ABP Ananda PDF
ABP Ananda PDF
ABP Ananda PDF
This is further to the Council’s letter dated 10th April 2020 informing you of our initiative to start the
teaching of certain subjects through the medium of television, in partnership with ABP Ananda. The
response last week to our efforts was overwhelming and very positive.
Once again, the Council is pleased to announce that we have taken this initiative further, with plans to
conduct ‘live lessons’ on television. A detailed schedule of the subjects, class level and dates have been
given in the chart below: -
You are requested to please disseminate this information to all your students, parents and teachers, so
that they may participate and gain from this Council endeavor.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/search/abp+ananda
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/abpanandatv
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/abpananda
Website : https://bengali.abplive.com/
Hotstar : https://bengali.abplive.com/
Yours sincerely,
Gerry Arathoon