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AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
1. Proposals for amendments or additions to the text of this pamphlet should be made
through the normal channels to the sponsor. To facilitate this, there are amendment proposal forms
at the back of this publication.
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
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AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
1. The aim of this pamphlet is to standardise the radiotelephone (ratel) procedures for operators
and users throughout the Australian Army including the Australian Army Cadets (AAC).
2. The pamphlet is designed to ensure maximum compatibility with joint and combined
procedures without impairing the speed and efficiency of the land force nets.
3. This pamphlet has been extracted from LWP-G 6-1-4 Radio Communications Procedures
(All Corps), 1999 for use by the AAC with sections not applicable left out. The chapter and paragraph
numbering have been left the same for ease of referencing. It has been produced by the Training Cell,
4. Words importing gender refer to both male and female, unless specifically stated
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
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AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
Title Page
Amendment Certificate
A. Radio Appointment Titles
B. Military Printing of Letters and Figures
C. Instructions for Maintaining a Radio Operator’s Log
D. Sample Operator’s Log Entries
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
CHAPTER 3. The Radio Net
3-1 The Radio Net 3.1
Definition 3.1
Net Control Station 3.4
Sub-stations 3.5
3-2 Call-signs, Net Identification Call-signs and Address Groups 3.6
Call-signs 3.6
Tactical Call-signs 3.10
Fixed Call-signs 3.12
Collective Call-signs 3.13
Net Identification Call-signs 3.15
Address Groups 3.18
Sequence of Call-signs and/or Address Groups 3.20
The Daily Change 3.21
Radiotelephone Procedures
4-1 Introduction 4.1
Aim 4.1
Joint and Combined Procedures 4.4
Types of Radio (Voice) Communications 4.5
Radiotelephone Procedures 4.9
How to Speak Clearly 4.12
Phonetic Alphabet 4.13
Pronunciation of Figures 4.15
Rules for Grid References 4.21
Rules for Mixed Groups 4.22
Abbreviations in the Text 4.24
Expanding Abbreviations 4.27
Prowords 4.28
Punctuation 4.30
A. Commonly Used Prowords
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
CHAPTER 6. Establishing a Net 6.1
6-1 General Instructions
Preliminary Instructions 6.4
Tuning the Radio 6.6
Selecting the Frequency 6.7
Initial Call 6.9
Amplifying Report 6.26
6-2 No Contact Procedure 6.30
Immediate Action Drill 6.31
Procedure 6.32
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
CHAPTER 9. Communication Drills - Voice
9-1 Emission Control 9.1
9-2 Imposing, Lifting and Breaking Radio Silence 9.8
Breaking Electronic Silence 9.14
9-3 Emergency Silence 9.16
9-4 Changing Frequency 9.27
Security Change 9.28
Technical and Tactical Change 9.31
No Contact 9.34
Transmission of Frequencies in Clear 9.36
Changing Frequencies in Insecure Mode 9.37
9-5 Joining a Working Net 9.39
Procedure 9.39
Time Checks 9.46
Procedure 9.47
9-7 Closing Down 9.51
Procedure 9.52
A. Rules for the Use of Precedence
B. Schematic Outline of a Message Format
A Retransmission Fault Isolation and Rectification
Figure Page
1-1 An Example of Military Printing of Letters and Figures 1B-1
3-1 The Layout of a Simple Radio Net Consisting the
Net Control Station and Four Sub-stations 3-2
6-1 Radio Net Diagram 6-7
11-1 Multiple Retransmission – One Retransmission Site on
One Leg 11-7
11-2 Multiple Retransmission Through Multiple
Retransmission Sites on One Leg 11-8
Table Page
1-1 Radio Appointment Titles 1A-1
1-2 Logging Abbreviations 1C-3
1-3 Operator’s Log Entries 1D-1
2-1 Standard Interference and Jamming W arning
Report Format Information 2A-1
4-1 The Phonetic Alphabet 4-4
4-2 Pronouncing Numerals 4-5
4-3 Examples of Numeral Transmissions 4-6
4-4 Prowords 4A-1
6-1 Establishing a Net (Initial Call) 6-7
6-2 Establishing a Net (Amplifying Report) 6-12
6-3 Time and Frequency 6-16
8-1 Prowords Used in Relay Procedure 8-15
9-1 Emission Control Message Formats 9C-1
10-1 Rules for the Use of Precedence 10A-1
10-2 Schematic Outline of a Message Format 10B-1
11-1 Retransmission Prowords 11-2
11-2 Order to Change to Retransmission Frequency 11-3
11-3 Order to Switch Equipment 11-4
11-4 Cessation of Retransmission 11-5
11-5 Fault Finding and Rectification: Non-secure
RAVEN Retransmission Using WD-1/TT 11A-1
11-6 Fault Finding and Rectification: RAVEN Retransmission
Using Cable CX-F208 11A-2
11-7 Fault Finding and Rectification: RAVEN Retransmission
Using Retransmission Unit HF/VHF, RN-F300 (RTU) 11A-3
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
The terms listed below are used in this pamphlet. Definitions which appear in Australian
Defence Force Publication 101 – Glossary or other joint force and allied communications publications
are shown verbatim in normal type. The definitions or portions of definitions shown below in italics
have not been accepted for joint Services use.
Action Addressee. The activity or individual to whom a message is directed by the originator for
Address Indicator Group. An address group which represents a specific set of action and/or
information addressees. The identity of the originator may also be included.
Alternate Frequency. The spare frequency which is used when the primary frequency
becomes unusable for any reason.
Call. A transmission made for the purpose of identifying the transmitting station and the
station for which the transmission is intended.
Challenge. Any process carried out by one unit or person with the objective of ascertaining the
friendly or hostile character or identity of another. The answer to a challenge is a reply.
Cipher. Any cryptographic system in which arbitrary symbols or groups of symbols represent
units of plain text of regular length. The cryptographic system usually comprises single letters or units
of plain text which are rearranged, or indeed, both used in accordance with certain
predetermined rules.
Circuit Discipline. The component of transmission security which includes the proper use of
communications equipment, the adherence to the prescribed frequencies and operation
procedure, remedial action, net control, monitoring and training.
Clear Text. Text or language which conveys an intelligible meaning in the language in which it is
written with no hidden meaning: clear text is the intelligible text underlying encrypted text.
Code-word. A word which has been assigned a classification and a classified meaning to
safeguard intentions and information regarding a classified plan or operation. A cryptonym is
used to identify sensitive intelligence data.
Codress Message. A type of message in which the entire address is contained only within the
encrypted text.
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
Communications Security. The protection resulting from the application of cryptographic
security, transmission security and emission security measures to telecommunications and from
the application of physical security measures to communications security (comsec) information. These
measures are taken to deny information of value to unauthorised persons which might be derived
from the possession and study of such telecommunications, or to ensure the authenticity of such
Cryptographic Security. That component of communications security which results from the
provision of technically sound cryptosystems and their proper use.
Decode. To convert encoded text into its equivalent plain text by means of a code. (This does
not include solution by cryptanalysis.)
Decrypt. To convert a cryptogram into plain text by a reversal of the encryption process.
Directed Net. In a directed net, stations obtain permission from the net control station prior to
communicating with other stations in the net.
Drill. Drill messages are those intended for training communications personnel. Drill messages
are identified by the inclusion of the word ‘DRILL’ at the beginning and end of the text.
Dummy Load. A dissipative impedance-matched network used at the end of a transmission line
to absorb all incident power, usually converted to heat.
Electronic Attack. That division of electronic warfare involving actions taken to prevent or
reduce any enemy’s effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum. Electronic attack includes
jamming and deception, and is the offensive component of electronic warfare.
Electronic Protective Measures. That division of electronic warfare involving actions taken to
ensure friendly, effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum despite the enemy’s use of
electronic warfare.
Electronic Silence. A period during which all or certain equipment which is capable of
electromagnetic radiation are kept inoperative. The following equipment may be affected:
a. communication equipment,
b. radars and surveillance devices,
c. infra-red and electronic countermeasure equipment, and
d. beacons.
Electronic Warfare. Any military action involving the use of electromagnetic and directed energy,
to control the electromagnetic spectrum or to attack the enemy.
Electronic Support. That division of electronic warfare involving actions taken to search for,
intercept, locate, record and analyse radiated electromagnetic energy for the purpose of exploiting
such radiations in support of military operations.
Encode. To convert a plain text message into its coded form. That section of the code book in
which the plain text equivalents of the code groups are in alphabetical, numerical or systematic
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
Encrypt. To convert a plain text message into disguised form by means of a cryptosystem.
NOTE: The term ‘encrypt’ covers the meanings of ‘encipher’ and ‘encode’.
Exercise. Messages sent during and relating to training exercises are exercise messages and
are prepared and handled in the same manner as normal traffic except that the exercise
identification, preceded by the word ‘EXERCISE’, is to be inserted by the originator as the first
word of the message.
Formatted Message Text. A message text composed of several sets ordered in a specified
sequence, each set characterised by an identifier and containing information of a specified type,
coded and arranged in an ordered sequence of character fields in accordance with the
Australian Defence Formatted Message System formatting rules. It is designed to permit both
manual and automated handling and processing.
Free Net. The net control station authorises sub-stations to transmit traffic to other stations in the
net without obtaining prior permission.
Informal Message. A short, unregistered message, either verbal or consisting only of written text,
of which no file copy is kept.
Listening Watch. A continuous receiver watch established for the reception of traffic
addressed to, or of interest to, own unit, with complete log optional.
Meaconing. A system of receiving radio beacon signals and rebroadcasting them on the same
frequency to confuse navigation. The meaconing stations cause inaccurate bearings to be obtained by
aircraft or ground stations.
Message. Any thought or idea expressed briefly in a plain, coded or secret language,
prepared in a form suitable for transmission by any means of communication.
Message Text. That part of a message which contains the thoughts or ideas which the originator
intends to convey to the addressee. It may also contain instructions for the receiving agency to
ensure special handling or disposal of the message.
Net Control Station. A station designated to control traffic and enforce circuit discipline within a
given communications net.
NODUF. The term used during exercises and training to denote a real incident rather than exercise
Originator. The command by whose authority a message is sent. The originator is also
responsible for the functions of the drafter and releasing officer.
Procedure Word (Proword). A word or phrase limited to radiotelephone procedure and used in
lieu of a prosign (used in ratg).
Radio Direction Finding. The procedure by which only the direction of a station is determined by
means of its emissions.
Radio Log. A chronological record of events relating to the operation of a particular circuit.
Radio Silence. A condition in which all or certain radio equipment capable of radiation is kept
Simplex Operation. This involves communication between two points in both directions on the
same frequency, but not simultaneously.
Standard Signal Instructions. A series of instructions explaining the use of items included in
the signal operating instructions. This also includes the technical instructions required to
coordinate and control the operation of signal communication equipment, agencies and means of
command. Standard signal instruction information is generally of a permanent nature.
Subordinate Station (sub-station). This term refers to any station on a link which is
controlled by a control station.
Transmission Security. This refers to that component of communications security which results
from all measures designed to protect transmissions from unauthorised interception, traffic
analysis and imitative deception.
User. A person, organisation or other entity, who/that employs the services provided by a
telecommunication system for transfer of information to others.
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
The following abbreviations are used in this publication. Their sources are as indicated:
ADFP 301
bty battery
CC collective call-sign
DR dispatch rider
EA electronic attack
EEFI essential element of friendly information
EMS electromagnetic spectrum
EP electronic protection
ES electronic support
ESM electronic support measures
FCS frequency calling schedule
INFO information
LCD liquid crystal display
MLW Manual of Land W arfare
msg message
NCS net control station
NIC net identification call-sign
1 RAR 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment
prosigns procedure signs
prowords procedure words
retrans retransmission
RSVP rhythm, speed, volume and pitch
SIG REGT Signal Regiment
TI transmission identification
VOGAD voice-operated gain adjustment device
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
1.1 The successful use of radio communications requires standard radio telephone
(ratel) and radiotelegraph (ratg) procedures, constant practice and good radio discipline.
1.2 This pamphlet has been designed to standardise the ratel and ratg procedures for
operators and users throughout the Australian Army, in a form which provides maximum
compatibility with procedures used for joint and combined working, without seriously impairing the
speed and efficiency of operation of Land Forces nets.
1.3 The procedures outlined in this manual are based on the principles of:
a. security,
b. accuracy, and
c. discipline.
1.4 These principles can be remembered by the mnemonic SAD. This chapter will cover the
basic rules for security and radio discipline. Further details for ratel are described in parts 2.
1.5 Radio transmissions are valuable sources of intelligence for the enemy. Information
intercepted from radio nets could help opposing forces to discover friendly disposition and
deduce plans for battle.
1.6 Despite the comparatively short range of radio sets used by units in forward areas,
their transmissions are liable to interception.
1.7 In addition, the enemy uses direction finding (DF) devices to locate friendly headquarters and
units, and long transmissions make this task simpler. Telephone calls connected over radio relay
links are subject to the same security implications as normal radio transmissions.
1.8 If a user is uncertain whether the contents of a message will be of use to the enemy, the message
must be encoded prior to transmission. The user should check with the originator of the message
and confirm the security classification. The only exception occurs when the need for speed outweighs the
need for security. In such circumstances, approval is required from the formation headquarters if
the message is going to be sent in clear text.
1.9 It must be assumed that any indiscretion or slip will reach the enemy
instantaneously, and counteraction may be almost immediate. Users must observe the following
rules in the interests of security:
a. Think before speaking. Is the transmission really necessary? Having produced the
shortest possible message, think again about the details in the message which must
be concealed from the enemy, for example:
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
(2) Locations of troops must be guarded; names of officers or other ranks must
never be given in clear language, as this would provide one of the best
ways of following the movements of units and formations.
(3) Never link nicknames for topographical features with encoded grid
e. Use formal messages when time and circumstances permit. This affords greater security
protection than unregistered messages.
Security Rules
1.10 The following basic rules, essential to transmission security, are to be strictly enforced on
land force circuits or nets:
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
1.11 Jargon. The use of jargon is not permitted. Jargon includes unofficial and clumsy references
to :
b. equipment,
d. organisations.
1.12 There is no security value in the use of colloquial expressions to describe other corps.
1.13 Any station noticing a violation of transmission security on the net is to notify the net
control station (NCS) or the station concerned by other means or by encrypted message.
Beadwindow procedure is only to be used during training and where approved on exercises.
Radio Interception
1.14 Radio interception is constant, in both peace and in war. Although in war the results
may be more dramatic, interception of transmissions in peacetime can give away details of
tactical doctrine, friendly forces’ weapons and their wartime employment, and idiosyncrasies of
operators and users.
1.15 The types of information that may be obtained by enemy interception are classified
a. long-term, and
b. short-term.
Long-term Information
b. indirect breaches.
1.17 Direct Breaches. Direct breaches of security are related to the order of battle,
movement of formations, and future intentions. The transmission of names of units or formations in
plain language or any transmission made as to their nature, composition, employment or deployment
constitutes a direct security breach. This pamphlet discusses a number of measures to keep that
information from the enemy. These measures prevent identification of a particular unit or
formation by not allowing it to be associated with any unique feature, personality, or specialised
function of the unit.
1.19 Every possible measure must be taken to ensure that long-term intelligence is
denied to the enemy. There must be no compromise of long-term security under any circumstances.
Long-term information is not to be encoded in low-grade tactical code except under
emergency circumstances and only after every other secure means of transmission,
including those non-electronic such as dispatch rider (DR) or runner, have been considered.
Given time, any low-grade tactical code can be broken.
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
Short-term Information
1.20 Short-term information is defined as that information sent during the actual battle,
the possession of which would give the enemy an advantage.
1.21 Short-term security is concerned with matters relating to tactical operations already
under way. The commander must weigh the need for speed against security. To strike the right balance
between the need for security and speed is a tactical commander’s responsibility. It must be
assumed that anything transmitted in clear will immediately become known to the enemy. Anyone
deciding to transmit in clear must accept this risk. Only the tactical commander can decide what the
enemy reaction time will be in any given set of circumstances. If there is any doubt about the
enemy’s reaction time, current tactical codes must be used to deny the enemy tactical information.
Aids to Security
1.23 The proper use of the following measures will aid security in radio communications:
a. code-words,
b. nicknames,
f. veiled speech.
