Analysis Report PDF
Analysis Report PDF
Analysis Report PDF
Borja, Jeverlyn G.
San Miguel Corporation is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance.
Good governance is key in effective decision making and in delivering on corporate strategies
that generate shareholder value and safeguard the long-term interests of shareholders.
As a responsible corporate citizen, the Company has in place efficient policies and
programs to ensure that we always do what is right when it comes to conducting the everyday
customers, employees, trade partners, creditors, and all other stakeholders. The Company ensures
that these transactions adhere to fair business practices in order to establish long-term and
San Miguel Corporation adheres to a high level of standard in its corporate disclosure and
adopts transparency with respect to the Company’s financial condition and state of corporate
in timely manner market-sensitive information such as dividend declarations, joint ventures and
acquisitions, and the sale and divestment of significant assets that materially affect the share
price performance of the Company. The Company has adopted a policy which regulates the
acquisition and disposal of Company shares by its directors, officers, and employees, and the use
and disclosure of price-sensitive information by such persons. Under the policy, directors,
officers, and employees who have knowledge or are in possession of material non-public
information are prohibited from dealing in the Company’s securities prior to disclosure of such
Board of Directors. The Board is responsible for oversight of the business affairs and integrity of
the Company; determination of the Company’s mission, long-term strategy, and objectives; the
management of the Company’s risks through evaluation, and ensuring the adequacy of the
Company’s internal controls and procedures. The broad range of skills, expertise, and experience
of the directors in the fields of management, economics, business, finance, accounting, and law.
The Board holds regular meetings. To assist the directors in the discharge of their duties, each
director is given access to the Corporate Secretary and Assistant Corporate Secretary, who serve
as counsel to the board of directors and at the same time communicate with the Board,
To assist the Board in complying with the principles of good corporate governance, the
Board created committees. First, Audit and Risk Oversight Committee performs oversight
functions over the Company’s financial reporting, internal control system, internal and external
audit processes, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations, as well as oversight over
the company’s enterprise risk management system to ensure its functionality and effectiveness.
Second, Related Party Transactions Committee reviews all material related party transactions of
the Company. And last, Corporate Governance Committee was constituted to aid the Board in
the performance of its oversight responsibilities in the development and implementation of the
corporate governance principles, policies, structures, and systems of the Corporation, and assist
environment. The company actively contributes a clean and health environment for the well-
being of its employees, consumers and communities where it operates. The Company’s
Environmental Management System focuses on continual improvement, a key philosophy which
reflects how the company utilizes its resources and manufacturers, packages, distributes and
markets its wide range of products. The Company believes that the objective of achieving
superior business results is consistent with commitment to conduct business in a lawful and
responsible manner. All employees are expected and directed to comply with all laws and
applicable regulations, and to conduct business in accordance with the highest standards of
business ethics. It is every employee’s responsibility to know and to understand legal and policy
requirement as they apply the same to their task, and to notify management when they believe a