Tulburare Bipolara
Tulburare Bipolara
Tulburare Bipolara
Suicide Suicidal behavior Suicidal ideation
Self-injurious behavior Pediatric bipolar disorder
Risk for completed suicide in bipolar disorder (BP) is among the highest of all psychi-
atric disorders;1 between 25% and 50% of adults with BP make at least one suicide
attempt in their lifetime, and between 8% and 19% of individuals with BP will die from
suicide.2 Research indicates that between 20% and 65% of adults with BP experience
onset in childhood,3,4 and those adults with early illness onset are at higher risk for
suicidal behavior.4,5 Given the relative infancy of the field of clinical research exam-
ining the phenomenology and course of pediatric BP, it is not surprising that little is
known about suicidal behavior in this population despite the apparent link between
early illness onset and suicidality.
Completed Suicide
Evidence from case-control studies of adolescent suicide victims indicates that BP in
adolescence imparts a particularly elevated risk for completed suicide.7,8 Further-
more, reports from two longitudinal studies support significant mortality from suicide
among pediatric BP patients. Srinath and colleagues9 reported a 3% suicide rate
among pediatric bipolar disorder I (BPI) patients 5 years after index episode
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340 Goldstein
Suicide Attempt
Strober and colleagues11 reported medically significant suicide attempts in 20% of an
adolescent BPI sample over a 5-year follow-up. Goldstein and colleagues12 docu-
mented a 32% lifetime suicide attempt rate among a large sample of youth diagnosed
with BP; of these attempts, nearly 20% were rated to be moderate to severe medical
lethality. Lewinsohn, Seeley, and Klein13 reported a 44% lifetime suicide attempt rate
among adolescents with BP spectrum disorders—significantly elevated compared
with 22% of UP depressed teens and 1% of healthy controls. In this sample, BP
attempters (compared with UP attempters) were younger at first attempt, made
more lethal attempts, and were more likely to make multiple attempts. Bhangoo and
colleagues14 reported a 47% suicide attempt rate among BPI children and adoles-
cents with an episodic pattern of mood symptomatology (one or more DSM-IV manic
or hypomanic episodes), compared with a 15% attempt rate for patients with a chronic
illness pattern (no discernable episodes).
Suicidal Ideation
Suicidal ideation can be thought of along a continuum from passive, nonspecific idea-
tion (eg, ‘‘I wish I had never been born’’) to active, specific ideation with intent and/or
plan. High rates of suicidal ideation have been documented among youth with BP.
Cross-sectional data from Faedda and colleagues15 indicate a 30% rate of suicidal
ideation among BP youth assessed at an outpatient mood disorders clinic. Craney
and Geller16 reported a 25% rate of suicidal ideation at intake among youth with BP
assessed as outpatients. With respect to lifetime rates of suicidal ideation, Lewinsohn
and colleagues found that 72% of a community sample of youth with BP endorsed
a lifetime history of suicidal ideation—significantly elevated compared with 52% of
that of youth with UP and 41% of youth with subsyndromal BP. Similarly, in a large
multisite investigation of BP in youth, Axelson and colleagues17 reported a lifetime
rate of suicidal ideation of more than 75%.
Sociodemographic Factors
Among adults with BP, males have higher rates of completed suicide than females,
whereas males and females have similar rates of suicide attempt.18 Multiple studies
of BP adults failed to find racial differences in rates of suicidal behavior among BP
adults. Among youth with BP, one study found no significant differences in terms of
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Suicidality in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder 341
sex, race, or socioeconomic status between BP youth with a history of suicide attempt
and those without.19
Clinical Factors
Age at illness onset
The adult BP literature indicates that earlier age of BP illness onset is associated with
higher suicide risk.5 It is important to note, however, that the general literature on youth
suicide indicates that children are less likely to have attempted suicide than are
adolescents,20 likely due to a complex interaction of developmental, psychological,
and family factors. In a sample of BP youth aged 7–17 years, a higher percentage
of subjects with a history of suicide attempt (compared with subjects with no history
of suicide attempt) reported illness onset after age 12.12 It is, therefore, possible that
a critical period for vulnerability to the development of suicidal behavior exists for pedi-
atric onset, compared with adult-onset, BP.
Bipolar subtype
The literature on suicide attempts and bipolar subtypes among adults with BP is
inconsistent, with some studies reporting higher attempt rates among BPII patients,21
others associating a BPI diagnosis with higher risk,22 and still others finding no differ-
ences between subtypes.23 Goldstein and colleagues12 found no differences in life-
time rates of suicide attempt between bipolar subtypes in a large clinical sample of
BP youth.
