Selenium Introduction: Why Selenium?: The Benefits of Implementing Automation Test Are Many Let Us Take A Look at Them

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The key takeaways are that Selenium is an open source tool used for automating web application testing and supports testing across different browsers and platforms.

The main components of Selenium are Selenium IDE, Selenium Remote Control, Selenium WebDriver and Selenium Grid.

The different panes in Selenium IDE are the Test Case pane, Log pane, Reference pane, UI-Element pane and Rollup pane.



Day 1:

How to start Learning Selenium?

Selenium Introduction:

Why Selenium?

As the current industry trends have shown that there is mass movement towards automation
testing. The cluster of repetitive manual testing scenarios has raised a demand to bring in the
practice of automating these manual scenarios.

The benefits of implementing automation test are many; let us take a look at them:

 Supports execution of repeated test cases

 Aids in testing a large test matrix
 Enables parallel execution
 Encourages unattended execution
 Improves accuracy thereby reducing human generated errors
 Saves time and money

All this results in to the following:

 High ROI
 Faster GoTo market

Automation testing benefits are many and well understood and largely talked about in the
software test industry.

One of the most commonly asked question comes with this is –

 What is the best tool for me to get my tests automated?

 Is there a cost involved?
 Is it easy to adapt?

One of the best answers to all the above questions for automating web based applications is
Selenium. Because:

 It’s open source

 have a large user base and helping communities
 have multi browser and platform compatibility
 has active repository developments
 supports multiple language implementations

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First glance at Selenium

Selenium is one of the most popular automated testing suites. Selenium is designed in a way to
support and encourage automation testing of functional aspects of web based applications and a
wide range of browsers and platforms. Due to its existence in the open source community, it has
become one of the most accepted tools amongst the testing professionals.

Selenium supports a broad range of browsers, technologies and platforms.

Selenium Components

Selenium is not just a single tool or a utility, rather a package of several testing tools and for the
same reason it is referred to as a Suite. Each of these tools is designed to cater different testing
and test environment requirements.

The suite package constitutes of the following sets of tools:

 Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

 Selenium Remote Control (RC)
 Selenium WebDriver
 Selenium Grid

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Selenium RC and WebDriver, in a combination are popularly known as Selenium 2. Selenium

RC alone is also referred as Selenium 1.

Selenium IDE Download and Installation

For the ease of understanding, I have bifurcated the entire IDE installation process in the
following chunks/steps.

Before taking off, there is one thing that needs to be in place prior to the installation; Mozilla
Firefox. You can download it from here => Mozilla Firefox download.

Step #1: Selenium IDE download: Open the browser (Firefox) and enter the URL
– . This would open the official Selenium head quarter website. Navigate
to the “Download” page; this page embodies all the latest releases of all the selenium
components. Refer the following figure.

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Step #2: Move under the selenium IDE head and click on the link present. This link represents
the latest version of the tool in the repository. Refer the following figure.

Step #3: As soon as we click on the above link, a security alert box would appear so as to
safeguard our system against potential risks. As we are downloading the plug-in from the
authentic website, thus click on the “Allow” button.

Step #4: Now Firefox downloads the plug-in in the backdrop. As soon as the process completes,
software installation window appears. Now click on the “Install Now” button.

Step #5: After the installation is completed, a pop up window appears asking to re-start the
Firefox. Click on the “Restart Now” button to reflect the Selenium IDE installation.

Step #6: Once the Firefox is booted and started again, we can see selenium IDE indexed under
menu bar -> Web Developer -> Selenium IDE.

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Step #7: As soon as we open Selenium IDE, the Selenium IDE window appears.

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Features of Selenium IDE

Let’s have a look at each of the feature in detail.

#1. Menu Bar

Menu bar is positioned at the upper most of the Selenium IDE window. The menu bar is
typically comprised of five modules.

 File Menu
 Edit Menu
 Actions Menu
 Options Menu
 Help Menu

A) File Menu 

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File Menu is very much analogous to the file menu belonging to any other application. It allows
user to:

 Create new test case, open existing test case, save the current test case.
 Export Test Case As and Export Test Suite As in any of the associated programming
language compatible with Selenium RC and WebDriver. It also gives the liberty to the
user to prefer amid the available unit testing frameworks like jUnit, TestNG etc. Thus an
IDE test case can be exported for a chosen union of programming language, unit testing
framework and tool from the selenium package.
 Export Test Case As option exports and converts only the currently opened Selenium
IDE test case.
 Export Test Suite As option exports and converts all the test cases associated with the
currently opened IDE test suite.
 Close the test case.

