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Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (2011), 17, 120–132.
Copyright E INS. Published by Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Khaled Sarsour,1 Margaret Sheridan,2 Douglas Jutte,3 Amani Nuru-Jeter,3 Stephen Hinshaw,4 AND
W. Thomas Boyce5
1Epidemiology and Health Services Research, Global Health Outcomes, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana
2Health and Society Scholars Program, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts
3School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, California
4Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley, California
5College for Interdisciplinary Studies and Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
(RECEIVED June 13, 2010; FINAL REVISION September 27, 2010; ACCEPTED October 29, 2010)
The association between family socioeconomic status (SES) and child executive functions is well-documented. However,
few studies have examined the role of potential mediators and moderators. We studied the independent and interactive
associations between family SES and single parenthood to predict child executive functions of inhibitory control,
cognitive flexibility, and working memory and examined child expressive language abilities and family home
environment as potential mediators of these associations. Sixty families from diverse SES backgrounds with a school-age
target child (mean [SD] age 5 9.9 [0.96] years) were evaluated. Child executive functioning was measured using a brief
battery. The quality of the home environment was evaluated using the Home Observation for the Measurement of the
Environment inventory. Family SES predicted the three child executive functions under study. Single parent and family
SES were interactively associated with children’s inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility; such that children from low
SES families who were living with one parent performed less well on executive function tests than children from similarly
low SES who were living with two parents. Parental responsivity, enrichment activities and family companionship
mediated the association between family SES and child inhibitory control and working memory. This study demonstrates
that family SES inequalities are associated with inequalities in home environments and with inequalities in child executive
functions. The impact of these disparities as they unfold in the lives of typically developing children merits further
investigation and understanding. (JINS, 2011, 17, 120–132)
Keywords: Executive functions, Family socioeconomic status, Home environment, Single parenthood, Middle childhood,
Parenting, Developmental health
processes environmental stimuli (Shimamura, 2000). The PFC Until recently, many studies documenting associations
has a prolonged period of postnatal development and matura- between family SES and child cognitive functions have focused
tion, as indexed by synaptogenesis, pruning, and myelination principally on child IQ (Brooks-Gunn, Klebanov, & Duncan,
(Davidson et al., 2006; Diamond, 2002, 2006), rendering the 1996; Harden, Turkheimer, & Loehlin, 2006; McLoyd, 1998;
PFC especially sensitive to environmental input. Executive Mercy & Steelman, 1982; Turkheimer, Haley, Waldron,
functions are thought to develop as a result of a dynamic D’Onofrio, & Gottesman, 2003). The study of IQ, however, is
interaction between the child’s PFC and the external environ- limited by its global nature, its principal focus on the memory of
ment (Calkins & Fox, 2002; Diamond, 2009; Diamond, previously learned facts, and its inability to differentiate the
Barnett, Thomas, & Munro, 2007; McCabe et al., 2004). Much contributions of distinctive neurocognitive systems. Recent
of the development of the PFC is believed to occur during the advances in neuroscience have broadened the scope of studies
transition from childhood to adolescence, known as middle examining SES and cognitive function to include executive
childhood and generally defined as ages 6–12 (Andersen, functions—for a review from the point of view of cognitive
2003). Middle childhood also is the period that witnesses the neuroscience, see Hackman & Farah (2009) and Hackman,
development of increased independence, peer relationships and Farah, & Meaney (2010). Mezzacappa found an association
intellectual challenges, making this developmental period between family SES and children’s alerting, orienting, and
especially interesting for the study of environmental influences executive attention scores on Posner’s Attention Network Test
on the development of executive skills. Environmental influ- (2004). In another sample of children from Colombia and
