Book - 1644 - William Lilly - A Prophecy of The White King
Book - 1644 - William Lilly - A Prophecy of The White King
Book - 1644 - William Lilly - A Prophecy of The White King
Dreadfull Dead-man
Printed by G.M. and arc (o be fold by J'hn Shirk j and IhmM ViiderhiU,
at the Golden Pdllcan inlittle Bntiainc, andfiiblo
ii» Wooddrcct. 1^44. "
To the Reader.
CIS On fee flames, whM miferles, crnell Wiirres our AV
lion is once like to fltjj'cr ij the men net asial procurement of4
K iny celled.( White Kin^ J etnd the/Hccefje and reiverd nhici
n attends hint fir h:s palsies; He brings over flraugers to deftrrj
i<e ns, (tnd (i0dgives us command to provide jepuichcrs andgrurn
K fir him and them: JVc flntH not be overcome by them, but full
h tve victory over our enemies: It's comfort to be promifed vitiory be fire heed:
I: may encourage us to fiandfloutly fir our defitsce, our Cousstries rights and pri-
vi/rd 'cs: Let it procure art union amougfl its at this time, a>td a conllant rejoin-
tint to unite with the 'Piir/isment at VVcftyu'lldcr. ylt this time, here m
firne, d.ubt a French Army in Flanders f Doe not flare thent; Cannot (jod,is
e.ifl/y (Hue Rilicrt dark o/VV.irWick leave to ttiotble fime thou finds efthtmin-
to thejea to fleite Haddock,;, as he did miracttloufly overwhclmc the ligyptisns
by 1 Is-Is, in tof Moles ? let us admit the worfi, fulpofe there tbould fame of ihtm
/and; is not (jod able, or fi sti we doubt of his providence, that he ryotl/dnot afiifl
his 1-xcellency Kobe it !: or/c of Tsttsx, or fame other of our valiant generah to
givefaire cjuarter to their principaK Officers, arid cold earth enough to (over the
d a.I bodies ofthercfl. The unrevenged blood of the maffacred Englill) and
Scott ilh Prorijlaiiis, Will never give reft at home or vitiory abroad to thofl but-
chtrly Cannibals the I ridi: / hourcly expef.l to heare naves out o/"l:r,incc ! Hi*
1 her 01 he Lordhimjelfe hath fought our battles; / obferve by the befi and true (I
>. /at ions, Uv have not had on the 'Parliaments fide one vitiory of any confequence,
but in our hearts Uv firfl diipuircd of thefiscceffe ; Let us fls/l call on this mercb
fill (jod in,ill our wayes; cherifis and countenance our Generals and the relfsttiive
Officers of our Armies of each Nation: extend compaffton to the maimed foul-
dit r: and really pay the fighting fou/dier his wages, but elfeciaHy he at unity
ssmoiigfi our/elves; fo fljail we have no caufc to flare, the 1'urke, Anticlsriji,
llcncIljSjMllillij'rillijGJ-f. and of this be ajfured by
William Lilly.
The Explanation.
T His Pi edition or Prophecy, call it what you will, by the Charafler,
words andfcnlo feemcth more anticnt thcnof'ycdcrdaycs minting;
wroiclong before the Raignc ul'Henry the 8. printed it was by Harvym
j 5 88. while the vcrtnons Elitabcth lived and governed ; no exceptions was
taken either to it or the author, or many more which hcpublillicd, lb free
were thole times of malice, and (b/ndicions were the then Grandees of
State ; 1 hope 1 flnli find them fb now ; Who ever he was that penned if,
doth not appcare by any name, or any reading; the Propbccic crrrieth a
great afiedlion to the V-ngtips Nation, whom incfftcl it only conccrncs, and
lichada great defirc in a myllicalllittcrall way toprcmoniih them of many
dangers were like to befiill them, hut becaufc he Itncw that ifhcniotildin
particular cxprdle the thing he intended, he lluauld have ill rcqnitalbhc
therefore by five lettcit; very lignifieantly acquainted our Nation what in
time to come they fhonld txpeff, and from what people their miferies
(hould proceed and be derived,and thus in ctfedl be would have laid:
V.nghwd, J tell tbec when Henry fhc 8. wboni 1 rcprefent by H thefirft
Intef"of US MTU, is dead and buried, and when Edward ihcfixt, Queen
King '1'hilip, ami la(f of ad (ijeen Sli^abith, intended by me in the
fonrcialf letters of USAH' S: are all departed this life, aftet their deaths,!
