BS 5911-120
BS 5911-120
BS 5911-120
09 December 2002
Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
Section 1. General
1 Scope 1
2 Definitions 1
3 Marking 1
Section 2. Materials
4 Cement 3
5 Aggregates 3
6 Other concrete materials 3
7 Concrete mix, casting and finish 3
8 Reinforcement 5
Section 3. Dimensions and tolerances
9 Nominal size and effective length 6
10 Internal manufacturing diameter and actual diameter 6
11 External manufacturing diameter 6
12 Variation in the thickness of wall 6
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 09 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
13 Squareness of ends 6
14 Deviation from straightness 6
15 Surface cracking 6
16 Joints 7
Section 4. Tests
17 General 9
18 Test requirements 9
Section 5. Inspection procedures
19 Type of inspection and batch size 13
20 Inspection procedures 13
Appendix A Information to be supplied in an enquiry and order 17
Appendix B Methods of assessing surface finish 17
Appendix C Method of test for squareness of ends 17
Appendix D Method of assessment of deviation from straightness 18
Appendix E Method of test for water absorption 19
Appendix F Hydrostatic test method 19
Appendix G Crushing strength test methods 19
Appendix H Methods of measuring depth of cover to reinforcement 21
Appendix J Joint face strength test 22
Appendix K Methods of testing pipe joints for angular
deflection, straight draw and shear 22
Appendix L Facilities for purchasers 24
Figure 1 — Effective length of pipes 2
Figure 2 — Typical flexible joints 8
Figure 3 — Joint test measurements 12
Figure 4 — Gauge for assessing surface evenness 17
Figure 5 — Gauge for assessing surface voids 18
Figure 6 — Gauge for measuring deviation from straightness 19
Figure 7 — Testing arrangement for the crushing test 21
Figure 8 — Dimensions of feeler gauge for inspecting cracks 21
Figure 9 — Loading arrangements for joint face strength test 23
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BS 5911-120:1989
Figure 10 — Loading plate and location for joint
face strength test 23
Figure 11 — Loading arrangement for shear test on joints 24
Table 1 — Limits of chloride content of concrete 4
Table 2 — Nominal sizes and tolerances 6
Table 3 — Maximum variation of squareness across
an external diameter 6
Table 4 — Summary of test requirements and
inspection procedures 10
Table 5 — Crushing test loads 10
Table 6 — Minimum angular deflection and straight
draw for joints 11
Table 7 — Minimum shear test loads 11
Table 8 — Maximum number of individual defectives in last 10 batches
permitted for switching to reduced inspection (hydrostatic and
“no-crack” load crushing test) 13
Table 9 — Inspection plans for hydrostatic and “no-crack”
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 09 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
ii © BSI 12-1998
BS 5911-120:1989
This Part of BS 5911 has been prepared under the direction of the Cement,
Gypsum, Aggregates and Quarry Products Standards Policy Committee. Like the
other Parts it is a specification incorporating tests on pipes in manufacturers’
works or in testing stations.
The pipes covered by this Part of BS 5911 are intended for installation by jacking
which is a technique of installing pipes by driving a line of them through the
ground by means of hydraulic jacks from a jacking pit to a reception pit. After
pushing a full pipe length into the ground, a new pipe is placed into the pit and
the process repeated. The direction is controlled by a steerable shield at the front
of the pipes. Spoil is excavated at the forward shield by machine or manually and
is removed along the pipeline by means of skips, conveyors or conduit. Tests are
included to assist pipe jacking contractors and specifying engineers in respect of
the pipes’ ability to be jacked and to carry sewage or surface water at atmospheric
pressure without leaking or suffering structural damage, always provided that
the pipes are jacked, jointed and laid in accordance with agreed codes of practice
and design procedures, such as “Jacking Concrete Pipes1)” published jointly by
the Pipe Jacking Association and the Concrete Pipe Association of Great Britain.
This standard does not include the structural or hydraulic design of the pipeline,
its durability under unusual environmental conditions or standards of
workmanship and supervision during construction and operation.
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Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv,
pages 1 to 24, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.
1) Obtainable
from the Concrete Pipe Association of Great Britain, 60 Charles St., Leicester
LE1 1FB or the Pipe Jacking Association, 56 Britton St., London EC1 5NA.