1.24 Code-words. A code-word is a single word which has been assigned a classification and
a classified meaning. It is used to safeguard intentions and information regarding the establishment of a
condition, an alert or the implementation of a plan or operation. The allocation of code-words and their
meanings is registered and safeguarded. The use of unauthorised code-words is prohibited.
1.25 The procedure for requesting and controlling code-words is detailed in SECMAN 4,
Chapter 9.
1.26 Nicknames. Nickname allocations may be issued by formation or units as appropriate. Signal
operating instructions (SOI) are to include a number of nicknames for each purpose. Nicknames may
be used for:
1.27 Nicknames are to consist of two distinct unassociated words neither of which is to be a
colour or a word used in Australian Aboriginal dialects. Once a nickname is used in conjunction
with a procedure, it is not to be used again as it only provides limited short-term security and is
easily compromised if used frequently.
1.28 Low-grade Tactical Codes. Only those tactical codes which are officially authorised
are to be used. Current authorised codes are as follows:
a. Operations Code. The operations code is used for encoding complete texts
(qualitative information - what, who, why and how) of informal and formal
messages containing classified short-term information.
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
b. Numeral Code. The numeral code is used for encoding numeral portions
(quantitative information – when, where and how many) of informal and formal
messages. The numeral code is also used for challenge and reply
a. to indicate appointments next in seniority, in which case MINOR may be added, for
example PRONTO MINOR is the next most senior Signals Corps representative;
c. when the address group of a call-sign may follow the title, for example,
‘STARLIGHT call-sign Zulu Three Four’ or ‘SUNRAY ADDRESS GROUP Alfa Delta
November Mike’; and
1.30 Address Groups and Call-signs. When referring to a unit or formation, the address
group must be used. If the unit or formation is on the same net, its call-sign may be used. Further
information on address groups and call-signs is in chapter 3.
1.31 Veiled Speech. Veiled speech is the art of referring to a future event by reference to the
past and consists of reference to events of which the enemy has no knowledge. It is a poor aid to
security and should be used sparingly. Operators and users can never be sure that an
enemy has no knowledge of past events referred to in their transmission.
1.32 Net security measures are those actions taken to prevent the enemy electronic warfare (EW)
organisation mounting both passive and active electronic support (ES) against friendly radio
1.33 Net security measures are detailed in formation standing signal instructions (SSI),
SOI and repeated as necessary in unit standing operating procedures (SOPs). They include the
instructions for:
a. no contact,
c. authentication,
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
e. action in cases of jamming and other forms of interference,
1.34 Information that is subject to periodic change and which is required to implement net
security measures, is detailed in SOI and includes:
a. nicknames,
b. code-words,
c. call-signs,
e. frequencies.
1.35 Legibility is important to ensure that messages are transmitted accurately and radio
log books are neat, accurate and readable. Military printing of letters and figures is shown in annex
Basic Rules
1.36 To avoid confusion of similar letters and figures the following rules are to be adopted:
a. The figure one (1) has a line under it to differentiate it from the letter I.
b. The letter Z has a short horizontal line through the middle to differentiate it from the
figures two (2) and seven (7).
d. The figure five (5) is to be printed carefully to avoid confusion with the letter S.
f. The figure zero (0) has a slant through it to differentiate it from the letter O.
1.38 Only one station may transmit at a time. To prevent confusion, the following rules
must be obeyed:
a. Before speaking, listen to ensure that the frequency is clear to avoid cutting
in on other transmissions. Allowances must be made for transmissions where only
one of the participants in a conversation can be heard.
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
b. Leave a short pause at the end of a conversation.
d. Ensure that the radio set returns to RECEIVE MODE after each transmission.
1.39 Radio operators’ logs are to be maintained, when practicable, by operators or users on all
radio nets or circuits. Instructions for maintaining a radio operator’s log are shown in annex C.
Instructions for keeping the log, including logging abbreviations, are provided inside the front
cover of the Radio Operator’s Log (OC 114).
1.40 The message log book (small) may be used by mobile stations such as infantry sections, as it is
more practical for man-pack operations.
1.41 When circumstances are such that it is impractical to maintain radio logs at the
operating position, consideration is to be given to monitoring such nets elsewhere.
Log Data
a. the handover of the radio station from one operator or user to another;
g. call-signs of other stations that cause interference (so that unsatisfactory frequency
allocation may be corrected, if possible);
j. generator refuels;
k. record of formal messages passed over the net (to serve as a message register
if there is no communications centre);
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
1.44 The relevant prosigns and operating signals are printed above each section in this
pamphlet to avoid the need for constant reference to the annexes.
A. Radio Appointment Titles
B. Military Printing of Letters and Figures
C. Instructions for Maintaining a Radio Operator’s Log
D. Sample Operator’s Log Entries
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AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
Serial Service Appointment Title
(a) (b) (c) (d)
29. Joint Officer in Command/ Commander of SUNRAY
30. Joint Operations Staff SEAGULL
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2. Log entries must not be erased. Any necessary changes are to made by drawing a
single line through the original entry and indicating the changed version adjacent to the lined-out
entry. Such changes must be initialled by the radio operator.
3. The log is to show a complete and continuous record of transmitted and received
traffic and operating conditions which occur during the day.
4. When operating conditions permit, every transmission heard by the radio operator, regardless of
source or completeness, is to be recorded, and is termed ‘single line logging’.
5. When a message is addressed to, or is to be relayed by, the receiving station, the message is
to be written in full on a message form. The log should be brief and concise requiring only sufficient
detail to identify the message.
6. During quiet periods, entries are to be made in the log at 15 minute intervals to ensure
adequate circuit attention.
7. Occurrences other than transmissions that are important to the continuous operation of the radio
net and are to be logged under the heading ‘ENTRY’. Examples are:
c. changes to antennas.
8. Signal strengths of each station heard are to be logged at the first opportunity after the operator
comes on watch. Changes in signal strengths are also to be logged.
9. When opening a new circuit or starting a new day’s log, the radio operator is to write
his name and rank in full. W hen relieved or closing the circuit, he is to sign the log. The
oncoming radio operator is to write his name and rank in full in the log.
10. The log entries include details as follows in the designated columns:
d. MESSAGE NUMBER OUT - the outgoing number to the called station, to include
the message centre OUT register serial number for outgoing formal messages (if
g. TIME - the time of receipt and transmission of all actions taken pertaining to
the circuit; all timings are to be in Zulu time; and
12. Where jamming is suspected, full details must be logged. Details should include time,
nature of jamming signal, duration, strength, frequency spread and whether the jamming is continuous
or intermittent. A competent authority must be notified immediately. Every effort should be made to
continue working the frequency until directed otherwise.
13. The duty signals officer or supervisor communications is responsible for ensuring proper
maintenance of radio logs.
14. The log must be held in a secure place until destruction is authorised.
15. To assist radio operators in keeping the log, the list of logging abbreviations in table
1-2 may be used.
1. Acknowledge ACK
2. All After AA
3. All Before AB
4. Answer ANS
5. Break //
6. Correction C
8. Distorted D
9. Do Not Answer F
11. Groups GR
14. Number NR
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
Serial Logging Term Abbreviation
(a) (b) (c)
15. Out AR
16. Over K
18. Roger R
25. Verify J
26. Wait AS
29. Wrong WG
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1. Z and Q signals may be substituted for plain text where appropriate. Z and Q signals can be found in
the back of the radio operator’s log book.
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AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
Electronic Warfare
Section 2-1. Introduction
2.1 An enemy in war and a potential adversary in peace will seek to discover everything possible
from friendly tactical communication systems by intercept and analysis. In peace, there is
time for analysis in great depth, providing the composition of forces, state of training, operational
deployments and weapon systems. In war, an enemy will continue these activities and may, in
addition, jam or confuse friendly communication systems when it will provide the most benefit.
2.2 The enemy can intercept and locate from well inside their own territory, from aircraft or
from ships. Through the use of computers to break codes, the enemy can also intrude into a
radio net and issue false orders.
2.4 EW is defined as: ‘Any military action involving the use of electromagnetic and directed
energy, to control the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) or to attack the enemy’ (Australian
Defence Force Publication [ADFP]24).
2.5 EW consists of three key components: exploitation, disruption and denial. These
three components give rise to the following activities:
a. ES, formerly electronic support measures (ESM), which involves intercept, DF and
2.6 Within the ADF, ES and EA are carried out by specialist units, while EP is the
responsibility of all operators and users of electronic equipment. EP procedures should be
included in unit SOPs.
2.7 A friendly operator or user will not know when a potential adversary is conducting ES
activities. As a consequence, the operator must always assume the enemy is conducting the
following activities:
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
(2) intentions;
2.8 Through ES, a potential adversary can quickly gain intelligence about friendly
activities. This information can then be used to target EA activities, in order to cause maximum
disruption to communications.
2.10 It is often difficult to distinguish between jamming and interference. As a result, it may
take specialists to identify a source of interference or EA.
Electronic Attack
2.11 The aim of EA is to prevent or reduce an enemy’s effective use of the EMS through
the use of electromagnetic energy. Priority of effort is usually given to disrupting command and
control, fire control and intelligence communication systems. This can be achieved by:
(2) Intrusion. Intrusion is the intentional insertion of radio signals into friendly
transmissions to confuse or deceive friendly operations (for example,
imitative communications deception [ICD]).
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
January 06
2.12 Jamming is an effective way to disrupt control of the battle. To jam friendly
communications, the enemy transmits a signal on a frequency being used by friendly forces,
with sufficient power to block out the friendly signal. While jamming is extremely effective,
this action denies the attacker use of the frequencies being jammed. The enemy
will often jam secure or data transmissions in order to force the stations to change to clear
voice or morse, as it is easier for the enemy to gather intelligence from clear voice or morse traffic
than from data or encrypted traffic. Data and teletypewriter communication systems are most susceptible
to jamming. Voice is less vulnerable than data systems, and morse code is the least affected.
a. Spot Jamming. Spot jamming occurs when the enemy jams one channel or
frequency at a time, concentrating all of the power from the jammer onto the
given frequency.
b. Sweep Jamming. Sweep jamming, like spot jamming, only attacks one frequency
at a time; however, the jammer rapidly steps from one frequency to the next within a
given band.
2.14 Before defensive measures can be taken, the interfering signal must be recognised as
jamming. When reporting jamming, it is important that the type of jamming experienced is
described accurately. The more commonly used types of jamming are described below:
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e. Continuous Wave/Random Pulse. Random pulses of varying amplitude, duration
and rate are transmitted to disrupt teletypewriter, radar and all types of data trans
mission systems.
2.15 In addition to jamming, the enemy may deceive operators and users of
communication systems by intruding into their nets and introducing false information. ICD is
likely to be most effective during periods of high activity or when communications difficulties are
being experienced. ICD can be achieved in the following two ways:
b. An enemy operator may pretend to be a friendly station and introduce false and
misleading traffic onto the net. This requires linguists with a good knowledge of
friendly forces’ slang and accents, and they must be highly competent with friendly
forces’ communications procedures. Because of this, it is essential that
authentication procedures are enforced.
2.16 The greatest danger from enemy EW lies in the confusion, dismay and frustration it
can induce in inexperienced or inadequately trained units and personnel. Lack of EW training leads
to poor emission control (emcon) and excessive use of communications. This increases the risk of the
enemy gaining intelligence through ES.
2.19 The counter-ES and EA procedures detailed in section 2-5 are passive EP
2.20 The following measures are designed to reduce the amount of information an enemy may
learn from friendly communications. To reduce the friendly risk from enemy ES, the following
procedures should be adopted:
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a. minimise transmissions by:
(5) avoiding transmitting at speeds beyond the capability of the net, thus reducing
the need to retransmit traffic.
d. ensuring that traffic is not more highly classified than the encryption system is
accredited to protect and never using unauthorised (home-made) codes;
(3) using terrain features such as hills, vegetation and buildings to screen
the transmissions from the enemy; and
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Section 2-6. Counter-electronic Attack
2.22 The enemy can only gauge the effectiveness of his jamming by friendly reaction;
therefore, the continuation of communications is essential. This is achieved best by trying to
work through the jamming. The following immediate action drill will aid an operator to work
through jamming:
b. Re-site or alter the antenna. In the case of VHF antennas, temporary relief
can sometimes be obtained if the receiving antenna is kept as low as
possible, or the antenna polarisation is changed from the vertical to the horizontal.
(1) using the words twice procedure and making maximum use of the
phonetic alphabet (consider implementing ratel discipline as per part 1, chapter
1); and
(2) changing to ratg if the facility exists (hand-speed morse can be read
through considerable jamming levels).
d. Increase transmitting power where possible. This may be the only method
available for the NCS to inform the net an out-station is being jammed.
2.23 If all attempts to evade or work through jamming fail, using the immediate action drill, the
following procedures may be successful:
a. Alternative Mode. Change to a mode that is harder for the enemy to jam (for
example, data to voice or voice to morse).
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c. Change Frequency. Orders to change frequency may be directed in the
following ways:
(1) Use of Old Frequency. Specified stations can remain on the old
frequency (using spare equipment, if available) to pass dummy traffic
thereby simulating an unaffected net.
2.24 In the past, defence against ICD has relied on skilled operators being able to
recognise the voices of all the other operators and thus detect intruders into the net. As the ADF is
conducting more joint and combined operations, the chances of an operator knowing the voices
of all the other operators on a net are diminishing. Consequently, it is vital that counter-ICD
plans be prepared before deployment, to ensure effective counter-ICD measures are
employed in the event of an attack. Codewords or nicknames should be prepared and these
plans should indicate specified ICD states or counter-ICD plans to be initiated. The use of
challenge/reply and transmission authentication procedures is an important tool to counter ICD attacks.
Equipment constraints will place limitations on the type and complexity of counter-ICD measures which
can be employed; however, it is vital that operators practise counter-ICD plans to ensure their
2.25 Even if ICD activity has not been identified, an NCS should activate counter-ICD plans
during exercises or operations to increase the chances of identifying enemy ICD activity (that is, if a plan
is activated and a call-sign does not re-establish on the new net, the call-sign may have
been an undetected intruder).
2.26 Strict net discipline is the best way of preventing enemy intrusions onto friendly nets.
Operators must be wary of any transmission that appears to be out of the ordinary, either in format or
content. If an operator suspects a net is under ICD attack, the operator should conduct the
following actions:
b. ignore the intruding call-sign and warn the rest of the net (via other means if
possible); and
2.28 Reserved
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3.1 A radio net is a group of radio stations operating on the same frequency for the purpose of
communicating with one another. Stations being retransmitted to the net frequency are
considered part of the net.
a. an NCS; and
3.3 The call-signs used throughout this pamphlet are identified in figure 3-1.
3.4 The NCS is responsible for radio discipline and the efficient clearance of traffic on the
net. The station collocated with the senior headquarters on the net is, under normal
circumstances, deemed to be the NCS; however, any station which can carry out the
responsibilities efficiently can be designated the NCS.
3.5 The remaining stations on the net are called sub-stations. All sub-stations must comply with
all communication instructions issued by the NCS.
3.6 Callsigns are a combination of three letters and figures (for example, T3Q) and are used
by stations on a net to hide their plain language address (unit name), establish seniority (order of
answering) and to establish and maintain communications on a net. When making reference to a
call-sign, the call-sign itself may be preceded by the proword CALLSIGN.
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3.7 The following examples illustrate the use of the proword CALL-SIGN:
a. Meet CALL-SIGN Bravo Papa Seven (BP7) at GRID Two Three Seven - Six
Five Seven.
3.8 Figures used in call-signs are spoken digit by digit and letters are pronounced
3.9 The following types of call-signs are authorised for use on land force nets:
a. tactical,
b. collective,
c. net,
d. fixed, and
e. net identification.
Tactical Callsigns
3.10 A tactical call-sign generally consists of three characters in a combination of letters and figures, for
example, CALLSIGN Z8N. In joint service use, single-word, tactical call-signs (such as
ARCHWAY) may also be used. Tactical call-signs for individual stations should be used at all
levels; however, their use above unit level is compulsory. These call-signs are classified and are to
be changed daily. Whenever possible, stations are to be issued a different tactical call-sign for each
individual frequency allocated. Tactical call-signs may be abbreviated by using the first two
characters only, for example, CALLSIGN Z8N abbreviated will be Z8.
