Med Gen TOPIC 2
Med Gen TOPIC 2
Med Gen TOPIC 2
for practical lesson of medical genetics for 5th year students of medical faculty
Manuals on medical genetics
1. Ian.D Young/ Medical genetics. -2nd ed. -Oxford university press. - 304 p.
2. M.R. Speicher, S.E.Antonarakis, F.G. Motulsky. Vogel and Motulsky’s human genetics.
Problems and approaches. 4th addition. – 2010. –981 pp.
2. Chromosomal disorders are characterized by skin fold in the internal angle of the eye.
This minor anomaly is termed as:
А. Coloboma.
В. Epicanthus.
С. Criptophtalmos.
D. Synophris.
Е. Microblepharon.
3. Blue sclera and gothic palate are features typical for metabolic defects of:
А. Carbohydrates.
В. Lipids.
С. Amino acids.
D. Connective tissue.
Е. Hemoglobin.
5. Underdeveloped chin is typical for many chromosomal disorders. This feature is termed
А. Microgenia.
В. Progenia.
С. Prognatia.
D. Microstomia.
Е. Microcoria.
6. Heiloschisis – is:
А. Eyebrows growing together.
В. Short palpebrae.
С. Cleft palate .
D. Cleft lip.
Е. Small mouth.
7. New born girl has claw-like right hand. This defect is termed as:
А. Phocomely.
В. Arachnodactyly.
С. Syndactyly.
D. Camptodactyly.
Е. Ectrodactyly.
8. A 5-months-old girl with Down’s syndrome has lateral deviation of small finger. This
minor anomaly is termed as:
А. Clinodactyly
В. Arachnodactyly.
С. Syndactyly.
D. Camptodactyly.
Е. Ectrodactyly.
9.. Boy with Marfan’s syndrome has extremely long slender fingers. This minor anomaly
is termed as:
А. Phocomely.
В. Arachnodactyly.
С. Syndactyly.
D. Camptodactyly.
Е. Ectrodactyly.
11. 12-years-old girl with Turner syndrome has widened neck because of wing-like skin
folds. This feature is termed as:
А. Hypertelorism.
В. Hypotelorism.
С. Pterigium coli.
D. Synophris.
Е. Paltoschisis
12. Boy with cri-de-chat syndrome has widely spaced eyes. This minor anomaly is termed
А. Hypertelorism.
В. Hypotelorism.
С. Pterigium coli.
D. Synophris.
Е. Paltoschisis
13. Newborn child with Apert’s syndrome is characterized by egg-shaped skull. Such
shape of the head is termed as:
А. Brachicephaly.
В. Dolychocephaly.
С. Acrocephaly.
D. Scaphocephaly.
Е. Trigonocephaly.
14. 8-years-old girl with mucopolysaccharidosis have flexor contracted fingers. This
feature is termed as :
А. Phocomely.
В. Arachnodactyly.
С. Syndactyly.
D. Camptodactyly.
Е. Ectrodactyly.
Autosomal dominant disorder Tuberose sclerosis, myotonic dystrophy