Schedule of Benefits
Schedule of Benefits
Schedule of Benefits
Schedule of Benefits
S No. Particulars Basis of Offering
1 Hospitalization Expenses (In-patient Care and Day Care Treatment) Room Category = Single Private Room
7 Second Opinion Once per Policy Year per Insured Person for each major illness/injury
10% of Sum Insured for each Claim free year, maximum upto 50% of
9 No Claims Bonus Sum Insured; reduced by 10% of Sum Insured in case of claim
10 Annual Health Check-up One Health Check-up per Insured Person per Policy Year
50% of Sum Insured for each Claim free year, maximum upto 100% of
11 No Claim Bonus - SUPER (Add-on Cover) Sum Insured; Reduced by 50% of Sum Insured in case of Claim
Optional Cover
S No. Particulars Details
1 No Claim Bonus - SUPER Applicable
1 Special Conditions
S No. Particulars
1 Co-payment (Applicable where age of member at entry is 61 years or above)
For Religare Health Insurance Company Limited