Fixed Callsigns
3.12 Fixed call-signs may be used at unit and sub-unit level at the commander’s discretion;
however, commanders should be aware of the escalation in ES threat. Fixed call-signs for
particular corps and units, and the use of arms indicators are detailed in Manual of Land Warfare
(MLW) Two 1.2, Tactical Communications Net (All Corps).
Collective Call-signs
3.13 A collective call-sign, which may be either tactical or fixed, identifies a predetermined
group of two or more, but not all, stations of a net. For example, it may identify the
commanders and all subordinate commanders of a regiment.
3.14 When using the fixed call-sign system, the collective callsign is prefixed by the letters CC
followed by a figure call-sign.
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Net Identification Call-signs
3.15 The net identification callsign (NIC) is a tactical call-sign which is allotted to every unit
and formation net. It changes daily at all levels. As the name implies, the NIC is used to identify
the net and is also used to represent/identify all stations on a net. Stations on a net are to
use the same NIC which may be abbreviated to the first two characters only. The NIC can be
used by any station on a net when a response is required from all other stations. An NIC may also be used
in conjunction with the proword EXEMPT followed by an individual callsign to exclude those
stations from the all-station call.
c. when a station joins a previously established net, and d. after a period of electronic
or radio silence.
Address Groups
3.18 An address group is a classified group of four letters used to disguise the plain language
designation of a headquarters or unit and, in some cases, a sub-unit. Address groups are used in voice
conversations and in the heading and/or text of messages which are addressed to, or make
reference to, stations which are not on the net. When referring to sub-stations on the same net,
call-signs are used and not address groups. When used for reference purposes, the address
group may be preceded by the prowords ADDRESS GROUP. The following examples
illustrate the use of the prowords ADDRESS GROUP:
3.19 Where no address group has been allotted, the call-sign is to be used.
3.20 Callsigns and/or address groups used in a call should be arranged in alphabetical order
in the form in which they are to be transmitted, either plain or encrypted. Figures 1 through 0 will
be considered as the twenty-seventh to thirty-sixth letters of the alphabet (for example, DE4,
IMM, T3Q, Z8N). W hen abbreviated call-signs are used, the order of answering remains the
same as if the full call-signs were in use.
3.21 The daily changes of callsigns, including NIC and address groups, are to be made at
the same time. Operators should also change the message number daily. Numbers revert to
zero at the same time in order to make it more difficult for the enemy to link together the old and new
call-signs and address groups. These changes are to be coupled with frequency changes.
3.22 It is important to emphasise that all tactical frequencies, call-signs and address groups
are to change simultaneously. In addition to the daily change, formations and units should endeavour to
make additional changes to enhance security further.
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4.1 The aim of part 2 of this pamphlet is to standardise the ratel procedure for operators and users
throughout the Australian Army, in a form which provides maximum compatibility with procedures used
for joint and combined working, without seriously impairing the speed and efficiency of
operation of Land Army nets.
4.2 The ratel procedure used is based on normal working conditions. The procedures for
poor to bad working conditions are contained in chapter 8.
4.3 In all examples, optional words and phrases are contained in brackets and a pause between
phrases is represented by a dash (–).
4.4 The ratel procedures for joint and combined working are contained in Allied
Communications Publication (ACP) 125, Communication Instructions, Radiotelephone
a. voice conversations,
c. formal messages.
4.7 Informal Messages. Frequently, a user may wish to ask a question and send
information without discussion. This can be achieved through passage of a verbal message to the
operator, or written message for transmission. An informal message consists simply of the user’s
text with an indication of the addressee(s).
4.8 Formal Messages. A formal message is one that is written down on a message
form, (OC-33) signed by the releasing officer, registered, and passed to the operator for
transmission and filing.
Radiotelephone Procedures
4.9 The successful use of voice radio requires a standard ratel procedure, constant
practice and good radio discipline.
4.10 Ratel procedure is a set of simple rules based on the principles of:
a. security,
b. accuracy, and
c. discipline.
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4.11 The principles of security, accuracy and discipline can be remembered by the
mnemonic SAD. Security and discipline procedures are described in detail in chapter 1.
4.12 To avoid wasting time on repetitions and corrections, ratel messages must be sent clearly.
Operators and users must remember the following points:
b. Use the correct manner of rhythm, speed, volume and pitch (RSVP) which is
explained as follows:
(1) Rhythm. Keep a natural rhythm. Divide the message into sensible
(2) Speed. Speech should be slightly slower than for normal conversation.
(4) Pitch. The voice should be pitched higher than usual, but discomfort
should be avoided.
Phonetic Alphabet
4.13 When it is necessary to identify any letter of the alphabet, the authorised phonetic alphabet as
listed in table 4-1 is to be used. The syllables shown in the table in bold type carry the
accent. Difficult words or groups within the text of plain text messages may be spelled using
the phonetic alphabet and preceded by the prowords I SPELL. If the operator can pronounce the
word to be spelled, he will do so before and after the spelling to identify the word, for example: ‘Papadopoulos’
– I SPELL Papa Alpha Papa Alpha Delta Oscar Papa Oscar Uniform Lima Oscar Sierra –
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4.14 Where a text is composed of pronounceable words, they will be spoken as such. Where a text
is encrypted, the groups, even though occasionally pronounceable, are to be transmitted by the
phonetic equivalents of the individual letters and without the prowords I SPELL. For example, the
encrypted group AGRSU is spoken as Alfa Golf Romeo Sierra Uniform, and counted as one group.
Pronunciation of Figures
4.15 To distinguish numerals from words that are similarly pronounced in the text, the proword
FIGURES is used preceding such numbers.
4.16 When numerals are transmitted by ratel, the rules given in table 4-2 for their pronunciation are
to be observed. Accented syllables are shown in the table in bold type.
7. 2 008 Two thousand and eight FIGURES Two Zero Zero Eight
8. 2359 hours Twenty-three fifty-nine hours FIGURES Two Three Five Nine Hours
5. 5 Fi-yiv (emphasising the consonants, with a long I for the first syllable
[as in PIE] and a short one for the second [as in GIVE])
7 7 Seven
10 0 Zero
4.17 Numbers are transmitted digit by digit; however, exact multiples of hundreds and thousands
may be spoken as such under good conditions. Figures in the text of a message, except grid
references and target indications, may be spoken as in normal speech. Under poor or difficult
conditions, figures are sent digit by digit preceded by the proword FIGURES. Examples of the use of
the proword FIGURES are given in table 4-3.
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TABLE 4-3. Examples of Numeral Transmissions
10. 16 000 Sixteen thousand FIGURES One Six Zero Zero Zero
11. 812 681 Eight one two six eight one FIGURES Eight One Two Six Eight
4.18 The proword FIGURES is not used with call-signs, address groups, grid references, time
checks, date time groups (DTGs) or time groups. Call-signs and address groups contained in the
heading of a formal message are always sent character by character.
4.19 The decimal point is written as POINT but is to be spoken as DECIMAL (pronounced DAY-
SEE-MAL). For example, 123.4 should be written as such, however, is spoken as One Two
Three DECIMAL Four.
4.20 Dates are to be spoken digit by digit (in bad or good conditions), with the months in full.
For example, 20 Aug is spoken as Two Zero August (this procedure places an emphasis on the
transmission of dates which may be of tactical importance). Roman numerals are transmitted as
the corresponding Arabic numerals preceded by the proword ROMAN, for example, VII is spoken as
ROMAN Seven.
4.21 All grid references, including those encoded in numeral code, are preceded by the proword
GRID. They are sent digit by digit and letters are pronounced phonetically. A grid reference is
easier to interpret if a natural pause is allowed between the eastings and northings. Examples
of the use of the proword GRID are as follows:
a. Example A. A grid reference in clear language is: ‘Enemy at GRID Three Two Six
– Eight Four Seven’.
b. Example B. A grid reference encoded is: ‘In location at GRID Bravo Yankee –
Mike Charlie Bravo – Oscar Tango Mike’.
4.22 In good conditions, mixed groups are sent as normal speech. The following are examples:
4.23 In poor or difficult conditions, the same information in paragraph 4-22 is sent as:
b. ‘FIGURES Two Hyphen One Slant Two metres by FIGURES One Slant Two
metre’; and
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Abbreviations in the Text
a. Letters used alone or in conjunction with short titles are spoken phonetically, except
under the circumstances detailed in paragraph 4.27. For example:
4.25 Personal initials are to be spoken phonetically prefixed by the proword INITIALS, but
note that such transmissions should be made in the secure mode only. For example, G. M. Smith is
sent as ‘INITIALS Golf Mike Smith’.
4.26 Abbreviations. Although designed to save writing time, abbreviations can also save time in
speech. Some commonly spoken abbreviations frequently used in normal speech may be used in the
same manner when transmitted by voice, for example, HQ, NCO, NATO, ACP, SOI and SOP. The use
of abbreviations as part of ratel conversations and transmissions is encouraged, providing there
is no possibility of confusion. To avoid any misunderstanding, the following common sense rules
should be applied:
(2) TOT as time over target is shorter than I SPELL Tango Oscar Tango.
Expanding Abbreviations
4.27 A radio operator transmitting a message under poor conditions, on behalf of the
originator, may expand common abbreviations appearing in the text if he is in no doubt as to the
originator’s intention. For example, he may expand ‘bty’ to battery and ‘hr’ to hours. If in any doubt, the
abbreviation is not to be expanded but is to be spelt phonetically, for example, EW might
mean EW or early warning. Unless it is obvious from the text which one is meant, it should be
transmitted as ‘I SPELL Echo Whisky’, leaving the addressee to decide the meaning.
4.28 Prowords are pronounceable words or phrases which have been assigned a meaning
for the purpose of expediting message handling on circuits between users. This enables one
word or phrase to be used in place of a complete sentence. For example:
c. OUT is used to signify, ‘This is the end ofmy transmission to you and no
answer is required or expected’.
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4.30 Punctuation is rarely necessary in normal voice communications but may be required
in formal messages (chapter 10) or to clarify a difficult point. The following prowords are
used to describe punctuation:
b. PAREN and UNPAREN are used for left-hand and right-hand brackets.
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Serial Proword Meaning
(a) (b) (c)
27 I AUTHENTICATE The group that follows is a reply to your challenge to authenticate.
28 IN PLAIN Used when a station does not have cipher equipment or when it
has broken down.
29 I READ BACK Used by receiving station to satisfy himself that he has received a
transmission, or portion of it, correctly introduces a response to
instruction to read back.
30 I SAY AGAIN Used by sender when making repetitions for
emphasis or in response to request to say
31 I SPELL Used when spelling out a word or letter group.
32 I VERIFY That which follows has been verified at your request and is
repeated. To be used only as a reply to VERIFY.
33 LOCREP A standard message follows reporting the location of hostile
34 LONG MESSAGE A long unregistered message (will take more than 30 seconds to
35 MESSAGE An unregistered message that needs to be written down.
36 MORTREP A standardised message follows, reporting a mortar attack.
37 NOTHING HEARD Indication that no signals have been received from a particular
38 OUT This is the end of my transmission. No reply is required or
39 OUT TO YOU This is the end of my transmission to you. No reply is expected
and a call to another station follows immediately.
40 OVER This is the end of my transmission to you; a reply or
acknowledgement is required, go ahead and transmit.
41 RADIO CHECK Report signal strength and readability.
42 READ BACK Repeat this entire transmission back to me entirely as received.
43 RETRANSMIT Control orders a retransmission station to
CALL-SIGN(S) retransmit the call-signs named.
44 RELAY THROUGH Instruction to a station to relay through another.
45 REPORT STRENGTHS AND Call by NCS for sub-stations to report how they hear one another.
46 ROGER I have received your last transmission satisfactorily.
47 SAY AGAIN Request for repetition of all, or portions indicated, of a message.
48 SEND I am ready to receive your message.
49 SHELREP A standardised message follows, reporting shelling.
50 SILENCE LIFTED Silence has lifted.
51 SILENCE Cease transmission on this net immediately.
52 SPEAKING Used in conjunction with an appointment title, to indicate who is
53 STOP TRANSMISSION Originator orders a retransmission station to stop retransmission.
54 THIS IS Indicates identity of calling station.
55 THIS IS A DIRECTED NET All calls must be offered through control.
56 THIS IS A FREE NET Used to cancel a directed net.
57 THIS IS A RETRANS NET A retransmission station tells all stations that he is starting a
58 THROUGH ME Invitation by a station to relay through him.
59 TIME Used when passing a formal message. That which immediately
follows is the time or DTG of the message. For example, when
synchronising time: ‘The time now is ...’
60 TIME CHECK AT An exact (on the minute) time signal follows.
61 ... TO ... Used to identify part of a message.
62 UNKNOWN STATION The identity of the station I am calling is unknown to me.
63 USE ABBREVIATED CALL-SIGNS Abbreviated call-signs are to be used.
64 USE ABBREVIATED PROCEDURE Abbreviated procedure is to used.
65 USE FULL CALL-SIGNS Full call-signs are to be used.
66 USE FULL PROCEDURE Full procedure is to be used.
67 VERIFY Verify portion indicated with originator and send correct version.
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Serial Proword Meaning
(a) (b) (c)
68 WAIT I must pause for up to five seconds before replying. No other
station is to transmit during this period even if my set is not
69 WAIT OUT Your transmission is received; a further transmission on the same
subject will follow later. Other stations may continue transmitting
as normal.
70 WILCO Message received, understood and will be complied with.
71 WORD BEFORE Used to identify part of message.
72 WORDS TWICE Communication is difficult. Transmit each phrase or code group
twice. This proword may be used as an order, a request, or as
73 WRONG What has been said is wrong; the correct version is . . .
74 YOUR CALL-SIGN IS Allocation of a call-sign to a station which has newly joined a
working net, and which has asked for a call-sign.
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a. Initial Call. The initial call indicates which station(s) is being called and which is
the calling station. The call consists of:
(1) the initial CALLSIGN which identifies the station(s) being called;
(2) the prowords THIS IS, used to indicate that the CALLSIGN of the calling
station follows; and
c. Ending. One of the following prowords is used to denote that the transmission
has ended:
(1) OVER. OVER means, ‘This is the end of my transmission to you and a
reply or acknowledgement is required. Go ahead and transmit’.
5.2 Should the initial transmission require an immediate answer, (that is, it ends with the proword
OVER), the stations called reply with an answering transmission consisting of the following:
a. Answering Call. The answering call consists of the following three parts:
(2) THIS IS. The proword THIS IS is used to indicate that the call-sign of
the station answering follows. This is compulsory in the initial reply.
(3) WAIT. WAIT means, ‘I must pause for up to five seconds before
replying. No other station is to transmit during this period’.
c. Ending. In addition to the prowords OVER and OUT, the following may be
used to indicate the end of the transmission:
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(1) WAIT OUT. W AIT OUT means, ‘I must pause longer than five
seconds, your transmission has been received; a further transmission
on the same subject will follow later’.
(2) OUT TO YOU. OUT TO YOU means, ‘This is the end of my transmission
to you and no answer is required or expected and a call to another station fol
lows immediately’.
5.3 In the event that the answering transmission ends with the prowords OUT, WAIT OUT, or
OUT TO YOU, that series of transmission is completed and further intercommunication on the
net is achieved by a new initial transmission. When the answering call ends with the
proword OVER, then the subsequent transmissions will follow the format of the answering call
until the conversation or message is terminated by OUT, W AIT OUT or OUT TO YOU.
Order of Answering
5.4 Formation Nets. W here tactical call-signs are used, the order of answering is in
alphabetical and/or numerical sequence in the format detailed in chapter 3, paragraph 3.20.
5.5 Unit Nets. On unit or sub-unit nets where there may or may not be other arms
representatives attached, stations are to answer in the following order:
a. Unit elements answer in numerical and alphabetical sequence (for example, 11, 11A,
11B, 12 and 12A).
c. Stations using NIC to qualify their call-signs, answer in the order in which they join
the net.
5.6 If a station fails to answer in proper sequence, the next station in order waits five
seconds and then answers. The station which failed to answer in proper sequence must then wait
until all other stations have answered and it then answers. A period of five seconds, for each
station which failed to answer the initial call, is allocated after the last station has answered
in order, before any further action is taken by NCS.