ences may be conceptualized at multiple levels of analysis Mexico, Ardila, Rosselli, Matute, and Guajardo found that years
including the microenvironments (i.e., the family setting, non- of parental education were associated with child executive
parental care settings, peer group); and the macro-environments functions, with the strongest relation found for semantic verbal
(i.e., neighborhoods, culture and social policy) (Baumeister & fluency (2005). In a series of papers, Noble, Farah, and collea-
Vohs, 2004; Forgas, Baumeister, & Tice, 2009; Hertzman & gues conducted a more in-depth study of family SES and child
Boyce, 2010). neurocognitive executive functions (Farah et al., 2006; Noble,
Farah, & McCandliss, 2006; Noble, McCandliss, & Farah,
2007; Noble, Norman, & Farah, 2005; Noble, Wolmetz, Ochs,
Farah, & McCandliss, 2006) demonstrating that (a) these asso-
ciations exist for specific neurocognitive systems, with the
Associations between socioeconomic status (SES) and health strongest being found for the language and prefrontal executive
are so pervasive that some have designated SES as a funda- systems; (b) within the prefrontal system, family SES is asso-
mental cause of health and illness (Link & Phelan, 1995, ciated with children’s working memory and cognitive control,
1996; Rose, 1985). A fundamental cause is defined as a distal defined as the ability to inhibit a prepotent response; (c) child
cause that determines access to important resources, which language skills may mediate the association between family
in turn influence the extent to which people are able to avoid SES and child executive functions; and (d) these associations
risk and develop competence (Link & Phelan, 1995). resemble a dose-response gradient that exists across kinder-
Associations between family SES and child outcomes have gartners, first graders, and 10–13 year olds. More recently,
been documented in multiple disciplines and research tradi- studies have begun to elucidate the neural mechanisms of SES-
tions. Chen and colleagues concluded that family SES is mediated disparities. For example, prefrontal-dependent elec-
associated with multiple physical health outcomes, as well as trophysiological measures of attention were found to be reduced
risk factors for adult morbidities (Chen, Matthews, & Boyce, in children from low SES backgrounds compared with children
2002). Brooks-Gunn and Duncan (1997) found that child- from high SES backgrounds (Kishiyama, Boyce, Jimenez,
hood poverty influence s a broad diversity of child outcomes, Perry, & Knight, 2008; Stevens, Lauinger, & Neville, 2009).
classified into physical health, cognitive, school achieve-
ment, emotional, and behavioral domains. Other studies
Single Parenthood
have similarly found that lower SES is associated with poor
school achievement (Currie, 2005; Malecki & Demaray, Growing up in a single-parent household has also been asso-
2006; Marks, 2006; Toutkoushian & Curtis, 2005; Walker, ciated with adverse child outcomes (East, Jackson, & O’Brien,
Greenwood, Hart, & Carta, 1994) and more specifically with 2006; McLanahan & Sandefur, 1994), albeit inconsistently
poor math (Case, Griffin, & Kelly, 1999) and language skills across investigations. In fact, family SES and single parenthood
(Hoff, 2003; Raviv, Kessenich, & Morrison, 2004), as well as often covary, complicating efforts to disentangle the correlates
increased child psychopathology and mental illness (Boyce, of poverty versus single parenting. For example, in a nationally
2004; Essex et al., 2006; Tuvblad, Grann, & Lichtenstein, representative sample, Allison and Furstenburg found growing
2006), and poor physical health (Boyce et al., 2002; Chen et up in a single-parent household to be associated with problem
al., 2002). Recent findings have further demonstrated that behaviors, psychological distress, and poor academic perfor-
childhood socioeconomic conditions affect distal adult health mance (1989). On the contrary, in the National Longitudinal
endpoints, such as physical and cognitive functions (Evans & Study of Youth (NLSY), Ricciuti and colleagues found that
Schamberg, 2009; Guralnik, Butterworth, Wadsworth, & there was little evidence of negative effects on children
Kuh, 2006; Kaplan et al., 2001). from being reared in a single-parent home (Ricciuti, 2004).
122 K. Sarsour et al.
Other studies have found that the adverse effects of growing McAdoo, & Coll, 2001). The present work examined whether
up with one parent may be exacerbated by the presence of specific domains of the home environment mediated an asso-
further adversity such as financial constraints and low SES ciation between SES and executive functions.