BS 5911-120:1989
Section 1. General
1 Scope 2.8
effective length
This Part of BS 5911 specifies requirements and
describes methods of tests for precast concrete the length of a pipe measured as shown in Figure 1
cylindrical pipes with flexible joints, reinforced with 2.9
steel, intended to be installed by pipe jacking and to batch
be used for the conveyance, under atmospheric
the number of jacking pipes of a particular
pressure, of sewage or surface water, and for the
specification produced under uniform conditions
construction of culverts. Requirements are given for
during a given production period by one particular
materials, dimensions and inspection procedures.
NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this standard
are listed on the inside back cover. 2.10
make-up pipe sections
2 Definitions pipe sections used to complete jacked pipe runs
For the purposes of this Part of BS 5911 the 2.11
following definitions apply. reinforcement
2.1 steel, other than stainless steel, cast within a pipe so
pipe as to reinforce the concrete or to locate steel for that
a hollow cylinder manufactured from concrete cast purpose
as one piece, reinforced with one or more
3 Marking
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2) Marking BS 5911-120 on or in relation to a product represents a manufacturer’s declaration of conformity, i.e. a claim by or on
behalf of the manufacturer that the product meets the requirements of the standard. The accuracy of the claim is therefore solely
the responsibility of the person making the claim. Such a declaration is not to be confused with third party certification of
conformity, which may also be desirable.
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BS 5911-120:1989
2) the symbol “MU” indicating pipes suitable The above marking on a concrete jacking pipe would signify:
only for make-up duties (see 2.10 and 18.3.3), “Claimed by manufacturer “D” to have been made at his works
3) a reference symbol after the words in “Y” and to comply with BS 5911-120; to be reinforced; to
item 1) or 2) to identify the results of the tests contain an admixture and made to resist a maximum
in the manufacturer’s quality control records. crushing test load of 150 kN per metre of effective length; to
have been made on 2 June 1989, and to have been successfully
NOTE Examples of marking
subjected to the “no crack” load test, as specified in 18.3.2,
1. “C” “X”
with results recorded in the manufacturer’s quality control
BS 5911-120 “RJS” records “T”.
3.2 Method of marking
“Hyd” “Z”
Pipes shall be marked with either:
The above marking on a concrete jacking pipe would signify:
a) indelible paint, applied by stencil brush or
“Claimed by manufacturer “C” to have been made at his works spray as soon as possible after removal from the
“X” and to comply with BS 5911-120; to be reinforced, of mould; or
class J and made with sulphate-resisting Portland cement; to
b) impressed characters approximately 2 mm
have been made on 2 May 1989, and to have been successfully
tested hydrostatically, as specified in 18.2 with results
recorded in the manufacturer’s quality control records “Z”.” All marks shall be visible and legible and shall be on
the internal surface of the pipe.
2. “D” “Y”
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2 © BSI 02-1999
BS 5911-120:1989
Section 2. Materials
materials at the concrete mixer; the concrete in the plastic or hardened state
(see Appendix A of BS 3148:1980).
Cementitious Standard to % by mass of total
NOTE As a general rule, potable water, whether treated for
component be complied cementitious content
distribution through the public supply or untreated, is suitable
other than with
for making concrete.
6.2 Admixtures
normal special
Admixtures shall comply with BS 5075.
NOTE Admixtures, when used (see Appendix A), should not
resistance to
impair the durability of the concrete, nor combine with the
ingredients to form harmful compounds nor increase the risk of
see note 1) corrosion of reinforcement.
g.g.b.s. BS 6699 0 % to 70 % to The chloride ion content of admixtures shall not
65 % 90 % exceed 2 % by mass of the admixture or 0.03 % by
mass of the cement.
p.f.a. BS 3892-1 15 % to 25 % to
The manufacturer shall make available details of:
35 % 40 % a) the relevant production records;
NOTE 1 The requirements specified in 7.1 for minimum cement b) the admixture(s) used;
content and maximum water/cement ratio will ensure that any of
the permitted cements or normal combinations of BS 12 cement
c) the dosage rate of each admixture;
and g.g.b.s. or p.f.a. will provide resistance to sulphate attack d) the effect of under-dosing and over-dosing.
equivalent to classes 1 and 2 of Table 6.1 of BS 8110-1:1985.
