Prestige Class - Windfall
Prestige Class - Windfall
Prestige Class - Windfall
M ay not be a Bard, a Rogue, or a Kender. Re-roll: A player may re-roll any one die per day per
character’s Windfall level. A natural 1 (critical miss) may not be re-
Must have had hp reduced to less than 0, or have had more than 50% rolled with this ability.
of hp taken in a single encounter, or have experienced death through
some alternative method. Critical Flip: A player must declare a critical flip before
doing any action which requires a success roll (includes Spell
Knowledge (religion): 2 ranks. Resistance). A coin flip (or odd/even die roll) is substituted in place
of the roll. If the flip is successful, the player rolls to see if the
Alignment: Any neutral or chaotic.
success qualifies as a critical success (if applicable). If the flip is
Level: Must have a total of at least 8 levels in other classes. unsuccessful, the player may roll normally to determine success, but
any critical success on this roll counts as a natural success.
Class Features Prevailing Wind: This ability is what makes the Windfall
the object of gossip and myth. Even in the face of absolute tragedy a
Weapon and Armour Proficiency is not determined nor Windfall character may succeed by pure luck and sheer grace of the
modified directly by this class. Effects of this class may modify a prevailing wind. Whenever a Windfall is put into an extremely
character’s proficiencies, but the class itself does not directly modify difficult circumstance, where her life or the life of another she values
the characters ability to use any weapons or armour. is in total jeopardy, the Windfall may call upon the prevailing wind.
A Windfall experiences life through a new set of senses. To do this, she must declare her actions, up to her Windfall
Her ability to notice things or realize things as they are about to level of rounds, in advance. These actions must be in an effort to
happen has increased dramatically. Every Windfall discovers their dispel the threatening situation, in some way. Each action declared
new life differently. that requires a success roll (includes Spell Resistance) will have a
The Windfall experiences Awe, the feeling that something coin flip (or odd/even die roll) substituted for the roll. If the coin flip
has changed as she begins to see things differently. At each level, the is successful in this instance, the outcome is always considered a
character receives Windfall S kill Bonus due to luck equal to 2 SP critical success! If the coin flip is unsuccessful, the outcome is
per Windfall level. unsuccessful and the Windfall may continue onto her next declared
action, if possible.
At 1st Level, the character gains Lightning Reflexes feat,
and +2 to Reflex Saves (awe), but receives a -4 to initiative modifiers If all of the actions declared for any of these rounds are
(awe). The Windfall also receives her first Windfall Luck Bonus made impossible during its declared round or the next, the prevailing
(+1), and every 2 levels hereafter. wind is unsuccessful, and regular play continues.
At 2nd Level, the character loses her +2 to Reflex Saves and In the event of an unsuccessful prevailing wind attempt, all
the -4 to initiative modifiers, but gains the Alertness feat (does not of the character’s Windfall Luck Bonuses, Re-rolls, and Critical Flips
stack if the character already has the Alertness feat) and Re-roll. The are negated for either 1d4+1days or 1d6+6 hours (determined by a
Windfall also receives a +1 Reflex Save bonus due to luck. coin flip, and unknown by the Windfall character).