(Barber & Eccles, 1992). Studies of family SES associations
with child executive functions, on the other hand, have not
considered the role of single parenthood, a problematic Hypotheses
oversight given the need to disentangle socioeconomic and Our aim was to investigate the independent and interactive
parenting contributions to the development of executive contributions of family SES and single-parent status to
functions. children’s level of executive functioning. Specifically, we
examined the constructs of inhibitory control, cognitive
The Role of Language flexibility, and working memory, as measured by standard
age-appropriate neuropsychological tests. We hypothesized
Developmental theories suggest that the effects of social that family SES would independently contribute to child
interactions on cognitive and behavioral development may be performance on neurocognitive tests, such that higher family
mediated by language and symbols. It is purported that SES would be associated with improved performance on tests
executive functioning is developed through language inter- of children’s executive functions. We further hypothesized
nalization (Vygotsky & Kozulin, 1986; Zivin, 1979) and that that single-parent status would contribute to diminished
internal language is the active vehicle for thinking, reflection, performance on the child neurocognitive tests over and above
analysis, and learning from experience (Barkley, 2001; the independent influence of low SES. We also sought to
Winsler, Diaz, Atencio, McCarthy, & Chabay, 2000). Child replicate the finding that child language abilities mediate the
language skills may thus mediate the linkage between family association between family SES and children’s neurocogni-
SES and child executive function (Noble et al., 2005, 2007). tive abilities using a measure of language derived from
Past studies examining the possible mediating role of children’s spontaneous speech within a natural family con-
language skills have largely used standard psychometric tests text. Finally, we assessed whether the quality of the home
that do not distinguish between expressive and receptive environment mediates the association between family SES
language abilities. No studies have yet examined the possible and child neurocognitive abilities.
role of expressive language skills, ascertained through the
coding of spontaneous speech, in mediating the family
SES—child executive functions association. The present
investigation begins to address this gap in existing literature.
Sample and Method
The Home Environment as a Mediator
A community sample of 60 families (from a wide spectrum of
Home environments of developing children comprise both socioeconomic backgrounds) was recruited from the San
material and psychosocial dimensions. SES may affect the Francisco Bay Area through advertisements at local parent-
extent to which parents use family resources to enrich ing organizations, elementary schools, health clinics, and
developmental experiences with hobbies, recreation, muse- community centers. The research protocol for this study was
ums, libraries, travel, etc. Moreover, family SES may affect approved by the Committee for the Protection of Human
parenting dimensions including the emotional and verbal Subjects of the University of California, Berkeley. Families
responsiveness of the parents, such as offering reinforcement participating in the study were offered a small monetary
for desired behavior and providing scaffolding to encourage compensation for their time and effort.
the development of executive skills—for a full review, see Families were eligible for the study if they had a child who
Bradley and Corwyn (2002). The family environments of was 8–12 years old and spoke English in the home more than
children from low SES backgrounds are often characterized 50% of the time. Families were excluded from study when
by organizational chaos, lack of structure and routine, expo- the target child had a serious handicap or chronic neurologi-
sure to multiple stressors (Evans & English, 2002), and cal disorder (e.g., epilepsy, cerebral palsy, or mental retar-
excess background noise and crowding (Evans, 2006; Evans, dation), if the child had a psychiatric disorder (such as ADHD
Gonnella, Marcynyszyn, Gentile, & Salpekar, 2005). Long- or depression), or if the child regularly took a psychotropic
itudinal data from the NLSY, demonstrated that the home medication (such as stimulants or SSRIs). Data were col-
environment of poor children was of significantly lower lected through two home visits and a set of questionnaires
quality as measured by parenting variables (e.g., responsiv- completed by the primary caregiver (95% of the time, the
ity, emotional climate) and material resources (physical mother). Neuropsychological evaluations of the child were
environment, learning materials, enrichment) (Bradley, conducted in a quiet room during the home visit. Children
Corwyn, McAdoo, & Coll, 2001). The same investigation within the study sample were 43% African American, 32%
also demonstrated that the association between poverty and White, and 25% other race/ethnicity (18% two or more racial
child development was mediated by the home environment backgrounds, 5% Hispanic, and 2% Asian). One-third of
(Bornstein & Bradley, 2003; Bradley, Corwyn, Burchinal, families were living under or near the poverty line, while 28%
Family SES and child executive functions 123
reported an annual family income greater than $100,000. Our hypothesis was that lower SES would be associated with
Twenty seven percent of the sample’s primary caregivers worse performance on the second task in each set (the one
reported having some postgraduate education, and 15% repor- requiring higher order executive skills) even after you adjust
ted having a high school education or less. away any SES associations with lower order cognitive skills.
