Us9873782 PDF
Us9873782 PDF
Us9873782 PDF
168.3 257.8 399.9 wherein the resulting bimodal high -density polyethylene
n * 747 (kPa · s )
PENT Failure Time (h )
> 10 ,000 > 7 ,900 > 10 ,000 pipe extrusion resin exhibits a zero shear viscosity
Pipe Extrusion Data (n * .) greater than about 800 kPas, a complex viscosity
Typical Throughput Rates 1,885 1,500 1,750 2,351 at a shear rate of 0 .01 rad/s ranging from about 200 to
( lb /hr ) * * 65 about 450 kPa . s, a complex viscosity at a shear rate of
Extruder Load ( % ) 70 83 77 73 100 rad /s ranging from about 1900 to about 2600 Pa:s ,
a melt index MI, ranging from about 0 . 1 to about 0 .5
US 9 ,873,782 B2
g /10 min , an HLMI ranging from 7 to 11 g / 10 min and 13 . The process according to claim 9 , wherein the decom
a PENT failure time greater than 7900 hours . posable thermal initiator is selected from the group consist
7. The process according to claim 6 , wherein the base ing of 2,5 Dimethyl 2,5 Di?tert-butylperoxyl)hexane ,
resin comprises ethylene polymer ( A ) in an amount ranging dicumyl peroxide , tert-butylcumyl peroxide, 1,3 - 1,4 Bis
from about 47 % to about 53 % by weight. 5 ( tert- butylperoxyisopropyl) benzene, di- tert-butyl peroxide
8 . The process according to claim 6 , wherein the decom and 2 ,5 Dimethyl 2, 5 Di(tertbutylperoxyl ) hexyne -3 .
posable thermal initiator is selected from the group consist 14 . The process according to claim 13 , wherein the
ing of 2 ,5 Dimethyl 2 ,5 Di?tert-butylperoxyl)hexane, amount of decomposable thermal initiator ranges from about
dicumyl peroxide, tert-butylcumyl peroxide, 1, 3 - 1 ,4 Bis(ter
butylperoxyisopropyl) benzene, di- tert-butyl peroxide and 10 50 15ppm . The
to about 150 ppm .
process according to claim 9 ,wherein the bimodal
2 ,5 Dimethyl 2 ,5 Di?tert-butylperoxyl) hexyne -3 . high - density polyethylene pipe extrusion resin exhibits a
9 . A process for producing a bimodal high -density poly melt index MI , ranging from about 0 .1 to about 0 .5 g/ 10
ethylene pipe extrusion resin comprising: min .
preparing an ethylene polymer component ( A ) having a
density of about 968 kgmto
/ 975 kg/m3 and a MI, 15 16 . The bimodal high - density polyethylene pipe extrusion
ranging from about 200 to 600 g/10 min in a first resin according to claim 1, wherein the bimodal high -density
reactor ; polyethylene pipe extrusion resin exhibits a shear thinning
transferring the ethylene polymer ( A ) to a second reactor index SHI, 71910 ranging from about 60 to about 115 .
and combining ethylene polymer (A ) with an ethylene 17. The bimodalhigh -density polyethylene pipe extrusion
polymer ( B ) having a density lower than the density of 20 resin according to claim 1, wherein the bimodal high -density
ethylene polymer ( A ) to form a bimodal high -density polyethylene pipe extrusion resin exhibits a zero shear
polyethylene base resin with about 45 % to about 55 % viscosity ( n * . ) ranging from about 800 kPas to about 1200
by weight of ethylene polymer ( A ), wherein the first kPas .
and second reactors are fed with hydrogen and the ratio 18 . The process according to claim 6 , wherein the pipe
of the molar hydrogen concentration in the first reactor 25 extrusion resin exhibits a zero shear viscosity (n * ) ranging
to the molar hydrogen concentration of the second from about 800 kPas to about 1200 kPas .
reactor is from 250 : 1 to 350 : 1 ;
feeding the bimodal high -density polyethylene base resin resin19 .made
The bimodal high - density polyethylene pipe extrusion
according to the process of claim 6 , wherein the
and a decomposable thermal initiator to an extrusion bimodal high -density polyethylene pipe extrusion resin
device ; and exhibits a viscosity at a constant shear stress of 747 Pa
mixing high -density polyethylene base resin and the
decomposable thermal initiator, until homogeneous, to (9 * 747) ranging from about 400 kPa.s to about 1300 kPa.s.
obtain the bimodal high -density polyethylene pipe 20 . The bimodal high -density polyethylene pipe extrusion
extrusion resin ; resin made according to the process of claim 6 , wherein the
wherein the bimodal high - density polyethylene pipe 35 bimodal high -density polyethylene pipe extrusion resin has
extrusion resin has a zero shear viscosity (n * .) greater a G '(G " = 3000 ) (Pa) ranging from about 1600 to about 2500 .
than about 800 kPas, a complex viscosity at a shear rate 21 . The bimodal high -density polyethylene pipe extrusion
of 0 .01 rad / s ranging from about 200 to about 450 resin made according to the process of claim 9 , wherein the
kPa:s , a complex viscosity at a shear rate of 100 rad /s bimodal high -density polyethylene pipe extrusion resin
ranging from about 1900 to about 2600 Pa. s , and an 40 exhibits a viscosity at a constant shear stress of 747 Pa
HLMI ranging from 7 to 11 g /10 min and a PENT (n * 747) ranging from about 400 kPa.s to about 1300 kPa.s.
failure time greater than 7900 hours .
10 . The process according to claim 9 , wherein the mixing resin22 .made The bimodal high -density polyethylene pipe extrusion
according to the process of claim 9 , wherein the
C .) .
is carried out at temperatures up to about 30° F . ( 288 bimodal high -density polyethylene pipe extrusion resin has
45 a G '( G " = 3000 ) ( Pa ) ranging from about 1600 to about 2500 .
11 . The process according to claim 9 ,wherein the bimodal
high -density polyethylene pipe extrusion resin has a shear high23-.density The process according to claim 6 , wherein the bimodal
polyethylene pipe extrusion resin has a shear
thinning index SHI2.7/210 from about 60 to about 115.
12 . The process according to claim 9 , wherein ethylene thinning index SHI2.7/210 ranging from about 60 to about
polymer ( B ) is polymerized in the presence of 1 -butene , 50 .
1 -hexene, or 1 -octene . * * * *