Eldoria Demo
Eldoria Demo
Eldoria Demo
Keith Done
Encyclopedia Eldoria iii
Jack Reynolds
Layout and Design
ComStar Media, LLC
viii Encyclopedia Eldoria
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................ 1
ABOUT THIS PRODUCT........................................................................ 1
CONCERNING THE WORLD................................................................. 1
CONCERNING SOCIETY....................................................................... 3
CONCERNING NONHUMANS.............................................................. 3
CONCERNING MAGIC.......................................................................... 4
RELIGION....................................................................................................... 6
GENERAL OUTLINE.............................................................................. 6
THE PANTHEON..................................................................................... 10
THE FIRST AGE: THE DAWN OF TIME.............................................. 13
THE FIRST AGE:THE TWILIGHT YEARS........................................... 18
THE FIRST AGE: THE WAR OF POWER............................................ 22
HISTORY......................................................................................................... 25
THE RECKONING OF TIME.................................................................. 25
CHRONOLOGY OF THE REDEMPTION............................................. 30
CHRONOLOGY OF PRE-REDEMPTION HISTORY........................... 35
THE SECOND AGE: THE DARKTIME................................................. 37
THE THIRD AGE: MODERN HISTORY............................................... 39
THE AGE OF EMPIRES: 1001R – 1500R............................................. 50
OF WAR AND PEACE: 1501R – 2150R.................................................. 54
ELDORIA 2150R...................................................................................... 61
GEOGRAPHY.................................................................................................. 67
REALMS OF ELDORIA.......................................................................... 67
THE OUTLANDS AND BEYOND . ....................................................... 120
MISCELLANY................................................................................................. 122
NOTES ON MAGIC................................................................................. 127
EXCELLIUM............................................................................................ 132
VURGONMIR........................................................................................... 132
DIAMONDWOOD................................................................................... 133
NALARIAN TILES.................................................................................. 135
DRUGS AND POISONS.......................................................................... 137
COMMERCE............................................................................................ 143
CREATURE CODEX....................................................................................... 150
SANDRUNNER........................................................................................ 150
HAUNTING PRESENCE......................................................................... 151
Faelinn (aka Lightning- Riders).............................................. 153
GLOSSARY..................................................................................................... 154
facilitate play:
RPG Rulebooks
The contents of this book are the culmination of twenty years Writing material.
of writing as a referee of role-playing games, principally for the Dice.
fantasy-based genre, although I have had brief forays into horror Players (of course)!
and science-fiction. The “Encyclopedia Eldoria” is a stand-alone The rest of this introductory section provides a quick
work intended to provide a referee with enough background reference to Eldoria, its realms and nuances. It’s kind of like a
material to begin running a fantasy role-playing campaign set quick snap-shot of the overall campaign world. The remainder
in Eldoria. There will be other sourcebooks, providing greater of the book is divided into the sections that gradually build a
detail on such areas as religion and major cities, but all you foundation for the Referee (and players) on the modern Eldorian
really need to kick off a campaign is the book you are holding. setting.
The majority of the work concerning Eldoria is original The rest of this introductory section provides a quick
and comes from my own RPG campaigns and from competitive reference to Eldoria, its realms and nuances. It’s kind of like a
tournaments I have written for Australian games conventions. quick snap-shot of the overall campaign world. The remainder
However, I owe a debt of gratitude to my many friends and of the book is divided into the sections that gradually build a
colleagues who have enjoyed playing in Eldoria over the past foundation for the Referee (and players) on the modern Eldorian
two decades and have encouraged, and continue to encourage setting.
me, to design material for my setting. The sections are:
In many ways, the busy city streets and lonely country Religion
lanes of Eldoria have become as familiar to them as their own An overview of the Eldorian Pantheon, the religious beliefs
backyards. Quite a few people have received my blessings to of the people, priesthoods and the creation mythos.
create their own campaigns and tournaments set in Eldoria and,
during the process, their numerous ideas and suggestions have History
crept back into the fabric of Eldoria over the years, becoming an The historical records of the Darktime and the Redemption
inseparable part of its overall weave. up until the year 2150R*.
They have inspired me to build on many of their concepts Geography
and therefore this is their book as well as mine. I am truly An introduction to the realms of the modern world.
appreciative of the laughter, tears and the high adventures that
we have all shared in Eldoria and in the real world.
Cultural details, racial traits and peculiarities unique to
In no specific order of I would like to acknowledge the Eldoria.
contributions derived from the following people:
*I have selected the year 2150R as a starting year for
Angela Caffrey, Terry Krause, Rob McCord, Malcolm modern Eldorian campaigns as it is a time of political intrigue.