The Selenium IDE test cases can be saved into following format:

 HTML format

The Selenium IDE test cases can be exported into following formats/programming languages.

 java (IDE exported in Java)

 rb (IDE exported in Ruby)
 py (IDE exported in Python)
 cs (IDE exported in C#)

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Notice that with the forthcoming newer versions of Selenium IDE, the support to formats may

B) Edit Menu

Edit menu provides options like Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete and Select All which are
routinely present in any other edit menu. Amongst them, noteworthy are:

 Insert New Command – Allows user to insert the new command/test step anywhere
within the current test case.
 Insert New Comment – Allows user to insert the new comment anywhere within the
current test case to describe the subsequent test steps.

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Insert New Command

The new command would be inserted above the selected command/test step.

Now the user can insert the actual command action, target and value.

Insert New Comment

In the same way we can insert comments.

The purple color indicates that the text is representing a comment.

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C) Actions Menu

Actions Menu equips the user with the options like:

 Record – Record options fine tunes the Selenium IDE into the recording mode. Thus,
any action made by the user on the Firefox browser would be recorded in IDE.
 Play entire test suite – The option plays all the Selenium IDE test cases associated with
the current test suite.
 Play current test case – The option plays the current Selenium IDE test case that has
been recorded/created by the user.
 Pause / Resume – User can Pause/Resume the test case at any point of time while
 Toggle Breakpoint – User can set one or multiple breakpoint(s) to forcefully break the
execution at any particular test step during execution.
 Set / Clear Start Point – User can also set start point at any particular test step for
execution. This would enable user to execute the test case from the given start point for
the subsequent runs.
 To deal with the page/element loads, the user can set the execution speed from fastest to
lowest with respect to the responsiveness of the application under test.

D) Options Menu

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Options menu privileges the user to set and practice various settings provided by the Selenium
IDE. Options menu is recommended as one of the most important and advantageous menu of the

Options Menu is primarily comprised of the following four components which can be sub-
divided into the following:


Selenium IDE Options dialog box

To launch Selenium IDE Options dialog box, follow the steps:

1. Click on Options Menu

2. Click on the Options

A Selenium IDE Options dialog box appears. Refer the following figure.

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Selenium IDE Options dialog box aids the user to play with the general settings, available
formats, available plug-ins and available locators types and their builders.

Let’s have a look at the few important ones.

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General Settings

 Default Timeout Value – Default Timeout Value represents the time (in milliseconds)
that selenium would wait for a test step to execute before generating an error. The
standard timeout value is 30000 milliseconds i.e. 30 seconds. The user can leverage this
feature by changing the default time in cases when the web element takes more/less than
the specified time to load.
 Extensions – Selenium IDE supports a wide range of extensions to enhance the
capabilities of the core tool thereby multiplying its potential. These user extensions are
simply the JavaScript files. They can set by mentioning their absolute path in the text
boxes representing extensions in the Options dialog box.
 Remember base URL – Checking this option enables the Selenium IDE to remember
the URL every time we launch it. Thus it is advisable to mark it checked. Un-checking
this option will leave the base URL field as blank and it will be re-filled only when we
launch another URL on the browser.
 Record assertTitle automatically – Checking this field inserts the assertTitle command
automatically along with the target value for every visited web page.

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 Enable experimental features – Checking this field for the first time imports the various
available formats into the Selenium IDE.



Formats tab displays all the available formats with selenium IDE. User is levied with the choice
to enable and disable any of the formats. Refer the following figure.

Selenium IDE Plugins

Plug-ins tab displays the supported Firefox plug-ins installed on our instance of Selenium IDE.
There are a number of plug-ins available to cater different needs, thus we can install these add-
ons like we do other plug-ins. One of the recently introduced plug-in is “File Logging”. In the
end of this tutorial, we will witness how to install and use this plug-in.

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With the standard distribution, Selenium IDE comes with a cluster of following plug-ins:

 Selenium IDE: Ruby Formatters

 Selenium IDE: Python Formatters
 Selenium IDE: Java Formatters
 Selenium IDE: C# Formatters

These formatters are responsible to convert the HTML test cases into the desired programming

Locator Builders

Locator builders allow us to prioritize the order of locator types that are generated while
recording the user actions. Locators are the set of standards by which we uniquely identify a web
element on a web page.

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Formats option allows user to convert the Selenium IDE test case (selenese commands) into
desired format.

