Fundamentals of Medical Astrology
Fundamentals of Medical Astrology
Fundamentals of Medical Astrology
Since time immemorial, both medicine and astrology have constituted a way
of life in India. The ancient Indian scriptures passed on to the current generation
through the ages, contain profuse references to the system of medicine practiced in
ancient times; this system was known as Ayurveda, as well as to the highly evolved
system of astrology known as Vedic Astrology [Charak, 1994]. Both Astrology and
medicine were developed as a part of religion in ancient India. Principles of hygiene
and prevention of diseases were as much a part of the daily rituals as were those of
astrology applicable to a person’s mundane affairs.
The fascinating story of the churning of oceans by the Gods and the Demons
brought forth divine physician, Dhanvantari, from whom the knowledge of healing
spread. Principles of medicine were well known to the Pandavas, especially to
Nakula and Sahadeva, the youngest twins (who were off springs of Aswani Kumara).
They knew principles of veterinary medicine too, which they employed to their full
advantage in the kingdom of King Virata, where they spent a year incognito.
Chapter 13: Medical Astrology
Another reason for this deficiency is that medical doctors are not astrologers.
Until recently, persons from medical fraternity had not shown much inclination
towards astrology, though the times are fast changing. Today, it is essential that
medical persons study astrology with interest; medical astrology should not be left
in the hands of non-medical persons. Also, understanding of diseases according to
modern system of Allopathic Medicine is different from that in the ancient system of
Ayurvedic Medicine. The classical texts use only the standard Ayurveda terminology,
which are difficult to translate into the modern system of Allopathic Medicine. Thus,
it is not going to be easy to undertake research in medical astrology to demonstrate
that astrology is of use to modern medicine.
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Chapter 13: Medical Astrology
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Chapter 13: Medical Astrology
Table 13.2: Yogini Dasa – Relation with nakshatras and planet periods
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Mahadasa Antardasa
S.No. Benefic Malefic Neutral
1 Mangala Mangala Pingala –
Dhanya Bhramari
Bhadrika Ulka
Siddha Sankata
2 Pingala Mangala Bhramari Siddha
Pingala Ulka
Dhanya Sankata
3 Dhanya Mangala Pingala –
Dhanya Bhramari
Bhadrika Ulka
Siddha Sankata
4 Bhramari Mangala Pingala Bhadrika
Dhanya Bhramari
Siddha Ulka
5 Bhadrika Mangala Ulka Bhramari
Pingala Sankata
6 Ulka – Pingala Mangala
7 Siddha Mangala Pingala –
Dhanya Bhramari
Bhadrika Ulka
Siddha Sankata
8 Sankata Siddha Mangala Bhadrika
Chapter 13: Medical Astrology
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Jataka Mani Manjusha
Chapter 13: Medical Astrology
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Chapter 13: Medical Astrology
Jataka Mani Manjusha
(2) Since the 8 different Yogini’s have 8 different Planets as their Lords (Rahu and
Ketu work as one unit), any Main Period and Sub-Period is taken as the Main
Period and Sub-Period of the Planet owning the Yogini.
(3) To the Lords of these Main Period and Sub-Period, the same principles of analysis
are applied as in the Vimshottari Period System.
(4) Importance of the Rahu-Ketu Axis: The Rahu-Ketu Axis is an important factor in
causing disease. As pointed out earlier, Rahu gives results of Saturn and Ketu of
Mars. In addition, Rahu and Ketu give results of the Lords of Houses where they
are placed and Planets associated with them. Presence of Lords of Periods on the
Rahu-Ketu Axis increases the malfeasance of the Lords of Periods.
(5) Divisional Charts: Lords of Periods must be examined in the divisional charts
also. The following factors are mentioned in this regard:
(a) Ownership by Lord of a Period, of a Lagna, or of the House occupied by Lord
of Lagna;
(b) Placement of Lords of Periods in relation to the Lagna or Lord of Lagna. For
example, Lord of Periods located in 6th, 8th or 12th House from the Lagna, or
the Lord of Lagna in a divisional chart, suffer affliction;
(c) Ownership by Lords of Periods of adverse houses (like 6th, 8th or 12th House)
in the divisional chart, or their association with Lord of such houses;
(d) Aspect or association of malefic Planets (like Mars and Saturn) or benefic
Planets (like Jupiter) is important also;
(e) Involvement of Lords of Periods along the Rahu-Ketu Axis, increases their
malevolence; and
(f) Any connection of the Lords of Periods with the Sign coinciding with the
ascendant of the Rasi Chart further accentuates the influence of a particular
Period on the health of the person.