By ‘‘adjusting away’’ the basic skills involved in the tasks,
we were able to explicitly test the SES associations with the
Measures executive function sub-components alone. Details of the
Sociodemographic variables three tests are presented below.
black ink, to do color naming in a randomized three-color Table 1. Descriptive characteristics of sample
sequence (blue, green, red), and finally name colors when the
words are printed in nonmatching ink (e.g., the word green Total
Study variables N (%)
printed in red). Scoring consisted of the number of items suc-
cessfully completed during 45 s. COVARIATES
Child race
Black 26 (43)
Child expressive language abilities White 19 (32)
Using the naturalistic setting of a family dinner time con- Other 15 (25)
versation, child-spoken words were video recorded and
Boys 19 (32)
transcribed. We used the variable of child’s mean length of
Girls 41 (68)
utterance in morphemes (MLUm) (Dethorne, Johnson, & Age (mean, SD) 9.9 (.96)
Loeb, 2005; Parker, 2005) as a measure of expressive lan- Single parent household
guage complexity in a naturalistic setting. A morpheme is Yes 22 (37)
defined as the smallest unit of language that carries meaning No 38 (63)
and has a grammatical function (e.g., books has two mor- SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS
phemes one signifying the meaning of the word and the other Income to need ratio (mean, SD) 2.98 (1.79)
designating plurality). MLUm was calculated by dividing the Income
total number of child morphemes in the first 30 min of family r200% Federal Poverty Line 21 (35)
dinner by the total number of child utterances in the same .200% Federal Poverty Line 39 (65)
Primary caregiver high school diploma
time period. An utterance is defined as a complete unit of
Yes 38 (63)
speech such as a statement or a question.
No 22 (37)
Primary caregiver highest educational attainment
Analysis High School or less 22 (37)
Some college 9 (15)
Frequency distributions, skewness, and normality were exam- College degree 12 (20)
ined for each independent and outcome variable. Regression Graduate degree 17 (28)
diagnostics were used to ensure that standard assumptions were Primary caregiver years of education (mean, SD) 15.2 (2.8)
met. Nonparametric robust standard errors were used to calculate
p values. Whenever there was evidence of heteroskedasticity,
standard errors obtained through the robust bias correction sug-
gested by Long and Ervin (2000) were compared with default executive functions was mediated through child language abil-
robust standard errors to ensure consistency. Multicollinearity ities or by the individual disaggregated domains of the HOME
diagnostics were conducted as outlined by Cohen and Cohen inventory. All data analyses were conducted using STATA 9.1
(2003). All executive function task scores were converted to (StataCorp, College Station, Texas 2007).
standardized z-scores before regression analysis in order for task
performance to be represented on a common scale. All inde-
pendent variables were centered at their means, and regression
equations were computed to assess the independent and inter-
active contributions of family SES and single-parent status to the
Descriptive Statistics and Univariate Associations
three measures of executive functioning. Mediation analyses
were conducted controlling for children’s age and nonexecutive Complete descriptive characteristics of the sample are pre-
cognitive skills. Using the approaches of Baron and Kenny sented in Table 1. Means and standard deviations for each
(1986) and Kraemer, Stice, Kazdin, Offord, and Kupfer (2001), of the executive function tasks are presented in Table 2.
we tested whether the association between family SES and child Task means for this study sample were comparable to published
EF 5 Executive Function.
Family SES and child executive functions 125
norms of typically developing children of similar age (Baron,
2004; Strauss, Sherman, Spreen, & Spreen, 2006; Vakil,
Blachstein, Sheinman, & Greenstein, 2009). Of all the neuro-
cognitive tasks, only one individual score fell more than three
standard deviations below the mean. Excluding this outlier from
the analysis did not significantly alter the results and thus all the
analyses presented here include this one outlier.