Owen, Nigel Bell, Andrew White, Ken Spinaze, Adrian Mackay, Diplomatic ties between the realms of Sard and Elkia are at an
Darren Catton, Mark Garnet, Joe Saina, Geoff Still, Sean Serin, all time low and war seems inevitable. The Churches of the
Graham Stocks, Joanne Trim, Russell Proctor and Stephen Unholy Trinity have been proscribed in most places and have
Done. been driven underground, resorting to the establishment of secret
Special thanks to: temples in remote places; stealing sacrificial victims away in the
Kain Whitehouse for his involvement on the Potions and dead of night. It is a time of uncertainty when villains are trying
Poisons section. to seize power and heroes are needed to challenge them.
William Anderson of Comstar for his faith in bringing Now your players can take on the roles of those heroes,
Eldoria to you, the reader. enter the world of Eldoria and have endless adventures. There
Greg Lane, who planted the seed that became Eldoria, all are plenty of hooks to get them started – just turn to the History
those years ago. Section and read through some of the events and political
situations occurring across Eldoria’s many realms in 2150R.
“Encyclopedia Eldoria” contains all the core source material
that you need to start a role-playing campaign based in the
fantasy realm of Eldoria. It has been written to be easily used “Indeed it would seem that we dwell in a
in conjunction with most role playing resources and material land blessed by the Gods, for only in Eldoria do
currently available; the contents of “Encyclopedia Eldoria” we see the remaining signs of their divinity, in
being largely descriptive in nature, rather that rules heavy. the power of the Tas which allows us to shape the
world according to their great plan”.
You will be able to purchase pre-made adventures and
additional resource modules specifically written for Eldoria and Abbot Uhsurn Canthrell, of the Church of Ormocea, in his
you will also be able to integrate non-Eldorian products into the opening address to the Congress of Odressi in 2100R
campaign setting, with little difficulty. Somewhere in the Void there exists the star that is called
Besides this book, you will need the following items to Pharys, so named by scholars who dwell upon the second world
Encyclopedia Eldoria
that circles it. That world is called Enshar; one of six bodies The people are followers of the God Hirath, whose icon is the
that make their paths about the life-giving sun and the only one Dragon. Draconic mythology and symbolism play a large part in
that harbors life. It is a green, bountiful place dominated by vast the culture of the Char-Endlese.
oceans, having only two major land masses, one located in the
northern hemisphere and one in the southern hemisphere. The
Y’sira is a land of great deserts, located in the far south,
southern continent is called Altarren and the northern landmass
beyond the Sea of Souls. The Y’siran capitol, Byalliz, is called
(which this book deals with in detail) is called Eldoria.
the City of Thieves and is also the center of power for the Church
Enshar teems with animal and plant life which is, on the of Daugron, Goddess of Fire. Y’siran traders travel the seas,
whole, very similar to our own. But in ages past, there were selling their exotic produce throughout the ports of the northern
more fantastic creatures that walked the plains, delved in the realms.
oceans and crossed the skies of the planet. Most of these were
destroyed in the great cataclysm that heralded in an age of chaos LEEZERIA
known as the Darktime, but some survived, as did the intelligent The sacred country of the Leezari Elves, who guard its
humanoid races (collectively called the Saahn). borders from intrusion by all other races. It is a largely unspoiled
In the countries that make up the continent of modern Eldoria, land of tranquil forest glades and beautiful mountains, with few
Humans have come to dominate most regions, particularly the permanent dwellings, save for its capitol, Tarimthol-Irl and the
coastlines and rivers that empty into the Greater and Lesser great learning center of Pharidor’s Watch.
Inner Seas. Other intelligent humanoid races certainly exist, The Elves have remained isolated from the rest of Eldoria
however their numbers are nowhere near that of the populations since the Darktime but have recently begun to have more contact
of the Humans. with the world after an alliance was forged with the Human
The Human cultures are rich and varied, from the hardy realms to provide aid to the Leezari in their eternal struggle with
Norse-like barbarians of Char-Endl to the exotic desert-dwellers the Goblinkynd of Ahr-Ganiz.
of Y’sira. But while their ways can be very different from one RHENFARA
another, they all tend to share a common tongue, set of laws and Separated from Y’sira by the impenetrable jungles of Po-
currency, due to the legacy of the Sardellan Empire. This great Ka, in the west, Rhenfara is a land where martial skills are
Empire colonized or conquered most of the Eldorian continent revered almost as an art. The people live in close harmony with
700 years ago and, although it began its long decline and eventual the land and are guided by a Druidical order of Ulliah, originally
disintegration many centuries past, its influences are still strong a northern cult that gained a significant following in Rhenfara
and seen throughout the Human world today. after they sought sanctuary in the south, following their expulsion
The major realms and centers of power that influence from Llan, many centuries ago.
