Ozone Fact Sheet PDF
Ozone Fact Sheet PDF
Ozone Fact Sheet PDF
Damage to the Earth’s protective ozone layer 2003 and 2007 ozone holes were much smaller,
has sparked unprecedented world-wide concern due in large part to the disruption of the hole by
and action. Over 194 countries have signed the other weather conditions in the troposphere and
Montreal Protocol, an international agreement to stratosphere.
phase out ozone depleting substances since it
Prospects for the long-term recovery of
came into effect in 1989.
the ozone layer are good. Non-essential
As one of these countries, Australia continues consumption of major ozone depleting
© Greg Stone to be a world leader in the phase out of ozone substances in the developed world slowed during
depleting substances, in many cases well the early 1990s and ceased in 1996. Scientists
ahead of the Protocol requirements. Australia’s predict that if the international community
approach has been based on a highly co- continues to comply with the Montreal Protocol
operative partnership between industry, the the ozone layer should fully recover between
community, and all levels of government. 2050 and 2065.
temperature is likely to rise by 1.0ºC-6.4Cº by The Australian Government also owns Australia’s
the end of this century. Likely outcomes are National Halon Bank which reclaims halon,
reduced water availability, more heat waves, maintains a stock for essential uses and
fewer frosts, less snowfall, more storms, stronger disposes of excess halon and other ozone
tropical cyclones and rises of 18-59 cm in sea depleting substances.
Industry has also been strongly engaged in
Many ozone depleting substances and their Australia’s efforts to phase out ozone depleting
replacements are also powerful greenhouse substances and minimise the emissions of
© Greg Stone
gases. The Kyoto Protocol, to which Australia ozone depleting substances and SGGs. The
is a signatory, lists three synthetic greenhouse department and industry have worked closely
gases - hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), together to:
perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and sulfur hexafluoride
• establish standards and competencies to
(SF6). The most common synthetic greenhouse
ensure that businesses and technicians
gas used in Australia is HFC-134a, which has
handling ozone depleting substances and
a global warming potential (GWP) of 1300,
SGGs do so in a way that minimises their
meaning that it is 1300 times as potent as
emission to the atmosphere
carbon dioxide. Other synthetic greenhouse
gases are even more powerful global warmers, • establish a world class product stewardship
with PFCs having GWPs between 6500-9200 scheme for refrigerants. Refrigeration
and SF6 having a GWP of 23 900. Australia’s Reclaim Australia takes back and destroys
policies on these gases are aimed at minimising used fluorocarbon refrigerants
avoidable emissions. • prepare codes of practice which establish
best practice for businesses that use
Domestic policies for managing Ozone
ozone depleting substances and SGGs
Depleting Substances and Synthetic
(these codes have been incorporated into
© Greg Stone Greenhouse Gases
regulation and made mandatory across
The Department of the Environment, Water, Australia)
Heritage and the Arts is the Australian
• provide ongoing support for the licensing
Government agency responsible for
and permit schemes established under
co-ordinating national ozone protection
the regulations designed to ensure that
measures and administering the Ozone
only permit holders can obtain or handle
Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas
restricted substances, and
Management Act 1989.
• accelerate the phase-out of HCFCs, ahead
To meet obligations under the Montreal and
of our Montreal Protocol obligations.
© Peter Tsimnadis Kyoto Protocols, the department controls: