Shahab Ud Din Muhammad Guri
Shahab Ud Din Muhammad Guri
Shahab Ud Din Muhammad Guri
First he captured the area ruled by the Ghaznavids and later on extended his rule
to North India and Bengal. He was an able general and a brave soldier. He never
let a temporary defeat stand in his way.
After his defeat in the first battle of Tarain in 1191 at the hands of Prithvi Raj
Chauhan, ruler of Delhi and Ajmer, he spent a complete year preparing for war. He
came back in 1192 and defeated Prithvi Raj Chauhan in the second battle of
Tarain. He was the first Muslim ruler to conquer Delhi and establish a Muslim rule
in India.
Muhammad Ghuri had no heirs and thus he treated his slaves as his sons. It is said
that he trained thousands of Turkish slaves in the art of warfare and
administration. Most of his slaves were given excellent education. During his reign
many hardworking and intelligent slaves rose to positions of excellence.
Once a courtier regretted that Sultan has no male heirs. Ghuri immediately
replied, "Other monarchs may have one son, or two sons; I have thousands of
sons. Namely my Turkish slaves who will be the heirs of my dominions, and who,
after me, will take care to preserve my name in the Khutbah throughout these
territories". Ghuri's prediction proved true when he was succeeded by a dynasty of
Turkish Slaves.
Though Ghuri's main aim was the expansion of his empire, he also took an interest
in the patronization of education and learning. Illustrious Muslim philosopher Fakh-
ud-din Razi and the well know poet Nizami Aruzi were few of the big names of his
In 1206, Ghuri had to travel to Lahore to crush a revolt. On his way back to Ghazni,
his caravan halted at Damik near Jehlum. He was killed while offering his evening
prayers. Many think that the murderer was an Ismaili. However, some historians
believe that the murderer belonged to the warrior Ghakkar tribe that resided in the
area. He was buried where he fell and his tomb has recently been renovated.
Muhammad Ghuri is remembered as an empire builder and is justly called the
founder of the Muslim Empire in Indo-Pakistan.