Eldoria are detailed as follows:
ELKIA Ahr-Ganiz is the mountainous, cave-riddled home of the
A cultured and civilized land ruled over by the Lord Goblinkynd, who retreated here after their ousting from eastern
Protector and the theocracy of the Holy Trinity, the churches Leezeria during the Darktime. They are a diverse species,
that represent the three supreme deities of law and order in the dedicated to retaking Leezeria and exploiting its natural wealth.
world. Elkia was once a major part of the Homelands belonging They have been waging a genocidal war against the Elves for
to the Sardellan Empire and its people are constantly on guard centuries. Most Human and Elven adventurers would only
against the threat of war from their neighbors in Sard. ever enter the dangerous territories of Ahr-Ganiz as an act of
SARD desperation.
Along with Elkia, Sard was once part of the Sardellan NORTHLAND
Imperial Homelands and is a mountainous land, rich in mineral A rustic, underdeveloped country that is noted for its
wealth. It retains a strict feudal-like system of government, rich agricultural produce. Northland’s peaceful inhabitants
with lands divided between powerful lords, most of whom give are protected from Ahr-Ganiz by a unique treaty with the
patronage to the Church of Trezkillian (God of War). Hlisshicaari, a fierce reptilian race that dwells in the volcanic
LLAN regions that range across its southern borders.
A heavily forested land, with large tracts of unexplored A monarch and parliamentary council govern the country
territory to the north and west. Llan has been devastated by past and a small portion of the population is made up of Halflings.
civil wars and was occupied by the Sardellan Empire. The country MARITAAN
has recently prospered under the control of the mercantile guilds This is an arid land, with a geography containing many
who have largely usurped political control from the old noble unusual rock formations, deep canyons and features etched out of
houses. the landscape by wind and water, over the ages. The population
CHAR-ENDL is a blend of the indigenous Y’naari-Su (a race steeped in
A frigid tundra with rugged coastlines defined by deep ancient traditions and forgotten sciences) and the remnants of
fjords. The Char-Endlese are a semi-nomadic culture with an the Sardellan colonists who overran the country seven hundred
entrenched clan system. In order to have any status in Char- years ago.
Endl you must belong to, or marry into, one of the Ten Clans. A mixing of the two cultures has resulted in the evolution
Eastport, the capitol of Northland, is basically no more than an overgrown village. The royal pal-
ace, the Castle of the Rising Sun, appears on a hill in the background
of a very conservative, yet advanced people, with a greater monumental conflict between the Gods, resulting in their
understanding of engineering and chemical sciences; skills that withdrawal from the mortal world. Prior to the Last Battle, the
the rest of Eldoria lag behind in due to the reliance on magic to Saahn were drawn into a Divine civil war and suffered greatly
overcome technological problems. as a consequence.
TEMPEST The Darktime ended with the discovery of the Three
A city-state located at the heart of the Greater Inner Sea, Books of Law by the Prophet Samroth. This event was called
built on three, small neighboring islands and on a vast network the Redemption and is said to have heralded in a new age of
of platforms that have grown up over the sea separating them. civilization, perceived as a second chance for the Saahn; the
common belief being, that if the mortal races show sufficient
CONCERNING SOCIETY faith, the Gods will return to the world again.
Accordingly, chronological dates of the Human calendar
Religion is perhaps the most influential force across are denoted by ‘R’ or ‘D’. The date 2113R means 2113 years
Eldoria, both spiritually and politically. There are twenty-seven after the Redemption. The date 2113D means 2113 years prior
recognized deities, not including subservient angels, demons to the Darktime. Some of the non-Human races, noticeably the
and other such creatures that are said to directly serve the ends Elves, measure time with their own calendar systems.
of the Gods.
