the
faculty of hearing). The 11th House or Lord of 11th House indicate left ear.
Benefic and malefic influences on Mercury, 3rd House or Lord of 3rd House, and
11th House or Lord of 11th House indicate the state of health of the ear.


Heart disease is on the commonest afflictions of the modern day man.
Mental tensions, professional competitiveness, rich diet, lack of exercise, sedentary
habits, smoking, etc., lead to proneness to this malady of modern times. Advances
in medical science have increased the life span of people and many infectious and
other diseases are under control already. Increasing longevity renders more and
more people susceptible to heart disease. While heart disease takes a heavy toll of
human lives in every year, rapid advances in its management have been the cause
of more and more people surviving this disease.

The above description holds true for most common type of heart disease
known as the Aschaemic Heart Disease (IHD) or Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). In
this, the blood supply to a part of cardiac muscle is impaired because of obstruction
to the blood vessels which support it. The treatment for this disease is either:
(1) purely medical, where it is hoped that during the treatment new blood vessels will
form in the heart muscle over a period of time and restore blood supply to the
affected area; and
(2) medical combined with surgical, where the obstruction to the affected blood vessels
is either by-passed or removed through surgical or associated procedures.
In addition to the CAD, the heart may suffer from a variety of other ailments. Of
these, the Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) is of particular significance. The CHD may
take several forms most of which tend to require surgical correction. Again, this
surgical correction may provide a complete cure or only a partial relief. Another
important cardiac disease is a genetic disorder, Cardiomyopathy, wherein the heart
becomes larger in size, but ineffective in function. No satisfactory medical or
surgical curative treatment is generally available for this.

Jataka Mani Manjusha

Astrologically, it may be possible to ascertain the susceptibility to develop

heart disease from the analysis of a chart. By considering the Period System, it
becomes possible to determine the timings as well as the course of illness.

13.8.1 Astrological Principles

The following factors signify the heart and its surroundings:
(1) Sun: Sun is a significator for heart. When several malefic influences operate on
Sun, heart disease may be indicated in the presence of other adverse influences
and appropriate Main Periods; and
(2) Leo Sign: Leo indicates the heart of the Kaalapurusha. Its affliction is an additional
negative influence on the state of health of the heart.
(3) 5th House: 5th House indicates the heart of the person, just as Leo, the 5th Sign of
the natural zodiac, indicates the heart of the Kaalapurusha. Affliction of the 5th
House and Lord of 5th House is important in causing heart ailments.
(4) 4th House: 4th House indicates the chart of the person. Complications of heart
disease indicates in the chart surgical treatment of heart disease (necessarily
involving opening of the heart), may be taken from 4th House.

13.8.2 Indicators of Cardiac Illness

The following points must be examined in a horoscope to determine cardiac
(1) Affliction of the Sun: By far, this is the most important factor in causing cardiac
illness. Sun may suffer affliction as given below:
(a) Association or aspect of Mars, Saturn and Rahu-Ketu Axis;
(b) Debilitation;
(c) Paapakartari, i.e., being surrounded on either side by malefic Planets; and
(d) Relationship with Houses 6, 8 and 12 and their Lords.
(2) Affliction of Leo: By malefic association or aspect;
(3) Affliction to 5th House: By malefic association or aspect or natural malefic Planets
or Lords of Trikona Houses. The 5th House must be considered from:
(a) From the Lagna;
(b) From the Sun; and
(c) From the Lords of the Main Periods and Sub-Periods..
(4) Affliction to Lord of 5th House: Affliction by natural malefic Planets, Lords of
Trikona Houses or by retrograde Planets.
(5) 4th House: Affliction to 4th House from Lagna or Sun indicates chest complications
or surgical treatment of heart disease. Predominance of benefic influences here,
as on the Sun, 5th House of Lord of 5th House, indicators conservative treatment
and recovery.
(6) Main Period System: In the presence of sufficient affliction, the Periods of Planets
associating with Sun, 5th House, Lord of 5th House, etc., lead to cardiac illness.
Chapter 13: Medical Astrology

The Sub-Period of a retrograde Planet in 5th House, in the Main Period of a

malefic Planet is of particular importance.