5.7 If a station still does not respond, the NCS waits a further five seconds, after the last
response, and then initiates a new initial call to that station.
Unknown Station
5.8 A station may hear another station calling but fail to hear the call-sign of the calling
station. If this occurs, the procedure in the following example is to be used:
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Section 5-2. Types of Calls
Single Call
5.10 A single call is made by any station to any other station on the same net. The
following example illustrates the single call between the NCS and a sub-station:
BP7 – THIS IS – IMM – Cannot move for ten minutes – OVER. IMM – THIS IS – BP7 –
Multiple Call
5.11 A multiple call is a call to two or more stations, but not all stations on the net. The
individual call-signs are separated by a distinct pause, as in normal speech. The following
example illustrates the multiple call procedure:
Net Call
5.12 A net call is a call to all stations on the net from either the NCS or a sub-station. The
following example illustrates a net call when the NCS of a formation net is calling all stations.
The NIC is SM5:
Collective Call
5.13 A collective call is a call to certain designated stations on the net. This combination of stations is
arranged prior to the net deploying. It is not essential for all nets to have a collective call-sign.
5.14 On a formation net, a tactical call-sign is allocated for each collective call
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5.15 On unit nets using fixed call-signs, this type of call is commonly made when the
commander wishes to speak to all his sub-unit commanders without using their individual call-signs. The
prowords CHARLIE CHARLIE are used to denote this type of call. Where there is a requirement for an
additional collective call, the prowords CHARLIE CHARLIE are qualified by a figure (for example,
CHARLIE CHARLIE One). Although collective calls are normally made by the NCS, they
may be initiated by any sub-station on the net. The NCS always answers first, unless
instructions for the net exclude him from answering. The following example shows the NCS
making a collective call (DE4, T3Q and Z8N have been designated to answer the CHARLIE
CHARLIE One call):
Exempt Call
5.16 An exempt call is the call made when all the stations normally concerned with the
net or collective call are not required. The proword EXEMPT is used to denote this type of
call. The following example illustrates an exempt call where the NCS using the NIC (SM5)
wishes to contact all sub-stations other than call-sign T3Q:
Abbreviated Procedure
5.17 Under normal working conditions, use is made of abbreviated procedure to save time
and improve security by omitting the call-sign of the called station other than in the initial call,
and any non-essential prowords. In a single call, all call-signs may be omitted after the initial
call and reply.
5.18 Those parts of a call or prowords which may be omitted are shown in brackets through
the remainder of the pamphlet, except when deliberately retained or deleted for illustrative
purposes. The following example of a call from an NCS to a sub-station illustrates the
abbreviated procedure:
The next example of a call from a sub-station to a sub-station further illustrates the abbreviated procedure:
(IMM) – (THIS IS) – (Z8N) – Has he gone to CALL-SIGN Delta Echo Four – OVER.
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Full Procedure
5.19 When conditions deteriorate to such a degree that the use of abbreviated procedure is
causing unnecessary repetitions, the NCS is to order the use of full procedure. The use of
call-signs and prowords that were previously optional, then becomes mandatory. The
following example illustrates the method used to order the use of full procedure on a net:
5.20 When conditions return to normal, the NCS is to order that the net revert to abbreviated
procedure. The following example illustrates the method used to order a net to revert to
abbreviated procedure:
Abbreviated Call-signs
5.21 Provided no confusion arises, the NCS may order the net to use abbreviated call-
signs. Nets using tactical and fixed call-signs are to use abbreviated call-signs (abbreviated
to the first two characters). The net must continue to use either full or abbreviated procedure, whichever is
in force. To order the use of abbreviated call-signs when full call-signs are in force, the
following is transmitted by the NCS:
Full Call-signs
5.22 When conditions deteriorate and/or confusion arises through the use of abbreviated call-signs, the
NCS may order that full call-signs be used. Full call-signs may be used with either full or abbreviated
procedure. The following example illustrates the use of full call-signs:
5.23 Conditions may be such that the NCS considers the use of both full procedure and
full call-signs is necessary for the efficient working of the net. In this case, the NCS is to direct the net
5.24 When conditions warrant it, the NCS may subsequently order the net to use
abbreviated procedure or abbreviated call-signs. The NCS may order the net to abbreviate entirely
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Establishing a Net
Section 6-1. General Instructions
6.1 The establishment of a net is carried out in the form of a set preliminary procedure drill. It
ensures that all stations on a radio net are able to set up communications with one another on the
same frequency. The importance of this drill cannot be over-emphasised. If the preliminary
instructions and procedure are not adhered to, excessive tuning may result, which makes the
task of enemy interception and DF so much easier.
6.2 The procedure prescribed in this section is to be followed either when opening a net for
the first time or when reopening a net. Proper control by the NCS and adherence to operating rules by the
stations within the net will enable the net to commence operating with minimum delay. The NCS is
responsible for maintaining security on the net.
a. preliminary instructions;
d. amplifying reports.
Preliminary Instructions
6.4 It is essential that operators are supplied with all the preliminary instructions
regarding the working of the net. The instructions are to contain the following information:
a. the net organisation in the form of a diagram which identifies all the stations on
the net and a strength and readability chart;
b. the frequencies assigned to the net, lost communications procedures, and the
frequency calling schedule (FCS) for HF operation;
c. the call-signs, including collective call-signs, address groups and other net
identification information;
f. the time the net is to open; and g. the net security measures.
6.5 The operator is to ensure that he has adequate stationery such as message forms,
radio log-books and user handbooks prior to establishing communications.
6.6 The tuning procedure varies with each type of radio and is laid down in the
appropriate handbook. The majority of radios in the Army fall into one of the following categories:
b. Manually Tuned Radios. Manually tuned radios incorporate their own crystal
calibrators, which enable accurate tuning to any frequency within the range of the
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c. Automatically Tuned Radios. The tuning process for the automatically tuned radios is,
as the name implies, carried out automatically within the radio and requires no
operator interface.
6.7 Very High Frequency. Unless otherwise specified prior to deployment, VHF nets,
under normal circumstances, will commence operation on the primary frequency. The primary
frequency is identified in the information supplied as part of the preliminary instructions.
Initial Call
6.9 As soon as the radio is adjusted, the NCS is to determine whether its transmissions
are being received by the sub-stations on the net.
6.10 The NCS initially orders sub-stations to report the strength and readability of its
signal by using the prowords RADIO CHECK, which means ‘What is my signal strength and
readability?’; that is, the NCS is asking the sub-stations, ‘How do you hear me?’ The sub-
stations answer the call in turn, giving their report of signal strength and readability of the NCS. If the
answer is ‘LOUD AND CLEAR’, the proword ROGER will suffice to indicate that reception. A
full description of prowords used to report signal strength and readability is at paragraph
6.17 and 6.18.
6.11 When the NCS wishes to know the clarity of communications between its station and the sub-
stations, it initiates an initial call to all stations, followed by an amplifying report (paragraph
6.26), thus obtaining a clear picture of the communications state of the net.
6.12 At the designated time, or when ready to establish/re-establish a net, the NCS
initiates the following procedures:
6.13 When a sub-station fails to answer a net call in proper sequence, the sub-station
must wait until all other sub-stations answer before transmitting. If a sub-station fails to
answer after the last response, the NCS will wait five seconds and then initiate a new preliminary
call specifically to that sub-station. If the NCS does not receive a reply from a sub-station to his final
request for a report, he indicates this fact by using the prowords NOTHING HEARD.
6.14 In this example, call-sign IMM is unable to answer the net call:
(T3Q hearing no reply from call-sign IMM waits five seconds then transmits.)
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(BP7) – (THIS IS) – T3Q – (ROGER) – OVER.
(Call-sign IMM, when able to join the net, does so using the procedure outlined in
chapter 9.)
6.15 When a station reports late into a net, this station is to be challenged to authenticate,
unless transmission authentication has been used.
6.16 After the net is established and before conducting regular traffic over the net, it may be
necessary to make contact with the station or other stations involved to ascertain that communication
is possible.
d. VERY WEAK. VERY W EAK indicates that the sender’s signal strength is very
e. FADING. FADING indicates that at times the signal strength fades to such an
extent that continuous reception cannot be relied upon.
6.19 The NCS waits for all stations on the net to reply before giving its reports to sub-
6.20 The NCS always acknowledges the report of the sub-stations by indicating, in its transmission,
the strength of the unsatisfactory stations.
6.21 A summary of sample transmissions to establish a net (figure 6-1), is provided in table 6-1.
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TABLE 6-1. Establishing a Net (Initial Call)
NCS SM5 – (THIS IS) – BP7 – NCS hears all stations loud and
(ROGER) – OUT. clear.
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Serial Sample Station Calling Call Made Remarks
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
NCS T3Q – (THIS IS) – BP7 – NCS indicates that it did not
NOTHING HEARD – OUT. hear T3Q and advises
remaining stations of their
5 Example E: A T3Q BP7 – THIS IS – T3Q –
sub-station reports REPORTING INTO NET – OVER.
late into the net.
(T3Q) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – NCS requests T3Q to
AUTHENTICATE AB – OVER. authenticate.
(Short pause while authentication
is calculated)
T3Q (BP7) – (THIS IS) – T3Q – I T3Q authenticates correctly.
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6.22 When a calling station requests a radio check with one or more stations, the calling station
will, in its reply, give a signal strength and readability to the other stations called.
6.23 The following example illustrates a radio check when good conditions prevail:
6.25 The final example illustrates a radio check during difficult conditions:
Amplifying Report
6.26 Once the net has been established and the NCS wishes to know how sub-stations are hearing
one another, the NCS requests signal strengths and readability by use of the prowords REPORT
STRENGTHS AND READABILITY. Such reporting on an established net should only be necessary
when conditions are bad or after communications silence as shown in table 6-2.
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TABLE 6-2. Establishing a Net (Amplifying Report)
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – Z8N – (ROGER) After final response NCS may authorise
– OUT. use of abbreviated call-signs.
Z8N (BP7) – (THIS IS) – Z8N – WEAK – Z8N hears all stations fairly well
WITH INTERFERENCE – OUT. with interference.
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6.27 A sub-station reports only those stations which are not LOUD AND CLEAR. When another
station cannot be heard, the prowords NOTHING HEARD, preceded by the call-sign of that station, is
6.28 A station wishing to indicate that it is experiencing interference, or that the incoming
signal is fading or distorted may amplify its report by use of the prowords:
b. FADING. FADING indicates that at times the signal strength fades to such an
extent that continuous reception cannot be relied upon.
6.29 Where the NCS is not satisfied with the signal strength and/or readability of a sub-station, and
believes that it can be improved by ordering the sub-station to retune, the NCS orders the defaulting
station to retune or relocate the set. This is followed by a call from the NCS to the defaulting station for
a radio check.
6.31 When initially trying to establish communications, all stations are to adopt the following
measures to obtain contact:
6.32 If communications with a station are not established within 15 minutes, the no contact
procedure is to be initiated using the time and frequency schedule detailed in table 6-3.
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TABLE 6-3. Time and Frequency
6.33 Depending on the operational situation and equipment availability, the NCS may:
a. use alternate means if available, to determine the cause of the loss of contact;
c. direct one of the sub-stations to commence calling using spare equipment on the
appropriate frequency as detailed in table 6-3;
d. direct one of the sub-stations to leave the net in search of lost stations allocating a time
period in which the substation must return to the net; or
e. leave the net in search of lost stations. If leaving the net, the NCS is to delegate
control of the net to another station.
6.34 At the same time, the no contact procedure is to be adopted by the lost sub-station(s).
Depending on the time, the sub-station starts calling on the appropriate frequency using the time and
frequency schedule detailed in table 6-3. This is to continue until communications are re-established. This
is an example of what may be contained in SOIs; however, the FCS can be modified to suit the
required conditions (extra frequencies require a different time schedule).
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Normal Procedure
Informal Messages
7.3 Informal messages provide the simplest and quickest means of sending orders and short-
term information in the field. These are short operational messages in either verbal or
written form. The written version needs only to contain the address and the text.
Formal Messages
7.5 The user can speak to a specific individual at another station by calling the person
concerned to the set. The user will arrange this by advising the operator that he wishes to speak to a
particular person by use of the radio appointment title (annex A to chapter 1); for example, ‘I want
to speak to SUNRAY 6 RAR’. The operator calls the station concerned using the proword
FETCH followed by the appointment title. However, in the case of fixed call-sign nets, the use of radio
appointments titles is not necessary, as the fixed call-sign is sufficient. The receiving operator
replies ‘WAIT – OUT’ and he fetches the nominated individual. When the nominated individual has
come to the radio set and is ready to begin conversation, he is to give his identity using the
appointment title followed by the proword SPEAKING. The user at the calling station will then give
his identity using his appointment title followed by the proword SPEAKING and then carry on with
his message or conversation.
7.6 The following example illustrates the use of the proword FETCH. The Operations
Officer of a formation headquarters wishes to speak to the RSO of DE4:
(As the RSO is not immediately available – on arrival, the RSO transmits.)
DE4 – (THIS IS) BP7 – SEAGULL SPEAKING – Can you provide (etc) . . .
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Section 7-3. Transmission of Messages
Offering a Message
7.7 An offer is a short transmission made to warn a station that a message follows. An offer is to
be made when:
a. the calling station wishes to ascertain whether the called station is ready to
receive a message;
b. in poor and difficult conditions, it is necessary for the sender to satisfy himself that
communications are sufficiently good for the entire message to be received;
e. when orders are to be given over the radio, they must be received by a detachment
commander (or equivalent); and
7.9 The offer may take one of the forms illustrated in the example below. To ascertain
whether the called station is ready to receive an informal message which is not required to be written
down, a normal call without the use of the above prowords is then made as shown in the following
(T3Q) – (THIS IS) – (BP7) – Have you received fresh batteries – OVER.
(T3Q) – (THIS IS) – (BP7) – Will check and let you know – Can you last for thirty
minutes – OVER.
7.10 The prowords FORMAL MESSAGE are not used for joint or combined working, all
messages are offered using the proword MESSAGE to indicate to the recipient that he will have
to take down an informal message. This is shown in the following example of a plain text informal
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Z8N – THIS IS – BP7 – MESSAGE – OVER. (BP7) – (THIS IS) – Z8N – (SEND) –
(Z8N) – (THIS IS) – (BP7) – Move to GRID Alfa Echo – Mike Sierra Alfa – Juliett
Bravo X-ray – TIME One Zero Two Four Zulu – AUTHENTICATION IS Echo Zulu
7.11 Another illustration of this is in the following example of an encoded informal message:
(IMM) – (THIS IS) – (BP7) – Alfa Delta Golf – Yankee Echo Papa– X-ray Uniform
Victor– Tango November Delta– Victor Victor India – Uniform Papa Uniform – Romeo
Sierra Golf – Lima Victor Echo – Mike Tango Yankee – Sierra Yankee Echo –
Figures One Zero Slant One Two – OVER.
CC1 – THIS IS – BP7 – Batteries have been dispatched – MORE TO FOLLOW – for
IMM and T3Q – OVER.
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – DE4 – (ROGER) – OUT. (BP7) – (THIS IS) – IMM – (ROGER) –
OVER. (BP7) – (THIS IS) – T3Q – (ROGER) – OVER.
IMM – T3Q – (THIS IS) – BP7 – Direct Support Specified in VIOLIN now available –
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – IMM – (ROGER) – OUT. (BP7) – (THIS IS) – T3Q – (ROGER) –
(If the called station was not prepared to accept the message immediately, it would have
transmitted, ‘WAIT OUT’.)
7.14 To indicate a number of messages of one or more precedence in an offer, the number of
messages is followed by the precedence proword as per the following example:
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(BP7) – (THIS IS) – (Z8N) – (ROGER) – OVER. (Z8N) – (THIS IS) – (BP7) –
7.15 Prior to the transmission of each message, the NCS should pause for five seconds to
allow any other station to transmit a message of higher precedence.
Pause in Transmission
7.16 The proword WAIT made during a transmission and without an ending sign (proword OUT)
indicates a short pause. A station having received ‘WAIT’ is to wait for ‘OVER’ before transmitting, unless
it has been given a message of higher precedence to transmit, or it appears to have been overlooked.