Univariate Pearson correlation coefficients (Table 3)
among the three dependent variables ranged from 0.49
(inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility) to 0.52 (inhibi-
tory control and working memory). Family SES was asso-
ciated with all three dependent measures. Child word reading
abilities were associated with age (r 5 0.443; p , .001) but
not with family SES (r 5 0.124; p 5 ns). Family SES was
independent of the sex and age of the study child. The target
child’s age was associated with inhibitory control but not
cognitive flexibility or working memory. Single parenthood
was associated with inhibitory control but not with cognitive
flexibility or working memory. Additionally, single parent-
hood was associated with the home environment (r 5 0.59;
p , .005). Expressive language skills of the target child were
significantly associated with family SES (r 5 0.34, p , .05)
and home environment (r 5 0.29; p , .05) and with inhibi-
tory control and working memory. The total score of the VII
HOME inventory was significantly associated with the three
ment of maturity’ and ‘emotional climate’ were not associated
dependent variables. Complete univariate correlations are
presented in Table 3.
Multivariate Associations
At the multivariate level, we began by investigating whether
and word naming, and DF tests; model 1, Table 4). The asso-
ciations of SES with cognitive flexibility and inhibition per-
XI. HOME: Emotional Climate/ Acceptance
Dependent Variable
were modest associations between family SES and the three socioeconomic status who came from single parent families
dependent variables of cognitive flexibility, inhibition, and scored lowest on tests of inhibitory control and cognitive
working memory. After controlling for age and single-parent flexibility skills (Figure 1).
status, family SES explained 24% of the variance in cognitive
flexibility, 9% of unique variance in working memory, and
Potential Mediators: Child Language and Family
8% of variance in inhibition skills. An increase by one stan-
Home Environment
dard deviation in family SES was associated with an average
decrease of 23 seconds (95% confidence interval [CI] [9, Four conditions must be met to demonstrate mediation
37 s]) in the time a child took to complete Trails B. Similarly, (Baron & Kenny, 1986; Eaker & Walters, 2002; Holmbeck,
a one standard deviation increase in family SES was asso- 1997; Kraemer et al., 2001): (a) The independent variable
ciated with an average increase of three color words on the (family SES) must be significantly associated with the cri-
Stroop (95% CI [1.4, 5.0 words]). Adjusted for SES and age, terion measures of interest (i.e., inhibition, cognitive flex-
single parenthood was not associated with cognitive flex- ibility and working memory), (b) the hypothesized mediator
ibility, inhibitory control, or working memory. must be significantly associated with the criterion of interest,
(c) the independent variable must be significantly associated
with the hypothesized mediator, and (d) the association
Single-Parent Status as Potential Moderator
between independent variable and outcome must be reduced
In model 3 (Table 4), we explored whether single-parent once the hypothesized mediator is controlled.
status moderated the relation of family SES and executive In light of the above criteria, HOME total scores partially
functions. That is, we tested whether associations between mediated association between SES and inhibitory control
SES and executive functions systematically differed between but not cognitive flexibility or working memory (model II,
single-parent and two-parent families by including a single- Table 5). There was no evidence for our measure of child
parent status 3 SES interaction term. Single-parent status expressive language mediating the association between
modified the association between SES and inhibitory control family SES and the three dependent variables (model III,
and cognitive flexibility but not working memory for children Table 5). In the models testing mediation by individual
living with single parents. A sensitivity analysis was con- domains of the HOME, responsivity (model IV, Table 5) and
ducted to test whether the apparent interaction effect was family companionship (model VIII) partially mediated asso-
spurious due to the association, in this sample, between SES ciation between SES and inhibitory control, enrichment
and single parent (r 5 0.52, p , .0001). The interaction ana- (model VII) and family companionship (model VIII) mediated
lysis was repeated after excluding families from upper middle the association between SES and working memory. None of the
to high SES (n 5 19) thus statistically removing the associa- HOME domains mediated the association between SES and
tion between SES and single parent (r 5 0.19, p 5 .22). The cognitive flexibility. Complete mediation results are presented
interaction results remained highly significant (single par- in Table 5. In a post hoc analysis we also tested if the HOME
ent 3 SES b 5 0.58, p , .05 and single parent 3 SES domains mediated the SES 3 single parent interaction. There
b 5 20.44, p , .05 for cognitive flexibility and inhibitory was no evidence that the observed interaction is mediated by
control, respectively) confirming that children from low any of the HOME domains (data not shown).