Clinical state
Retrospective, cross-sectional, and prospective studies of adults with BP support
a strong association between mixed states and suicidality.24 In fact, of all phases of
BP illness, rates of both suicidal ideation and suicide attempt are highest during mixed
episodes.25 One study reported an incidence of suicide attempt 37 times higher during
mixed episodes.26 Consistent with these findings are data from Dilsaver and
colleagues,27 indicating that of 82 BP adolescents in a mixed state, 67% reported
suicidal ideation. Mixed states also independently contributed to increased risk for
suicidal behavior for girls in this sample.28 A history of mixed episodes was also signif-
icantly associated with a lifetime history of suicide attempt in a large sample of BP
Comorbid conditions
Comorbidity is the rule rather than the exception among youth who attempt and
complete suicide, with up to 70% of suicidal youth meeting criteria for multiple psychi-
atric conditions.29 Furthermore, as the number of comorbid conditions increases so
does the risk for suicide attempt.30 Only one study to date has examined comorbid
conditions associated with suicidal behavior in pediatric BP. In this study, Goldstein
and colleagues12 showed that BP youth with a substance use disorder were three
times more likely to report a history of suicide attempt than those without a comorbid
substance use disorder. Additionally, a comorbid panic disorder was also associated
with higher rates of suicidal behavior in youth with BP in this sample. Although no
studies to date have expressly studied youth suicide completers diagnosed with
BP, among mood-disordered youth who completed suicide, two studies reported
high rates of comorbid substance abuse, particularly among males. In fact, more
than 50% of mood-disordered male suicide completers in both samples had a comor-
bid substance abuse disorder.31,32 Comorbid substance abuse increases the risk for
attempted and completed suicide, both through the negative impact of substance use
on mood disorder as well as the increased risk of lethal suicidal behavior while under
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342 Goldstein
the influence. This is particularly true among older adolescent males when coupled
with disruptive behavior disorders. Although conduct disorder and related disruptive
disorders are more likely to result in suicide and suicidal behavior when comorbid
with substance use, disruptive disorders also independently contribute to suicide
Trauma history
Multiple studies demonstrate a strong link between a history of childhood maltreat-
ment and suicidality. In a study of BP youth, Goldstein and colleagues12 found a signif-
icant association between a history of abuse (physical and/or sexual abuse) and
a history of suicide attempt. The relation between early maltreatment and suicidality
is substantiated to a far greater degree among adults with BP, among whom a history
of physical and/or sexual abuse is strongly associated with increased risk for suicide
attempt.34 In fact, the occurrence of both types of abuse appears to have an additive
effect on risk for suicidal behavior.5
In adults, the risk associated with psychosis is unclear, with some studies document-
ing increased suicidal behavior among BP patients with psychotic features35 and
others finding no difference.36 Among youth with BP, one study demonstrated an
association between psychosis and a lifetime history of suicide attempt.12
Psychological Factors
Rucklidge37 reported on several psychological factors differentiating BP youth with
suicidal ideation from those without; namely, hopelessness, low self-esteem, external
locus of control, and problems regulating anger were significantly greater among
suicidal BP youth. Among BP adults, trait aggression38 and impulsivity39 are linked
to increased risk for suicide attempt; however, these constructs have yet to be
explored in a sample of youth with BP.
Suicidal ideation
In general, youth with frequent and severe suicidal ideation (ie, high levels of intent
and/or planning) have about a 60% chance of making a suicide attempt within
1 year of ideation onset.40
Previous suicidal behavior
Among adults with BP, multiple studies indicate that one of the most potent predictors
of future suicidal behavior is past suicidal behavior.26 A history of suicide attempt in
adults with BP increases the risk for subsequent attempt four-fold.41 Follow-up
studies of adolescent suicide attempters with a range of psychopathology report a re-
attempt rate ranging from 6% to 15% per year, with the greatest risk occurring within 3
months of the initial attempt.42 The period immediately following discharge from an
inpatient psychiatric unit is associated with particularly high risk.43
Youth with a history of attempting suicide using methods high in medical lethality,
such as hanging, shooting, or jumping, are at especially high risk for eventual
completed suicide.44 However, it is not necessarily the case that an attempt of low
lethality reflects low suicidal intent, particularly among younger children who may
overestimate the lethality of means.