come to infinite milcry, (brrow and aflliftion, al-
inoh toddlrnrtion, but not totally, 'I'lty enemies would have it <o,and in
ik/udgeincntofallthy neighbour Nations it will be lb conceived, itwill
bcafjirc chaftil'emcnt.hnt not thy finall i nine.&c.
lor fome ycares after Qticcn Jt/i-tate/bsdeath, a molb violent and tronhlc-
fomcwarrc fliall afflifb thee, and it lhall continue with much (ierccncfle
tlircc whole ycares; nay, it lliall be prolccntcd with that violence, thy
Inlubitants in many Counties conlidcring their extreme hard condition,
Hull wifli thcmfclvcs under ground on purpole to avoid thcpittiinll ohjetfls
which whilell they arc alive they cannot Ihnnnc, But linglund, fiiih he,
iriiltake me not, the lb thy fid times cannot, or fiiallcotnc upon thee nntill
Qiiccn l-ht-il/cth is dead ; whereby then haft a fullicient time to make thy
pee with God for prevention of thrfemifchicfes,or clfchall oppcttunity
oftranfplanting many of thy faithfull familiesi Thy Native lin^lijh lhall he
three ycares in continuall warrc, hloud-llied, and aflion; and thereby lb
weakenthcmfelves with their intcftine divilions; as then, and not tijl tlirec
yeatcsbc ended,then doll hazard thy hbcrty.wcalc-pnhlike, and all the 11 ore
thou haft, by giving occafion to die Emptrour, tbc King of .S'poiitt^hc 'Pope,
theFnuch Kiiig, theKi/ig ofDt»r»itrke,Kw^of Scot/and, I'mpof Stoel/i- joync their united Forces or Comicels againll thee,all thde Nattoias
fnall then take l heir fevcrall opportnnities of doing thee milchicfe, by fen-
Jingnicn,money, politicjuc devices,Ihips or the like in anhollilc way for
thy dcftrudlion:
7'anlitnc atimi'i ealefttbm ire !
And I tell thee with thefe Ihips, and thefe men, thefe moneys lhall alfo
come a DrettdfuU Dead man; oc fome dcjciflcd fhgitivc Prince, or one
Wlinthccycof the world, and in the love andalledlion of his people, or
or,c that had taigacd for met ly in P.npland, and then was deprived of Go-
vttnment, or one that will lay claimc to the Cro'.vnc by a long fleeping
dead title, this cDre*dfHU Dead-man I tell thee, who intends nothing but
confulion to thy long continued happinefkyhy I.awesand Liberties; he, I
by, will either willingly of his ownc accord, or by injnntftion of thole fcvc-
ull Nations that (hall liijiply him. bring along and over with him in hit
company, fome principall young Prince, or noted Commander, ornihcr
bmcdilcicct Govcrnonc to dircdl his nnprofperous aff.ircs, the Army and
ihcnu'ii that attend this lervicc; and I tell thee this (jorcrnour is royally
siid nobly extrmftcd; nay, 1 fay, of the hell blond of iht, world, or in more
pliinc termcs, of a mod anticntand vertnons family, if any at that time be:
C; This
This Prince that (hall come but in afllftance of the 'Dundfull. Dt/,
(lull after foineeK|icncc of time cbtainc the Crownc of SMglmd for him.
fclf'e. and keepe it t for the Dead-man (hall make a dead piece of workc, in
truding to his alien friends, little dreaming that n> one hclpes him for love,
nor confidcring the myftcry long before his death plotted againft
butltellthcchimfelfcmircarries.and then the new-come Petfon, pacilici
and fcts the htijiliRi ii) the right way, and bjni'hcth all herefics, and no veil
fefts, tor at that tune both Church and State will be out of order. The f».
glip> will honour this worthy man, and will they not have canfe ? he Was
not intended by feme for thy good (Oh EnvUnd) but ill, yet fee howGod
in his Wrath takes a Crowne from one, and beltowcs it on anoihcr; thil
Will feemc ftrangc, but fo it will be.
Thii Prophecy in effett aimis At the fame thing the ffhite King did.
The While King and Drcadfull Dead-man arc all one.
The Chicken of the Eagle,and hecomming withthc Dead-man a re one.
