English Language-Activities
English Language-Activities
English Language-Activities
First, I want to send you all a big and affectionate hug and I hope you and your family are perfectly well. You as
the young part of our society should take care of your health since you are the future of our countries and we
need you to have a different and wonderful world in the following years. Do not forget to follow all the
authorities’ instructions to avoid worse problems with the corona virus that can affect our country drastically.
Second, as you know one of the recommendations of the authorities was to study the different subjects at home
to prevent the expansion of the virus and English language is not the exception. This document contains all the
activities that you are going to develop during the following days. Try to complete them responsibly, put all your
effort to do it correctly and follow all the instructions written under this message.
This document will be divided in 4 activities. The activities will be developed in 4 weeks, so you will have
one week to complete each activity starting this week.
week 1- activity 1 (DATE: March 18th- March 22nd)
week 2- activity 2 (DATE: March 23rd- March 29th)
lesson about activities 1 and 2 (Monday-March 30th)
week 3- activity 3 (DATE: March 30th- April 5th)
week 4- activity 4 (DATE: April 6th- April 12th)
Lesson about activities 3 and 4 (Monday – April 13th)
For the lessons, a link will be sent those days (Monday-March 30th) and (Monday – April
13th) to take lessons online.
Take pictures of all the activities and send all the pictures and videos to me at the end of each week by
email victor16031991@hotmail.com (The 4 activities will be checked in your notebooks when we go
back to classes again)
Please, do the activities by yourself and avoid cheating on your activities and lessons
Teacher will give one hour of video chat to clarify doubts, answer questions related to the topics in the
activities and reinforce the explanation of the different topics. (It is optional to join to the video chat)
The video chat will be done every Friday at 11:00 A.M.
El uso de esta plataforma para el video chat los viernes es muy sencilla:
1. Ingresar a www.zoom.us
2. Click en “Entrar a una reunión”
3. Digitar el siguiente código de acceso: 816-655-999
4. Click en “ENTRAR”
(Automáticamente el navegador descargará un programa con la clase)
5. Click en el programa descargado o en “Abrir en zoom”
6. Click en Aceptar o Continuar
Follow all the instructions and good luck dear students.
Choose 10 questions and answer them in your notebook. (Write the question and then the answer)
After finishing that, you should take a picture of that and send it to me
1) What is climate change? Is it 2) Do you believe in climate 3) Some people claim climate
the same as global warming? change? If so, why do you think change is just part of a natural
Think about it and explain it it is happening? cycle and that it is not man-
made. What do you think?
5) What dangers are threatening 6) Should we be worried about 7) Do you think climate change
our lives and our planet? climate change? Explain. can be stopped?
Make a list of 5 dangers Are you worried? What should be done?
8) Scientists predict that the 9) ‘Cutting carbon emissions’ is 10) Do you use environmentally-
ice caps will melt. What affect an often used phrase. What does friendly products? Have you
could this have on life on Earth? it mean and how can it be ‘gone green’?
achieved? Give examples.
11) What’s a carbon footprint? 12) Have you changed your 13) Do you or your family drive
How big is yours? lifestyle to save our planet and an “eco car”?
How can it be reduced? prevent climate change? What Why or why not?
have you done? Give examples of such cars.
14) Are governments doing 15) The world is addicted to oil. 16) What do you know about the
enough to combat climate Are there any alternatives to Kyoto Protocol? What happened
change? Name 5 measures that oil? Make a list of 4 energy in 2009 in Copenhagen?
have been so far. sources and their effect on
17) Could climate change destroy 18) Coal is still a widely used source of 19) Should poor developing countries
life on Earth? Write a best-case energy worldwide. Is it more or less be asked to make similar efforts as
and a worst-case scenario. polluting than oil? Is there a future for wealthy, industrialized countries? Give
coal? your view.
Problem: __________________________
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkAyggAM1q4
1) ______________________________________________________________________
2) ______________________________________________________________________
3) ______________________________________________________________________
4) ______________________________________________________________________
5) ______________________________________________________________________
6) ______________________________________________________________________
Write 5 examples in passive voice given by video
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________
Look at the following sentences and write the formulas next to them
In order to check if the passive voice sentences are correct, you can go to the link and solve the activity online.
Then, you can click in “resolver” and it will help you to check the correct and incorrect ones.
Our planet that is a wonderful place to live is destroyed by humans every day