Medical astrology is a relatively poorly developed branch of astrology
today. Little research has been done in this direction; on the one hand, very few
modern medical practitioners seem to be interested in medical astrology, and on the
other, only few astrologers seem to have inclination to understand elements of
medical science. Some senior astrologers do understand the principles of Ayurveda
(traditional medical practice), but do not seem interested to in Allopathy (today’s
most prevalent and most effective system of diagnosis and treatment of diseases).

Therefore, at the outset, it is appropriate to accept that astrological

combinations for most of the ailments are not well understood in the present state of
astrology. Final conclusions must await till adequate research is carried out in this
direction. An attempt is made here to discuss some of the diseases with the
available understanding [Sareen, 2004]; only certain diseases are presented here.
Names of some of these diseases translated from classical astrological texts may not
necessarily be accurate.

13.9.1 Diabetes Mellitus

This is a disease of glucose metabolism in the body, wherein a body tends to
derive energy from glucose. In diabetes, there is excess glucose in the blood and
body tissues, but it cannot be utilized. So, the body starves despite there being
plenty of glucose around (starvation in the midst of plenty). The cause of this is the
deficiency of a harmone called insulin, which is produced by the pancreatic glands
and help the body to utilize the glucose. With deficiency of insulin, the level of
glucose in the body increases and produces complications, which virtually affect all
parts of the body.

The following astrological combinations are described for diabetes:

(1) Jupiter debilitated located in Houses 6, 8 or 12;
(2) Saturn and Rahu afflicting Jupiter by association or aspect;
(3) Combust Jupiter along Rahu-Ketu Axis;
(4) Venus in 6th House aspected by Jupiter from the 12th House;
(5) Lord of 5th House in conjunction with Lord of Houses 6, 8 or 12; and
(6) Jupiter retrograde afflicted in Trikona Houses.

Jataka Mani Manjusha

Liver (which metabolises glucose) and pancreas (which produces insulin)

are located in the upper part of abdomen. This area falls under the jurisdiction of 5th
House. Jupiter is the significator for the liver as well as for a part of the pancreas.
Also, Venus rules over the hormonal system of the body. Thus, Jupiter, Venus and
5th House come into play in case of diabetes. But, combinations for liver disease
must be somewhat similar to that of diabetes, although Venus should not come into
play there.

13.9.2 Appendicitis
This is a common ailment. Unless the treatment is delayed, normally it
requires operative treatment; surgical intervention generally leads to quick
recovery. A disease that could be potentially fatal responds to a simple surgical
procedure performed well in time. The following observations are made from
(1) Venus: Venus is the significator for appendix. Its affliction is a pre-requisite to
the presence of appendicitis. The extent of malefic influence (by Sun, Mars,
Saturn and Rahu-Ketu Axis) indicates the extent of severity of disease;
(2) 6th House or Lord of 6th House: 6th House indicates the site of appendix. Its
affliction is an important factor; and
(3) Appendicitis is characterized by the affliction of Taurus, Gemini and Venus.

13.9.3 Proneness to Injury

The following combinations indicate physical injury to the person:
(1) Presence of malefic Planets in Quadrants;
Note: Malefic Planets in Quadrants are adverse for health. Their propensity to do
evil is neutralized by the location of benefic Planets in the Quadrants.
(2) Presence of Lord of 4th House in 6th House, Lord of 6th House in 4th House, or
exchange between Lords of 4th and 6th Houses;
Note: 4th House is concerned with the person’s residence, vehicles, etc., and 6th
House with accidents.
(3) Moon under the influence of Mars (i.e., aspect and association);
(4) Association or aspect of Mars in 4th House;
(5) Sun in 10th House aspected by Mars from 4th House. This combination leads to
vehicular accident;
(6) Sun and Saturn in the Ascendant along Rahu-Ketu Axis. This combination leads
to fall from a tree;
(7) Mars in 4th House with Sun or Saturn in 7th House.
Note: This combination leads to injury from fire. Mars-Sun combination causes
fire accidents;
(8) Mars and Saturn in Lagna and Moon in 8th House;
(9) Ketu and Lord of 4th House in the 6th House;
Chapter 13: Medical Astrology

