Kobe Chu - Claps
Kobe Chu - Claps
Kobe Chu - Claps
Use this template to help you analyse and deconstruct a work of non-fiction.
Questions to ask Analysis
Audience Who is the text aimed at? The cartoon is directed to women who support
Make reference to age, feminism and female empowerment. Fleming
education level, nationality, expresses how females are restricted to the
and gender. How do you stereotypical duty of doing chores in the
know that this is the target household. When this duty is taken away, by
audience? Who published “domestic servants” as stated in the cartoon,
the text and who is their they are left with no other purpose as they are
target demographic? oppressed by societal stereotypes that prevent
them from having other personal endeavours. A
21st-century audience would find such a subject
familiar, as equality between races and genders
has been increasingly advocated for in modern
society. This cartoon would be specifically
targeted towards middle-aged women who
resonate with the same problems (it is
suggested in the cartoon that Fleming is talking
about housewives).
Purpose What is the purpose of the It is to inform the audience that perhaps female
text? Is it to persuade, stereotypes and bias that existed back in the day
inform, educate, describe, still exists now. Even though these women were
entertain, argue, or in a privileged position, they were still oppressed
explain? and as women, they weren’t expected to
achieve as much as men. This text wouldn’t
apply to “men domestic servants”, because
unlike women, they were expected to go
outside, work and be cool. This text informs the
audience that this mentality and expectation of
women still exists, and I’m sure some women
today can still relate to this sentiment, as it
“speaks to us across the centuries”.