Activity 1: EPISODE 7 Foundations of Curriculum Development
Activity 1: EPISODE 7 Foundations of Curriculum Development
Activity 1: EPISODE 7 Foundations of Curriculum Development
considered Emphasi-
presented curriculum Viewed
zed social
curriculum also as a
as a as studies in
science the
science which is purposeful
activities curriculum
that based on
which are and the
emphasiz students'
child- teacher
es on need, and
centered. plans the
students' the lesson in
need. teachers advance.
plan the
curriculum Social
curriculum Peter
as processes,
is a Oliva's
organized including
around science socializatio Ten
social and an n of human General
functions extension beings, Axioms of
of of school's are not Curriculu
themes, philosophy linear, and m
. based on they Developm
organized cannot be
knowledg students' ent
e and need and through
earner's interests. linear
interests. planning.
Activity 2 Interview an administrator, a faculty and cite specific examples in each of the
Items given below. Complete the Table.
4. Social Foundations
Students were having a group activity.
My Personal Insights
Historical foundations gives importance like what Franklin Bobbit says that
curriculum as a science that emphasizes on students' need.
Psychology provides information about the teaching and learning process. It also
seeks answers as to how a curriculum be organized in order to achieve students’
learning at the optimum level, and as to what amount of information they can absorb in
learning the various contents of the curriculum.
Educational Philosophies
Descriptive Meta Ethics Normative
Ethics Ethics
Cognitive Theory
This graphical organizer illustrates the functions of my school using the philosophical
in education.
First is rationalism where reality is constructed by the teacher and students. Where
both are rational people which they give ideas or construct their own ideas, cognitive
theory or learning will function and it will process the information through mind
mapping and that’s the time you can identify the learning styles of the students.
Pragmatism in educational philosophy it is an education problem solving and direct
experiences involved or the practical application of ideas by acting them.
Ethics falls into 3 categories which are descriptive, meta and normative. Descriptive
ethics is a beliefs about morality, meta ethics is an ethical terms and theories and
normative is ought to act. In reality, descriptive is what the people think is right? Meta
ethics is what does right even mean?. Normative ethics is how people act?
Pieces of Evidence Documents
Records Pictures
Ten (10) Axioms for Curriculum Situations/ Samples on How These Axioms are Realized
Designers in the School Setting
1. Curriculum change is Yes indeed it is necessary because if there is no
inevitable, necessary and curriculum it’s like going to nowhere.
4. Curriculum change It is best that teachers design and own the changes.
depends on people who
will implement the
10. Curriculum development An existing design is a good starting point for any teacher
starts from where the who plans to enhance and enrich a curriculum.
curriculum is.
Activity 2 Observe a class or get a sample lesson. Using the elements/component,
write a sample curriculum using the template given below.
Activity 3 Request a sample lesson. Analyze the components present in the plan.
Paste the lesson plan below.
Pieces of Evidence Documents
Records Pictures
Collect 3 sample lesson plans for various schools. Evaluate the similarities and
differences using the Venn Diagram.
Similarities in
Same Intended
Objectives and Subject
Differences: Differences:
Procedures Procedures
Assessment Assessment
Agreement Agreement
Strategies Strategies
Kapitangan National High School Marcelo H Del Pilar National High School