(10) Saturn, Mars and Rahu together in 8th House;

Note: Combinations 8, 9 and 10 lead to injury or death from a weapon.
(11) Rahu or Ketu in 6th, 8th or 12th House with a quadrant or a Trine Lord very prone
to injuries;
(12) Lord of 4th House associated with a malefic Planet and located in a quadrant;
(13) Lord of 4th House and Lagna conjoined in 4th House and aspected by Lord of 10th
House; and
(14) Saturn in 4th House, Moon in 7th House and Mars in 10th House;
Note: Combinations 12, 13 and 14 cause injury or death by drowning.

13.9.4 Tuberculosis
The following combinations indicate tuberculosis to the person:
(1) Venus in association with Lord of Lagna House in any of the Trikona Houses;
(2) Mars in 4th House and Rahu in 12th House from Karakamsa Lagna;
Note: Karaka or Atmakaraka is a Planet, which has advanced the most in a Sign.
The Sign occupied by Atmakaraka in the Navamsa Chart is called the
Karakamsa Lagna.
(3) Moon and Sun involved in mutual exchange in Rasi or Navamsa Chart, or Moon
and Sun in Cancer or Leo Lagna;
(4) Moon conjoined with Saturn aspected by Mars;
Note: The disease is contacted by association with a patient of tuberculosis.
(5) Lagna aspected by Mars and Saturn;
(6) Mercury in Karakatwa Rasi; and
The above combinations are too general, and should be applied with caution.

13.9.5 Epilepsy
The following combinations indicate epilepsy in the person:
(1) Saturn and Moon aspected by Mars;
Note: The same combination is mentioned for Tuberculosis disease also.
(2) Moon and Rahu in 8th House;
(3) 6th or 8th House associated with Saturn and Mars;
(4) Sun, Moon and Mars together in Lagna or 8th House aspected by malefic Planets;
(5) Birth at the time of an eclipse, Jupiter in Lagna House, or a Trine, Saturn and
Mars in 6th or 8th House; and
(6) Rahu in Lagna House, and Moon in 6th House,

Jataka Mani Manjusha

13.9.6 Leprosy
The following combinations indicate epilepsy in the person:
(1) Mercury in Aries Lagna, Moon in 10th House, and Saturn conjoined with Mars in
any House;
(2) Saturn, Mars, Moon and Venus in watery Signs under affliction by malefic
Note: This combination leads to skin lesions that go on oozing.
(3) Moon aspected by Mars in 4th House from Karakamsa Lagna;
(4) Moon in 4th House from Karakamsa Lagna aspected by Ketu;
(5) Moon in Gemini, Cancer or Pisces Navamsas aspected by Mars or Saturn;
(6) Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn Signs falling in the Trines associated
with or aspected by malefic Planets;
(7) Lord of Lagna, Moon and Mercury falling along Rahu-Ketu Axis;
(8) Mars as Lord of 6th House in Lagna;
(9) Saturn with Lord of 6th House in Lagna;
(10) Sun and Lord of 6th House in Lagna;
(11) Mars in Lagna House, Sun in 8th House and Saturn in 4th House;
(12) Moon and Venus afflicted by malefic Planets and located in a watery Sign;
Note: This leads to whitish patches on the skin.
(13) Moon in 4th House from Karakamsa Lagna and aspected by Venus;
Note: This leads to whitish patches on the skin.
(14) Moon, Mars and Saturn together in Aries or Taurus Lagna House; and
(15) Moon in Lagna House, Sun in 7th House, and Saturn and Mars in 2nd or 12th
The above combinations are described under Kustha Roga, which means Leprosy
when translated strictly. But, many of these combinations indicate nothing more
than various skin afflictions and necessarily leprosy in the strictest sense. A literal
appreciation of the classical dicta is fraught with disastrous results. A high degree of
flexibility is required, while applying these principles to individual horoscopes.