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E) Help Menu

As Selenium has a wide community and user base, thus various documentations, release notes,
guides etc. are handily available. Thus, the help menu lists down official documentation and
release notes to help the user.

#2. Base URL Bar

Base URL bar is principally same as that of an address bar. It remembers the previously visited
websites so that the navigation becomes easy later on.

Now, whenever the user uses “open” command of Selenium IDE without a target value, the base
URL would be launched on to the browser.

Accessing relative paths

To access relative paths, user simply needs to enter a target value like “/download” along with
the “open” command. Thus, the base URL appended with “/downloads”
( would be launched on to the browser. The same is evident

in the above depiction.

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#3. Toolbar

Toolbar provides us varied options pertinent to the recording and execution of the test case.

   Playback Speed – This option allows user to control the test case
execution speed from fast to slow.
  Play test suite – This option allows user to execute all the test cases belonging to
the current test suite sequentially.
  Play test case – This option allows user to execute the currently selected test
  Pause – This option allows user to pause the current execution.
  Step – This option allows user to step into the test step.
   Rollup– This option allows user to combine multiple test steps to act like a single
  Record – This option allows user to start/stop the recording of user actions. The
hollow red ball indicates the start of the recording session whereas the solid red ball
indicates the end of the recording session. By default, the Selenium IDE opens in the
recording mode.

#4. Editor

Editor is a section where IDE records a test case. Each and every user action is recorded in the
editor in the same order in which they are performed.

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The editor in IDE has two views, namely:

1) Table View

It is the default view provided by Selenium IDE. The test case is represented in the tabular
format. Each user action in the table view is a consolidation of “Command”, “Target” and
“Value” where command, target and value refers to user action, web element with the unique
identification and test data correspondingly. Besides recording it also allows user to insert, create
and edit new Selenese commands with the help of the editor form present in the bottom.

2) Source View

The test case is represented in the HTML format. Each test step is considered be a row <tr>
which is a combination of command, target and value in the separate columns <td>. Like any
HTML document, more rows and columns can be added to correspond to each Selenese

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Editor Form lets the user to type any command and the suggestions for the related command
would be populated automatically. Select button lets the user to select any web element and its
locator would be fetched automatically into the target field. Find button lets the user find the web
element on the web page against a defined target. Value is the test input data entered into the
targets with which we want to test the scenario.

#5. Test case pane

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At the instance we open Selenium IDE interface, we see a left container titled “Test case”
containing an untitled test case. Thus, this left container is entitled as Test case pane.

Test case pane contains all the test cases that are recorded by IDE. The tool has a capability of
opening more than one test case at the same time under test case pane and the user can easily
shuffle between the test cases. The test steps of these test cases are organized in the editor

Selenium IDE has a color coding ingredient for reporting purpose. After the execution, the test
case in marked either in “red” or “green” color.

 Red color symbolizes the unsuccessful run i.e. failure of the test case.
 Green color symbolizes the successful run of the test case
 It also layouts the summary of the total number of test cases executed with the number of
failed test cases.
 If we execute a test suite, all the associated test cases would be listed in the test case
pane. Upon execution, the above color codes would be rendered accordingly.

#6. Log Pane

Log pane gives the insight about current execution in the form of messages along with the log
level in the real time. Thus, log messages enable a user to debug the issues in case of test case
execution failures.

The printing methods / log levels used for generating logs are:

 Error – Error message gives information about the test step failure. It may be generated in
the cases when element is not found, page is not loaded, verification/assertion fails etc.
 Warn – Warning message gives information about unexpected conditions.
 Info – Info message gives information about current test step execution.
 Debug – Debug messages gives information about the technicalities in the backdrop
about the current test step.

Logs can be filtered with the help of a drop down located at the top-right corner of the footer
beside the clear button. Clear button erases all the log messages generated in the current or
previous run.

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Generating Logs in an external medium

Recently introduced “File Logging” plug-in enables the user to save log messages into an
external file. File Logging can be plugged in to IDE like any other plug-in. Upon installation, it
can be found as a tab named “File Logging” in the footer beside the Clear button.

Reference Pane

Reference Pane gives the brief description about the currently selected Selenese command along
with its argument details.

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UI-Element Pane

UI – Element Pane allows Selenium user to use JavaScript Object Notation acronym as JSON to
access the page elements. More on this can be found in UI-Element Documentation under Help

Rollup Pane

Rollup Pane allows the user to roll up or combine multiple test steps to constitute a single
command termed as “rollup”. The rollup in turn can be called multiple times across the test case.

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