Class 3 resistance will be provided by the use of a special
combination of cement complying with BS 12 and g.g.b.s. or p.f.a. 7 Concrete mix, casting and finish
or by cement complying with BS 4027; the latter will also
facilitate class 4 resistance if the minimum cement content
7.1 Cement content
is 370 kg/m3. The advice of the pipe manufacturer should be The fully compacted concrete shall contain not less
sought where class 5 conditions exist.
than 360 kg of cement (inclusive of any g.g.b.s.
NOTE 2 The purchaser should specify in the enquiry or order
the classification of exposure conditions for sulphate attack if or p.f.a.) per cubic metre and shall have a
higher than class 2 (see Appendix A). water/cement ratio not greater than 0.45. Where a
special combination of cement complying with
5 Aggregates BS 12 and g.g.b.s. or p.f.a. is used (see clause 4), the
5.1 General minimum cementitious content shall be increased
from 360 kg/m3 to 380 kg/m3.
Aggregates shall consist of materials complying
with BS 882:1983, except for the grading 7.2 Chloride content
requirements of clause 5 of that standard. The total chloride ion content of the concrete mixes
NOTE The pipe manufacturer may modify the gradings to suit shall be as given in Table 1.
his manufacturing process. (See clause 0 of BS 882:1983.)
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BS 5911-120:1989
All pipes shall be compacted so that, when hardened 7.6.3 Joint surfaces. Before a pipe is tested for
they shall be free from honeycombing and from any compliance it is permissible:
individual large void (i.e. greater than 6 mm) as a) subject to 7.4, to re-work a joint profile for
defined in 4.4.1 of BS 1881-120:1983. Blistering compliance with clause 16 by the application of
shall not be regarded as a void. material complying with 7.6.1 b) or c) to a depth
7.5 Surface finish not exceeding 5 mm whilst the concrete is still
green, or material complying with 7.6.1 d), or by
7.5.1 Surface evenness. When tested in accordance grinding off;
with B.1, the internal surface of a pipe shall not
have irregularities that cause the central portion of b) subject to 7.4 and to items 1) and 2), to make
the gauge to touch the pipe. good using material complying with 7.6.1 b) or c)
any spalling of the arrises of spigots or sockets
7.5.2 Surface voids. When tested in accordance that has occurred during de-moulding or
with B.2, surfaces of pipes shall be free from voids handling.
that permit diametrically opposite points of the rim
of the gauge to touch simultaneously the surface of 1) In any pipe the total exposed area of broken
the pipe. concrete shall not exceed 6 × (DN) mm2 with
no individual area greater than 3 × (DN) mm2.
Pipes exhibiting surface voids greater than 12 mm
NOTE For example, the total area for a DN 900 pipe
deep shall be deemed not to comply with this is 5 400 mm2 with no individual area greater
standard. than 2 700 mm2.
NOTE Voids up to and including 12 mm deep may be made 2) No exposed area of broken concrete shall be
good using material complying with 7.6.1. in contact with both the outer and inner
7.5.3 Staining. Pipes shall not exhibit rust marks surface of the spigot or socket of a pipe.
that originate from steel within the pipe.
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If material complying with 7.6.1 d) is used, the The main reinforcement shall be placed in a circular
permissible areas in b) 1) shall be doubled and arrangement, in the form of concentric hoops, either
item b) 2) shall not apply. hooked, butt welded or lap welded, or in the form of
7.6.4 Exposed steel. Where, on de-moulding, bar a continuous helix or fabric, suitably welded.
steel not forming part of the reinforcement of a pipe Longitudinal bars or wires or any other effective
is visible, or found to be within the concrete cover, it method shall be used to control spacing and shape
is permissible to remove a maximum of two such and to ensure safe handling.
pieces each having a length not exceeding half the The reinforcement shall continue from the barrel
thickness of the pipe and to make good the void(s) into the spigot and into the socket of rebated joints.
with material complying with 7.6.1 d) before the The clear space between circumferential bars shall
pipe is assessed for compliance. be not less than the nominal maximum size of the
7.6.5 Rubbing down. After a pipe has been cured coarse aggregate plus 5 mm.
and prior to despatch, it is permissible to rub down 8.2 Protection for reinforcement
where necessary to produce a surface finish
complying with 7.5. The concrete cover over all reinforcement shall be
such that, in any finished pipe, it is nowhere less
7.7 Inserts for grouting than 12 mm.
Any insert for grouting shall comply with 8.2 for An effective means shall be provided for
concrete cover, shall be not less than 12 mm from maintaining the reinforcement in position and for
the inner or outer face of the pipe and shall not be ensuring correct cover during manufacture of the
attached to reinforcement.
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BS 5911-120:1989
The internal manufacturing diameter shall be the Table 3 for the appropriate nominal size. Pipes
designed to be jointed shall be capable of being
nominal size +50 mm. jointed in any orientation with their axes coincident
– 20
within the limits specified in 18.6.2.
The actual internal diameter (see 2.7) shall not NOTE Squareness of ends of pipes is significant only as it
deviate from the manufacturing diameter by an relates to the jacking operation and to the performance of the
amount greater than that given in column 2 of joint assembly.
Table 2. Table 3 — Maximum variation of squareness
NOTE The manufacturer should make available, at the enquiry across an external diameter
stage, information on the internal manufacturing diameters
(see 2.6) that he is able to supply (see Appendix A). Nominal size Maximum variation of squareness
across an external diameter
Table 2 — Nominal sizes and
tolerances (see 9.1) DN mm
1 2 3 4 900 to 1 500 4
Nominal size Deviation of actual Variation of 1 650 to 2 250 5.5
(see 9.1) diameter from wall
manufacturing diameter thickness 2 400 to 3 000 7
(see clauses 10 and 11) (see
clause 12)
Internal External 14 Deviation from straightness
DN mm (±) mm (±) mm When assessed as described in Appendix D, the pipe
900 6 3 6 shall satisfy the criteria for straightness on both
1 050 6 3 6 external and internal surfaces.
1 200 10 3 10 The test for deviation from straightness shall be
1 350 10 4 10 applied to both the bore and the outside of the
1 500 10 4 10 barrel.
1 650 10 4 10
1 800 10 5 10 15 Surface cracking
1 950 16 5 16
It is permissible for either of the following types of
2 100 16 5 16 crack to be visible in the surface of a pipe:
2 250 16 6 16
2 400 16 6 16 a) structural cracks that have developed in the
tensile zone of reinforced concrete, within the
2 550 16 6 16
limits specified in 18.3.2 and 18.3.3, as a result of
2 700 16 6 16
testing in accordance with Appendix G;
2 850 16 6 16
3 000 16 6 16 b) crazing with any cement-rich surface layer.
6 © BSI 02-1999
BS 5911-120:1989
5) Obtainable from the Concrete Pipe Association of Great Britain, 60 Charles St., Leicester LE1 1FB or the Pipe Jacking
Association, 56 Britton St., London EC1M SNA.
© BSI 02-1999 7
BS 5911-120:1989
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NOTE The figures are diagrammatic only and are not intended to fix design or to specify any joint packing material. Not all
collars are cast integrally with the pipes. Some may be fixed after casting.
Figure 2 — Typical flexible joints
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Section 4. Tests
outside of the pipe during the test, due to the internal hydrostatic
by testing it. pressure.
17.1.4 Records of all tests and inspection procedures The permeability of concrete is such that, in service,
shall be kept by the manufacturer. the surface of a pipe may be expected to be cold and
17.2 Test equipment and facilities damp to the touch, but there should be no sign of
water passing through the wall.
The manufacturer shall either:
Prior to testing, a pipe shall not be treated with any
a) provide in his own works suitable equipment coating or lining, but any lifting holes, grouting
and facilities for sampling and testing the pipes holes or inserts shall be temporarily sealed.
before delivery; or
b) make arrangements for the provision of
suitable equipment and facilities elsewhere for
the same purpose.
The manufacturer shall provide certification to
show that all test equipment is calibrated at least
17.3 Acceptance of pipes
Pipes shall be considered ready for acceptance only
after the design has been proven by type tests and
the batch of which jacking pipes form part has been
routinely tested and shown to comply with 18.2
and 18.3.2.
All jacking pipes within any batch shall be cured
and matured under similar conditions. Pipes shall
not be despatched until they are at least 28 days old.
Pipes cored and treated as described in 18.1, or
jacking pipes that have the appropriate “no crack”
load test shall be marked as specified in clause 3 and
shall be taken to comply with this Part of BS 5911
in those respects.