13.9.7 Dental Disease

The following combinations indicate dental disease in the person:
(1) Aries or Taurus Signs coinciding with Lagna, 2nd House, and aspected by or
associated with malefic Planets;
(2) Malefic Planets in 7th House unaspected by benefic Planets;
(3) Rahu in 2nd House from Lord of 7th House;
Note: This leads to prominent teeth.
(4) Lord of 2nd House along with from Lord of 6th House, associated with malefic
Planets; and
(5) Rahu in Lagna or 5th House.

Chapter 13: Medical Astrology

13.9.8 Hydrocele
This is a disease where fluid collects in the scrotal sac, which enlarges as a
consequence. In general, it needs an operation and treatment. The following
combinations indicate hydrocele in the person:
(1) Mars and Venus together in 8th House;
(2) Mars and Venus together in Sign owned by Mars, i.e., Aries or Scorpio Signs;
(3) Mars and Venus in a Sign owned by Mars and aspected by Jupiter and Saturn;
(4) Gulika placed in Karakamsa Lagna, aspected by Mercury alone.

13.9.9 Haemorrhoids
This is known as piles by common man. It is said that 100% of people have
piles, 50% of them develop problems and seek treatment. Any astrological
combination for such a disease may appear superfluous. But, haemorrhoids cause
lot of trouble and need surgical treatment. The following combinations indicate
haemorrhoids in the person:
(1) Saturn aspected by malefic Planets;
(2) Saturn in Lagna and Mars in 7th House;
(3) Sun in Lagna, Mars in Scorpio Lagna, and Saturn in 7th House;
(4) Lord of Lagna and Mars in 7th House, and Saturn in 12th House; and
(5) Saturn in 12th House aspected by Mars and Lord of Lagna House.

13.9.10 Sexual Inadequacy or Impotence

The following combinations indicate sexual inadequacy or impotence in the
(1) Saturn and Venus together in 10th House;
(2) Saturn occupying 6th or 12th House form Venus;
(3) Sun and Moon in mutual aspect while occupying odd Signs;
(4) Mercury and Saturn in mutual aspect from odd Signs;
(5) Sun in an even Sign in mutual aspect with Mars;
(6) Moon and Lagna in odd Signs, both aspected by Mars from an even Sign;
(7) Moon in an odd Sign and Mercury in an even Sign, both aspected by Mars; and
(8) Lagna, Moon and Venus all occupying odd (masculine) Signs.
Note: Some combinations for inability to sexually satisfy one’s partner are as
(i) Venus occupying the Sign of a retrograde Planet;
(ii) Lord of Lagna in Lagna and Venus in 9th House; and
(iii) Moon-Saturn conjunction in 4th or 10th House from Mars.

Jataka Mani Manjusha

13.9.11 Miscellaneous Disorders

The following combinations indicate miscellaneous disorders in the person:
(1) Jupiter, Mars and Saturn together in 4th House produce heat disease;
(2) Lord of 11th House in 6th House produces multiple ailments;
(3) Saturn and Mars in 6th House aspected by Rahu and Sun lead to a chronic illness;
(4) Rahu or Ketu in 7th House or Saturn in 8th House, and Moon in Lagna House lead
to indigestion;
(5) Jupiter and Rahu in Lagna produce dental disease;
(6) Lord of 6th House in 3rd House produces abdominal disease;
(7) Saturn in 6th House afflicts the feet;
(8) Rahu and Ketu in 6th House causes diseases of the teeth or lips;
(9) Lord of Lagna House located in a Sign owned by Mars or Mercury, aspected by
an inimical Planet, leads to disease in anal region;
(10) Malefic association of Moon in Cancer or Scorpio Navamsa leads to secret illness;
Note: A secret illness may mean an illness that the person wants to conceal from
others, or a sexually transmitted disease.
(11) Mars, Mercury and Lord of Lagna House located together in Leo Lagna
coinciding with 4th or 12th House produce disease in the anal and peranal region;
(12) A malefic Planet in 8th House produces a secret illness. Same results accrue
from Jupiter located in 12th House;
(13) Mercury and Lord of 6th House together with Mars cause disease of organ of
generation; and
(13) Lord of 8th House located in 8th House produces a disease prone to body.
In the above narration, combinations are mentioned only for a limited
number of ailments. There is much more information in the classical texts, even
though generalized. It is of little use to memorize that information without adequate
research. It cannot be over-emphasised that only an extremely flexible and not
literal application of these principles is called for. Only then, can newer meanings be
derived from astrological dicta, which embody abundant hidden information.

A list of diseases caused by Planets is presented in Table 13.1 for general

guidance. This list originally included in literature [Murty, 1933] is revised in
consultation with Dr. K. S. Charak, Delhi, considering the latest conclusions and
different combinations of Planets, based on his experience.

Chapter 13: Medical Astrology

Table 13.1: List of diseases and associated Planets

S.No. Disease Planets causing the Disease

1. Typhoid fever Mercury, Jupiter, Venus
2. Malarial Fever Saturn
3. Remittent (as a fever having temporary diminution of Saturn
4. Long standing fever Saturn
5. Diarrhea (frequent and excessive bowel movement) Mars, Ketu
6. Chronic Diarrhea Mercury, Saturn, Ketu
7. Piles & Bleeding (Swelling of blood vessels at the Mars, Rahu
8. Dyspepsia Saturn
9. Indigestion Saturn
10. Cholera Mars, Ketu
11. Jaundice (Symptom of liver disease) Jupiter, Venus
12. Consumption (Tuberculosis) Rahu, Moon, Saturn
13. Intestinal Tuberculosis Venus, Mars, Rahu, Saturn
14. Asthma (a chronic disease of respiratory system) Saturn, Mercury, Ketu
15. Insanity (Mental illness) Moon, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu,
Mercury, Jupiter
16. Tetanus Saturn, Mars
17. Paralysis Saturn
18. Diphtheria Saturn
19. Paraplegia (Paralysis from the waist downward) Saturn
20. Hysteria (Uncontrollable laughing) Venus, Mars, Saturn
21. Aphasia Mercury, Ketu
22. Gout (Painful swelling due to deposit of excess uric Sun, Venus
23. Rheumatism Saturn
24. Diseases of heart Sun
25. Diabetes (Insipidus) Mercury, Jupiter, Venus
26. Diabetes (Mellitus) Jupiter, Venus
27. Carbuncle Saturn, Venus
28. Ascites Ketu, Moon
29. Haematocoele Sun, Mercury, Venus
30. Inguinal Hernia Mars, Venus
31. Leprosy and diseases of skin Ketu, Venus, Moon, Mercury
32. Eczema Venus, Ketu, Mercury
33. Measles Mercury, Ketu, Mars
34. Dental Diseases Jupiter, Saturn
35. Deafness Saturn, Mercury
36. Dropsy Ketu, Moon
37. Cancer Mars, Saturn, Rahu/Ketu
Jataka Mani Manjusha

38. Pyrrhoea Jupiter, Ketu

39. Noises in ear Mars, Rahu, Saturn, Jupiter
40. Ottorrhea Mars, Rahu, Saturn, Jupiter
41. Otitis Mars, Rahu, Saturn, Jupiter
42. Rhinitis Mars, Saturn, Mercury
43. Suppuration in the ear Mars, Rahu
44. Putrid ear discharge Mars, Rahu
45. Menorrhagia Mars, Rahu/Ketu
46. Sterility Mars, Saturn, Mercury and
47. Abortion Mars, Ketu
48. Difficult Labour Lord of 5th House, and
Bad Planets in that House
49. Menstruation Mars, Moon
50. Disease of Vagina Moon, Mars, Venus
51. High blood pressure Mars, Moon, Sun
52. Eye Diseases Sun, Venus, Moon


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