Microsoft Word Document
Microsoft Word Document
Microsoft Word Document
An affix is a bound morpheme that attaches to the stem of a word to form either a new word or a new
form of the same word.
Affixes may be derivational or inflectional. Derivational affixes create new words. Inflectional
affixes create new forms of the same word.
Derivational is an adjective that refers to the formation of a new word from another word through
derivational affixes.
Inflectional is an adjective that refers to the formation of a new form of the same word through
inflectional affixes.
A prefix is a bound morpheme that attaches to the beginning of the stem of a word to form either a
new word or a new form of the same word.
All prefixes in English are derivational, meaning the affixes create new words.
A suffix is a bound morpheme that attaches to the end of the stem of a word to form either a new
word or a new form of the same word.
Suffixes in English may be derivational, meaning the suffixes create new words, or inflectional,
meaning the suffixes create new forms of the same word.
Suffix Meaning Example
-able able to be excitable, portable, preventable
-ac pertaining to cardiac, hemophiliac, maniac
-acity/-ocity quality of perspicacity, sagacity, velocity
-ade act, action or process, product blockade, cavalcade, promenade
-age action or process passage, pilgrimage, voyage
-aholic/-oholic one with an obsession for workaholic, shopaholic, alcoholic
-al relating to bacterial, theatrical, natural
-algia pain neuralgia, nostalgia
-an/-ian relating to, belonging to Italian, urban, African
-ance state or quality of brilliance, defiance, annoyance
-ant a person who applicant, immigrant, servant
-ant inclined to, tending to brilliant, defiant, vigilant
-ar of or relating to, being lunar, molecular, solar
-ar a person who beggar, burglar, liar
-ard a person who does an action coward, sluggard, wizard
-arian a person who disciplinarian, vegetarian, librarian
-arium/orium a place for terrarium, aquarium, solarium
-ary of or relating to literary, military, budgetary
-ate state or quality of affectionate, desolate, obstinate
-ate makes the word a verb activate, evaporate, medicate
-ation action or process creation, narration, emancipation
-ative tending to creative, preservative, talkative
-cide act of killing homicide, suicide, genocide
-cracy rule, government, power bureaucracy, aristocracy, theocracy
-crat someone who has power aristocrat, bureaucrat, technocrat
-cule diminutive, making something small molecule, ridicule
-cy state, condition or quality efficiency, privacy, belligerency
-cycle circle, wheel bicycle, recycle, tricycle
-dom condition of, state, realm boredom, freedom, wisdom
-dox belief, praise orthodox, paradox
-ectomy surgical removal of appendectomy, hysterectomy
-ee receiver, performer nominee, employee, devotee
-eer associated with/engaged in engineer, volunteer
-emia blood condition anemia, hypoglycemia, leukemia
-ence state or condition, action absence, dependence, negligence
-ency condition or quality clemency, dependency, efficiency
inclined to performing/causing, or one
-ent who performs/causes competent, correspondent, absorbent
-er action or process flutter, ponder, stutter
-er a person who does an action announcer, barber, teacher
-ern state or quality of eastern, northern, western
-escence state or process adolescence, convalescence
-ese relating to a place Chinese, Congolese, Vietnamese
-esque in the style of Kafkaesque, grotesque, burlesque
-ess female actress, heiress, lioness
-etic relating to athletic, energetic, poetic
-ette diminutive, make something smaller cigarette, diskette, kitchenette
-ful full of helpful, thankful, cheerful
-fy make, cause makes the word a verb amplify, falsify, terrify
-gam/gamy marriage, union monogam, polygamy
-gon/gonic angle hexagon, polygonic, pentagon
-hood state, condition, or quality childhood, neighborhood, motherhood
-ial relating to celestial, editorial, martial
-ian relating to Martian, utopian, pediatrician
-iasis diseased condition elephantiasis, psoriasis
-iatric healing practice pediatric, psychiatric
-ible able to be audible, plausible, legible
-ic/ical relating to, characterized by analytic/al, comic/al, organic
-ile relating to, capable of agile, docile, volatile
-ily in what manner sloppily, steadily, zanily
-ine relating to canine, feminine, masculine
-ing materials bedding, frosting, roofing
-ion action or process celebration, completion, navigation
attention, caution, confusion,
-(s/t)ion state or quality fascination
-ious having the qualities of, full of ambitious, cautious, gracious
-ish relating to, characteristic apish, brutish, childish
-ism state or quality altruism, despotism, heroism
-ist a person, one who does an action artist, linguist, pianist
-ite resident of, follower, product of suburbanite, luddite, dynamite
-itis inflammation appendicitis, tonsillitis
-ity state, condition, or quality abnormality, civility, necessity
-ive inclined to, quality of, that which attractive, expensive, repulsive
colonization, fertilization,
-ization act or process of making modernization
-ize cause, treat, become antagonize, authorize, popularize
-less without fearless, helpless, homeless
-let version of booklet, droplet, inlet
-like resembling, characteristic childlike, homelike, lifelike
-ling younger or inferior duckling, underling
-loger/logist one who does astrologer, cardiologist, chronologer
-log speech dialog, monolog
-ly in what manner badly, courageously, happily
-ment action, result movement, placement, shipment
-ness state or quality kindness, shyness, weakness
-oid resembling humanoid, tabloid, hemorrhoid
-ology study of, science of anthropology, archaeology, biology
-oma tumor, swelling carcinoma, osteoma, hematoma
synonym, antonym, homonym,
-onym name, word heteronym, oronym
-opia eye defect myopia, nyctalopia, hyperopia
-opsy examination biopsy, autopsy, necropsy
-or a person who inventor, legislator, translator
-ory relating to armory, dormitory, laboratory
diagnosis, prognosis, neurosis,
-osis process, diseased condition psychosis
-ostomy/otomy surgical colostomy, lobotomy, craniotomy
-ous full of hazardous, humorous, wondrous
-path one who engages in homeopath, naturopath, psychopath
-pathy feeling, diseased sympathy, apathy, neuropathy
-phile one who loves bibliophile, audiophile, pyrophile
acrophobia, claustrophobia,
-phobia abnormal fear of xenophobia
-phone sound homophone, telephone, microphone
-phyte plant, to grow zoophyte, cryptophyte, epiphyte
-plegia paralysis paraplegia, quadriplegia, hemiplegia
-plegic one who is paralyzed paraplegic, technoplegic, quadriplegic
-pnea air, spirit apnea, hyperpnea, orthopnea
-scopy/scope visual exam arthroscopy, gastroscopy, microscope
-scribe/script to write transcript, describe, manuscript
-sect to cut dissect, insect, bisect
-ship state or condition of, skill of authorship, citizenship, friendship
-some characterized by, group of cumbersome, quarrelsome, foursome
philosophy, theosophy,
-sophy/sophic wisdom, knowledge anthroposophic
-th state or quality depth, length, strength
-tome/tomy to cut hysterectomy, epitome, tonsillotome
-trophy nourishment, growth atrophy, hypertrophy, dystrophy
-tude state, condition or quality fortitude, gratitude, magnitude
-ty state, condition or quality ability, honesty, loyalty
-ular relating to or resembling cellular, circular, muscular
-uous state or quality of arduous, tumultuous, virtuous
-ure action, condition closure, erasure, failure
-ward specifies direction backward, eastward, homeward
-ware things of the same type or material hardware, software, kitchenware
-wise in what manner or direction clockwise, lengthwise, otherwise
-y made up of, characterized brainy, fruity, gooey