When ready to resume, the station completes the transmission commencing with a repetition of the last
word, phrase or groups of prowords transmitted, as shown in the following example:
(IMM) – (THIS IS) – (BP7) – Join convoy at rendezvous point at WAIT (pause – 5
sec) at FIGURES Ten Hundred hours – OVER.
7.17 The proword W AIT followed by the proword OUT means, ‘You are to wait’ or ‘I am
obliged to wait’, as applicable. A station resuming transmission of a message after
transmitting ‘W AIT – OUT’ will, after the call, identify the message, transmit the prowords
ALL AFTER and the last word, phrase, group or proword transmitted, and resume
transmission of the original message, as shown in the following example:
IMM – THIS IS – BP7 – Ref my last transmission – ALL AFTER point – point
FIGURES Ten Hundred hours – OVER.
7.18 A long transmission is one which will take more than 30 seconds to transmit. As long
transmissions usually require writing down, the following procedure is to be used:
a. The message is to be sent in sections, each lasting not more than 30 seconds
and each section, except for the last section, is to be terminated with the prowords
b. The receiving stations are to receipt each section and if necessary, request
c. After receiving a receipt for each section from all or selected receiving stations,
the sender is to pause for five seconds to allow any other station to transmit an urgent
d. The transmitting station may interrupt its own message to send a more urgent
one. If there is no interruption the next section will be transmitted by using the
prowords ALL AFTER followed by the last word or phrase of the section
previously transmitted. This procedure is continued until the complete message is
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7.19 The following example illustrates the procedure for a message transmission where
there is no interruption by the transmitting station:
(DE4 – T3Q) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – Tanks advancing from scrub supported by infantry
– Mortar firing on buildings with smoke – MORE TO FOLLOW – OVER.
(NCS pauses for five seconds to allow for higher precedence traffic.)
(DE4 – T3Q) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – ALL AFTER – Smoke – Smoke no indication of attack
from that direction but advise SUNRAY CALL-SIGN DE4 to move with caution – OVER.
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – DE4 – (ROGER) – OUT. (BP7) – (THIS IS) – T3Q – (ROGER) –
7.20 The following example illustrates the procedure for a message transmission where
there is an interruption by the transmitting station:
DE4 – T3Q – THIS IS – BP7 – SDS delayed due to mechanical problem – WAIT OUT
(The NCS pauses for five seconds to allow for higher precedence traffic.)
DE4 – T3Q – THIS IS – BP7 ALL AFTER problem – problem will arrive your loc in ten
minutes – OVER.
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – DE4 – (ROGER) – OUT. (BP7) – (THIS IS) – T3Q – (ROGER) –
7.21 The following example illustrates the procedure for message transmission where there is an
interruption by another station:
IMM – Z8N – THIS IS – BP7 – All supplies will be delivered by road – MORE TO
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – IMM – (ROGER) – OVER. (BP7) – (THIS IS) – Z8N – (ROGER) –
OVER. (DE4 transmits a message of higher priority.) BP7 – THIS IS – DE4 – Moving
now – OVER.
AFTER– All supplies will be delivered by road – Blue route expected be to used ...–
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – IMM – (ROGER) – OUT. (BP7) – (THIS IS) – Z8N – (ROGER) –
(Call-sign 1 could authenticate its message by transmission authentication or the NCS would
challenge 1 if it was in any doubt.)
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Section 7-5. Corrections and Repetitions
7.22 A sender may make a mistake in a transmission and have to correct it. Similarly, the receiver may
have to ask the sender to repeat some part or all of the message.
7.23 When an error is made by a sender the proword CORRECTION will be transmitted
followed by the last word, phrase group or proword correctly transmitted, and the transmission then
continues as shown in the following example:
BP7 – THIS IS – Z8N – Enemy tanks advancing from tree line – CORRECTION – ALL
BEFORE Advancing – Enemy armoured cars advancing – OVER.
7.24 If the methods explained in paragraphs 7.22 and 7.23 are liable to be confusing or
ambiguous, then the proword CORRECTION may be qualified by one of the following prowords
such as CALL-SIGN, GRID or TIME.
7.25 In the text of a plain language message, difficult portions may, at the discretion of the
sender, be repeated for emphasis or to ensure correct reception of a word, phrase or group that has just
been transmitted by using the prowords I SAY AGAIN. This means, ‘I am going to repeat the difficult
portion just transmitted’, as shown in the following example:
Z8N – THIS IS – BP7 – Move via LUCKY STRIKE – CALLSIGN 2 – W ill guide you
7.26 When a station fails to receive all or part of a message or doubts words received,
repetitions are requested by that station before receipting the message by using the
prowords SAY AGAIN. The prowords SAY AGAIN are used alone or in conjunction with a suitable
proword as listed in paragraph 7.25. In complying with the request(s) for repetition(s), the
sender is to identify that portion which is being repeated as shown in the following example:
SM5 – THIS IS – BP7 – Enemy tanks entering at GRID One Six Seven – Nine Five
Three – supported by infantry – area to the north-west reported clear – OVER.
(SM5)– (THIS IS)– BP7– I SAYAGAIN – Enemy tanks entering at GRID One Six
Seven – Nine Five Three – supported by infantry – area to the north-west reported
clear – OVER.
(IMM) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – I SAY AGAIN ALL BEFORE entering – enemy tanks
entering – OVER.
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – IMM – (ROGER) – OUT. (BP7) – (THIS IS) – T3Q – (ROGER) –
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – Z8N – SAY AGAIN WORD AFTER supported by – ALL AFTER
west – OVER.
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(BP7) – (THIS IS) – Z8N – (ROGER) – OUT.
Section 7-6. Checking the Group Count, Questioning Doubtful Portions and
Checking the Group Count
7.27 When an encoded message is being received and the number of groups actually received
does not correspond with the group count of the message, the receiving station requests a
check by transmitting the phrase ‘CHECK GROUPS .. .’, stating the number of groups
actually received. The transmitting station will then check and indicate that the number of
groups received is correct by using the proword CORRECT. If the number of groups received is
incorrect the transmitting station will notify the receiving station which must then alter the group
count accordingly, as shown in the example below. The NCS transmits an encoded informal
message and DE4 notices that the group count and the number of groups received are at
(DE4) – (THISIS) – (BP7) – Delta Golf India – Lima Oscar Papa – Juliett Tango X-ray
– Romeo Oscar Tango – Foxtrot Mike X-ray – Oscar Papa India – Tango Romeo
Sierra – Mike Delta Golf – Delta Echo India – Sierra Tango Delta – Golf Bravo X-ray –
Oscar Mike Bravo – FIGURES One Three Slant Two Four – OVER.
(The group count indicates the actual number of code groups in the message followed by the
date of encoding.)
(The NCS operator checks and finds that the code group count should be 12.)
(DE4) – (THIS IS) – (BP7) – CORRECT – OVER. (BP7) – (THIS IS) – DE4 (ROGER)
– OUT.
7.28 If, after checking, the receiving station finds that the number of groups received differs from the
group count or there is an indication that groups have not been transmitted or have not been received,
the transmitting station repeats the group count followed by the first letter of each group.
This will enable the receiving station to discover which groups are missing and request a
repetition of them as per the following example:
(DE4) – (THIS IS) – (BP7) – [Kilo] Echo November – [Golf] Uniform November –
[Sierra] Tango Oscar – [November] Echo India – [Sierra] Bravo Oscar – [Romeo]
Echo Delta – [Sierra] Hotel India – [Tango] Lima Echo – [Sierra] Sierra Delta –
[Oscar] India November – [Golf] Tango Hotel – [India] Sierra Sierra – FIGURES One
Two Slant Two Four – OVER.
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(The NCS operator checks and finds that the code group count (12) is correct.)
(DE4) – (THIS IS) – (BP7) – GROUPS One Two – Kilo – Golf– Sierra – November –
Sierra – Romeo – Sierra – Tango – Sierra – Oscar – Golf – India – OVER.
(The DE4 operator can now see which group he has missed and would change the code
group count to read 12/24.)
(DE4) – (THIS IS) – (BP7) – I SAYAGAIN– GROUP Five – Sierra Bravo Oscar –
7.29 In all messages with a group count exceeding 30 groups, if the receiving station
considers the group count to be incorrect, the transmitting station repeats the original group count
and transmits the identity of the first, eleventh, and every subsequent tenth group followed by the
initial letter of that group as shown in the following example:
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – DE4 – GROUPS Five Five – One Echo – Eleven Zulu – Twenty
One Sierra – Thirty One Charlie – Forty One Hotel – Fifty One Alfa – OVER.
(The NCS then may request the first letter of each group within the range of 10 or
request a repetition of the ten groups in which it has a miscount.)
(DE4) – (THIS IS) – (BP7) – SAY AGAIN Forty One TO Fifty – OVER.
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – (DE4) – I SAY AGAIN Forty One TO Fifty – Hotel Charlie X-ray –
etc etc – OVER.
7.30 A station may question the reception of doubtful portions of a message by means of the
proword CHECK, with identifying data as shown in the following example:
DE4 – THIS IS – BP7 – CHECK GROUP Forty One – Hotel Charlie X-ray – OVER.
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – DE4 – CORRECT – OVER. (DE4) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – (ROGER)
– OUT. or
(DE4) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – CHECK GROUP Forty One – Hotel Charlie X-ray – OVER.
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – DE4 – CORRECTION – GROUP Forty One Hotel Oscar X-ray –
7.31 At times, it is necessary to query a message some time after it has been received; and this
frequently occurs in an encoded informal message or messages containing code-words,
numeral codes or figures such as grid references. An error may have been introduced into a
message by:
b. incorrect encoding,
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c. incorrect decoding,
7.32 When an error has occurred and the message fails to make sense, it must be
checked by all concerned in the transmission. The process of verifying the sense of the message
must not be confused with the procedure for requesting a repetition where only the reception of the
message is in doubt. Only the originator can verify the text of a message.
7.33 In carrying out the verifying process, the originator must be given the opportunity to check
whether the receiving station has taken down the message correctly in the first instance. The
receiving station, therefore, refers to the message by use of the proword VERIFY. When used after
a call without identifying data, the proword VERIFY means, ‘Verify with originator and say
again your last message’. VERIFY, followed by identification data means, ‘Verify with originator and say
again your last message’ or ‘verify with originator and say again message or portion thereof
as indicated’, as shown in the following example:
SM5 – THIS IS – BP7 – Alfa Bravo Charlie – Foxtrot Golf Alfa – Lima Charlie Delta –
Xray Yankee Delta – Charlie Delta Xray – Foxtrot Lima Golf – Charlie Oscar Lima –
Mike Papa Golf – FIGURES Eight Slant One Two – OVER.
BP7 – THIS IS – DE4 – VERIFY Your Groups Eight Slant One Two – GROUP One
(Alfa Bravo Charlie) – OVER.
(The BP7 operator verifies with the originator and, the group being correct, transmits.)
DE4 – THIS IS – BP7 – I VERIFY – My Groups Eight Slant One Two GROUP One –
Alfa Bravo Charlie – OVER.
(The DE4 operator has transposed Group 1 in error to read ACB instead of ABC. In this
case, verification with the originator would not be necessary.)
BP7 – THIS IS – DE4 – VERIFY – Your Groups Eight Slant One Two GROUP One Alfa
Charlie Bravo – OVER.
(The BP7 operator checks and finds that an error was made in reception by the DE4
DE4 – THIS IS – BP7 – Reference – My Groups Eight Slant One Two – CORRECTION
Group One – Alfa Bravo Charlie – OVER.
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7.34 When verification of a message, or a portion thereof, has been requested, the originating
station operator is to verify with the originator. If the message is found to be incorrect, the correct
version must be sent. If the message is to a number of addressees, the corrected version must be
sent to all addressees as shown in the example below. In this case, DE4 requests a verification, and
the transmission by the NCS is found to be incorrect; that is, Group 1 (ABC) had been transmitted as
ABG in the original message:
BP7 – THIS IS – DE4 – VERIFY – YOUR Groups Eight Slant One Two Group One –
Alfa Bravo Golf – OVER.
(The BP7 operator verifies with the originator that the group is incorrect and should read
ABC. The operator then transmits a correction to all stations.)
SM5 – THIS IS – BP7 – CORRECTION – My Groups Eight Slant One Two GROUP One –
Alfa Bravo Charlie – OVER.
7.35 In some circumstances, the addressee may be collocated with the operator and therefore able
to initiate a request for a verification before a receipt is given.
7.36 An acknowledgement is a message from the addressee informing the originator that the
message has been received. An acknowledgement should not be confused with a reply or receipt. A
prompt reply referring to the message may serve in lieu of an acknowledgement. It is the prerogative of
the originator to request an acknowledgement to a message from any or all addressees of that
message, by using the proword ACKNOWLEDGE. The request for an acknowledgement is normally
included in the text of that message. If the message has already been transmitted, the request for an
acknowledgement will constitute a new message. Acknowledgements are originated only by the
addressee to whom the request was made:
(The IMM operator, having shown the message to the commander or duly authorised
representative, and having been ordered to acknowledge the message by him,
Cancelling Messages
7.37 During the transmission of a message and prior to the transmission of the proword
OVER or OUT, the transmission may be cancelled by use of the prowords DISREGARD THIS
TRANSMISSION – OUT. For example during the transmission of a message, the NCS realises that
the transmission is being sent in error and therefore cancels it:
(IMM) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – Delta Golf India – Lima Oscar Papa – Juliett Tango X-ray –
7.38 A message which has been completely transmitted can only be cancelled by another
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message. For example, the NCS realises that the transmission was in error and wishes to
cancel the message; transmission authentication is to be used:
IMM– THIS IS – BP7– CANCEL My Message FIGURES One Three Slant One Two –
Do Not Answer
7.39 When it is imperative that the called station(s) does not answer a transmission, the
prowords DO NOT ANSWER will be transmitted immediately following the call. The complete
transmission is then repeated; the full transmission ending with the proword OUT. It is
mandatory that these transmissions be authenticated:
SM5 – THIS IS – BP7 – DO NOT ANSWER – Act in accordance with Plan Charlie –
– Act in accordance with Plan Charlie – AUTHENTICATION IS Kilo Golf – OUT.
Clear Procedure
7.40 In tactical operations, simulated or actual, when speed of delivery is so essential that time
cannot be spared for encryption and the transmitted information cannot be acted upon by the enemy in
time to influence current operations, messages of any classification except TOP SECRET may be
transmitted in plain language (clear) over any circuit. In such cases, transmission in clear must be
authorised separately for each message by the commanding officer or his authorised representative.
Linkage to previously encrypted messages should be avoided. These messages will not be given a
security classification but will be identified by the prowords IN CLEAR transmitted at the beginning of
the text. This is an indication that the message contains classified information and has been
authorised to be sent in clear. Original copies marked CLEAR shall be handled as confidential material
by the operator. The message, when received, should be marked with the phrase ‘RECEIVED IN
CLEAR, TREAT AS CONFIDENTIAL’ prior to delivery to the addressee. Messages so marked are not
to be readdressed. Should the addressee desire the information to be forwarded to another addressee, a
new message must be originated, appropriately classified and handled as the situation dictates.
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Free Net
8.1 Under normal conditions, once a net has been established it is free and the NCS will not
usually intervene in communications between sub-stations.
Directed Net
8.2 When conditions are difficult and the flow of traffic is heavy, the NCS may order the net to
be directed. Thereafter, all messages between sub-stations must be offered. The NCS is the first to
answer their offers and thus is able to regulate all traffic on the net. Permission is not required for the
transmission of FLASH messages which are to be sent direct.
8.3 The use of directed net procedure must be kept to a minimum as directions slow down net
working. In bad conditions, the first consideration must be to improve or eliminate those
conditions rather than to make the net a directed one. A net should not be declared directed as a
means of correcting bad net discipline.
8.4 The prowords used to change the state of the net are as follows:
8.5 Examples of the NCS ordering a directed net and a free net are as follows:
8.6 Free Net. W hen conditions on the net improve, the NCS transmits:
SM5 – THIS IS – BP7 – THIS IS A FREE NET – OVER. All stations answer ROGER
– OUT.