The one is the Chicken of the Eagle, toe. well dcfcendcd: the other it
faidaroyall T cfthe beff blond in the world.
The Chicken of the Eagle pacifieth the Brittaincs.
The Dead mans allhiant fets Jingland in the right.
So that it feemrs he forc-faw that England and Briteaine fliould bcallont,
or King of Enghmd, King of "Briteaine.
If ever either of thefc Prophecies prove rcall, into what a mifcrableco
dition will the White King or Dead-man plunge himfelfe; that wil-
fully plodding with (even feverall Nations for deff rudlion of Entland, (hall
never live to fee his malice executed, but (liall dye in pnrfiiite of hit
malice, and loofc both life and Kingdome, and perhaps to nis cvCTlafting
infamy it willberecorded: Then all the people of thcland rejyyecd, ana
the Citic was quiet, after they had (lainc the Drcadfull Dead-man with
she fwoid.
The end ef the fecond Trophecie,
Prophccie of SVBILLA TmVT^Tl^A
found in aJnno iTio. in Smt^erlaad
ingraven on a Marble (lone.
Oitiiltnr Sydom in Euyofa fouff* liefoi nd MMjinam Sipiemrituu da*
A Starrc fliall atifc or appcarc in Europe over the litriont, towards tho
great houfc of the North.
(oHjw rodij or hem lerrtirum ex improvifi Hlouftrabtrnt.
Wliofe bcnincs fliall unexpeAedly enlighten the whole world.
Hoc vert erit temport dejideraliffimt, quo mortedeispojiteu armeis pneem ottm'
mil coKiplitldntoii,
This fliall be in ^ mofl deflrcd time, when mortal! men being weary o(
Armw.with joint confent embrace peace.
Cirtabilor tpnidem vmeii per diontoiirni inurregni occafonem findietj,coi iw
firij Ubentt tradanlor,
Certaindy it will be long contended with flrong hind^o whom thernlcs
of government fhall be committed, during the occafion of a long interreg-
tuim.or vacancy ofa Governour.
Sedvincel tandem avilifnHgxinii propAgo, qua eoHf^ itrmorum vi progredk'
tmr, doneefit la conlrariafalh obftiterint.
At length a family ofa tint ic:it difcent prevailes^nd will go on i n a courfo
ofwatre,untill contrary fates reflft his fortune.
Ntmetdeit) fire tempore hoe demerfi fydere, coevxm quoddameiofulumnh
hope ardenlioriloue mavorlii ignibom exardejctniyiSjHtipodnmfmitue occ/udet.
_ For almoft at the fame time that this ftarrc is fiinke downe. a light as an.,
ticnt as the former, or of the fame ago,burning with ftrrc more eager flames,
ofwarre,fhall flmt up his government to the coafts of the Antipodes.
dt prim honic foHntmdliei cervicti (Jallia.
(hall fitft be yoaked by this Umg or Prince.
AdejeHifcer.oMA fiapphx adnotavit chjfibeu 'liritannix
Mrittaine fhall humbly in fliipps c.ift her felfc at his knee).
Ii.UiiiU'irc adardnafceptrareSfiraat.iillihtH/uciiteMporttiiditdtxltram,
Jia/j ijavv'ing wit., great dcliucration upon high cntcrptifcs, willcontti.
butcto himher langmniingright hand.
Vernm IjoccejoitLtr nnu diem injemi mortnlium dtfidirio fe divam Moahiht!
lint this very light (liall hide it felfc in the dondes ofthe gods long bcfotn
his lime withthc mighty dclitc of tnortall men.
Qi^oexiintU, psfl detr.u &/an£iiino'leMiaieemetae, igmvemafj^xlifKk:,
tiihil amp/iouj It mum fiilonlnreve erit.
Which being extinguithed,and after the thrcatnings of the Gods, bloojy
Comets,fiery face of Heaven,there (liall then be no more fafciy any wlicre.
Ofdj animantilim cali jirmameatHmptienanii(>ohfqt planeteii & etnlrmtii
i o, jiInm la/nfattabitohr.
llntill the h'nnainent of Heaven with its living creatures and judlino
I'lancts in their contrary courfesdofllde away or be dcltroycd.
Concurrent orhibous orieit,f\x-t curjii Mitiverttnt trraticae^uaitHnUjHin
finch Orbc (liall contend with an other, the fixed Ifarres (liallovergotln
wand ring Planets, the leas fhallcquall the nionntaines.
