Present Continuous Tense
Present Continuous Tense
Present Continuous Tense
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۔3'Object &12 ./0,- ()*+&' is/am/are% subject :ﺑﻨﺎﻧﮯ ﮐﺎ ﻃﺮﯾﻘﮧ
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3' ?A8,- PJ K8> LM5> NH8O ;(
1. People are going to Changa Manga for picnic. V VWX URST QC
2. The boy is preparing well for the examination. &Z[\ ]*^_ ` QY
3. The hen is laying eggs. b cd Qa
4. I am drawing the map of Pakistan. ! fg ^hi Qe
5. The milk man is milking the cow. k k lmn o Qj
6. The boys are throwing stones at the frogs. rst!uvq Qp
7. My friends are encouraging me. |xy z{- z Qw
8. The fishermen are catching fish. ~!•€ Q}
9. Amjad is winding the watch. ‚ƒu „… Q•
10. The police is running after the murderer. Sˆ‰ Š‹Œ‡ QC†
11. We are printing a new book. •WŽ••‘ ’ QCC
12. This cloth is selling cheap. –• ”“ QCY
13. The rich man is giving alms. — ˜™ z QCa
14. The beggar is counting coins. œš› QCe
15. He is turning the tap on. •žŸ* # QCj
16. I am looking for my watch. ! &¢£ „¡ QCp
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¾ ½ ¼ ¤C† » º q¤• ' ¸¹ J # ¤} · ¶ T u µ ´ • ¤w ³ ² ¤p
^ ^hi ¤Cj • Á Æ ÄÅ ¤Ce à ² # ¤Ca  u Á ÀCY¤ § k — ¿ ¤CC
& ÈÉ Ç- — Ç
1- It is drizzling. 2- The well is running. 3- I am taking rest now. 4- Smoke is rising from the stove. 5- We
are collecting old coins. 6- I am feeling dizzy. 7- You are saying goodbye to your friend - 8 He is diving in
the river. 9-The children are making a noise. 10- Akbar is cutting wheat. 11- The woman is boiling the
milk. 12- The students are decorating the school. 13- He is coming to see me. 14- The government is
opening new schools. 15- Pakistan is progressing by leaps and bounds.
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¤} þÎý® ü ¤w —û Î ú ® ø ù ´ ÷ “ ¤p &Î öõtl z Ù ¤j
Î § ¤CC Î # Ü t # ´ # ¤C† Î ! ` ¤• Î ’
çÎ — ¿ ¤Cj Î ” … ¤Ce ÎX — ¿ ¤Ca Ϊ ` ¤CY
1- You're not telling me your address. 2- He is not leading the procession. 3- The Governor is not presiding
over the meeting. 4- He is not working honestly. 5- You are not criticizing my opinion. 6- This officer is
not neglecting his duties. 7- Workers are not shirking work. 8- We are not smelling flowers. 9- Girls are
not dozing in class. 10- He is not feeling ashamed on his sin. 11- The cook is not cooking food. 12- The
boys are not drinking juice of sugarcane. 13- The woman is not calling for help. 14- Amjad is not changing
clothes. 15- The woman is not working on grinding stone.
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3'^ 3'Object &12
KH <=> ?@> ?A8 ;(456789: B8A6 C=: D./0 FE6789: +?
1. Is the baby sleeping? QC
2. Are you listening to the news? Ù QY
3. Are the players playing the match? Qa
4. Is Salma going to her aunt's house? n ¡ Qe
C B ¤j A!% ^@ í Ù ¤e • ? ü ¤a r s t !> ` = ¤Y < ¥ƒ ¤C
I H G ® F Ù ¤} ‘Ü § ª ™ / ¤w ¯ !! ” 5 ¿ ¤p E D- äå
& N M # J ® Lm ¥ ¤CC !! K #í J ¤C† —¿ ^u t ± — ² ¤•
kë n- - ^u Ù ¤Cj Q ^u # ¤Ce &¶ Ü ® - P ¤Ca & O 4 Ù ¤CY
1- Is the moon rising? 2- Are bad boys throwing stones at buses? 3- Are labourers digging soil? 4- Why are
you selling your house? 5- Is Bashir buying a new bike? 6- Where are women washing clothes? 7- How
many men are joining in this business? 8- How much money are you withdrawing from the bank? 9- Who
is Inviting me to Dinner? 10- Where are poor refugees going? 11- Is the shopkeeper over charging the
customer? 12- Whose message are you taking? 13- When is the contractor starting work? 14- Who is
knocking at the door? 15- Which magazine are you reading?