8.7 When a message has been offered by one sub-station to another on a directed net,
the NCS can use the following prowords:
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8.8 SEND YOUR ... – OUT. SEND YOUR ... – OUT indicates that the NCS has given
permission for the particular message to be sent and will take no part in the transmission. This is
illustrated in the following example, where IMM has a sitrep for Z8N, and transmits the following:
8.9 WAIT OUT. W AIT OUT indicates that the sub-station must wait until permission is
given by the NCS to continue with its transmission. This is illustrated in the following
example, where DE4 initiates the call:
(When the more urgent traffic has been sent, the NCS transmits:)
8.10 THROUGH ME. THROUGH ME procedure is used when conditions between sub-
stations are unsatisfactory, although the NCS is in contact with all stations. Once the NCS
has ordered this procedure, it assumes complete responsibility for disposal of the message, and may
send it by any means available. The NCS is to:
c. retransmit the message if it was not received by the addressee, or, if the
addressee has received part of the message, send corrections as requested;
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – Z8N – FOR T3Q – Have reached BIG APPLE – OVER.
(Z8N) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – ROGER OUT TO YOU – T3Q – THIS IS BP7 – Did you
receive the message from Z8N – OVER.
(T3Q) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – FROM Z8N – Have reached BIG APPLE – OVER.
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(BP7) – (THIS IS) – T3Q – (ROGER) – OUT.
8.12 RELAY THROUGH. RELAY THROUGH procedure is used when a sub-station offers
the NCS a message for another sub-station which has lost contact with both the calling
station and the NCS, but is in contact with another station. For example, DE4 offers a message to
(DE4 sends the message to IMM via T3Q using normal relay procedure.)
Formal Traffic
8.13 A net passing a high volume of formal traffic will require an additional control when
the net is directed to ensure the smooth flow of precedence messages. The following example
shows how the NCS organises the net traffic for transmission. NCS initiates the call to the
SM5 – THIS IS – BP7 – Of what precedence, and for whom are your messages –
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – DE4 – One immediate and one routine for you – OVER.
(The NCS informs all stations that it has heard their transmissions and then
commences handling traffic in order of precedence.)
(When DE4 has cleared his IMMEDIATE message, the NCS orders the station with the
highest precedence message to send that message, and so on until all formal
messages are cleared.)
Delegating Control
8.15 It may be necessary for the NCS to delegate control of the net to a sub-station or an
alternative headquarters station when effective control cannot be maintained by the NCS, or
when the NCS has to leave the net for any reason. In this case the prowords ASSUME
CONTROL are to be used. The NCS may, or may not, give an explanation for relinquishing control of the net.
For example, if the NCS is unable to maintain effective control of the net and decides that DE4 is
in the best position to assume control of the net, the NCS transmits:
Assuming Control
8.16 Other occasions may arise when the NCS may break down or otherwise cease to function. In
this event, control of the net then reverts to the previously designated sub-station or, if none, the
senior sub-station on the net. Before the senior sub-station assumes control, it must confirm that the
NCS cannot be heard by the other stations on the net. On formation nets, seniority may be laid down or
derived by the alphabetical sequence of the call-signs. The senior sub-station, if necessary, may delegate
control to another sub-station which would have more effective control of the net.
8.17 In the following example, nothing has been heard from the NCS for some time:
SM5 – THIS IS – DE4 – Have you heard anything from CALLSIGN BP7 – OVER.
(All stations wait for five seconds to allow the NCS to answer, if able.)
8.18 If a sub-station with authority on the net wishes to assume control (for example, CO or
OC) he may do so and retain his normal call-sign.
8.19 In the following example, a commander has temporarily moved from his old location
serviced by the NCS and moved to the area serviced by CALL-SIGN T3Q and wishes to maintain
control of the net:
Resuming Control
8.20 The prowords I AM ASSUMING CONTROL are to be used when the normal NCS
reports into the net after an absence or when conditions improve and it wishes to resume
control of the net. The following examples illustrate this.
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8.21 Serving as one example, BP7 reports into the net after an absence and wishes to
resume control of the net:
(Transmission authentication would normally be used; but, if it is not, DE4 would challenge BP7 to
authenticate. All other sub-stations would then answer in turn ‘(ROGER) – OUT’.)
8.22 Serving as another example, when conditions improve, BP7 decides that effective
control of the net can now be maintained. BP7 initiates the call but omits to give
transmission authentication:
Formation Nets
8.23 When a formation is moving its headquarters and has sent out a step-up
headquarters station, a permanent change of the NCS takes place when command passes
from the old to the new location. The executive order for the change is normally given by secure
means or nickname. The step-up station then assumes the tactical call-sign previously used
by the NCS.
8.24 At times, emergency situations may occur where it is necessary for the operator to
be away from the radio, for example, when a generator fails or to carry out antenna changes. When
this occurs the NCS is to be notified. The following procedure is to be used:
BP7 – THIS IS – DE4 – This call-sign will be unmanned for FIGURES Five minutes –
8.25 When the operator returns to the radio, contact is re-established with the NCS in the following
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Section 8-3. Read Back Procedure
a. the sending station wishes to ensure that the message has been received
correctly, or
b. the receiving station wishes to make sure that it has received the message.
8.27 If a transmission, message or portion thereof is to be read back, the prowords READ BACK
and identifying data will be transmitted following the call. If a collective or net call is used, but only some
of the stations represented in the call are required to read back, that station or those stations will be
specified by transmitting the appropriate call-sign(s) preceding the prowords READ BACK. When the
order to read back is given, only those stations directed to do so are to read back. The remaining stations
called are to keep silent until the read back is completed and then answer, in order, giving a
normal receipt.
8.28 The following four examples illustrate the read back procedure. In this first example,
the NCS requests call-sign IMM to read back the complete transmission:
(SM5) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – IMM READ BACK – Convoy has arrived at GRID Bravo
Yankee – Mike Charlie Bravo – Oscar Tango Mike – OVER.
– Convoy has arrived at GRID Bravo Yankee – Mike Charlie Bravo – Oscar Tango
Mike – OVER.
8.29 In this second example of the read back procedure, the NCS requests T3Q to read
back the text:
SM5 – THIS IS – BP7 – T3Q READ BACK TEXT – Convoy arrived at 1800 hr – OVER.
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – T3Q – I READ BACK TEXT – Convoy arrived at 1800 hr – OVER.
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8.30 In this third example of the read back procedure, the NCS requests DE4 to read back
the grid reference:
SM5 – THIS IS – BP7 – DE4 READ BACK GRID – Convoy has arrived GRID Bravo
Yankee – Mike Charlie Bravo – Oscar Tango Mike – OVER.
(BP7)– (THIS IS)– DE4– I READ BACKGRID– GRID Bravo Yankee – Mike Charlie
Bravo – Oscar Tango Mike – OVER.
8.31 In this final example of the read back procedure (illustrating the use of the proword WRONG)
the NCS requests DE4 to read back the grid reference:
SM5 – THIS IS – BP7 – DE4 READ BACK GRID – Convoy has arrived at GRID – Bravo
Yankee – Mike Charlie Bravo – Oscar Tango Mike – OVER.
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – DE4 – I READ BACK GRID – GRID Bravo Yankee – Mike Charlie
Bravo – Oscar Alpha – OVER.
(DE4) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – WRONG – GRID Bravo Yankee – Mike Charlie Bravo –
Oscar Tango Mike – OVER.
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – DE4 – I READ BACK GRID – Bravo Yankee – Mike Charlie Bravo –
Oscar Tango Mike – OVER.
8.32 Read back procedure may be used at any time by a receiving station to ensure that the
message it has received is correct. The receiving station would start reading back by saying, ‘I
8.33 When communications are poor or difficult, phrases, words or groups may be
transmitted twice by using the proword WORDS TWICE. The calling station may transmit ‘WORDS
TWICE’ or the called station may request the calling station to transmit ‘WORDS TWICE’.
8.34 The following two examples illustrate the words twice procedure. In this first
example, conditions are difficult and BP7 decides to transmit the message using words twice
Convoy arrived this loc at 1800 h. – Convoy arrived this loc at 1800 hr – OVER –
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BEFORE arrived – WORD BEFORE arrived – OVER – OVER.
BEFORE arrived – WORD BEFORE arrived– Convoy arrived– Convoy arrived–
8.35 In this second example, conditions are good, but DE4 is experiencing heavy local
interference and requests BP7 to transmit the message twice:
DE4– DE4– THIS IS– BP7– THIS IS– BP7– Convoy arrived this loc at 1800 hr –
Convoy arrived this loc at 1800 hr – OVER – OVER.
8.36 If communications between any two stations fail, messages between them may be sent
through a third station which is in contact with them both. The third station is known as the relay
station. The message may be given to the relay station in the initial transmission or it may be
a. it is not certain that the relay station is in contact with the addressee, or
8.38 The following prowords (table 8-1) are used in relay procedure and in this context are
interpreted as indicated.
Proword Meaning
(a) (b)
RELAY THROUGH Transmit your message via call-sign ... (normally the NCS will advise the
most suitable station through which to relay).
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8.39 In formal messages other than codress, the proword RELAY used alone indicates that the
station called is to relay the message to all addressees and may only be used if lines 6, 7 and 8 are
used (that is, the call may not serve as the address). In this case, it is used only when the calling
station knows that the called station has communications with the station(s) to whom the message is
to be relayed.
Relay To
8.40 The prowords RELAY TO followed by an address designator indicates that the station called is to
relay the message to the stations indicated. When more than one station is called, the call-sign of the
station designated to perform the relay will precede the prowords RELAY TO. At times it is
necessary to relay a message to a station on another net or by some other means of communications
employed for relay, and full call-signs or address groups are to be used in the address
component (chapter 10, Formal Message Procedure) as per the examples below. Communication
between call-signs DE4 and IMM is not possible. The relay message, which does not in this case
require an offer, is relayed via call-sign T3Q:
RELAY TO IMM – SUNRAY departed for your location – OVER.
DE4 – SUNRAY departed for your location – OVER.
Through Me
8.41 The prowords THROUGH ME indicate that the calling station is in communication
with the called station and is prepared to relay the message.
8.42 In the following example, the NCS hears call-sign DE4 is having difficulty and
instructs him to pass the message through the NCS:
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – DE4 – RELAY TO IMM – SUNRAY departed for your location –
DE4 – SUNRAY departed for your location – OVER.
Relay Through
8.43 The NCS uses the prowords RELAY THROUGH followed by an address designation to
indicate which sub-station is to relay the message.
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8.44 In this case, the message is such that it must be offered by call-sign DE4 to T3Q for
relay to call-sign IMM. In relaying the message, call-sign T3Q sends the grid reference
incorrectly. This error is noted by call-sign DE4 which corrects call-sign T3Q:
(DE4) – (THIS IS) – T3Q – (ROGER) – OUT TO YOU– IMM – THIS IS – T3Q –
(IMM) – (THIS IS) – T3Q – WAIT – OUT TO YOU – DE4 – THIS IS – T3Q – SEND –
(T3Q) – (THIS IS) – DE4 – RELAY TO IMM – POL at GRID Yankee Tango – India
Romeo Oscar – India Romeo Papa – OVER.
DE4 – POL at GRID Yankee Tango – India Romeo Oscar – India Romeo Oscar –
(DE4) – (THIS IS) – T3Q – (ROGER) – OUT TO YOU – IMM – THIS IS – T3Q –
Reference message from DE4 – CORRECTION – GRID Yankee Tango – India Romeo
Oscar – India Romeo Papa – OVER.
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9.1 The potential for obtaining intelligence from electromagnetic and sonic radiations, using modern
technology, is very great. The greater the reliance a force places on the employment of electromagnetic
and sonic systems the greater will be the need for effective emission control (emcon).
9.2 Emcon is the effective management of all electromagnetic and sonic emissions from
a friendly force to prevent premature disclosure of the presence, location and composition
of the force, while operating sufficient equipment to provide adequate warning of a threat.
9.3 Emcon in the form of electronic silence or restrictions applied in time, space or frequency will
deny or reduce intercept opportunities to the enemy. It may be applied in a variety of ways
to mislead the enemy, to deny warning of impending operations or to disguise
9.4 The Force Commander is responsible for promulgating his emission policy for
subordinate units and formations. Control of each type of emission is achieved by an emcon plan
covering all emissions.
9.5 Commanders retain the right to coordinate with the joint operations and EW staff and
to impose, amend or lift emcon plans to suit the tactical situation. Commanders should issue an
emcon plan appropriate to the tactical situation. A number of contingency plans covering various
options in anticipation of changes in the tactical situation should be promulgated well in
advance of operations. emcon plans must be capable of being altered or implemented by
signal. An example of a joint emcon plan is at annex A. ADFP 24, Elec tronic Warfare contains
further information on emcon.
9.6 There are certain standard occasions when a unit commander may break
communications-electronic silence, although by doing so he violates the emcon plan in force. The
fact that silence has been broken by a unit does not automatically change the policy in force. Any
change must be in accordance with the emcon plan or by order of the Force Commander or
subordinate commander as appropriate. The standard occasions permitted for breaking silence
(which may be modified by the Force Commander) are as follows:
(2) report unidentified radar and sonar contacts as ordered (by the Force
b. Air Elements. Air elements may also violate the emcon plan for the reasons listed
in sub-paragraph ‘a’ and:
(1) when on independent or special missions (as ordered by the Joint Force
or Component Commander);
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(2) to transmit urgent flight safety information; and/or (3) for self-protection.
9.7 When emcon silence is broken on other than authorised occasions, if emcon policy
permits, an EMCON BREAK message is to be transmitted detailing the elements that
emitted, with the timings, location and reasons for breaking silence.
9.8 It is permissible for a unit or sub-unit commander to impose radio silence on the net or nets for
which he is responsible, for technical or tactical reasons and not as part of general electronic silence.
The orders for this may be issued either by separate secure means or, if necessary, over the
radio, in which case the transmission is authenticated by the use of nicknames. Stations still
remain on listening watch during radio silence.
9.9 Radio silence is imposed, lifted or broken by the use of a specified nickname. The
nicknames, translated, are: IMPOSE RADIO SILENCE, LIFT RADIO SILENCE and BREAK
RADIO SILENCE. Only the NCS may order the imposing of radio silence by quoting the
nickname. Sub-stations do not act upon the preparatory order, other than by reading the
nicknames back. The NCS delays the executive order until it is satisfied that all stations
have received the preparatory order correctly. In the following example, the NCS initiates
the imposition of radio silence:
(When the NCS is satisfied that all stations have received the preparatory order correctly, it
transmits the executive order to enforce the radio silence.)
(All sub-stations now maintain a vigilant listening watch, waiting for the lifting of, or break
in radio silence.)
9.10 Radio silence may be lifted by the NCS or broken by a sub-station in the following
9.11 When lifting radio silence, the NCS allows time for radio sets to warm up, if necessary. In both the
following examples the NCS will use a nickname or prowords followed by OVER, and each station’s
response to the initial call will act as a radio check. The NCS then completes re-establishing
the net by requesting an amplifying report (strength and readability) as laid down in chapter
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9.13 The next example illustrates using transmission authentication where no nickname is
(The NCS allows a short period of time for stations to confirm transmission authentication and
awaits replies.)
9.14 Nicknames may be used in clear over the radio for lifting or breaking electronic
silence within the conditions previously ordered. In the following example, sub-station IMM
has authority and good reason, within the conditions previously ordered, to break electronic
silence. BINGO DOG is the nickname for breaking of electronic silence. IMM initiates the
BP7 – THIS IS – IMM – BINGO DOG – Enemy tanks breaking through on my right –
9.16 Emergency silence is the condition under which all radio sets remain on listening watch for the
purpose of enforcing transmission security, deception measures, or for technical or tactical
reasons. It is imposed and lifted only by the competent authority detailed in either the operation
order (OPORD) or SOI.
9.18 SILENCE, SILENCE, SILENCE when spoken means, ‘Cease transmission on this net
immediately – silence is to be maintained until lifted’.
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9.19 The following examples illustrate ceasing a transmission. The first example uses transmission
9.21 SILENCE, SILENCE, SILENCE, followed by ALL NETS means, ‘Cease all
transmissions immediately on all nets’. Subordinate NCS must repeat this message on their
own nets as a matter of urgency.