Hxc ami,in 'levin, eriint now inter rims, rovina, dampnatio ac tternai lenebri,
To conclude,all thcl'c things lhall come to pafl'e,night, dcllrudioii, ruinc,
calamity and ctcrnall darkmfle.
The Paraphraftj*
Tlir, Author ofthis I'rophccie was Sibi/btTibnrrina,tbch(i of thofetcn
Sibi//i which the anticntsbad in Inch cdceine, •fwhom Lailamiunni
S. /Ingiiihiie make mention: fome late Authors have recounted more, vk,
Sibilhi Enropxii.mA /Ig/ippiiui j but i have fecnc as yet none of their wotkii
At what time our Sibi/hi lived it doth not appeare: this Prophccie wasdif-
covered by the force of a violent Hood wafliiug away thccarth int/dmi
1520. in Snitzer/and; It was much cflcemed, and a coppy hereofwu
prefently tranlinittcd to Rome, and leverall cx|tcfltions framed, fomefari*
eying Cfiarfesthcfift, others I'hiihpofiSpa'me, the King of FrMee, all
Hiothcfidcs the marke, the pcrlon lhall not be of any of thofc Nations, fit
(lull be of a more cblcurc and remote Countrcy s I loolte to crrc my fdfr,
yet perhaps my arrow will fall nearc themarke, I would not hit the wliitt.
The illnffrious'Crefo repeats this I'rophccie, and faith it was worthy"f
ofclervation, but gives 110 Comment. At
At my firft entrance I find fbms obftruflfon in tlic word SiJm, wliich
naturally (ignifics a fignc in Heaven confiding of'many ftarrcs, oracdnltd-
lation of many joyned to or ncarc togctlicr, and not properly one Static,
wliicb isufually cxprcflad by Sie/la, ,i h/tndo i if tltis be tbe mcair' • oftbc
Word Sidui, the I'ropbctcfre tells us, that in the latter dayes there mould
atife a people or State inhabiting ncarc the farthcrt Northernc habitable
part of I'liropc: ( Tjcho thought the Itcri herein mentioned tc t. thols
which inhabit Northward towards Cbhijcoviii.lo be the people intended by
i'iliill.v) that they I lay and their Armies (lioitld upon'the tuddaine, when
ItalHulpcdlcd, give caufc of wonder all over the world : or let us conceive
tint Siiiilln intended there was to come 3 King borne very farrc North- llSome rnncci.
ward, time by his own pcrfonall valour and atchicTemcnt, and ofhisOlli- '"c, ll,oKu,,;
c-rs at home and abroad fliould bring the world in lul pence of his CuccelV;,
and that this Prince fliould be forc-lhcwcd to the world long bcforcllis
coinming by lomc Comet vcrticnll cfpecially to that continent.
Cut this man or peoples comming orfirlt appearances (hall not beabfo-
lutely inn time of wafccor peace; it fl>allbc,wbenahnoll all Nations wca-
tied witb either fbrraigne or domcfiiqucwarrc, fliallunanimouriy bcdcli-
rous of peace; tbe truth is, k will be wbenas moft Nations have fo weake-
ned themfclvcs they can rclid: nolonger, then tliis Nation or this King,
Inrlu'ng'and'catching advantage nil the while, fliall llrft inanifcll their
intentions. The certamcyeare cannot be knowne, but here is light given
wlicrcbyitmay. morccalilybc difecrned, that the lirft appearance of this
Iblliing Starre fliall be immediately after the dcccafc or fume principal!
King,and before thcacccffcof another to the Crown ; that is in the vacan-
cy of a Govcrnour or Monarch; In which time there will be fomebuzling
wfo (hallrule. The govcrncment atlaft ihefaith flialibc polfcffed by the
odspring of the moft anticnt lineage; which will not fo reft contented
with one only Crowne, but will proceed to further trouble, untill they
lind themfclvcs cut off by a ftrongcr hand, fb that the firft pretender and his
offspring and family ate cut off; when ever this is,and it will not be long in
doing, there ftarts up a progeny as anticnt as the former, and he makes
work to purpofe, viz* more fierce and crucll warrcs then his predeccflbr,
and inlargcshis confines tothcbordcrsof the Antifdes^ whereby is meant,
he conquers many Nations, and where ever he fets footing with his Army ;
hut we arc given toundcrftand, that before ho make fuch viftorious cx-
curfions, he ftiall yoakc and fubduO frame; and tbat Erirannia flmll
humbly crave his alliftancc; as allb Italy taking things ibmcthitig ill, mi-
D fttuftiug
ftrulling anJ envying tills ftarres grcamctTe, Will Wnd him finaH afliftan^
err. lor the ImlUn had rather himfelFcattainc this honour, butlllallnot;
To proceed, this glorious ftarre that in a moment fills all Kingdomcs of
.f-nrope with admiration and expcftancy, before his natural! time ends his
dayes, leaving fuch a fame behind him as few foall ever attainc thelihc.