(6) Protective Influences: An inherently strong horoscope does not indicate any
suffering to the person in the wake of an ordinary adverse Period. Benefic
Planets in the Quadrants and malefic Planets in Houses 3, 6 and 11, are
important, besides the inherent strength of the Lagna and Lagna Lord. Generally,
retrogression of Planets is bad for health. The Periods of retrograde Planets must
be studied carefully.
(7) The Period Sequence: It is important always to study the nature of sequence of
Periods. An adverse Period followed by a benefic Period indicates recovery
from disease. On the other hand, when the subsequent Period also is adverse,
the disease goes on and may get complicated. When malefic Periods follow one
after the other, there is no cure but only continuous suffering or even death.
(8) Extent of Severity: The severity of an illness depends on the extent of malefic
influences on the Lagna, the Lagna Lord and the Lords of Periods. Malefic transits
of Planets also aggravate illness, whereas benefic transits herald relief.
Chapter 13: Medical Astrology
13.4.5 Conclusions
The following are salient conclusions:
(1) Usually, disease manifests in the Period of the Planet adversely disposed
towards Lagna.
(2) When the Lords of the Periods are under malefic influence, a relatively mild
Period may produce illness.
(3) The relationship of the Lords of Main Period, Sub-Periods and Sub-Sub-Periods
with Lagna or Lord of Lagna of the Rasi Chart or the divisional charts enhances
the impact of the disease. The disease is of minor consequence when the Lagna
or Lord of Lagna are not connected with Lord of Period by aspect, association or
(4) Factors that increase the intensity of disease include:
(a) Malefic influences on Lords of Periods;
(b) Malefic influences on Lagna or Lords of Lagna;
(c) Rahu-Ketu Axis on Lords of Periods;
(d) Influence of Trikona Houses and Trikona Lords on Lagna, Lord of Lagna and
Lord of Periods; and
(e) Malefic influences on Lagna, Lord of Lagna and Lords of Periods in the
divisional chart.
(5) Benefic Planets in Quadrants provide protection, especially when they are
associated with Lagna, Lord of Lagna and Lord of Periods, when they are
themselves not afflicted by retrogression, combustion, or malefic association or
(6) When other factors are adverse, Planets owning or occupying the 22nd Drekkana
or the 64th Navamsa aggravates the illness.
(7) The results of Vimshottari Periods must be confined by use of another Yogini
Period is one of the many subsidiary Periods that can be used. Many times
similar Periods operate in Vimshottari as well as Yogini Period systems.
(8) An important factor in the recovery of a patient is the subsequent Period. When
the order of subsequent Period is adverse, recovery does not follow.
Improvement happens when the subsequent Period is more favourable.
(9) The principle of inter-related destinies operates well in medical astrology. The
event of an illness can be easily seen in the charts of parents, children and
siblings of the person.
(10) A correct analysis of a horoscope demands a careful balancing of benefic and
malefic influences accompanied by their integration with the Period System.
(11) An important factor that is not discussed here is the influence of planetary
transits over various houses and Lords of Periods, both in Rasi and Divisional
Charts. When malefic Planets (like Mars, Saturn and Rahu-Ketu Axis) transit
specific houses, their Lords and Lords of Periods, they produce malefic results.
Jupiter’s transit provides the healing touch and indicates recovery from illness.
Jataka Mani Manjusha
abnormal behaviour should be detected from the nature and extent of affliction to
such factors. The following points need attention for the assessment of the mental
health of the person:
(1) The Moon: It is the significator of the mind. Its strength or weakness reflects the
state of one’s mind. It indicates attachments, feelings, emotional reactions,
mental capability with others, and such faculties as those that do not rely on
mathematical logic. The Moon has no enemies.
(2) Mercury: It signifies the nervous system, academic discipline, nationality, logic,
and intellect, as also one’s complexes. Its enemy is the Moon. Understandably,
the mind (signified by the Moon) is opposed to reasoning and intellect (signified
by Mercury).
(3) Jupiter: The best benefic, Jupiter, is the significator of maturity and wisdom,
while Jupiter is neutral towards Mercury; Mercury is the enemy of Jupiter. Quite
naturally the strict limits of logic can restrain only the exercise of wisdom.
Note: When Moon, Mercury and Jupiter are strong and well placed, the person
will have a sound mind, a healthy reasoning and a mature wisdom. When
the three Planets are afflicted, weak or ill-placed, then nervousness,
intellectual confusion and inability to take wise decisions and to implement
(4) The Fifth House: The 5th House is the house of fascination, thinking, logic and
wisdom. For sound mental health, the 5th House and Lord of 5th House must be
un-afflicted and under benefic influence.
(5) The Lagna and the Sign of Aries: Aries happens to be the first house equivalent to
the Head of the Kaalapurusha. Lagna is the first house or the Head of the person.
Both should be un-afflicted for sound mental health.
(6) Malefic and Benefic Yogas: Besides the above factors, certain malefic and benefic
Yogas in the horoscope may promote the occurrence of mental illness or
favourably compensate for it. The following are especially important:
(a) Kemadruma Yoga, i.e., Moon without a Planet on either side of it. This is an
adverse Yoga. Moon needs support to ensure a sound mind. When there is
no Planet in 2nd and 12th Houses from the Moon, an inherent weakness is
indicated in the chart.
(b) Gajakesari Yoga, i.e., presence of Jupiter in a Quadrant from the Moon. This is
a very important benefic Yoga. Planets in mutual Quadrants influence each
other. Jupiter is a Quadrant from the Moon causes strengthening of the
(c) Chandradhi Yoga, i.e., presence of benefics in the 6th, 7th or 8th House from the
Moon. Benefics in these Houses promote, and malefics obstruct and hinder
the functioning of the Moon.
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Chapter 13: Medical Astrology
(b) Blindness
As indicated earlier, blindness from these combinations alone should be
expected, if there is sufficient affliction in all Divisional Charts and the Main Periods
also indicate it. The following combinations cause blindness:
(1) Moon in 2nd House from Sun afflicted by association or aspect by malefic Planets;
(2) Debilitated Moon in 6th or 12th House associated with or aspected by malefic
(3) Combust Mars in Lagna;
(4) Sun and Moon together in a Quadrant, in 8th Navamsa of a watery Sign;
(5) Moon in Lagna in Cancer, Aires, Taurus navamsa or first half of Sagittarius
(6) Moon in Lagna in Taurus 19 or in Pisces 20;
(7) Lord of Lagna in the sign of a malefic Planet in 8th House;
(8) Mars located in 6th House from Moon;
(9) Sun, Moon, Mars and Saturn positioned in any order in Houses 2, 6, 8 and 12;
Jataka Mani Manjusha
(10) Malefic Planet in 6-12 axis damage the left eye, and those in the 2-8 axis damage
the right eye;
(11) Sun and Moon in Houses 6 and 8, or Mars and Saturn in Houses 6 and 8;
(12) Sun and Moon together in 12th House afflicted by malefic Planets;
(13) Moon and Venus together in 2nd House afflicted by malefic Planets;
(14) Lord of Lagna, Lord of 2nd House and Sun positioned together
(a) When positioned together in the 2nd House, there is blindness since birth;
(b) Sun and 2nd House together in association with Lord of 4th House, cause
blindness of mother. When they associate with Lord of 3rd House, they cause
blindness of siblings, and when associated with Lord of 9th House, they lead
to blindness of father.
(15) Lord of 2nd House associated with Venus and Lord of Lagna, and placed in
navamsa, the Moola Trikona or exaltation Sign of Venus.
Chapter 13: Medical Astrology
The above combinations are taken from literature [Sareen, 2004]. The
principles behind these dicta should be captured. Predictions should not be
pronounced without a judicious balancing of all malefic and benefic factors. But,
practice shows that these combinations never fail, if the Main Periods and Tansits
are adverse.
Jataka Mani Manjusha
Chapter 13: Medical Astrology
The above description holds true for most common type of heart disease
known as the Aschaemic Heart Disease (IHD) or Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). In
this, the blood supply to a part of cardiac muscle is impaired because of obstruction
to the blood vessels which support it. The treatment for this disease is either:
(1) purely medical, where it is hoped that during the treatment new blood vessels will
form in the heart muscle over a period of time and restore blood supply to the
affected area; and
(2) medical combined with surgical, where the obstruction to the affected blood vessels
is either by-passed or removed through surgical or associated procedures.
In addition to the CAD, the heart may suffer from a variety of other ailments. Of
these, the Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) is of particular significance. The CHD may
take several forms most of which tend to require surgical correction. Again, this
surgical correction may provide a complete cure or only a partial relief. Another
important cardiac disease is a genetic disorder, Cardiomyopathy, wherein the heart
becomes larger in size, but ineffective in function. No satisfactory medical or
surgical curative treatment is generally available for this.
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Jataka Mani Manjusha
13.9.2 Appendicitis
This is a common ailment. Unless the treatment is delayed, normally it
requires operative treatment; surgical intervention generally leads to quick
recovery. A disease that could be potentially fatal responds to a simple surgical
procedure performed well in time. The following observations are made from
(1) Venus: Venus is the significator for appendix. Its affliction is a pre-requisite to
the presence of appendicitis. The extent of malefic influence (by Sun, Mars,
Saturn and Rahu-Ketu Axis) indicates the extent of severity of disease;
(2) 6th House or Lord of 6th House: 6th House indicates the site of appendix. Its
affliction is an important factor; and
(3) Appendicitis is characterized by the affliction of Taurus, Gemini and Venus.