Availability of lethal means
Evidence from case-control studies in youth indicates that firearms are much more
common in the homes of suicide completers than attempters and controls. If a loaded
gun is in the home, it is highly likely to be selected as a means of suicide and is
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Suicidality in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder 343
associated with a 30-fold increased risk for completed suicide even among youth with
no apparent psychopathology.45
Biological Factors
The neurobiology of suicide is a well-researched area, but little has been done in
younger samples.46 The most consistent biological finding is a relationship between
altered central serotonin, as assessed by neuroendocrine challenge tests and cere-
brospinal fluid (CSF) studies in attempters and by receptor binding in postmortem
studies. Studies link low CSF 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), a metabolite of
serotonin, with impulsive aggression and suicidal behavior across psychiatric condi-
tions in adults.47 Greenhill and colleagues48 found an association between serotonin
measures and medically serious attempts within a small sample of depressed adoles-
cent suicide attempter inpatients.
In a series of postmortem studies, Pandey and colleagues49–51 showed that adoles-
cent suicide completers, compared with deceased controls without disorder, have
increased 5-HT2A binding, decreased protein kinase A (PKA) and C (PKC) activity,
down-regulation of cAMP response element binding, and increased activity of
brain-derived neurotropic factor in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus (except
PKA, which was not different in hippocampus). These findings are similar to those
reported for adults, which suggest involvement of the serotonin system as well as
systems involved in cell signaling and signal modulation.
Zalsman and colleagues52 examined the allelic association of the serotonin trans-
porter (5-HTTLPR) with suicidal behavior and related traits in a sample of Israeli
suicidal inpatients and found no significant relationship. However, patients with the
ll genotype were significantly different from patients with the ls genotype on a measure
of trait violence. In a prospective longitudinal study of a New Zealand birth cohort,
Caspi and colleagues53 found that the s allele of 5-HTTLPR in the presence of stressful
life events resulted in increased rates of depression and suicidality.
Family Factors
Research suggests both genetic and environmental mechanisms for the familial trans-
mission of suicidal behavior in BP, and evidence suggests that suicidal behavior is
transmitted in families distinct from its association with psychiatric illness.
Family history
Retrospective studies indicate that BP adults with a history of suicide attempt are
more likely to report a positive family history of suicide.54,55 Several studies also
support an association between a family history of suicidal behavior and suicidal
behavior in offspring.56 Data from Brent and colleagues57 indicate that offspring of
mood-disordered suicide attempters have a significantly higher rate of suicidal
behavior themselves compared with that of offspring whose parents had no history
of suicidal behavior. Goldstein and colleagues12 similarly found elevated rates of
suicidal behavior in the families of BP youth who endorsed a lifetime history of suicide
Family environment
Youth who complete suicide are more likely than community controls to come from
nonintact families of origin;58,59 however, this question has not been expressly exam-
ined among youth with BP. Recent findings indicate no differences in the family
constellation of BP youth who endorse suicidal ideation in the context of the current
depressive episode, compared with nonsuicidal BP youth.60
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344 Goldstein
Several studies have found that loss of a parent to death or divorce, or living apart
from one or both biological parents, is a significant risk factor for completed suicide in
youth.61,62 Lewinsohn and colleagues29 found an association between loss of a parent
before age 12 years and multiple suicide attempts.
Similarly, in a sample of BP youth, Goldstein and colleagues60 reported that suicidal
BP youth endorsed a greater number of stressful family events over the prior year,
including death of a family member as well as parental absence in the home.
There is a consistent literature linking family discord with youth suicide and suicide
attempts.59,63 The family environments of suicide attempters are characterized by
high levels of discord and violence and are perceived as less supportive and more
conflictual than those of nonattempters.58,59 In one study of youth diagnosed with
BP, those who endorsed suicidal ideation in the context of the current depressive
episode reported greater conflict with their mother, increased arguments with parents
over the past year, and rated their family environment as significantly less adaptable.60
The best way to assess for suicidality is by asking the child/adolescent direct ques-
tions. Given that suicidality is so common among youth with BP, clinicians treating
children and adolescents with the illness should evaluate for the presence of suicidal-
ity.64 Assessment of the individuals’ risk for suicidal behavior includes examining for
the presence of specific known risk factors (see Risk Factors, above).
Self-administered scales are useful for screening with this population, since
research indicates that adolescents disclose suicidality more readily on self-report
than they do in a face-to-face interview. Similarly, adolescents are more likely to
endorse suicidality if interviewed without a parent/guardian present. In the event
that the teen endorses any item on a suicidality scale, it is strongly recommended
that the clinician follow up with the patient regarding his/her safety. It is important to
note that there is no evidence indicating that asking about suicidal thoughts or behav-
iors precipitates suicidality.