Family SES and child executive functions 127
Family SES & Inhibitory Control by Single Parenthood Family SES & Cognitive Flexibility by Single Parenthood
2 -2
Cognitive Flexibility
Inhibitory Control
-2 1
-2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2
Family SES Family SES
Single Parent Families Two Parent Families Single Parent Families Two Parent Families
Single Parent Families Two Parent Families Single Parent Families Two Parent Families
Fig. 1. Single parent status interacts with family socioeconomic status (SES) in the association with inhibitory control and
cognitive flexibility. Children from single parent families performed worse at lower strata of SES compared with single
parent children from higher SES.
Dependent Variables
yAll models adjust for child’s age; *P , 0.05, nsP not significant.
128 K. Sarsour et al.
the home environment partially mediated the association that mediate socially partitioned disparities in the development
between family SES and child inhibitory control and working of child executive skills. Moreover, future studies should
memory but not cognitive flexibility. Our findings regarding explore the interplay between single-parenthood, family envir-
mediation by child’s expressive language ability were onment, and family SES. It is conceivable that the children of
inconclusive. poor, single parents are at double jeopardy because single-par-
This study also found that SES disparities in neurocognitive ent families from low SES backgrounds are not capable of
development represented disparities in higher order executive providing the material resources necessary for enriching devel-
functions rather than simply reflecting differences in less- opmental experiences, and they are also not capable of devoting
complex, basic reading abilities and attentional skills which the time to provide verbal and emotional responsivity to their
were accounted for in the analysis. These higher order executive children.
functions, including the ability to block irrelevant or distracting We did not find that child expressive language mediated
information while simultaneously focusing on the relevant fea- family SES associations with the three executive function
tures of the environment (inhibitory control) and the ability to tasks. This finding differs from that reported by Noble and
adapt cognitive processing to new and unexpected conditions in colleagues (Noble et al., 2005, 2007), who produced evi-
the environment (cognitive flexibility), are capacities important dence for language mediation of cognitive control (a con-
for everyday functioning in school, at home, in employment, struct related to inhibitory control). This discrepancy may be
and in other critical social settings. due to the different ways that children’s language skills were
Why did children in poor, single-parent families perform ascertained across studies. Further investigation is required to
less well on executive cognitive tasks compared with similarly assess the validity of using spontaneous child utterances
poor children who live with two parents? The answer is mul- during family meals as a measure of child expressive language
tifactorial and is likely due to processes operating at many skills. Clarifying the possible linkage between language expo-
levels. These levels could include the family environment—for sure and development of executive skills remains an important
example, parenting, material resources (Kroenke, 2008), larger focus of future research, especially given that low family SES
scale social contexts—for example, social policies impacting is adversely associated with child home language exposure
low SES and single parent families, (Navarro, 2007) and (Hart & Risley, 1995) and language skills (Hoff, 2003).
physiological—for example, individual variability in pro- The findings of this study should be interpreted in light
cessing and embedding biologically stressful environments of several limitations. First, each of the three executive
via the stress response system (Blair et al., 2005; Evans & constructs was measured using a single task. Future studies
Schamberg, 2009; Hertzman & Boyce, 2010). This study, should consider using multiple tasks that appear superficially
however, was not able to ascertain conclusively whether different to the target child yet tap the same executive
children from single-parent, high SES families are less construct to minimize measurement error introduced through
adversely affected by single-parent status because very few the particular mode of administration. Second, executive
high SES families in this sample were also single-parent neuropsychological measures are indirect assessments of the
families. Future studies should examine this question within activity of the prefrontal cortex. Studies that seek to under-
a representative sample including a higher proportion of stand how low SES affects the developing prefrontal cortex
high SES, single-parent families. Furthermore, future studies should consider using new technologies such as functional
should consider the links between variables of multiple MRI. Using novel investigative methodologies will allow for
levels that influence the interplay between family SES, single generating and testing nuanced hypotheses about the neural
parenthood and the development of executive functions. specificity of SES associations with executive functions
Specific domains of the child’s home environment—namely (Kane & Engle, 2002; Miller & Cohen, 2001). Third, the
responsivity—a measure of parental emotional and verbal sen- cross-sectional nature of the study prevented ascertainment
sitivity to the child; enrichment, a measure of the extent to which of the temporal ordering of variables. Future studies should
parents use family and community resources to enrich the consider the longitudinal link between family SES in early
development of the child; and family companionship, a measure childhood and executive functions in middle childhood.