In several countries there is no separation between church CONCERNING NONHUMANS
and state, governmental control is directly in the hands of ruling
clerical orders. Other countries are ruled by secular institutions Besides Humans, who control most of Eldoria, there are
but still are heavily influenced by the dominant religions in their three other major races of humanoids in the world. Collectively,
region. The very fabric of Eldorian society is closely interwoven all these races are known as the Saahn:
with the extensive Pantheon of Gods and this will become more ELVES
evident as you read the historical and political sections contained Known as the Leezari in their language, the Elves (as a
in this book. nation) occupy Leezeria and have dwelled apart from other
All recorded Human history revolves around a period realms in Eldoria, dissuading Humans from intruding into their
known as the Darktime. Although scholars cannot be sure, it is domain. Only in the last 200 years have they begun to have
thought that this period lasted at least 3000 years. It was an age more contact with the ‘outside’ world, making alliances with the
of barbarism, when society fell apart and reverted to the rule nations of the Greater Inner Sea and inviting Humans to settle
of the strongest. It is remembered dimly as a time of unceasing their eastern frontiers.
conflict, worldwide famine and plague, a period when sorcery Elves are essentially immortal, but few remain active
went unchecked and brought terror and destruction down upon beyond the age of 500 Human years. Between the ages of 350
the population. and 500, most Elves succumb to a condition known as Priatharia,
Very few records were made during the Darktime and whereby they enter a permanent trance-like state, their body
it seems that many of the writings that existed in the more remaining perfectly preserved.
enlightened ages prior to then, were deliberately sought out
and destroyed as a result of a backlash against magic and those DWARVES
who practiced arcane arts. The common man came to revile Also known as the Stonekin, the Dwarves have largely come
knowledge of the ancient cultures and the Sorcerers of the world to dwell amongst the cities of the Humans, typically working
were eventually cast down. as smiths or masons. They are a people in transit, conscious of
losing touch with their old ways.
The Darktime is defined as beginning with the Last Battle, a
Encyclopedia Eldoria
Tales tell that, before the Darktime, the Dwarves once these lesser people, who now dwell in secret or in more isolated
dwelled in the west, in grand underground halls, mining the regions.
depths of the world. Then some unknown rift between their More details of all races can be found in the section,
clans drove many of the Stonekin eastward, to the lands of Men, “Miscellany”.
where they tried to re-establish their ancient homes.
But the mines delved in the mountains throughout eastern CONCERNING MAGIC
Eldoria were a pale imitation of their cities of old and, over
the centuries; successive generations have abandoned their Eldoria is often referred to as the Arcane Realm, a place
traditions, deserting the mines to take up residence amongst the where hidden super-physical powers exist that common-folk
Humans. refer to as ‘magic.’ This unseen energy source is known as the
Still, the grandeur of their lost heritage calls them and Tas by more learned people. It permeates all living and non-
the Dwarves are a sad folk, lamenting over songs and stories living material and there are those skilled individuals who have
of a forgotten age. Some heed the call and undertake the long discovered ways of drawing upon the Tas; allowing them to use
pilgrimage to the west, to search for signs of Zarkanda-Zahl, the its forces to create desired effects.
First Kingdom of the Dwarven Lords. All sages agree that every practitioner of magic draws upon
the Tas, regardless of the way that they tap its source. Although
GOBLINKYND its energy permeates the very air that the Saahn breathe, it is
This is a term for all intelligent, humanoid creatures strongest in the inner regions of Eldoria. The further away you
(Goblins, Orcs, Ogres, Lizardmen etc.) normally considered progress from Eldoria’s heartlands, the weaker the Tas becomes,
belligerent to Humans. One of the few records that survived the until it is virtually non-existent in the Outlands of the Eldorian
Darktime tells of a climatic battle in which the strength of the continent. Nobody knows exactly why this is so and it continues
Goblinkynd was broken and they were driven into the mountains to remain a mystery, baffling the highest masters of the College
for ever after. of Arcane Science.
They exist in small numbers throughout most of the modern Despite the tyrannical reign of feuding Sorcerers that
world, hiding in secret labyrinths or caverns on the fringes of occurred in the Darktime, it was magic that ultimately enabled
Human civilization. As a more formidable threat, they have the devastated races of the Saahn to survive that terrible period.
evolved into a disunited nation in the mountainous lands of Naturally, civilization re-emerged in the more central parts of
Ahr-Ganiz on the borders of the Elven lands, where they are the continent, where magic gave Clerics and Wizards the upper
numbered in the millions. hand in overcoming the difficulties that the new kingdoms faced.
OTHER RACES Even today, the population of Eldoria is still clustered around
Other intelligent races (such as Gnomes and Halflings) exist the middle of continent, about its Inner Seas, and only small,
in Eldoria but not in significant numbers that would constitute less advanced communities dwell in the areas bordering the vast
a nation. The realms of the Humans have eclipsed many of open oceans beyond.