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18.3.3 Maximum load test. When tested in Joint packing material for use when jacking
accordance with Appendix G, a pipe shall withstand (see Figure 2) shall not be used whilst a test is being
for at least 1 min the appropriate works proof load carried out.
specified in Table 5 for its nominal size without NOTE The joint tests specified are quality assurance control
developing any cracks penetrable to a depth type tests and the angles in Table 6 are not necessarily those that
of 2 mm by a 0.25 mm feeler gauge on inspection at can be accommodated during the jacking operation.
intervals of 20 mm to 50 mm over a length 18.6.2 Deflection test. When tested in accordance
of 300 mm or more. In addition the pipe shall with K.1 the pipes, or parts of pipes, that have been
subsequently withstand, with no limit on crack jointed shall, without loss of watertightness at the
width but without collapse, a load that is not less joint, provide angular deflection between the
than the maximum test load specified in Table 5. longitudinal axes of the two pipes, measured as
Any pipe that, under the maximum load, has shown in Figure 3 a), which is not less than that
exhibited cracks within these limits shall be given in Table 6.
acceptable only for use as a make-up section Table 6 — Minimum angular deflection and
(see 2.10). straight draw for joints (see note to 18.6.1)
NOTE Given the inspection procedures specified in this Nominal size Minimum Minimum straight
standard and the minimum cover specified in 8.2 for pipes not angular draw
exposed to particularly aggressive environments, the permissible deflection
crack width of 0.25 mm is consistent with the crack control
provisions given in BS 8110-1 and BS 8110-2. DN degree mm
18.4 Depth of cover to reinforcement 900 to 1 200 1 20
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BS 5911-120:1989
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BS 5911-120:1989
given in 19.2.3 and 19.2.4 shall apply at the 19.2.5 Reduced (hydrostatic and “no-crack” load
discretion of the manufacturer. crushing test) to normal inspection. When using
reduced inspection, switch to normal inspection if:
19.2.2 Normal to tightened inspection. When using
normal inspection, switch to tightened inspection if a) a batch is rejected; or
two in five or less consecutive batches have been b) a batch is accepted where the acceptance
rejected. number given in column 4 (single sampling)
19.2.3 Tightened to normal inspection. When using or 6 (double sampling) of Table 9 has been
tightened inspection, switch to normal inspection exceeded, but the rejection number in
only when five consecutive batches have been column 5 (single sampling) or 7 (double
accepted. sampling) has not been reached; or
19.2.4 Normal to reduced inspection (hydrostatic c) production becomes irregular or delayed.
and “no-crack” load crushing test). When using 19.2.6 Tightened inspection to stopping production.
normal inspection, switch to reduced inspection only When using tightened inspection, stop production if
if: it is not possible to switch to normal inspection
a) the last 10 batches (see Table 8) have been (see 19.2.3) after 10 consecutive batches.
subject to normal inspection and have all been Investigate the cause of failure and take any
accepted; and necessary remedial action. Resume production
using tightened inspection.
b) the total number of defectives in samples taken
from the last 10 batches is less than or equal to 19.3 Size of batch
the number given in Table 8. When double When inspecting jacking pipes, it is permissible to
sampling is used, all samples inspected shall be choose any size of batch, provided that:
included, i.e. not the first samples only. a) it is in accordance with 17.3; and
b) where a batch consists of more than 150 pipes,
it is produced within a 24 h period.
20 Inspection procedures
20.1 Inspection procedure for the hydrostatic
test or “no-crack” load crushing test
NOTE The sampling plan in this clause follows
BS 6001-1:1972, which is intended primarily to be used for a
continuing series of batches and warns that for isolated batches
more stringent sampling plans will be required to give the
desired protection (see also BS 6000). On that basis therefore,
more stringent inspection criteria should be specified where
batches are not to be produced as part of a regular pipe
production process.