of parental involvement in child activities providing compa- Fourth, although children with neurological and psychiatric
nionship and mutual enjoyment—mediated the association disease were excluded, participants were not screened based
between family SES and inhibitory control and working on learning disabilities or language disorders. As a result, a
memory. These domains comprised both parenting variables bias may be present because these issues are likely over-
(i.e., responsivity and family companionship) and material represented among children from lower SES. Finally, the
resources variables (i.e., enrichment). These findings highlight current design of the study does not rule out confounding by
the significance of psychosocial/parenting variables and mate- genetic factors. That is, this study is not capable of ascer-
rial resource dimensions to the mechanism linking SES and taining the extent (if any) of underlying genetic commonal-
executive functions. That the HOME domains of learning ities that may contribute to parental SES and child executive
materials and physical environment were not significant med- function. Suggesting a role of genes does not necessarily
iators in this sample may be attributable to lack of adequate suggest genetic destiny (Rutter, 2006). For example, evidence
variability in these two measures. Future research should con- from animal models reveals that the environment affects
tinue to elucidate the specific domains of the home environment and often regulates gene expression (Francis, Champagne,
Family SES and child executive functions 129
Liu, & Meaney, 1999). Additionally, Turkheimer demonstrated Baron, I.S. (2004). Neuropsychological evaluation of the child.
that family SES modifies how much genetics play a role in the Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
heritability of child IQ: Family SES accounted for 60% of Baron, R.M., & Kenny, D.A. (1986). The moderator-mediator
the variance in child IQ at low SES strata but nearly none of the variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual,
variance at high SES (Turkheimer et al., 2003). Future studies strategic, and statistical considerations. Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology, 51(6), 1173–1182.
should examine the complex interplay among genetics, biol-
Baumeister, R.F., & Vohs, K.D. (2004). Handbook of self-regulation:
ogy, and adverse social environments and how such interac-
Research, theory, and applications. New York: Guilford Press.
tions affect the rise and reproduction of child health disparities. Blair, C. (2002). School readiness. Integrating cognition and
Despite these limitations, this study demonstrated that emotion in a neurobiological conceptualization of children’s
family SES inequalities are associated with inequalities in functioning at school entry. The American Psychologist, 57(2),
home environments and with inequalities in the development 111–127.
of executive functions in typically developing children. The Blair, C., Granger, D., & Peters Razza, R. (2005). Cortisol reactivity
unfolding of this socioeconomic disparity as a cumulative, is positively related to executive function in preschool children
longitudinal narrative in children’s lives may constitute a attending head start. Child Development, 76(3), 554–567.
significant psychobiological process by which SES differ- Bornstein, M.H., & Bradley, R.H. (Eds.). (2003). Socioeconomic
ences in developmental health and achievement arise across status, parenting, and child development. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
the life-course.
Boyce, W.T. (2004). Social stratification, health, and violence in the
very young. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1036,
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Boyce, W.T., Essex, M.J., Woodward, H.R., Measelle, J.R., Ablow,
Support for this work was provided by NIH R21MH70950-01 and J.C., & Kupfer, D.J. (2002). The confluence of mental, physical,
the Berkeley Consortium on Population Health and Human Devel- social, and academic difficulties in middle childhood. I: Exploring
opment. This work was conducted in partial fulfillment of the the ‘‘head waters’’ of early life morbidities. Journal of the American
requirements for a doctoral dissertation in the graduate program in Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 41(5), 580–587.
Epidemiology in the School of Public Health at the University of Bradley, R.H., & Caldwell, B.M. (1977). Home observation for
California, Berkeley. Special thanks to Christina Wells, Hana measurement of the environment: A validation study of screening
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