Both Clerics and Wizards create spell-forms by connecting the latent energy field of their personal aura
with the Tas; an immense reserve of background energy that permeates all things.
The common person is well aware of magic existing exceedingly difficult for contemporary artificers to understand,
alongside the rest of the natural forces of the world, although let alone duplicate.
they have little idea how the Tas works (just like most people Wizardry involves a pseudo-science that forges a link with
do not understand the physics involved in a nuclear explosion the Tas by a series of harmonic and manipulative distortions of
but know of its effects). The ability to tap the powers of the Tas the field. These techniques take the form of simple utterances
remains limited to a very small part of the population, making of ritualized vocals and the weaving of set patterns with the
magic an uncommon event but not something that the ‘mundane’ hands. These are called Spells or Incantations. They cause the
folk are totally unfamiliar with. Most people in the cities and surrounding Tas energy to flow into the caster’s aura, a natural
surrounding regions have witnessed acts of magic once or twice field generated by all living creatures that is our connection to
in their lives. the Tas.
There are two main divergent understandings of how the The invoker of the Tas triggers the desired outcome with
Tas may be sourced – the ways of the Wizard and the Cleric. similar vocal utterances used to draw the energy. Sometimes
Both disciplines use magic but their way of accessing the Tas the presence of small amounts of specific organic or inorganic
and harnessing its power have evolved along very different lines. materials is required to assist with the translation of certain
The method used by Wizards evolved in the golden age before Spells. Likewise, the presence of large quantities of certain
the Darktime and it is thought that those who commanded the materials, particularly metals, inhibits contact with the Tas.
magic arts back then, wielded power significantly greater than
modern Wizards. Certainly, magical constructs and artifacts made
prior to the Darktime still function today and such devices are
Encyclopedia Eldoria
From a speech made by the Prophet Samroth, concerning the discovery of the Books of Law.
“It is written that at the Dawn of Time the Gods dwelled in the world and imparted much of
their wisdom to the wise amongst the mortal races. Then the Gods left Enshar to walk amongst
the stars and they left the Darvinor, ranked highest amongst the Elven folk, as their custodians.
But the Darvinor were hungry for knowledge that was kept from mortal races and they led the
children of Enshar away from the enlightenment of the Gods and so brought down the Darktime
upon them all.”
For an age of unaccounted years, utter chaos en- imposed isolation from before the Darktime, seek-
gulfed the world and all that was learned was lost. ing allies to help them in their eternal war against
Then hope was rekindled in the form of the legend- the Goblinkynd of Ahr-Ganiz.
ary Books of Law, three great tomes that contained Civilisations have arisen, empires have come and
the lost beliefs and rituals of the twenty-seven re- gone but the temples of the Gods remain constant,
ligions that had existed before the Darktime. The involving everyone in their rivalries and machina-
scattered tribes of the Humans were united in the tions. Political intrigue is almost a sport amongst
northern continent of Eldoria and a new enlight- the clergy and a talented individual can keep their
ened era began, the Age of the Redemption. purse full by serving the many and varied clandes-
Two thousand years have passed since the dis- tine causes of the twenty-seven priesthoods.
covery of the Books of Law and the nations of Men Yet far from the great cities, there are still plac-
now dominate Eldoria, from the frigid realm of es that remain untouched in the modern world, such
Char-Endl, to the exotic desert lands of the Theoc- as the great forests of Llanish Highlands, the im-
racy of Y’sira. They have unlocked the secrets of penetrable jungles of Po-Ka or the Outlands, where
steel and stone but their ascendancy has been very magic is weak and inconstant. Great fortunes lie in
different than our own world. For in Eldoria, Man wait for those bold enough to journey there to un-
has also learned the secrets of Magic, resulting in a cover the relics and treasures of the past.
reliance on arcane power that has retarded the emer- Eldoria is the new d20 campaign setting from
gence of science. Combined with the suspicion and Comstar Publishing; an immersive world of dan-
secrecy that the abundance of religious institutions gerous liaisons, mystery and expeditions down
apply to any new discoveries, Man has remained dungeons deep. Adventure awaits……
locked in a quasi-medieval level of technology.
Yet Man is not alone in Eldoria. The Dwarven Contains:
Stonekin once dwelled in mines beneath the great - A unique mythos
mountain ranges, but for many centuries they have - Fully detailed background history
been abandoning their old ways and coming to - Descriptions of realms and cultures
live amongst the cities of Men (though their elders - New items and monsters to include in any
still tell tales of ancient glory). And in the east, the campaign
Leezari Elves have recently emerged from a self-