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BS 5911-120:1989
exceed 150 pipes; test specified in 18.3.3 and the depth of cover to
5) any subsequent acceptance or rejection reinforcement test specified in 18.4.
applies to all pipes in the batch. c) If the pipe fails, record the result, discontinue
c) Take a random sample of the size given in the manufacturing process, investigate the cause
column 3 of Table 9 for the appropriate inspection of failure and take any necessary remedial action.
type and size of batch. d) Restart the process and test the first three
d) Subject the sample to the hydrostatic test jacking pipes made thereafter.
specified in 18.2 or the “no-crack” load test e) If all three pipes pass the test, resume
specified in 18.3.2. production and inspection, using the tightened
e) Assess the acceptability of the batch, as rate of inspection for the “no-crack” crushing test
follows. (see 19.1.2).
1) For batches of 25 or less (single sampling), if However, if any pipe fails, discontinue the
the number of defectives is nil (see “Accept” manufacturing process and carry out further
number in column 4 of Table 9), accept the investigations and remedial action.
batch. If the number of defectives is one or f) Repeat d) and e) until satisfactory results have
more (see “Reject” number in column 5 of been obtained.
Table 9), reject the batch. Where a pipe fails the depth of cover to
2) For batches of 26 or more (double sampling), reinforcement test, the batch from which it was
if the number of defectives is equal to or less selected shall be rejected but it is permissible to
than the “Accept” number in column 4 of subject the remaining pipes in the batch to the test.
Table 9, accept the batch, with the exception of Only those that pass the test shall be accepted.
any defectives. If the number of defectives is Where a pipe fails the maximum load crushing test,
equal to or greater than the “Reject” number in the batch from which it was selected shall be
column 5 of Table 9, reject the batch. rejected.
However, if the number of defectives is greater A maximum load crushing test and test for depth of
than the “Accept” number in column 4 but less cover to reinforcement shall be carried out on each
than the “Reject” number in column 5, take a size manufactured at least once per year.
second random sample of the same size as the
first one. Then if the cumulative number of
defectives for both samples is less than the
second “Reject” number (column 7), accept the
batch, with the exception of any defectives
[see also 19.2.5 b)]. If the cumulative number
of defectives is equal to or greater than the
“Reject” number in column 7, reject the batch.
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20.3 Inspection procedure for the joint face It is permissible to group together pipes made to this
strength test Part of BS 5911 with those made to Part 100 of
After carrying out a successful type test on each BS 5911 at the same works provided that:
nominal size of pipe manufactured, a pipe shall be i) the overall sampling rate complies with that
selected at random from a batch of one nominal size specified above;
in each group of the production range and tested in ii) all pipes are produced by the same
accordance with procedure described in Appendix J. manufacturing process;
This test shall be repeated annually, selecting a
iii) the ratio of the largest to the smallest nominal
different size of pipe within each group each year
size is no greater than 1.5;
until the full range of production at a particular
works is covered. iv) the production period is not more than one
20.4 Inspection procedure for water
absorption test v) the size of the combined batch does not
exceed 150 pipes;
When carrying out the water absorption test, the
vi) any subsequent acceptance or rejection
following inspection procedure shall be used.
applies to all pipes in the batch.
a) From each manufacturing process, select one
in 500 or two pipes per week, whichever is the 20.5 Inspection procedure for joints (angular
greater, and take specimens as described in deflection, straight draw and shear)
Appendix E. Use the same type of specimen for all Pipes, or parts of pipes, of two nominal sizes from
each of the first two groups given in Table 6, shall be
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BS 5911-120:1989
Table 9 — Inspection plans for hydrostatic and “no-crack” load crushing tests
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Inspection Batch size Sample size Accept Reject Accept Reject
type (see note 2)
Numbers of defectives
Normal 2 to 25 2 (single) 0 1
26 to 150 5 (double) 0 2 1 2
Tightened 2 to 25 3 (single) 0 1
26 to 150 8 (double) 0 2 1 2
Reduced 2 to 25 2 (single) 0 1
26 to 150 2 (double) 0 2 1 2
NOTE 1 This table follows tables in BS 6001-1:1972 and is consistent with a target acceptable quality level (AQL) of 6.5 % at
General Inspection Level 1.
NOTE 2 Sample sizes given in this table are not suitable for assessing compliance with the standard on an isolated batch basis
(see 20.1).
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Rotate one of the pipes about the longitudinal axis Appendix D Method of assessment of
through 180°. Realign the pipes. Make eight further deviation from straightness
gap measurements at crown, invert and springings,
inside and out. Record these gaps as “AR”, “BR”, “CR” Assess the deviation from straightness of pipes
or “DR” and inside or outside as appropriate. using the following method.
