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Shankar Mani
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Blueberry is one of the oldest fruit and has high not only in anthocyanin content, but also in total
medicinal purposes. It is rich in phenolics especially in phenolics [5]. Raspberry fruits can be red, black, purple, or
anthocyanins3 Blueberry is native to North America. It has yellow. Most commercial raspberries grown in the Pacific
two different species, low sweet and sour-top or velvet leaf Northwest are red fruited5. Raspberries have been linked to
[1]. They’ve become popular amongst consumers as many possible health benefits [6].
research finidings show that their consumption improves
human health [2]. STRAWBERRY
Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassaDuch.), a member The Strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo) belongs to
of the Rosaceae family, is one of the most important soft the Ericaceaefamily and is commonly found in
fruit in the world .There are about 20 different recognized Meditteranen regions was show in fig 1. It bears which are
species. Strawberries are good sources of natural spherical, dark red in colour and tasty when fully ripened.
antioxidants. The most commonly cultivated species is They are rich in flavonoids. They can be used for the
Fragariaxananassa [3,4]. production of alcoholic beverages, jams, jellies and
Raspberry is a naturally growing in Arasbaran. It marmalades. They are also used in medicine as antiseptics,
is known by recent works that raspberries in particularly diuretics and laxatives. The strawberry has a rich secondary
metabolite composition in particular [7]. Their major
composition is phenolic compounds which is represented
Corresponding Author
by the flavonoids (mainly anthocyanins, with flavonols and
flavanols providing a minor contribution), followed by
K. Suvetha
hydrolyzable tannins (ellagitannins and gallotannins) and
Suvetha K and Shnkar M. / American Journal of Biological and Pharmaceutical Research. 2014;1(2):46-48.
phenolic acids (hydroxybenzoic acids and hydroxycinnamic Out of the total phenolics found in blueberries,
acids), with condensed tannins (proanthocyanidins) being Anthocyanins represent 57-93 %. The Major anthocyanins
the minor constituents [8]. for blueberries are namely malvidin 3-galactoside and
The beneficial advantages of strawberries are their malvidin 3-glucoside in blueberries. These phenolics have a
role in prevention of inflammation, oxidative stress and wide spectrum of biochemical activities like antioxidant,
cardiovascular disease (CVD), certain types of cancers, antimutagenic, abilities to modify gene expression, as well
type 2 diabetes, obesity and neuro degeneration. as cardiovascular protection, antidiabetic properties, vision
improvement properties, and inhibition of carcinogenesis.
Strawberries inhibit different types of cancer cell
transformation and proliferation in vitro and in decreasing RASPBERRY
the early and late progression of experimentally induced Raspberry (Rubusideaus L.) is a fruit in the genus
tumors. Therefore strawberry extracts protect against Rubus, grown as a perennial crop. Raspberries are soft,
carcinogenesis. juicy with a distinct aroma. There are about 200 raspberry
species and most of these have red berries (European),
BLUEBERRY while some have black berries (American). The red
The major production of Blueberry is found in two raspberries originate from Asia. The species was named
places namely, United States which is responsible for 66 % after Mount Ida by Carl Linnaeus [12]. These fruits are
and Canada which is responsible for 33 % of world industrially used in formulating jam, jelly, sauce, puree,
production9. It was an unknown fruit in Brazil and its topping, syrup or juice concentrates etc. Raspberries are
introduction in that country began in the second half of 80s. rich in potential antioxidant phenolic compounds including
But now it has become a blueberry producer with a small anthocyanins and also vitamin C and E. They have major
production concentrated in the south and southeastern curative roles also like, antioxidant, antinflammation, low
regions of the country, in the municipalities of Vacaria and body weight, and inhibitory cancer cell growth reducing
Caxias do Sul (Rio Grande do Sul, RS), Barbacena (Minas eyestrain, improving night vision, helping to prevent
Gerais, MG), and Campos do Jordao [9]. The different macular degeneration, anti-inflammatory effects, protecting
species of blueberry are highbush (V. corymbosum), against DNA damage, and exhibiting anti-cancer activity,
lowbush (V. myrtilloidesandV. angustifolium), and and they also contain salicylic acid which have protective
rabbiteye (V. ashei). And out of these, Highbush effects similar to aspirin which prevent heart disease in
blueberries are the most commonly cultivated [10, 11]. those at high risk or who have heart disease [13].
1. Frank Drummond, John Smagula, SeannaAnnis, David Yarborough. (2009). Organic Wild Blueberry Production.
2. GraziellaColato A, Flavia Regina F, Cristina Yoshie T, Kil Jin P. (2010). Rheological behavior of blueberry.
Suvetha K and Shnkar M. / American Journal of Biological and Pharmaceutical Research. 2014;1(2):46-48.
3. Adriana Soto. (2013). Potential influence of blueberry and black raspberry pomacephenolics on inflammatory cytokines in
coronary cells.
4. Samir C. Debnath, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva. Strawberry Culture In Vitro, Brookfield Road, St. John's, Newfoundland and
Labrador A1E 5Y7, Canada.
5. Miki cho, Ikenobe. (2010). Commercial Red Raspberry Production, Kagawa University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department
of Horticulture, 1, 0761-0795.
6. Danny L. Barney, Peter Sheila M. Fitzpatrick, LynellTanigoshi, entomologist, Washington State University, Mount Vernon
Northwestern Washington Research and Extension Center, 201.
7. AezamRezaeeKivi, NasrinSartipnia. (2013). Physico-chemical characterization and total phenolics of raspberry fruits,
International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences, 6-13, 934-937.
8. Tavaresa L, Fortalezasa S, Carrilhoa C, McDougallb GJ, Stewartb G. (2010). Antioxidant and antiproliferative propertiesof
strawberry tree tissues.Journal of Berry Research, 1, 3-12.
9. Francesca Giampieri D, Sara Tulipani P, Jos M. The strawberry: Composition, nutritional quality, and impact on human
10. Eliseu R, Naira P, Ismael Ivan R, Luciano Valdemir G, CamilaRibas M, Roseane F. Phenolic compounds and antioxidant
activity of blueberry cultivars grown in Brazil.
11. Tom Bewick, Jim Hancock, Karen Hokanson. Report of the berry working group (Strawberry, Raspberry/Blackberry,
12. Roopesh M. Syamaladevi a, Shyam S. Sablani, Juming Tang a, Joseph Powers b, Barry G. Swanson b. State diagram and
water adsorption isotherm of raspberry (Rubusidaeus), Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Washington State
University, P.O. Box 6463760, Pullman WA 99164-6376, USA.
13. Sara Tulipani P. (2013). Physico-chemical characterization and totalphenolics of raspberry fruits grown in Iran.
International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences, 6-13, 934-937.