13.9.4 Tuberculosis
The following combinations indicate tuberculosis to the person:
(1) Venus in association with Lord of Lagna House in any of the Trikona Houses;
(2) Mars in 4th House and Rahu in 12th House from Karakamsa Lagna;
Note: Karaka or Atmakaraka is a Planet, which has advanced the most in a Sign.
The Sign occupied by Atmakaraka in the Navamsa Chart is called the
Karakamsa Lagna.
(3) Moon and Sun involved in mutual exchange in Rasi or Navamsa Chart, or Moon
and Sun in Cancer or Leo Lagna;
(4) Moon conjoined with Saturn aspected by Mars;
Note: The disease is contacted by association with a patient of tuberculosis.
(5) Lagna aspected by Mars and Saturn;
(6) Mercury in Karakatwa Rasi; and
The above combinations are too general, and should be applied with caution.
13.9.5 Epilepsy
The following combinations indicate epilepsy in the person:
(1) Saturn and Moon aspected by Mars;
Note: The same combination is mentioned for Tuberculosis disease also.
(2) Moon and Rahu in 8th House;
(3) 6th or 8th House associated with Saturn and Mars;
(4) Sun, Moon and Mars together in Lagna or 8th House aspected by malefic Planets;
(5) Birth at the time of an eclipse, Jupiter in Lagna House, or a Trine, Saturn and
Mars in 6th or 8th House; and
(6) Rahu in Lagna House, and Moon in 6th House,
Jataka Mani Manjusha
13.9.6 Leprosy
The following combinations indicate epilepsy in the person:
(1) Mercury in Aries Lagna, Moon in 10th House, and Saturn conjoined with Mars in
any House;
(2) Saturn, Mars, Moon and Venus in watery Signs under affliction by malefic
Note: This combination leads to skin lesions that go on oozing.
(3) Moon aspected by Mars in 4th House from Karakamsa Lagna;
(4) Moon in 4th House from Karakamsa Lagna aspected by Ketu;
(5) Moon in Gemini, Cancer or Pisces Navamsas aspected by Mars or Saturn;
(6) Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn Signs falling in the Trines associated
with or aspected by malefic Planets;
(7) Lord of Lagna, Moon and Mercury falling along Rahu-Ketu Axis;
(8) Mars as Lord of 6th House in Lagna;
(9) Saturn with Lord of 6th House in Lagna;
(10) Sun and Lord of 6th House in Lagna;
(11) Mars in Lagna House, Sun in 8th House and Saturn in 4th House;
(12) Moon and Venus afflicted by malefic Planets and located in a watery Sign;
Note: This leads to whitish patches on the skin.
(13) Moon in 4th House from Karakamsa Lagna and aspected by Venus;
Note: This leads to whitish patches on the skin.
(14) Moon, Mars and Saturn together in Aries or Taurus Lagna House; and
(15) Moon in Lagna House, Sun in 7th House, and Saturn and Mars in 2nd or 12th
The above combinations are described under Kustha Roga, which means Leprosy
when translated strictly. But, many of these combinations indicate nothing more
than various skin afflictions and necessarily leprosy in the strictest sense. A literal
appreciation of the classical dicta is fraught with disastrous results. A high degree of
flexibility is required, while applying these principles to individual horoscopes.
Chapter 13: Medical Astrology
13.9.8 Hydrocele
This is a disease where fluid collects in the scrotal sac, which enlarges as a
consequence. In general, it needs an operation and treatment. The following
combinations indicate hydrocele in the person:
(1) Mars and Venus together in 8th House;
(2) Mars and Venus together in Sign owned by Mars, i.e., Aries or Scorpio Signs;
(3) Mars and Venus in a Sign owned by Mars and aspected by Jupiter and Saturn;
(4) Gulika placed in Karakamsa Lagna, aspected by Mercury alone.
13.9.9 Haemorrhoids
This is known as piles by common man. It is said that 100% of people have
piles, 50% of them develop problems and seek treatment. Any astrological
combination for such a disease may appear superfluous. But, haemorrhoids cause
lot of trouble and need surgical treatment. The following combinations indicate
haemorrhoids in the person:
(1) Saturn aspected by malefic Planets;
(2) Saturn in Lagna and Mars in 7th House;
(3) Sun in Lagna, Mars in Scorpio Lagna, and Saturn in 7th House;
(4) Lord of Lagna and Mars in 7th House, and Saturn in 12th House; and
(5) Saturn in 12th House aspected by Mars and Lord of Lagna House.
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Chapter 13: Medical Astrology