9.22 The following are examples of how the NCS can conduct the call. In this first example, the
NCS initiates the call using a codeword:
9.23 In this second example, the NCS fails to offer transmission authentication or a codeword due
to non-availability:
9.26 Emergency silence is lifted by the use of the prowords SILENCE LIFTED. The lifting
is qualified where necessary by a frequency, frequency designator or the phrase ALL NETS.
The method for lifting silence is as detailed in paragraph 9.11.
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Section 9-4. Changing Frequency
Security Change
9.28 A security change is a large scale pre-arranged change intended to deceive the
enemy and is organised only by a higher formation. Included in this category are those
arrangements which may be made by a higher formation for the simultaneous changes of all
frequencies in the formation at specified times or intervals. After a prolonged period of silence,
the NCS is to allow time for radio sets to warm up before recommencing normal
9.29 Full details of security changes are notified in advance to all concerned and include the exact time
at which the frequency change is to take place. This time is determined by a higher authority
and is also the time at which daily changing call-signs, NICs and address groups change. No
warning transmission is made in connection with security changes. They are effected solely
on a programmed basis. The orders specify the time at which transmission on the old frequencies is
to cease, and the time for opening up on the new frequencies.
9.30 All transmissions on the old frequencies using the old NIC and call-signs are to
cease exactly at the time specified. Communication on the new frequencies, using the new
NIC and call-signs is to be re-established, if no separate time has been specified, as soon as possible
after the time of closing down on the old frequencies.
9.31 Technical and tactical changes are normally ordered because of deterioration in
working conditions (atmospherics, interference, distance and jamming), or for the
regrouping of forces or other tactical reasons. Each frequency within a formation or unit
assignment is allocated a number of nicknames for reference purposes. Frequency changes
within formation or unit nets involve the use of alternative and spare frequencies and are to be
referred to by their nickname. Only the NCS may order a change to a designated frequency by
quoting the nickname appropriate to that frequency. The translation of the nickname is CHANGE
9.32 Sub-stations do not act upon the preparatory order other than by reading back the
nickname. The NCS delays giving the executive order until it is satisfied that all stations have
correctly received the preparatory order. In the following example, the NCS initiates the
change of frequency:
(The NCS then transmits the executive order to enforce the frequency change.)
9.33 The NCS may order one of the sub-stations to the new frequency to ensure it is
workable prior to changing the remaining sub-stations on the net.
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No Contact
9.34 If contact is lost with one or more stations after a frequency change, the NCS or a sub-
station delegated by the NCS is to revert to the old frequency and try to re-establish
communications with the lost stations. The lost sub-station(s) should also initially return to
the old frequency. If communications are re-established with the lost sub-stations, the normal
procedure is to repeat the order to change frequency and try again. Should this fail again, a
decision by the responsible signals officer or NCO at the NCS will be required to determine further
action to be taken, which may include allocation of additional frequencies.
9.36 Frequencies are not to be transmitted in clear over insecure radio for technical and tactical
changes except:
b. after every other secure means of transmission has been considered (for example,
enciphered in a high grade cryptographic system or encoded in a low grade
cryptographic system);
d. when they are changing daily and no nicknames or frequency designators have
been allocated.
9.37 The following are examples of changing frequencies while in insecure mode. This first example
illustrates changing frequency in insecure mode using a nickname:
(The NCS then transmits the executive order to enforce the frequency change.)
9.38 This next example illustrates changing frequency in insecure mode using a frequency
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(The NCS then transmits the executive order to enforce the frequency change.)
9.39 Fixed Call-sign Joining a Working Net. When a station which has a fixed call-sign
joins a working unit net, it will normally continue to use its fixed call-sign. If, however, this call-sign is
already in use on the net, the new station will add its arms indicator of the NIC prefixed to its fixed
call-sign. Authentication of the station joining is mandatory as per the following examples:
9.40 In this first example, a forward observer (FO) (fixed call-sign 21), joins an infantry B Company
net (using the arms indicator G). The FO initiates the call :
9.41 In this second example, a tank regiment LO (call-sign 94) joins an infantry battalion
net (using the NIC PQ2B):
9.42 When joining a net, the NIC ([94] in the above example) follows the call-sign in the
initiating call; however, when cleared to join the net the abbreviated NIC (PQ) prefixes the call-
9.43 Daily Changing Call-sign Joining a Fixed Call-sign Net. Should a station with a daily
changing call-sign wish to join a fixed call-sign net, the full call-sign is to be used. Once communications
are established and authentication has been carried out, abbreviated call-signs may be
used. In the example below, a task force LO wishes to join an infantry battalion net:
9.45 Using an Address Group. Where an address group is used as a means of joining a net, it
is replaced as soon as possible after communications have been established and authentication has
been effected, by a spare call-sign issued by the NCS. The following example illustrates this
procedure. A unit wishes to join a brigade command net. The address group for the unit is MLCA. The unit
wishing to join the net initiates the call:
9.46 Time checks are to be given in local time unless otherwise requested or directed. The
time zone suffix is not to be included in the time check. Time checks may be sent out:
9.47 When the NCS desires to give an accurate time check to all stations on the net, it
will pause for a sufficient interval between the warning phrase and the commencement of
the count-down. This allows receiving operators to prepare their watches. The NCS announces its
intention by using the prowords TIME CHECK AT This procedure is most important when
transmission authentication systems are in force. The time at which the check is given is to be indicated by
a four-figure time group followed by a 15 second count-down to the executive.
9.48 The following example illustrates the NCS initiating a time check:
SM5 – THIS IS – BP7 – TIME CHECK AT Zero Nine Three Zero – (pause to allow
operators to prepare) – One Five Seconds – One Zero Seconds – Five – Four –
Three – Two – One – TIME Zero Nine Three Zero – OVER.
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9.49 When a station desires an accurate time check, it will be requested by using the
(DE4)– (THIS IS)– BP7– TIME CHECK One Eight Zero Two (pause)– One Five Seconds –
One Zero Seconds – Five – Four– Three – Two – One – TIME One Eight Zero Two –
9.50 A time signal may be conveyed in advance by the NCS using the delayed executive method:
SM5 – THIS IS – BP7 – EXECUTE TO FOLLOW – TIME One Four One Five – DE4 –
(The NCS has indicated that call-sign DE4 is to receipt and no other station need
(The NCS then transmits the executive signal to coincide with 1415 and has indicated
that call-sign IMM is to receipt on behalf of the net.)
9.51 No station is to close down without prior permission from the NCS. The greatest possible care
must be taken by the NCS never to close down a net, or an individual sub-station, without being
completely satisfied that all sub-stations know, or will know, the new frequency and time of
reopening. The necessary orders must be given by the most secure means available and,
wherever possible, not by radio. In an emergency, the orders may have to be sent over the
radio in operations code, before the net closes down. In this case, any security achieved is short-
9.52 When it is essential to order a close-down over the radio and the NCS is satisfied with
arrangements for reopening, it then orders the net or sub-station to close down by using a nickname
and the procedure laid down for radio silence and changing frequency. The translation of
the nickname is CLOSE DOW N NOW:
(All stations answer the preparatory order in turn BACK ALLEY – OVER, and the NCS
transmits the executive order to enforce the closure.)
9.53 When one station is required to close down temporarily for technical or other minor
reasons (for example, changing batteries), the request and instructions are given in clear by use of
the following prowords:
a. CLOSING DOWN, which means, ‘May I close down (until . .) due to . . .’; and
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9.55 In the following example, T3Q requests NCS permission to close down to change
batteries and authenticates the request:
9.56 If transmission authentication is not provided, the NCS is to challenge the station:
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
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10.1 Primarily, tactical radio nets are used for the transmission of informal messages and voice
conversations, while logistic and administrative nets are used for the passage of formal
10.2 The essential characteristics of a formal message are that it should be written down
on a message form (OC33), have a DTG inserted, be signed by the releasing officer and
handed to the operator for transmission.
10.3 There are two types of formal messages, plaindress (of which there is also an abbreviated
version) and codress:
(1) precedence,
(2) date,
10.4 Each message is given a precedence to indicate the speed with which the message
should be handled. The degrees of precedence are outlined in annex A.
Security Classification
10.5 Any message that contains information which may be of value to the enemy must be
classified under one of the following four categories:
10.7 The originator is responsible for ensuring that a message bears the lowest security
classification consistent with its contents.
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10.8 Classified messages are not to be transmitted in clear unless the situation warrants. Where this
must happen, the CLEAR procedure is to be used.
Parts of a Message
10.9 All formal messages have three separate parts, these being:
a. a heading,
b. text, and
c. an ending.
10.10 These parts, when being transmitted by radio, are separated by the proword BREAK. The
proword BREAK between the heading and text is inserted immediately after the last addressee of
plaindress messages and before the security classification. In codress messages, the
proword BREAK is inserted between the group count and the first group of the text.
10.11 Each message part has certain components which are broken down into elements and contents.
All parts, and a majority of the components and elements, have a standardised arrangement, or
order of appearance, which is applicable not only to ratel procedure but also to other operating
Schematic Diagram
10.12 In the schematic diagram, shown in annex B, it should be noted that every element is
indicated in order of appearance in the message, but the contents of the various elements are not
necessarily indicated in the order they will appear.
10.13 There is a total of 16 format lines. Lines 2 to 4 and 14 to 16 identify the procedural
portion of the basic message format as designed for ratel operation. Lines 5 to 13 are non-
changeable elements of the format. All format lines do not necessarily appear in every
message but are to be in the order indicated when used.
10.14 In format line 1, all formal messages are to be offered. The likelihood of sending a
formal message using DO NOT ANSWER PROCEDURE is extremely rare; however, if this occurs
then the prowords FORMAL MESSAGE are used to prompt the receiving operator to use an OC-33 to
take the message down as in the following example:
BP7 – THIS IS – DE45 – DO NOT ANSW ER – FORMALMESSAGE – (pause) – Msg No . . . .
etc .....................................................................
10.15 In format lines 2 and 3, the lines contain the call, the proword FORMAL MESSAGE and the
transmission identification (TI) as follows:
a. The Call. The call serves to identify the stations between which that particular
message is being transmitted. It may also serve as the address of the
message when the designators of the originator and addressees are the same
as the call-signs of the stations in communication with one another on the same net.
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Format Line 4 – Transmission Instructions
10.16 Line 4 contains the transmission instructions, which may consist of prowords
RELAY, RELAY TO, WORDS TWICE, READ BACK, call-signs, address groups and plain language
10.18 The following examples demonstrate transmission instructions after the relay
instructions have already been offered in the initial call. In this first example, BP7 is called to
retransmit to an addressee:
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – DE4 – NUMBER One Two/Two Six – RELAY TO – ADDRESS
GROUP Alfa Zulu Oscar Delta – . . . .
In this second example, T3Q is called to retransmit a message and BP7 is itself one
of the addressees:
(BP7 – T3Q) – (THIS IS) – DE4 – NUMBER One Two/Two Six – T3Q – RELAY TO –
ADDRESS GROUP Alfa Zulu Oscar Delta.
10.19 Line 5 will contain the precedence, DTG and message instructions, as follows:
b. Date Time Group. The DTG is transmitted immediately after the precedence
designation. It is preceded by the proword TIME and followed by the zone
suffix (Z), month and year.
(IMM) – (THIS IS)– BP7– NUMBER One Two/Two Six– PRIORITY – Date Time
Group One Two One Six Three Zero Zulu December Nine Six – . . . .
Date Time Group One Two One Six Three Zero Zulu December Nine Six – ....
GROUP Alfa Zulu Oscar Delta PRIORITY – Date Time Group One Two One Six Three
Zero Zulu December Nine Six – . . . .
(IMM) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – NUMBER One Two/Two Six – ROUTINE – Date Time
Group One Two One Six Three Zero Zulu December Nine Two – SUSPECTE D
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Format Lines 6, 7, 8 and 9– The Address Component
10.24 The lines 6, 7, 8 and 9 form the address of the message and are recognised by the
prowords FROM, TO, INFO and EXEMPT, respectively, followed by a call-sign or address
group. When the originator and the addressees are in communication with each other on the same net,
the call is to serve as the address component. This means that there is no requirement for the plain
language address to be transmitted as part of the formal message.
10.25 In the case of messages where the call cannot serve as the address component, plain
language addressees are to be deleted and call-signs/address groups substituted where
(IMM – Z8N) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – NUMBER One Five/One Nine – INFO IMM –
PRIORITY – ROUTINE – TIME One Nine One Six Four Zero Zulu December Nine
Six– BREAK– ...
10.27 In the same scenario as paragraph 10.26, this example shows a loss of contact between the
NCS and call-sign Z8N. The NCS instructs IMM to relay the message to Z8N:
(IMM) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – NUMBER One Five/One Nine – IMM – RELAY TO Z8N –
PRIORITY – ROUTINE – TIME One Nine One Six Four Zero ZULU December Nine Six
– FROM Romeo W hisky Papa Juliet–TOIMM–INFOZ8N–BREAK–...
(In this case, the address component has been included to remove the risk of mishandling or
10.28 In the following example, the address group LAMA is allocated to a specific address
indicator group (AIG) from call-sign BP7. LAMA represents call-signs B42, P7P, 7N4 and
89A (as the message is to be relayed over another net, full call-signs are to be used). The
originator indicates that call-signs 7N4 and 89A are exempted addressees:
(B42) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – RELAY – NUMBER Two Four/Zero Nine – ROUTINE –
Date Time Group One Two One Seven One Five Zulu December Nine Six – FROM
BP7 – TO LAMA– EXEMPT 7N4 – 89A – BREAK – . . . .
10.29 Ratel messages are usually short and a group count (format line 10) is seldom used,
except in the case of enciphered messages. However, the number of groups, if sent, will be
preceded by the proword GROUPS. The rules for counting groups are as follows:
c. When a cipher group count is inserted by the crypto centre, staff or originator at the
end of an enciphered text (plaindress message), it is included as part of the
text when counting groups.
(DE4) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – NUMBER One One/Two Zero – ROUTINE – Date Time
Group Two Zero One Six Three Zero Zulu December Nine Six – FROM B42T TO
DWQ4 – GROUPS One Five – BREAK – . . . .
(DE4) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – NUMBER One Two/Two Seven – ROUTINE – Date Time
Group One Two Six Three Five Zulu December Nine Six – GROUPS One Seven –
BREAK – ... .
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Format Line 11 – The Separation
10.32 Format line 11 contains the proword BREAK as shown in examples contained in
paragraphs 10.26 to 10.31.
10.33 Format line 12 contains the plain language or enciphered text of the message. The
plain language text contains the security classification or the word UNCLASSIFIED
(transmitted as UNCLAS), internal instructions and the thoughts or ideas expressed by the
originator. The text is transmitted exactly as written by the originator, except where clear
names of units and formations are replaced by their call-signs or address groups. When it is
necessary to refer to call-signs and address groups in the text of a message, it is preceded by the
10.34 The following example shows a plain language text (proword and words contained in brackets
are optional and normally used during bad working conditions):
– BREAK – UNCLAS – Log Fifty Six (I SPELL Lima Oscar Golf FIGURES Five Six) –
Padres Hour – FULL STOP – Padres will visit your areas – during period Fourteen
Slant Fifteen February (FIGURES One Four Slant One Five I SPELL Foxtrot Echo Bravo)– FULL
STOP– Advise members ofRC (I SPELL Romeo Charlie) and OPD (I SPELL Oscar Papa
Delta) who will be available – to attend Padres Hour – one these dates – BREAK – . . .
– BREAK – FIGURES Four Four Nine Five Zero – Two One Five Two Three – Papa
Romeo Oscar Whiskey Romeo – Charlie Oscar India Alfa India – Bravo Alfa Delta
Sierra Lima – ... (seven five-letter groups) – FIGURES One Two/Zero One – BREAK –
BREAK – FIGURES Zero Four Eight Six Four – I SPELL – Delta – Echo – Zulu – Bravo
– Charlie – Alpha X-ray Juliet Uniform X-ray – November Bravo India Quebec Oscar –
... (8 five-letter groups) – FIGURES Zero Four Eight Six Four – BREAK – . . . .