Calculate the out of squareness for each Place a rigid straightedge, made into a gauge of
corresponding pair of measurements using the the form and dimensions shown in Figure 6, in
appropriate formula and compare this figure with the bore of the pipe with edge X in contact with
the permitted tolerance in Table 3. the pipe and on a line parallel to the pipe axis.
ROTATED PIPE: Hold the plane of the gauge in a radial plane. If
Crown/Invert = |((C – A) + (AR – CR)) /2| both ends of the gauge, wherever so placed, are
in contact with the internal surface of the pipe,
Springing(1)/ = |((D – B) + (BR – DR)) /2| the deviation from straightness is excessive.
b) If both ends of the gauge, when used as
STATIONARY PIPE: described in a) above, are not in contact with the
Crown/Invert = |((C – A) – (AR – CR)) /2| internal surface of the pipe at both ends, reverse
Springing(1)/ = |((D – B) + (BR – DR)) /2| the gauge so that edge Y, placed as in a) above, is
Springing(2) adjacent to the internal surface of the pipe.
For pipes with collars, measurement of external If the two studs in edge Y cannot be made to touch
joint gap is not practicable and the above the surface of the pipe simultaneously, the deviation
from straightness is excessive.
measurements and calculations shall be made using
only the internal gap dimensions. c) Repeat the procedure [in a) and b)] on the
outside of the barrel.
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BS 5911-120:1989
A = [3.5 × effective length (in m)] mm ± 5 % for the inside of all pipes and for the outside of pipes above DN 1800.
A = [2.5 × effective length (in m)] mm ± 5 % for the outside of pipes up to and including DN 1800.
L = (effective length of the pipe – 10) mm (to the nearest mm).
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NOTE The studs should be detachable from the basic straight edge to facilitate checking and replacement.
© BSI 02-1999 19
BS 5911-120:1989
G.1.2 Ensure that the testing machine is G.2.3 The bearing strips shall consist of rubber cut
substantial and rigid throughout, so that the or formed from material having a hardness
distribution of the load will not be affected between 55 IRHD and 65 IRHD measured in
appreciably by the deformation or yielding of any accordance with BS 903-A26. The top bearing strip
part and that, under the maximum load, the shall be of rectangular cross section having a width
deflection of the pipe is uniform throughout its of 150 mm and a thickness of not less than 25 mm
length. The bearings shall be as specified in G.1.3 and not more than 40 mm. The two bottom bearing
and be attached to the machine so as to receive and strips shall be of equal width and
uniformly transmit the maximum loads required in thickness: 150 mm wide and 25 mm thick.
the tests without lost motion, vibrations or sudden Use the single top bearing strip with the 150 mm
shock. The machine and bearings shall be designed face in contact with the pipe.
to transmit the load in a vertical plane through the NOTE 1 The strips may be positioned on the bearing by the use
longitudinal centre lines of the bearings and pipe. of wood or metal strips along its outside edges, provided the
Where the testing machine is so constructed that, thickness of each positioning strip does not exceed one-half the
instead of a single load, a number of equal thickness of the rubber bearing strip.
individual loads, equally spaced, are applied along Lay the lower bearing strips on the 150 mm face.
the bearer, ensure that the resultant of all such NOTE 2 The strips may be positioned on the bearing with wood
individual loads acts at the centre of the overall or metal strips between them and adjacent to their outside edges,
provided the thickness of each positioning strip does not exceed
length of the pipe. The loaded length of the pipe one-half the thickness of the rubber bearing strips.
used in this test may extend over the socket, at the Ensure that the two strips are parallel and 25 mm
discretion of the manufacturer.
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20 © BSI 02-1999
BS 5911-120:1989
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 09 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
© BSI 02-1999 21
BS 5911-120:1989
Appendix J Joint face strength test The two complete pipes, or parts of pipes shall be
axially aligned and jointed with a gap between the
The following test may be carried out with the pipes pipes equal to the joint gap plus the minimum
in any attitude. straight draw specified in 18.6.3.
Apply the load as indicated in Figure 9 and Test the pipes or part pipes as described in K.1.2.
