Chapter 2 - The Fuctions of Arts
Chapter 2 - The Fuctions of Arts
Chapter 2 - The Fuctions of Arts
Art can be generally classified into two: Art serves this purpose when it bridges
Directly Functional and Indirectly connection among people. Also when it
Functional. encourages unity and good relationship
a) Directly Functional Art – Art that among people. With this, people become
we use in a daily basis and serves a more understanding and could somehow
literal or tangible function in our create a better society.
lives. (e.g. Clothes, Architectural
and Engineering, Structures,
Money, Furniture) 4. Cultural Function
b) Indirectly Functional Art – Art
that are ‘perceived through the Art serves as an aperture towards skills,
senses.” Not used literally to live knowledge, attitudes, customs, and
but accompanies life (e.g. Painting, traditions of different people. The art helps
Theatre, Literature) preserve, share and transmit culture of
people from one generation to another.
Generally the attempt to represent subject “Beauty is in the Phi of the Beholder.”
matter truthfully, without artificiality and Dr. Stephen Marquardt has studies human
avoiding artistic conventions, or beauty for years in his practice of oral and
implausible, exotic, and supernatural maxillofacial surgery. Dr. Marquardt
elements. performed cross-cultural surveys on
beauty and found that all groups had the
same perceptions of facial beauty.
The artist selects and renders the objects 1.618:1
with their shapes, colors and positions This particular relationship is the Golden
altered. Ratio. It is a mathematical ratio that
In others, the original objects have been seems to appear recurrently in beautiful
reduced to simple geometric shapes and things in nature as well as in other things
they can be rarely identified unless the that are seen as “Beautiful”
artist named in in title.
Artist’s concern is the rendering of the
essence of the subjects rather than the THE UGLY AND THE TRAGIC IN ART
natural form itself.
There is nothing that may be considered
DISTORTION as in improper subject when it comes to
Could mean twisting, stretching or
The grotesque the ugly, and the tragic are
deforming the natural shape of the object.
all legitimate subjects as the pleasurable
It is usually done to dramatize the shape and the beautiful are.
of a figure or to create an emotional
Many, in fact, have often deviated away
from the stereotyped and beautiful
SURREALISM subjects.
The greatest play, movies, and musicals
It is a method where the artist in giving are invariably tragedies.
expression to what it is in the And many our songs speak about love
subconscious composes dreamlike scenes denied or lost.
that show an irrational arrangement of
The images are recognizable, sometimes
drawn from the nature but they are so
combined in utterly fantastic and Factual Meaning
unnatural relationships.
The literal statement or the narrative
content in the work which can be directly
apprehended because the objects
presented are easily recognized.
o Nature
Conventional Meaning
o Animals
o Portrait or Human Figures Refers to the special meaning that a
o History and Legends certain object or color has a particular
o Still Life culture or group of people.
o Religion and Mythology
Subjective Meaning
o Dreams and Fantasies
o Cityscapes Any personal meaning consciously or
o Seascapes unconsciously conveyed by the artist
using a private symbolism which stems
from his own association of certain
objects, actions or colors with past