(In this example directly above, the first group of the cipher could lead to confusion in the
group count if the prowords I SPELL were not used. For example, the receiving operator
would write these groups as 04864 DEZBC AXJUX when it should read 04864 Delta Echo
Zulu Bravo Charlie AXJUX. The group count of the message is 17 groups).
10.37 Format line 13 contains the proword BREAK as shown in the examples in paragraphs 10.34 to
10.38 Format line 14 is used only in abbreviated plaindress messages when a time group
transmitted here takes the place of a DTG in line 5. It consists of the proword TIME followed
by the time group plus the zone suffix.
10.39 Format line 15 contains any final instructions necessary. It is identified by the
10.40 Format line 16 is identified by the prowords OVER, OUT or OUT TO YOU. In all
transmissions where the prowords DO NOT ANSWER are used, the transmission shall be
ended with the proword OUT.
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Section 10-3. Offering a Formal Message
Before Transmitting
10.41 The operator is to scrutinise the message to ensure that no significant components
have been omitted and that no security breach will result from its transmission. The most
common security breach is the transmission of unit names in clear. The message details are
recorded on the out operator’s check sheet, inserting the TI on the message form, and in the radio
operator’s log. Where the operator’s check sheet is not used, the message must be
recorded in the radio operator’s log.
10.42 As most formal messages take more than 30 seconds to send, the message should be
divided into suitable portions and long message procedure used.
The Offer
10.43 Formal messages are always to be offered using the prowords FORMAL MESSAGE. The offer is
accepted or refused in the normal manner. Included in the offer is:
10.44 The operator is to send the message, as prepared for transmission, using prowords as
indicated in the examples in paragraphs 10.45 to 10.49:
10.45 The following example shows a formal message prepared by the message centre for
transmission by the NCS to DE4 and IMM:
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – DE4 – (SEND) – OVER. (BP7) – (THIS IS) – IMM – (SEND) –
(DE4 IMM) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – NUMBER One Five /One Two – PRIORITY –
ROUTINE – Date Time Group One Two Zero Nine Zero Two Zulu December Nine Six
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – DE4 – (SEND) – OVER. (BP7) – (THIS IS) – IMM – (SEND) –
SPELL – Sierra India Charlie – Foxtrot Foxtrot Sierra Ops Twenty Four (I SPELL
Oscar Papa Sierra FIGURES Two Four) – FULL STOP – Radio Detachments now
delayed Bravo Yankee Charlie Zulu hours – BREAK – OVER.
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – DE4 – (ROGER) – OUT. (BP7) – (THIS IS) – IMM – (ROGER) –
10.46 The following example shows a plaindress cipher text formal message prepared by the
message centre for transmission:
(T3Q)– (THIS IS) BP7– NUMBER Five Three/One Two– RELAY – ROUTINE – Date
Time Group – One Two One Six Three Zero Zulu December Nine Six – FROM B42 –
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(BP7) – (THIS IS) – T3Q – (ROGER) – OVER.
(T3Q) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – FIGURES Four Four Nine Five Zero – Two One Five Two
Three – Papa Romeo Oscar Whiskey Romeo – Charlie Oscar India Alfa India –
Bravo Alfa Delta Sierra Lima – Echo Golf Alfa Uniform Golf – November Alfa Lima
November India – Alpha Lima Papa Echo Tango – MORE TO FOLLOW – OVER.
(T3Q)– (THIS IS)– BP7 – ALL AFTER Alpha Lima Papa Echo Tango – Echo Hotel
Tango Sierra November – India Alfa Tango November Oscar – Yankee Tango Echo
Charlie Uniform – Hotel Oscar Uniform Golf Hotel – One Two Zero One Two –
10.47 The following example shows a codress formal message prepared by the message
centre for transmission:
(DE4) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – NUMBER Five Five/One Two – ROUTINE – Date Time
Group One Two One Six Three Five Zulu December Nine Six – GROUPS One Seven
– BREAK – FIGURES Zero Four Eight Six Four – Delta – Echo – Zulu – Bravo –
(DE4) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – ALL AFTER – Delta Echo Zulu Bravo Charlie – Echo
Sierra Alpha Charlie India – Echo X-ray Charlie Papa Tango – Sierra Papa Oscar
Uniform Golf – Foxtrot India Foxtrot Golf Oscar – FIGURES Zero Four Eight Six Four
10.48 The following example shows a plaindress formal message originated with a unit net,
in which one of the addressees is not on the net. (W here sub-unit stations are not the type
normally allotted address groups, the appropriate call-sign followed by the NIC would be
used if the message is to be retransmitted over another net):
(IMM) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – (SEND) – OVER. (IMM) – (THIS IS) – DE4 – (SEND) –
(BP7 DE4) – (THIS IS) – IMM – NUMBER Zero Seven/One Two – BP7 – RELAY TO
V7T NIC T3W – PRIORITY – ROUTINE – TIME One Two One Two Zero Zero Zulu
December Nine Two FROM IMM – TO BP7 – DE4 – INFO V7T – BREAK – MORE TO
(IMM) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – (SEND) – OVER. (IMM) – (THIS IS) – DE4 – (SEND) –
India Charlie Foxtrot Whiskey Quebec Ops Three (I SPELL Oscar Papa Sierra
Three Four Delta departed I SPELL Papa Alfa Bravo Zulu X-ray Yankee Hours– FULL
STOP– ETA(I SPELL Echo Tango Alfa) I SPELL November Charlie Foxtrot India Alfa
Yankee hours – BREAK – OVER.
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(IMM) – (THIS IS) – BP7 – (ROGER) – OUT. (IMM) – (THIS IS) – DE4 – (ROGER) –
10.49 The following example shows a plaindress formal message where the call serves as
the address:
(SM5) – (THIS IS) BP7 – NUMBER One Eight/One Two – INFO T3Q – ROUTINE –
Date Time Group One Two One Two One Zero Zulu December Nine Six – BREAK –
UNCLAS Sierra India Charlie Foxtrot Mike Bravo – Log (I SPELL Lima Oscar Golf
(BP7) – (THIS IS) – DE4 – (SEND) – OVER.
(SM5) – (THIS IS) BP7 – ALL AFTER FULL STOP – Nominations for equipment
familiarisation course to SEAGULL by Twenty Two (FIGURES Two Two) December –
Dual Precedence
10.50 Multiple address messages, having both action and information addressees, may be
assigned a single precedence, in which case it indicates the precedence of all addressees.
Alternatively, two precedences may be assigned, one for all action addressees and a lower
precedence for all information addressees. The procedure for indicating dual precedence in
the heading of a plaindress and a codress message is as follows:
b. Codress. The same procedure is used for codress messages; however, when
a message is routed to a crypto guard which serves all the addressees, the higher
precedence proword only will be included in the preamble. The lower precedence will
be included in the enciphered text in the form ‘ ...(lower precedence) for
information addressees’.
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Codress Transmission Instructions
10.51 Any station(s) or addressee(s) included in the heading of the message which is (are) to
receive the message at the lower precedence will be indicated in the transmission instructions by
means of the prowords TRANSMIT AT THE LOW ER PRECEDENCE, followed by the
identification of the station(s)/addressee(s) concerned.
10.52 If RELAY instructions are specifically included and the transmission instructions become
long or complicated, those stations for which the message is intended at the lower precedence may
be collated and shown together after the prowords TRANSMIT AT THE LOW ER
PRECEDENCE. The prowords will be inserted after the last RELAY addressee designation.
In the following example, the NCS directs call-sign DE4 to transmit the codress message at
the lower precedence to ODP1:
PRECEDENCE – ODP1 – PRIORITY – ROUTINE – Date Time Group One Two One
Eight One Six Zulu December Nine Two – GROUPS. . ..
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PRIORITY Messages concerning the conduct of operations in progress and for other
important and urgent matters when routine precedence will not suffice for all the
types of message which justify transmission, but do not require a higher
ROUTINE For all other messages, including those concerning day-to-day matters and those
which require lead time for response.
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Parts Components Elements Format Line Contents
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
H Information Addressee(s) 8 Proword INFO and information
addressee(s) designator (call-sign(s),
D address group(s), plain language).
N Exempted Addressee(s) Proword EXEMPT and exempted
9 addressee(s) designator (call-sign(s),
address group(s), plain language).
Prefix Group Count 10 Proword GROUPS followed by number of
AAC Cadet Instructor’s Handbook – RATEL
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11.1 Radio retrans in single channel radio enables the signals received by one radio to be
retransmitted by a second radio on a different frequency. The two methods of retrans are:
Retransmission Prowords
Prowords Meaning
(a) (b)
MAKE On receipt of order to retrans, switch the equipment to the retrans mode.
MADE Retrans detachment acknowledges order to ‘make’ and replies ‘made’ before
equipment is switched to the retrans mode.
BREAK For automatic retrans, switch retrans mode off.
INSIDE LEG The operating frequency from the control or NCS to the retrans station (usually the
primary frequency).
OUTSIDE LEG The operating frequency from the retrans station to the sub-station(s) (usually the
retrans primary frequency).
REQUEST RETRANS Alerts the retrans operator that manual switching is required. (HF/HF and HF/VHF
11.3 To achieve uniformity in the method of establishing, operating and ceasing all retrans
systems, the following principles are to be applied:
b. The communications operations staff, at any level where alternative retrans facilities
are available, determine which is to act as the retrans station.
(2) checking the links to NCS and the sub-stations to be retransmitted prior to
setting up the facility;
(3) changing the station(s) to be retransmitted from the primary to the retrans
frequency; and
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(4) advising the control station when communications have been established with
all call-signs on the retrans frequency.
d. The NCS then orders the retrans detachment to MAKE and tests the system with a
RADIO CHECK to all the sub-stations being retransmitted. The order to BREAK is
always given by the NCS.
Automatic Retransmission
11.4 The order to start automatic retrans is often given in the briefing to the retrans detachment
prior to deploying on the retrans task. Where planning has not been possible, the NCS may give the
been given, the retrans station is responsible for taking any action necessary. In the example shown in
table 11-2 the retrans station, call-sign R8A, orders call-sign T3Q and Z8N to change to the retrans
frequency (F2).
11.5 The NCS will now order the retrans site to switch the equipment to retrans mode using the proword MAKE
(table 11-3).
TABLE 11-3. Order to Switch Equipment
BP7 Both Both T3Q – Z8N – THIS IS – BP7 – RADIO CHECK – OVER.
T3Q Both Both(BP7) – (THIS IS) – T3Q – ROGER – OVER.
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Ceasing of Automatic Retransmission
11.6 Before the order to BREAK is given, the NCS instructs the retransmitted call-signs to change
to the appropriate frequency; the retrans station is then ordered to BREAK (table 11-4).
11.7 The HF/VHF and HF/HF manual retrans procedure utilises the RAVEN Retrans Unit.
Retransmitting HF/VHF or HF/HF requires manual retrans by an operator at the retrans site.
11.8 When working through a manual retrans site, the calling station is to alert the retrans
operator by transmitting the prowords REQUEST RETRANS as the initial call. This will ensure
the retrans operator is ready to initiate the manual retrans facility and monitor all calls.
11.9 In the following example, the NCS wishes to call call sign (C/S) DE4 on the outside
leg. The NCS’ initial call is to the retrans site (C/S R8A):
(The retrans operator now activates the manual retrans switch and the NCS makes the call to the
required sub-station.)
DE4 – THIS IS – BP7 – Convoy will arrive your loc at approx 1300 hr – OVER.
(The retrans operator, on hearing the NCS transmission, manually switches the toggle
switch so the C/S DE4 may reply.)
11.10 On hearing the proword OUT, the retrans operator is no longer required to activate
the manual retrans and can now listen out for the other calls.
11.11 As retrans only occurs when manually switched, stations can continue to operate on their
respective net and frequency until retrans is no longer required.
11.14 The NCS always retains control of the net. Retrans stations do not commence
retrans until directed by the NCS, unless detailed otherwise in prior formal orders or
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11.15 The sequence of establishing multiple retrans with one retrans site on one leg as shown
in figure 11-1 is as follows:
d. The procedure continues until all retrans stations have commenced retrans.
11.16 The sequence of establishing multiple retrans through multiple retrans sites as
illustrated in figure 11-2 is as follows:
c. Once retrans communications have commenced at Retrans Station 1 and the NCS is
able to communicate with Retrans Station 2, Retrans Station 2 is directed by the NCS to
commence retrans.
d. This procedure is continued until all stations are able to communicate as a net.
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Figure 11-2. Multiple Retransmission Through Multiple
Retransmission Sites on One Leg
11.17 Close monitoring of the retrans facility is of primary importance for the
maintenance of the net. Detachment commanders are to maintain a shift roster and ensure
detachment members are conversant with each net being retransmitted, to enable immediate
manual relay if the facility malfunctions.
Retransmission Malfunction
11.18 If the retrans facility malfunctions and the fault cannot be rectified immediately,
stations on both sides of the retrans facility are to be notified that the facility is not available and
that manual relaying of priority traffic will be necessary until the fault is rectified.
Proving Retransmission
11.19 If sufficient equipment is available, retrans detachments may prove their facility by
transmitting on one frequency through their facility and then receiving on the other, thus
conducting a loop test. It is preferable that loop tests are conducted by a distant station to
ensure that the radio equipment will transmit and receive over distances. Where multiple
retrans is employed, retrans detachments should conduct loop tests to prove one another’s
11.20 Whenever a continual carrier is monitored, the retrans facility is to be turned off and
each radio is to be closely monitored to detect the affected frequency. The retrans
detachment is to advise all stations that the facility has been turned off prior to checking the retrans
equipment for malfunction. Operators must be aware that a continual carrier may be because of enemy
interference, a stuck pressel switch or retrans equipment failure.
Station Responsibilities
11.21 The responsibilities of the retrans detachment must be fully appreciated by the
detachment members. Such responsibilities are as follows:
a. Accurate Answers to Radio Checks. If all stations give accurate answers to radio
checks and generally keep one another informed of strength and readability, the retrans
operator maintaining the net becomes aware of faults and can conduct any
engineering or carry out maintenance at an early stage, thus preventing
interruptions to communications.
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b. Engineering. During periods of engineering, it is essential that all stations
restrict traffic flow if possible and carry out instructions issued by the retrans
station, allowing engineering to be completed quickly so that normal traffic may
resume. All sub-stations’ radio equipment is to be operated using ‘squelch’, if fitted.
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1. a. If possible, inform stations on both legs that the facility is a. Keeps net informed, prevents
about to be broken and that high precedence traffic is to be confusion.
passed manually.
2. a. Change mode switches on both R/T to voice or digital data (if a. If successful, inform NCS.
using KY-57).
b. Conduct radio checks on both legs using the respective R/T.
3 a. Ensure antennas are physically separated by at least 7.5 m a. Reduces interference between
and that there is a frequency separation of at least 6 Mhz radios.
between the R/T. b. Confirms serviceability of facility.
b. Change mode switches on both R/T back to retrans and direct c. If unsuccessful, replace retrans
stations to conduct a radio check through the facility. cable CX-F208.
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TABLE 11-7. Fault Finding and Rectification: RAVEN
Retransmission Using Retransmission Unit HF/VHF,
RN-F300 (RTU)
1. a. If possible, inform stations on both legs that the facility is a. Keeps net informed, prevents
about to be broken and that high precedence traffic is to be confusion.
passed manually.
2. a. Turn RTU off and conduct radio checks on both legs using a. Confirms serviceability of R/T,
the respective R/T. antenna, battery and cipher equipment
(if fitted).
b. If unsuccessful, replace faulty R/T,
antenna, battery
3. a. Turn RTU on and conduct BITE (built-in test on equipment) or cipher equipment.
a. Confirms serviceability of RTU.
test. b. If fail light illuminates, replace RTU.
c. If power light flashes, check RTU
power source (indicates low voltage).
4 a. Using local select switch, conduct radio checks on a. Confirms serviceability of both legs
both legs from RTU. from RTU.
b. If either leg is unsuccessful, swap
retrans cables to confirm whether cable
is faulty.
c. Replace retrans cable if necessary
5 a. Ensure antennas are physically separated by at least 7.5 m a. Reduces interference between
and that there is a frequency separation of at least 6 Mhz radios.
between R/T. b. Confirms serviceability of facility.
b. Change local select switch to ‘RETRANS’ and direct stations
to conduct a radio check through the retrans facility.