Thorough assessment of suicidal ideation includes questions regarding both
severity (intent) and pervasiveness (frequency and intensity). Suicidal ideation charac-
terized by a high degree of severity and pervasiveness is associated with a greater
likelihood of suicide attempt in adolescents.29 The clinician should also conduct a thor-
ough and detailed review of prior suicidal behavior.
Suicidal Intent
Suicidal intent is the extent to which the individual wishes to die. Given findings that
adolescents may disclose suicidal ideation on self-report ratings but deny this infor-
mation during interview, assessment of suicidal risk should incorporate both means
of assessment.
With regard to suicidal intent, the clinician should explore four components:65 (1)
belief about intent (ie, the extent to which the individual wished to die), (2) preparatory
behavior (eg, giving away prized possessions; writing a suicide note), (3) prevention of
discovery (ie, planning the attempt so that rescue is unlikely), and (4) communication of
suicidal intent. High intent, as evidenced by expressing a wish to die, planning the
attempt ahead of time, timing the attempt to avoid detection, and confiding suicide
plans before the attempt, is associated with recurrent suicide attempts and with
suicide completion.
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Suicidality in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder 345
Medical Lethality
Suicide attempts of high medical lethality (eg, hanging, shooting) are frequently char-
acterized by high suicidal intent, and individuals who use more medically lethal means
are at higher risk of completing suicide. However, evidence also indicates that an
impulsive attempter with relatively low intent but ready access to lethal means may
also engage in a medically serious, and even fatal, attempt.30
The most common precipitants for adolescent suicidal behavior are interpersonal
conflict or loss, most often involving a parent or a romantic relationship. Legal and
disciplinary problems also frequently precipitate suicidal behavior, particularly among
youth with comorbid conduct disorder and substance abuse. Precipitants that are
chronic and ongoing, especially recurrent physical or sexual abuse, are associated
with poorer outcomes, including recurrence of suicidal behavior and even subsequent
Motivation is the reason the individual cites for his/her suicidality. Individuals with high
suicidal intent indicate that their primary motivation is either to die or to permanently
escape an emotionally painful situation, and these youth are at elevated risk for reat-
tempt.66 Many youth who attempt suicide report that they are motivated by the desire
to influence others or to communicate a feeling. Understanding the motivation for
suicidal behavior has important implications for treatment, as intervention may focus
on helping youth identify their needs more explicitly and find less dangerous ways to
get their needs met.
The consequences of suicidality refer to any environmental contingencies that occur in
response to suicidality. Particularly salient are whether there are naturally occurring
contingencies in the environment that reinforce suicidal behavior (eg, increased atten-
tion and support, decreased demands and responsibilities). However, positive rein-
forcement from the environment does not necessarily indicate that the individual
acted purposefully to gain the reinforcement.
Clinical Management
The clinical management of suicidality in BP includes the treatment of the underlying
mood disorder and comorbid disorders (eg, substance abuse), minimizing risk factors,
maximizing protective factors, and means restriction. Few clinical trials have exam-
ined the treatment of adolescent suicidality in general, and even less is known about
suicidality in pediatric BP. In fact, many treatment studies exclude suicidal youth and
do not report outcomes related to suicidality. Data from psychosocial and pharmaco-
logical studies among depressed youth suggest that the treatment of depression may
not be sufficient to reduce suicidal risk; rather, specific treatments targeting suicidality
may be required.67
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346 Goldstein
Safety Planning
A safety plan is a hierarchically arranged list of strategies that the patient agrees to
employ in the event of a suicidal crisis. The development of a safety plan is one of
the most critical parts of the assessment and treatment of suicidal youth and involves
collaboration between the clinician, patient, and family. On an outpatient basis, the
clinician implements the safety plan once it is determined that the patient is safe to
maintain as an outpatient; in fact, the clinician may use the safety plan to help deter-
mine the appropriate level of care (ie, the inability to collaborate on a safety plan may
be indicative of the need for a higher level of care). However, the clinician should avoid
the use of coercion when negotiating the safety plan, so as not to mask the adoles-
cent’s suicidal risk.
The first strategy is to eliminate the availability of lethal means in the patient’s envi-
ronment, including firearms, ammunition, and pills. Next, a no-harm agreement is
negotiated between the adolescent, parents, and clinician that in the event the adoles-
cent has suicidal urges, he/she will implement coping skills, inform a responsible adult,
and/or call the clinician or emergency room. The clinician then works with the patient
to develop a plan for coping with suicidal urges. The clinician asks the patient to iden-
tify the warning signs of a suicidal crisis; these may include specific thoughts (eg, ‘‘I
hate my life’’), emotions (eg, despair), and/or behaviors (eg, social isolation). Risk
factors for that individual may also be identified (eg, not getting enough sleep). The
safety plan involves a stepwise increase in the level of intervention from internal coping
strategies to external strategies. Primarily, the clinician encourages the patient to
consider internal strategies or coping skills he/she can employ without the assistance
of other people (eg, distracting by playing a computer game). In the event that internal
strategies are insufficient, patients should identify key figures who can be enlisted to
help, including responsible adults. Their contact information should be made readily
available to the patient.