After the extinguifomcnt of this light or a (econd Alexander, (he fiith
there will be many prodegies in thcairejC^c. and that the Planets (h.ll
ihoove in a contrary conrfc or irregularly; that is,all the world againe (half
befiirre thcinfvlves, fothat no (afety of pcrfon will be anywhere; One
King or Pnncc fh.illcyiarrcll with another, and every one foall doc things
contrary to I.awJ ufticc and reafon, and take quite contrary courfes topre-
fidcnts of former times, every man foall be inaiflion one agalnrt an other;
but fee the iflitc of tins dillcntion, the fixed Scarres in their motion (hall
outgoc the Planets, ( a thing innature impodible:) the Planets havcre-
prefentationof Kings,Ciovernours,llulers, Gentry, Nobility,Gff. the fixed
fitavrcs being in number many, have naturally the fignification of the coin-
tnon people; tlie morion of the Planets is exceeding fwifr, of the fixed
Statics vciy flow ; Now if it happen the fiied Statrcs of commonalty in
vcrtueand goodncirc,orin motion,over-run the Planets in their conrl'es, or
out-drip the Gentry in power or vcrtne, then judge the event. Hue fhch a
thing foall aflhrcdly come to pi(fe, thefenfe is twicqiMiteratddy thcfcas
foall bo equail witli die mountaines, the lea is the people, ^mountaines are
Kings and Rulers: This is an advantagfous adinonifoment to the Mo-
fiarchs, Nobility and Gentry of St/rope, to be jud and loving to their fnh-
ftfts, fervants and tenants,tolivc vcttuoufly, and to be a lighter dandle al*
way foining before the eyes of their people; thatuthey beware of private
dillentibns, lead they'thereby diminifo their power and ahthotity, for you
inly icc the common people (ignified by foe fixed Starres arid the feaff
will at length take hold of it, and indeavonr to procure the reincs of go-
vernment tothemfclvts and into their hands ; when thcfc things come to
pade.a world of mifchiefe fbllowcs,. and long it will be,ere themifery that
warre, brings upon the world will be repaired; Thafo things (aith Sil'ilif
(hall furcly come to pafl'e, and then ifc night, dtftruaion,^". 1 have ftcne
tome JSngHJh Prophecies intimate as happen in Ehihtud J one
whcrebtlaith, when the fea rulcth all thclatid, (arcwell the mirthof rricr-
ty linftfand; the Marc foall breakelier halter: I havchcard manyGentlc-
focn complairt,of the meanpnt (f; and infuffidcncy t)f many vulgar men now
iiilcverall Countries imploycd by our State, greatly to the dishonour oftho
Gentry, and prejudice of tlicftmce: but in time it will turne to* further
mil'chicf'c: Coridonknoweshowtopbey not to coinmand. Ne Jut or : is
aneaccllent provcrbc; Let the example of Biihops that had good educati-
on teach us, dec.
xAmhnfc i.Merlint the Weld) Prophet he intimates as much; fiyinp,
^rrw hum turb^oit Zadittcutn, <$' prwumpmt 'Vleiades, The Cha-
riot ofthc Mopnefhall dillurbe the Zodiack, and the PUlaJei (liall brc.ikc
forth into limentations. The fence of the Prophet is, that towards the
latter end of the Brittifh Monarchy, the Common people fliould difturhc all
law and civill Government, and exceed their former bounds, and contemne
and defpite their fnperiours, but you fliall fee what,followcs; by Plciadei,
hedrcwcsa tnmultuoin company of people by thefcrafla aft ions,llaall caufc
much lamentation and weeping amongft themfdves and to others j and
this is tlie ill'uc of unruly tumults.