Fchcna - : Banking Law & Negotiable Instruments
Fchcna - : Banking Law & Negotiable Instruments
Fchcna - : Banking Law & Negotiable Instruments
* 3 5 4 5 *
Instructions to Candidates :
1. Do not.write anything on question paper except Seat No.
2. Graph or diagram should be drawn with the black ink pen being used
for writing paper or black HB pencil.
3. Students should note, no supplement will be provided.
4. All the questions are compulsory.
5. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Define Customer. Discuss the banker and customer relationship. 15
Stat~ & explain the provisions relating to constitution, powers and
functions of Reserve Ban'k of India.
2. Whether an account can be opened in the name of minor? If so, what 15
precautions should be taken by banker.
What is banking? State the principal functions of a bank as defined under
sec. 5 (b) of B. R. Act, 1949.
3. Write following short notes on any four. 20
a) Nationalisatian of banks.- b) Types of accouat.
c) Overdraft arrangement. d) Cash reserve ratio.
e) Gerierallien & particular lien. f) Automatic Teller:- Machine.
4. Define a cheque. How does it differ from a Bill of Exchange. · 15
What are the different parties· to a negotiable instrument? -Discuss their
5. What is presentment? When is presentment is not necessary. 15
What are the various modes in which the parties are discharged from their
liability under the Negotiable Instrument Act? Discuss fully.
8. Write short notes on any four. 20
a) Promissory note. b) Endorsement.
c) Noting and Protesting. d) Holder in due course.
e) Material alteration in instrument. f) c·rossing of cheque.
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