Figure 10 at a constant rate of 50 ± 10 kN/min until K.3 Shear
failure of the concrete occurs. Record the ultimate
K.3.1 Two pipes, or parts of pipes, shall be axially
jointed with a gap between the pipes equal to the
Should the loading plate prove to have been located joint gap between the pipes as laid before the test,
above longitudinal reinforcement, the test shall be plus a nominal 10 mm on the centre line
repeated at a location free from such reinforcement. (see Figure 11). Their ends shall be restrained to
For pipe sizes above DN 1200, make four tests on prevent further longitudinal movement during the
each joint face. For pipe sizes up to DN 1200, if there test.
is a shortage of concrete due to spalling during tests, The pipe having the socket of the joint being tested
it is permissible to reduce the number of tests to shall be supported on blocks at each end of its barrel
three on any one surface, but the total tests shall not and be restrained from movement. The second pipe
number less than fourteen. shall have a minimum effective length of 1 200 mm
supported by a block at either its point of balance, or
Appendix K Methods of testing pipe at least 600 mm from the joint being tested,
joints for angular deflection, straight whichever is the greater distance (see Figure 11).
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22 © BSI 02-1999
BS 5911-120:1989
Figure 10 — Loading plate and location for joint face strength test
© BSI 02-1999 23
BS 5911-120:1989
24 © BSI 02-1999
BS 5911-120:1989
Publications referred to
BS 12, Specification for ordinary and rapid-hardening Portland cement.
BS 146, Specification for Portland-blastfurnce cement.
BS 146-2, Metric units.
BS 882, Specification for aggregates from natural sources for concrete.
BS 903, Methods of testing vulcanized rubber.
BS 903-A26, Determination of hardness.
BS 957, Specification for feeler gauges.
BS 957-2, Metric units.
BS 970, Specification for wrought steels for mechanical and allied engineering purposes.
BS 970-1, General inspection and testing procedures and specific requirements for carbon, carbon
manganese, alloy and stainless steels.
BS 1449, Steel plate, sheet and strip.
BS 1449-2, Specification for stainless and heat-resisting steel plate, sheet and strip.
BS 1610, Materials testing machines and force verification equipment.
BS 1881, Testing concrete.
BS 1881-120, Method for determination of the compressive strength of concrete cores.
BS 2494, Specification for elastomeric joint rings for pipework and pipelines.
BS 2648, Performance requirements for electrically heated laboratory drying ovens.
Licensed Copy: Akin Koksal, Bechtel Ltd, 09 December 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
BS 2971, Specification for Class II arc welding of carbon steel pipework for carrying fluids.
BS 3019, TIG welding.
BS 3019-2, Austenitic stainless and heat-resisting steels.
BS 3148, Methods of test for water for making concrete (including notes on the suitability of the water).
BS 3892, Pulverized-fuel ash.
BS 3892-1, Specification for pulverized-fuel ash for use a cementitious component in structural concrete.
BS 4027, Specification for sulphate-resisting Portland cement.
BS 4360, Specification for weldable structural steels.
BS 4408, Recommendations for non-destructive methods of test for concrete.
BS 4408-1, Electromagnetic cover measuring devices.
BS 4449, Specification for carbon steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete.
BS 4482, Specification for cold reduced steel wire for the reinforcement of concrete.
BS 4483, Specification for steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete.
BS 4994, Specification for design and construction of vessels and tanks in reinforced plastics.
BS 5075, Concrete admixtures.
BS 5135, Specification for the process of arc welding of carbon and carbon manganese steels.
BS 5480, Specification for glass fibre reinforced plastics (GRP) pipes and fittings for use for water supply or
BS 5480-1, Dimensions, materials and classification.
BS 5911, Precast concrete pipes, fittings and ancillary products.
BS 5911-100, Specification for unreinforced and reinforced pipes and fittings with flexible joints.
BS 6000, Guide to the use of BS 6001, sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes.
BS 6001, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes.
BS 6001-1, Specification for sampling plans indexed by acceptable quality level (AQL) for lot-by-lot
BS 6588, Specification for Portland pulverized-fuel ash cement.
BS 6699, Specification for ground granulated blastfurnace slag for use with Portland cement.
BS 8110, Structural use of concrete.
BS 8110-1, Code of practice for design and construction.
BS 8110-2, Code of practice for special circumstances.
© BSI 02-1999
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