Few studies have examined the effectiveness of safety plans. One quasi-experi-
mental study showed a reduction in suicide attempts among youth at high risk for
suicide after following a one-session intervention that included a written safety plan
with a no-harm contract.68 A recent review found that no-harm contracts alone are
not a sufficient method for suicide prevention.69
Means Restriction
Few studies have evaluated the effectiveness of restriction of access to lethal means.
Studies in psychiatric and pediatric outpatient settings have not found a significant
effect of parental psychoeducation on securing access to lethal means.70 However,
treatment guidelines strongly recommend the removal of guns from the homes of
at-risk youth. Specific elements of psychoeducation regarding access to lethal means
may be critical in decreasing risk—insisting on removal of the gun (rather than merely
securing it), speaking directly to the gun owner, and ascertaining the perceived risks of
removing the gun. Some parents will be unwilling to remove guns but would be willing
to secure them.70 Therefore, clinicians may reduce risk by exploring alternatives to
removal, including storing guns locked, unloaded, and/or disassembled.
Inpatient Hospitalization
Although psychiatric hospital admission is believed to provide a safe environment for
suicidal patients to resolve acute suicidal crises, research has not demonstrated that
inpatient hospitalization decreases suicide risk. In fact, one study conducted in
Australia demonstrated no significant reduction in suicidal ideation or attempts over
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Suicidality in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder 347
Psychotherapy Approaches
Guidelines for the management of suicidality in adult BP indicate that adjunctive
psychosocial intervention is a critical component of suicide risk reduction.38,72,73
Such recommendations are largely based on studies demonstrating the efficacy of
specific empirically supported psychosocial treatment models in delaying relapse,
hastening recovery, and improving functioning in bipolar patients.74,75 However, the
extent to which these approaches influence suicidality in BP has not yet been
expressly examined.
It is possible that ‘‘prevention of suicide in bipolar patients is.inextricably bound to
the prevention of further affective episodes,’’76 such that affective symptoms and sui-
cidality concurrently respond to treatment. However, data from psychosocial and
pharmacological studies of suicidal individuals with an array of axis I and II pathology
suggest that therapy targeting illness symptoms may not be sufficient to reduce
suicidal risk.77,78 If the same is true in BP, specific treatments targeting suicidality in
this population may be required above and beyond standard treatments for mood
Psychotherapy approaches for youth with BP are in various stages of treatment
development. These include a multi-family psychoeducational group approach for
families of school-aged BP children,80 a modified version of family-focused treatment
for adolescents with BP and their families (FFT-A),81 a model combining FFT with
cognitive-behavioral therapy for school-aged BP children,82 and an adaptation of
interpersonal and social rhythm therapy for adolescents.83 Each model has shown
promise in reducing mood symptoms. However, none of these models expressly
targets suicidality, and outcomes related to suicidality in these trials are not reported.
Specific psychosocial treatments that target the management of suicidality, such as
dialectical behavior therapy (DBT),84 have been recommended in the American
Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) treatment guidelines for pedi-
atric BP. In an open pilot study, Goldstein and colleagues19 demonstrated significant
improvement in suicidal ideation and nonsuicidal self-injurious behavior from pre- to
post-treatment with an adapted version of DBT for adolescents with BP and their
Pharmacological Approaches
Research supports the protective effects of lithium treatment against suicide among
adults with BP,85 with long-term lithium use associated with an eight-fold reduction
in completed suicide and suicide attempts.86 However, the literature on treatment
of suicidality with other classes of medications, including antidepressants, anticonvul-
sants, and atypical antipsychotics, remains inconclusive.87 No studies have been con-
ducted to date examining the impact of any medication on suicidality in youth with BP.
The public health implications of suicidality among youth with BP are serious.
Although some progress has been made in improving our understanding of risk factors
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348 Goldstein
for suicidality in BP youth, a great deal remains unknown about the effective preven-
tion and treatment of suicidality in this population. Recommended directions for future
research include increased inclusion of suicidal youth in research studies, treatment
studies aimed at prevention, and studies examining the neurobiology associated
with suicidality in BP youth.
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